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SFPMA’s Reserve Funding for your Communities

SFPMA’s Reserve Funding for your Communities

  • Posted: Oct 29, 2021
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Reserve Funding 101

Reserve Funding for your Communities

A reserve fund is a special account for the long-term repair and replacement of commonly-owned property in a community association.

A good example of this is the roof of a condominium building. All of the unit owners in the building share ownership of the roof. Every 50 or so years, the singles and other items will need to be replaced. The condo association will set aside a specific amount of money each year to go towards replacing/repairing the roof.

When an association plans for a reserve fund, they call on trained experts known as reserve specialists. These assess examine every detail of the association’s common areas to determine their lifespan and condition. They also include factors such as inflation to determine the cost of replacement at the end of the item’s lifespan.

Finally, the last step is to determine how much money the association needs to set aside each year. There are three basic plans for reserve funding: baseline, threshold, and full funding. These determine how prepared the HOA or condo will be when the item’s lifespan is up.

Full funding offers the least amount of risk for owners. With full funding, the replacement item in question will be fully funded by the end of its lifespan. With threshold funding, the association plans to have a certain limit, say 50%, of the item paid for by the end of its lifespan. The up-side to this is cheaper dues. The down-side is that is puts the owners at a greater risk of reaching the end of the item’s lifespan without having the proper funds available to repair or replace it. Finally, baseline funding aims to keep the reserve fund above a $0 balance at the end of the item’s lifespan.

Whichever path the association decides to take, the funds needed are figured in the budget. A portion of the regular assessments paid by homeowners or unit owners goes towards the reserve fund. Some states require associations to maintain a reserve fund by law. Most of the mortgage loans on condos are underwritten by the Federal Housing Administration. The FHA requires that a minimum of 10% of the association’s budget be designated for the reserves. If an association is not allocating at least 10% of its budget, it loses it’s FHA certification. This will almost always have negative consequences for the unit/home values.

Aside from that, who really wants to buy into an association that isn’t planning ahead? That isn’t executing good judgement, and should be a red flag to potential buyers. Adequately maintaining a reserve fund will mean higher assessments over the course of time. However, this is much better than the alternative of a large special assessment. If you community association needs guidance when it comes to reserve funding, trust the financial experts at Clark Simson Miller. We’re not reserve specialists, but we have over 100 years of combined experience in the association management industry. We’ll be glad to schedule a consultation and assess your community’s overall financial health.


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  • Posted: Oct 29, 2021
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by Steven J. Weil, Ph.D., EA, LCAM, President

Royale Management Services, Inc.


Your maintenance fees cover many of the same things you would need to pay for as a homeowner.

What’s included?   As a condo owner, it’s useful to know how your maintenance fees are determined. No one is profiting from these fees. They are determined by the board of directors who are elected by the owners and charged with responsibility for operating the association. They represent your share of the common expenses as agreed to in the governing documents.

What you pay is determined by estimating the costs for operation and maintenance for the budget year. These costs include controllable costs — those over which the board can exercise control, e.g., wages of association employees, improvements, along with the cost services offered to owners and residents — as well as non-controllable costs, e.g. insurance, water, garbage collection, electricity, repairs, and existing long-term contracts such as bulk cable agreements.

Each year the board and management review the prior year’s costs and do everything in their power to project the cost for the coming year. These costs become the budget’s expense line items; and once they are calculated, any income from other sources (such as laundry and outside rental income) is taken into account. The total projected expenses are then reduced by the outside income, and whatever is left becomes the maintenance for the coming year. After that, it’s a simple matter of calculating each unit owner’s share of this amount based on the formula set forth in the governing documents.


In many associations, non-controllable expenses make up the majority of the expenses, with insurance often being more than a quarter of the total expenses. Add to this, utilities (which varies), long-term contracts, and required repairs and upkeep, and you can see that the expenses the board can control can be limited often to less than 20% of the total expenses.

The board must also fully fund reserves based on the current replacement cost of reserve items. Reserves may not be waived or reduced by the board. They can, however, be reduced or waived by a vote of the owners. Reserve funding is added to the cost of the maintenance fees already calculated and becomes part of the regular maintenance payment.  Reserves cover the wear and tear on items with a useful life of more than one year, such as roofs, painting, and paving, along with other major items that will wear out over time.

Each association’s budget is different. Accordingly, maintenance fees generally reflect things that are unique to each association. For example, associations with 24-hour security personnel, bulk cable contracts that include the internet, and expensive-to-maintain lobbies will have higher maintenance fees than those that provide fewer services and amenities.

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The association suddenly needs a lot of money. How do you get it? Which way makes sense?

The association suddenly needs a lot of money. How do you get it? Which way makes sense?

  • Posted: Oct 29, 2021
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The association suddenly needs a lot of money. How do you get it? Which way makes sense?

So many of our buildings are approaching the 40 year mark, requiring recertification in electrical and structural.  Many buildings are younger yet still need major repairs to the concrete, balconies, pool decks and other portions of the common elements.  The board is going to need a lot of money.  Assuming you don’t have enough in reserves, how do you get it?

Of course, one way is to simply pass a special assessment.  In effect, that means that you will have all the money necessary to pay for all the repairs, before the repairs are done.  The problem with a special assessment…………. Everyone has to come up with a lot of money relatively quickly, if not immediately.  Some people simply don’t have it.  If they don’t they face possible foreclosure by the association.

What is certainly becoming the more common way of coming up with money to make repairs to the common elements is for the association to borrow the money from a bank.  Rates are still very low and money is very cheap right now.  Typically, the bank gives the association a line of credit for one year that the association may draw upon to pay for the cost of repairs.  After one year, the funds borrowed from the line of credit are converted to a term loan, usually anywhere from three to seven years.

There are of course many advantages to borrowing rather than assessing.  First and foremost, the owners need not come up with their entire share of the special assessment immediately.  Instead, they get to pay off the bank loan over several years.  In addition, the board can establish payment schedules that would allow the owners to have a choice of paying their share of the loan off immediately and without interest.  Or, the board can allow the owners to pay off their share of the loan over time, with interest.

Before signing for the loan, the bank will always ask association’s counsel to review the governing documents and write an “opinion  of counsel” as to whether or not the association has the right to borrow money.  Under the Florida not for profit statutes, the association has the right to borrow.  However, the governing documents should be read carefully because sometimes it clearly states that the association cannot borrow money without a vote of the community.

In terms of collateral, the association is not signing a mortgage encumbering the common elements.  Remember, the common elements are owned by the owners and not the association.  Instead, the association will be signing a Collateral Assignment of Lien Rights which authorizes the bank to demand the monthly assessments directly from each unit owner, should the association default in its payment obligations to the bank.

If you have any additional questions about how the process works, give us a call.  By Eric Glazer, Esq


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Electronic Board of Directors and Membership Meetings in a Post-Covid-19 World

Electronic Board of Directors and Membership Meetings in a Post-Covid-19 World

  • Posted: Oct 26, 2021
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Electronic Board of Directors and Membership Meetings in a Post-Covid-19 World


Well, it is not quite a post-COVID-19 world yet, but hopefully, it will be one day soon. We are, however, living in a post-governor-ordered-state-of-emergency world, meaning that the emergency powers granted to condominium, cooperative, and homeowners’ associations’ boards of directors by virtue of the governor’s emergency orders have come to an end, with this caveat: The emergency authority granted to community association boards of directors after the expiration of the governor’s emergency orders is, generally speaking, “limited to that time reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the association and the owners and their family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees, and to mitigate further damage and make emergency repairs.” As such, each passing day diminishes the arguments supporting a board’s reasonable reliance on the utilization of these emergency powers. However, given the recent uptick in Covid cases plus ever evolving CDC guidance issued towards the end of July, 2021, some community associations may consider relying on the continuance of the emergency powers provision. If so, it is strongly recommended that such a community association receive proper guidance from its legal counsel.


Interestingly, until July 1, 2021, electronic meetings of community association members and boards of directors were not specifically addressed in the legislative grant of emergency powers which could be used during a governor-declared state of emergency. Rather, the emergency powers of days gone by provided that association boards of directors could conduct board meetings and membership meetings with notice given in as practicable a manner as possible, including publication, radio, United States mail, the Internet, public service announcements, and conspicuous posting on the common property or any other means the board deems reasonable under the circumstances. Notice of board decisions may be similarly communicated. In addition, the board could cancel and reschedule any association meeting. Under certain circumstances, decisions could be made on the spot, so to speak, without the need for a noticed meeting. The legislative emergency powers can be found in §718.1265, §719.128, and §720.316 of the Florida Statutes for condominium, cooperative, and homeowners’ associations, respectively. Nowhere in the pre-July 1, 2021 version of the emergency powers legislation did these powers set forth the clear right of the association to conduct solely electronic board and membership meetings, though due to life safety reasons, such power was inferred. However, it should be noted that effective July 1, 2021 the emergency powers legislation was significantly revised to provide for the use of electronic meetings during a governor declared state of emergency.



With this as our backdrop, without a declared state of emergency can community associations continue to hold electronic board  meetings via platforms such as zoom? Let us examine the relevant legislation that bears on this important inquiry. As to condominium board meetings,

[a] board or committee member’s participation in a meeting via telephone, real-time videoconferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication counts toward a quorum, and such member may vote as if physically present. A speaker must be used so that the conversation of such members may be heard by the board or committee members attending in person as well as by any unit owners present at a meeting… Meetings of the board of administration at which a quorum of the members is present are open to all unit owners… The right to attend such meetings includes the right to speak at such meetings with reference to all designated agenda items… [§718.112(2), Fla. Stat. (2020), Emphasis added]. Note that similar provisions are provided for cooperative associations in §719.106), Fla. Stat. (2020).]


As to homeowners’ association board meetings,

[a] meeting of the board of directors of an association occurs whenever a quorum of the board gathers to conduct association business. Meetings of the board must be open to all members, except for meetings between the board and its attorney with respect to proposed or pending litigation where the contents of the discussion would otherwise be governed by the attorney-client privilege. A meeting of the board must be held at a location that is accessible to a physically handicapped person if requested by a physically handicapped person who has a right to attend the meeting… Members have the right to attend all meetings of the board. The right to attend such meetings includes the right to speak at such meetings with reference to all designated items. [§720.303(2), Fla. Stat. (2020), Emphasis Added.]

In addition, the “Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act,” set out in Chapter 617, Florida Statutes, which applies, in large part, to condominium, cooperative, and homeowners’ associations, so long as not in conflict with Chapters 718, 719, and 720 of the Florida Statutes (and certain other exceptions not relevant to this analysis), provides that,

Unless the articles of incorporation or the bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors may permit any or all directors to participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any means of communication by which all directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. A director participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. [§617.0820(4), Fla. Stat. (2020).]

Mixing all of these ingredients together so that they all have meaning clearly implies that the community association board can conduct its board meetings via electronic means, like Zoom.  However, in our opinion, a more prudent approach is to also make on-site accommodations available to those who wish to attend in person. This can be easily accomplished by ensuring the meeting is noticed in a physical location where the non-board member owners can listen and participate through use of an on-site speaker phone or computer that is preferably provided or otherwise arranged for by the association. (Reminder that Zoom also has a call in feature for those who do not access to, or are not comfortable with, a computer).



As to all community association membership meetings, members have a right to speak at meetings of the membership. Pursuant to §718.112(2)(d)7 and §719.106(1)(d)4, Florida Statutes, members of condominium and cooperative associations, respectively, have the right to participate in meetings of the unit owners with reference to all designated agenda items. Pursuant to §720.306(6), Florida Statutes, members of a homeowners’ association have the right to speak with reference to all items opened for discussion or included on the agenda. During elections and other meetings where a vote of the membership is at issue, members should be able to observe the tallying of ballots.


As to condominium associations, membership meeting requirements include the following:

An annual meeting of the unit owners must be held at the location provided in the association bylaws and, if the bylaws are silent as to the location, the meeting must be held within 45 miles of the condominium property… [§718.112(2)(d)1, Fla. Stat. (2020).]


As to cooperative associations, membership meeting requirements include the following:

There shall be an annual meeting of the shareholders… The bylaws must provide the method for calling meetings, including annual meetings… [§719.106(1)(d), Fla. Stat. (2020).]


As to homeowners’ associations, membership meeting requirements include the following:

The association shall hold a meeting of its members annually for the transaction of any and all proper business at a time, date, and place stated in, or fixed in accordance with, the bylaws. The election of directors, if one is required to be held, must be held at, or in conjunction with, the annual meeting or as provided in the governing documents… [§720.306(2), Fla. Stat. (2020).]


Furthermore, and of great importance, there is the following provision from the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act, a/k/a Chapter 617, Florida Statutes:

If authorized by the board of directors, and subject to such guidelines and procedures as the board of directors may adopt, members and proxy holders who are not physically present at a meeting may, by means of remote communication participate in the meeting and be deemed to be present in person and vote at the meeting if:

1)    the corporation implements reasonable means to verify that each person deemed present and authorized to vote by means of remote communication is a member or proxy holder; and

2)    the corporation implements reasonable measures to provide such members or proxy holders with a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting and to vote on matters submitted to the members, including an opportunity to communicate and to read or hear the proceedings of the meeting substantially concurrent with the proceedings, and

3)    if any member or proxy holder votes or takes other action by means of remote communication, a record of that member’s participation in the meeting must be maintained by the corporation in accordance with §617.1601.

[§617.0721(3), Fla. Stat. (2020); internal numbering, punctuation, capitalization, and formatting removed; emphasis added.]


Therefore, the members at a membership meeting can participate electronically so long as the board has authorized it and has adopted appropriate procedures. Consultation with the association’s attorney is strongly encouraged, most especially if there will be any “live” voting at the membership meeting.


How members vote at an electronic membership meeting when the member attends virtually is an interesting question. Presently, there is no definitive procedure set out in the law for the member to cast their vote “live” during a zoom meeting. Rather, §617.0721(3) Fla. Stat. (2020), places the burden on the board of directors to adopt procedures in this regard.   Obviously, if your association has 400 members who all appear virtually at the membership meeting, live voting for all 400 members will prove to be logistically difficult, if not impossible. It may be far easier to have the members  vote i) in advance by proxy, limited proxy, absentee ballot as the case may be, or, ii)  if adopted by the association, vote electronically pursuant to the procedures as set out in §718.128, §719.129, or §720.317 (Fla. Stat. 2020). A hybrid approach could also be utilized where the association provides for electronic voting and proxy voting prior to the meeting and then only the remaining few voters who have yet to cast their ballot could cast their vote “live” during the meeting, subject to the requirements of §617.0721(3).

Practice tip 1: Remember, electronic voting can be used whenever a membership vote is needed, even if the meeting does not have a zoom type option for attendance so long as the association has followed the requirements to provide for electronic voting.

Practice tip 2 (For Homeowners’ Associations): If your association’s governing documents require or otherwise allow nominations from the floor of the election meeting, consider amending and removing this provision from the governing documents to clear the way for an electronic membership meeting and election.



Perhaps the initial questions phrased above could be better asked as follows: Absent a declared state of emergency can a community association hold board and membership meetings exclusively via an electronic platform, such as Zoom? Unfortunately, this question has not been satisfactorily addressed by the legislature or the Florida Courts. However, in our opinion, the safer approach, and the one that will avoid the potential for a successful legal challenge by an owner, is to avoid holding meetings exclusively via Zoom when there is no declared state of emergency. Consider using the hybrid approach discussed above where both a physical location is provided along with an electronic component such as Zoom and where members are strongly encouraged to attend and participate electronically.

Can community association board meetings and membership meetings be both electronically and at a physical location for those that want to attend in person even if the business is primarily conducted electronically? The answer is “yes”, so long as certain procedural safeguards are put into place. e.g., the ability of the membership watching via Zoom to fully observe the counting of ballots.

Another approach is to consider amending the association’s bylaws to provide for electronic only board and membership meetings. However, doing so has not yet been legally tested in the Florida courts. Also, remember, too, that a homeowners’ association must provide for a physical location for its board meeting, if requested by a handicapped individual. Also, as these matters are not fully settled in the law, your association’s lawyer may have a different opinion and advise that the association may have electronic board and membership meetings without the need for a physical location.

This journey into the foray of electronic meetings demonstrates a clear need for the Florida Legislature to adopt legislation to make clear that both board and membership meetings may take place electronically without the need to also simultaneously provide for a physical location, most especially so long as the association provides a communal device on association property for not-so-tech-savvy members to observe and participate in the meeting. After all we are blessed to be living in the 21st century. Let’s take advantage of it and add a few tech savvy legislative provisions to our laws governing community associations.

It is recommended you consult with your association legal counsel on the adoption of reasonable rules to ensure your virtual/electronic meetings run smoothly while also ensuring that they are in compliance with the association’s governing documents and Florida Statutes, and for further discussion regarding amending the governing documents of the association to provide clear authorization for electronic board and membership meetings.

The Kaye Bender Rembaum Team Remains Available To You and Your Community Association

Visit for awesome free resources, including 2021 Legislation, news with Legal Morsels and Rembaum’s Association Roundup, and our Event Calendar, including upcoming free classes.


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“Community Associations Affected by the 2021 Legislative Session Part X,” News-Press

“Community Associations Affected by the 2021 Legislative Session Part X,” News-Press

  • Posted: Oct 26, 2021
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“Community Associations Affected by the 2021 Legislative Session Part X,” News-Press

This week continues our review of the 2021 legislative changes affecting Florida community associations focusing on two bills that address COVID-19 pandemic legal issues.

Senate Bill 72 took effect on March 29, 2021. This law was initially reported in this column on April 25, 2021. SB 72 outlines the legal process a plaintiff must follow to bring a claim based on an alleged COVID-19 infection from the defendant’s premises. The new law creates several legal hurdles for a plaintiff seeking damages, including the requirement that the complaint (initial lawsuit filing) be accompanied by an affidavit signed by a physician licensed in the State of Florida stating the physician’s belief within a reasonable degree of medical certainty that the plaintiff’s COVID-19 injury was the result of the defendant’s acts or omissions.

The statute requires that the court first hold an evidentiary hearing to determine whether the defendant made a good faith effort to comply with public health standards. If the court finds that the defendant did make such a good faith effort, the defendant is immune from liability.

If the court determines that the defendant did not make a good faith effort, the plaintiff may proceed with the lawsuit, but the plaintiff must show that the defendant committed gross negligence in order for the defendant to be held liable. Gross negligence is a much higher standard than is required in most civil lawsuits.

Senate Bill 2006 became effective July 1, 2021. Section 252.36 of Florida Statutes, which deals with the emergency management powers of the Governor, was amended to provide that an executive order, proclamation, or rule establishing a state of emergency must be limited to a duration of not more than 60 days and may be renewed as necessary during the duration of the emergency. If renewed, the order, proclamation, or rule must specifically state which provisions are being renewed. Further, at any time, the Legislature, by concurrent resolution, may terminate a state of emergency or any specific order, proclamation, or rule thereunder. Upon such concurrent resolution, the Governor shall issue an executive order or proclamation consistent with the concurrent resolution.

Section 252.38(4) of the Florida Statutes addresses emergency orders imposed by political subdivisions, meaning local governments such as counties, cities, towns, and villages. Local orders issued in response to hurricanes or other weather-related emergencies are not covered by this law. The new law vests the Governor with power, at any time, to invalidate an emergency order issued by a political subdivision if the Governor determines that such order unnecessarily restricts individual rights or liberties. The law grants broad discretion to the Governor in determining what local orders “unnecessarily restrict individual rights or liberties.” Obviously, these changes were the result of the plethora of sometimes complicated and occasionally contradictory local orders regarding COVID-19, especially during the early phases of the pandemic.

New Section 381.00316 of the Florida Statutes, states that a “business entity” may not require “patrons or customers” to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-infection recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the entity’s business operations. The law does not otherwise restrict instituting screening protocols consistent with authoritative or controlling government-issued guidance to protect public health.

The term “business entity” includes not-for-profit corporations and would therefore include community associations. However, there is substantial debate whether the new prohibition against “vaccine passports” applies to owners, residents, or others in a community, specifically whether such persons are “customers” or “patrons.” If an entity violates the statute, the Department of Health may impose a fine not to exceed $5,000.00 per violation.


Joseph Adams is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law, and an Office Managing Shareholder with Becker & Poliakoff. Please send your community association legal questions to Past editions of the Q&A may be viewed at


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The more trouble your condo is in, the more developers may be interested in buying you out.

The more trouble your condo is in, the more developers may be interested in buying you out.

  • Posted: Oct 26, 2021
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The more trouble your condo is in, the more developers may be interested in buying you out.



By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I got a call this week from The Miami Herald.  They asked if I had heard about the prominent developer who approached the owners of the other Champlain Towers buildings that are still standing, offering to buy out all of their units.  I had not, but I’m not surprised in the least about it.  In fact, it’s going to be happening more and more.  Developers are going to be approaching lots of owners in condominiums that are distressed.


Why approach the owners in the remaining Champlain Towers condominiums?  I’m sure the developer is thinking that these owners may now have a hard time selling their condo units on the open market because there may not be many buyers interested in purchasing a unit in a condominium by that name.  The Champlain Towers will forever be remembered as the building that collapsed and where nearly a hundred innocent people died.  I think the developer is right.  It will be tough to sell your units in the remaining Champlain Towers condominiums.


The truth is……if that’s the case…and it is next to impossible to now sell your condo unit in these buildings, the developer can look like a knight in shining armor, if the price they offer is fair and reasonable.  It may very well make sense for the owners to seriously consider the developer’s offer.  At the remaining Champlain Towers buildings, the developer’s offer is contingent upon 95% of the owners agreeing to sell to the developer.  If less than 95% of the owners agree to sell, the deal is off the table.  That’s because if at least 5% of the owners vote against a plan of “termination” the developer’s plan to “terminate” the condominium, knock it down and build a more expensive one fails.  So, the developer needs to acquire at least 95% to ensure their plan succeeds.


We know that it’s about to get more expensive to live in a condominium because it looks like it will become more difficult to waive reserves and buildings will be undergoing more frequent inspections.  Repairs will be needed more than ever before which means money will be needed like never before.  When unit owners don’t have the money or don’t want to spend the money on a building that’s already old, rest assured that developers will be there ready to make an offer to everyone so that the property can be bought, knocked down, rebuilt and sold.


Over the last few years the law has made it more difficult to terminate a condominium.  As a result of the tragedy at The Champlain Towers I certainly expect the pendulum to swing back the other way.  Terminations will become easier.  Developers will use their eyes and airs searching for the most vulnerable properties, meaning the ones that will require the greatest cost to repair.  The laws regarding termination continue to evolve, but if I am a developer I may want to be cautious about buying units in a condominium that requires 100% of the owners to agree to termination and that does not have Kaufman language or “as amended from time to time” language.  In these types of condominiums, one owner who refuses to sell may wind up screwing up the developer’s grand plans.



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New Tool to Control Weeds Around Docks

New Tool to Control Weeds Around Docks

New Tool to Control Weeds Around Docks

by SOLitude Lake Management

New solutions are enhancing how we can help solve a variety of problems lake and pond owners face. The innovative tool, Weeds Away, helps keep nuisance and invasive aquatic weeds and muck accumulation away from your dock and swimming areas. Learn more about this exciting technology that offers a natural solution for aquatic weed control.


Enhance Your Lake or Pond with New Technologies from Bearon Aquatics

SOLitude Lake Management is privileged to offer a variety of enhanced tools and services to stakeholders nationwide through our new vendor partner, Bearon Aquatics. This partnership supports SOLitude’s long-held mission to create beautiful, well-balanced waterbodies that promote good health, happiness, and meaningful experiences around the water.

Weeds Away

We are excited to announce Weeds Away, a “non-chemical” system used to manage nuisance aquatic plants, filamentous and planktonic algae, muck, silt, and suspended debris in stagnant areas. This energy-efficient blower system creates a continuous water current that can be used to directly dispel undesirable materials in target spaces such as docks, piers, marinas, and swimming holes. Likewise, this system creates surface turbulence that integrates dissolved oxygen into the water column for increased water quality benefits.

Weeds Away is strategically designed to make maintenance and functionality as effortless and energy-efficient as possible. Stakeholders can choose from two different sizes depending on their goals and budget. The dock-mounted units are corrosion-resistant and adjustable for custom depth, direction, and water current angling for maximum thrust and performance. And each comes with a 2-year warranty. Weeds Away is an excellent choice for waterbodies throughout the country.


surface aerator - bearon aquaticsSurface Aerators & Floating Fountains

Beyond Weeds Away and Ice-Eater, there are many cost-effective options available for surface aeration. Surface aerators and floating fountains are used to increase dissolved oxygen levels by creating circulation and turbulence. All Bearon products require little or no assembly and can be installed by one person, if necessary.

Bearon’s Flo-Gen and Flo-Ration surface aerators can be used to circulate water by creating a horizontal flow. By improving surface water quality and movement, these aerators, in turn, prevent mosquito populationsfish kills, algae blooms, and unwanted bacteria – particularly in marinas and narrow canals. They can also help enhance activities like winter fishing and duck hunting by rocking decoys and preventing ice formation.

Bearon also offers several dynamic Olympus fountain systems with a variety of features, spray patterns, and lighting accents. Fountains function differently than surface aerators as they vertically spray water into the air. Each system works differently to achieve goals for waterbodies of any depth and size, whether that’s reducing power consumption, preventing pond scum and bad odors, lowering operating costs, or adding a touch of elegance to a community pond.


Other Exciting Technologies & Innovations

Among these new offerings, SOLitude has a full toolbox of exciting technologies and innovations that continue to transform the lake and pond management industry. Professional dronesOxygen Saturation Technology (OST), and many other solutions are available to help you achieve your waterbody goals. Speak with the experts to learn more!


At SOLitude Lake Management we’re dedicated to making water a more healthy and beautiful part of our environment and our world. In that pursuit we offer sustainable, comprehensive lake and pond management solutions.


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Accept deliveries from any shipper, residents can collect packages 24/7. by Smart Entry Systems

Accept deliveries from any shipper, residents can collect packages 24/7. by Smart Entry Systems

  • Posted: Oct 22, 2021
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Accept deliveries from any shipper, residents can collect packages 24/7.

Mix and match from 9, 6, or 4 door models to suit your community.

Watch our Video


please check if your question is already covered by the below Frequently Asked Questions list:

  1. How many residence units can this system support?
    • Unlimited, our system is hosted in Google cloud with infinite expandability.
  2. How many buildings can this system support?
    • Unlimited, and no additional monthly fees are required for having multiple buildings.
  3. How many doors or gates can this system support?
    • Unlimited and no additional monthly fees are required for having multiple doors or gates.
  4. Do I get software upgrades when new features are released?
    • Yes, some new features will be free upgrades while other optional services can cost extra. Critical updates are pushed to the tablets automatically as they become available.
  5. How many residents can access the system?
    • We do not set any limit, but the average US household size is 2.2 including kids, so the total number of residents should be around 2.2 times the number of reported units. We may investigate properties with inconceivably high resident to unit ratios to make sure the number of units reported to us is correct.
  6. Do you sell the tablet, the wireless relay, the electric strike, the maglock, etc?
    • No, we do not sell ANY hardware directly as this system is based on an open platform concept using commonly available hardware components.  You can find direct purchase links to the various component suppliers on our Tutorial page. Please contact us if you would also like to be a supplier of ours.
  7. Can I use an iPad as the entrance tablet?
    • No, Android tablets are much more cost effective and comes in a much wider variety of models.
  8. Does each resident need to purchase any additional hardware to access the system?
    • No, they only need a smartphone (iOS or Android) and download our free app to receive video calls.  Non-smartphone and landline users will receive voice only calls and press *1 to open grant access.
  9. How does the resident or visitor open the door?
    • At the door, by entering their numberic access code or scanning their QR Code.
    • At the door, depending on the type of reader installed using one or more of the following credentials:
      • Touchless RFID credentials such as a key card, key fob, sticker.
      • Wireless credentials such as Bluetooth, NFC tags.
      • Biometric identifiers such as fingerprint, vein, retina.
      • There are many reader choices avaiable on the market and we support all of them that complies to the Wiegand standard.
    • When called by their visitor and is using a smartphone, by pressing the Open Door button on the app.
    • When called by their visitor and is NOT using a smartphone, by pressing *1 on their phone’s numeric keypad.
  10. Do you support both the iPhone and Android phones?
    • Yes, our free phone app is available for both iOS and Android devices.
  11. Which tablet do you recommend?
  12. How do I mount the tablet to the wall?
    • We have partnered with several enclosure makers to provide various tablet mounting enclosures. Please see our Tutorial page for more info. Please contact us if you would also like to be a supplier of ours.
  13. How do I prevent users from existing the tablet entry app?
    • The Android tablet is set to Kiosk mode, only our Entry App running on the foreground is accessible.
  14. How hot can the temperature get before the system shuts down?
    • The tablet manufacturers rated the tablet’s operating temperatures from 32F to 105F.  We have tested our system up to 115F but recommends adhering to the manufacturer’s suggested temperatures.  If the entry box will be directly exposed to the sun, you will need to install a hood to protect the box from overheating. Please see our Tutorial page for more info. Here is our High Temperature Testing Video 1 and High Temperature Testing Video 2.
    • For locations colder than 32F, a Thin Film Heater and a thermometer relay is required to prevent controller shutdown. Please see our Tutorial page for more info.
  15. How do I prevent theft and vandalism of the tablet?
    • You can use any Android tablet, some models are more vandal proof than others. You can also add tempered glass screen protectors to further protect the tablet. However, nothing can give you 100% protection to purposeful vandalism such as a swing from a baseball bat, this is also true for any other entry systems on the market. Our system allows you to replace a damaged tablet very quickly and inexpensively while replacement parts from other proprietary manufactured units can be very expensive and you must wait for a trained professional to replace the damaged parts, adding more costs and prolonged system downtime. Adding a surveillance camera system is a great way to deter vandalism.
  16. How do I manage the residents, entries, schedules and access rules?
    • The full functionality of the system is managed by accessing our cloud based Community Management Portal from anywhere with Internet.
  17. What is the HTML code to incorporate the Community Manager into my website for private labeling?
    • <iframe width=”1024″ height=”768″ frameborder=”0″ src=””></iframe>
    • Here is a sample HTML file containing the code: Private Label
  18. What happens to the controller when the Internet goes down?
    • The ability for the tablet to make calls will be disabled, however, existing access codes, QR codes, cards and fobs will continue to work as usual. No updates to access codes, QR, codes, cards, fobs, schedules, and residents can be sent to the tablet by our cloud server until your Internet connection is restored.
  19. The $50 minimum monthly fee is still too much for my tiny project, can I get the system for free?
    • Yes, if your tiny project only requires a maximum of just 5 residents or less, the demo account is completely functional and 100% free to use. We hope that you will bring us larger projects in the future.
  20. Will you support Z-Wave®, ZigBee®, Wi-Fi®, Lutron® Clear Connect® based devices?
    • Possibly, this feature is under review and is being considered for future development.
  21. Can you add this special feature that I must have in order to sell this system to my customer?
    • Maybe, please contact us and describe your feature requirement below.

You can also email us directly at


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Lighting of Tomorrow is a full-service electrician company, we specialize in all commercial, industrial, HOA & Condo services.

Lighting of Tomorrow is a full-service electrician company, we specialize in all commercial, industrial, HOA & Condo services.

  • Posted: Oct 22, 2021
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LED Lighting , Energy Savings and Electrical Services for Commercial , HOA & Condo Properties

Lighting of Tomorrow is a full-service electrician company for the South Florida Area. We specialize in all commercial, industrial, HOA & Condo services and are guaranteed to leave you satisfied with our electrical work.

Our team consists of certified electricians who know the ins and outs of superior service and unbeatable customer care. We also specialize on renewable and energy-efficient product and services that facilitates the switch from outdated, inefficient lighting to state-of-the-art LED technology. We offer lighting design, inspections, installation, & maintenance.


Electrical Areas Of Expertise

  • Electric vehicle charging stations
  • Turnkey Lighting Installations
  • Lighting and Energy Audits
  • New Lighting Installations
  • Surge Protection Systems
  • New Construction
  • New electrical installations
  • Transformer Maintenance & Repair
  • Existing electrical repairs.
  • Installation of UPS/Generator Systems
  • Bulbs and ballast replacements
  • PLC Installations
  • Fuse replacements
  • Preventive Maintenance on Switchgear
  • Surge protector installations
  • Panel upgrades
  • Flat Rate Service Fees
  • Expert troubleshooting
  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • Commercial electric
  • New Commercial, and Industrial wiring
  • Solar energy panel installations
  • Rewiring and Remodeling
  • Generator backup systems
  • Electric Circuit Testing
  • Design and permits.
  • Indoor & Outdoor Accent & Security Lighting
  • Energy Analysis Audit
  • Control Wiring


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Top 4 Things to Consider When Budgeting for Lake Management by SOLitude

Top 4 Things to Consider When Budgeting for Lake Management by SOLitude

  • Posted: Oct 22, 2021
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Top 4 Things to Consider When Budgeting for Lake Management

by SOLitude Lake Management


Lakes and ponds are multifaceted ecosystems with a wide array of uses, benefits, and challenges. If you oversee waterbodies for a community association, golf course, municipality, or any other entity, you know that many factors must be examined when making decisions about the property. As the number of stakeholders increases, so does the number of opinions.

Lake management professionals often encounter these situations. To help decision-makers choose lake management solutions and maintenance strategies that satisfy as many stakeholders as possible, it’s advantageous to start by considering four overarching factors:


Stakeholder goals - on the job- team picture - meeting with clients - event - solution

#1: Stakeholder Goals

A decorative pond is very distinct from an aquatic preserve, and both of these are vastly different from a productive trophy fishery or a large drinking water reservoir. Likewise, each of these waterbodies may serve multiple purposes. A community pond, for example, is aesthetically pleasing, but may also contain important equipment for stormwater collection. A reservoir sustains our communities and also likely functions as an exciting spot for boating and recreation. Making simple choices about the removal of aquatic plant species or adjusting water chemistry can require overwhelming input with dozens of goals in mind.

How do you meet in the middle? This is where it’s important to confer with a lake manager who specializes in the “human dimension” of goal setting. It’s unlikely that polar opposite goals can be achieved, but by collecting diverse input, thoroughly evaluating goals, and educating stakeholders about the various paths to achieve them, it is possible to find areas of unforeseen compromise and greater potential for success.

Waterbody characteristics - water testing water quality on the job team photo smiling colleague - scenic lake

#2: Waterbody Characteristics

All lakes and ponds are different, whether they are located in separate states or right next to one another. Like a snowflake, a multitude of details come together to create a one-of-a-kind entity. These include the waterbody’s location, size, depth, age, the presence of invasive species, land use, and the level of surrounding pollution – and can go far beyond that.

Before moving forward with any kind of lake or pond maintenance strategy, it’s vital to collect data that reveals both the visible and unseen characteristics of the water resource. Laboratory testingbathymetric mapping, surveillance, and other data gathering techniques can be used to inform the creation of a customized management program that maps out the path to success. Some goals may be simple to achieve while others require a more rigorous approach, but this can only be determined when accurate data is available.

lake and pond maintenance timing - hydro-raking and dredging

#3: Timing

Just as physical factors can influence a waterbody, so can elements like weather, temperature, rainfall, and even the season. These conditions can have dramatic, almost immediate effects on a waterbody by altering water chemistry, expediting erosion, causing fish kills, and more. The time of year may also exacerbate existing problems or create new ones without warning.

No matter your goal, timing will be a large factor in the planning and implementation process. For instance, lakes and ponds that require muck removal will often wait until the cooler months to complete hydro-raking or dredging projects in order to minimize down-time. And, nuisance algae and toxic cyanobacteria can be more effectively thwarted with proactive nutrient remediation projects before summer weather is in full swing. By understanding the importance of well-timed management projects, you can better budget for them.

scenic lake and pond, looking out at lake, clients enjoying waterbody, team on the job budget

#4: Budget

Budget is often a limiting factor for stakeholders and it can be even more difficult to get all decision-makers on board with the prioritization of lake and pond management. It’s beneficial to create a comprehensive road map built on the aquatic characteristics, the timing of necessary services, and the long-term goals and expectations for the waterbody. With a clear, well-informed plan on hand, the benefits and upfront costs can be more accurately evaluated and conveyed.

On paper, smaller upfront maintenance costs seem more appealing, but they can also be extremely misleading. Though safe and effective, EPA-registered pesticides do not make algae or weeds disappear forever; they simply mask a problem that will continue to exist without intervention. Stakeholders looking to maximize their budget while maintaining their long-term goals will find the most success in an annual management program. By proactively investing in the future of your waterbody, you can spend and worry less over time.


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