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There is nothing like mosquito bites or midges to take the fun outdoor activities!  Before mosquito’s or midges “BUG” you, contact Allstate Resource Management

There is nothing like mosquito bites or midges to take the fun outdoor activities! Before mosquito’s or midges “BUG” you, contact Allstate Resource Management

Mosquitos or Midges BUGGING you?

Allstate Resource Management offers full-service larvicide spraying and/or briquette treatments to attack the insect’s breeding ground. We can also stock lakes and ponds with mosquitofish which is a long-term biological control method that is also environmentally sensitive.
There is nothing like mosquito bites or midges to take
the fun outdoor activities!
Before mosquitos or midges “BUG” you, contact us at:
Direct: 954-382-9766 or
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Lake Management: “Why does our HOA need a lake management company?” -Allstate Resource Management

Lake Management: “Why does our HOA need a lake management company?” -Allstate Resource Management

“Why does our HOA need a lake management company?”
Sometimes, aquatic management is viewed as a frivolous or unnecessary expense for a community. “My lake looks fine, why should I pay to have someone take care of it?” Unfortunately, that assessment is rarely made taking into account the whole water body.
Most people that live on lakes also see them differently than someone who maintains them. The difference is homeowners tend to look “at” the water, where as waterway managers look “in” the water. Too often people put off lake maintenance until they see a problem and weed populations have already become established. Long term management at that point becomes more expensive and time consuming, with total elimination of the problem almost impossible.
An important fact that many overlook is that the lakes on their property serve another purpose other than a nice view. They are actually man made stormwater retention areas . When communities are built, the lakes are carefully designed to hold a certain amount of stormwater. Water bodies filled with weeds no longer have the correct capacity, potentially causing neighborhood flooding during storms. Algae is another constant nuisance in South Florida lakes. Because of our warm waters and long sunny seasons, algae can spread very rapidly and unpredictably.
As a property owner or property manager, it’s valuable to have a company that will respond to these unexpected outbreaks. Every lake matures differently, and it takes a combination of experience and expertise to maintain a healthy balance as changes occur.
Allstate Resource Management’s staff is always there to answer your questions and works to ensure excellent results in any lake management situation.
Contact us today on how we can help your community lake!
Direct: 954-382-9766
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Shoreline & Erosion Control Management – SOLitude Lake Management

Shoreline & Erosion Control Management – SOLitude Lake Management

Enhance Your Shoreline and Repair Erosion Damage with Sustainable Solutions

Shoreline management should never be overlooked. It is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lake or pond. Proactive buffer and littoral zone management not only helps increase the aesthetics of your lake or pond, but it helps protect your waterbody from the harsh effects of erosion and prevents excess nutrients from entering the water column. If erosion damage has become too severe, erosion repair solutions can be implemented to help restore the shoreline and prevent future damage.

The Benefits Behind Vegetative Buffers and Littoral Zones

Many water quality issues are caused by or intensified by factors that begin outside of a waterbody. That is why it is crucial to cultivate a beneficial vegetative buffer and a littoral zone using native sedges, grasses, and flowering species to filter excess nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen from the water column. Allowing the beneficial plants to take root will also add to the integrity of your shoreline.

Before, Golf Course Shoreline Restoration

Erosion Repair Technologies

If your shoreline has experienced the effects of erosion like vegetation loss or uneven and unstable banks, restoration efforts should be considered before attempting to establish plants around a pond or lake. With the latest erosion control technologies, you can repair erosion wear and tear and establish a stable, natural shoreline that will halt erosion and protect your waterbody from future damage.

Discover Sustainable Solutions for Shoreline Management & Erosion Repair – Watch the Video

Lake Management: Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….

Lake Management: Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….

Lake Turnover and Fish Kills

The science behind it….

Lake turnovers generally occur in the fall but can sometimes occur in the summer. During the hot weather, the surface water of a lake warms much faster than deeper water. This results in a temporary layering effect, with warm water on top and cool water underneath. Scientists refer to this as stratification.
Because the top layer has constant access to the atmosphere, it tends to have more oxygen than the bottom layer-even though it’s warmer. If a heavy wind or cold rain should occur during these conditions, the stratification may be broken, causing the two layers to mix. Once this happens the mixing action can result in low dissolved oxygen levels throughout the water column, and can potentially cause a fish kill.
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Understanding Your Lake “How long will it take to clean up my lake?”

Understanding Your Lake “How long will it take to clean up my lake?”

Understanding Your Lake

“How long will it take to clean up my lake?”


This is one of the most often asked questions applicators get and is also one of the trickier ones to
answer. The hard part of this question is that there are so many variables to take into account when
trying to answer it. Are we dealing with one kind of weed or multiple ones?

Different ones may require separate treatments. Some of those treatments may not be compatible with each other which means they must be done on different visits. How bad is the problem? If the entire lake is affected,
we need to treat it in portions over time so we don’t deplete the dissolved oxygen.

Which herbicide is effective on the weeds you have? Some work quickly, where as others take time to do the job, and
not all herbicides work on every kind of plant. What is the weather? Forecasted rains can wash off or
dilute treatments, forcing work to be postponed.

These are just a few of the things we need to consider before we can even start to give a client an answer and that is just the beginning of the process. The EPA approved products we apply to lakes do not make the weeds magically disappear.

Once they begin to die, most will float to the surface and collect in mats. Then water chemistry,
weather, and lake circulation controls how long it takes for them to break down and sink. Sometimes
lakes will require follow up treatments to take care of re-growth, or dense pockets of plants.

An experienced lake management company can give you an estimate of how long it will take to start to
see results but a definite answer can be difficult. Understand that there is a customized plan being
implemented and that your manager is working to remedy the problem. If you ever have any specific
questions about your lake and its care, the staff at Allstate Resource Management is here to answer
them and provide you with the information you need.

Author: Stephen Montgomery, Senior Biologist

Allstate Resource Management has over 25 years of experience in maintaining the health of lakes, ponds, wetlands, and stormwater systems. We have continued since our inception to be the leader in resource management.

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Achieve A Weed-Free Lake – Check out our tips to learn how to best manage weeds in your lake.

Achieve A Weed-Free Lake – Check out our tips to learn how to best manage weeds in your lake.

Achieve A Weed-Free Lake

The way aquatic weeds are managed depends on your goals. Check out our tips to learn how to best manage weeds in your lake.

Aquatic Weeds? Effective Management Will Depend on Your Unique Ecosystem

Lakes and ponds are home to many unique and beneficial species, but without proper management aquatic weeds and plant life can become a nuisance by destroying native habitat, clogging stormwater pipes, detracting from aesthetics and causing other problems in the ecosystem. Identifying the best management approach can be another challenge. Aquatic weed control is a nuanced problem, and the best management methods are usually influenced by many different variables.

aquatic weed management - pond weed control - Biology - Rake Toss Dense Hydrilla

Which Lake Weed Species Are You Dealing With?

Rather than making one-size-fits-all management recommendations, reputable lake and pond management professionals generally conduct an official aquatic weed survey before designing a customized management program. An onsite evaluation is the most direct, effective way to identify important physical factors within the waterbody, determine potential problem species, and consider the management goals of the property owner or community. Each of these variables is equally important in its own regard and requires a unique custom approach and management plan to effectively address.


Identifying Aquatic Weed Species

To safely eradicate targeted pond weeds, lake managers typically begin by properly identifying the invasive species that are present and taking careful note of their physical characteristics. Proper identification removes the risk of using an ineffective control measure—a mistake that can result in a large loss of time and resources. Plant identification is sometimes a difficult task, requiring dichotomous keys, stereoscopes, and even lab tests. Once the species has been properly identified, we will consider its physical requirements in order to develop a multi-faceted management approach.


Solutions for Managing Aquatic Weed Growth

Sustainable control of a problem species is the primary objective when developing a management plan. Lake management professionals utilize many products and services to eradicate undesirable invasive species. Some ponds can simply be managed through targeted hand pulling or biological control measures such as stocking triploid grass carp. Other situations may call for extensive vegetation and sediment removal through hydro-raking or dredging. More established infestations may require the use of a new “reduced risk” herbicide alternative called ProcellaCOR, which is designed to only impact target species. Working with a professional who understands these options and how to best use them is the most efficient way to ensure the safe, thorough resolution of your aquatic weed issue.


Helping You Reach Your Goals

While environmental balance and safety are of utmost importance, stakeholder goals are also at the forefront of our consideration when designing management programs. Just as no two waterbodies are the same, neither are stakeholder desires. A fishing and duck hunting pond owner will almost certainly have vastly different goals than a homeowners’ association with a five-acre pond within city limits. Each group has its own idea of what a perfect lake looks like. This is where communication becomes the key to reaching our client’s goals. We take the time to ask the right questions and allow the client to explain their vision. We communicate with our clients throughout the restoration process and beyond to ensure the health, beauty, and function of their waterbody continues to exceed their goals.

Achieve the Waterbody You Desire

Water resources with multiple stakeholders present their own challenges. However, our team is experienced in communicating with multiple stakeholders to develop goals and strategies tailored to the interests of the entire group. Programs are designed to correct existing problems, improve the quality of the lake or pond to fit the group’s desires, and provide ongoing education. Community education within these settings is especially important, as each small action by individuals has a cumulative effect on the aquatic system as a whole.

So, ultimately, the management approach we select depends on many different factors. We can solve your pond weed issues, but what are you looking to get out of your lake? Is it a family fishing pond for the grandkids to enjoy, or a lake serving 500 homeowners that enjoy everything from waterskiing to bass fishing? Once the right questions are asked, then we can then recommend an appropriate aquatic weed control plan and begin helping your waterbody reach its full potential.


Webinar: 3 Aeration Solutions for Creating A Beautiful Lake

Webinar: 3 Aeration Solutions for Creating A Beautiful Lake

  • Posted: Jul 26, 2022
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3 Aeration Solutions for Creating A Beautiful Lake

Register for our upcoming webinar to discover how you can create a beautiful lake with aeration.

July 28, 2022 3:00 pm EDT


Set Your Waterbody Up for Success with Aeration

We all need clean, healthy water to survive, but the benefits of water go beyond our biological needs. Science shows that simply being around beautiful water can help improve our well-being, allowing us to create memories with loved ones. Achieving beautiful, clean water is hard, but sustainable solutions like aeration can make it possible.

Join our experts on our upcoming webinar as they discuss why balanced water is so important and how you can achieve beautiful lakes and ponds by utilizing three beneficial aeration systems. Don’t miss the Q&A where our experts answer your questions about aeration. Registration is free and open to the public. Register now before spots fill up!

How improper landscape fertilization could be causing lake algae!

How improper landscape fertilization could be causing lake algae!

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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Ring of Responsibility
How improper landscape fertilization could be causing lake algae!
  Tips and Tricks for Homeowners Associations:
  • ONLY FERTILIZE WHEN YOUR YARD NEEDS IT: If your yard already has the right amount of nutrients present, your lawn won’t soak up any of the extra that you have added. All of those extra nutrients will be washed down the drain. If your lawn appears yellow during the summer months, apply an iron product to restore the green. Extra fertilizer will NOT make your lawn greener.
  • NEVER FERTILIZE BEFORE A RAIN STORM: If heavy rain is in the 2-day forecast, wait to fertilize. Any more than 1/4 inch of water may wash away the work you just did.
  • USE A 15-FOOT “FERTILIZER-FREE” ZONE AROUND WATER: When spreading fertilizer, stay at least 15 feet away from the water’s edge and use a deflector shield on your fertilizer spreader.
  • CLEAN UP SPILLS: If fertilizer ends up on a paved surface such as a driveway, sidewalk or street, sweep it back onto your lawn or collect it for later use.
Contact us today on how we can help LOVE your lake!
Direct: 954-382-9766 or
Allstate Resource Management | 6900 S.W. 21st Court, Bldg. 9Davie, FL 33404
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Free Webinar: 3 Aeration Solutions for Creating A Beautiful Lake

Free Webinar: 3 Aeration Solutions for Creating A Beautiful Lake

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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3 Aeration Solutions for Creating
A Beautiful Lake


JULY 28 @ 3:00 PM (EDT)

There may be several underlying reasons your lake looks bad, but one common cause of ugly water is low oxygen levels.

During the webinar, our aeration experts will explain how fountains, surface aerators, and submersed aerators can help create beautiful water that you can appreciate. Spots are limited!

Can’t make the live webinar? Register anyway and you will receive a recording.

Carl Abinuman

Aeration Expert,
Aquatic Specialist II

Brendan McCarthy

Aeration Expert,
Business Development Consultant

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The climate in Florida is wonderful in many ways, but the year round warm weather and heat in the summer can increase algae blooms.
1. Lawn fertilizers are a big contributor to algae blooms. Leave at least a 10 foot buffer when dispensing fertilizer near a waterway. Fertilizer in the street will wash into the storm drains and all storm drains lead to the waterways.
2. Never blow or dispose of trash and lawn clippings into streets, storm drains, or waterways. They are loaded with nutrients and as they decay, they feed the algae blooms. All storm drains lead to the waterways.
3. Algae blooms may affect oxygen levels and block light which will harm the aquatic environment.
Allstate Resource Management has 25 + years helping South Florida homeowners associations with waterway management.
Contact us today at 954-382-9766 or
for a FREE, no-obligation consultation.
Allstate Resource Management | 6900 S.W. 21st Court, Bldg. 9Davie, FL 33404