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  • Posted: Jul 05, 2021
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Published July 7, 2021


As they say…hindsight is 20/20. The tragedy in Surfside rips your guts out. I had to go there and see it for myself. I did. I then walked over to the memorial and saw pictures of the victims, including little kids, entire families and you wonder how anything like this could have possibly happened. Immediately you want to blame someone. You want justice. You want someone to pay for what happened here. It’s only natural to feel that way. But we need to try to calm down and think this out rationally.

It all starts with the fact that there has NEVER been a building collapse like this that anyone is aware of, not only in Florida, but anywhere in the entire country. Think about that. This has never happened before. There is no precedence for this disaster. Did the Board members have engineering reports warning them that the concrete would deteriorate exponentially if not replaced? Yes they did. Were they told the building would collapse if they don’t immediately fix it? No, they weren’t. In fact, it appears that the Chief Building Official in Surfside actually attended a board meeting and told the community that the building was fine and not in any danger.

The Board no doubt figured that this massive project needs an intense amount of planning. The association needs to apply for a loan. The board needs to prepare for a special assessment. Engineers need to prepare a bid package. The right contractor has to be chosen. This does not happen overnight and it appears that the Board accomplished almost all of these things. Those of you who live in condominiums also know that those board members must have also been fighting intense pressure from many unit owners not to pass a $15,000,000.00 special assessment in the middle of the COVID pandemic no less! While I’m sure the Board members knew that the more time it takes, the more damage would occur and additional repairs would be needed, none of them thought for a moment that delay would result in the collapse of the building. If they did, some of them wouldn’t have been there when the building collapsed. Had the Board members been told by professionals that this building could collapse, then I would change my tune. But there is no evidence that they were told.

Going forward, rest assured that from now on when an engineer inspects a condominium building and observes concrete spalling, the report will indicate that the building may collapse if not repaired promptly. There is nothing to lose by placing that in a report from now on, but perhaps a lot to lose if you fail to place that in a report.

We tend to forget that the average Joe or Sally on a Board of Directors is not an engineer, general contractor or condominium or construction attorney. Many of them have no experience whatsoever in how buildings are constructed and maintained. All they can do is rely on what their experts are telling them. I don’t see any experts telling this board at the Champlain Towers South that this building may collapse. How then can they be expected to know that it would?

Again, this tragedy provokes an automatic impulse in all of us that somebody must be held accountable here. Somebody must pay. Some have even called for criminal prosecution of the Board. As many of you know, being a board member is a thankless job. On your best day, you are harassed, yelled and cursed at, and always second guessed. It’s hard enough to get volunteers to serve on the Board. If you are going to hold directors individually or criminally liable when accidents happen, even tragic accidents, that have never before happened anywhere in any building you are headed down a very dangerous path where it would not make sense for anyone to take the thankless board member position out of fear of losing their money or even their liberty. You would have to be nuts to volunteer.

So while we all want some justice here and some answers, I urge everyone to take the focus off of the Board for a moment. They are too easy a target and should not be made the scapegoat here. Maybe we need to ask why buildings on the ocean don’t have to pass an annual inspection every year by the county or municipality. Maybe we need to ask if there should be stricter scrutiny of buildings built before massive changes to the South Florida Building Code were made after Hurricane Andrew, like the Champlain Towers South. Maybe we need to ask why municipalities are now asking their Building Departments to inspect tall buildings, but never required it previously. Maybe we need to find out why the elevators have to pass an annual inspection but not the structure of the building itself. Maybe we need to find out why the first time a building gets inspected is at the 40 year recertification requirement and why that is only a requirement in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. If you want to find someone or something to blame for this catastrophe, this is where I would start.


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Vaccination ID’s  To Require Or Not To Require, That Is The Question by KBR Legal

Vaccination ID’s To Require Or Not To Require, That Is The Question by KBR Legal

  • Posted: Apr 07, 2021
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Vaccination ID’s

To Require Or Not To Require, That Is The Question


Florida’s community association board members are wrestling with many amenity re-opening decisions these days. One such decision is whether or not to open the community clubhouse including the card rooms, bingo, and even off-Broadway like shows. As a part of that decision making process, board members may be considering requiring proof of vaccination as a pre-requisite to such use.


While ultimately a decision within the business judgment of the board, requiring proof of vaccination prior to allowing use of an association amenity is not recommended. Do you remember the ol’ adage, “no good deed goes unpunished?” Well, requiring proof of vaccination from the members prior to allowing use of the clubhouse, no matter how well intended, could likely lead to significant and costly problems for the association who fails to heed the warnings set out in this article.


When acquiring medical information of members, the board’s duty, pursuant to relevant law, is to keep such acquired medical information confidential. Requiring proof of vaccination to use amenities will no doubt lead to a significant breach of that duty.


Another reason not to require proof of vaccination is that doing so will lead to creating two classes of members. The vaccinated members who are allowed to use the amenities and the unvaccinated members who are not allowed to use the amenities. Yet, all members pay for access to use the amenities in proportion to their assessment obligation. Therefore, this practice could expose the association to adverse litigation from the upset unvaccinated members.


If the aforementioned two reasons are not sufficient to dissuade you, then consider this: A member may choose not to be vaccinated for religious reasons. In this situation, by requiring proof of vaccination the association will be exposing itself to a claim of religious discrimination.


If the association opens an amenity, then the amenity should be available to all members for use without consideration of vaccination. If that is a concern, then perhaps waiting a short while longer to open the clubhouse or other amenity makes the most sense. Remember, too, that when you do re-open to adhere to CDC protocols as may be appropriate for your community such as mask wearing, social distancing, and sanitizing. As a part of the re-opening procedure, please consult with your association’s attorney regarding the do’s and don’ts.



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HOA Income Statements

HOA Income Statements

  • Posted: Mar 30, 2021
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HOA Income Statements

Unlike a balance sheet which shows a quick snapshot of HOA finances at a certain point, the income statement shows financial information over a period of time. Usually, the period of time is the rate at which you prepare your financial documents whether it be monthly, quarterly, or annually.

The income statement is considered the most important document within the financial statement because it shows the financial direction, whether that be positive or negative, of the community association.


What Information Should Be Included

There are four items that should be included in an income statement:

  1. Gross profit
  2. Operational expenses
  3. Gains and losses unrelated to operational costs
  4. Net income

Gross profit is all the money that was made over the time period. If you submit financial documents monthly, it should be all the funds raised within that month. That should include any dues, fees, charges, or donations collected.

Operational expenses would be regular fees such as property maintenance, pool cleaning, landscaping, etc. Anything that is a recurring charge necessary to keep the community up and running.

All other one-time expenses would fall under the Gains and Losses category. Because the income statement shows finances over a certain period of time, any extra expenses need to be reported. If the community playground needed new mulch in March, that expense should appear in that month’s income statement, even if it means the association did not make as much money in March on paper.

Net income is the result of taking gross profit and subtracting all expenses for the period. This is the magic number that the entire report is based on. If your report comes out showing a positive net income, then your association did well and you can put some money in the reserves. If your net profit came out negative, then you should take a deeper look into your finances and see where improvements can be made.


Be as Detailed as Possible

All categories should be broken down to be as detailed as possible. For example, gross profit should be broken down between dues, fees, and any other source of income for that time period. Operational expenses should be broken down into landscaping, pool cleaning, etc. The more detail included in any financial document, the more insight it will give to the association board of directors leading to better decision making and financial planning.


Ask the Experts

If you are still unsure about how to create a proper income statement, contact the professionals at CSM. We have years of experience working with HOAs from around the United States. With a wide variety of services, our goal is to give community associations all the tools and technology they need to be financially successful, while at the same time still allowing them to remain independent.

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Slow Your Roll: How to Address Speeding Issues in Your Association

Slow Your Roll: How to Address Speeding Issues in Your Association

  • Posted: Mar 22, 2021
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Speeding is a big problem for many community associations — a problem that is not always easily addressed or corrected. How can your board slow the speed of traffic in your community?

by Jennifer Horan

If your association does not currently have traffic rules, you may be able to rely on a nuisance provision in your Declaration. Alternatively, if your board has the authority to adopt rules and regulations regarding the common areas, the board can adopt traffic rules at a duly noticed board meeting. To enforce the rules, the association has a variety of enforcement tools available, including sending warning letters, notices of violation, fining, suspension of use rights, or further legal action.

Fining is the most common “enforcement tool” that is utilized to curb speeding, for associations who monitor speeding. Fining is most effective when pursued against owners/residents in the community. It is more difficult for an association to pursue fines against visitors, guests, invitees, or contractors who speed. So, for the most part, most associations that pursue fines for speeding opt to only pursue fines against owners/residents who speed. Anytime an association intends to fine an owner or resident, the process and procedures for fining must comply with the statute. Therefore, it would require the board to establish a fining committee (if your community does not already have a committee in place). Notice must be provided to the owner or resident of the violation and the owner or resident must be provided with an opportunity to be heard in front of a fining committee.

For those communities who do not want to impose fines, there are a variety of other enforcement tools available, including sending warning letters, notices of violation, suspension of use rights, or further legal action (such as seeking injunctive relief). When it comes to either fining or the suspension of use rights the association must follow the statutory procedure described above. An additional method of enforcement would be through an agreement with the county which would authorize a local law enforcement agency to enforce state traffic laws on the association’s private roads. Section 316.006, Florida Statutes, authorizes local law enforcement agencies to enforce state traffic laws on the private roads of associations pursuant to an agreement between the association and law enforcement. It requires a majority vote of the board of directors of a homeowners’ association to elect to have state traffic laws enforced by local law enforcement agencies on private roads that are controlled by the association.

There are other practical concerns with regard to enforcement against speeders, most notably, evidence of speeding. How can your board of directors “prove” that a vehicle is speeding? Depending on the speed of the vehicle, it could be established simply by the testimony of the person who saw the car speeding. Some communities have purchased equipment that monitors speed and that can also take photos or videos of the speeding vehicle. If your community is considering purchasing a speed gun, it should be noted that there is an administrative rule that deals with “speed measuring devices”. This rule provides that evidence of the speed of a vehicle measured by a radar speed measuring device is inadmissible in “any proceeding with respect to an alleged violation of provisions of law regulating lawful speed of vehicles” unless such evidence of speed is obtained by a law enforcement officer who meets certain requirements, including the satisfactory completion of certain training courses. The rule also requires a visual determination that the vehicle was speeding and a written citation based on evidence obtained from an approved speed measure device. Also, the particular speed measuring device must meet specifications and must be tested in accordance with other procedural rules related to the testing of speed measuring devices.
Slowing traffic helps promote a more relaxed residential environment and as you can see there are various options available. An association need not choose one however to the exclusion of all others. The key is be consistent and properly apply the various options chosen.


Jennifer Horan



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BIG NEWS ABOUT Glazer and Sachs & Condo Craze and HOAs BLOG – View our new Website!

BIG NEWS ABOUT Glazer and Sachs & Condo Craze and HOAs BLOG – View our new Website!

  • Posted: Mar 22, 2021
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BIG NEWS ABOUT MY BLOGS! by Eric Glazer of Glazer & Sachs

As you know, I have been writing a blog 50 times per year for the last 10 years. That’s over 500 columns that have spoken about virtually every aspect of community association living. Our readers love it. The only complaint about the blog was that it was not searchable by topic. It was difficult to find a specific blog about a specific topic. Not any more!  From now on, by going to either the website for Glazer and Sachs,

Or, by going to the website for Condo Craze and HOAs, you can click on our BLOG link –type a few key words in the search bar- and find a blog about a topic of your choice. You also still have the option to scroll through all our blogs in chronological order.

It’s just another way our firm tries to make the law accessible and enjoyable to everyone with an interest in community association law, whether you’re a Board member, owner, manager or service provider. We hope you enjoy reading them half as much as we enjoy writing them.


View our New Website





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Take Action today have one of our Legal Members help with a comprehensive, custom-tailored for your community updates to all three documents—the Declaration, the Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation

Take Action today have one of our Legal Members help with a comprehensive, custom-tailored for your community updates to all three documents—the Declaration, the Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation

  • Posted: Mar 14, 2021
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Are your community Documents Updated?

Homeowners Associations and Condominium Associations have three governing documents: the Declaration, the Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation.
The Declaration is the “contract with the membership” – it contains things like pet restrictions, vehicle restrictions, guest rules, the ability to do background screening on incoming buyers and tenants, insurance obligations, and other things that affect every community member’s everyday life.
The Bylaws are your go-to for procedures such as who gets to vote? How many members comprise the board? When are your elections? Who can be on the board? Who can call meetings? When is the annual meeting?
And the Articles of Incorporation are your contract with the State of Florida that incorporate you as a corporation-not-for-profit.
All three documents reference one another, and it’s important to have congruency.

Take Action today have one of our Legal Members help with a comprehensive, custom-tailored for your community updates to all three documents—the Declaration, the Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation

Covid-19 has brought many changes; every community should have these added to their governing documents.


The Process of updating governing documents.

The board shoulders a bit more responsibility – giving us lots of information about your association—and then we collaborate together on the tougher provisions, ensuring you have the very best guidance and governing documents that are perfect for your community.

  • Search of original documents and amendments all the way through the mailing of proxies and finally recording of your new documents..
  • Our presence at town hall meetings, board meetings, or assistance with mailings.
  • There will be a lot of questions from owners, we can help answer these for your community.

Legal Members can provide not only guidance about your community standards, but also lots and lots of ideas from all of the other communities with whom we work! Some of the most popular updating provisions these days include: preventing AirBNB and sober homes, creating a non-smoking building (while grandfathering in current residences), eliminating investors, protecting the association from corporate takeover, and screening new residents and tenants for criminal histories and good credit references!

We are here to help protect and modernize your community!


How much time does it take to update documents?

This depends quite a bit on you! As soon as you retain our services with payment, we send you a packet of information you need to get started. We also are ready to schedule your telephone conference within the following fourteen days. That said, some associations need a bit of extra time—someone’s on vacation, or it’s hard to coordinate calendars with everyone. (And that is perfectly alright!)

You will also have an opportunity, after our phone conference, to review everything before we create your docs. Rewriting 60-100 page documents takes a bit of time! We ask for six-to-eight weeks to create your new documents, and then we send them to you.
Once you get them, you’ll start “getting the vote” in your community! Some Associations can do this within a few weeks—and for others, the process can be months! This timeline is what fits best for your community, and we are happy to provide support in any way needed.

Updating governing documents can be an exciting time for your community—there are so many incredible updates to protect and modernize your association!


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Condo and HOA Lien Foreclosures…A National Shame by Axela Technologies

Condo and HOA Lien Foreclosures…A National Shame by Axela Technologies

  • Posted: Mar 09, 2021
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Condo and HOA Lien Foreclosures…A National Shame

by Axela Technologies


How many times have you read a story about an HOA foreclosing on some unfortunate family for a fraction of the value of the home? For example, the veteran who, upon returning from active duty, finds that his HOA has foreclosed and taken title to his house for a mere pittance? “Soldier in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt” reads the story, and life goes on at the HOA.

Should the HOA have foreclosed on this person’s house? Why did they foreclose on this property? What could have been done to prevent this gross injustice from happening in the first place? Condo and HOA lien foreclosures should not be the first go-to solution when a unit becomes delinquent.

For too long, community associations have been a national disgrace, rather than a source of national pride. No HOA wants their name to be mentioned on the nightly news because we all know it is far more likely to be an exposé than a feel-good piece. But if we want the bad press to stop, we need to take a good, hard look in the mirror.


Communities Often Jump Straight to the Nuclear Option of Lien Foreclosure. Can They Do That?

When you buy a house or condo in a community association, most likely you’ve taken out a mortgage, and if you don’t pay your mortgage, the lender has the right to foreclose and force a public sale of the property. So too can condominiums and homeowner’s associations foreclose on your property for non-payment of maintenance fees.

In fact, per most state laws, your homeowner’s association or condominium association can potentially foreclose on your property even if you are current with your mortgage. Also, your mortgage will remain in first position and the HOA cannot sell the property with marketable title unless the first position lien has been satisfied.

All that is required is for the association to cause an attorney to file a lien, have the attorney send a notice of foreclosure, have your day in court, and before you know it you are being evicted from your home that may have equity in it because you were delinquent for a much smaller amount than what the property is worth. Not a good deal for you and certainly not a smart business move for the association.

It’s not to say that the community is in the wrong. The assessment fees are rightfully owed to the association, and they have the right to attempt to collect it. However, jumping to the nuclear option prior to attempting diplomacy (negotiating with the owner to satisfy the debt) never goes well for anyone.

Quote-lein foreclosure bid shocked the conscience of the court x800

Winrose vs Hale ‘Shocked the Conscience’ of the Court

In an appeals court decision in Supreme Court South Carolina, the association foreclosure was REVERSED and REMANDED. In the case of WINROSE HOA v. DEVERY HALE the court was shocked by this action and even stated so in their decision: “As a result, in determining whether the purchase price was grossly inadequate …. the bid shocks the conscience of the court.” The story is quite simple and may sound familiar to you as this happens every day and really should not.

The Hales were solid citizens who purchased their home twenty-one years ago for $104,250.00 and paid their mortgage and fees on time. The home is valued at $128,000.00 and the property has $60,000.00 of equity in it. After missing a $250.00 maintenance fee payment the HOA foreclosed on their $566.41 lien (to satisfy delinquent assessments and interest) and the winning bid on the house was $3,036.00. The Hales had been robbed, and the association had acted too rashly in moving to foreclose upon a house for such a pittance. The buyer was Regime Solutions, LLC who are investors that seek out and purchase properties at foreclosures.

Due to the Hales failure to file a responsive pleading to the foreclosure complaint, a huge mistake on their part, they were ultimately defaulted and were not served with any further court papers. In fact, they did not even receive a copy of the judgment of foreclosure. When they found out they were at risk of losing their property, they tried to make good to redeem their house and paid a bill to the master and in fact, the law firm representing the HOA sent the Hales a notice that the lien had been satisfied. The HOA, however, did not withdraw its suit.

Three months after, the HOA filed the affidavit of default and the master authorized a judicial sale of the property at public auction. The Hales were not notified of this order due to a rule in South Carolina, which essentially states the time to appeal doesn’t change, despite lack of notice (rule 77(d), SCRCP). Two weeks later without notice to the Hales, the property was sold and the new owner moved to evict them. This of course led to court complaints, a trial, and finally an appeal before the Supreme Court who reversed and remanded the foreclosure order saying that the sale at auction for $3,036.00 “shocked the conscience of the court,” which is quite strong language from the Supreme Court.


Quote-Lien Foreclosure Is a Last Resort x800

Investors Use Shady Business Practices To Take Advantage of Unsuspecting Homeowners through HOA foreclosures

It came to light that Regime’s business model was not to assume the senior mortgage to own the property but to give back the property to the original owners at a hefty fee. (Sadly, this is not an uncommon practice.)

The court decision went on to say: “While the HOA had the legal right to pursue collection of the debt owed, including foreclosure of the Property to satisfy that debt, this foreclosure action quickly morphed into a proxy to capitalize on a small debt. We are especially troubled by Regime’s participation in a foreclosure proceeding to accommodate its business model of leveraging a nominal debt to secure an exorbitant return from homeowners who fear the prospect of eviction.”

Most important the court stated: “Regime would not have had an opportunity to engage in its questionable business practices had the HOA and its attorney not chosen to pursue foreclosure in the first place. The Hales were minimally in arrears on their HOA dues, yet the HOA foreclosed on a $128,000 home in its eagerness to collect the outstanding $250—an overdue amount less than 0.2% of the fair market value of the home, notwithstanding the amount of the outstanding mortgage.”

Finally, the court opined: “A foreclosure proceeding is a last resort, not a business model to be swiftly invoked for the purpose of exploiting property owners. We do not countenance the improper use of foreclosure proceedings by the HOA, its attorney, or Regime.”

Justice ultimately prevailed in this case, and the Hales kept their house and were not evicted although there can be no doubt that they had suffered and worried throughout this entire process. Not every homeowner who goes through this process is so lucky to get away with only a terrible story to tell.


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Communities Are Getting Bad Advice, and It’s Costing Them, in Real Dollars and in Reputation

What went wrong is an amazingly simple question to answer. The association was convinced that they should foreclose on a delinquent unit before they even tried to engage the owners to review the consequences of their situation. While it may be true that they received one notice, they were advised by an attorney that the matter had been resolved. This was a total failure of communication.

The association could have had more contact with the owners and advised them as to the course of action that was being taken against them. Nobody said anything to them – and in this industry, such a thing is not uncommon.

When a delinquent unit goes over to an attorney the object is to “enforce the security interest” and not to collect. The association’s board was not properly informed that less drastic action could be taken. Somehow the board was convinced not to recover money from the Hales but rather to take the property.

No collections activity is reported in the narrative that is presented in the case. It was a bad business decision because eventually, the association had to pay a lot of legal fees. This situation could have been resolved much more easily and cost-effectively.

A Lawyer Who is Just Enforcing Security Interests Is Not A Debt Collector

This matter did not have to be resolved by a “legal solution” but rather by a “collections solution.” As a matter of fact, in a case decided by the Supreme Court of The United States, DENNIS OBDUSKEY v. McCARTHY & HOLTHUS LLP the Court held, “A business engaged in no more than the enforcement of security interests is not a “debt collector” under the FDCPA, 1032*1032 except for the limited purpose of § 1692f(6). Pp. 1035-1040. This means that the association did not even try to collect the past due debt and if they used an attorney, he/she is not even bound by the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act.

The Supreme Court in South Carolina in all its wisdom said loud and clear: “A foreclosure proceeding is a last resort”


HOAs and condo associations should collect, not foreclose

Community Associations Have a Better Option to Collect Delinquent Fees

So how should a community association collect delinquent fees? In a way this question just about answers itself. The answer is that they use a collection agency that is specialized in collections for community associations. Community Associations need to COLLECT, not foreclose and evict owners from their homes. Associations need to have adequate cash flows and a minimum amount of legal cases.

Axela Technologies would be honored to be that company for your community association. We are a licensed collection agency and we only work on delinquencies from Condos and HOAs. We are different because our objective is not to foreclose on a house, which is the action of last resort.

What Axela does is engage the owner and work with them to pay their past due assessments. Axela will send demand letters, provide internet portals to delinquent owners, make outbound calls, report delinquencies to credit bureaus, receive inbound calls, work out payment plans, and notice mortgage holders that the borrower is delinquent on their maintenance fee payments as per the PUD Rider.

Now is the time for your community association management company and/or community association to put the right process into place when you are confronted with delinquencies. Foreclosing and evicting does not have to be the way. Click here to request your free, no-obligation collections analysis today.



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  • Posted: Mar 09, 2021
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March 18th – 6:00 p.m.


Managers: Our Course is now approved for Three 2021 Legal Update Credits.
Course Number: 9630640
MARCH 18th, 6:00 P.M.
OR CALL OUR OFFICE AT: 954-983-1112
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Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

  • Posted: Mar 04, 2021
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Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

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