Update: Eric Glazer, Esq.
Published October 10, 2022
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.
I just spent a week in the hospital — again with kidney stone issues. This is I believe the 5th time I needed some sort of surgery for this never ending painful problem. I left the hospital with a tube coming out of my right side. I still need a lithotripsy procedure. That’s the one where you lay down in water and they zap your kidney stones hoping to break them up. I’m guessing I have another week or two of this insanity.
I want to apologize to the wonderful people at the L&L Condo and HOA Expos. As all of you know, I always attend all of their shows all around the state and have the honor of kicking off the event by doing my board certification course. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend the events In Palm Beach and in Broward. I am desperately hoping to attend the events in Orlando and Tampa. I think all of you know that I love nothing more than being with all of you, teaching you, and answering your questions. It’s simply my favorite part of being an attorney. It’s killing me that I can’t teach the classes that so many of you attend each and every year. However, L&L will be finding another well qualified attorney from another law firm to teach and certify you. I urge you to attend and continue to make the L&L shows the success that they always are.
I’m taking two weeks off from the radio show. I expect to do the show October 16th — with or without a tube coming out of my side. BY THE WAY……THAT’S THE SAME DAY I WILL BE ON 60 MINUTES — AS THEY ARE DOING A SHOW ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT GRANDMA AND GRANDPA CAN STILL MOVE TO A FLORIDA CONDOMINIUM IF THEIR SOLE INCOME IS SOCIAL SECURITY. I think we all know the answer. This really should be an amazing show which shines the spotlight on Florida condominiums but truly needs to be watched by the entire country as every state better follow Florida’s lead when it comes to mandating safety.
In any event, I hope to be back at my desk in a week or two and look forward to speaking with all of you again. In the mean time, please get in touch with Rich, Pennie or Paul if you need immediate help.
PS: The nurse told me that the epidural was not invented to relieve pain from child birth. It was invented to relieve pain from kidney stones!
We know everyone is wishing Eric Glazer a full recovery and well wishes. Ouch
In light of the tragedy at The Champlain Towers in Surfside last year, The Florida Legislature, to its credit, passed massive condominium reform regarding safety, inspections and reserves. These laws are confusing to those who work in the industry every day, never mind to those who serve on condo Boards throughout the state.
Stay up to date with the new law -FLORIDA BUILDING INSPECTIONS (SB-4D)
http://FLBuildingInspections.com a division of SFPMA
The State of Florida Property Management Association with Legal & Engineering Members are here to help you understand the new laws and how to take the correct action now to ensure you are in full compliance.
The Florida Legislature thought that it was so important for condo boards to enforce these laws that they included a provision which considers a breach of these laws a breach of the director’s fiduciary duty. Imagine, personal liability can be imposed against a director who fails to enforce these new laws.
Once again, I drafted legislation which would require Board members to learn these new laws in order to get certified and once again this requirement was removed from the statute. It’s hard to believe, but The Florida Legislature drafted a law which imposes personal liability against those directors who fail to follow these new laws yet removed the requirement to learn these new laws. In any event, I will again try to make learning these new laws a condition of becoming certified in the next legislative session.
As far as condominium Board members go…….there can be no more important time than the present to learn these new laws. They are designed to keep you and your fellow unit owners alive.
Don’t dare get certified by signing that dumb, silly form that says I read my governing docs and promise to enforce them. Even if you read your governing documents from cover to cover, you still wouldn’t learn any of the new condo laws. What a disgrace that you can still become certified this way.
I am teaching at the following times and locations this month. It is more imperative than ever to attend an educational course. In fact, if you don’t learn the new laws and don’t apply the new laws on your condo board, you can face personal liability. Moreover, any condo Board member who can’t find a few hours to take an educational course is not worthy of a single vote. So what do you say? Please register for any of the free following Condo Craze and HOAs Board Certification Classes offered around the state
Find the Condo & HOA Event Dates
Board of Directors,
Condo and HOA,
Condo and HOA Law,
Florida Building Inspections