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Flood Preparation & Finding the right companies is Key for your Properties

Flood Preparation & Finding the right companies is Key for your Properties

Flood Preparation is Key & Finding the Right Companies to help

The United States federal government has financial incentives for municipalities which implement flood preparation systems, but the policies must be in line with FEMA guidelines. Towns with programs in place for flood management also can provide incentives to individuals to get reduced flood insurance rates. Many community governments already have programs in place, but these plans and programs must be updated, reviewed and enforced to match FEMA’s updates.

Your community may not be able to prevent floods, but with proper preparation and a plan your condo and hoa can be prepared for any problems. Accurate weather information is paramount to flood preparation. Your emergency management crews and first responders may benefit from weather tracking systems that send out alerts by email, text, and push notifications to keep everyone up-to-date with accurate information. During an ongoing severe weather event, you may need to call on professional for support. A flood might be an overwhelming occurrence, but you can do a lot in advance to keep your community safe.


Floods can overwhelm communities in just a matter of minutes. By being proactive, your community can reduce flood risks. Here are six ways your town can be prepared:

1. Encourage residents to be prepared for a flood

FEMA has a great brochure that outlines steps each family should take before flood season to stay safe during flooding. This brochure also offers property management ideas for individuals. Every home should know their flood risk and know how to stay informed about flood information.

2. Have an emergency plan that outlines procedures for every department and agency during a flood

Establish a chain of command for management operations. In high-risk areas, it’s a good idea to practice for emergency operations before a real flood occurs. Maintain infrastructure that presents flood risks. As required by the State of Florida Your greatest asset can be your community website! Let all of your community owners know to keep an eye out for flooding and have a way for them to inform you the Board and Management Company in the event of a problem.

3. Maintain infrastructure that presents flood risks

Take care of small stream crossing or culverts where floods might be more common. Keep your Storm Drains and Pipes clear of debris, and make sure your drainage systems are working properly , and Please watch for changes in the course of water in the community and take action when necessary.

4. Watch water flow during rainfall, especially on hard surfaces

Roads and parking lots actually speed water flow, which can be quite dangerous. Make sure water can flow into drainage systems adequately without causing damage. Encourage residents to reduce runoff by implementing rain gardens or other green systems.

5. Discourage construction in flood hazard areas…

or at least comply with floodplain development standards. Check flood insurance rate maps before planning any development.

6. Develop a mitigation plan to take steps now to prepare for future floods

One key element of this plan can be is alerts to residents to the potential of heavy rainfall and damaging winds to allow them to prepare and get to safer ground.

To learn more about protecting your community from flooding and severe weather, contact us for more information about weather solutions from our members ready to help. We can set you up with a member company that matches the weather needs of your community and the goals of your Condo and HOA.




It is extremely important that a method be established as soon as possible after the loss, to resolve this aspect of the claim.  Members, with its years of experience will assist you with these important decisions. Search our Directory for top companies Roofing, Adjusters, Law Firms /Storm Damage, Restoration Companies, and many more.

SFPMA – Members Directory ( ) 

Sarasohn & Company –  Public Adjusters

In order to properly adjust any claim for damage to a structure, it is important to prepare a detailed repair estimate.  Sarasohn & Company will do that on your behalf.  Whenever necessary, we will employ the services of architects, engineers, contractors and other independent experts at no additional cost to you.


Stellar Public Adjusting Services

Our qualified public adjusters are here to assist and direct you throughout the insurance claim process. We make sure that your claim is properly assessed and documented to obtain the maximum claim settlement you rightfully deserve.



You can also find out more on our Storm Damage Claims Pages for your properties


below are a few of our members to call for flooding help in Florida.


Broward: Ph. 954.382.2099 | Dade: Ph. 305.267.3992

Brothers Backflow Specialists is state licensed and insured in the plumbing and gas industry. Our technicians specialize in plumbing, backflows, propane, natural gas, medical gas and water restoration including everything from installing gas lines, testing backflows and repairing broken plumbing pipes. We provide services for commercial, residential, industrial & farm properties from Monroe to West Palm Beach County as well as backflow services in Orlando, Florida. Brothers Backflow Specialists is here to serve you 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and no job is too big or too small.


Pipe Restoration Solutions

561-602-8660 Pipe Inspection, Pipe Cleaning, Pipe Lining and Pipe Replacement Company

When PRS looks at a project we want to ensure we are putting the “right” solution to the problem at hand.  Every project has its unique needs based on overall job scope, site conditions, project timeframes and difficulty level. At Pipe Restoration Solutions, we have found that when high-quality material and creativity comes together something special happens… Projects are completed with excellence and above expectation; Long term relationships are built; Problems are permanently solved.


GreenTeam Service Corp

(954) 210-4100 The elite in our industry “Exceptional Service, No Exceptions” We are dedicated to achieving and maintaining consistent innovation, integrity and unparalleled professionalism as well as customer service.

GreenTeam is an organization dedicated to providing the highest quality of service, to multiple vertical markets. The company performs Plumbing and Electrical services in South Florida. GreenTeam clients include but are not limited to: Class A Office buildings, healthcare facilities, educational facilities, Hotels and Resorts, Condo Associations, industrial warehouses, and residential. Our mission statement is simple, Exceptional Service, No Exceptions.


Glentronics – PHCC Pro Series Pumps

Call Jerry Morris at 800-991-0466 # 119

Glentronics is a manufacturer of several consumer products including sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps, water alarms and plant lights.

Our goal is to create products that solve the needs of our customers. We believe in designing high quality products that the homeowners, Building Engineers, and Facilities can rely on.

Glentronics Inc (manufacturer of Basement Watchdog and PHCC Pro Series Pumps) is a family run business and our goal is to take care of every customer just like they are family. Through innovation and dedication, we have led the way in Water Alarms, Battery Back Up Sump Pumps, AC Sump Pumps, Sewage Pumps and Combination Pumps.


It’s important to know when flood season occurs in your community so you can be prepared personally and civically.

Flooding is a serious event that can cause fatalities and serious injuries to people who are trapped or swept away by the high waters. Flooding can also:

  • Disrupt transportation routes
  • Disrupt utility services
  • Pollute drinking water supplies
  • Cause erosion, damaged roads, bridges, levees, and buildings
  • Create landslides or mudslides
  • Cause thousands of dollars of damage to homes

Take the time to search for other companies like



Find Members ready to help with Management, Business and Maintenance for your properties.

Property Maintenance is an integral part of managing the day to day operations for every type of property. First impressions are sometimes the only impression a potential tenant or owner has of a property. We pride ourselves on maintaining a Florida Directory of Companies that work with Property Management, Condo and HOA properties throughout the State of Florida.

Find-A-Service – Our Branded Page for our Members Directory on SFPMA.  Search the Many Categories and Find Top Companies that work with Florida’s Property Management Industry



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Protect Your Aquatic Assets From the Storm

Protect Your Aquatic Assets From the Storm

  • Posted: Apr 02, 2023
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Protect Your Aquatic Assets From the Storm

Tropical Depression Fred is expected to hit Florida this weekend. Learn what you can do to protect your lake & pond from damage.

Tropical Depression Fred has changed paths and is projected to hit Florida and reach its tropical storm status by Friday, August 13, 2021, as it moves over the warm water in the Gulf. With this path, the storm may also have an impact on Alabama and Georgia. Experts say Florida can expect substantial rains over the weekend.

The heavy rain and winds that will accompany this storm can have a significant impact on your property, including recreational lakes, stormwater ponds, and trophy fisheries. In addition to ensuring your family and home are safe and protected, there are steps you can take to make sure your waterbodies are prepared. Learn what you can do to protect your aquatic assets as Fred approaches Florida, Alabama, and Georgia.

If your property is affected by the storm, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local lake and pond management professional for support.


Protecting Your Aquatic Assets During Hurricane Season

Hurricanes and strong storms don’t just affect your day-to-day lives; they can have a significant impact on your lake or pond as well. If you live in an area susceptible to tropical storms, you know the drill. You stock up on food and water, make sure any tree branches that may fall are trimmed, board up windows or put up hurricane shutters if necessary, and secure light yard decorations and furniture. While your home and fridge may be prepared for the storm, is your lake or pond? How about your floating fountain, aeration system, fish feeder, or other related items?

pond maintenance stormwater pond management regulatory compliance

Check Stormwater Inflow and Outflow Pipes

For stormwater ponds, inflow and outflow pipes should be inspected and any debris that has accumulated in and around the pipes should be cleared to allow proper water flow. This is a crucial step in ensuring you do not end up with a flooded yard or parking lot. Any objects near the water should be tied down or taken inside, as they can blow around and end up in the water causing a blockage in a pipe or making removal difficult.

Turn Off Floating Fountains

If your lake or pond has a floating fountain, simply turn it off before heavy wind and rains start. All the electrical and mechanical components will weather the storm, but as water levels rise, anchors may move or anchor lines may break, and the float can move around. Storms can also wash debris into the water which can clog the impeller. If you notice a decrease in pattern size or hear a funny sound when you turn your fountain back on, leave it off until the necessary repairs can be performed.

Prevent Fish Feeder Damage

If you utilize a fish feeder around your pond, the primary threat is flooding. When heavy rain is expected, make sure to empty the feeder and drag it to higher ground. While wind is less of a concern during typical storms, hurricane-force winds can topple a feeder. If you are able to, it is beneficial to move it to a safer structure to weather the storm.

The better you can prepare for the impending storm, the less likely you are to experience severe damage to your property. Once the storm has passed and conditions are deemed safe, it’s important to check your water resource and identify any areas of concern. Your lake management professional can assist with any storm-related issues that arise within your waterbody.

In the face of a hurricane, proactive efforts will help keep your mind on the things that matter most – the well-being of your family and loved ones. Stay safe!


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  • Posted: Mar 08, 2023
  • By:

   New to the Board or Thinking about Elections and running for a Board Position?

You’re now on the Board. Congratulations! And Thank You! You have now become a board member of your association. Serving on the board as a volunteer is important work and we want to be the first to let you know we appreciate your willingness.

Probably the most important thing to realize is that by becoming a board member you now have the awesome responsibility to think about the welfare of the entire association, distinct from the needs and desires of any single owner including yourself. This is not easy, but it is extremely important.

Being on the Board of Directors is important for a variety of reasons. Most importantly you will be able to make a positive and direct impact on the future direction of your community and hopefully a positive impact on the value of your investment and your home. As an increasing number of buyers are evaluating the features of living in a condominium there is more awareness of how value is created and maintained in a homeowner’s association. It is more than square footage and number of bedrooms in the living space. The value of your home is directly affected also by the quality of common area maintenance of the amenities, the enforcement of the rules and regulations, the adequacy of reserve funds, and the community spirit.

Every owner should serve on the Board of Directors at some time during their ownership. As they do they will gain a better understanding and appreciation for the role of the Board. We appreciate your willingness to serve on this board. We look forward to a very productive future together.

Since your prior Association Board made a decision to go with professional property management company they are there to help. You are partners together in managing the affairs of your association. They are able to provide guidance and direction on issues facing the association. The issues you face, for the most part, are not new to them.

SFPMA is here to support you as you volunteer for the association and offer you information making your job easier. Read Articles on our website learn and ask questions.


   The “Governing Documents” – What are they, are they important?

The “governing documents” are critically important. As a new Board member, you actually should find a copy and review them, if you haven’t already before now. You were likely given a copy when you purchased. The governing documents consist primarily of two types: the bylaws, and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, also known as “C.C. & R’s. Additionally, the following may be considered part of the governing documents may also include the Articles of Incorporation, and the Condominium Plan. But primarily you will mostly need to be familiar with the By-laws and the C.C. & R’s. These documents are not good bedtime reading unless you are wanting to fall asleep. While you should look at the entire documents, you should especially focus in the By-laws on the sections pertaining to the Board, and also the requirements pertaining to meetings. In the C.C. & R’s, the important sections will pertain to maintenance responsibility and financial management. However, we urge you to find the time with sufficient coffee to review the entire document.

Also, the other information that you may want to become familiar with is the Florida state law, Read the “Statutes 718 – CONDOMINIUMS” and “Statutes 720 HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATIONS”. A great web-site, is an excellent resource.


   What are the Board Positions? What does each Board member do?

Homeowner association boards that operate in effective and healthy ways for the benefit of their associations operate with every Board member playing a distinct and active role relating to a specific area of responsibility. Each board member should be the point person on their given area of responsibility, so that there is no potential of confusion communicated to third parties, such as the management company or other association vendors.

Generally those positions are: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director-at-Large. These are typical board positions for a five member board which is most common.

Some by-laws provide for a three member board, in which case some roles have to combine into one. Read the Governing Documents and the Bi-Laws for your Community.

The President

• Facilitates the process of each Board finding their specific role on the board.
• Allows the other Board members to fulfill their role.
• Sets time/place for meetings and Chairs the board meetings and annual meeting.
• Prepares the Board meeting agenda
• Leads the Board with the same voting power as any other board member.

May represent the association or board to third parties, such as the management company. In those cases, the President should always seek to speak for the majority of the Board, not just his or her own thoughts on an issue.

The President may NOT unilaterally speak for the board, but must always be the “voice” of the board.

Qualities that would be helpful for the President: manager, leader, able to delegate, speaks well, organizer.


The Vice-President

Assumes the duties of President as needed when the President is unavailable. Available for special tasks as needed, such as architectural issues, internal dispute resolution, community building efforts, or landscaping.

Maintenance Liaison. A Maintenance Liaison would coordinate with the management company representative on issues that may require board interaction between meetings. This person could speak for the board on maintenance issues between meetings. This may mean that this board member would need to poll board members on a particular decision that could not wait until a meeting can occur.

Qualities that would be helpful for the Vice- President: same as President, willingness to learn and grow into the role of President manager, leader, able to delegate, speaks well, organizer.


The Secretary

• Records the minutes of all meetings, prepares them for approval by the Board, and arranges for distribution to the owners and the Association Manager.

• Prepares the Notice of the meeting and Agenda and posts it on the property, so that owners are aware of the meeting and have an opportunity to attend.

• Maintains a record of all previous minutes in a “Minutes” book

Qualities that would be helpful for the Secretary: comfortable on a computer and word programs, able to prepare notices and minutes for distribution. Short hand is not required.


The Treasurer

• Primarily responsible for the financial affairs of the association.
• Receives and reviews weekly payables, signs checks and mails to vendors.
• Receive the reconciliation’s and copy of reserve statements as they are processed.
• Responsible to safely invest the reserve funds according to the direction of the board, and transfer to the operating account funds as they are needed for reserve projects.
• Reviews monthly financial reports
• The link between the Board and the management company on financial issues
• Coordinates transfers into and out of the reserve account.
• Need to be aware of and understand the reserve study.

Qualities that would be helpful for the Treasurer: able to read and understand basic financial concepts. It is possible to be overqualified for this role for some people who have been involved professional in high level accounting positions as a CFO or controller. Association finances are fairly basic and involve a great deal of common sense. A person who balances their own checkbook is likely able to learn what is necessary.

The Member-at-Large – available for special projects, subject to the direction of the President. The director-at-large may serve as the maintenance liaison.

Member– At-Large: Same as Vice President, perhaps with background or knowledge of maintenance would be helpful.


  1. Notify your manager of the names and positions of each board member.
  2. Bank Signature card. It will be necessary to sign a new signature card for your operating and reserve accounts. Contact your association manager who will set you up with one of the staff in the office who is trained on this process. At least four Board members should sign the bank card so there is back-up in the event someone is unavailable to sign the weekly checks. In addition, there are a couple of other forms to sign. These have to do with instructions regarding the possible need for filing of liens, as required by the law firm handling liens, and another form regarding owners having the ability to pay their dues by automatic debit

  3. Meetings – determine the best time and place to meet. Normally meetings occur at the home of one of the Board members or in a recreation room if one exists. Notify your manager of the dates of your meeting (i.e. third Wednesday) so that we can be sure to have your management reports to you before your meeting. Most associations meet monthly. However, if your By-laws permit, and you do not have many issues pending, you may be able to meet less often.


The President should also designate a board member to communicate directly with your manager just after board meetings. Your association manager may or may not be contracted to attend your Board meetings. If it is in your contract to attend, they should certainly will do so. The issue of whether they attend meetings or not can be altered by mutual agreement if the Board deems it necessary.

If you need a manager at a specific meeting, and if they are not contracted for evening meetings, some contract may allow them to charge per hour and this is paid directly to the manager to help compensate for them working a very long day. We would respectfully ask that you allow the manager to present their report and handle questions as early in the meeting as possible and then in some cases, be excused.

  1. Contact Information and Survey – In order to help serve you better, please take the time to complete a list or outline for the information to be discussed. It will help them get to know you better and how best to serve you. This keeps everyone on topic and point for why the meeting took place.

Find Upcoming Events; Educate yourself and the Board Members

Great Board Member practices – How do the best run Associations operate?

We have worked with great boards for many years, and we have worked with Boards who had great difficulty in leading their associations. Here is what we have observed in working with great boards:

  1. Great boards learn to work as a team. There is a balanced sharing of the work load among all board members.
  • The directors listen to others perspective, respecting those on the Board or the association with different opinions. The best decisions are made after a lively discussion of all the issues and concerns. Decisions made, even though not unanimous, become THE decision of the Board. Minority members accept the decision of the majority.

  • No single board member controls or dominates the Board or association. Board discussion is balanced with all members contributing. Board members with dissenting opinion are encouraged. The President leads, but should not dominate.

  • There are no decisions or actions outside of Board meeting, unless the President is required to take emergency action, in which case it is reported to the other members as soon as possible.

  • Board members do no not directly undertake tasks/jobs, that are more suitably handled by a designated professional….. CPA, attorney, consultant. Outside counsel is sought and followed from Management Company, attorney and other consultants as needed.

  • Decisions are made for the best interests of the entire association.

  • Board members understand that they are “serving” their members, not acting as managers.

  • The job of the board is to establish policies and review the work done by others.

  • The Board utilizes professional and competent vendors and they have reasonable expectations of their vendors.

  • Board members realize that they are Board members at Board meetings, or while conducting board business outside of a meeting, and homeowners the rest of the time. After all, this is your home too.

  • Board meetings are regularly scheduled, with proper notice to owners, to which Board members are prepared in advance with material read, and arrive ready to make decisions.

  • Minutes are taken that reflect the decisions made and distributed to owners in a timely fashion.

  • On the awarding of maintenance jobs cost is not the primary issue, rather a concern for the long term effectiveness. In other words, value, is more important than cost. Also, vendors are paid promptly upon satisfactory completion.

  • In the association there is a great community spirit. Owners voices are given consideration, and there is healthy dialogue when needed on important issues. Communication with owners is viewed as important.

  • Conflicts of interest: in a homeowners association the potential for this can occur frequently. Examples of this include relationships with association vendors, having work done on a portion of the common area that would benefit a board member and avoiding the same kind of work elsewhere, keeping the assessments low, at the expense of necessary repairs or reserve funding, so that a unit can be sold in the near future, are all examples of conflicts of interest. Be aware of them, and avoid even the hint of a conflict of interest.


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    JUST WALK AWAY  – By Eric Glazer, Esq.

    JUST WALK AWAY – By Eric Glazer, Esq.


    By Eric Glazer, Esq.

    I was recently watching an interview of a black belt in karate.  In addition he was built like The Hulk.  He started to say what he does when someone curses him out and even challenges him to a fight.  I was certainly expecting him to describe how he turns others into rubble.  On the contrary, he said that whenever he finds himself in that position, instead of fighting back, he simply walks away.  To say I was originally surprised is an understatement.  I mean this guy could pulverize any opponent.  Instead, he chooses to just walk away.

    He spelled out why.  If he beats someone up he faces both criminal and civil charges.  And for what?  Because some dope said a few nasty words about him?  Much better to just walk away from any situation that allows for it.  Wow, I was impressed by this guy’s brain, not just his muscle.

    It got me to thinking about my career in condominium and HOA law.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing board members and unit owners verbally go at each other.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing unit or homeowners argue with other unit or homeowners?  It’s ridiculous.

    In none of these arguments was anything accomplished whatsoever.  They were all a waste of time for those arguing and everyone who unfortunately had to listen to the nonsense.  I’ve seen physical fights break out and even walkers and canes fly through the air.  And for what?  What was accomplished?  Nothing.

    So, board members, unit owners, home owners and even managers, I’m talking to you.  Next time someone is looking for a fight, do what the karate guy does, walk away.  It will probably drive the other person crazy.


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    Aruba Permit Services helping you with Building Permits and Code Violations at your Buildings.

    Aruba Permit Services helping you with Building Permits and Code Violations at your Buildings.

    Aruba Permit Services helping you with Building Permits and Code Violations at your Buildings.

    As repairs come up due to Florida Storms or Projects at your Properties, You need to make sure your permits are handled by a Trusted Company.

    Permits will be pulled for the repairs. All work will be followed up by the engineer to assure compliance. Aruba Permit Services is licensed and insured.



    Aruba Construction who has been a Certified General Contractor since 1990 and has qualified Engineers available to handle inspections of any size building.

    These inspections are for the conditions of the building that include:

    ·         Masonry Walls (concrete condition, exposed rebar, spalling)

    ·         Floors and Roof Systems (drains, scuppers, supports for A/C)

    ·         Steel Framing (corrosion, fireproofing)

    ·         Concrete Framing (cracks, exposed rebar)

    ·         Windows (general condition, seals, anchorage)

    ·         Wood Framing (connector condition, rotting, bearing deficiencies)

    ·         Exterior Finishes (stucco, soffit, veneer deficiencies)

    ·         Electrical (panels, wiring, breakers)


    Phone: (954) 786-7292
    Address: 1413 S. Powerline Road, Pompano Beach, FL 33069

    Industry Members of SFPMA < View our membership page



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    REGISTER NOW if you did not already

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    ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

    ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

    All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall

    9:00 am-11:00 am 02/24/2023

    Juno Beach Town Hall
    340 Ocean Dr, Juno Beach, FL 33408, USA

    Coffee, Registration and Networking 9:00am | Seminar begins at 9:30am

    To attend at the venue: RSVP to (302)588-3104 or email

    Attend via Zoom: Click HERE

    The marketplace for insurance – Why are companies leaving Florida or choosing not to insure? What is the role of Citizen’s Insurance?

    What is in the recent legislation that is helpful to condo associations and HOAs?  Is there more legislation looming?  How does helping the insurers help owners and associations?

    Which upgrades to your facilities will positively impact on an insurer’s willingness to insure your association?


    • Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)
    • Chris Banker, President (Patriot Insurance)
    • Steven Mock, Risk Manager (Brown and Brown Insurance)


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    RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS?  By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog

    RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS? By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog


    By Jan Bergemann on Condo HOA Blog

    I know that there are many good presidents who are working hard for the good of the community, keep open books and openly communicate with the members of the association.

    But then there are lots of presidents, drunk with power and full of themselves. You wouldn’t believe the many ugly stories I’m hearing daily about presidents behaving like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler or Fidel Castro. With the help of greedy attorneys and community association managers they create dictatorships that make living in community associations a living nightmare. They are even willing to ignore arbitration and court rulings and continue their evil doings even after being officially removed by elections or recalls. They are even willing to waste the association’s money on ridiculous appeals court filings.

    The real reason why this can even happen in a so-called “civilized” country like the USA: The unwillingness of our government to enforce the many laws legislators create every year.

    Many of these laws turn out to be just a waste of paper because too many of the so-called “specialized” community association attorneys are willing to help these dictatorial presidents to circumvent these laws, telling owners, who stand up at meetings to challenge actions of the board that violate the laws, to “sit down and shut up since they don’t have the money to sue the board anyway”!

    Living in a community association isn’t something you can just enjoy by not participating, willing to ignore to happenings in the neighborhood until it’s too late. Apathy of owners allows these dictatorships to be created in the first place. Don’t let apathy destroy your community.


    Jan Bergemann

    Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida ‘s largest state-wide property owners’ advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community  associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 – hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!

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    By Rafael Aquino

    Community associations often face challenges and issues requiring prompt attention and resolution. Whether it’s handling maintenance and repair needs, managing common areas, or addressing resident concerns, community associations need to work with the right partners to ensure that matters are resolved promptly and effectively.

    Here are a few reasons why Florida community associations need to work with the right partners:

    1. Ensuring Quality Work

    One of the most important reasons to work with the right partners is to ensure that the work performed is high quality. Whether hiring a landscaper or a maintenance technician, working with reliable and experienced professionals will help ensure that the work is done properly and to the association’s satisfaction.

    1. Saving Time and Money

    Another reason to work with the right partners is to save time and money. By working with partners with a proven track record of delivering quality work, community associations can avoid hiring additional contractors or redoing work incorrectly done the first time. This can save the association time and money in the long run.

    1. Minimizing Risk and Liability

    Working with the right partners can minimize risk and liability. This is especially important for community associations, as they maintain and manage common areas that all residents use. By working with licensed, insured, and experienced partners, associations can minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and other liabilities arising from improper maintenance or repairs.

    1. Improving Communication

    Working with the right partners can also help to improve Communication within the community. When community associations work with reliable partners, residents can be assured that their concerns and needs are being addressed in a timely and effective manner. This can improve resident satisfaction and create a more harmonious community.

    In conclusion, working with the right partners is essential for Florida community associations to ensure that their needs and the needs of their residents are met. By providing quality work, saving time and money, minimizing risk and liability, and improving Communication, community associations can create a safe, attractive, and enjoyable community for all residents. So, it’s important to take the time to research and choose the right partners to work with for the success of the community.

    As the Co-Founder and CEO of Affinity Management Services, Rafael P. Aquino leads his team to redefine excellence. They serve community associations efficiently and effectively with dedication and passion.


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    Is Your HOA or Condo Board Doing A Good Job?

    Is Your HOA or Condo Board Doing A Good Job?

    Is Your HOA or Condo Board Doing A Good Job?

    How Can You Tell If Your Board is Doing a Good Job?

    There’s a lot of talk in the media and online about bad Boards of Directors, including our recent article on how to tell if your Board is stealing from the association. But how do you tell if the Board of your Condo or HOA is doing a good job? Not all Boards are bad, right?

    The truth is, most Board members are honest people that meant well when they campaigned for election and mean well when they attend and vote in each meeting. They have reasons for making the unpopular decision that the residents complain about. Oftentimes those reasons are valid and the unpopular decision was actually the lesser of two evils. But, how do you know for sure?

    What Makes a Board of Directors “Good”?

    To find out what HOA managers and management company executives thought was the ultimate sign of a good Board, we conducted a survey on LinkedIn. The survey responses were almost tied. It turns out, there isn’t one ultimate sign. Instead of one thing that makes your Board great, there’s a list of things that make your Board of Directors successful… or not.

    Financial Responsibility

    The most popular survey response with 33% of the vote, having a well-funded budget and reserves is a hallmark of a good Board. But other factors go into good financial management as well. A good Board is honest when spending HOA funds and uses them for the good of the community. They communicate with the membership about the reasons for budget increases, how they are using the money collected, and what the process is for paying vendors and for dealing with homeowners who aren’t paying on time. Big projects are well-researched and planned to limit unexpected expenses that make special assessments more likely. Speaking of special assessments, good boards know that regular dues increases that keep up with inflation are a better way to fund projects than special assessments.

    Proactive Maintenance of Facilities

    Coming in at 29% of the vote is proactive maintenance of the facilities. This means little to no deferred maintenance in the community. All buildings, parks, equipment, etc. are inspected often. Preventative maintenance is completed because the Board knows it will save money in the long run. When something needs repair or replacing, it’s completed as soon as possible, because the longer it waits, the more it costs. What good does it do to have a well-funded budget if money is never spent on maintaining the physical assets of the community?

    Productive, Peaceful Meetings

    Tied with maintenance at 29%, some managers and executives felt that the number one sign of a good board is how it feels to attend their meetings. Good Boards can disagree without slipping into childish or inappropriate behavior. They read the packets and reports that management provides them before the meeting and show up prepared to vote. Members feel comfortable attending meetings, and because the Board sets a good example of how to behave, most of the members follow it.

    Good Boards Set Goals

    Another sign of a good Board is goal setting. It’s hard to steer a ship if you don’t know where it’s headed. A Board that plans ahead and sets goals for the direction the community should head in is a Board that has a better chance of getting there. A Board that doesn’t plan is going to find itself spinning around in circles.

    Fair Collections

    People might not like to talk about it because it can be emotionally uncomfortable, but to be good at their job the Board must do something about owners that don’t pay their dues. It’s not fair to the owners that do pay to have to carry the burden of those that don’t. But a good Board is not overly aggressive when it comes to collections. They make sure that the collection solution they use is fair, not predatory, and advocates for the association to collect every possible penny.

    The Good Board Checklist

    Do you want to grade the Board of Directors for your community to see how good or bad of a job they’re doing? Using the following checklist, give your Board 5 points for every answer that you checked “yes”.

    • Increases to assessments are small and regular
    • The budget, reserve study, annual review, and other financial reports are accessible to the members for review
    • Reserve funding levels are above 80%
    • Special assessments are rare
    • The final cost for projects is usually in line with the projected cost
    • Components are inspected often and repaired as needed
    • When components fail, they are replaced and not abandoned or removed
    • The Board behaves like professionals at meetings even when they disagree
    • Meetings are business-oriented and not popularity contests or social hours
    • Members are welcome and feel comfortable attending meetings
    • A goal-setting discussion happens at least once a year
    • Experts are consulted and their advice is considered when making decisions
    • The number of owners that are late on their dues is less than 10%
    • Collection practices are fair and judgments and foreclosures are a last resort
    • The Board uses a professional collection solution instead of doing it themselves

    Now, add up those scores and see how the Board did. A great score is 60-75, a good score is 45-60, an average score is 30-45, a Board that scores 15-30 needs improvement, and if the Board scored less than 15 points you might be in trouble.

    Even good Boards of Directors sometimes find that their collections could be improved. Contact us today to find out why Axela Technologies is a better collection solution than your attorney, and learn more about our options for helping you recover late payments from delinquent  owners.


    By, Dee A. Rowe, Guest Writer

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