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Four reasons why hydrojetting can be important for winter maintenance in the state of Florida. by GreenTeam Building Services.

Four reasons why hydrojetting can be important for winter maintenance in the state of Florida. by GreenTeam Building Services.

Hydrojetting is a method of cleaning and maintaining pipes using high-pressure water to remove debris, sediment, and other buildups. While Florida generally experiences milder winters compared to many other regions, there are still reasons why hydrojetting can be important for winter maintenance in the state:

1. Preventing Clogs from Cold Weather Effects: Hydrojetting prevents winter temperature-related pipe blockages by breaking down and flushing out materials that can solidify in colder water.
2. Clearing Debris from Storms and Heavy Rain: Heavy rain and storms during Florida winters can lead to debris accumulation in sewer systems. Hydrojetting clears these obstructions, preventing potential flooding.
3. Maintaining Sewer System Efficiency: Regular hydrojetting as part of winter maintenance prevents blockages and backups, ensuring the optimal year-round operation of sewer systems.
4. Addressing Potential Tree Root Intrusions: Hydrojetting is effective in removing and preventing tree root intrusions into sewer lines, reducing the risk of disruptions during winter months.
Hydrojetting is crucial for Florida’s winter maintenance, addressing challenges like temperature-related clogs, storm debris, and tree root intrusions. Stay proactive in preserving your commercial properties sewer systems’ efficiency by contacting us today!
📍 North Andrews Avenue Extension
Pompano Beach, Florida 33069
📞 Call us at (954) 210-4100
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Mandatory Condominium & Cooperative Building Inspections and Non-Waivable Reserve Requirements | SENATE BILL 4-D

Mandatory Condominium & Cooperative Building Inspections and Non-Waivable Reserve Requirements | SENATE BILL 4-D

  • Posted: Mar 28, 2024
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Mandatory Condominium & Cooperative Building Inspections and Non-Waivable Reserve Requirements | SENATE BILL 4-D


We are getting so many calls from condo owners about inspections.  SFPMA thought why not re-post a great article about the inspections  what led up to this changes and what going forward are the requirements in Florida.  

With home insurers leaving Florida in droves, and following pressure from members of both political parties in the legislature to actually do something about it, in May 2022, the governor called a special legislative session to address the problem. A very real concern to the insurers is the effect of both time and inclement weather on Florida’s aging high-rise buildings. Until now, and for the most part, Florida law largely ignored these concerns. Enter Senate Bill 4-D (SB 4-D) which already became effective upon being signed into law by Governor DeSantis on May 26, 2022. This new piece of legislation addresses condominium and cooperative building inspections and reserve requirements (while this article primarily addresses these new laws in the context of condominium association application, they are equally applicable to cooperative associations).

By way of background, during the regular legislative session, there were several bills introduced in the Florida House of Representatives (House) and in the Florida Senate (Senate) addressing building safety issues, but none of them were passed into law due to the inability to match the language of the bills in both the House and the Senate which is a requirement for legislation to pass and go to the governor for consideration. As such, it was a little surprising to many observers that the legislature was able to approve SB 4-D in essentially a 48-hour window during the special session in May. The language used in SB 4-D was initially drafted into a proposed bill in November 2021. At that time, and during the most recent legislative session, input was provided by many industry professional groups including engineers, reserve study providers, and association attorneys. Many of these industry professionals indicated that there were challenges with some of the language and concepts being proposed in SB 4-D during session.

Notwithstanding these challenges, and in an effort to ensure some form of life safety legislation was passed this year, SB 4-D was unanimously approved in both the House and Senate and signed by the governor. A plain reading of this well intended, but in some instances not completely thought-out, legislation evidences these challenges. Some will say it is a good start that will need significant tweaking, which is expected during the 2023 Legislative Session. Others praise it, and yet others say it is an overreach of governmental authority, such as an inability to waive or reduce certain categories of reserves. You be the judge. We begin by examining the mandatory inspection and reserve requirements of SB 4-D.


You will not find these new milestone inspection requirements in Chapters 718 or 719 of the Florida Statutes, but rather in Chapter 553, Florida Statutes, as cited above.


The term “milestone inspection” means a structural inspection of a building, including an inspection of load-bearing walls and the primary structural members and primary structural systems as those terms are defined in section 627.706, Florida Statutes, by a licensed architect or engineer authorized to practice in this state for the purposes of attesting to the life safety and adequacy of the structural components of the building and, to the extent reasonably possible, determining the general structural condition of the building as it affects the safety of such building, including a determination of any necessary maintenance, repair, or replacement of any structural component of the building. The purpose of such inspection is not to determine if the condition of an existing building is in compliance with the Florida Building Code or the fire safety code.


The term “substantial structural deterioration” means substantial structural distress that negatively affects a building’s general structural condition and integrity. The term does not include surface imperfections such as cracks, distortion, sagging, deflections, misalignment, signs of leakage, or peeling of finishes unless the licensed engineer or architect performing the phase one or phase two inspection determines that such surface imperfections are a sign of substantial structural deterioration.


A condominium association under chapter 718 and a cooperative association under chapter 719 must have a milestone inspection performed for each building that is three stories or more in height by December 31 of the year in which the building reaches 30 years of age, based on the date the certificate of occupancy for the building was issued, and every 10 years thereafter.


If the building is three or more stories in height and is located within three miles of a coastline, the condominium association or cooperative association must have a milestone inspection performed by December 31 of the year in which the building reaches 25 years of age, based on the date the certificate of occupancy for the building was issued, and every 10 years thereafter.

The condominium association or cooperative association must arrange for the milestone inspection to be performed and is responsible for ensuring compliance.

The condominium association or cooperative association is responsible for all costs associated with the inspection.


If a milestone inspection is required under this statute and the building’s certificate of occupancy was issued on or before July 1, 1992, the building’s initial milestone inspection must be performed before December 31, 2024. If the date of issuance for the certificate of occupancy is not available, the date of issuance of the building’s certificate of occupancy shall be the date of occupancy evidenced in any record of the local building official.

Upon determining that a building must have a milestone inspection, the local enforcement agency must provide written notice of such required inspection to the condominium association or cooperative association by certified mail, return receipt requested.

Within 180 days after receiving the written notice the condominium association or cooperative association must complete phase one of the milestone inspection. For purposes of this section, completion of phase one of the milestone inspection means the licensed engineer or architect who performed the phase one inspection submitted the inspection report by e-mail, United States Postal Service, or commercial delivery service to the local enforcement agency.


    (a) PHASE 1: For phase one of the milestone inspection, a licensed architect or engineer authorized to practice in this state must perform a visual examination of habitable and non-habitable areas of a building, including the major structural components of a building, and provide a qualitative assessment of the structural conditions of the building. If the architect or engineer finds no signs of substantial structural deterioration to any building components under visual examination, phase two of the inspection (discussed below) is not required. An architect or engineer who completes a phase one milestone inspection shall prepare and submit an inspection report.

    (b) PHASE 2: A phase two of the milestone inspection must be performed if any substantial structural deterioration is identified during phase one. A phase two inspection may involve destructive or nondestructive testing at the inspector’s direction. The inspection may be as extensive or as limited as necessary to fully assess areas of structural distress in order to confirm that the building is structurally sound and safe for its intended use and to recommend a program for fully assessing and repairing distressed and damaged portions of the building. When determining testing locations, the inspector must give preference to locations that are the least disruptive and most easily repairable while still being representative of the structure. An inspector who completes a phase two milestone inspection must prepare and submit an inspection report.


Upon completion of a phase one or phase two milestone inspection, the architect or engineer who performed the inspection must submit a sealed copy of the inspection report with a separate summary of, at minimum, the material findings and recommendations in the inspection report to the condominium association or cooperative association, and to the building official of the local government which has jurisdiction. The inspection report must, at a minimum, meet all of the following criteria:

(a) Bear the seal and signature, or the electronic signature, of the licensed engineer or architect who performed the inspection.

(b) Indicate the manner and type of inspection forming the basis for the inspection report.

(c) Identify any substantial structural deterioration within a reasonable professional probability based on the scope of the inspection, describe the extent of such deterioration, and identify any recommended repairs for such deterioration.

(d) State whether unsafe or dangerous conditions, as those terms are defined in the Florida Building Code, were observed

(e) Recommend any remedial or preventive repair for any items that are damaged but are not substantial structural deterioration

(f) Identify and describe any items requiring further inspection.


A local enforcement agency may prescribe time lines and penalties with respect to compliance with the milestone inspection requirements.

A board of county commissioners may adopt an ordinance requiring that a condominium or cooperative association schedule or commence repairs for substantial structural deterioration within a specified time frame after the local enforcement agency receives a phase two inspection report; however, such repairs must be commenced within 365 days after receiving such report. If an association fails to submit proof to the local enforcement agency that repairs have been scheduled or have commenced for substantial structural deterioration identified in a phase two inspection report within the required time frame, the local enforcement agency must review and determine if the building is unsafe for human occupancy.


Upon completion of a phase one or phase two milestone inspection and receipt of the inspector-prepared summary of the inspection report from the architect or engineer who performed the inspection, the association must distribute a copy of the inspector-prepared summary of the inspection report to each unit owner, regardless of the findings or recommendations in the report, by United States mail or personal delivery and by electronic transmission to unit owners who previously consented to receive notice by electronic transmission; must post a copy of the inspector-prepared summary in a conspicuous place on the condominium or cooperative property; and must publish the full report and inspector-prepared summary on the association’s website, if the association is required to have a website.


Pursuant to section 718.112, Florida Statutes, if an association is required to have a milestone inspection performed, the association must arrange for the milestone inspection to be performed and is responsible for ensuring compliance with all of the requirements thereof. The association is responsible for all costs associated with the inspection.


If the officers or directors of an association willfully and knowingly fail to have a milestone inspection performed pursuant to section 553.899, Florida Statutes, such failure is a breach of the officers’ and directors’ fiduciary relationship to the unit owners.


If a community association manager or a community association management firm has a contract with a community association that has a building on the association’s property that is subject to milestone inspection, the community association manager or the community association management firm must comply with the requirements of performing such inspection as directed by the board.


For clarity, the otherwise required milestone inspection does not apply to a single family, two-family, or three-family dwelling with three or fewer habitable stories above ground.


The Florida Building Commission must review the milestone inspection requirements and make recommendations, if any, to the legislature to ensure inspections are sufficient to determine the structural integrity of a building. The commission must provide a written report of any recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 31, 2022.

The Florida Building Commission must consult with the State Fire Marshal to provide recommendations to the legislature for the adoption of comprehensive structural and life safety standards for maintaining and inspecting all types of buildings and structures in this state that are three stories or more in height. The commission must provide a written report of its recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 31, 2023.


The reserve legislation set out in section 718.112 (f)(2)(a), Florida Statutes, is, for all intents and purposes, re-written. Prior to examining these most recent revisions, it is necessary to first examine the definitions set out in section 718.103, Florida Statutes, where a brand new term is added as follows:

Structural integrity reserve study means a study of the reserve funds required for future major repairs and replacement of the common areas based on a visual inspection of the common areas applicable to all condominiums and cooperative buildings 3 stories or higher.

Hereafter, the structural integrity reserve study is referred to as “SIRS”. Now we can turn our attention to the requirements of the SIRS as set out in section 718.112 (f)(2)(a), Florida Statutes

THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY (required for all condominium and cooperative buildings three stories or higher regardless of date of certificate of occupancy):

An association must have a SIRS completed at least every 10 years after the condominium’s creation for each building on the condominium property that is three stories or higher in height which includes, at a minimum, a study of the following items as related to the structural integrity and safety of the building:

a. Roof
b. Load-bearing walls or other primary structural members
c. Floor
d. Foundation
e. Fireproofing and fire protection systems
f.  Plumbing
g. Electrical systems
h. Waterproofing and exterior painting
i.  Windows
j. Any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000 and the failure to replace or maintain such item negatively affects the items listed in subparagraphs a.-i., as determined by the licensed engineer or architect performing the visual inspection portion of the structural integrity reserve study.

The SIRS may be performed by any person qualified to perform such study. However, the visual inspection portion of the structural integrity reserve study MUST be performed by an engineer licensed under chapter 471 or an architect licensed under chapter 481.

As further set out in the legislation, at a minimum, “a structural integrity reserve study must identify the common areas being visually inspected, state the estimated remaining useful life and the estimated replacement cost or deferred maintenance expense of the common areas being visually inspected, and provide a recommended annual reserve amount that achieves the estimated replacement cost or deferred maintenance expense of each common area being visually inspected by the end of the estimated remaining useful life of each common area.”

The amount to be reserved for an item is determined by the association’s most recent structural integrity reserve study that must be completed by December 31, 2024. If the amount to be reserved for an item is not in the association’s initial or most recent structural integrity reserve study or the association has not completed a structural integrity reserve study, the amount must be computed using a formula based upon estimated remain useful life and estimated replacement cost or deferred maintenance expense of each reserve item.

If the condominium building is less than three stories then the legislation provides that, “in addition to annual operating expenses, the budget must include reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. These accounts must include, but are not limited to, roof replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing, regardless of the amount of deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost, and any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000.”

The association may adjust replacement reserve assessments annually to take into account any changes in estimates or extension of the useful life of a reserve item caused by deferred maintenance.

If an association fails to complete a SIRS, such failure is a breach of an officer’s and director’s fiduciary relationship to the unit owners.


As to the SIRS, the legislation is patently clear that unit owners may not vote for no reserves or lesser reserves for items set forth SIRS report. There is on-going debate amongst attorneys in regard to whether a condominium under three stories can waive or reduce reserves for any of the reserve items required to be in the SIRS that are included in the under three story condominium reserve, for example, roof and painting (For those interested, examine lines 1029 to 1033 and 1050 to 1071 in SB 4-D).


Before turnover of control of an association by a developer to unit owners other than a developer pursuant to section 718.301, Florida Statutes, the developer-controlled association may not vote to waive the reserves or reduce the funding of the reserves (Previously, a developer could fully waive all reserves for the first two years, meaning this is a monumental change).


Before a developer turns over control of an association to unit owners other than the developer, the developer must have a SIRS completed for each building on the condominium property that is three stories or higher in height.


Official records of the condominium and cooperative association include structural integrity reserve studies, financial reports of the association or condominium, and a copy of the inspection reports and any other inspection report relating to a structural or life safety inspection of condominium or cooperative property.

In addition to the right to inspect and copy the declaration, bylaws and rules renters have the right to inspect the milestone inspection report and structural integrity reserve study inspection reports as well.

Structural integrity reserve studies must be maintained for at least 15 years after the study is completed. In addition, inspection reports report and any other inspection report relating to a structural or life safety inspection of condominium property must be maintained for 15 years after receipt of such report.


In addition to other positing requirements, the inspection reports described above and any other inspection report relating to a structural or life safety inspection of condominium property and the association’s most recent structural integrity reserve study must be posted to the website.


Pre-turnover, the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (Division) may enforce and ensure compliance with rules relating to the development, construction, sale, lease, ownership, operation, and management of residential condominium units, and complaints related to the procedural completion of milestone inspections. After turnover has occurred, the Division has jurisdiction to investigate complaints related only to financial issues, elections, and the maintenance of and unit owner access to association records, and the procedural completion of structural integrity reserve studies.


On or before January 1, 2023, condominium associations existing on or before July 1, 2022, must provide the following information to the Division in writing, by e-mail, United States Postal Service, commercial delivery service, or hand delivery, at a physical address or e-mail address provided by the division and on a form posted on the division’s website:

    1. The number of buildings on the condominium property that are three stories or higher in height.
    2. The total number of units in all such buildings.
    3. The addresses of all such buildings.
    4. The counties in which all such buildings are located.

An association must provide an update in writing to the division if there are any changes to the information in the list within six months after the change.


As a part of the sales process, the seller of a condominium or cooperative unit and developers must provide to potential purchasers a copy of the inspector-prepared summary of the milestone inspection report and a copy of the association’s most recent structural integrity reserve study or a statement that the association has not completed a structural integrity reserve study.


As with any new legislation of such a substantial nature, there often follow in subsequent years what are referred to as “glitch bills” which help provide additional clarity, remove ambiguity, and fix unintended errors. To name a few: (i) the term “common areas” is used in the legislation when in fact the correct term is “common element;” (ii) clarity needs to be provided regarding whether reserve items that are required to be in SIRS, but show up in the under three story reserves, such as paint and paving, can be waived or reduced by the membership; and (iii) for those buildings that are within three miles of the coastline, additional clarity could be provided to provide better guidance as to how to perform the measurement.




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  • Posted: Mar 27, 2024
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House Bill 1203 and SB 7046 merged to eventually create a huge bill for the protection of homeowners in HOAs.  It starts by placing lots of responsibilities on community association managers.

A community association manager or community association management firm that is authorized by contract to provide community association management services to a homeowners’ association must do all of the following:

(a) Attend in person at least one member meeting or board meeting of the homeowners’ association annually.

(b) Provide to the members of the homeowners’ association the name and contact information for each community association manager or representative of a community association management firm assigned to the homeowners’ association, the manager’s or representative’s hours of availability, and a summary of the duties for which the manager or representative is responsible. The homeowners’ association must also post this information on the association’s website or application required under s.720.303(4)(b). The community association manager or community association management firm must update the homeowners’ association and its members within 14 business days after any change to such information.

(c) Provide to any member upon request a copy of the contract between the community association manager or community association management firm and the homeowners’ association and include such contract with association’s governing documents.

So what do you think so far of the new protections for members of an HOA?

Every Sunday:  Ask Questions get them answered! 

Join us Sunday at 11am on YouTube


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Funding Construction Projects (Loans, Assessments & Reserves)  Presented by Synovus. Course provided & taught by Kaye Bender Rembaum’s Kerstin Henze, Esq.

Funding Construction Projects (Loans, Assessments & Reserves) Presented by Synovus. Course provided & taught by Kaye Bender Rembaum’s Kerstin Henze, Esq.

  • Posted: Mar 27, 2024
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Funding Construction Projects (Loans, Assessments & Reserves)

MARCH 28 | 11am Est | Live via Zoom

Presented by Synovus. Course provided & taught by Kaye Bender Rembaum’s Kerstin Henze, Esq.

If you have difficulty seeing the graphics below, CLICK HERE for details and/or to RSVP.

Funding Construction Projects

Date & Time:   Mar 28, 2024 11:00 AM in 
Hosted by Synovus Bank. Course provided by Kaye Bender Rembaum. Funding Construction Projects (Loans, Assessments and Reserve Spending) Course# 9630148 | Provider# 0005092 | 1 CEU in IFM or ELE Instructor: Kerstin Henze, Esq.
Attendees will learn about the process of funding construction projects. The primary focus of the program is to review with attendees the different sources of funds that may be available to address construction projects and the procedures to be followed to properly utilize those sources of funds. Attendees will learn tips to avoid pitfalls when planning for large projects. Synovus’ community association specialist will be on hand to cover the lending aspects of the seminar.
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Please join us March 15th.for a free milestone inspection event—Beyond Compliance: Smart Strategies for Effective Milestone Inspections.  This seminar will provide you with information and tools you can immediately utilize to ensure the safety and longevity of your structures.

Please join us March 15th.for a free milestone inspection event—Beyond Compliance: Smart Strategies for Effective Milestone Inspections. This seminar will provide you with information and tools you can immediately utilize to ensure the safety and longevity of your structures.

  • Posted: Mar 13, 2024
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Beyond Compliance: Smart Strategies for Effective Milestone Inspections
This event is all about going beyond mere compliance and discovering smart strategies for effective milestone inspections.
Targeted to property managers and HOA officers responsible for high-rise residential buildings more than 25 years old,
This seminar will provide attendees with information and tools they can immediately utilize to ensure the safety and longevity of their structures.
Don’t miss this opportunity to network with South Florida industry experts. Mark your calendars for an informative and engaging event!
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Subscribe to the Condo Craze and HOAs YouTube channel and hit the notifications bell so you never miss a moment.


What are the topics that you believe should dominate the condominium and HOA landscape? What are the issues that we may be missing or that simply deserve more coverage?

We want to hear from you! Feel free to share your questions before Sunday’s broadcast, join us with a call during the live show, or type them into the YouTube chat. The choice is entirely yours!


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As always, we’ll be taking your calls on whatever topic you need answers to or whatever you need to get off your chest. Call in with your question & comments or ask them in the live YouTube chat!

Glazer and Sachs presents a forum for board members and owners to tell their side of the story. Hosted by Eric Glazer, a recognized authority in community association law, Condo Craze and HOAs offers valuable insights and lively discussions, attracting a diverse audience of homeowners and board members.


How long should HOA repairs take?

How long should HOA repairs take?

How long should HOA repairs take?

We recently published an article on how communities can speed up maintenance projects. In this article, we’ll look at how long some common maintenance jobs should take to complete.


Table of contents


The obligation to maintain the property

HOAs have an obligation to maintain certain parts of the development. They must set aside a portion of the dues or fees collected from owners to pay for big and small maintenance projects. If the association fails to meet those obligations, it not only creates safety problems for members, but legal issues for the association as well.

If members feel that the board is not properly caring for the property, they can write official complaints, vote to remove board members, or even sue the HOA.

Maintenance must be taken seriously, but it is far easier to manage when you have a system or solution that enables you to organize components, schedule/assign work, and track tasks.


Defining maintenance obligations

The maintenance responsibilities of an association versus those assigned to individual owners depend primarily on whether the item or equipment is classified as part of a common area, exclusive use common area, or separate interest.

Common areas typically refer to shared spaces such as pools, sidewalks and roads. Exclusive use common areas are spaces or elements used by one or more, but fewer than all, of the owners. Separate interests are the separately owned lots belonging to members.

While some maintenance obligations are quite clear, others can be a little murky. This is especially true with exclusive common areas since they tend to be things like patios and windows. Roof maintenance may also be confusing; some HOAs cover roof repairs while others do not.

The association’s CC&Rs should detail maintenance obligations and define who is responsible for what. But if there is some uncertainty, boards are advised to refer to civil codes and/or consult with the HOA’s attorney.


Why timelines matter

There are several reasons why time matters when it comes to maintenance projects. The main one is so staff and management can plan for disruptions and costs. However, there are times when maintenance work will impact owners, and they will also need to know approximately how long the work will impact their day-to-day lives.

For example, if a parking lot is being repaved, owners will need to be informed of the work, they will need to move their vehicles before the work begins, and know how long they will have to find temporary parking.

Contractors can’t know for sure how long maintenance work will take to complete, but they should be able to provide an educated estimate. Tracking the time it takes for professionals to complete routine and unplanned maintenance is another good way to predict future repair timelines. Having this knowledge allows those responsible for setting up maintenance work to complete projects with more confidence (plus they’ll know if a vendor is taking too long to complete certain jobs).


How long should HOA repairs take?

There is no way to know for sure how long any maintenance project will take. Even a standard preventative maintenance job can become lengthy if a contractor discovers additional damage to an element. Other factors, including availability of materials, permit requirements, complexity of the project, size of the community, and weather will all impact the timeline of a project.

That being said, below are some estimates of how long common HOA maintenance work takes to complete.

To get a more accurate time estimate, speak with a contractor or repair expert. They will be able to look at the specific qualities of your community and provide you with a realistic timeline.

Pool repairs

There are many different types of pool repairs. Some can be completed in a couple of hours while others will take several days.

A simple structural leak generally takes a day or two of work. Half a day is needed to complete the first step of a crack injection repair, and another half day is required to “staple” the cracks together and plaster the damaged area.

If your pool has a heater and the warming system breaks, the entire pool may be shut down for a week. The heater can be replaced in a day, but it could take longer. After the new pool heater is installed, it might be another three days before the pool is warm enough to use again.

Most plumbing leaks can be resolved in two days, but the time it takes to fix a pool leak from plumbing can vary according to the extent of the damage.

Pool resurfacing involves the removal and replacement of the top layer of the pool surface. This may be done to give the pool a clean fresh look, or to address several small cracks. In general, this renovation process takes one to three weeks.


Water/electricity lines

A water line is an underground pipe that transports water from a water source to a home’s or building’s service pipe. These pipes typically run beneath sidewalks and streets.

A water line pipe might crack, allowing water to spill out. This can cause many issues, including unsanitary water, higher water bills, low water pressure, and floods.

Due to the severity of this problem, a water main break needs immediate attention. Plumbing technicians will need to turn the water off while they repair the break. Once the pipe is in working order, they will flush it before reconnecting it to the plumbing system.

The good news is this type of repair only takes between four and eight hours.

If an electricity line goes out due to weather, it can generally be restored in a couple of hours. However, if an entire pole comes down, the outage could easily last a full day.



In many cases, HOAs have delegated the responsibility of maintaining roofs to the individual owners. But if the association covers the costs of repairs, expect each home to take up 1-3 days of the contractors’ time. More complex designs and materials will add time to that estimate.


Gutters and downspouts

Routine maintenance of gutters and downspouts prevents more serious water damage from occurring. Like roofs, many HOAs have stated that owners are responsible for maintaining these items.

Minor gutter repairs can be completed in as little as one to two hours. Partial replacements can take two to four hours, and full replacements can take two to three days of work.

The timing is similar for downspout repairs and replacements.


Parking lots

Most HOAs can complete routine parking lot maintenance in two to three weeks, but timing will vary depending on the size of the lot and weather conditions.

Paving can take less than a week, but keep in mind that proper curing (letting the asphalt cool and settle) is an important part of the process as well. Depending on the size of the parking lot, thorough curing can take anywhere from one to two weeks.


General landscaping

While not a traditional repair, landscaping is a maintenance job that can be hard to plan for, at least the first couple of times. The size of the property, availability of materials, and weather conditions can greatly impact the time it takes to finish the job. Once you have found a landscaper that you like, you will become more familiar with the time it takes to do certain jobs.

From start to finish, most projects fall into the two- to three-week range, but cutting grass or trimming plans can take half a day.



HOAs have an obligation to maintain certain areas of the development. By scheduling routine maintenance, associations help prolong the useful life of elements and components, and keep the community safe and attractive too.

It’s important for staff, board members and management to have repair timelines so that they can budget for costs and time accordingly. While projects don’t always go according to plan, just having a guideline allows them to manage expectations more effectively.


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Join Becker’s Jennifer Biletnikoff and David Muller on Wednesday, February 21 at 12PM EST for a webinar to learn the ins and outs,Are you ready to serve on your HOA or Condo Board?

Join Becker’s Jennifer Biletnikoff and David Muller on Wednesday, February 21 at 12PM EST for a webinar to learn the ins and outs,Are you ready to serve on your HOA or Condo Board?

  • Posted: Feb 20, 2024
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Are you ready to serve on your HOA or Condo Board? If so, you must comply with Florida’s certification requirements.

Join Becker’s Jennifer Biletnikoff and David Muller on Wednesday, February 21 at 12PM EST for a webinar to learn the ins and outs, Are you ready to serve on your HOA or Condo Board?

and how to avoid potential liability associated with your new role. By attending this online class, you’ll earn CEU credits to satisfy the statutory requirement, so you are eligible to serve.

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2 ELE Credits
Provider: #0000811
Course: #9630016
If you are planning to serve on your homeowner association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected. Our HOA/Condo Board Certification class is designed to satisfy the statutory requirement so that you are eligible to serve. More importantly, it will provide the tools and information you need to perform your job well and to avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Topics Covered:
• Defining your fiduciary duty
• Analyzing association operations
• How to properly maintain the association’s books and records
• The pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution
• Avoiding common election pitfalls
• Preparing budgets and funding reserves
• Understanding financial reporting requirements
• Assessing insurance needs for common areas
• Defusing conflict within the community
PLEASE NOTE: Instructions to receive certificate of completion or CEU credit will be emailed a few business days after the class has concluded.
This online class will be presented on Zoom! Full live viewing instructions will be sent to all registrants.
REGISTER NOW:…/landi…/rsvp-blank.asp
Jennifer L. Biletnikoff
Naples Becker
David G. Muller
Naples | Sarasota
RSVP for free to attend a Lunch & Learn at the Weston Community Center on Feb. 21st at 11:30am. Topic: “Managing Conflict Management in HOAs and Condos”.

RSVP for free to attend a Lunch & Learn at the Weston Community Center on Feb. 21st at 11:30am. Topic: “Managing Conflict Management in HOAs and Condos”.

  • Posted: Feb 20, 2024
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RSVP for free to attend a Lunch & Learn at the Weston Community Center on Feb. 21st at 11:30am. Topic: “Managing Conflict Management in HOAs and Condos”.

This also gets CAMS a credit in HR!

Guest panelists include Weston Commissioner Mary Molina Macfie and Kaye Bender Rembaum’s Michael S. Bender, offering their perspectives.

The instructor is Marcy Kravit, PCAM (Hotwire Communications). Lunch provided by Blue Tiger Wellness and is complimentary to those who register.

Here is the link:

ACE Lunch & Learn in Weston

Presented by Hotwire Communications’, Marcy Kravit, PCAM, “Creating Harmony: Managing Conflict Management in Community Associations”. DPBR approved credit for CAMS! Course# 9632176. Provider# 8912. One HR CEU. Panel Guests: Michael Bender, Esq. (Kaye Bender Rembaum) & Mary Macfie (Weston City Commissioner).


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM EST


Weston Community Center
20200 Saddle Club Rd
Weston, FL 33327


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CEU course “Navigating the FFHA: Assistance Animal or Pet?” next week on Feb. 20th. Alan Schwartzseid of KBR

CEU course “Navigating the FFHA: Assistance Animal or Pet?” next week on Feb. 20th. Alan Schwartzseid of KBR

  • Posted: Feb 20, 2024
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We are presenting the CEU course “Navigating the FFHA: Assistance Animal or Pet?” next week on Feb. 20th. Alan Schwartzseid from KBR will be the instructor.

Use the link to enroll for free: 

Feb 20, 2024 02:00 PM
Presented by Alan Schwartzseid, Esq., of Kaye Bender Rembaum Learn about the HUD regulations and Florida Legislation pertaining to assistance animals, as well as common issues concerning assistance animals and addressing requests by residents for reasonable accommodations. Provider #: 0005092 | Course #: 9631847 | 1 CE credit in OPP or Elective
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