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Control Nutrient Levels and Improve Lake & Pond Health with All-Natural Alum

Control Nutrient Levels and Improve Lake & Pond Health with All-Natural Alum

  • Posted: Apr 28, 2022
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Control Nutrient Levels and Improve Lake & Pond Health with All-Natural Alum

When lakes and ponds exhibit problems like algae, aquatic weeds, bad odors, cloudiness, or muck development, it can prevent us from benefiting from the connection with nature that our waterbodies provide. Aquatic experts use a variety of techniques to diagnose the underlying issue. One of the most important tools is water quality testing. By analyzing water samples in a professional laboratory, scientists can identify the chemical imbalances that are preventing you from enjoying your waterbody to the fullest. Once data is collected, experts will implement tailored management solutions to restore the balance and beauty of the ecosystem. One natural and highly effective solution is Alum.

Utilizing Alum to Restore Water Quality

Alum has been a long-standing tool in our toolbox of lake and pond management solutions—and is a particular favorite of professionals who strive to use only sustainable maintenance practices. Alum (also known as Aluminum Sulfate) is used in a wide array of industries and applications such as drinking water management and wastewater treatments. In the lake and pond management industry, Alum is used to reset the chemical balance of aquatic environments to improve water quality. When water quality is enhanced, it creates an environment that is less hospitable to algae, nuisance weeds, and toxic cyanobacteria.


Conduct water quality test - alum barge nutrient remediation Stay Ahead of Water Quality Issues with Annual ManagementPerform Water Quality Tests

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to lake and pond management. This means that Alum may not be the right solution for each and every waterbody. Water quality tests help us understand the problems occurring under the surface and make this decision. Most often, Alum is deployed when water quality tests reveal unusually high levels of nutrients like Phosphorus, which is typically the root cause of undesirable organic growth.


alum application

How Alum Reduces Nutrients in the Water

Alum is applied to lakes and ponds as a white, powdery substance. As the Alum mixes into the water column, it binds with free-reactive nutrients, creating a cloudy trail behind the boat or a specially-designed application barge. After a short period of time, the particles sink to the bottom where they will remain inactive. Alum is considered very safe when applied by a professional and provides fast-acting results that can last for years. Almost immediately after an application is complete, the water column will become more clear. Over the course of days and weeks, the water quality improves.

Prevent Phosphorus Loading with Proactive Solutions

Once the waterbody is restored to more balanced conditions, it’s important to prevent future nutrient loading by addressing the external sources of Phosphorus. Trash, pet waste, fertilizers, motor oil, sewage, and yard waste are often to blame. They can flow into lakes and ponds during rainstorms. Rainfall and weather events can also damage the shoreline, causing nutrient-rich soil and plant matter to crumble into the water. Stakeholders can slow this problem by establishing a robust vegetative buffer around the shoreline. Professionals recommend using native plants that grow approximately 18 inches high and develop complex root systems to naturally hold soil in place. If shorelines have sustained significant damage over the years, it may be necessary to completely rebuild them using bioengineered mesh technology that can be seeded with the grass and buffer plants following installation.

Alternative Nutrient Remediation Solutions

Alum is not the only natural substance that removes nutrients in the water column. Solutions like Phoslock and EuroSORB work similarly to target Phosphorus.

Phoslock is a lanthanum-modified clay that binds with excess phosphorus, chemically changing its composition so that they can no longer support weeds and algae. EutroSORB, on the other hand, is a filtration technology that captures nutrients in the water column. It is particularly effective in waterbodies with significant movement and mixing, such as stormwater ponds, streams, and canals. Once the filter is fully saturated with phosphorus, it is pulled from the water for disposal. In some cases, experts may also choose to use an aqueous form of EutroSORB that can be poured or sprayed on the surface, or applied via subsurface injection.

alum chronic nutrient loading nutrient remediation drone shot 2Determining The Best Solution for Your Lake or Pond

Your lake and pond management professional may consider a number of factors when choosing which of these three nutrient remediation products to implement. These may include your waterbody’s size, location, use, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, muck level, and degree of water movement.

The well-being of our aquatic environments reflects our own. Science shows that humans are happier, healthier, and more relaxed when spending time around beautiful water. Nutrients are the building blocks that help create these amazing ecosystems that delight us, but it’s necessary to maintain them at balanced levels as nature intended. Alum is one of many eco-friendly tools employed through an annual maintenance program. Like most solutions, it is most effective when used proactively. Click to learn more about the benefits of Alum and the important role it plays in a year-round management plan.

Discover the Power of Nutrient Remediation


Allstate Resource Management specializes in wetland management in South Florida.

Allstate Resource Management specializes in wetland management in South Florida.

  • Posted: Apr 24, 2022
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Allstate Resource Management specializes in wetland management in South Florida and preventative weed control to maintain a healthy wetland environment.

Wetlands are frequently mandated by state and county statute. When you work with Allstate, you can be assured that we are following all regulations and mandates for wetland preserves and wetland management in South Florida.

Did you know! In Florida there are more 400 water recycling projects, making our state a national leader in the use of reclaimed water. The treatment process eliminates harmful substances, but leaves traces of nitrogen and phosphorous that act as fertilizers when reclaimed water is applied to lawns and landscape. Reclaimed water can cause spikes in algae growth on lakes.

Call us at 954-382-9766 for more information on causes for algae growth

As always, thank you for your business, loyalty, and support.

Sincerely, Allstate Resource Management


Allstate Resource Management has over 25 years of experience in maintaining the health of lakes, ponds, wetlands, and stormwater systems. We have continued since our inception to be the leader in resource management. Our services include lake managementwetland managementstormwater drain cleaning and maintenance, erosion controlfish stockingnative plantingsdebris removalwater qualityaquatic pest control, and upland management. All of our technicians are thoroughly trained and certified in order to meet the strict standards imposed by governmental agencies. This ensures that your property will be treated by only the most competent individuals who are proud of the services we render.

In addition to providing a healthy habitat, we specialize in the installation and maintenance of beautiful color lit fountains, bringing beauty and enjoyment to any lake or pond.

We also offer support services for property managers and HOA’s including educational presentations and CEU programs. Our approved courses offer continuing education credit to CAMs. Find us on the SFPMA Members Directory.

 A stormwater system is a tool for managing the runoff from rainfall. When rainwater lands on rooftops, parking lots, streets, driveways and other surfaces that water cannot penetrate, the runoff flows into grates, swales or ditches located around your property and neighborhood. These grates, swales and ditches carry the runoff into stormwater ponds. A stormwater pond is specifically designed to help prevent flooding and remove pollutants from the water before it can drain into the groundwater or into streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, or the ocean.
Call us today to talk to one of our Stormwater Specialists at 954-382-9766 or

Colleen Sullivan
Marketing Manager
6900 SW 21st Court, Building #9
Davie, Florida 33317
Phone: (954) 382-9766

We received a lot of submissions for our $10K Extreme Shoreline Makeover giveaway and we are thrilled to announce our winner…

We received a lot of submissions for our $10K Extreme Shoreline Makeover giveaway and we are thrilled to announce our winner…

  • Posted: Apr 14, 2022
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We received a lot of submissions for our $10K Extreme Shoreline Makeover giveaway and we are thrilled to announce our winner…

Congratulations to Southshore Falls HOA (West FL)!

The community is excited to restore their eroded shoreline with a Sox Erosion Solutions System! Stay tuned over the next few months to see the transformation…


If your community is having problems with your Lake, contact SOLitude today

Does Low Tide make your Dock Unusable? International Subsea Services can improve the depth of canals, slips and channels 

Does Low Tide make your Dock Unusable? International Subsea Services can improve the depth of canals, slips and channels 

  • Posted: Apr 11, 2022
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Does Low Tide make your Dock Unusable? International Subsea Services can improve the depth of canals, slips and channels. Using a process of Micro dredging and Hydraulic dredging.

Schedule a free consultation today!


Full service dredging contractor, offering maintenance dredging services for lakes, ponds, canals, rivers, inlets, and other waterways.

Schedule a free consultation today!

Annual Fish Stocking Day! – Over 500,000 fingerling fish to stock in lakes in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties!

Annual Fish Stocking Day! – Over 500,000 fingerling fish to stock in lakes in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties!

  • Posted: Apr 07, 2022
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Annual Fish Stocking Day! Our staff arrives at 5:00am to load up over 500,000 fingerling fish to stock in lakes in Miami, Broward and Palm Beach Counties!

We will be going Facebook Live around 5:30 am, we hope you join us to watch this fun event!

Welcome to Allstate Resource Management, Inc.

The South Florida Leader in Resource Management

Allstate Resource Management has over 25 years of experience in maintaining the health of lakes, ponds, wetlands, and stormwater systems. We have continued since our inception to be the leader in resource management. Our services include lake managementwetland managementstormwater drain cleaning and maintenance, erosion controlfish stockingnative plantingsdebris removalwater qualityaquatic pest control, and upland management. All of our technicians are thoroughly trained and certified in order to meet the strict standards imposed by governmental agencies. This ensures that your property will be treated by only the most competent individuals who are proud of the services we render.

In addition to providing a healthy habitat, we specialize in the installation and maintenance of beautiful color lit fountains, bringing beauty and enjoyment to any lake or pond.

We also offer support services for property managers and HOA’s including educational presentations and CEU programs. Our approved courses offer continuing education credit to CAMs.


Contact: Allstate Resource Management to create a detailed water quality program for your property.

Contact: Allstate Resource Management to create a detailed water quality program for your property.

  • Posted: Mar 30, 2022
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Allstate Resource Management can create a detailed water quality program for your property.

Sufficient and appropriate water quality information is crucial if you are to make important management decisions concerning waterway systems and care.
A detailed water quality program is a very useful tool. Data collection indicates seasonal fluctuations in nutrient levels which can positively or negatively influence an aquatic ecosystem. Our staff here is trained on the importance of testing water quality before any treatment is done!
Contact us for more information on how we test water quality before we treat a lake!
at 954-382-9766 or 
Webinar: Repair Shoreline Erosion & Set Your Waterbody Up for Success by SOLitude

Webinar: Repair Shoreline Erosion & Set Your Waterbody Up for Success by SOLitude

  • Posted: Mar 21, 2022
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Join Us For A FREE Educational Webinar:

 Repair Shoreline Erosion & Set Your Waterbody Up for Success

MONDAY, MARCH 28 @ 3:00 PM (EDT)

Is your eroded shoreline threatening your home’s foundation or other valuable assets on your property? Are you beginning to notice your shoreline slowly recede over the years?


In our upcoming webinar, discover how bioengineered living shorelines can repair erosion damage while reclaiming several feet of land and increase your property value by protecting your valuable assets. Spots won’t last long. Register today!

Will you be attending?

Justen Solomon

Shoreline Erosion Repair Expert,
SOX Operations Manager

Joe Harms

Shoreline Erosion Repair Expert,
Business Development Consultant

Algae growth in South Florida lakes is not an uncommon thing, but it seems to be more of a nuisance in the summer months.

Algae growth in South Florida lakes is not an uncommon thing, but it seems to be more of a nuisance in the summer months.

  • Posted: Mar 20, 2022
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Got Lakes? Algae season is coming up!

Here is an article to help you answer all those questions your residents may have!

Author: Stephen Montgomery, Senior Biologist / Allstate Resource Management
Algae growth in South Florida lakes is not an uncommon thing, but it seems to be more of a nuisance in the summer months. What are the causes of algae growth in our community lakes and why is it more prevalent in our warmer, rainy season? Algae, like all other plants, requires sunlight and nutrients to grow. These ingredients are the primary factors in how much and how fast algae is going to grow, but our urban waterways have unique circumstances that also contribute to the potential for algae growth during our summer months.
   The primary nutrient for freshwater algal growth is phosphorous. Phosphorous occurs naturally in our lakes from several sources such as decomposing organic matter, bottom sediments, animal waste from wildlife utilizing the water, and even interaction with the air. Strong winds can carry dust, dirt, leaves, and palm fronds and deposit them in lakes. All of these become sources of additional nutrients as they break down.
   Aside from natural causes, certain actions by people also contribute to elevated algae production during the summer. Irresponsible fertilization combined with frequent saturating rains can cause runoff of materials down those slopes and into the water.
 One of the most common contributors to excessive algae growth is also one of the most avoidable: The grass itself. The sod around our lakes is packed full of every nutrient an algae could need. It’s no surprise that our lawns get mowed more frequently in the summer months. When grass clippings are blown into the lake they accumulate along the shoreline and begin to decompose. Each blade is a storage container of algae fuel and as they begin to break down they release it into the surrounding water. Mowers should stay sufficiently back from the shoreline or mow so that large amounts of clippings are not thrown into the lake.  (grass clippings in a lake is a recipe for algae)
Have more questions? We love them!
Contact us today at:
954-382-9766 or
Allstate Resource Management, We are a family-owned and operated business for over 25+ years in South Florida!

Allstate Resource Management, We are a family-owned and operated business for over 25+ years in South Florida!

  • Posted: Mar 20, 2022
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Allstate Resource Management, We are a family-owned and operated business

for over 25+ years in South Florida!


Here is what some of our Property Managers are saying about us!

“Allstate is the best Lake Company I’ve worked with; they are professional, very knowledgeable, and respond immediately to anything we need for many years now. We also sincerely appreciate the quality of work they provide on a constant basis.
Thank you, Allstate!”
“Allstate Resource Management has been a wonderful company to work with. They are quick and efficient in getting the inspections and maintenance for the stormwater for several of our locations in Florida done. A++ for Wendy, she has been making sure that we are on top of our permits and has suggestions to help the process run smoothly.”
“Allstate is the best Lake Company I’ve worked with; they are professional, very knowledgeable, and respond immediately to anything we need for many years now. We also sincerely appreciate the quality of work they provide on a constant basis.
Thank you Allstate!”
Allstate Resource Management has over 25 years of experience in maintaining the health of lakes, ponds, wetlands, and stormwater systems. We have continued since our inception to be the leader in resource management. Our services include lake managementwetland managementstormwater drain cleaning and maintenance, erosion controlfish stockingnative plantingsdebris removalwater qualityaquatic pest control, and upland management. All of our technicians are thoroughly trained and certified in order to meet the strict standards imposed by governmental agencies. This ensures that your property will be treated by only the most competent individuals who are proud of the services we render.
NEW Continuing Education Course Offering! How Sustainable Lake Management Creates Happier, Healthier Communities (1 CE Credit).

NEW Continuing Education Course Offering! How Sustainable Lake Management Creates Happier, Healthier Communities (1 CE Credit).

  • Posted: Mar 03, 2022
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NEW Continuing Education Course Offering!

How Sustainable Lake Management Creates Happier, Healthier Communities (1 CE Credit).

You may have noticed the positive effects on your health and happiness when spending time around the water, but do you know the science behind this phenomenon? Humans have an undeniable connection to waterbodies. This underscores the importance of continuous freshwater management and the prioritization of sustainable techniques.

In this presentation, attendees will learn:

  • Common lake & pond challenges property managers face in their communities
  • Best practices to implement in lakes and ponds on a recurring or annual basis
  • New technologies to make freshwater management more efficient & cost-effective
  • Strategies that help enhance increase property values & enhance brand image

Partner with the aquatic management experts at SOLitude for your continuing education needs in 2022. Reply to this email to schedule a presentation in your area today!

Contact SOLitude Lake Management

SOLitude Lake Management is a nationwide environmental firm with local offices throughout the U.S. We are dedicated to making water a more healthy and beautiful part of our world. In that pursuit, SOLitude offers sustainable solutions that improve water quality, enhance beauty, preserve natural resources and reduce our environmental footprint. Do you have a lake, stormwater pond, wetland, or fisheries management question or concern?

Call us at 866-996-3294 or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you right away.