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RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS?  By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog

RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS? By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog


By Jan Bergemann on Condo HOA Blog

I know that there are many good presidents who are working hard for the good of the community, keep open books and openly communicate with the members of the association.

But then there are lots of presidents, drunk with power and full of themselves. You wouldn’t believe the many ugly stories I’m hearing daily about presidents behaving like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler or Fidel Castro. With the help of greedy attorneys and community association managers they create dictatorships that make living in community associations a living nightmare. They are even willing to ignore arbitration and court rulings and continue their evil doings even after being officially removed by elections or recalls. They are even willing to waste the association’s money on ridiculous appeals court filings.

The real reason why this can even happen in a so-called “civilized” country like the USA: The unwillingness of our government to enforce the many laws legislators create every year.

Many of these laws turn out to be just a waste of paper because too many of the so-called “specialized” community association attorneys are willing to help these dictatorial presidents to circumvent these laws, telling owners, who stand up at meetings to challenge actions of the board that violate the laws, to “sit down and shut up since they don’t have the money to sue the board anyway”!

Living in a community association isn’t something you can just enjoy by not participating, willing to ignore to happenings in the neighborhood until it’s too late. Apathy of owners allows these dictatorships to be created in the first place. Don’t let apathy destroy your community.


Jan Bergemann

Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida ‘s largest state-wide property owners’ advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community  associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 – hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!

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Beachfront is thrilled to be working with The Bridges, a luxe Delray Beach community surrounded by 299 acres of sparkling lakes, pristine landscapes, and cascading waterfalls.

Beachfront is thrilled to be working with The Bridges, a luxe Delray Beach community surrounded by 299 acres of sparkling lakes, pristine landscapes, and cascading waterfalls.

Beachfront is thrilled to be working with The Bridges, on all of their Painting needs, its a luxe Delray Beach community surrounded by 299 acres of sparkling lakes, pristine landscapes, and cascading waterfalls.

After completing a clubhouse refresh, we’re now offering homeowners a special group rate for exterior painting for its 590 single-family residences. Residents who wish to have their homes painted, or who would like more information about the project, can contact Jim Wolff,

Business Development Manager, at or 772.789.7915.

Our team is honored to have been selected to help maintain the beauty and luxury expected at The Bridges. We have a lot of painting ahead of us. Stay tuned for “after” reveals in the coming months

Our Services:

 From single-family homes to shopping centers to high-rise condos, Beachfront combines quality workmanship with competitive pricing to give each client a meticulous paint job that lasts. Preparation is critical to our success and includes pressure washing, priming, and patching as needed.


 At Beachfront, we make sure buildings are watertight. Our mastery of vertical and horizontal waterproofing extends to glazing and sealants, expansion joints and waterproof deck coatings.


Through Beachfront Roofing, Inc, we repair, re-cover, and replace flat and sloped roofs no matter the material—metal, tile or shingle. We’re licensed applicators of Truco, Sika, PM, Karnak, Uniflex, Tropical, Henry and Gaco coatings. Our goal? To extend the useful life of your assets.


We’re experts in concrete restoration and can quickly address issues like cracking, spalling and buckling. Whether surface repair or intricate strengthening project, clients count on us to keep their structures safe and sound.


Beachfront specializes in sealant replacement and repair. Sealants are integral to the waterproofing process, serving as a water barrier in all types of exterior applications. We perform all of our sealant projects with precision using only the finest products available.

Pressure Cleaning

Regular pressure cleaning helps protect homes, hardscaping, decks and fences from damage and deterioration. Our low-pressure cleaning devices rid clients’ properties of dirt, oil, grease, algae, mold, rust and staining.


  Contact Us at


5840 Corporate Way, Suite 102
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

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5 Potential Risks to Your Business If You Have Poor Security

5 Potential Risks to Your Business If You Have Poor Security

Every business is susceptible to threats, hacking, vandalism, etc. which is why prioritizing security for your business can help reduce the implications of these situations. The risks of having poor security can far outweigh what you’d invest in for a good system, so keep these 5 potential risks in mind when considering the security (or lack thereof) at your business.

No Procedure to Handle Incidents

Security breaches and theft does happen, but what’s worse is not having any sort of procedure to handle the issue. And without a proper security procedure, it’s likely incidents will happen more often. It’s better to be prepared for something that could happen then to be surprised and ill-equipped for when something does, so it’s essential for your business to have a clear security procedure.

Legal Liability

As a business owner, you not only have to protect your brand, but you have the responsibility of protecting the safety of your customers, clients, and vendors’. If that information is not secure and something were to happen, these people could lose trust in you, or possibly pursue legal action that could heavily impact your business. It’s important you are following regulations and complying with routine security checks to ensure your business is safe and running efficiently, and so that information is safe and secure under your account. Taking the right steps to safeguard data and regulate personnel allowed access to this information will help your business improve security and reduce liability.

Increase of Theft and Vandalism

Unfortunately, no business is safe from theft or vandalism, and a lack of security only makes you more vulnerable. This can delay business growth and without action, lead to an increase of incidents. Poor security at your business can cost you stolen goods or assets that can’t be replaced, which can affect your profits, and employee’s safety and trust.

There are a few ways to act on these incidents. First, get a security assessment to help you determine your company’s current state of security, and what needs to be improved upon. Then you can figure out an acceptable security system to be installed, to ensure you’re taking the right precautions to safeguarding your property.

Tainted Business Reputation

If employees and clients are susceptible to your poor security measures, the reputation of your business could sink. Customers and employees could possibly seek other places to feel safe, exposing you to harsh reviews and a decrease in business. People and workers want to interact with a business they trust, this can include having latest technology, and security systems such as cameras or alarms. On the flip side, a business that is growing should increase their security, as there are more visitors, employees, or important data that needs to be protected. You should want your business to be a safe and trusted establishment for all involved, which is why having a good security system is vital for your reputation.

Employees Feel Unsafe

The safety of your employees and company data should be the upmost of importance to your business, so if you’re employees are aware of your poor security, it’s likely they will feel unsafe at work. Security issues, limited regulation of the building, or outdated technology can show a lack of interest in the company’s security precautions, which can contribute to a negative work environment and high employee turnover rates. As mentioned previously, this can also harm the reputation of your business, so having a strong security system is the best way to ensure a sense of safety and reliability for your business.


John Libby
Regional Manager
United Security, Inc.
950 South Pine Island Road-Suite A 150
Plantation, FL 33324
Mobile: (407)-675-7960


  United Security Inc. (USI) provides contract security solutions and investigation services to a select group of vertical markets. For the past 30 years, USI has created safe, secure environments for commercial and government employees and customers by investing in our people, innovation and relationships. USI is committed to delivering:

  • Responsive management and security personnel
  • Continuous quality improvement and training
  • Consistent, client-focused service and performance


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We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) exists to help cure blood cancers and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Every year we raise funds for LLS because of how important this lifesaving organization is to us. Last year we raised over $20,000 (THANK YOU!). Inspired by your generosity and determination to fight for a cure, this year we increased our goal to $35,000!
Here’s how your donation to LLS changes lives!
  • Since 1949, LLS has invested nearly $1.3 billion in cancer research – funding nearly all of today’s most promising advances, and bringing us closer to cures.
  • Last year, LLS Information Specialists responded to nearly 20,000 inquiries from patients and caregivers, guiding them to a wide array of education and support services.
  • LLS has a nationwide grassroots network of more than 100,000 volunteers who advocate for state and federal policies that benefit patients.
We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

Madison Cohen and Harvey Cohen share their touching story of survival and hope.

Please go to:

Welcome to Cohen- Marketing Team’s Fundraising Page

Cohen Law Group are members of SFPMA and we support this fundraising and health of Madison

Frank J Mari / Executive Director SFPMA

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The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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By Jan Bergemann

Finally the Florida Legislature got the message they should have gotten 20 years ago: FULLY FUNDED RESERVES ARE MANDATORY!

And even if the legislature gave condo owners a reprieve until December 2025, condo owners should start now to consider their options:

Will they be able to afford the much higher maintenance fees they will have to pay monthly in the future or will these much higher fees break their household budget?

Let’s just face it: For most of the years past condo owners waived reserves in order to keep maintenance fees artificially low – meaning that many of the associations at this point don’t have any reserves worth talking about. Remember: According to media reports the Champlain Tower South had only $700,000 in reserves, but needed about $16M to pay for the necessary repairs.

That will have to change real fast and the fact that many of the required inspections will have to be followed up by costly repairs and maintenance high special assessments are on the horizon for many hi-rise buildings (buildings higher than three floors).

As much as this change to the Florida statutes was long overdue it will definitely price quite a few families out of their homes. But in all reality there is really no other way around it and the fact that many condo owners used the loophole in the statutes that allowed waiving the funding of reserves is now coming back to haunt the owners who in former times dismissed the idea of funding reserves.

We already see condo owners protesting against boards about the problems that are visible in these buildings. The big question in these cases: Does the association have the necessary funds to take care of the needed maintenance and repairs or are the owners willing and able to pay the special assessment the board might have to levy in order to pay for the contractor?

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years – and we will have to see how strong the government agencies tasked with overseeing these new provisions in FS 718 are enforcing these provisions.

Our Blog ( Industry Articles ) can be found on – between our writers and all members of sfpma we have been for over 15 years keeping our industry up to date with the right Legal, Business and Services Articles. SFPMA sends and publishes these and sends to over 230,000 emails keeping everyone informed.

Look for our article upcoming on Condo Funds and Investments, on SFPMA

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The Infinite Game in Condo Governance by Mitch Drimmer of Axela Tech.

The Infinite Game in Condo Governance by Mitch Drimmer of Axela Tech.

In 1986, Professor James P. Carse presented the concept of finite and infinite gaming. He said, “there are at least two kinds of games: finite and infinite.

A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” Sports games, like football and baseball, are clearly finite games. They have specified chunks of time in which one is expected to do better than the other. An infinite game has no winners and no time length. Instead, it’s just a set of rules and expectations you must continue to participate in without end.

Simon Sinek took this game theory and applied it to the planning and continued success of a business enterprise. Businesses are not time-restricted games. You don’t have a year or five or ten in which to complete some kind of final objective. Sure, there are benchmarks and points of obvious success, but there is no end to business.

Now apply that kind of thinking to the HOA and condo industry: community associations, and in particular, condo governance. A condominium should be run with an “infinite game” mentality, with the goal of the structure being maintained to reach the ripe old age of eternity. Can a structure last infinitely? Maybe not, but even so, that is how it should be governed. There is no shelf life on a condominium building.

Keeping Score in Condo Governance is Playing a Finite Game

Condominiums all too often live on a budget-to-budget basis (or a special assessment to special assessment basis) with very little regard for the future. This kind of condo governance manifests itself in an inadequate capital improvement plan or a functioning preventative maintenance protocol.

Many condominiums are run by a seat-of-the-pants mentality–the pinnacle of finite thinking. This budget-to-budget, board-to-board, manager-to-manager mentality is destructive and a clear blueprint for a condominium’s demise. It pits past, present, and future against one another, each one keeping a score of who did what and who should be responsible for what comes next. Often, this means everyone is passing the buck, and no one is actually accomplishing anything. Managers and board members need to think in terms beyond their tenure with the community and consider the far future in their planning and attitude.

Recently, we have witnessed the results of a condominium playing a finite game. Could there be a better example of misguided short-term planning than what happened in Surfside, Florida? Reports all indicated that the board of directors thought about only the short-term struggles–their time in office, the quickly-mounting immediate expenses, the inconvenience of a serious construction project–and played a finite game with disastrous consequences.

But the board is not alone in their fault. They had no direction from their law firm (which was fined $31 million dollars), which should have known better. This tragedy did not happen in a vacuum.

Sustaining Through an Infinite Game

As extreme as an example Surfside is, the thinking remains endemic. It is not an anomaly, it is only the worst-case scenario and a scenario many buildings are facing after so many years of neglectful condo governance.

It all begins with a reserve study. A quality reserve study can start the process of future planning for a condo building. Ideally, the results will physically lay out what the future may hold. It won’t be perfectly spot-on, but it is at least there as an initial guide.

This is how communities play the infinite game–a good reserve study is not a one-and-done event. A proper reserve study requires long-term maintenance and updating as inflation, and other infrastructural issues inevitably erode the previous year’s budget. Playing an infinite game in condo governance will ensure its longevity, value, comfort, and positive residential experience.

Start Playing an Infinite Game

A condominium that has a good reserves program, maintains an honest budgetpursues delinquencies, seeks out stability in management, and continues to embrace new technologies to reduce expenses is playing the infinite game.

It’s election season for boards of directors, so why not campaign on governing with an infinite mentality? Govern and manage your building like it is supposed to last forever. For more advice on condominium fiscal management and collections, contact us today.


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Lake Management: Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….

Lake Management: Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….

Lake Turnover and Fish Kills

The science behind it….

Lake turnovers generally occur in the fall but can sometimes occur in the summer. During the hot weather, the surface water of a lake warms much faster than deeper water. This results in a temporary layering effect, with warm water on top and cool water underneath. Scientists refer to this as stratification.
Because the top layer has constant access to the atmosphere, it tends to have more oxygen than the bottom layer-even though it’s warmer. If a heavy wind or cold rain should occur during these conditions, the stratification may be broken, causing the two layers to mix. Once this happens the mixing action can result in low dissolved oxygen levels throughout the water column, and can potentially cause a fish kill.
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Member News: At International Subsea Services, we are focused on providing Subsea Solution services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction

Member News: At International Subsea Services, we are focused on providing Subsea Solution services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction

Exiting news – ISS has officially expanded our marine services installing docks and sea walls across Florida to Texas !!!!

Get your free estimates today to get on the schedule – we have immediate availability with no delays

We are an Independent Contractors of Lake, Pond, and Wetland Installation & Maintenance

The installation and maintenance of lakes, ponds, and wetlands while taking care of cleanliness in your environment are very important these days. The restoration of living shorelines is a creative and productive technique to save water areas from erosion. Erosion is a natural process in which forces of nature such as water or wind crumble and transfer earthen materials to several other areas. The restoration technique actually includes the installation of wetlands plants, grasses, a thick sheet of algae, shrubs, and trees at areas of marine boundaries. This technique involves experts and the careful placement of bio-engineering materials to protect nearby areas of vegetables and soil.

View our services we offer to Homes, HOA’s, Condo’s and the Marine Industry

Living Shoreline & Hillside and Seeking the Best Restoration Company Near Me in FL

The contractors of local lakes and ponds for the restoration process, International Subsea Solution Services, have over 20 years of experience in the field. Whether it is demolition or restoration, every related service is offered by our well-experienced local team. We provide our services in areas of Florida in a fast and easy manner. Our professional pond and lake management services company is legally approved by the installation contractor for Dredge Sox Erosion Solutions. Wetland protection and shoreline restoration services are served by the high-quality products and materials of Dredge Sox. The materials used by our company make and restore banks into perfect-looking living shorelines. We have worked on managing several projects for which clients gave great feedback to our team.


Over twenty years of experience in construction inclusive of shoreline pipeline installations and shallow / deep water ROV and diving operations. Experienced in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) of pipelines to include land based excavations associated with such HDD methodology. Marine construction including pile driving and new wharf installations. Installation of Bio-Engineered “Living Shorelines” through out the costal areas providing solutions for your erosion needs.



Mobile: (832) 257-0813
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Director Compensation: Do I Get Paid for This?” – by Becker for the – Naples Daily News

Director Compensation: Do I Get Paid for This?” – by Becker for the – Naples Daily News

  • Posted: Jul 05, 2022
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Q: I am considering running for the board of my condominium association. However, there is a lot of work involved in being on the Board. It can be a thankless position, which discourages many owners from volunteering. Can we compensate the members of the board as a way to encourage people to serve?

A:  The Florida Condominium Act states that unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, the officers and the directors shall serve without compensation. So, unless your association’s bylaws provide for such compensation, compensation is prohibited.

The Florida Homeowners’ Association Act contains similar language.

While your sentiments are spot on, boards being paid for their service is very rare in the community association realm. I do think there would be some basis for concern as to whether paid directors would be held to higher standards of legal liability, as well as whether the typical nonprofit Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policy written to cover association directors would be available.

Q:  I received the first notice of my condominium association’s annual meeting just over a month ago. The first notice included a “Notice of Intent” form that had to be submitted by any owner wishing to run for the board of directors by the stated deadline. One of the owners that submitted a Notice of Intent is behind on the payment of her assessments. However, she told our association manager that she would pay her assessments in full before the election. Can she run for the board as long as she pays her assessments before the election?

A:  A unit owner desiring to be a candidate for the board must give written notice of his or her intent to be a candidate to the association not less than 40 days before a scheduled election. The law states that an owner must be eligible to be a candidate to serve on the board at the time of the deadline for submitting a notice of intent.

The Florida Condominium Act contains a number of eligibility requirements for candidates, one of which is that the candidate must not be delinquent in paying any assessment to the association. According to changes in the Act that became effective on July 1, 2021, a person is considered “delinquent” if a payment is not made by the due date of the assessment as specifically identified in the declaration of condominium, bylaws, or articles of incorporation.

Prior to the July 1, 2021 changes, an individual was not eligible if they were delinquent in the payment of any “monetary obligation” to the Association (as opposed to the current version of the law which states delinquent in the payment of assessments). For example, someone who had not paid a fine would be ineligible under the old law, the new law limits eligibility to assessment payment.

If the candidate in your community was delinquent on the 40th day before the election, this individual would not be eligible to be a candidate and cannot be listed on the ballot.

Q:  Most of the members of our board will be leaving our condominium soon to go back to their Northern residences, making it very difficult for us to have in-person board meetings. Can our condominium board vote via e-mail? (M.J.)

A:  The Florida Condominium Act specifically provides that members of the board may use e-mail as a means of communication but may not cast a vote on an association matter via e-mail. Although there may be certain day-to-day decisions that do not require a vote of the board that can be discussed via e-mail, any action that requires approval of the board under your condominium documents or the Act must be done at a duly noticed and open board meeting.

The good news is that the Condominium Act does allow board members to participate in a meeting via telephone or real-time videoconferencing. If a director participates via videoconference, for example, the director’s participation counts towards a quorum, and the member can vote as if physically present.

Jennifer Biletnikoff is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law and represents condominium, cooperative, mobile home and homeowners’ associations located throughout Southwest Florida including Collier, Lee, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties. She has particular experience in covenant enforcement and foreclosure law, and has also practiced in the areas of commercial, business and tort litigation.


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We Celebrate Independence Day, with Cohen Law Group and Members of SFPMA

We Celebrate Independence Day, with Cohen Law Group and Members of SFPMA

  • Posted: Jul 05, 2022
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We Celebrate and Honor Our Heros
We Celebrate Independence Day
As we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, let’s remember the American heroes who lost their lives in the battle for the freedom we are enjoying today. We are indebted to our national heroes who have fought and continue to fight for this country.
I served in the United States Army for four years. Because of the GI Bill, I was able to attend college and become an attorney. My military service has helped me grow Cohen Law Group into a place where my team and I can continue to serve our community every day.
As patriotic citizens, let’s put extra effort into performing our own civic responsibilities. Every American’s contribution towards moving this nation forward is important. We must always be mindful of how our actions or inaction affect the well-being of others.
Today we celebrate the honor it is to be an American. We celebrate those who have helped our incredible nation progress. We celebrate all that America will become.
We wish you and your family a safe and happy Independence Day!
With Respect and Gratitude,
Harvey Cohen Signature
Harvey V. Cohen, President

With Respect and Our Thanks for your Service from all of us at SFPMA.COM

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