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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

For those of you who are intelligent and decided to come to a Board Certification class in the last few months and learn all about the new safety and reserve laws, I applaud you.  It was my honor meeting you and teaching you all over the state.

I love that look in your eyes and the groan that comes over the crowd when I tell you that you do not need to be here today.  You did not have to get certified by taking what I believe is both a board certification and a life safety class.  The Florida Legislature still allows Board members to get certified by signing a ridiculous form that says you have read your governing documents and you promise to enforce them.

Are the new safety and reserve laws found in your governing documents?  Of course not.  You have to be taught them to know what you are now required to do in order that another Champlain Towers disaster never happens again.  You don’t learn these laws by staying home in your pajamas, printing a form off the computer and signing it.  When the members of your Board can get certified by signing that self-serving form, lives are at risk.

It’s ironic that they placed language in the new laws requiring the directors to follow them or face breach of fiduciary duty charges.  So…..according to The Florida Legislature, you must apply these new laws in your condominium, you just don’t have to learn them and know what is actually required of you.

Every legislator I have ever spoken to about a mandatory educational course in order to get Board certified is in favor of it.  Yet, it remains a mystery why in the past it has been removed from the statute.  The classes are free and are even accessible via ZOOM.  This year, there are several condominium bills floating around at the moment.  Not a single one has any mention of mandatory education for Board members.

Back to the title “Does The Florida Legislature Want You To Remain Dumb?”  How else would you explain it?

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  • Posted: Mar 03, 2023
  • By:


Is your condominium association prepared to accommodate unit owners who request EV charging stations?

The purchase and use of electric vehicles (EVs) are forecasted to grow exponentially in the next decade. To accommodate the need for new facilities associated with EVs, Florida law has required condominium associations to accommodate owner’s requests for EV charging stations.

While gasoline powered vehicles are still dominant on Florida’s roads, the ever-growing presence of electric vehicles cannot be ignored. The number of electric vehicles on our highways and streets continue to climb as they become more and more affordable. As consumers continue to embrace a greener lifestyle, Florida’s lawmakers have paved the way for condominium unit owners’ need to have access to electric vehicle charging stations. Effective July 1, 2018, new legislation, section 718.113(8) of the Florida Statutes, became effective which facilitates a unit owner’s ability to install and use an electric vehicle charging station within the unit owner’s limited common element parking space.

This new legislation prohibits the condominium association’s board of directors and a declaration of condominium provision or other restrictive covenants from prohibiting (or being enforced to prohibit) any unit owner from installing an electric vehicle charging station within the boundaries of the unit owner’s limited common element parking space, subject to certain conditions as laid out in this new legislation.

It is important to note that the right of installation of an electric vehicle charging station is ONLY applicable to the “limited common element” parking space and does not apply to a “common element” parking space. There is an important difference between a common element and a limited common element parking space. While all unit owners own an undivided interest in both, the limited common element parking space vests an individual use right to the owners of the unit to which the limited common element is appurtenant (connected to). Therefore, associations may prohibit the installation of electronic vehicle charging stations within the common elements or other portions of the condominium property that are maintained for the general use and benefit of all unit owners, but not as applied to a limited common element parking space, subject to the limitations and conditions of the legislation.


Thus, section 718.113(8) of the Florida Statutes, provides that, in considering a unit owner’s request to install an electric vehicle charging station, the association first must determine whether the charging station is to be installed within the boundaries of the requesting unit owner’s limited common element parking space. Whether a parking space is a limited common element is determined by the provisions of the declaration of condominium designating the parking space for the exclusive use and benefit of the owners of a specific unit.


If it is determined that the parking space is a limited common element, the unit owner may have the electric vehicle charging station installed subject to the requirements of the new legislation. These requirements provide that:

1) The installation cannot cause irreparable damage to the condominium property.

2) The unit owner is responsible for the costs of installation, operation, insurance, maintenance, repair, and removal of the charging station.

3) The electricity for the electric vehicle charging station must be separately metered and payable by the unit owner.

All of the above costs, if left unpaid by a unit owner, are enforceable by the association as any other assessment due pursuant to section 718.116, Florida Statutes, meaning if left unpaid their condominium unit can be foreclosed.


Additionally, as provided by the new legislation, the association can and should require that the unit owner:

1) comply with bona fide safety requirements, consistent with applicable building codes or recognized safety standards, for the protection of persons and property;

2) comply with reasonable architectural standards adopted by the association that govern the dimensions, placement, or external appearance of the electric vehicle charging station, provided that such standards may not prohibit the installation of such charging station or substantially increase the cost thereof;

3) engage the services of a licensed and registered electrical contractor or engineer familiar with the installation and core requirements of an electric vehicle charging station;

4) provide a certificate of insurance naming the association as an additional insured on the owner’s insurance policy for any claim related to the installation, maintenance, or use of the electric vehicle charging station within 14 days after receiving the association’s approval to install such charging station; and

5) reimburse the association for the actual cost of any increased insurance premium amount attributable to the electric vehicle charging station within 14 days after receiving the association’s insurance premium invoice.


A unit owner’s “right” to install a charging stations is not, however, without limits. An association may require that the unit owner comply with all safety requirements, applicable building codes or recognized safety standards for the protection of the association property and its members. An association may also require the unit owner to engage the services of a licensed and registered electrical contractor or an engineer that is familiar with the installation and requirements of an electric vehicle charging station. An owner wishing to install an electric vehicle charging station may also be required to comply with any reasonable architectural standards adopted by the association that govern the dimensions, placement or appearance of the electric vehicle charging station. However, such standards cannot substantially increase the cost of installation.

The new law also provides for additional safeguards for the association. For example, installation of an electric vehicle charging station may not cause irreparable damage to the condominium property. The electricity for the electric vehicle charging station must be separately metered and paid for by the unit owner making the installation. Cost of installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the electric vehicle charging station, including hazard and liability insurance, is the unit owner’s responsibility. Additionally, an association may require the unit owner to reimburse the association for the actual cost of any increased insurance premium attributable to the electric vehicle charging station. The law also shields condominium associations from construction liens resulting from the installation of electric vehicle charging stations by unit owners.

The new law does not, however, say anything about what happens if the association voluntarily opts to install “common” electric vehicle charging stations. In other words, if a condominium association opts to install these “common” electric vehicle charging stations (after complying with the necessary legal requirements) it does not mean that unit owners no longer have the right to install their own charging stations. The new law also does not address who is responsible for any costs associated with upgrading the condominium’s electrical system if an upgrade is necessary to handle the increased electrical usage. (The above 3 paragraphs Originally posted on and written by Jennifer Horan)

Just our Thought: It would be nice to see Condos installing Charging Stations, Separate Meters and then Charging Electric Car owners Fees to cover costs and a little extra for the Associations. We will see what happens?


Although your condominium association may not have received a request for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station as yet, your board of directors should be prepared for such a request. After all, it is only a matter of time. Therefore, condominium boards should consider adopting rules and regulations governing the process by which a unit owner is required to make such a request and provide for procedures by which the board of directors is to conduct its review and approval of the request.

While a unit owner desiring to install and use an electric vehicle charging station within his or her limited common element parking space will be able to do so by way of this new legislation, the association still has the authority to govern certain aspects of the installation and use and should be proactive in making rules and regulations in line with this authority. Your association’s legal counsel can be of great benefit to the board in creating a clear and concise process governing the electric car charging stations installation and use.


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Event: “Ask the Experts” Thursdays  Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

Event: “Ask the Experts” Thursdays Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

Ask the Experts’ Thursdays

Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

Attorney Robert Kaye answers your community association-related questions on this monthly addition.

Do you have questions about your condominium, homeowners’ or cooperative association? Get your questions answered live on-air, anytime during the show!

The new number is: 561-623-9429

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d) It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d) It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d)

It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

Florida state legislature took swift action to implement inspection reform to mitigate the risk of a similar tragedy in the future. As of May 27th, 2022, Florida passed several laws to keep building safer in the state by requiring specific inspections and funding mechanisms. These new Florida condo laws mean significant changes for building owners across Florida, all within a relatively short time.


  • Under the new legislation, a licensed engineer or architect must visually evaluate condominiums older than 30 years, or 25 years if the building is within 3 miles of the shore, and every 10 years thereafter.


  • A secondary inspection will be required if there is evidence of significant structural damage.


  • The new rule also mandates that condo organizations review their reserve money every ten years to ensure that they can cover substantial repairs.


This is a great Video to start your education on SB-4D

Milestone Inspections

Addition of F.S. 533.889 – Milestone Inspections


What buildings does this law affect, and what does the new law say? 

Structural inspections are now mandatory for condominium and cooperative buildings that are 3 stories or greater in height.


What do I have to do?

Have a Milestone Inspection performed when a building is 30 years old and every ten years after the initial inspection. If your building is within 3 miles of the coastline, a Milestone Inspection must be performed when the building is 25 years old and every ten years after the initial inspection.


What else do I need to know about this inspection? 

The purpose is to verify the safety and adequacy of the structural components of the building. There are two possible phases of this Milestone Inspection. If you pass the first, you don’t need the second. If you don’t pass the first, you’re required to have the second performed, which is much more extensive.

Phase 1is a visual examination and qualitative assessment. Ideally, this will be all you have to complete.

Phase 2is a full assessment of distress to determine if the building is structurally sound and safe for its intended use. The inspector is to recommend a program for complete evaluation and repair of distressed and damaged portions of the building.

On SFPMA.COM find the top rated engineers for your SB-4D Inspections.

A Florida Licensed Engineer or Architect must perform both phases of this Milestone Inspection.

Find the Top rated Engineers on our State of Florida Members Directory. Members are located all over Florida, Boards, Managers, Owners, Investors can view our open directory and find these companies to start the Inspections.


When is the deadline?

If your building is over 30 years old (or 25 if you’re within 3 miles of the coast), you must complete this inspection by December 31st, 2024.


We at SFPMA recommend you know about this new Florida condo law?

Don’t wait to get started on this. If you act now, you can likely avoid a Phase 2 inspection by correcting any items that might force you into a Phase 2, before the December 31st, 2024 date. Those who wait may be forced into a more expensive Phase 2 can’t make necessary repairs in time. (*If a building is less than 3 miles from the coastline, these inspections start at year 25). 

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JUST WALK AWAY  – By Eric Glazer, Esq.

JUST WALK AWAY – By Eric Glazer, Esq.


By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I was recently watching an interview of a black belt in karate.  In addition he was built like The Hulk.  He started to say what he does when someone curses him out and even challenges him to a fight.  I was certainly expecting him to describe how he turns others into rubble.  On the contrary, he said that whenever he finds himself in that position, instead of fighting back, he simply walks away.  To say I was originally surprised is an understatement.  I mean this guy could pulverize any opponent.  Instead, he chooses to just walk away.

He spelled out why.  If he beats someone up he faces both criminal and civil charges.  And for what?  Because some dope said a few nasty words about him?  Much better to just walk away from any situation that allows for it.  Wow, I was impressed by this guy’s brain, not just his muscle.

It got me to thinking about my career in condominium and HOA law.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing board members and unit owners verbally go at each other.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing unit or homeowners argue with other unit or homeowners?  It’s ridiculous.

In none of these arguments was anything accomplished whatsoever.  They were all a waste of time for those arguing and everyone who unfortunately had to listen to the nonsense.  I’ve seen physical fights break out and even walkers and canes fly through the air.  And for what?  What was accomplished?  Nothing.

So, board members, unit owners, home owners and even managers, I’m talking to you.  Next time someone is looking for a fight, do what the karate guy does, walk away.  It will probably drive the other person crazy.


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HOA Architectural Committees Required Statutory Procedures Requirement For Published Standards Required Self Help

HOA Architectural Committees Required Statutory Procedures Requirement For Published Standards Required Self Help

HOA Architectural Committees

Required Statutory Procedures, Requirement For Published Standards and Required Self Help.


There are strict legal requirements that a homeowners’ association’s (HOA) architectural review committee (ARC) must follow, most especially if the ARC intends to deny an owner’s request. As this author has witnessed countless times, it is likely that many ARCs do not conduct their activities in conformity with Florida law such that an ARC denial may not withstand judicial scrutiny. If these legal requirements are not followed, and the ARC denies the owner’s architectural request, then it would be quite easy for the owner to challenge the ARC’s decision and prevail. Upon prevailing, the owner would be entitled to their prevailing party attorney’s fees and costs, as well. It is so easy to avoid this outcome, yet so few associations take the time to do it right.

Pursuant to §720.303(2), Florida Statutes, a meeting of the ARC is required to be open and noticed in the same manner as a meeting of the association’s board of directors. Notice of the ARC meeting must be posted in a conspicuous place in the community at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, and the meeting must be open for all members to attend. Further, pursuant to §720.303(2)(c)(3), Florida Statutes, members of the ARC are not permitted to vote by proxy or secret ballot. Also, bare bone minutes should be taken to create a record of ARC decisions—especially denials.

We often hear from many HOAs that the ARC does not meet openly and does not notice their meetings. This leaves decisions made by the ARC vulnerable to challenge. If the ARC denies an application but fails to do so at a properly noticed board meeting, the owner can challenge the denial, claiming that it is not valid because the ARC did not follow proper procedure. In such cases, the ARC’s denial of an application is not valid because the ARC failed to comply with the procedural requirements for the meeting even if an application violates the declaration or other association-adopted architectural standards. However, by complying with the provisions of Chapter 720, Florida Statutes, your HOA can work to avoid this debacle.


Often a top priority for an HOA is ensuring that homes in the community maintain a harmonious architectural scheme in conformity with community standards and guidelines, and because the ARC is at the frontline of owners’ alterations and improvements to their homes, it is instrumental in ensuring that the community standards and guidelines are met. Pursuant to §720.3035(1), Florida Statutes, an HOA, or the ARC, “has the authority to review and approve plans and specifications only to the extent that the authority is specifically stated or reasonably inferred as to location, size, type, or appearance in the declaration or other published guidelines and standards.” But not every owner request is typically addressed in the declaration or other published guidelines and standards. If not, then the association may not be in a good position for proper denial. Therefore, the ARC is only as effective as the objective guidelines and standards (set forth in the declaration and other published guidelines and standards) are inclusive. So, what is the association to do when the ARC receives an owner’s application for an alteration to the home, but the association does not have any architectural guidelines or standards regulating the requested alteration?

While not court tested yet, a possible solution for this conundrum is to include a “catch-all” provision in the declaration to proactively address those ARC applications where a member may request a modification that is not directly addressed by the governing documents. Such a “catch-all” provision stands for the proposition that, if such a request is made, then the existing state of the community is the applicable standard by which the ARC application is to be judged. For example, imagine if an owner applies to the ARC to paint the owner’s house pink. If there are no architectural guidelines or standards that address what color a house must be, and there are no pink houses in the community, then the existing state of the community may provide a lawful basis for the ARC to deny the request because there are no existing pink houses in the community.


What if an owner refuses to maintain the owner’s property, such as pressure washing a dirty roof, despite the HOA sending demand letters, levying a fine, and perhaps even suspending the owner’s right to use the HOA’s recreational facilities? What is the HOA’s next step? Is it time to file a lawsuit to compel compliance? Well, Chapter 718 (governing condominiums), Chapter 719 (governing cooperatives), and Chapter 720 (governing HOAs) of the Florida Statutes authorize the association to bring an action at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of the declaration against the owner. Additionally, many declarations contain “self-help” language that authorizes the association to cure a violation on behalf of the owner and even, at times, assess the owner for the costs of doing so. These “self-help” provisions generally contain permissive language, meaning the association, may, but is not obligated to, cure the violation. Sadly, in this instance the word “may” means “shall,” and to find out why, read on.

There is a general legal principal that, if a claimant has a remedy at law (e.g., the ability to recover money damages under a contract), then it lacks the legal basis to pursue a remedy in equity (e.g., an action for injunctive relief). Remember, too, that an association’s declaration is a contract. In the context of an association, the legal remedy would be exercising the “self-help” authority granted in the declaration. An equitable remedy would be bringing an action seeking an injunction to compel an owner to take action to comply with the declaration. Generally, a court will only award an equitable remedy when the legal remedy is unavailable, insufficient, or inadequate.

Assume that the association’s declaration contains both the permissive “self-help” remedy and the right to seek an injunction from the court. Accordingly, it would appear the association has a decision to make—go to court to seek the injunction or enter onto the owner’s property, cure the violation, and assess the costs of same to the owner. However, recent Florida case law affirmed a complication to what should be a simple decision. In two cases decided ten years apart, Alorda v. Sutton Place Homeowners Association, Inc., 82 So.3d 1077 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2012) and Mauriello v. Property Owners Association of Lake Parker Estates, Inc., 337 So.3d 484 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2022), Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal decided that an association did not have the right to seek an injunction to compel an owner to comply with the declaration if the declaration provided the association the authority, but not the obligation, to engage in “self-help” to remedy the violation. Expressed simply, this is because the legal contractually based “self-help” remedy must be employed before one can rely upon equitable remedy of an injunction. Therefore, even though the declaration provided for an optional remedy of “self-help,” it must be used before seeking the equitable remedy of an injunction.

In Alorda, the owners failed to provide the association with proof of insurance required by the declaration. Although the declaration allowed the association to obtain the required insurance, the association filed a complaint against the owners seeking injunctive relief, asking the court to enter a permanent mandatory injunction requiring the owners to obtain the requested insurance. The owners successfully argued that even though they violated the declaration, the equitable remedy of an injunction was not available because the association already had an adequate legal remedy—the “self-help” option of purchasing the required insurance and assessing them for same. The Court agreed.

In Mauriello, the declaration contained similar language as in Alorda but involved the issue of the owners failing to keep their lawn and landscaping in good condition as required by the declaration. The association filed a complaint seeking a mandatory injunction ordering the owners to keep their lawn and landscaping in a neat condition. However, the facts were complicated by the sale of the home in the middle of the suit when the new owners voluntarily brought the home into compliance with the declaration. The parties continued to fight over who was entitled to prevailing party attorney’s fees with the association arguing it was entitled to same because the voluntary compliance was only obtained after the association was forced to commence legal action. The owners, citing Alorda, argued that the complaint should have been dismissed at the onset because the association sought an equitable remedy (injunction) when a legal remedy was already available—the exercise of its “self-help” authority. The Court considered the award of attorney’s fees after the dismissal of the association’s action for an injunction. Ultimately, the Court held that the owners were the prevailing party as the association could not seek the injunction because it already had an adequate remedy at law.

Accordingly, if your association’s declaration contains a “self-help” provision, and your association desires to seek an injunction against an owner rather than pursue “self-help,” the board should discuss the issue in greater detail with the association’s legal counsel prior to proceeding. Also, remember that if the association wants to enforce architectural standards, then they must be published to the membership; and always remember to notice ARC meetings and take minutes.

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ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall

9:00 am-11:00 am 02/24/2023

Juno Beach Town Hall
340 Ocean Dr, Juno Beach, FL 33408, USA

Coffee, Registration and Networking 9:00am | Seminar begins at 9:30am

To attend at the venue: RSVP to (302)588-3104 or email

Attend via Zoom: Click HERE

The marketplace for insurance – Why are companies leaving Florida or choosing not to insure? What is the role of Citizen’s Insurance?

What is in the recent legislation that is helpful to condo associations and HOAs?  Is there more legislation looming?  How does helping the insurers help owners and associations?

Which upgrades to your facilities will positively impact on an insurer’s willingness to insure your association?


  • Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)
  • Chris Banker, President (Patriot Insurance)
  • Steven Mock, Risk Manager (Brown and Brown Insurance)


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Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association

Presented by Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

Feb 10, 2023 02:00 PM

Register NOW

The Florida Legislature convened for a Special Session specifically to address property insurance and other topics starting December 12, 2022. Among the legislation, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 2A, which makes sweeping changes to the property insurance claims process, reinsurance, regulation of insurance companies and more. This webinar will summarize SB-2A.

Speaker: Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

This webinar is informational only, is not to be considered legal advice, and contains no CE credit (or certificates).


CAN YOU REPEAT THAT?     Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

CAN YOU REPEAT THAT? Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

  • Posted: Feb 08, 2023
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Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

Additional Clarity Provided

If your condominium is greater than 75 feet tall, then you need to read this article (most especially due to a small but meaningful typo in the prior version which is now revised with the red text below).

It is essential for condominium associations to ensure that their buildings are in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code (the “Fire Code”). For the safety of all residents, associations must ensure they stay up to date with the latest and greatest in fire safety provisions. One of these essential safety features is a requirement that systems be built into new and existing buildings to ensure that first responders’ radios will work throughout buildings in an emergency situation. Pursuant to Section 11.10.1 of the Fire Code, “in all new and existing buildings, minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the AJH [the authority having jurisdiction]. Additionally, Section 11.10.2. provides that where required by the authority having jurisdiction, two-way radio communication enhancement systems must comply with the requirements of the Fire Code.

When originally adopted, the requirements of Sections 11.10.1 and 11.10.2 of the Fire Code applied only to new buildings, so the requirement was not a burden on existing buildings. However, in 2013, the Fire Code was updated as set out above to provide that all new and existing buildings must maintain adequate fire department radio signal strength inside the building. This new requirement applied to all buildings and did not provide a grace period. This posed a significant problem for many high-rise condominiums, as the installation of the necessary equipment involves opening walls and ceilings and can be quite costly to the association. The cost of such installation was a substantial burden to condominiums, not expecting to be required to install same, and therefore never budgeted for the installation.

Recognizing the problem, in 2016 the Florida Legislature adopted section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, which provided a grace period for high-rise buildings. Existing high-rise buildings were not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications until January 1, 2022. You may be thinking, “that date is passed”, but do not panic. If your condominium has not yet complied with the requirements, have no fear. The 2021 Florida Legislature amended section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, to provide another extension for compliance.

In accordance with the newly amended statute, existing high-rise buildings now have until January 1, 2025 to come into compliance with the requirements. However, the association must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation by January 1, 2024. More specifically, section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, is amended to provide, in pertinent part, that:

(18) The authority having jurisdiction shall determine the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications in all new high-rise and existing high-rise buildings. Existing buildings are not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications and two-way radio system enhancement communications as required by the Florida Fire Prevention Code until January 1, 2025. However, by January 1, 2024, an existing building that is not in compliance with the requirements for minimum radio strength for fire department communications must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation with the local government agency having jurisdiction and must demonstrate that the building will become compliance by January 1, 2025. Existing apartment buildings are not required to comply until January 1, 2025…

Therefore, all existing high-rise buildings must come into compliance by January 1, 2025. It is important to note that this time extension applies only to high-rise buildings. By way of over simplification, it does not apply to buildings less than 75 feet tall (the measurement can be tricky, so if your building is close to 75 feet check with your association attorney regarding this measurement). In 2018, the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal issued a Declaratory Statement finding that section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes does not apply to the enforcement of Section 11.10 of the Fire Code to buildings under 75 feet in height. Therefore, if your building is greater than 75 feet in height, it is required to comply with the radio signal strength required by the authority having jurisdiction at this time.

In light of the foregoing, it is essential that your association take action to determine whether sufficient fire department radio signal exists in your building. We recommend the association reach out to the local fire code official to determine the exact requirements for your jurisdiction. If sufficient signal does not exist in your building, it is essential to prepare a plan (including design, permits, financing, etc.) to ensure that your building will comply by the deadline of January 1, 2025.

New Florida laws take effect in January, including from recent special session / SFPMA

New Florida laws take effect in January, including from recent special session / SFPMA

New Florida laws take effect in January.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — The new year means a few new Florida laws will go into effect, after passage during the 2022 legislative session, as well as the bills passed in December’s special session.

Eight new laws go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023. Among the various bills’ effects, Floridians can expect changes to newborn healthcare, public notices, and ways to file taxes in 2023.

Arguably the least controversial is a bill that requires newborns to be tested for congenital cytomegalovirus within three weeks of birth. CMV is the most common infectious cause of birth defects in the United States.

The virus affects one in every 200 babies each year. Senate Bill 292, passed with widespread support in the March 2022 legislative session, aims to catch long term health problems that cmv causes like hearing and vision loss.

Also taking effect in January is a bill allowing local government agencies the option to publish legal notices on a publicly accessible website instead of in a print newspaper.

House Bill 7049 also takes effect Jan. 1, 2023, but hasn’t seen the uniform support that the newborn screening bill did. Lawmakers weighed in on the impacts.

“This is the most available legal notices will be for people in the history of Florida,” Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary).

However, former Sen. Gary Farmer (D-Broward), the former Senate minority leader, argued against the bill.

“The bottom line is the underlying intent of bills like this throughout the country are to weaken news outlets and close the vice grip of corporate control over the news,” Farmer said.

Another piece of legislation, Senate Bill 2514 allows more taxpayers to file taxes electronically by authorizing the Florida Department of Revenue to lower the payment threshold from $20,000 to $5,000.

Those were just a few of the laws going into effect next year. Also starting in January are the bills passed during the December special session of the legislature focused on property insurancetoll relief, and Hurricane disaster recovery.

2022 Laws Already in Effect:

  • HJR 1: Additional Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Specified Critical Public Service Workforce
  • SB 58: Relief of Yeilyn Quiroz Otero by Miami-Dade County
  • SB 70: Relief of Donna Catalano by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • SB 74: Relief of Harry Augustin Shumow/Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, d/b/a Jackson Memorial Hospital
  • SB 80: Relief of Christeia Jones/Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • SB 96: Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund
  • SB 98: Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund
  • SB 156: Loss Run Statements
  • HB 159: Pub. Rec./Lottery Winners
  • SB 282: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
  • SB 288: Electronic Dissemination of Commercial Recordings and Audiovisual Works
  • SB 350: Procedures for Petitions for Utility Rate Relief
  • HB 395: “Victims of Communism Day”
  • HB 397: Court Fiscal Administration
  • SB 364: Specialty License Plates
  • SB 430: Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
  • SB 434: Florida Tourism Marketing
  • SB 438: United States Space Force
  • HB 455: Rupert J Smith Law Library, St. Lucie County
  • HB 457: St. Lucie County
  • HB 461: Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program Student Service Requirements
  • HB 471: Town of Lake Clarke Shores, Palm Beach County
  • SB 494: Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • HB 513: Comprehensive Review Study of the Central and Southern Florida Project
  • SB 514: Substitution of Work Experience for Postsecondary Educational Requirements
  • SB 518: Private Property Rights to Prune, Trim, and Remove Trees
  • SB 520: Public Records and Public Meetings
  • SB 524: Election Administration
  • SB 534: Prescription Drugs Used in the Treatment of Schizophrenia for Medicaid Recipients
  • HB 535: Barefoot Bay Recreation District, Brevard County
  • HB 539: Nursing Home Financial Reporting
  • SB 542: Evidentiary Standards for Actions Arising During an Emergency
  • HB 543: Uterine Fibroid Research and Education
  • SB 544: Drug-related Overdose Prevention
  • SB 566: Mental Health Professional Licensure
  • SB 638: Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Pilot Program
  • SB 704: Substance Abuse Service Providers
  • HB 749: Fraud Prevention
  • SB 846: Florida Statutes
  • SB 848: Florida Statutes
  • SB 850: Florida Statutes
  • SB 852: Florida Statutes
  • HB 873: Pub. Rec./Execution Information
  • HB 893: Child Welfare Placements
  • HB 895: Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District, Manatee and Sarasota Counties
  • HB 925: Benchmark Replacements for London Interbank Offered Rate
  • SB 926: Licensure Examinations for Dental Practitioners
  • HB 927: Downtown Crystal River Entertainment District, Citrus County
  • HB 929: City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County
  • SB 934: Public Records/Homelessness Counts and Information Systems
  • SB 962: Residential Development Projects for Affordable Housing
  • SB 968: Individual Retirement Accounts
  • SB 988: In-person Visitation
  • HB 993: Sebring Airport Authority, Highlands County
  • HB 1045: West Villages Improvement District, Sarasota County
  • SB 1046: Public Records/Law Enforcement Geolocation Information
  • HB 1047: Cedar Hammock Fire Control District, Manatee County
  • SB 1048: Student Assessments
  • HB 1057: Evidence of Vendor Financial Stability
  • SB 1058: Property Insurer Reimbursements
  • SB 1062: Service of Process
  • SB 1078: Soil and Water Conservation Districts
  • HB 1103: North River Ranch Improvement Stewardship District, Manatee County
  • HB 1105: Lake County Water District, Lake County
  • HB 1107: City of Inverness, Citrus County
  • HB 1135: Santa Rosa County
  • HB 1189: Firefighters’ Relief and Pension Fund of the City of Pensacola, Escambia County
  • SB 1222: Acute and Post-acute Hospital Care at Home
  • HB 1231: East Lake Tarpon Community, Pinellas County
  • SB 1239: Nursing Homes
  • SB 1380: Real Property Rights
  • HB 1423: City of Edgewood, Orange County
  • HB 1427: Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
  • HB 1429: City of Ocala, Marion County
  • HB 1431: City of Apopka, Orange County
  • HB 1433: Orange County
  • HB 1435: Code and Traffic Enforcement
  • HB 1475: Cleanup of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
  • HB 1495: Immokalee Water and Sewer District, Collier County
  • HB 1497: City of Jacksonville, Duval County
  • HB 1499: City of Key West, Monroe County
  • HB 1563: Homestead Property Tax Exemptions for Classroom Teachers, Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, Child Welfare Professionals, and Servicemembers
  • HB 1581: Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
  • HB 1583: Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, Escambia County
  • HB 1591: Hernando County
  • SB 1614: Public Records/Motor Vehicle Crashes/Traffic Citations
  • SB 1658: Executive Appointments
  • SB 1808: Immigration Enforcement
  • SB 2516: Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims
  • HB 6513: Relief/Kareem Hawari/Osceola County School Board
  • SB 7014: Civil Liability for Damages Relating to COVID-19
  • HB 7027: The Judicial Branch

Taking Effect in July:

  • HB 3: Law Enforcement
  • HB 5: Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality
  • HB 7: Individual Freedom
  • HB 31: Firefighter Inquiries and Investigations
  • HB 45: Educational Opportunities for Disabled Veterans
  • HB 105: Regulation of Smoking By Counties and Municipalities
  • SB 144: Identification Cards
  • SB 160: Transportation-related Facility Designations
  • HB 173: Care of Students with Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders
  • HB 195: Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction
  • SB 196: Florida Housing Finance Corporation
  • HB 197: Pub. Rec./Nonjudicial Arrest Record of a Minor
  • SB 222: Swimming Pool Specialty Contracting Services
  • SB 224: Regulation of Smoking in Public Places
  • HB 225: Charter School Charters
  • SB 226: Care for Retired Police Dogs
  • SB 235: Restraint of Students with Disabilities in Public Schools
  • SB 236: Children with Developmental Delays
  • SB 254: Religious Institutions
  • HB 255: Private Instructional Personnel Providing Applied Behavior Analysis Services
  • SB 266: Motor Vehicle Insurance
  • SB 282: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
  • SB 288: Electronic Dissemination of Commercial Recordings and Audiovisual Works
  • SB 312: Telehealth
  • SB 350: Procedures for Petitions for Utility Rate Relief
  • SB 352: Construction Liens
  • HB 357: Pharmacies and Pharmacy Benefit Managers
  • HB 375: Structural Engineering Recognition Program for Professional Engineers
  • HB 381: Breach of Bond Costs
  • HB 397: Court Fiscal Administration
  • SB 418: Assistive Technology Advisory Council
  • HB 423: Building Regulation
  • SB 442: Powers of Land Authorities
  • HB 453: Officer and Firefighter Physical Examination Requirements and Records
  • SB 454: Florida Commission on Offender Review
  • HB 469: Patient Care in Health Care Facilities
  • SB 474: Recreational Off-highway Vehicles
  • HB 481: Temporary Underground Power Panels
  • HB 459: Step-therapy Protocols
  • HB 469: Patient Care in Health Care Facilities
  • SB 514: Substitution of Work Experience for Postsecondary Education Requirements
  • SB 518: Private Property Rights to Prune, Trim, and Remove Trees
  • SB 534: Prescription Drugs Used in the Treatment of Schizophrenia for Medicaid Recipients
  • HB 539: Nursing Home Financial Reporting
  • SB 542 Evidentiary Standards for Actions Arising During an Emergency
  • HB 543: Uterine Fibroid Research and Education
  • SB 544: Drug-related Overdose Prevention
  • SB 562: Military Occupational Licensure
  • HB 593: Telecommunicator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • SB 596: Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsels
  • SB 598: Public Records/Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel Office
  • SB 606: Boating Safety
  • HB 615: Human Trafficking
  • HB 631: Airport Funding
  • SB 632: Occupational Therapy
  • SB 634: Judicial Notice
  • HB 689: Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • SB 706: School Concurrency
  • SB 722: Education for Student Inmates
  • SB 752: Probationary or Supervision Services for Misdemeanor Offenders
  • SB 758: Education
  • SB 768: Department of Health
  • SB 806: Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Forms of Dementia Education and Public Awareness
  • HB 817: Emergency Medical Care and Treatment to Minors Without Parental Consent
  • HB 837: Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program
  • SB 838: Fire Investigators
  • SB 854: Florida Statutes
  • HB 855: Managed Care Plan Performance
  • SB 856: Private Provider Inspections of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems
  • SB 882: Inventories of Critical Wetlands
  • SB 896: Educator Certification Pathways for Veterans
  • SB 898: Lodging Standards
  • HB 899: Mental Health of Students
  • HB 909: Pollution Control Standards and Liability
  • SB 914: Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • HB 915: Commercial Motor Vehicle Registration
  • HB 921: Campaign Financing
  • HB 959: Department of Financial Services
  • HB 963: Funding for Sheriffs
  • HB 965: Environmental Management
  • HB 967: Golf Course Best Management Practices Certification
  • SB 1000: Nutrient Application Rates
  • SB 1006: State Symbols
  • SB 1012: Victims of Crimes
  • HB 1023: Insolvent Insurers
  • SB 1038: Florida Seaport Transportation and economic Development Council
  • SB 1048: Student Assessments
  • SB 1054: Financial Literacy Instruction in Public Schools
  • HB 1097: Florida Citrus
  • HB 1099: Living Organ Donors in Insurance Policies
  • SB 1110: Grease Waste Removal and Disposal
  • HB 1119: Grandparent Visitation Rights
  • SB 1140: Alarm Systems
  • SB 1186: Agritourism
  • SB 1190: Two-way Radio Communication Enhancement Systems
  • HB 1209: Administration of Vaccines
  • SB 1222: Acute and Post-acute Hospital Care at Home
  • SB 1236: County and Municipal Detention Facilities
  • SB 1244: Statutes of Limitation for Offenses Relating to Sexual Performance by a Child
  • SB 1246: County and Municipal Detention Facilities
  • HB 1249: Treatment of Defendants Adjudicated Incompetent to Stand Trial
  • SB 1262: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • SB 1304: Public Records/Trust Proceedings
  • HB 1349: Guardianship Data Transparency
  • SB 1360: Governor’s Medal of Freedom
  • SB 1368: Trusts
  • SB 1374: Clinical Laboratory Testing
  • HB 1411: Floating Solar Facilities
  • HB 1421: School Safety
  • SB 1432: Vessel Anchoring
  • HB 1445: OGSR/Dependent Eligibility Information/DMS, contingent upon SB 7026
  • HB 1467: K-12 Education
  • HB 1469: Transportation Facility Designations
  • SB 1474: Online Training for Private Security Officers
  • SB 1502: Estates and Trusts
  • SB 1526: Public Records/Annuity Contract Payees
  • SB 1552: Direct-support Organization for the Florida Prepaid College Board
  • HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education
  • HB 1577: Homeless Youth
  • SB 1680: Financial Institutions
  • SB 1712: Veteran Suicide Prevention Training Pilot Program
  • SB 1764: Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy Program
  • SB 1770: Donor Human Milk Bank Services
  • SB 1844: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • SB 1950: Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program
  • SB 2510: Florida Gaming Control Commission
  • SB 2518: Information Technology
  • SB 2524: Education
  • SB 2526: Health
  • SB 2530: Motor Vehicle Title Fees
  • HB 5001: General Appropriations Act
  • HB 5003: Implementing the 2022-2023 General Appropriations Act
  • HB 5005: Collective Bargaining
  • HB 5007: State-administered Retirement Systems
  • HB 5009: State Group Insurance Program
  • HB 5301: Capitol Complex
  • SB 7026: OGSR/Dependent Eligibility Verification Services
  • HB 7029: Time Limitations for Preadjudicatory Juvenile Detention Care
  • SB 7034: Child Welfare
  • SB 7036: Lifeline Telecommunications Service
  • SB 7044: Postsecondary Education
  • HB 7053: Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience
  • HB 7055: Cybersecurity
  • HB 7057: Pub. Rec. and Meetings/Cybersecurity, contingent upon HB 7055
  • HB 7065: Child Welfare
  • HB 7071: Taxation

Laws Taking Effect in 2023

  • HB 273: Money Services Businesses, takes effect Jan. 1, 2023
  • SB 292: Newborn Screenings, takes effect Jan. 1, 2023
  • SB 336: Uniform Commercial Code, takes effect Jan. 1, 2023
  • SB 754: Mobile Home Registration Periods, takes effect Sept. 1, 2023
  • HB 7049: Legal Notices, takes effect Jan. 1, 2023