Fair Collections Everyone In Your Association Can Smile About

Fair Collections Everyone In Your Association Can Smile About

  • Posted: Jun 29, 2021
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Fair Collections Everyone In Your Association Can Smile About

When a condominium, cooperative, or HOA homeowner doesn’t pay fees and assessments owed to the condominium association, cooperative, or HOA on time, a problem is created for both the association and the homeowner. Associations are forced to act against the homeowner. Homeowners risk losing their homes. It all seems so unfair, doesn’t it?

At Axela Technologies, we believe “Fair is Fair”

Axela Technologies brings order to the chaos and a solution to the problem. Condominium Associations, Cooperatives, and HOAs can count on Axela Technologies to deal fairly with the debtor and assist them in getting caught up with their delinquent fees and assessments. Homeowners have a far better shot of getting themselves back in good financial standing without suffering the consequences of severe legal bills and expenses created when the matter is referred to an attorney.

Axela Technologies is a full-service debt collection agency using modern technology to solve an age-old problem. When home or unit owners stop paying their fees in a timely fashion, the whole association suffers. That just isn’t fair to all of the other homeowners who do pay on time!

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The Unspoken Challenges With Using Attorneys For Collections

Turning the matter over to an attorney conveys to the homeowner how serious their delinquency is. However, it isn’t necessarily the best decision because the attorney does not collect dues/fees. If delinquent payments stem from the homeowner’s financial difficulties, placing a lien on the property hinders the homeowner from selling the property for debt repayment. Buyers will want the lien paid off before closing, and banks are often unwilling to refinance a mortgage or provide a new loan to the owner until the lien is satisfied.

This scenario ultimately impedes the Community association from their goal of collecting delinquencies. Attorneys are useful and necessary but only if all other methods of collections have failed. The attorney will bill the association for their services. Again, the homeowners who do pay on time may be stuck paying that bill, too. That doesn’t seem very fair, does it?

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Fair Collections Are Innate With A Merit-Based System

Axela Technologies not only collects the association’s money, but we perform on a merit-based system. In other words, if we don’t collect from the delinquent home or unit owner, we don’t get paid. Our interests are firmly aligned with the interests of the association.

You might be wondering how we can make such a bold claim and wonder how we get paid for our collection services. Because we specialize in association collections and employ a great deal of technology to assist in our collection efforts, we have become particularly good at what we do. We have reasonable fees that we pass along to the delinquent home or unit owner. We collect our fees from the delinquent owner. It is efficient and effective and, most importantly, FAIR!

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We View Foreclosure As The Last Result

We typically clear up 95% or more of all delinquencies BEFORE the matter needs to be turned over to an attorney for foreclosure. We view foreclosure as the end result of a home or unit owner who simply wouldn’t respond to reason over the course of our collection efforts.

I know this sounds too good to be true but it isn’t! Kindly email, call, or schedule a Zoom conference with a member of Axela Technologies business development team so we can take a closer look at your association’s needs and offer a modern solution for your consideration. After all, Fair is Fair!



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