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By Rafael Aquino

Community associations often face challenges and issues requiring prompt attention and resolution. Whether it’s handling maintenance and repair needs, managing common areas, or addressing resident concerns, community associations need to work with the right partners to ensure that matters are resolved promptly and effectively.

Here are a few reasons why Florida community associations need to work with the right partners:

  1. Ensuring Quality Work

One of the most important reasons to work with the right partners is to ensure that the work performed is high quality. Whether hiring a landscaper or a maintenance technician, working with reliable and experienced professionals will help ensure that the work is done properly and to the association’s satisfaction.

  1. Saving Time and Money

Another reason to work with the right partners is to save time and money. By working with partners with a proven track record of delivering quality work, community associations can avoid hiring additional contractors or redoing work incorrectly done the first time. This can save the association time and money in the long run.

  1. Minimizing Risk and Liability

Working with the right partners can minimize risk and liability. This is especially important for community associations, as they maintain and manage common areas that all residents use. By working with licensed, insured, and experienced partners, associations can minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and other liabilities arising from improper maintenance or repairs.

  1. Improving Communication

Working with the right partners can also help to improve Communication within the community. When community associations work with reliable partners, residents can be assured that their concerns and needs are being addressed in a timely and effective manner. This can improve resident satisfaction and create a more harmonious community.

In conclusion, working with the right partners is essential for Florida community associations to ensure that their needs and the needs of their residents are met. By providing quality work, saving time and money, minimizing risk and liability, and improving Communication, community associations can create a safe, attractive, and enjoyable community for all residents. So, it’s important to take the time to research and choose the right partners to work with for the success of the community.

As the Co-Founder and CEO of Affinity Management Services, Rafael P. Aquino leads his team to redefine excellence. They serve community associations efficiently and effectively with dedication and passion.


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What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

Condominium boards have complete management responsibility for their community. Even if they outsource some duties to a professional management company, boards still retain these responsibilities. Since individual homeowners, who may not be well-versed in real estate management and legal issues, serve on these boards, all members should understand their duties and responsibilities. Condominium boards should also retain experienced legal counsel and/or accountants to be information resources and advisers.

Condominium Association Bylaws

Board members must become intimately familiar with their condominium association bylaws. Management of all condominiums is governed by the association bylaws. Board members must understand all items addressed in the bylaws, often called the “condo docs.” Further, boards must learn all state statutes that relate to bylaw subjects and strictly follow the letter of state laws to avoid legal problems.

Common Areas and Building Exteriors

The condominium association board must maintain–and keep in good repair–all common areas and building exteriors. Common areas are those used by all unit owners who have deeded title to small percentages of these areas. These areas include building lobbies, open land or parks, tennis courts, pools and other amenities available to all residents. Whether a high-rise style, townhouses or cluster housing, building exteriors require maintenance and repair, particularly the siding and roofs.

Condominium Association Budget

Creating and managing the association budget is a critical duty for condominium boards. The most common reason for condominium problems is mismanagement or misuse of the budget. Association boards without an experienced accountant as a member should consider getting advice from an outside CPA to ensure that their budget is reasonable and complete. Condominium budgets should be built like those of nonprofit corporations. By estimating expenses, including insurance, landscaping, trash removal and similar operating costs for the coming year, the association board determines the amount of monthly individual homeowner assessments, commonly called “condo fees.”

Maintenance and Repair Reserves

Along with operating expenses, the association must carefully consider the funds needed as “reserves” for maintenance and repair. As part of the budgetary process, establishing realistic reserves is often overlooked by association boards, sometimes with dire consequences. For example, picture a 48-unit high-rise condominium, with each unit having a suspended wooden deck for relaxing and entertaining. Decks need periodic staining and water protection applications. Further, on older condominium projects, deck replacement would be needed at some point. Neglecting to build reserves into the annual budget for deck maintenance and replacement could result in “special homeowner assessments” of thousands of dollars. Condominium boards must diligently add these to annual budgets to build up cash to make these repairs.

Collecting Assessments

Monthly homeowner assessments–condo fees–must be collected by condominium boards. While most condominium bylaws permit boards to place liens on individual units for unpaid condo fees, liens do not equal money. Unit owners may not refinance or sell their homes for many years, leaving the condominium association short of funds to meet budget and reserve demands. Boards have a duty to establish an effective collection policy, much like a bank, to ensure consistent monthly cash flow into the association account to meet operating expenses.

Fiduciary Duty

Condominium associations must fulfill their fiduciary responsibility to manage the project in a businesslike and conservative manner. Depending on the size of the condominium project, association boards may manage many dollars and complex business issues. Fiduciary duty is typically measured by evaluating the actions of individuals or groups that “reasonably prudent” persons would take. For example, neglecting to collect condo fees, putting sufficient reserves in the budget or not completing necessary repairs is a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Condominium boards usually have individual and collective fiduciary responsibility and could be subject to serious lawsuits from unit owners for failing to act prudently.


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Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

  • Posted: Dec 28, 2022
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Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Every facility, be it a private home, apartment complex, condo building, or hotel is threatened by water leaks issues. The cost of this damage to the population runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars and represent about 48% of insurance claims*. Burst hoses connecting refrigerators, washing machines or dishwashers; overflowing sinks and toilet bowls; leaky pipes and damaged water heaters or AC units are all sources of this destruction. And it seems that every leak in a high-rise building always occurs on the top floor when no one is at home, multiplying the catastrophic consequences.

Fortunately, there is now a reliable, cost-effective solution to prevent and detect water-related damage, with the associated insurance claims, repairs, and personal losses. The answer is AKWA Technologies, an innovative, customizable solution designed for residential and commercial buildings. The AKWA Technologies system,100% manufactured in Quebec, Canada, has a advanced design, and is fully autonomous, as an alarm system. It consists of a Master Valve installed on the property’s incoming water line with a Water Alarm Controller that supervises the entire system. Discreet Wireless leak sensors are placed at all water sources, including sinks, toilets, and other water appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, etc. An optional Flow sensor can be added for invisible leaks inside the walls and water usage management.

When water is detected in any of these locations, a signal is immediately sent to the Master Valve and the incoming water is shut off. This will minimize the flooding and prevent critical damage. An alarm will sound and notifications are sent to designated parties reporting the occurrence. The benefits of this customizable system are many. They include cost-effective installation with minimum disruption, elimination of expensive repairs and remediation caused by flooding, potential saving on insurance costs, and of course, your peace of mind.

Whether you are sleeping, at work, or on vacation halfway around the world, your domicile is safe with a solution that does not need Wi-Fi to be functional and requires very low maintenance. Water to your home can be shut off manually, from a distance or automatically when leaving your property for a long period of time. Whether you are a property manager or an individual user, you can manage your properties remotely from anywhere on the planet and keep your peace of mind!


Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

We recently held an educational webinar with the Brickell Homeowners Association and Siegfried Rivera to discuss why a preventive maintenance plan is a critical aspect of any association’s operation.

click on the picture below and watch the video. or click here.

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. You will not receive credits for watching the recording. Credits were issued only to those that attended the course.

brought to us by, Campbell Property Management



Update:  Eric Glazer, Esq.
Published October 10, 2022

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

I just spent a week in the hospital — again with kidney stone issues.  This is I believe the 5th time I needed some sort of surgery for this never ending painful problem.  I left the hospital with a tube coming out of my right side.  I still need a lithotripsy procedure.  That’s the one where you lay down in water and they zap your kidney stones hoping to break them up.  I’m guessing I have another week or two of this insanity.

I want to apologize to the wonderful people at the L&L Condo and HOA Expos.  As all of you know, I always attend all of their shows all around the state and have the honor of kicking off the event by doing my board certification course.  Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend the events In Palm Beach and in Broward.  I am desperately hoping to attend the events in Orlando and Tampa.  I think all of you know that I love nothing more than being with all of you, teaching you, and answering your questions.  It’s simply my favorite part of being an attorney.  It’s killing me that I can’t teach the classes that so many of you attend each and every year.  However, L&L will be finding another well qualified attorney from another law firm to teach and certify you.  I urge you to attend and continue to make the L&L shows the success that they always are.

I’m taking two weeks off from the radio show.  I expect to do the show October 16th — with or without a tube coming out of my side.  BY THE WAY……THAT’S THE SAME DAY I WILL BE ON 60 MINUTES — AS THEY ARE DOING A SHOW ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT GRANDMA AND GRANDPA CAN STILL MOVE TO A FLORIDA CONDOMINIUM IF THEIR SOLE INCOME IS SOCIAL SECURITY.  I think we all know the answer.   This really should be an amazing show which shines the spotlight on Florida condominiums but truly needs to be watched by the entire country as every state better follow Florida’s lead when it comes to mandating safety.

In any event, I hope to be back at my desk in a week or two and look forward to speaking with all of you again.  In the mean time, please get in touch with Rich, Pennie or Paul if you need immediate help.

PS: The nurse told me that the epidural was not invented to relieve pain from child birth.  It was invented to relieve pain from kidney stones!


We know everyone is wishing Eric Glazer a full recovery and well wishes.  Ouch


In light of the tragedy at The Champlain Towers in Surfside last year, The Florida Legislature, to its credit, passed massive condominium reform regarding safety, inspections and reserves.  These laws are confusing to those who work in the industry every day, never mind to those who serve on condo Boards throughout the state.


Stay up to date with the new law -FLORIDA BUILDING INSPECTIONS (SB-4D)

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d)  a division of SFPMA

The State of Florida Property Management Association with Legal & Engineering Members are here to help you understand the new laws and how to take the correct action now to ensure you are in full compliance. 


The Florida Legislature thought that it was so important for condo boards to enforce these laws that they included a provision which considers a breach of these laws a breach of the director’s fiduciary duty.  Imagine, personal liability can be imposed against a director who fails to enforce these new laws.

Once again, I drafted legislation which would require Board members to learn these new laws in order to get certified and once again this requirement was removed from the statute.  It’s hard to believe, but The Florida Legislature drafted a law which imposes personal liability against those directors who fail to follow these new laws yet removed the requirement to learn these new laws.  In any event, I will again try to make learning these new laws a condition of becoming certified in the next legislative session.

As far as condominium Board members go…….there can be no more important time than the present to learn these new laws.  They are designed to keep you and your fellow unit owners alive.

Don’t dare get certified by signing that dumb, silly form that says I read my governing docs and promise to enforce them.  Even if you read your governing documents from cover to cover, you still wouldn’t learn any of the new condo laws.  What a disgrace that you can still become certified this way.

I am teaching at the following times and locations this month.  It is more imperative than ever to attend an educational course.  In fact, if you don’t learn the new laws and don’t apply the new laws on your condo board, you can face personal liability.  Moreover, any condo Board member who can’t find a few hours to take an educational course is not worthy of a single vote.  So what do you say?  Please register for any of the free following Condo Craze and HOAs Board Certification Classes offered around the state

Find the Condo & HOA Event Dates


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  • Posted: Sep 22, 2022
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by Enrolled Agent Steven J. Weil, Ph.D., EA, LCAM, Royale Management Services, Inc.

The answer to keeping association maintenance fees low is NOT to defer necessary maintenance or waiving reserves.  To keep postponing repairs is an act of sheer folly.  It is simply an artificial way to keep maintenance fees low that often backfires when the piper finally has to be paid by a special assessment.

The only thing owners hate more than a maintenance fee increase is a special assessment that becomes necessary because the budget does not adequately cover the ongoing operating and maintenance costs.

As a reminder, there are two parts to every budget: the operating budget and the reserve budget.

  • The operating budget should include all necessary regular and recurring expenses that are expected in the coming year, no matter how large or small, such as repairs, maintenance, up keep, payroll, utilities, supplies, insurance and administrative costs.
  • The reserves are designed to accumulate funds for replacement and renovation of major building systems and components that wear out over time. Statutes make it mandatory that reserve budgets include estimated expenditures for roof replacement, building painting and pavement resurfacing at a minimum.

What should go into a reserve budget?  Aside from what the law requires, a good reserve budget also covers other large capital items that will wear out and need to be replaced over the life of the association, such as elevators, windows, common area air conditioners, docks, generators, balconies, et al.  Other common area reserve items might include a pool upgrade, clubhouse renovation, landscaping and other amenities.

The tricky part of the budgeting process is to balance what is required with the often competing interests of those who want the lowest possible maintenance increase with those who are willing to pay more for better services, better amenities or other improvements.   The board is charged with the upkeep maintenance and operation of the association and amenities as provided for in the governing documents. Any change to what is provided for in the governing documents should be approved by an owner vote. This includes both increases and decreases in services and changes to facilities.

Projected estimates for the reserve budget should take into consideration the cost to replace each item, prorated over the years of its estimated life.

A common mistake in estimating this value is the failure to take into account the rise in replacement costs that occurs over time.  Cost estimates as well as remaining useful life should be evaluated annually. Reserve planning can be done with the assistance of association vendors, or a professional engineer could be hired to perform a Reserve Study.

Some of the costs of running an association can be managed.  Controllable expenses — those over which the board and or management have some control as to the amount and timing — include accounting, bank fees, repairs, supplies, office expense, labor costs, preventive maintenance, management, legal, landscaping and janitorial.

Over the years, however, non-controllable expenses have become the largest part of most association budgets.  They include utilities, contract services, electric, water, garbage, cable, loan payments, licenses, fees and insurance (property, liability, wind and Directors & Officers). Although boards and management work hard to keep these costs as low as possible, it is often difficult or even impossible to get competitive bids for such items as insurance. The costs of utilities and water are often controlled by monopolies or governments; and while conservation can help, it does not eliminate or substantially reduce these costs in the short run. Long term contracts may also lock in such things as elevator maintenance costs, cable TV, and other expenses.

In addition to the increases in these expenses, over the years as association property ages, the cost of maintaining it increases. While putting off maintenance may help cash flow and reduce expenses today, it also means that those expenses will be higher down the road.

Reserve funds cannot be used for purposes other than those intended without a majority vote of approval by the owners in advance. Thus, there is sometimes a reluctance to list in the reserve budget certain capital items that might be considered non-essential and could be postponed.  This can be a mistake, forcing a special assessment when these capital items need to be replaced.

It’s best to keep in mind that one good way to maintain property values is to ensure that the association has a reserve budget that covers necessary renovation and replacement of major components and assets and that the reserve budget is properly reviewed and funded each year.  Under Florida law, condominium associations are required to include a “fully funded” reserve schedule in the proposed budget and to fully fund reserves unless they are waived or reduced by a vote of the owners.


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Searching for Money: A Condominium Association’s Guide to Acquiring Financing by Becker

Searching for Money: A Condominium Association’s Guide to Acquiring Financing by Becker

  • Posted: Sep 21, 2022
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Searching for Money: A Condominium Association’s Guide to Acquiring Financing

by Steven B. Lesser  of Becker

A Condominium Association enjoys broad powers based upon Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, otherwise known as “The Florida Condominium Act.” Despite the guidance provided by the statute and case law which interprets it, little has been written to guide Condominium Associations when borrowing funds to finance various projects.

Associations often borrow money to build capital improvements such as clubhouses; perform extensive remedial work and to buy out recreational leases. Associations must be careful to review its own condominium documents to evaluate whether limitations exist on the right to borrow. This article will discuss the practical considerations to be addressed by a Condominium Association when borrowing funds.


Review Of The Condominium Documents
The condominium documents including the Declaration of Condominium, Articles of Incorporation and By-laws dictate how money can be raised to fund certain projects. the procedure to be followed depends upon the purpose for raising such funds. To the extent that the Association desires to perform maintenance work to its own property or common elements, money can be raised by passing a special assessment on its unit owners pursuant to Section 718.116, Florida Statutes. Most condominium documents provide the Association with the authority to borrow funds for such purposes without acquiring unit owner consent. However, to the extent that the Association desires to buy out a recreation lease, build a clubhouse or otherwise perform material alterations or acquire substantial additions to the common elements or to Association property, unit owner approval is necessary. Section 718.113, Florida Statutes provides that if the Declaration of Condominium is silent on the percentage of unit owners required to approve such activities seventy-five (75%) percent shall govern.


Where To Seek Financing
Once the Association has determined the purpose in raising funds, a source of financing must be located. Financing is often sought when the Association is unable to raise sufficient funds through a special assessment of its members. In many instances, some or all members may not have the money to pay a large lump sum assessment. Typically, an Association will first attempt to look to acquire financing from the bank that handles its operating account. However, the Association should not view the bank as its only source. Often times, members of the Association’s Board of Directors or unit owners may have personal contacts with a lender that is able to provide more favorable rates and flexibility in terms of structure and cost of financing. In some circumstances, a willingness to shift the Association’s operating account to another lender will provide the Association with leverage to acquire the most favorable financing program.


Structuring The Deal
Once the Association has acquired authorization to borrow money and has located a lending institution, structuring the deal becomes the next significant step.

It is not unusual for an Association to borrow in excess of $ 1 Million to finance the purchase of recreational lands from a Developer or to perform significant renovation work to remedy structural defects such as those associated with balconies located in close proximity to the ocean. Lending institutions, with the assistance of counsel for the Association, can be creative in formulating a plan to achieve the financial goals of the Association. The most significant aspect is how the lending institution will secure its loan to the Association.

Unlike other private entities and individuals, a Condominium Association has the statutory right to raise money by a special assessment of its members. Under this scenario, a unit owner’s failure to pay a special assessment will constitute a lien on each condominium parcel for any unpaid assessments. The lien for unpaid assessments will also be subject to an award of interest and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the Association to collect or enforce the lien. This statutory right to pass and enforce a special assessment provides security to a lending institution that elects to lend money to an Association. Consequently, a lender will often accept an Assignment of the Association’s right, title and interest in and to all current and future assessments made by the Association against its unit owner members for the purposes of timely payment of all sums due to a lender. For example, an agreement for the purchase of a recreation lease and underlying property between an Association and lender will often include an Assignment which provides as follows:

“The Association hereby irrevocably and unconditionally assigns all of its right, title and interest in and to all special assessments now existing or hereinafter levied by the Association against its unit owner members which are made for the purposes of repayment of the loan or the payment of rent under any lease or lease on real property owned by the Association.”

The foregoing procedure provides the lender with assurance that the loan will be repaid. However, financing a special assessment is expensive when considering loan and interest charges. Certain unit owners may be opposed to being assessed finance charges when they are financially capable of paying the special assessment in a lump sum at the time the loan is acquired. Should a number of unit owners have the ability to pay the special assessment in a lump sum, this process would reduce the total amount of money to be borrowed by the Association along with incidental finance charges.

As a special assessment constitutes an encumbrance on property, the Association would negotiate elimination of any prepayment penalty charges should the loan in whole or in part be paid early. Consequently, elimination of a pre-payment penalty clause would enable the Association or a unit owner to avoid additional finance charges should they pay off the debt prior to the maturity date.


Typical Costs Associated With Financing
Should the Association elect to mortgage its property to acquire financing the following fees will be generated:

Bank loan fees, Bank counsel fees, corporate searches, Survey, Title insurance costs, accounting costs, Documentary stamps, Intangible documentary stamps on the amount of the note and mortgage, Environment assessment of property, Recording charges, The cost of amending the condominium documents if additional property is acquired by the Association.

The Association and its counsel should attempt to discuss and negotiate the above-listed fees with the lending institution prior to signing a commitment letter. The Association should never sign a commitment letter without first consulting with counsel. Once the commitment letter is signed, the Association may be obligated to pay a non-refundable fee. Moreover, attempting to re-negotiate the terms of the loan may delay the process as it would require reconsideration by the loan committee.


In closing, a condominium Association must identify its purpose in raising funds. The purpose of raising funds will dictate the procedure to be followed. If funds are to be raised for maintenance repairs, a special assessment can be passed without unit owner consent. Condominium documents typically authorize the Board of Directors of a Condominium Association to borrow funds without owner consent. However, certain condominium documents may require unit owner approval. To the extent that the Association elects to borrow funds to perform material alterations or to acquire a substantial addition to Association property, the condominium documents will govern the procedure to be followed. If the condominium documents are silent, seventy-five (75%) percent unit owner approval must first be acquired before a special assessment can be passed pursuant to Section 718.113 (2), Florida Statutes.

When attempting to acquire financing, look to the members of Association’s board of directors and its unit owners to identify lender’s that can provide the most favorable rate. The bank handling the Association’s operating account is often the best source of financing and may be willing to negotiate certain costs associated with financing. Likewise, conferring with an attorney that specializes in association work can often assist you in reducing the costs associated with obtaining a loan.

Most importantly, shop around and take advantage of the collective financial strength of the Association and its unit owner members.

Steven B. Lesser



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Tips for Setting HOA Board’s Annual Goals

Tips for Setting HOA Board’s Annual Goals

  • Posted: Sep 21, 2022
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Tips for Setting HOA Board’s Annual Goals

Every Homeowner’s Association has a fiscal year to evaluate the previous year and set goals for the coming year. The plans can address a variety of topics, such as community enhancements and communication. At this time, all rules and regulations get routinely evaluated to ensure that they comply with all levels of government requirements. Local restrictions on traffic, development, zoning, and other issues may have changed over the year.

When formulating goals, an HOA board that represents the homeowners must take numerous factors into account.


The Budget

Before defining any goals, one of the most important elements to examine is a community’s financial stability. First, board members can review the current year’s budget to see the room for improvement. Then they can consider essential expenditures for the future year and figure out how those changes will fit into the budget.

Homeowners who pay monthly or annual dues to the association want to know where and how their money gets used. Board members should give a balance sheet that discloses all funds and expenditures to all association members. In addition, residents should be informed about reserve cash, assets, loans, income, and current and planned project expenses.

Few, if any, homeowners want their property taxes to get raised. So when formulating goals for the future year, board members must keep this in mind.


Maintenance and Improvement Goals

Generally, you should set goals each year before setting a budget. The best practice is to construct a five-year planning process, then use that to generate both long and short-term goals. An action plan takes a substantial amount of time and works to create. Still, it is a critical way of establishing goals and anticipated direction and allocating resources appropriately.

  • What will long-term items get improved in the coming year?
  • What changes must get made that are not part of the long-term plan?
  • Make a preventative maintenance plan that covers the most vital components of the association.

The Board should present this information to homeowners. 

Board members need to explain in detail to homeowners the maintenance goals and why they are essential. This may be the time for a community meeting to discuss the improvements and the budget. Board members should be prepared to explain why some maintenance costs have gone up and how they plan to work with these additional expenditures. They should also explain the bidding process and how they work with vendors.


Communication Goals

Improving interactions with homeowners, vendors, and fellow board members is always beneficial, as it leads to happier residents, better cost control, and more effective teamwork. The following are some worthwhile communication objectives:

  • Establishing a communications policy, including a fire safety policy and a method for relaying emergency alert information, such as natural disasters and catastrophic power outages.
  • Improve the community’s website to ensure residents are up-to-date with safety information, notify residents about upcoming board meetings, communicate with board members, make service requests, and even pay dues.

Achievable Goals

Any organization can set goals. However, an HOA must establish achievable goals within a specified time frame at an acceptable cost to homeowners. In addition, all residents of the community should be able to understand the objectives. 

Find top member companies to help with your yearly repairs. 


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Event: Condominium and HOA Board Member Certification taught by Lisa A. Magill, Esq. of KBR Legal

Event: Condominium and HOA Board Member Certification taught by Lisa A. Magill, Esq. of KBR Legal

RealManage invites you to this Condominium and HOA Board Member Certification taught by Lisa A. Magill, Esq., Board Certified Specialist in Condominium & Planned Development Law, from Kaye Bender Rembaum.

The program will be moderated by Jonathan Louis of RealManage, and will cover the essentials of board membership.
This webinar is updated regularly to remain current with amendments to Florida legislation. In addition, it satisfies Florida’s requirement for new condominium and HOA board members.
Though CE credit is not offered for this webinar, CAMS are welcome to attend for an excellent review. Provider: 0005092 (KBR Legal).

Sep 8, 2022 12:00 PM


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Lake Management: “Why does our HOA need a lake management company?” -Allstate Resource Management

Lake Management: “Why does our HOA need a lake management company?” -Allstate Resource Management

“Why does our HOA need a lake management company?”
Sometimes, aquatic management is viewed as a frivolous or unnecessary expense for a community. “My lake looks fine, why should I pay to have someone take care of it?” Unfortunately, that assessment is rarely made taking into account the whole water body.
Most people that live on lakes also see them differently than someone who maintains them. The difference is homeowners tend to look “at” the water, where as waterway managers look “in” the water. Too often people put off lake maintenance until they see a problem and weed populations have already become established. Long term management at that point becomes more expensive and time consuming, with total elimination of the problem almost impossible.
An important fact that many overlook is that the lakes on their property serve another purpose other than a nice view. They are actually man made stormwater retention areas . When communities are built, the lakes are carefully designed to hold a certain amount of stormwater. Water bodies filled with weeds no longer have the correct capacity, potentially causing neighborhood flooding during storms. Algae is another constant nuisance in South Florida lakes. Because of our warm waters and long sunny seasons, algae can spread very rapidly and unpredictably.
As a property owner or property manager, it’s valuable to have a company that will respond to these unexpected outbreaks. Every lake matures differently, and it takes a combination of experience and expertise to maintain a healthy balance as changes occur.
Allstate Resource Management’s staff is always there to answer your questions and works to ensure excellent results in any lake management situation.
Contact us today on how we can help your community lake!
Direct: 954-382-9766
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