3 Reasons to Hire an HOA Collections Agency to Manage Your Delinquencies by Mitch Drimmer

3 Reasons to Hire an HOA Collections Agency to Manage Your Delinquencies by Mitch Drimmer

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3 Reasons to Hire an HOA Collections Agency to Manage Your Delinquencies

Why Hire an HOA Collections Agency?

Community associations have limited options to collect, and the traditional method isn’t focused on collection at all, but rather on punishment. This is why an HOA collections agency may be the right choice for managing your delinquencies.

Debt collection is a troublesome topic no matter what industry you’re in, but when it comes to collecting on unpaid HOA assessments, things can get tricky. Between your community’s governing documents, state laws, and federal regulations, there are a lot of rules to follow.

On top of that, there aren’t a whole lot of options out there for community associations looking to collect on that debt. Many communities hire an HOA attorney or try to handle collections on their own.

1. Lawyers are focused on a legal resolution, not reclaiming lost funds. 

Many communities rely on HOA attorneys for legal guidance and lawsuits. For this reason, many also turn to their attorney when a homeowner has failed to make payments. Many boards still believe that their only course of action is placing a lien on the property and going to court. And your attorney won’t tell you any differently.

Your attorney’s primary function is to follow a legal process of “lien and foreclose.” The priority is seeking a resolution of an issue and seeking justice, not collecting the debt that is owed to your association. The board has a fiduciary duty to collect that money, not to pursue some form of justice against the delinquent owner, so choosing a lawyer might not be the best course of action.

2. Avoid a lawsuit.

Because collections are highly regulated, there are a LOT of laws surrounding the collections process. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has many rules around the who, the how, and the when of collections efforts. Violating any of those rules, even by accident, can create a massive legal headache for your community. When it comes to collections, do not do this at home.

Federal laws aren’t the only ones to worry about, though. Many states have their own specific rules and requirements, also. Depending on where you reside, your state’s laws may be even stricter than the FDCPA, so following the federal law might still get you into hot water.

3. Traditional collection agencies aren’t built for HOAs.

Much like an attorney, a collection agency that isn’t tailored to handle HOAs and condo associations will look for the fastest, biggest buck they can make. Typically these companies will want to buy the debt or advance funds to you against this debt–this might sound like a great plan because at least you’re recovering something, but many governing documents (and some state laws) specify that debts must be collected at 100% of the principle that’s owed. A collection agency will not pay 100% so this is in direct violation of those rules. Getting funding to ease the pain of a cash shortfall may also be a violation of your CC&Rs.

It also creates an ethical concern–by selling off that debt, your community loses control over how the debt is collected, opening up your hurting homeowners to aggressive collections efforts. Will they operate within the confines of the FDCPA? Almost certainly. But as we’ve said before, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s ethical.

Find Out Why An HOA Collections Agency Is Right For Your Community

Collecting monies owed to your association is a difficult process, but it shouldn’t also be a painful one! At Axela, we understand the importance of ethical community association debt collection, and we’ve perfected the process and technology it takes to make that happen.


Offer your community association clients a full suite of collection agency services without having to open your own collection agency.

By partnering with Axela, your association management company can offer comprehensive and fully compliant collections services to your clients. Axela handles the burdensome and time-consuming aspect of the collection process and puts money back into the hands of the association.

Your clients will gain all of the benefits of Axela’s suite of collection tools, while you maintain oversight and easy access to the client portal, with all of the reports, account history, and data points that Axela gathers, in real-time.

Learn More about our collection services 
