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Fishy Legal Tactics HOA Attorneys Have Used for Collections by Mitch Drimmer

Fishy Legal Tactics HOA Attorneys Have Used for Collections by Mitch Drimmer

  • Posted: Feb 05, 2022
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Fishy Legal Tactics HOA Attorneys Have Used for Collections

Mitch Drimmer  / Axela Tech


Thinking outside the box can be great, especially in the homeowners association and condo association industry. It’s what makes our signature collections process here at Axela so successful.

But out-of-the-box thinking can be used against you, too. Attorneys are always looking for new ways to make the most money, even HOA attorneys. Time and again we’ve seen the tricks they use claiming to try to collect for your association, but really they’re just lining their own pockets. So often, using an HOA attorney ends with the association losing the money owed to them, and having to pay on top of that to cover lengthy legal efforts that didn’t succeed anyway.

Every time we hear stories about the crazy lengths some lawyers will go to when collecting for HOAs or condos, we start to think maybe the box is there for a reason.

Unjust Enrichment Someone Expense Someone Else

Unjust Enrichment

A while back we talked about a community in a sticky collections situation. One of their unit owners had passed away, leaving a mortgage-free title to an heir. But, it came with a $13,000 tax certificate (which had been sold to an investor) and $17,000 owed to the association, as well as a tax-deed sale that had already been set. The perfect storm for the association to lose out on a hefty chunk of change. Now Axela was able to draft a clever plan to avoid that and had to act quickly to make it work, but if we hadn’t been called in, here’s what would have happened:

The HOA’s attorney wanted to let the unit go to the tax-deed sale and then file a suit for something called “unjust enrichment.” This is a claim basically stating that someone (in this instance, the investor who’d purchased the tax certificate) was paid at the expense of someone else (the association).

This is a risky play for a lot of reasons: first, if the tax sale goes through, the money owed to the association is ‘wiped out,’ meaning there is no chance of recovering money from the sale or from the owner after the fact. Additionally, if the judge found that the investor was not unjustly enriched (which is the likely outcome) their tax lien would have been rightly prioritized over association fees.

So the idea of unjust enrichment was a wild reach that was almost certainly going to be unsuccessful in recovering for the association. But it would have been a definite way to tack on a ton of hours in legal fees for the attorney, wouldn’t it?

Fishy Lawsuits Questionable HOA Attorneys

Sneaking In New Rules

Fishy lawsuits aren’t the only questionable trick attorneys have up their sleeves. One client we worked with had an attorney attempt to completely ignore state statutes by advising the Board to modify the community’s governing documents to contradict state laws. This was complicated and unethical for several reasons, like the fact that governing documents don’t overrule state statutes (something an HOA attorney would be WELL aware of!) so the attorney’s time and counsel which they charged the association for were totally unnecessary.

To add insult to injury, these changes were made to try to force the bank to take responsibility for debt owed to the association, creating a lengthy legal battle as part of this ridiculous plan. Again, we’re seeing a trend of attorneys being paid but the association not recovering their lost income – in fact, the community often winds up owing the attorney more for their efforts and having to write off the bad debt from the delinquent assessments. Talk about throwing good money after bad!

Attorneys Being paid associations not recovering

Just Because it’s Legal Doesn’t Make it Ethical

Clearly, all HOA attorneys are not the same, and we hope that your community association’s attorney is an upstanding and ethical partner for your community. You need your attorney to be available to advise you on decisions the Board makes to help prevent future lawsuits and to deal with any that do come.

But your attorney is just one of the tools in your community association’s toolbox. Just as you wouldn’t use your HOA attorney (and pay their high fees) to perform management tasks, you also shouldn’t be hiring your attorney to perform collections. The attorney’s only recourse is to take the issue to the courts. That means pursuing foreclosure, or, if that’s not likely to be successful, trying some legal scheme like these that will get the attorney paid for their time, but is unlikely to end with money in the association’s pocket.

The Attorney's Recourse To The Courts

Treating People Like People

Thinking outside the box can be great, but the more we hear about the crazy legal hoops attorneys find to jump through that only seem to take advantage of the association, the more we think that they need the box.

There’s at least one ethical, merit-based way that has a 95% success rate when it comes to collecting debts owed to associations: Axela. Our proprietary technology and process empowers defaulted homeowners to set up payment plans they can actually pay off, rather than harassing them for lump sums of money they’ll never be able to repay, or putting them out of their home in a foreclosure.

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Tree Maintenance and the Potential Impact of Section 163.045, Florida Statutes by Sarah Wilson of Becker

Tree Maintenance and the Potential Impact of Section 163.045, Florida Statutes by Sarah Wilson of Becker

  • Posted: Feb 02, 2022
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Tree Maintenance and the Potential Impact of Section 163.045, Florida Statutes

by Sarah Wilson of Becker


In general, a community association is responsible for operating and maintaining the common areas of the community (in the case of homeowners’ associations), and the common elements (in the case of condominium associations). If there are trees located on these common areas/elements, the association’s maintenance duties will include trimming and even the removal of trees that may be dead or dying.  Before performing any significant trimming or removal of trees, however, an association must determine whether any prior governmental approval is required.

It is common for counties and/or cities to have ordinances regulating the planting, removal, and replanting of trees in residential areas and requiring a permit prior to the removal of certain trees. Section 163.045, Florida Statutes, which went into effect on July 1, 2019, appears to change the extent to which local governments can enforce such tree regulations. Interpretation issues, however, leave the true scope of the statute unknown, particularly as it relates to community associations.

The statute, which was intended to strengthen property owners’ rights against local government overreach, prohibits local governments from requiring notice, application, approval, permit, fee, or mitigation for the pruning, trimming, or removal of a tree on residential property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or property.  Additionally, under the statute a local government may not require a property owner to replant a tree that was pruned, trimmed, or removed in accordance with this section.  [Note: Section 163.045, Florida Statutes, does not apply to the exercise of specifically delegated authority for mangrove protection pursuant to ss. 403.9321-403.9333, Florida Statutes.]

In applying this statute, it is important to note that it only applies to “residential property” and only to trees which are documented by a certified arborist or a Florida licensed landscape architect as “present[ing] a danger to persons or property.” Both exemption requirements present interpretation issues. The fact that “residential property” is not defined has caused some governmental authorities to question whether this exemption would even apply to common areas/elements in the community association setting.  Additionally, the requirement that a certified arborist or licensed landscape architect must document that a tree “presents a danger to persons or property” is problematic in that dangerous is not a term that is normally used or defined in the tree care industry’s risk assessment standards. Rather, assessments of tree safety by such professionals focus on the qualified risk of trees, and how this relates to the statute’s use of the word “danger” remains to be seen.

Local governments have acknowledged that the statute sets up some interpretation issues, and it has been reported that different jurisdictions are reaching different results.  The consequences of an association, without prior approval, trimming or removing trees in a jurisdiction that is interpreting this statute as not applying to common areas/elements could be code enforcement actions, costly fines, or other remedial measures. For this reason, before trimming or removing trees from the common areas/elements, it is recommended that associations consult with their association attorney to discuss how their local governments are interpreting this statute and whether or not local ordinances must still be followed before pruning, trimming, or removing trees.


 Sara K. Wilson

Attorney at Law



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The New York Times was doing a story about the incredible number of condominiums in Miami and how fast they were all built read it here!

The New York Times was doing a story about the incredible number of condominiums in Miami and how fast they were all built read it here!

  • Posted: Jan 31, 2022
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

So, I get a call a few weeks ago from a reporter at The New York Times.  He was doing a story about the incredible number of condominiums in Miami and how fast they were all built.  How the entire skyline on the coast changed dramatically in the past 40 years or so and if it’s possible that The Champlain Towers in Miami was just a freak occurrence, or something that we need to start thinking about regarding all condominiums that were rushed through and given the green light.  Is it possible for other similarly situated buildings to start falling down?

The story is somewhat startling but not surprising.  It’s a story about greed, out of control construction, tampering with Mother Nature, little to no inspections, rushed through permits,  law firms and politicians helping developers  and The Florida Legislature turning a blind eye towards all of it.

If you’re living in a building in Miami, this is a must read.  If you don’t live in Miami, but are concerned about whether or not your building was built properly, it’s a must read as well.  Besides myself, there are politicians, builders, developers and other experts that tell their side of the story in detail.  Some of it is shocking.

Because so many turned their backs years ago, no wonder the story is called THE TICKING CLOCK OF MIAMI’S CONDO EMPIRE.  You should also know that coincidentally, Robert Lisman, who is the resident from Champlain Towers East, is the producer of our Condo Craze You Tube channel.  It’s a long article but again, it’s a must read.  To read it, click the Towers and the Ticking Clock below:

The Towers and the Ticking Clock


How to Manage Littoral Zones in Florida by SOLitude

How to Manage Littoral Zones in Florida by SOLitude

  • Posted: Jan 30, 2022
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How to Manage Littoral Zones in Florida

Littoral Zones in Florida Waterbodies

Florida is famous for its beautiful wetlands, but these natural treasures are threatened by hundreds of different factors, from the composition of bottom sediments to features in the surrounding landscape. The space where these environments meet provides valuable insight about the health and diversity of an aquatic ecosystem. This unique area is called the littoral zone.

What Is a Littoral Zone?

The littoral zone is the down-sloping shelf of a pond or lake. This is the area that stretches from the high-water mark to the shore and into the area where sunlight penetrates through to the sediments at the bottom of a waterbody. Although the exact definition of littoral zone can change depending on the waterbody, it is generally considered the shallow area close to the shore in both saltwater and freshwater environments.

When healthy, the littoral zone looks like a miniature wetland. The beneficial plants that grow here often feature purple, white, yellow, or blue flowers that usually bloom all year long in Florida’s climates. These plants may include Golden Canna, Pickerelweed, Southern Blue Flag Iris, Fragrant Water Lily, and Florida Swamp-Lily.

Importance of a Littoral Zone

The littoral zone or littoral shelf supports a large number of native plants and aquatic life. Because Florida’s aquatic species are so diverse, some plants can survive partially or completely submerged while others do just fine floating on the water’s surface. Waterbodies that support a wide variety of native plant species tend to provide more nutrients to the native wildlife that are key to maintaining cover and habitat. In addition to supplying food to ponds and lake fish, local plants help maintain balanced levels of oxygen and other key elements.

Benefits of a Littoral Zone

In addition to protecting the health of lakes or ponds, the littoral zone can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any Florida waterbody. When filled with thriving plants and wildlife, a well-tended littoral zone adds value to the shoreline and even the surrounding property.

A littoral zone helps improve water quality by fostering beneficial species that consume the excess nutrients that contribute to nuisance algae and invasive aquatic weed growth. Additionally, when located near a flow structure, the littoral shelf helps filter out the minerals and nutrients in water before it leaves the lake or pond. This improved water quality has the added benefit of keeping mosquitos at bay and reducing foul odors exuding from the water.

Littoral shelves also help maintain the shoreline and prevent erosion. The native plant roots hold the soil and make the banks more stable and durable, which in turn helps reduce the need for extensive restoration or dredging projects in the future.

Littoral Zone Maintenance

Because the littoral zone transitions from dry land to the aquatic environment, it responds to natural and human influences and activities in the land ecosystem as well as the aquatic one. And because it is important for many industrial and recreational purposes, the littoral shelf is often drastically affected by human activities that amplify algal and weed growth, nutrient loading, overgrowth of invasive species as well as cause acidification and fluctuations in the water level. This underscores the importance of the littoral zone and littoral shelf maintenance for the health of lakes and ponds.

Establish A SOL Pro Plan for A Balanced, Healthy Waterbody

When properly established and managed, the littoral zone is less likely to require herbicide or algaecide applications. Recurring proactive management strategies such as nutrient remediation, biological bacteria applications, water quality testingaerationOxygen Saturation Technology (OST), and other sustainable solutions can have a lasting positive impact in Florida’s delicate aquatic environments. A SOL Pro Annual Management program will help any property owner prolong the balance and beauty of their lake or pond’s littoral zone.


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BuildingLink – Forward Focus: Re-engineering for the next 20 years by Richard Worth Regional Sales Director – Florida

BuildingLink – Forward Focus: Re-engineering for the next 20 years by Richard Worth Regional Sales Director – Florida

  • Posted: Jan 25, 2022
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BuildingLink – Forward Focus: Re-engineering for the next 20 years

by BuildingLink


The “What” and “Why” behind the changes BuildingLink is making.

BuildingLink has been hard at work – making our groundbreaking management system even better! The BuildingLink architecture we launched 20 years ago has withstood well the test of time – as evidenced by our amazing 5,800 property customer base. We know it is time to revisit and re-engineer what we had built, to make our management platform even more amazing. What are we currently working on?


We started with these core modules – Maintenance & Repairs, Amenity Reservations, Unit Overview, and Announcements – and have nearly completed rearchitecting their entire back end and front-end with these goals in mind:

·  Creating a state-of-the-art, eye-pleasing design.

·   Enhancing BuildingLink’s navigation experience by switching to a new single-page application (SPA) approach using Vue.js (instead of server-based page rendering) with dynamic drill-downs, pop-ups, and mouse-overs.

·   Implementing a super-secure back-end data layer built on API calls (technology that protects, limits, and speeds up access to your data).

·   Modularizing the code functionality to make it more predictable, reusable, and expandable by our developer team.

·   Preparing our site to support the latest and greatest in scalable, resilient technology – the stuff developers are excited to work with!

·   Moving to an entirely new and more “muscular” data center with better and faster servers and lots more internet connections. (Now Complete)

We hope you like what you have been seeing – we’re designing the changes by asking, managers, board members and BuildingLink fans to participate in our evolution through continuous user feedback.

We’ve already implemented more than 30 awesome suggestions from our valued BuildingLink users (THANK YOU!).


Rest assured that we take every bit of feedback to heart. We are working on the most important things first, the best way to influence the changes you would like to see is to please share with us your feedback
Call or email our Florida Sales Director

Thank you
Richard Worth
Regional Sales Director – Florida



Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo and HOA Delinquency by Axela Tech.

Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo and HOA Delinquency by Axela Tech.

  • Posted: Jan 25, 2022
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Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo and HOA Delinquency

by Bob Gourley / Axela Technologies

As an HOA delinquency collections professional, I frequently handle collection issues involving home and unit owners who have fallen behind in the timely payment of their association. So I know all too well the very real emotional cost paid by both debtor and collector. Timely payment and collection of common fees and assessments is as basic a business transaction as there is. However, because real human beings are involved, the transaction is often wrought with human emotion. Many times, those emotions range from tragic to hostile. Using a specialized debt collection agency for your condo or HOA delinquency problems isn’t just practical, it could be a lifesaver!


Pay Close Attention to the Person Behind the Debt Curtain

Unfortunately, regardless of how a condominium or HOA is managed—professionally or by the association itself—HOA delinquency cannot go unchallenged. If common fees and assessments aren’t collected in a timely fashion, the association suffers. Monies that were budgeted for association expenses aren’t available and, in some extreme cases, the good-paying owners in the community could be forced to cover the delinquencies through increased dues or assessments. This is an unfair situation that can cause serious distress in your community.

Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo and HOA Delinquency


That said, consider this: when a homeowner hasn’t paid their association dues for multiple months, there are typically underlying circumstances and turmoil. Money is tight for whatever reason and the homeowner has decided that the association can wait for their money. Studies have shown that people experiencing financial hardships are far more prone to physical and emotional illness. Approaching someone who is experiencing financial hardship is challenging and should be handled by someone trained in doing so, as the conversation will likely be unpleasant.

Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo and HOA Delinquency


Preparing for a Difficult Conversation

Should a delinquent homeowner decide to call the association or management firm to discuss their delinquency and address how they will repay the association, it will almost certainly be a lengthy call. It typically starts pleasant enough but quickly devolves into a discussion of non-association business items and explanations (or excuses) of why the fees cannot be paid at this time. The debtor will often play to the empathy of the person receiving the call, expecting that their story will convince the call recipient of their goodness and their intent to pay eventually when things get better for them. But the association is a business, and no amount of empathy can erase the fact that the money they owe is very much needed to keep the community healthy and successful. Homeowners often fail to remember that they don’t just live in a house that they call home, they live in a collection of homes that rely on one another to thrive, and any dollars lost can cause real struggle.

Shifting the Emotional Burden of Condo & HOA Delinquency

Once they are reminded of that, the call tends to escalate into anger because the debtor isn’t getting the leniency they hoped for or want. If you have ever received a call like this, you know exactly what I am talking about. These calls often end with little to no positive outcome.

In fact, there is usually a negative outcome. The debtor is upset because the call didn’t go their way. They still owe the money and they are now convinced that the association doesn’t care about them. The call recipient is typically upset because they have spent a great deal of time hearing the sad tale of woe and then being subjected to the debtor’s anger when things didn’t go their way. I have heard tales of people listening to the debtor for 25 to 30 minutes and then needing just as long to recover from the sad and hurtful phone call before being able to get back on task. This is a great emotional expense, but it can also be a great financial expense for time lost to an unproductive activity.


Hand Off the Emotional Burden

Using a specialized and fully licensed condo and HOA delinquency collection service such as Axela Technologies makes perfect sense in this situation. The association or management firm simply places the delinquent home or condo owner into our collections system as needed. At no cost or risk to the association, Axela Technologies’ highly-trained debt collection professionals take that burden off the association or association management firm. Since working with delinquent owners is all we do, you can bet we are equipped to handle the emotional cost of delinquency to the owner as well as the association. Since our service is merit-based, there is no extra financial burden on the good-paying owners. We take a negative and turn it into a positive.

Get in touch with Axela Technologies and avoid the emotional cost of delinquency for your association and your association members. Axela Technologies handles all collections on a merit-based system. Visit our website at today to get in touch with one of our collections experts.


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Why do you need a website in 2022?

Why do you need a website in 2022?

  • Posted: Jan 25, 2022
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AAA Computer Website and Social Media Design Company (established in 1996 ) is a premium design agency that focuses on quality, innovation, & speed. We utilize technology to bring results that grow our clients businesses. We pride ourselves in great work ethic, integrity, and end-results. Throughout the years AAA has been able to create stunning, designs in multiple verticals while allowing our clients to obtain an overall better web presence. We offer Emergency Website Repair for your existing site!

The websites we produce are clean and fresh, each uniquely designed. Furthermore, we endeavor to ensure all our sites meet the accessibility standards demanded by the World Wide Web Consortium. Our websites are tested in the most commonly used browsers at different screen resolutions.

Top Reasons Your Business Needs A Website in 2022

1: Customers Expect It
2: Your Business Will Gain High Credibility
3: Cost-Effective Solution For Today’s Viewer
4: Your Customers Can Stay Updated On NEW Products
5: Accessible Around the Clock 365 Days A Year
6: You’ll Appear In Google Search Results
7: More Customers (Means More Profit)
8: Target A Wider Audience Worldwide
9: It Provides A Medium to Showcase Your Work
10: Communication With Customers
11: Marketing
12: You Can Beat Your Competitors

For More Information Call Us Today!
AAA Computer Website and Social Media Company

Find us on the Members Directory of SFPMA

With the new Law – Florida CS/HB 1237- One part of this is Every Condo, HOA and Association will have to inform owners and keep documents and Files available to All Owners. These Condos will need WEBSITES for this to be compliant. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH DESIGNING YOUR WEBSITE!


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Should I feed the ducks? by Allstate Resource Management

Should I feed the ducks? by Allstate Resource Management

Should I feed the ducks?

Allstate Resource Management

First of all, it is not healthy for them as they become dependent on people for food. The best food for ducks is what they eat naturally— algae, insects and a variety of plants which are abundant in our subtropical climate. Humans most often feed them bread and similar items. These have no nutritional value for the duck. Additionally, feeding by humans makes the ducks reliant on such hand-outs, too lazy to continue foraging for their natural dietary items and uneaten “human” food will rot quickly in warm weather.

Second, feeding ducks encourages them to use the neighborhood as their bathroom, leaving droppings on patios, sidewalks and porches. As a result, controversies frequently arise between residents who enjoy the birds and residents who consider them a nuisance. Even duck lovers have complained about the problem of duck droppings on the lawns, drive-ways, patios, and even in their swimming pools. This is not healthy for people, particularly for the children playing in these areas. Wild ducks can spread disease to humans.  When small children, the elderly and persons with immune system problems directly handle newly-hatched chicks, they may be exposed to salmonella. Muscovies can also transmit disease to wild waterfowl. All confirmed outbreaks of DVE, also known as duck plague (a sometimes-devastating viral infection) in wild waterfowl have been linked to domestic ducks. Fowl cholera is another serious disease that is transmittable between domestic and wild waterfowl. Although we have had no major outbreaks reported yet in Florida, the potential for Muscovies to spread this disease to wild waterfowl is a biological concern.

Second, feeding ducks encourages them to use the neighborhood as their bathroom, leaving droppings on patios, sidewalks, and porches. As a result, controversies frequently arise between residents who enjoy the birds and residents who consider them a nuisance.

Feeding ducks is a fun. But before you head off to your local pond, here are a few things to keep in mind:

DON’T: Feed ducks bread or junk food. Foods like bread and crackers have no nutritional value to ducks and can cause malnutrition and painful deformities if consumed too much.

DON’T: Leave uneaten food lying around. Leftover food in the water can rot and cause deadly algae blooms that affect local wildlife.

DON’T: Try to pet wild ducks. They may not appreciate your efforts!

Keep a respectful distance and remain nonthreatening, especially to ducklings who may become stressed or injured more easily.


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