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Keep Your FL Lake Clean and Problem-Free by SOLITUDE

Keep Your FL Lake Clean and Problem-Free by SOLITUDE

Addressing Major Lake Issues Before the Growing Season

The growing season refers to the time of year – typically the spring months – when aquatic weedsalgae, and toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) begin to appear in the water. The timeframe can differ depending on the region of the country in which a waterbody is located and natural weather variations. But no matter where you live, nuisance growth may indicate imbalances in the aquatic ecosystem that were not addressed in the weeks and months leading up to this defining season.

Many property owners do not realize that the management of lakes and ponds shouldn’t end when winter weather arrives. In fact, it is a great time to reevaluate waterbody goals for the coming year and implement management solutions that are more difficult to apply when the water is being actively used for recreation, stormwater collection, or aesthetic purposes.

Prepare Your Lake for Spring: Here’s Where to Start

Typically, the off-season months provide a valuable window to complete long-awaited projects like shoreline restoration, mechanical hydro-raking, or dredging, and nutrient remediation. Each of these solutions can help support healthier water quality conditions and reduce the risk of major lake issues when the growing season arrives.

Prevent algae and weeds next growing season with these management tips:

Repair Shoreline Damage & Enhance Your Buffer Zone

Jagged, crumbling, exposed shorelines can endanger people working or spending time in and around the water. Degraded shorelines can also contribute to the accumulation of muck at the bottom of lakes and ponds, and even cause waterfront properties to “shrink” as earth collapses into the water. These conditions don’t occur overnight; rather, they are a result of prolonged wear and tear from recreation, wind and rainfall, nuisance wildlife activity, urban development, and poor landscaping practices.

If ignored, erosion can aggravate water quality imbalances that increase the risk of weeds, toxic algae, and other problems during the growing season. Restoring degraded shorelines well before this time will help ensure your waterbody starts off on the right foot come spring.


Repair Erosion Damage with Bioengineered Shorelines

Cutting-edge bioengineering techniques using a durable mesh material have made it possible to safely restore the aesthetics and functionality of degraded shorelines while repurposing eroded earth. Depending on the size and scope of a project, this process may require significant downtime, so the fall and winter months are an opportune time to take advantage of this service.

Once installed, these bioengineered shorelines will provide many years of stabilization and erosion control, particularly when beneficial vegetative buffers are also maintained around the waterbody to filter pollutants from stormwater runoff known to provoke water quality imbalances.

  • Shoreline Erosion Repair Results

Remove Muck & Debris with Hydro-raking

Lakes and ponds are consistently inundated with eroded sediment and debris such as branches, leaves, lawn clippings, trash, and other detritus that create bottom muck containing highly concentrated nutrients as they decompose. Over time, muck levels can increase, reducing the overall depth and volume of the waterbody. Excessive build-up may lead to a host of problems during the growing season, including flooding, depleted dissolved oxygen levels, water murkiness, bad odors, fish kills, and increased weed and algae infestations.

It is possible to physically remove build-up using mechanical solutions like hydro-raking and dredging. Hydro-raking is often used for “spot treatments” in areas with disproportionate materials, such as stormwater pipes and dock areas. A hydro-rake is essentially a floating barge with a rake attachment that can remove up to 500 pounds of decomposing material in each scoop and deposit it on the shore for physical removal or repurposing during shoreline restoration projects.

Hydro-Raking Services

Restore Depth with Dredging

If build-up has reached more concerning levels, dredging may be required. Professionals choose from two primary types of dredging equipment based on the goals for the property – each can restore the waterbody to its original depth and volume, but may reset the ecosystem entirely. Conducting dredging far ahead of the upcoming growing season provides a window to begin implementing proactive solutions to ensure water quality is healthy and stable come spring.

The off-season is an excellent time to complete mechanical projects as they can both interfere dramatically with the use of the waterbody. Removing muck and debris that accumulated during the warmer months will also help reduce overall nutrient concentrations, providing less fuel for algae and weeds when the growing season arrives.

Balance Water Quality with Nutrient Management

Phosphorus and nitrogen are the primary nutrients responsible for the growth of excess weeds and algae and are found in both the water column and the bottom sediments. Naturally-occurring nutrient remediation products like Phoslock and Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) can be professionally applied to bind with nutrients, making them unavailable for uptake by weeds and algae. Other solutions like EutroSORB may be used to filter and physically remove undesirable nutrients from the water.

Nutrient remediation can be effective in the warmer months and, when implemented by licensed professionals, is low-risk for use around people and animals. However, conducting nutrient remediation services during the off-season can help prevent nuisance growth before it becomes a problem, allowing people to start enjoying their waterbodies sooner. It’s important to note that regions that experience more severe winters and freezing waters may not be candidates for off-season nutrient remediation services. A professional can help stakeholders determine the most effective time of year to apply nutrient remediation products.

Avoid Water Quality Issues This Growing Season

It can be confusing for stakeholders to know what their waterbodies need – and when – but it’s never too early or late to begin implementing these or other lake and pond management solutions. Ultimately, we share your goal of maximizing the use of your water resources throughout the year. By taking advantage of the cooler months to complete these impactful projects, stakeholders can avoid major water quality issues that the growing season is known for. Instead, they can focus on enjoying the water without looming threats of nuisance growth – and the complaints, safety concerns, and unexpected costs that come with it.

Community Association Software Solutions for Condo, Co-Op, and HOA Management

Community Association Software Solutions for Condo, Co-Op, and HOA Management

Trusted by over 6,500 communities throughout the U.S. and worldwide, BuildingLink is the premier provider of  community management software solutions. BuildingLink leverages over two decades of innovation and experience,  offering 60+ intuitive modules to manage documents, maintenance, vehicle, keys, packages, amenity reservations, community communications and more! Managers love the functionality and service while residents love the convenience of our mobile app!




BuildingLink’s suite of maintenance solutions ensures your property is running efficiently.


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Elevate your resident experience with BuildingLink’s mobile, portal, and smart home features.


Record-Keeping & Administration

Streamlined record-keeping, administrative tasks, and building details at your fingertips.


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From hyper-efficient package tracking to formatted incident reports and key management, all seamlessly managed with BuildingLink.



Strong communication tools mean more informed, cohesive, engaged, and organized communities.


BuildingLink Payments

Our payments solution seamlessly integrates with many accounting platforms, ensuring a smooth resident payment experience. Residents can pay monthly account balances securely online with single sign-on.


Start Running a Better Community Today!

BuildingLink is the market’s undisputed leader in property management solutions, empowering customers through industry-leading technologies, extraordinary support and training programs, and the ability to tailor our solutions to fit their unique needs.

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Event:  January 23rd from 2-4pm, get updated on ‘2025 Legal Update’ byKBR Legal’s – Lisa Magill, Esq. BCS

Event: January 23rd from 2-4pm, get updated on ‘2025 Legal Update’ byKBR Legal’s – Lisa Magill, Esq. BCS

On January 23rd from 2-4pm Est (via Zoom), get updated on the most recent legislative changes and discuss the statutory changes made by the Florida Legislature and how they directly affect managers, board members, and their communities.

Lisa Magill, Esq. BCS will lead the ‘2025 Legal Update’. Complimentary for all; just click below to enroll.

Date & Time
Jan 23, 2025 02:00 PM
Course 9633017 | Provider 0005092 | 2 CE in Legal for CAMS Instructor: Lisa A. Magill, Esq. BCS | Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. Get updated on the most recent legislative changes and discuss the statutory changes made by the Florida Legislature and how they directly affect managers, board members, and their communities.
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Out With the Old, In With the New by Published by Eric Glazer, Esq.

Out With the Old, In With the New by Published by Eric Glazer, Esq.

The Presidential Inauguration is a reminder of how smoothly leadership transitions can happen at the national level. But in our community associations, things aren’t always so predictable. Discover insights into the often chaotic turnover of power in Florida condos and HOAs—and what it means for your community.

Whether you’re happy about today’s Presidential Inauguration or not, one thing is for sure and for certain; it’s going to happen. Since 1937, it has taken place at noon on January 20, the first day of the new term, except in 1957, 1985, and 2013, when January 20 fell on a Sunday. In those years, the presidential oath of office was administered on that day privately and then again in a public ceremony the next day, on Monday, January 21.

That consistency is a lot more than we can say for our community associations. How many of you have complained that our associations have not held an annual meeting or an election in forever, or at least not in the last year? What about complaints that the Board of Directors has simply changed the dates of our annual meeting on more than one occasion and extended their term in office?

The terms of Board members expire at the annual meeting. So when are you supposed to have an annual meeting and election? The date of your annual meeting is contained within your bylaws. But suppose the Board wants to have the annual meeting on another date for any variety of reasons? Can they do so? Not according to one court which held that the annual meeting must be held on the date contained in the association’s bylaws. Not to do so would be as if an amendment was made to those bylaws without the proper vote of the unit owners.

And despite this ruling, dozens, if not hundreds or maybe even thousands of condominium and HOAs won’t hold their annual meeting and election this year on the date mandated by their own documents.

The last few years has also brought drama to the country regarding the requirements of outgoing administrations to turn over official records. Trump got charged with a crime and Biden was found to have wrongfully retained official records but wasn’t charged with a crime.

When it comes to condominiums, “An outgoing board or committee member must relinquish all official records and property of the association in his or her possession or under his or her control to the incoming board within 5 days after the election. The division shall impose a civil penalty as set forth in s. 718.501(1)(d)6. against an outgoing board or committee member who willfully and knowingly fails to relinquish such records and property.” Surprisingly, there is no equivalent statute for HOAs, except if that director was removed by way of recall.

So today, pomp and circumstance and tradition will rule the day and like clockwork, one administration will hand off to the incoming administration. And in our community associations, no doubt tradition is likely to continue as well. Perhaps that’s a rare example of where the government works better than we think.

Eric is Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Condominium and Planned Development Law.

Since 2009, Eric has been the host of Condo Craze and HOAs, a weekly one-hour show airing at 7 p.m. each Thursday on YouTube. This show allows viewers to engage in live chats with Eric and other participants but also enables a broader audience to access free advice, making valuable insights more widely available.


Eric is the first attorney in the State of Florida that designed a course that certifies condominium and HOA residents as eligible to serve on a Board of Directors and has now certified more than 20,000 Floridians all across the state. He is certified as a Circuit Court Mediator by The Florida Supreme Court and has mediated dozens of disputes between associations and unit owners. Eric also devotes significant time to advancing legislation in the best interest of Florida community association members.


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by Steven J. Weil, PhD, EA, LCAM, Royale Management Services, Inc.

A “dummie,” in this case, is a first-time association member and/or someone with little or no association budgeting experience who wants to know more about how and why the budget is created before they vote on it.


Bookkeeping sfpmaIs it really necessary to go through all that work year after year?

The first answer is, yes, because it’s the law. Florida law (718.112 (2) (f) 2) requires that annual budgets be prepared and, further, that reserve calculations be made by using a formula that estimates useful life and replacement cost.

The real answer is that the budget is a tool used by the association’s board to determine how much owners will be required to pay in maintenance costs for the coming year in order to keep the association financially stable.

The budget is a financial plan, a guide; but the process is an art, not a science. That’s why it’s important to leave room for unplanned expenses. A shortfall may result in an assessment, which will not make anyone happy. The only thing owners hate more than a maintenance fee increase is a special assessment that is necessary because the budget does not adequately cover the ongoing operating and maintenance costs. The tricky part of the process is to balance what is required with the often competing interests of those who want the lowest possible increase with those who are willing to pay more for better services, better amenities or other improvements.

There are two parts to every budget: the operating budget and the reserve budget.

• The operating budget should include all the necessary regular and recurring expenses that are expected in the coming year, no matter how small, such as repairs, maintenance, payroll, utilities, supplies, insurance and administrative costs.

• The reserves are designed to accumulate funds for major ongoing repair and replacement.
Statutes make it mandatory that reserve budgets first include estimated expenditures for roof replacement, building painting and pavement resurfacing at a minimum.


Aside from what the law requires, a good reserve budget also covers other large capital items that will wear out and need to be replaced over the life of the association, such as: elevators, windows, common area air conditioners, docks, generators, et al.

Projected estimates take into consideration the cost to replace each item, prorated over the years of its estimated life. A common mistake in estimating this value is the failure to take into account the rise in replacement costs that occurs over time.

Reserve funds cannot be used for purposes other than those intended without a majority owner’s vote of approval in advance.



How do you build a budget that works? The big secret is to start months before your current budget year ends!

  1. Step one is the information-gathering process, including a review of long-term contracts, upcoming expected maintenance and repairs, details of possible fee increases and a “wish list.” This time-consuming step includes getting quotes from vendors, examining recurring contracts for things like insurance policies, lawn and landscaping, trash removal, etc. Sometimes closely-scrutinized contracts can be renegotiated to save money. It’s also important to use caution when reducing maintenance and repairs numbers to delay an expense outlay. That could result in increased costs in the long run.
  2. Step two is to compare and, using a spreadsheet or special budget software, enter into the appropriate columns the year-to-date income and expenses — projected through year end — with the budget for the current year, to review for increases, and show the percent of difference.

  3. Step three: compare projected expenses for the coming year with “other” income (non-assessed) — such as laundry income, application fees, clubhouse rental, dock rental and any other items for which the Association collects fees other than maintenance fees.
    Using those figures, it is then possible to calculate the maintenance fees needed to fund the budget for the coming year. These required maintenance fees are calculated by subtracting the total projected “other” (non-assessed) income from the total projected expenses. This number is then allocated by the formula shown in the association documents. (The number is often based on the number of units or on square footage.)

According to the Statutes, owners may petition the Board if it adopts a budget where assessments rise more than 15% over those for the prior year. The budget must be in keeping not only with the State Statutes but also with the association’s documents, which may be more stringent.

Final approval by the board where the proposed budget is adopted must be done at a properly noticed budget meeting. A notice of this meeting, along with a copy of the proposed budget, must be sent to all owners at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Only association members may vote to waive or reduce the budgeted reserves through full or partial funding.

Failing to fund reserves at all puts everyone’s future at risk. If owners can’t afford the monthly cost how are they going to come up with the money when the roof, elevator or other capital component needs replacing? Often this is done by borrowing, making monthly maintenance payments higher because of what is required to pay back a loan, creating a double whammy of current debt repayment for past depreciation and creating an excuse not to meet current obligations. In some buildings this can create a death spiral.



Axela Technologies – Your Trusted HOA Collections Solution Platform 🌟

Axela Technologies – Your Trusted HOA Collections Solution Platform 🌟

Homeowners Association (HOA) collections can be a source of stress and anxiety for those who fall behind on their dues. Nobody wants to risk losing their cherished homes due to unforeseen financial challenges. But here’s some good news – there’s a better way!

🌟 Enter Axela Technologies – Your Trusted HOA Collections Solution Platform 🌟

We understand that life sometimes throws curveballs, and financial struggles can happen to anyone. That’s why we take a compassionate and understanding approach to HOA collections, unlike some attorneys who may resort to foreclosure threats.

📖 In our latest article, we dive into the stark differences between attorneys who may pursue foreclosure and Axela Technologies, your partner in HOA collections.

💡 So, what sets Axela apart?

✅ Compassion: We genuinely care about your situation and work to find solutions that fit owner’s needs.
✅ Understanding: We know that financial difficulties can be temporary, and we’re here to help owners get back on track.
✅ Communication: We believe in transparency and open dialogue to find the best resolution.
✅ Avoid Foreclosure: Our goal is to prevent foreclosure threats and help you keep people in their homes!

Learn how to ease the burden and provide peace of mind during challenging times.

We Know Community Associations

Specialized Collection Solutions for Condos & HOAs

Take Control of Your Accounts Receivables

If your community association is suffering from high delinquency rates and long recovery times for delinquent fees, it’s time to take a proactive approach to community association collections.

The Consequences of Poor Collection Practices

When members of your HOA or Condo association pay late or have decided not to pay their fair share, it causes problems for everyone. Legal fees and dissent between the board and community members are just the start. A long-term pattern of delinquencies can affect your community’s ability to become approved for government loans for new owners, or to get loans for capital improvements.

There is an alternative to a legal process of lien and foreclosure. A  collections process is the best alternative to foreclosure.

A Better Way to Manage Delinquencies

Axela-Technologies is dedicated to helping create streamlined accounts receivable and collections tools for management companies, condo and homeowners associations and others in the real estate industry. We work with you to get a jump on recovering delinquent funds quickly, painlessly and ethically.


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  • Posted: Jan 11, 2025
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Managers here is a maintenance checklist to get the ball rolling? We’ve created just the one to help you identify problem areas before they reach critical status.

Preventive Maintenance is Key, A good manager should get out of the Office and walk the property, get your hands dirty, take action on any problem or the start of a problem you see. This way you will not have a major problem later.

SRI Consultants has come up with a great checklist for you to use. DL it below.

Sign up for your FREE 3-page property maintenance checklist now
And make sure to reach out when you require detailed inspections and repair recommendations by a licensed engineer (Hint: 30-40-50-year surveys). We look forward to your call!

Ask our AI about 4D

Do you have questions about Florida’s building safety legislation, Senate Bill 4D? Just enter your query in the textbox  and click “Send Query”. For example, try asking, “What is the Florida Senate Bill 4D?”. This AI tool is experimental and provides no warranties regarding the accuracy of its results. Use at your own risk.

AI gets smarter with every Q&A asked.  it will take time to have every query become available. Try it out. 

This AI tool is experimental and provides no warranties regarding the accuracy of its results. Use at your own risk.
Contact SRI Consultants at or call (561) 372-1290




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Introducing The Auto-Submit Platform for Servicing Delinquent Accounts! by Axela

Introducing The Auto-Submit Platform for Servicing Delinquent Accounts! by Axela

  • Posted: Jan 06, 2025
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We’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking advancement in community association management: the launch of Auto-Submit, the industry’s first AI platform for identifying and servicing delinquent accounts, by Axela Technologies.
In an industry where timely recovery of past-due assessments is paramount to financial stability, Axela’s Auto-Submit is a game-changer. This cutting-edge AI engine is designed to streamline collections processes, resulting in faster resolutions and cost-effective outcomes.


Here’s what you need to know about Auto-Submit:
Efficiency at Scale: With deep integrations with leading accounting systems, Auto-Submit allows you to automate uniform collections policies and unit submissions. This ensures consistency across your portfolio and drastically improves aging trends, all while maintaining compliance with federal, state, and local laws.

Set It and Forget It: Configuring Auto-Submit is a breeze. Set your preferences, and the system executes the process from start to finish. Say goodbye to manual interventions and hello to autopilot collections.

Enhanced Responsiveness: Auto-submit doesn’t stop at collections. Our latest release also includes features for email responsiveness and call archiving. You can ensure prompt and accurate communication with homeowners with near-immediate email responses and detailed call transcriptions.

Continuous Innovation: We’re committed to advancing our AI platform to serve your needs better. As we develop new features, you can rest assured that Axela remains at the forefront of community association management technology.

We invite you to experience the future of collections with Auto-Submit. Schedule a demo today to see how Axela can transform your collections process and drive financial stability for your community.

Upcoming Event!


April 18, 2024 @ 3PM EST.

Join us for an exclusive webinar unveiling Axela Technologies’ groundbreaking AI platform, Auto-Submit, revolutionizing delinquent account servicing in the CAM industry. Learn how our innovative solution ensures faster resolutions, compliance, and cost-effectiveness while putting your collections on autopilot. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the future of collections!

Sign up Today!

Alexa Technologies is the top Collections Company SFPMA stands behind for every Condo, HOA in the State of Florida.  Every Property Management Company and their Team members should learn how Alexa can aid them with the properties they manage.  View Axela Tech’s Membership page on our members directory.


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Condo HOA Loans: We can assist you in obtaining the necessary funds for Projects, Reserves, or Cash Flow.

Condo HOA Loans: We can assist you in obtaining the necessary funds for Projects, Reserves, or Cash Flow.

  • Posted: Jan 06, 2025
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Condo HOA Loans

We can assist you in obtaining the necessary funds for Projects Reserves or Cash Flow.

Your Trusted Community Association Financial Resource


Don’t go it alone. Whether your Community requires Conventional or Private Lending, CondoHOALoans can assist you in obtaining the necessary funds for Projects, Reserves, or Cash Flow.

When your Community Association works with our Law Firm to facilitate and secure financing, your Community will also have the optional benefit of receiving 100% FREE Delinquent Account Collection Services.

Not sure if financing is right for your Association? Download the Association Funding Options Infographic and take our Free Financial Health Survey to find out.


Take the Free Financial Health Survey

Completing this Survey will provide you with a written report you will be able to immediately download upon completion.

Take Our FREE Financial Health Survey


Association Funding Options

Getting started with CondoHOALoans is easy.

We’ll help your community identify funding resources and lending options for all of its financial needs. Our Legal Services to your community do not end at the successful closing of your loan with the Lender of YOUR choice. As a valued client of Katzman Chandler, you will have the option, but not the obligation, to have ALL future delinquent accounts collected for FREE.


The Condo Building Maintenance Crisis in Florida

As a consequence of hurricanes, business cycles, and fluctuations in the real estate market over the last 20 years, financial distress has been caused to those who live in Community Associations as well as the Communities Association entities themselves.  There presently exist hundreds (if not thousands) of communities whose stories can be illustrated by the timeline below.

Many of these communities presently have underfunded budgets, inadequate cash flow, and lack adequate reserves to accomplish necessary preventative maintenance and actual present maintenance needs. Overall, Boards are starting to realize that there is a lot to do, with little or no money to do it.


CondoHOALoans is the best solution for customized, competitive lending options.
Download the Infographic to learn more.

(833) 427-3863

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Proposals from Vendors for the yearly budgets, here are some of the things to consider

Proposals from Vendors for the yearly budgets, here are some of the things to consider

  • Posted: Jan 06, 2025
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As Board Members are asking for Proposals from Vendors for the yearly budgets, here are some of the things to consider.


Budgets take time for any Condo and HOA Community, each year many of the services paid for by these associations come under review at budget season. While its nice to think about cost savings we feel it is much more important to look at workmanship, licensing, scope of work and then Costs. SFPMA and our Members are here for every community, on our Directory finding everything from Services to the businesses that keep your operations up and running to the Legal Experts safely protecting Condo and HOA’s from disputes and Litigation.

Search our members directory, Find a Company Ask for and  Request an RFP – Request for Proposal for your buildings Budget.



1) An automatic renewal clause. While it’s ok for an agreement to continue on a month to month basis it’s wrong to saddle future board with an obligation to track and cancel an agreement on a certain date or between certain dates to keep it from automatically being extended for an additional term.

2) A right of first refusal. This allows an existing vendor to match the price and terms of any new vendor proposal and thereby force the association to keep them. Most often an association gets proposals from new contractors because they are unhappy with more than the price and terms and giving a vendor a right to stay because they agree to match price and terms, does not solve the problem and can only lead to litigation.

3) Contracts with unnecessarily long terms. While a vendor that has upfront cost for things like equipment like a laundry vendor bringing in new equipment who needs to recover the equipment cost agreement terms should be kept as short as possible. Five years might be ok for the laundry contract but would not be for a landscaping contract in this case a one year term would long enough.

4) Cancellation only for “cause” clause. Proving cause only makes the lawyers richer and can be hard to do. The best solution is to build in a “cause free” ability to cancel with a 30-day notice.



Royale Management Services, Inc

Phone: (954) 563-1269

Full-service, CAM (Community Association Management) licensed, residential property management company, specializing in management, consulting and accounting for Condominium Associations and Home Owners Associations.

“The expansion into Community Association and Home Owner’s Association management was a natural move after a number of our clients serving on condo boards asked for our help with their associations accounting, budgeting and management, due to increasing operating cost and sloppy accounting records maintained by their current bookkeepers and managers.”


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