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Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

  • Posted: Feb 10, 2023
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Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association

Presented by Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

Feb 10, 2023 02:00 PM

Register NOW

The Florida Legislature convened for a Special Session specifically to address property insurance and other topics starting December 12, 2022. Among the legislation, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 2A, which makes sweeping changes to the property insurance claims process, reinsurance, regulation of insurance companies and more. This webinar will summarize SB-2A.

Speaker: Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

This webinar is informational only, is not to be considered legal advice, and contains no CE credit (or certificates).


CAN YOU REPEAT THAT?     Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

CAN YOU REPEAT THAT? Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

  • Posted: Feb 08, 2023
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Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

Additional Clarity Provided

If your condominium is greater than 75 feet tall, then you need to read this article (most especially due to a small but meaningful typo in the prior version which is now revised with the red text below).

It is essential for condominium associations to ensure that their buildings are in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code (the “Fire Code”). For the safety of all residents, associations must ensure they stay up to date with the latest and greatest in fire safety provisions. One of these essential safety features is a requirement that systems be built into new and existing buildings to ensure that first responders’ radios will work throughout buildings in an emergency situation. Pursuant to Section 11.10.1 of the Fire Code, “in all new and existing buildings, minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the AJH [the authority having jurisdiction]. Additionally, Section 11.10.2. provides that where required by the authority having jurisdiction, two-way radio communication enhancement systems must comply with the requirements of the Fire Code.

When originally adopted, the requirements of Sections 11.10.1 and 11.10.2 of the Fire Code applied only to new buildings, so the requirement was not a burden on existing buildings. However, in 2013, the Fire Code was updated as set out above to provide that all new and existing buildings must maintain adequate fire department radio signal strength inside the building. This new requirement applied to all buildings and did not provide a grace period. This posed a significant problem for many high-rise condominiums, as the installation of the necessary equipment involves opening walls and ceilings and can be quite costly to the association. The cost of such installation was a substantial burden to condominiums, not expecting to be required to install same, and therefore never budgeted for the installation.

Recognizing the problem, in 2016 the Florida Legislature adopted section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, which provided a grace period for high-rise buildings. Existing high-rise buildings were not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications until January 1, 2022. You may be thinking, “that date is passed”, but do not panic. If your condominium has not yet complied with the requirements, have no fear. The 2021 Florida Legislature amended section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, to provide another extension for compliance.

In accordance with the newly amended statute, existing high-rise buildings now have until January 1, 2025 to come into compliance with the requirements. However, the association must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation by January 1, 2024. More specifically, section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, is amended to provide, in pertinent part, that:

(18) The authority having jurisdiction shall determine the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications in all new high-rise and existing high-rise buildings. Existing buildings are not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications and two-way radio system enhancement communications as required by the Florida Fire Prevention Code until January 1, 2025. However, by January 1, 2024, an existing building that is not in compliance with the requirements for minimum radio strength for fire department communications must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation with the local government agency having jurisdiction and must demonstrate that the building will become compliance by January 1, 2025. Existing apartment buildings are not required to comply until January 1, 2025…

Therefore, all existing high-rise buildings must come into compliance by January 1, 2025. It is important to note that this time extension applies only to high-rise buildings. By way of over simplification, it does not apply to buildings less than 75 feet tall (the measurement can be tricky, so if your building is close to 75 feet check with your association attorney regarding this measurement). In 2018, the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal issued a Declaratory Statement finding that section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes does not apply to the enforcement of Section 11.10 of the Fire Code to buildings under 75 feet in height. Therefore, if your building is greater than 75 feet in height, it is required to comply with the radio signal strength required by the authority having jurisdiction at this time.

In light of the foregoing, it is essential that your association take action to determine whether sufficient fire department radio signal exists in your building. We recommend the association reach out to the local fire code official to determine the exact requirements for your jurisdiction. If sufficient signal does not exist in your building, it is essential to prepare a plan (including design, permits, financing, etc.) to ensure that your building will comply by the deadline of January 1, 2025.

What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

  • Posted: Feb 06, 2023
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What Are the Duties of Condominium Boards?

Condominium boards have complete management responsibility for their community. Even if they outsource some duties to a professional management company, boards still retain these responsibilities. Since individual homeowners, who may not be well-versed in real estate management and legal issues, serve on these boards, all members should understand their duties and responsibilities. Condominium boards should also retain experienced legal counsel and/or accountants to be information resources and advisers.

Condominium Association Bylaws

Board members must become intimately familiar with their condominium association bylaws. Management of all condominiums is governed by the association bylaws. Board members must understand all items addressed in the bylaws, often called the “condo docs.” Further, boards must learn all state statutes that relate to bylaw subjects and strictly follow the letter of state laws to avoid legal problems.

Common Areas and Building Exteriors

The condominium association board must maintain–and keep in good repair–all common areas and building exteriors. Common areas are those used by all unit owners who have deeded title to small percentages of these areas. These areas include building lobbies, open land or parks, tennis courts, pools and other amenities available to all residents. Whether a high-rise style, townhouses or cluster housing, building exteriors require maintenance and repair, particularly the siding and roofs.

Condominium Association Budget

Creating and managing the association budget is a critical duty for condominium boards. The most common reason for condominium problems is mismanagement or misuse of the budget. Association boards without an experienced accountant as a member should consider getting advice from an outside CPA to ensure that their budget is reasonable and complete. Condominium budgets should be built like those of nonprofit corporations. By estimating expenses, including insurance, landscaping, trash removal and similar operating costs for the coming year, the association board determines the amount of monthly individual homeowner assessments, commonly called “condo fees.”

Maintenance and Repair Reserves

Along with operating expenses, the association must carefully consider the funds needed as “reserves” for maintenance and repair. As part of the budgetary process, establishing realistic reserves is often overlooked by association boards, sometimes with dire consequences. For example, picture a 48-unit high-rise condominium, with each unit having a suspended wooden deck for relaxing and entertaining. Decks need periodic staining and water protection applications. Further, on older condominium projects, deck replacement would be needed at some point. Neglecting to build reserves into the annual budget for deck maintenance and replacement could result in “special homeowner assessments” of thousands of dollars. Condominium boards must diligently add these to annual budgets to build up cash to make these repairs.

Collecting Assessments

Monthly homeowner assessments–condo fees–must be collected by condominium boards. While most condominium bylaws permit boards to place liens on individual units for unpaid condo fees, liens do not equal money. Unit owners may not refinance or sell their homes for many years, leaving the condominium association short of funds to meet budget and reserve demands. Boards have a duty to establish an effective collection policy, much like a bank, to ensure consistent monthly cash flow into the association account to meet operating expenses.

Fiduciary Duty

Condominium associations must fulfill their fiduciary responsibility to manage the project in a businesslike and conservative manner. Depending on the size of the condominium project, association boards may manage many dollars and complex business issues. Fiduciary duty is typically measured by evaluating the actions of individuals or groups that “reasonably prudent” persons would take. For example, neglecting to collect condo fees, putting sufficient reserves in the budget or not completing necessary repairs is a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Condominium boards usually have individual and collective fiduciary responsibility and could be subject to serious lawsuits from unit owners for failing to act prudently.


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  • Posted: Jan 20, 2023
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Condo HOA Expos Florida Dates – You Will Safely Find – Top Companies working together in our Industry!
Sign up for the Safe Networking and Educational Events!





6900 W State RD 84
Davie, FL 33317

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Seminars: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Exhibits: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm




Palm Beach County Convention Center
650 Okeechobee Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Tuesday, February 22, 2023

9am – 4:45pm





333 S. Franklin Street
Tampa, FL 33602


Seminars: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Exhibits: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm 

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Condo HOA Expos Florida Dates – You Will Safely Find – Top Companies working together in our Industry! Sign up for the Safe Networking and Educational Events!

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

  • Posted: Dec 28, 2022
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Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Every facility, be it a private home, apartment complex, condo building, or hotel is threatened by water leaks issues. The cost of this damage to the population runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars and represent about 48% of insurance claims*. Burst hoses connecting refrigerators, washing machines or dishwashers; overflowing sinks and toilet bowls; leaky pipes and damaged water heaters or AC units are all sources of this destruction. And it seems that every leak in a high-rise building always occurs on the top floor when no one is at home, multiplying the catastrophic consequences.

Fortunately, there is now a reliable, cost-effective solution to prevent and detect water-related damage, with the associated insurance claims, repairs, and personal losses. The answer is AKWA Technologies, an innovative, customizable solution designed for residential and commercial buildings. The AKWA Technologies system,100% manufactured in Quebec, Canada, has a advanced design, and is fully autonomous, as an alarm system. It consists of a Master Valve installed on the property’s incoming water line with a Water Alarm Controller that supervises the entire system. Discreet Wireless leak sensors are placed at all water sources, including sinks, toilets, and other water appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, etc. An optional Flow sensor can be added for invisible leaks inside the walls and water usage management.

When water is detected in any of these locations, a signal is immediately sent to the Master Valve and the incoming water is shut off. This will minimize the flooding and prevent critical damage. An alarm will sound and notifications are sent to designated parties reporting the occurrence. The benefits of this customizable system are many. They include cost-effective installation with minimum disruption, elimination of expensive repairs and remediation caused by flooding, potential saving on insurance costs, and of course, your peace of mind.

Whether you are sleeping, at work, or on vacation halfway around the world, your domicile is safe with a solution that does not need Wi-Fi to be functional and requires very low maintenance. Water to your home can be shut off manually, from a distance or automatically when leaving your property for a long period of time. Whether you are a property manager or an individual user, you can manage your properties remotely from anywhere on the planet and keep your peace of mind!


3-D Paving & Sealcoating is the first choice for South Florida Property Managers, Community Managers and Commercial Property Management Firms.

3-D Paving & Sealcoating is the first choice for South Florida Property Managers, Community Managers and Commercial Property Management Firms.

  • Posted: Dec 27, 2022
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3-D Paving and Sealcoating

3-D Paving & Sealcoating is the first choice for South Florida Property Managers, Community Managers and Commercial Property Management Firms. We are a one-stop for total pavement care.
No matter what your pavement problems may be, 3-D Paving has the solutions.
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Speed Up Your Holiday Package Intake by 80% with ImageR by Richard Worth Building Link

Speed Up Your Holiday Package Intake by 80% with ImageR by Richard Worth Building Link

  • Posted: Dec 22, 2022
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Speed Up Your Holiday Package Intake by 80% with ImageR

Twinkling lights, snowy nights, and trees adorned with festive ornaments and ribbons of yellow and gold. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, which means only one thing for your front office staff: the holiday package invasion is here! Logging packages can take a long time. With all of Santa’s deliveries piling up, this can distract your team from providing your residents with the service they deserve.

When you’re ready to speed things up, ImageR is here to help. Our revolutionary smartphone-based and AI-powered package scanning function reduces the average time to enter packages from nearly one minute to less than eight seconds. With ImageR, your team will fly through delivery processing like Rudolph the night before Christmas. More than 3,600 properties worldwide are now processing about 800,000 packages a month with ImageR, and it can help make your front office operations far more efficient year-round as well.

How ImageR Works

Utilizing Image Recognition, AI, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), ImageR turns any smartphone into a package processing powerhouse. Paired with BuildingLink’s GEO app (our iOS and Android app for management), any phone with a working camera can read labels, scan barcodes, and match resident names to packages. Beyond reading package information, it:

  • Determines the correct recipient
  • Matches the name in your building’s database
  • Confirms the unit number
  • Captures the correct event type (including the name of the delivery company)
  • Notifies the resident that the package has arrived

Meanwhile, residents can set their package notification preferences in their BuildingLink profiles and staff can send automated reminders when deliveries have been left an amount of time that you can customize. Our platform allows you to offer contactless pickup as well, a safe alternative to residents having to sign for packages.

How ImageR Helps Front Desk Teams Succeed

ImageR reduces the time to process packages by 80%, but its benefits go far beyond efficiency. Given its ease of use and direct integration into the BuildingLink database, ImageR lessens the likelihood of manual errors and missing packages. It can also be used anywhere, meaning your team no longer needs to be tied to a computer when they’re processing packages. With its automatic delivery notifications, your residents won’t have to wonder if their package has arrived.

ImageR Users Guide

If you already have the BuildingLink GEO app, you can access ImageR from the home screen. Tap the ImageR icon and your camera will open within the app, then point it at the shipping label and wait for the two-tone beep that plays only when you’ve logged the package successfully. Press save and you’ll be well on your way to processing the next delivery.

Read more and watch our video 



Richard Worth

Regional Sales Director – Florida


It’s too easy to steal from vulnerable Florida homeowners. Lawmakers can fix HOA laws  Read more at:

It’s too easy to steal from vulnerable Florida homeowners. Lawmakers can fix HOA laws Read more at:

  • Posted: Dec 13, 2022
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The recent arrests of Hammocks Community Association members have cast a long-overdue light on the plight of helpless homeowners when the directors of a homeowners association (HOA) go deliberately wrong.

The Florida Legislature specifically designed the state’s HOA law to limit government’s ability to regulate HOAs, explaining, “It is not in the best interest of homeowners’ associations or the individual association members thereof to create or impose a bureau or other agency of state government to regulate the affairs of homeowners’ associations.”

While this may be a virtuous conceptual approach, it has created the unintended consequence of leaving homeowners with little, if any, protection or opportunity of redress when HOA board members raid association bank accounts. In this criminal case, we believe the evidence can prove the theft of well over $1 million of homeowners’ monies. But we think the actual loss is much higher.

Sadly, we have seen instances of greedy or unscrupulous board members take advantage of this lack of oversight before. They often hide their misconduct by making it extraordinarily difficult and expensive for homeowners to effectively access and examine any records. Ironically, homeowners typically are stuck paying exorbitant legal fees for accessing information to which they should be entitled. Current law renders the only Florida agency with the slightest regulatory authority, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), impotent to provide the oversight that HOA residents deserve. The law also makes it unnecessarily burdensome for law-enforcement officers to obtain evidence of wrongdoing.

In 2016, I brought similar problems regarding condominium oversight and financial records accessibility to the attention of our grand jury. Their detailed report included a number of recommendations to alleviate the problem. While condominiums are not HOAs, the problems of records accessibility and financial mismanagement are surprisingly similar.

Homeowners in HOAs should be protected. Based on experiences learned during our criminal investigation, the Florida Legislature can take several steps that would go far to help vulnerable homeowners throughout Miami-Dade County, and all of Florida, without creating the government overreach the lawmakers rightfully wished to avoid:

▪ Amend the HOA law to include the same minimal protections given to condominium owners.

▪ Amend the HOA and condominium laws to provide criminal penalties for the destruction of association records or the failure to provide records upon lawful request.

▪ Amend both statutes to include criminal penalties for election fraud.

▪ Amend the law to allow DBPR to oversee HOAs and condominiums more effectively. At a minimum, the Legislature should authorize DBPR to inspect records and to personally fine board members for failing to comply with the law or provide reports to members in a timely manner.

▪ Expand the Florida condominium ombudsman’s ability to oversee condominiums and allow the ombudsman to review HOA complaints.

I was gratified to see the Miami Herald’s Editorial Board recognize some of the challenges we face during our ongoing criminal prosecution and continued investigation into the Hammocks Community Association and the clear need for focused change in the oversight of Florida’s thousands of HOAs.

As always, I would welcome the opportunity to work closely with any of our legislators who want to address the homeowners victimized by one of Florida’s largest HOAs. This issue is far too important to ignore.