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Time to start thinking about taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits. by RMS Accounting.

Time to start thinking about taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits. by RMS Accounting.

Time to start thinking about Taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits.

Did you do any energy improvements to your home? New energy efficient Air Conditioning, Heating, Ceiling Fans, Solar Panels, or Hot Water Heaters? Buy an Electric or Highbred Vehicle?
If so there might just be a tax credit in your stocking this year.? contact us today let us help with your Accounting and Taxes for your Business, Condo and HOA’s

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We provide extensive consulting to every accounting client. Detailed management notes are provided in addition to a comprehensive Financial Statement package.


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2319 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Florida
+1 954-563-1269
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Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.


Mark your calendar and don’t hesitate – complete your FREE REGISTRATION today!

The Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is THE event you can’t afford to miss! In a single day, you’ll get the tools, information, and contacts you need to gear up for your property’s busy season:

  • Learn and get FREE CEU’s from 10+ seminars and courses covering today’s essential management topics, including mandatory Board Certification, Legal Update, and much more (But hurry – seats fill up fast!)
  • Get advice from experts in law, security, property management, tax, accounting, and more.
  • Browse the newest products and services.
  • FREE LUNCH! A full day of learning and networking can really whip up an appetite. That’s why Property Managers and Board Members that register within the next 7 days with promo code “OCT9” will receive FREE LUNCH at the expo!


Here’s an overview of the potential risks associated with ignoring water damage: by SERVTEC Restoration

Here’s an overview of the potential risks associated with ignoring water damage: by SERVTEC Restoration

Here’s an overview of the potential risks associated with ignoring water damage:


Structural Integrity

  • Foundation Weakening: Water can erode the foundation of a building, causing cracks and instability. Over time, this can lead to significant structural damage, including shifting or settling of the structure.
  • Wood Rot: Prolonged exposure to moisture causes wooden structures like beams, joists, and studs to rot. This can compromise the building’s stability, leading to sagging floors, walls, and potentially collapse.

  • Metal Corrosion: Metal components such as nails, screws, and steel beams can rust when exposed to moisture, weakening the overall structural integrity.

Mold Growth

  • Health Hazards: Mold spores can cause respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and other health problems, particularly in individuals with asthma or weakened immune systems.
  • Widespread Contamination: If water damage is not addressed promptly, mold can spread throughout the building, making remediation more complex and expensive.

  • Electrical Risks

    • Electrical System Damage: Water can seep into electrical systems, corroding wiring and causing short circuits, which pose a fire hazard.
  • Increased Risk of Electrocution: Damaged electrical systems increase the risk of electrocution, especially in areas with standing water.

  • Decreased Property Value

    • Lower Resale Value: A property with untreated water damage is likely to lose value due to the potential for hidden damage and the cost of repairs. Prospective buyers may be deterred by the need for extensive remediation.
  • Insurance Issues: Untreated water damage can complicate insurance claims and lead to higher premiums, as insurers may view the property as a higher risk.

  • Air Quality Issues

    • Musty Odors: Stagnant water and mold growth can create musty odors that are difficult to eliminate, affecting the indoor air quality and comfort.
  • Increased Humidity: Water damage can lead to higher indoor humidity levels, which can exacerbate mold growth and contribute to further deterioration of building materials.

  • Long-Term Repair Cost

    • Escalating Costs: The longer water damage is left untreated, the more extensive and expensive repairs will become. Early intervention is critical to minimizing repair costs and preventing further damage.
  • Comprehensive Remediation: Addressing untreated water damage may require a full-scale remediation effort, including mold removal, structural repairs, and electrical system replacement.

  • In conclusion, immediate action is essential to mitigate these risks and protect both the building and its occupants. Regular inspections and prompt repair of any water intrusion are key to preventing long-term damage


    To Schedule a Mold Inspection or our

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    Call Servtec Restoration

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    “When Disaster Strikes, We Are Ready To Respond!”

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    The Importance of Pool Bonding and How an Engineer Can Help Your Community

    The Importance of Pool Bonding and How an Engineer Can Help Your Community


    The Importance of Pool Bonding and How an Engineer Can Help Your Community


    Swimming pools are a great source of relaxation and fun, but they come with specific safety requirements to ensure the well-being of users. One of the critical aspects of pool safety is pool bonding. Proper pool bonding not only protects against electrical shock but also ensures that all metal parts are at the same electrical potential. This article will explore why pool bonding is essential and how an engineer can play a crucial role in helping your community maintain a safe and compliant swimming pool.

    What is Pool Bonding?

    Pool bonding involves connecting all metallic components of a pool, such as ladders, lights, and the pool pump, to a common bonding grid or wire. The purpose is to equalize the electrical potential, minimizing the risk of electrical shock to swimmers and anyone around the pool area.

    Why is Pool Bonding Important?

    Prevention of Electrical Shock:

    • When different metal parts around a pool carry different electrical potentials, there is a risk of electrical shock. If a person comes into contact with two parts at different potentials, they could complete an electrical circuit, resulting in a dangerous shock. Proper bonding ensures all parts are at the same electrical potential, mitigating this risk.

    Compliance with Safety Standards:

    • Pool bonding is required by law. Compliance with electrical codes like the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the United States ensures that pools are safe for public use. Proper bonding meets these standards and can prevent costly fines or penalties.

    How Can an Engineer Help with Pool Bonding?

    Electrical engineers and pool safety experts are essential in ensuring that pool bonding is done correctly and efficiently. Here’s how they can assist your community:

    Inspection and Compliance Checks:

    • Engineers can inspect existing pools to ensure that they meet current safety standards and regulations. They can identify issues with bonding and grounding and recommend necessary improvements to comply with safety codes.

    Installation and Upgrades:

    • If a pool does not have an adequate bonding system, engineers can oversee the installation of the necessary bonding grids and connections. They can also upgrade existing systems to meet new regulations or to enhance safety.

    Education and Awareness:

    • Engineers can provide training and educational programs for pool maintenance personnel, property managers, and community members. Understanding the importance of pool bonding and how to maintain it can significantly enhance safety.

    Ongoing Maintenance Support:

    • Engineers can develop maintenance schedules and protocols to ensure that bonding systems remain effective. Regular testing and inspection are essential to ensure the safety of pool users over time.
    • Pool bonding is a critical aspect of pool safety that cannot be overlooked. It not only protects individuals from potential electrical shocks but also ensures the longevity of pool equipment and adherence to safety regulations.

    Contact our experts today at Falcon to help you create a safe and enjoyable pool environment for everyone in your community

    FIDUCIARY DUTY: What it Means to Your Community Association. by REMBAUM’S ASSOCIATION ROUNDUP

    FIDUCIARY DUTY: What it Means to Your Community Association. by REMBAUM’S ASSOCIATION ROUNDUP

    • Posted: Sep 08, 2024
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    What duty does a community association board member owe to their association? What happens if that duty is breached? During the legislative session, legislation was proposed that would have made directors criminally liable for failure to timely respond to official record requests, among other provisions.

    The legislation in House Bill 919 was proposed by Representative Porras in response to the alleged $3.4 million dollar embezzlement scheme that took place at the Hammocks Community Association, located in Miami-Dade County. Parts of this proposed bill were well-intentioned; however, several provisions were commonly viewed as too broad and expansive.

    On November 15, 2022, the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office announced charges related to the Hammocks’ criminal case, including racketeering, organized scheme to defraud, money laundering, grand theft, and fabricating physical evidence against five board members. These board members have been accused of the following:

    i) running a scheme in which they used HOA checks and HOA credit cards from 55 bank accounts to pay for “no-show” work by shell companies or vendors, who would funnel money back to the directors for their personal use;

    ii) withholding official records from members; and,

    iii) failure to hold valid elections, among other bad acts.

    If found guilty these board members overtly breached their fiduciary duty to their association.

    During the 2023 legislative session, House Bill 919 initially contained significant criminal penalties to punish board members who failed to provide official records when they otherwise should have, criminal penalties for kickbacks, and criminal penalties for improper election interference, among other provisions. Such laws, while well intended, went overboard as evidenced by the creation of criminal penalties for failure to provide official records, as such severe criminal penalties for operational matters would likely only deter good people from running for the board. Recognizing this potential issue, parts of HB 919 were tempered a bit prior to it becoming law. That said, in the opinion of this author, new laws with new criminal penalties are not the answer. Bad people do bad things, and no amount of laws will likely significantly change that. So, what is the answer?

    One answer is to shore up the educational and certification requirements for board members. At present, there are two ways to be certified as a board member. One method is to take a State-approved class, which provides an overview of the voluminous information board members need to know in order to perform their duties. The other method is to sign a piece of paper that the board member has read the governing documents, will abide by them, and will faithfully discharge their duties. This second method should be eliminated as there is no method to confirm compliance, and this method does not have any educational component. In addition, continuing education requirements should be required for any board member serving consecutive years.

    During a board certification class, time should be spent discussing the term “fiduciary duty.” While the term is repeatedly used in Chapters 718 and 720 of the Florida Statutes, it is not expressly defined in these statutes. Section 718.111, Florida Statutes, makes reference to Section 617.0830, Florida Statutes, which provides for general standards for directors of not-for-profit corporations, such as community associations.

    Section 617.0830, Florida Statutes, provides the following:

        1. A director shall discharge his or her duties as a director, including his or her duties as a member of a committee i) in good faith; ii) with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances; and iii) in a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation.
        2. In discharging his or her duties, a director may rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, if prepared or presented by: i) One or more officers or employees of the corporation whom the director reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented; ii) legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters the director reasonably believes are within the persons’ professional or expert competence; or iii) a committee of the board of directors of which he or she is not a member if the director reasonably believes the committee merits confidence.
        3. A director is not acting in good faith if he or she has knowledge concerning the matter in question that makes reliance otherwise permitted by subsection (2) unwarranted.
        4. A director is not liable for any action taken as a director, or any failure to take any action, if he or she performed the duties of his or her office in compliance with this section.

    Still, though, there is no express definition of the term “fiduciary duty.” The purpose of studying fiduciary relationships is to identify the areas where it exists and gain an insight into the duties of a fiduciary. After all, every board member is a fiduciary for their community association. Common definitions of the term “fiduciary” include:

        • A fiduciary relationship is a relation between two parties wherein one party (fiduciary) has the duty to act in the best interest of the other party (beneficiary or principal).
        • A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person.
        • A fiduciary duty is a relationship in which one party places special trust, confidence, and reliance in and is influenced by another who has a fiduciary duty to act for the benefit of the party.
        • Most importantly, and germane to this discussion, a fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons, putting their clients’ interests ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust.

    In other words, a good community association board member puts the interest of their association above their own personal interests. Thus, while we may not be able to stop bad people from doing bad things, through continuing education we can help good people do better.

    To recap, there are three things that can be readily accomplished that would make a positive difference for Florida’s community associations.

        1. Remove the ability of a board member to be “certified” by signature alone.
        2. Require continuing education for board members serving continuous years.
        3. Amend Florida Statutes, Chapters 718 and 720, to include express definitions of fiduciary duty so that it is made patently clear that every board member must put their community association above and ahead of their own personal interests.



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    Register NOW! – The Broward County Condo & HOA Expo returns Tuesday, October 15th, to the Broward County Convention Center, in the Grand Ballroom

    Register NOW! – The Broward County Condo & HOA Expo returns Tuesday, October 15th, to the Broward County Convention Center, in the Grand Ballroom

    The Broward County Condo & HOA Expo returns Tuesday, October 15th, to the Broward County Convention Center, in the Grand Ballroom (West Building, 3rd Floor).

    Be sure to mark your calendar and complete your FREE REGISTRATION today!

    The Broward County Condo & HOA Expo is an event you can’t afford to miss! In a single day, you’ll get the tools, information, and contacts you need to gear up for your property’s busy season:

    • Learn and get FREE CEU’s from 10+ different seminars and courses covering today’s essential management topics (But hurry – Seats fill up fast!)
    • Get advice from experts in law, security, property management, tax, accounting, and more.
    • Browse the newest products and services.
    • FREE PARKING! Use the Northport Parking Garage connected to the Convention Center, and we will validate your parking at check-in!
    • FREE LUNCH! As a Community Association Manager, Board Member, Board President, or active HOA member, use promo code RO2 when registering in the next 7 days and receive free lunch at the expo!


    Register NOW! – Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

    Register NOW! – Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

    Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is back Wednesday, October 9th, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

    Mark your calendar and don’t hesitate – complete your FREE REGISTRATION today!

    The Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo is THE event you can’t afford to miss! In a single day, you’ll get the tools, information, and contacts you need to gear up for your property’s busy season:

    • Learn and get FREE CEU’s from 10+ seminars and courses covering today’s essential management topics, including mandatory Board Certification, Legal Update, and much more (But hurry – seats fill up fast!)
    • Get advice from experts in law, security, property management, tax, accounting, and more.
    • Browse the newest products and services.
    • FREE LUNCH! A full day of learning and networking can really whip up an appetite. That’s why Property Managers and Board Members that register within the next 7 days with promo code “OCT9” will receive FREE LUNCH at the expo!


    Property damage claims encompass more than just the obvious cases. From water damage to fire damage and beyond,

    Property damage claims encompass more than just the obvious cases. From water damage to fire damage and beyond,

    • Posted: Aug 06, 2024
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    “Types of Property Damage Claims: Beyond the Obvious”

    Property damage claims encompass more than just the obvious cases. From water damage to fire damage and beyond, we handle a wide range of property damage claims. If your property has been damaged, contact Maus Law Firm to discuss your options and seek the compensation you deserve.



    Direct Contact with Experienced Attorneys

    When you hire us, you speak one on one with our skilled Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys or property damage lawyers. We have decades of combined experience between us, and we make sure our clients understand their claim and the legal process.


    We Accommodate Our Clients

    No two clients are the same. Maus Law Firm wants to assist all of the clients who need our services, so we offer 24/7 phone service, free estimates, Spanish-speaking staff members, house calls, after hours appointments and more.


    Results That Speak for Themselves

    Our Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers handled thousands of accident and property damage claims and received settlements over $1 million. Our happy clients have left us wonderful reviews, and we strive for the best legal outcome for each case we represent.

    Call For a Free Consultation   (855) 999-5297

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    Preparing Stormwater Ponds for Hurricanes

    Preparing Stormwater Ponds for Hurricanes

    4 Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Your Stormwater Pond

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), approximately 40% of the American population lives within coastal areas, despite the fact that they only make up 10% of the country’s total landmass. As anyone who lives on the coast can tell you, populations have continued to increase in recent years. It is unsurprising then that a large concern of many homeowners in these areas is the threat of hurricanes and the associated damage.

    Most people in coastal areas typically live on or near man-made stormwater systems, which use inlet and outlet structures, forebays, safety benches, and other specialized components to collect runoff during storms. However, these sites can become a concern any time a hurricane approaches due to the increased risk of equipment damage and catastrophic flooding. The water in stormwater ponds is likely to rise much higher than normal during these events, so it’s important that community associations, municipalities, and private property owners take steps to ensure their waterbodies are in proper working condition during hurricane season.


    pond maintenance stormwater pond management regulatory compliance

    1. Remove Debris

    Yard debris should be removed from around the site and streets should be cleaned of trash, since this will be flushed into the ponds via storm drains. Even a single plastic bag or soda bottle could effectively block a control structure and keep water from flowing off-site. Installing debris guards on control structures can be an effective preventative method, as well as the periodic flushing of trash from street drains.



    2. Secure Equipment

    Many lakes and ponds have fish feedersfountainssubmersed aeration systems, and other electrically run equipment. Unless it is absolutely necessary (like a pump), it is important to shut off and even remove this equipment from the premises. This minimizes the chance of damage to the equipment during a storm, especially if there are any electrical fluctuations. Another option is to install an anemometer to your fountain control box, which will shut off fountain power if wind speeds rise to dangerous levels.


    Submersed aerators

    3. Introduce Aeration

    A common phenomenon, both during and after a hurricane, is a fish kill. These events are often caused by the introduction of brackish (high salinity) water or an increase in turbidity (when large amounts of sediment are washed into a waterway). Many freshwater fish species near the coast can tolerate slight changes in water quality if they become acclimated to it, but rapid changes can lead to suffocation.

    Fish kills can also be caused by stratification. This means the water is separated by distinct layers of temperatures and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. The merging of these layers during hazardous storms can cause a fish kill – sometimes within a few hours or days. If it does occur during the storm, once it’s safe to do so it is important to remove as much of the dead fish as possible to prevent poor odors, decay, and the subsequent nutrient pollution that fuels nuisance plant and algae growth. But, if a fish kill has not yet occurred, it may be possible to reverse some of the negative impacts of the storm. Introducing a fountain or a submersed aeration system can help rebalance the water column by gradually circulating and increasing DO. Better yet, Oxygen Saturation Technology can be utilized to rapidly restore DO in the specific water layers that need it without creating thermal stratification.


    stormwater inspection lake and pond management - john phelps DE - community hoa - 7

    4. Meet with a Professional

    One of the best proactive strategies is a professional stormwater inspection. During these inspections, aquatic management professionals can identify shoreline erosion, clogging or damage to concrete inlets and outlets, problematic invasive species infestations, and any other problems within the infrastructure that may lead to complications during high-water events. Sometimes this inspection can lead to recommendations such as flushing storm drains, repairing cracking hardscape, or clearing vegetation within the wetlands behind outflow structures to facilitate the flow of water from a pond.


    Prep Your Stormwater Pond Ahead of the Next Hurricane

    Hurricanes are stressful events, even without having to worry about stormwater ponds in your coastal community. Understanding the potential areas of concern and creating an action plan ahead of time can help alleviate this stress. A few precautionary measures will help prepare your freshwater systems and will help minimize the chance of flooding, infrastructure damage, and fish kills during this dangerous yet inevitable weather event.

    Contact Us

    Professional Mailbox Installation and Repair Company Servicing all Florida Counties

    Professional Mailbox Installation and Repair Company Servicing all Florida Counties

    • Posted: Aug 01, 2024
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    ASAP Mailbox And More, Inc.


    Professional mailbox installation and repair company servicing all Florida counties


    ASAP Mailbox and More, Inc. supplies and installs all types of residential curbside mailboxes and all styles of cluster box units ( CBU’s) We are a one-stop source for everything related to installing a new mailbox. From removal of the existing mailbox, to the installation of the new one in concrete, to the address numbering, we handle everything and provide our services in all Florida counties.

    ASAP Mailbox And More, Inc.’s main facility is located in Cape Coral, Florida. From this main warehouse and fabrication location, we are able to sell and ship our mailboxes WITH INSTALLATION INCLUDED Nationwide in conjunction with our network of local dealers located in each county.

    We take pride in living up to our name “ASAP” when it comes to handling mailbox installs and repairs for HOA’s, property managers and individual homeowners.

    From providing complete Community mailbox and signage replacement to repairing a broken bracket for a homeowner, we always handle the project professionally and in a timely manner.

    If you need a Mailbox installed please fill out the form below, when filling out the form, make sure to select “I Need A Mailbox Installed” in the select box.

    If your need is urgent (mailbox installation, repairs or other needs), please call us at 877-272-7624.


    View and contact our Members Directory Page on SFPMA.COM


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