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Simplify Your Accounts Receivable with These Proven Tips! by Condo Control

Simplify Your Accounts Receivable with These Proven Tips! by Condo Control

  • Posted: Aug 09, 2023
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We help condominiums and HOAs establish better processes so that they can operate more efficiently and effectively.

Simplify Your Accounts Receivable with These Proven Tips!

Struggling with managing accounts receivable in your condo or HOA? We’ve got you covered! Discover effective strategies to streamline your financial processes and ensure timely payments.
We’ve seen it for ourselves. We harnessed the best of technology to create software that streamlines and automates almost every aspect of community operations.

There would be no Condo Control without Brian Bosscher. Brian had no professional property management experience, but he did understand the frustrations that plague condo communities after purchasing a unit in 2006. Looking to help improve operations, Brian joined his building’s finance committee immediately. He started volunteering on the Board of Directors as Treasurer the following year, and then became the Board President.

It was through volunteering that he learned about the challenges and roadblocks that property managers encounter on a day-to-day basis, and witnessed the inefficiencies that prevented them from reaching their goals. It was this experience that inspired Brian to build a long-term solution, and Condo Control was born.

How to simplify accounts receivable for your condo/HOA

When residents pay their fees or fines, these payments are documented under accounts receivable (AR). Vendor credits are also logged under AR. This element of accounting tracks the money coming into the corporation or association.

But like most things related to community finances, it’s much easier to talk about accounts receivable than manage them. Collecting payments is always a challenge because they come in at different times, and in different formats. Documenting this information is equally tedious and time consuming.

While we can’t eliminate this responsibility for you, we can suggest some ways to simplify the AR workflow for you and your team.

Table of contents

Regulate billing practices

Without structure, rules, or established expectations, anything goes. But spontaneity isn’t exactly ideal when you’re trying to get money from 200 owners. That’s why it is so important to implement consistent billing practices. Not only does this create a routine for you and/or your staff, but residents aren’t left wondering when they might receive their invoices or how they should make payments.

By creating a sustainable AR workflow, condos and HOAs will find that late payments become less common. By sending billing statements in the same format, at the same time each month, your residents become familiar with a routine. As a result, they’ll become more accustomed to making payments the same way at the same time.

Use electronic billing and online payments

Online banking has become almost ubiquitous in North America. Mobile apps make this option accessible to all age demographics, and the convenience cannot be overstated. So doesn’t it make good sense to offer online payment options to residents?

Not only does it make the payment process far easier for the people who live in the community, but it creates less work for you.

Teams that are still documenting accounts receivable payments manually are more prone to making mistakes. Between writing down payments, updating balances, and creating receipts, it’s understandable why someone might forget to fill in a field or add an extra “0.”

But even a small mistake can lead to bigger problems, and can even create conflict between residents and staff. Furthermore, time is wasted when someone has to go back and review the numbers.

Then there’s the issue of storing and locating physical records. Paper can easily be misplaced or lost, and aside from the obvious problems associated with losing documents, missing information can lead to costly compliance violations.

Electronic billing and online payments reduce manual data entry work for staff, and create records automatically. If you decide to use a cloud-based system, you’ll have the ability to access records from any computer. That way, you aren’t tied to the office.

It’s important to note that not every resident will want to make online payments. Your condo or HOA could install a secure lockbox so that you don’t have to arrange a meeting with these individuals to receive a payment on time.

Set up automations

With a digital AR system, you can also create automations to bypass some of the most tedious AR tasks. This typically includes email automation (late payment reminders, confirmation of payment) as well as sending out invoices.

Remove “information silos”

A cloud-based AR system ensures that anyone who needs access to accounts receivable information can get it, no matter where they are working from. Conversely, when team members have to wait for information because it is siloed off, it slows down the entire process.

Follow the process when collecting late payments

Inevitably, there will be residents who are consistently late with payments, or who avoid them altogether. Instead of having to figure out what to do next each time this happens, follow the condo or HOA’s rules/ procedures laid out in the governing documents.

Make sure all actions are in accordance with local laws. For example, you are probably required to give residents written notices and a reasonable amount of time to pay fees before more severe actions are taken.

Corporations/associations do have the power to pursue residents for unpaid fees, and to recover any legal expenses incurred while trying to collect money owed from delinquent owners.

These are some of the actions that communities are permitted to take while trying to secure outstanding fees:

  • Send the resident a notice of arrears
  • Apply interest to outstanding arrears after a certain amount of time has passed
  • Revoke the owner’s right to vote
  • Revoke a resident’s access to shared facilities
  • Contact collections
  • Contact legal counsel
  • File a Notice of Lien
  • Register lien


Accounts receivable is an ongoing responsibility that requires a great deal of time and resources. The less you and your team have to do by hand, the happier you’ll be.

It is recommended that condos and HOAs look into AR software to simplify and speed up workflows. The money you invest in this solution will be less than the costs associated with conducting this process manually. Not only can it help keep processes more consistent, but you will probably find that you make fewer errors.

Your time is valuable; spend it wisely.


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SFPMA’s Condo and HOA Guide for Budget Planning and RFP’s

SFPMA’s Condo and HOA Guide for Budget Planning and RFP’s

  • Posted: Aug 05, 2023
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Condo and HOA Guide for Budget Planning

Board membership can be a lot of fun socializing with neighbors and contributing ideas on how to improve the communities. But it also involves serious work with budgets, required by Florida Statutes (FS) and, generally, by the association’s by-laws for many the fun is over when its time to prepare the annual budget.

Budgets are typically approved on an annual basis during the months of October or November, but many smart boards start the budgeting process late in the summer months.

Some associations’ fiscal year does run with the annual calendar, so they should prepare their budget 4-5 months before the start of a new fiscal year. Regardless of when your fiscal year begins and ends, board members should begin the budget process by identifying operational needs and estimating expenses for the coming year.



“Who Is Responsible for Preparing the Budget?

The requirements for the preparation of the annual budget for condominium associations are set forth in Section 718.112 (2) (f) FS; and for homeowners’ associations, in Section 720.303 (6) FS.

Generally, the community association manager (CAM) is charged with the responsibility for preparing the preliminary draft of the budget and presenting it to the budget or finance committee for its review and approval. The budget committee, as appointed by the Board of Directors, and, ultimately, the Board itself, is responsible for the adoption of the association’s annual budget.”


A budget also helps to:

* Create proper reserve funds. Measure performance throughout the year.

* Determine the amount of fees to be assessed to each unit owner for the upcoming fiscal year.

Will homeowners be paying a little more, a little less, or about the same as last year? A well thought out budget supplies the answer.


-Association Budgeting Rules in Florida

Whether you serve on a condominium association or an HOA, Florida Statutes have a slew of legal requirements that affect the way budgets are presented and what they must contain. Longtime board members may be familiar with the state’s budgeting requirements under Statutes 718 and 720. If you’re a new board member, it helps to know what’s involved before diving in. Here’s a brief overview.

* All associations, whether a condominium or HOA, are required to prepare an annual budget.

* The budget must show the estimated revenues and expenses for the budget year.

* An estimated deficit or surplus for the end of the current year must be reported.



“Working Capital

As a generally accepted guideline, a community association should maintain its operating fund balance (“working capital”) at a minimum of two months’ maintenance assessments. If this guideline is not met, the Board should consider including a line item in the budget to increase working capital. However, if the working capital shortfall is significant, or if there is an accumulated deficit, a special assessment may be the more conservative alternative. The amount of the budget line item or special assessment should be determined after considering the current year’s expected results of operations.

If the current working capital is sufficient and the current year’s operations are projected to have an excess of revenues over expenses (“operating surplus”), the Board can take advantage of this situation by including line items for special projects or improvements in next year’s budget. Alternatively, that surplus can be applied as a credit to the following year’s assessments to the owners. There are generally income tax considerations in applying this credit and therefore, the Board should consult with the Association’s income tax advisor.”


-Preparing a Budget for your Condominium or HOA

The budgeting process really involves preparing two components: an operating and a reserve schedule. The objective is to determine what homeowners will be charged for maintaining the common areas.

* Operating budget ensures that all operational costs and expenses are identified. They assist in approximating expenses for the upcoming fiscal year.

* Reserve schedule determines the amounts needed to be set aside for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance.

Florida Statute regulations may be complex, but that doesn’t mean preparing a budget has to be complicated or overwhelming. In fact, once you understand the basics of calculating expenses, the process becomes clear-cut.

-Budgeting Tips & Considerations

Unlike a personal household budget where you figure out what you can spend based on your income, a condominium or HOA budget must begin by estimating costs first, which will then determine the amount an owner will be charged.

-Operating Component

1-Compile the current year’s year-to-date expenses. They will serve as the basis for the new budget year.

2-Analyze these expenses carefully and factor out any that are non- recurring, such as plumbing or storm-related emergencies.

3-Review your current contracts for escalation clauses and/or scheduled increases.

4-Request estimated costs for non-contractual expenses like general repairs and maintenance, utilities, and certain administrative expenses.

“Reserve Schedule

Reserve funds are used for two expenses: capital expenditures for common area components, such as roof replacement, pavement resurfacing, and elevator upgrades; and deferred maintenance that generally refers to interior and exterior painting. The funds for these big-ticket items are generally collected over years, not just in the year they’re expected to occur.

The condominium or HOA board may also have certain projects it wants to do that are not covered by reserves. This can include things like pool re-tiling, termite treatments, landscape improvements, and costs to maintain tennis, racquetball, or pickleball courts.

The projection of these fees must be as accurate as possible. Remember, condominiums and HOAs are not-for-profits so it’s important that they do not have a surplus; of course, you don’t want a deficit, either.

Budgeting is a big job, but if you break it down in these easy steps should take the stress away. Preparing an accurate budget keeps your condominium or HOA thriving financially now and in the years to come.”




Chapters 718 and 720 of the Florida Statutes both require the funding of reserves in the association’s annual budget (with specific waiver provisions for condominium and homeowners’ associations). The use of reserve funds is restricted for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. A capital expenditure is the use of funds for the replacement or major repair of a common area component. Examples of capital expenditures are roof replacement, pavement resurfacing and elevator upgrades. The term “deferred maintenance” generally refers to interior and exterior painting. Reserves are included in the association’s budget so that funds are available for the eventual replacement of common area components and deferred maintenance. The alternative to funding reserves is the use of available operating funds or, more likely, the adoption of a special assessment. Sound financial management dictates that, concurrent with the adoption of a special assessment, a detailed budget should be established. Include a provision for bad debts commensurate with that of maintenance assessments.


-Financial stability including accounting, collections, and accounts payable services are the core to a Condo and homeowners association’s strength and future success.

Boards and their Property Management company work hand in hand providing a checks and balances system. where payables for buildings services are entered by the community manager, processed by the Payables/Accounting dept, reviewed by senior management. These are put in place for protections for all owners of the community.

Having a Management Company to aid Board Members is important. unlike self managed community associations, no one person or Board member has total control with the financial responsibility for

Online payables processing
Electronic signatures
Accounts receivable collection process
Effective internal controls
Financial statement preparation
Annual Budget preparation

This way the Management Company and Boards can work together on everything from The Communities:


“Here are some other guidelines to consider when preparing the Association’s budget:

*For contractual expenses, read the related contracts to identify any increases that are anticipated in the following year.

*Contact your insurance agent as early as possible to determine insurance premiums. If financing insurance, try to obtain favorable rates.

*Request estimated costs for non-contractual expenses such as general repairs and maintenance, certain administrative expenses, trash removal, and utilities.

*Include a reasonable amount for bad debt expense.

*Avoid a “Contingency” line item if possible.

*Look at revenue trends for fee-for-service charges to unit owners such as work orders, laundry, parking, etc. Be sure to consider possible increases.

*If loan repayments will be required, include the entire payment amount (i.e., principal and interest) in the budget.


There are other concepts to keep in mind in preparing the annual budget: Be realistic. It is generally difficult to keep maintenance assessments at last year’s levels. The role of an association’s treasurer or president is to run the association’s business. It is not to win a popularity contest. That role should be treated with as much, if not more, respect than the association’s officers’ own businesses.

The budgeting process doesn’t end with the adoption of the annual budget. Careful and routine monitoring of budget-to-actual results of operations is a vital part of the effective management of a community association.


Defination of budget Terms:

-Balance Sheet

One of the reports included in the Financial Reports presented to the Board of Directors is the Balance Sheet. The Balance Sheet is a statement of the book value of all of the assets and liabilities (including equity) of the association. It provides a “snapshot” of the association’s financial standing as of the end of that particular month.

-Collection Status Report

By far one of the most popular and most important reports is the aging report or the Collection Status Report. This report provides the Board with a listing of the owners that are past due. There are many variations of this report, however, the sample shown is the most concise. This report provides a glimpse of the names of those owners that are past due, the total amount past due, and at what stage in the collection process the account is in.

-Check Register and/or Accounting Software

A Check Register its a monthly report. This report is a list of all of the checks written by the association during a given period, typically each month. Among other information, it lists, the check number, the vendor’s name, the invoice number, brief description of the payment, and the check mount.

-Profit & Loss Report

The second page of the Financial Report summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. The Income and Expense Report follows a general format that begins with an entry for Income and subtracts from Income the costs of running thebusiness, including operating expenses, insurance, contracted vendors, and repairs. The bottom line, literally and figuratively, is net income or loss.

Because we know Associations depend on their budget, our P&L reflects the Actual Expenses vs. the Budget Amount. This comparison is done for the current month as well as year-to-date. You are also provided with the variance (if any) between the actual expense and the budgeted amount.

-Monthly Ledger

The Monthly General Ledger is the main accounting record of a business which uses double-entry bookkeeping and is a summary of all of the transactions that occur in the company. It is built up by posting transactions recorded in the general journal. The Balance Sheet and the Income and Expense Report are both derived from the general ledger. The general ledger is where posting to the accounts occurs. Posting is the process of recording amounts as credits and debits in the pages of the general ledger. Because each bookkeeping entry debits one account and credits another account in an equal amount, the double-entry bookkeeping system will ensure that the general ledger will always be in balance.


In the end Board and Management Companies should upload these reports to the Secure Association website where Owners can view the financial records each year. This avoids Questioning and sometimes fighting by owners in the association regarding fees being paid with the new budgets.


SFPMA Directory-

SFPMA has many of the top companies ready to help condo and HOA communities with everything from Accountants Attorneys, Collection Companies, website design and Building software(CRM) and Service Companies where estimates and Bidding are always asked during budget season. If you require a RFP (Request For Proposal)Search our Members Directory Business and Service Companies and ask them to help with cost savings for your Budgets.

Find Members ready to help with Management, Business and Services for your properties.

Property Maintenance is an integral part of managing the day to day operations for every type of property. Search the Members Directory for Companies working with Property Management, Condo and HOA properties in Florida. Search companies for RFP’s in this Budget Season.

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Glitch Bill and Condo Inspection and Milestone Requirements Webinar Featuring Michael Bender from Kaye Bender Rembaum and Scott Harvey-Lewis from Building Mavens Date & Time Jul 28, 2023 01:00 PM 

Glitch Bill and Condo Inspection and Milestone Requirements Webinar Featuring Michael Bender from Kaye Bender Rembaum and Scott Harvey-Lewis from Building Mavens Date & Time Jul 28, 2023 01:00 PM 

If you missed this event, You can watch the Video now.

Glitch Bill and Condo Inspection and Milestone Requirements Webinar Featuring Michael Bender from Kaye Bender Rembaum and Scott Harvey-Lewis from Building Mavens

Watch the Video NOW.

Join Evan Bradley from Campbell Property Management, Michael Bender from Kaye Bender Rembaum and Scott Harvey-Lewis from Building Mavens for this Glitch Bill and Condo Inspection and Milestone Requirements Webinar. Be sure to ask your question about the webinar when you register. We will do our best to answer as many questions as possible. This webinar does not include CEU credits.


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Let’s illuminate our planet with the power of energy efficiency, one lightbulb at a time. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

Let’s illuminate our planet with the power of energy efficiency, one lightbulb at a time. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

  • Posted: Aug 01, 2023
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Lighting of Tomorrow is commited to providing our clients energy saving lighting solutions. We provide a complete service, so we can continue “lighting the way for a sustainable tomorrow”

Join us in making a simple yet impactful change for a brighter, greener future: switching to energy-efficient lightbulbs!

By embracing this small but significant action, we can collectively contribute to reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the environment. Energy-efficient lightbulbs, such as LED or CFL bulbs, consume significantly less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs, translating into lower energy bills and savings in the long run. Not only will you be helping to combat climate change, but you’ll also enjoy longer-lasting bulbs that require less frequent replacement.

Let’s illuminate our planet with the power of energy efficiency, one lightbulb at a time. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

Contact Us

1076 NW 53rd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309



Lighting of Tomorrow is commited to providing our clients energy saving lighting solutions. We provide a complete service, so we can continue “lighting the way for a sustainable tomorrow”



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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Let’s start with what some of you already know……..foreclosures are on the rise.  Incredibly, this is happening before huge special assessments are kicking in for many of you and before mandatory reserves go into effect.  If foreclosures are already on the rise, what’s going to happen when special assessments and reserves take hold of most communities?

If a bank forecloses on either a home in an HOA or on a unit in a condominium, the association is likely to take a huge financial hit if that home or unit is also delinquent to the association.  When a bank forecloses on a property, most of the time that bank winds up becoming the owner of that property because nobody bids against the bank at a foreclosure sale.  For example, if an owner fails to pay the mortgage, the bank eventually forecloses and gets a final judgment against the owner for the amount of the delinquency plus interest and attorney’s fees.  The judge sets an auction date.  At the auction, the bank usually bids the amount of their final judgment, there are no other bids and the bank winds up owning the property.

Now that the bank owns the property, do they have to pay all of the assessments that are owed to the association on that home or condominium unit?  Not even close.  The law states that the bank would only have to pay the lesser of:

  • One year of assessments or;
  • One percent of the original mortgage debt;

So, let’s say the bank is foreclosing on a $300,000.00 mortgage.  One percent of that mortgage is $3,000.00.  Let’s say the assessments are $600.00 per month.  One year of assessments is $7,200.00.  Therefore, at most the bank is responsible for $3,000.00 and not $7,200.00 and this is even if the prior owner has not paid for several years.  There can be $15,000.00 in delinquent assessments owed on the unit —the bank would still only have to pay $3,000.00 at most.

Here’s where the association can really get stung.  If the governing documents let the bank off the hook and state that the bank does not have to pay anything if they wind up foreclosing and owning the property.  Even though the law would require the bank to pay $3,000.00 in the above example, the association’s governing documents may allow the bank to pay zero!  SO……………MAKE SURE YOUR GOVERNING DOCUMENTS DO NOT CONTAIN SUCH A PROVISION AND IF THEY DO – AMEND IT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE FORECLOSURES IN YOUR COMMUNITY POSSIBLY BECOME ROUTINE!  DON’T LET THE BANKS OFF THE HOOK!

Next week we’ll talk about what happens when a third party buys the property at a foreclosure sale and not the bank.  You definitely will want to find out the good and the potential for disaster.


You can read more articles from Eric Glazer on his Blog. 


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Preparing for Extreme Heat: The New Natural Disaster by Donna DiMaggio Berger of Becker

Preparing for Extreme Heat: The New Natural Disaster by Donna DiMaggio Berger of Becker

  • Posted: Jul 28, 2023
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Preparing for Extreme Heat: The New Natural Disaster

by Donna DiMaggio Berger / Becker

The word “hot” has many connotations: it can reveal anger when you say someone is “hot around the collar”; it can invoke personal appeal or desirability “he’s so hot”; it can refer to a disorganized person or situation, hence the description as “a hot mess”; and can also be used to describe an emotional issue or topic as a “hot button”. However, since the earliest of times, the word hot has been used to describe the temperature and we’ve been hearing this word a lot lately in many parts of the US given the ongoing heat waves. More than 61,000 people died in 2022 because of the heat waves that swept the European continent. We won’t know for some time how many US fatalities have occurred due to our extreme heat during the summer of 2023.

Extreme heat can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, exacerbation of existing medical and mental health conditions, respiratory distress, and heatstroke. Dehydration can cause dizziness, fatigue, and muscle weakness. Heat exhaustion may result in heavy sweating, nausea, headache, rapid heartbeat, faintness, and muscle cramps. Extreme heat can more greatly affect people with underlying respiratory, cardiovascular and kidney disorders with extreme heat being tied to an increased risk of heart attacks or other cardiovascular events. Heatwaves have also been linked to diminished air quality in urban areas which can worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. Lastly, extreme heat can impact mental well-being, leading to irritability, mood swings and difficulty concentrating, all of which can make communal living more stressful.

Dealing with extreme heat events in a multifamily building, especially for those on fixed incomes, can be challenging. What should your association board and management team be doing in response to an extreme heat event? Certainly, including preparation for heat waves into your emergency disaster plan is recommended. The following are some items you may wish to consider:

  • If your association has employees, work with counsel to review your employee guidebook particularly for employees whose work requires them to be outdoors. For those employees, you will want to be sure that they have access to plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and replace fluids lost through perspiration. If those employees are required to wear a certain uniform that is not well suited to an extreme heat event, you should consider an alternate uniform for extreme heat event. You may also want to be confirm that your outside vendors who provide services outdoors have provided adequate water and protection from the sun for their workers.
  • Create shade around the building by using umbrellas, awnings, or strategically placed vegetation to reduce the impact of direct sunlight. Bear in mind that some of these shade additions may require advance membership approval.
  • Revisit any architectural control guidelines you have in place which may restrict or prohibit the use of fans on patios, balconies and lanais. Fans are used to circulate air and can create a cooling effect. Consider how curtains, blinds and blackout shades may reduce the temperature inside units particularly if a unit owner is not running the AC at reasonable temperatures. Allow people to close their blinds and/or their hurricane shutters during the day to block out direct
    sunlight and prevent heat from entering the living space.
  • Consider limiting daytime hours of play for outdoor tennis and pickleball courts as well as any other outdoor recreational areas when temperatures are soaring. Installing thermometers on the common areas may also help remind your residents about climbing temperatures.
  • Consider purchasing a whole building generator if you don’t already have one. In the event that increased electric demands during a heat wave cause a blackout or brownout that generator may save lives in your building. Naturally, a generator will also help in the aftermath of a windstorm which knocks out electricity.
  • Check in with your residents who may be living alone and dealing with physical or mental health challenges as well as economic burdens. These residents may not be running their A/C as often or at a
    temperature that is needed for their wellbeing. This is also the time to confirm that you have emergency contacts for your residents.
  • Reach out to local community organizations, social services, or government agencies that provide assistance during extreme weather events. They may offer cooling centers, fan distribution programs, or other resources for your residents.

The strategies your board and management team use in response to an extreme heat event depends, in large part, on your building’s location and infrastructure as well as the available monetary and personnel resources. However, there are some basic steps all associations can take to educate their residents about the dangers of extreme heat. The phrase, “we’re having a heat wave” doesn’t have to spell disaster in a well-prepared community.

For additional information please listen to my podcast conversation with Jane Gilbert, Miami-Dade’s Chief Heat Officer which can be found here.


 Donna DiMaggio Berger is a Shareholder with the Becker law firm, is Board-certified, is a Fellow with the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL) and is a keynote speaker and the host of the popular Take It To The Board podcast on association issues.

Donna DiMaggio Berger is a Shareholder in Becker’s Community Association Practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She is a member of the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL), a prestigious national organization that acknowledges community association attorneys who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the evolution or practice of community association law and who have committed themselves to high standards of professional and ethical conduct in the practice of community association law. She is also one of only 190 attorneys statewide who is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law.

As Founder and Executive Director of Becker’s Community Association Leadership Lobby (CALL), Ms. DiMaggio Berger has led various community association advocacy initiatives, working with legislators and other public policymakers on behalf of those who live, serve, and work in common interest ownership communities. She has testified before the Florida Legislature regarding community association law and frequently appears on radio talk shows and in print media discussing these issues.

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Structural Workshop is pleased to announce their recent expansion into the South Florida market.

Structural Workshop is pleased to announce their recent expansion into the South Florida market.

  • Posted: Jul 18, 2023
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Pompano Beach, Florida – Structural Workshop is pleased to announce their recent expansion into the South Florida market.  The new office is located in Pompano Beach, Florida and will be Structural Workshop’s third office.

 The Mountain Lakes, New Jersey based firm will bring their extensive experience in conducting building inspections and reports, specifically for commercial, multifamily residential and parking structures to the South Florida market – specifically in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Pinellas and Collier Counties.

Structural Workshop plans to help building owners and property managers with all facets of structural engineering and assist with the 40 Year Recertification Inspections, which are now a mandatory, state-wide ordinance.

“There is a lot of opportunity in the condo world and beyond for engineering services in Florida,” says President Joe DiPompeo, PE, F.SEI, F.ASCE.  “There is an immediate need to help condo associations and commercial buildings keep up with compliance and maintain a safe place for their tenants. We also have some multifamily ground up projects in Florida that we can better serve from a Florida office.”

About Structural Workshop

Structural Workshop is a Structural Engineering and Building Consulting firm founded in 2004. We provide a full range of Structural Engineering and Building Consulting Services for all types and sizes of projects from a single-family home to mid-rise buildings and everything in between. For more information, please visit: or contact us at

Florida Office

2301 NW 33rd Court, Unit #102
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(754) 277.4245

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If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property, Seacrest Services is the place for you!

If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property, Seacrest Services is the place for you!

  • Posted: Jul 18, 2023
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If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property,

Seacrest Services is the place for you!

Residential Property Management

Having a residential property manager can make things much easier for both you and your tenants. As a landlord, or someone part of a homeowners’ association or property owners’ association, you’re typically accountable for a lot, but with Seacrest Services, you can take your mind off most of the day-to-day responsibilities.

What We Do

When you turn to Seacrest Services for residential property management, we can assure you that everything we have our hands on will be completed efficiently and professionally. Some of what we take care of for you includes:

  • Landscaping
  • Addressing the needs of your tenants
  • Maintenance and repair
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Our goal is to keep you and your tenants happy by making every process, issue, and task as convenient as possible.

The Benefits of Residential Property Management

Whether you have another job you need to focus on, or you live in a completely different location than the property, sometimes you just don’t have the time or resources to manage a property on your own. Putting trust in a residential property manager can save you from stressful situations. Here are some other great benefits:

  • Happier tenants, meaning minimal turnover
  • Well maintained property
  • No worry about the day-to-day issues
  • Consistency and organization for HOAs and POAs

What Makes Us Stand Out?

At Seacrest Services, we pride ourselves on our experience and skill in maintaining various types of properties. Each one is unique, and we treat it that way through complete hands-on care. We want all parties to be satisfied with our work, making everyone’s lives a little easier.

Searching for Residential Property Management Services?

If you’re looking for a residential property manager to relieve much of the workload associated with your property, Seacrest Services has professionals who can make it happen. Contact us today to get started.


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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I can’t tell you how may fights I have been involved in regarding flags other than the U.S. flag flying above someone’s home and the fact that someone put down fake grass or stored a boat, that nobody can see, in their backyard.  Well, here’s a new statute that solves both of those problems:

Florida Statute 718.113

If any covenant, restriction, bylaw, rule, or requirement of an association prohibits a homeowner from displaying flags permitted under this paragraph, the homeowner may still display one portable, removable United States flag or official flag of the State of Florida in a respectful manner up to two of the following, and one portable, removable flags official flag, in a respectful manner, not 48 larger than 4 1/2 feet by 6 feet:, which represents

  1. The United States flag.
  2. The official flag of the State of Florida.
  3. A flag that represents the United States Army, Navy,  Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, or Coast Guard., or
  4. A POW-MIA flag.
  5. A first responder flag. A first responder flag may incorporate the design of any other flag permitted under this paragraph to form a combined flag. For purposes of this subsection, the term “first responder flag” means a flag that recognizes and honors the service of any of the following: a. Law enforcement officers as defined in s. 943.10(1).
  6. Firefighters as defined in s. 112.191(1).
  7. Paramedics or emergency medical technicians as those terms are defined in s. 112.1911(1).
  8. Correctional officers as defined in s. 943.10(2).
  9. 911 public safety telecommunicators as defined in s. 401.465(1).
  10. Advanced practice registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, or registered nurses as those terms are defined in s. 464.003.
  11. Persons participating in a statewide urban search and rescue program developed by the Division of Emergency Management under s. 252.35.
  12. Federal law enforcement officers as defined in 18 U.S.C. s. 115(c)(1), regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of the association.

In addition, in an HOA, the homeowner may erect a 20 foot flagpole on any portion of their property and fly the U.S. flag and any of the flags mentioned above.

Florida Statute 720.3045 now states:

Regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of an association, and unless prohibited by general law or local ordinance, an association may not restrict parcel  owners or their tenants from installing, displaying, or storing any items on a parcel which are not visible from the parcel’s frontage or an adjacent parcel, including, but not limited to, artificial turf, boats, flags, and recreational vehicles.

I’m getting ready for lots of fights regarding visibility of boats as boat owners will look to save the costs of monthly storage.

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Communication is the key to everything and we make sure our clients and their tenants are up-to-date and informed on everything throughout the project duration

Communication is the key to everything and we make sure our clients and their tenants are up-to-date and informed on everything throughout the project duration

  • Posted: Jun 30, 2023
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Communication is the key to everything and we make sure our clients and their tenants are up-to-date and informed on everything throughout the project duration.

Emails and daily reports are sent to the client and representatives every day.

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