Insurance Changes you should make?

Insurance Changes you should make?

  • Posted: Feb 21, 2016
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Changes in your life or lifestyle mean you should update your auto, home and umbrella insurance coverage. You may find you can save money by dropping unneeded coverage (say, for a child who has left for college) or that you need extra insurance (say, for heirloom jewelry you’ve just inherited) Renovations to your main home or a new building on your property can mean you’re underinsured and need to increase the value of the structures coverage on your home policy. This is especially important if you’ve put in a lot of money into renovation, or expanded your square footage It’s hard to believe, but people forget to take old cars off their policies when they trade in one car for another. If you have any motorized toys, such as all-terrain vehicles, boats, or jet skis, make sure that your underlying auto or home policies, as well as your umbrella, cover your use of these. If your teenager starts driving or you let an au pair or nanny drive your car, you must add him or her to your policy. Before you buy a car specifically for this new driver’s use, check the impact on your premiums. Some carriers will let you assign a young driver to a clunker, while others assume a young driver is using most valuable car in your garage, making it cheaper not to add another car.  ...

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