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5 Potential Risks to Your Business If You Have Poor Security

5 Potential Risks to Your Business If You Have Poor Security

Every business is susceptible to threats, hacking, vandalism, etc. which is why prioritizing security for your business can help reduce the implications of these situations. The risks of having poor security can far outweigh what you’d invest in for a good system, so keep these 5 potential risks in mind when considering the security (or lack thereof) at your business.

No Procedure to Handle Incidents

Security breaches and theft does happen, but what’s worse is not having any sort of procedure to handle the issue. And without a proper security procedure, it’s likely incidents will happen more often. It’s better to be prepared for something that could happen then to be surprised and ill-equipped for when something does, so it’s essential for your business to have a clear security procedure.

Legal Liability

As a business owner, you not only have to protect your brand, but you have the responsibility of protecting the safety of your customers, clients, and vendors’. If that information is not secure and something were to happen, these people could lose trust in you, or possibly pursue legal action that could heavily impact your business. It’s important you are following regulations and complying with routine security checks to ensure your business is safe and running efficiently, and so that information is safe and secure under your account. Taking the right steps to safeguard data and regulate personnel allowed access to this information will help your business improve security and reduce liability.

Increase of Theft and Vandalism

Unfortunately, no business is safe from theft or vandalism, and a lack of security only makes you more vulnerable. This can delay business growth and without action, lead to an increase of incidents. Poor security at your business can cost you stolen goods or assets that can’t be replaced, which can affect your profits, and employee’s safety and trust.

There are a few ways to act on these incidents. First, get a security assessment to help you determine your company’s current state of security, and what needs to be improved upon. Then you can figure out an acceptable security system to be installed, to ensure you’re taking the right precautions to safeguarding your property.

Tainted Business Reputation

If employees and clients are susceptible to your poor security measures, the reputation of your business could sink. Customers and employees could possibly seek other places to feel safe, exposing you to harsh reviews and a decrease in business. People and workers want to interact with a business they trust, this can include having latest technology, and security systems such as cameras or alarms. On the flip side, a business that is growing should increase their security, as there are more visitors, employees, or important data that needs to be protected. You should want your business to be a safe and trusted establishment for all involved, which is why having a good security system is vital for your reputation.

Employees Feel Unsafe

The safety of your employees and company data should be the upmost of importance to your business, so if you’re employees are aware of your poor security, it’s likely they will feel unsafe at work. Security issues, limited regulation of the building, or outdated technology can show a lack of interest in the company’s security precautions, which can contribute to a negative work environment and high employee turnover rates. As mentioned previously, this can also harm the reputation of your business, so having a strong security system is the best way to ensure a sense of safety and reliability for your business.


John Libby
Regional Manager
United Security, Inc.
950 South Pine Island Road-Suite A 150
Plantation, FL 33324
Mobile: (407)-675-7960


  United Security Inc. (USI) provides contract security solutions and investigation services to a select group of vertical markets. For the past 30 years, USI has created safe, secure environments for commercial and government employees and customers by investing in our people, innovation and relationships. USI is committed to delivering:

  • Responsive management and security personnel
  • Continuous quality improvement and training
  • Consistent, client-focused service and performance


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Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association by KBRLegal

Friday 2pm Est | They Did What? How SB-2A Affects Your Association

Presented by Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

Feb 10, 2023 02:00 PM

Register NOW

The Florida Legislature convened for a Special Session specifically to address property insurance and other topics starting December 12, 2022. Among the legislation, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 2A, which makes sweeping changes to the property insurance claims process, reinsurance, regulation of insurance companies and more. This webinar will summarize SB-2A.

Speaker: Shawn G. Brown, Esq., BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

This webinar is informational only, is not to be considered legal advice, and contains no CE credit (or certificates).


CAN YOU REPEAT THAT?     Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

CAN YOU REPEAT THAT? Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

  • Posted: Feb 08, 2023
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Is Your Condominium in Compliance?

Additional Clarity Provided

If your condominium is greater than 75 feet tall, then you need to read this article (most especially due to a small but meaningful typo in the prior version which is now revised with the red text below).

It is essential for condominium associations to ensure that their buildings are in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code (the “Fire Code”). For the safety of all residents, associations must ensure they stay up to date with the latest and greatest in fire safety provisions. One of these essential safety features is a requirement that systems be built into new and existing buildings to ensure that first responders’ radios will work throughout buildings in an emergency situation. Pursuant to Section 11.10.1 of the Fire Code, “in all new and existing buildings, minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications shall be maintained at a level determined by the AJH [the authority having jurisdiction]. Additionally, Section 11.10.2. provides that where required by the authority having jurisdiction, two-way radio communication enhancement systems must comply with the requirements of the Fire Code.

When originally adopted, the requirements of Sections 11.10.1 and 11.10.2 of the Fire Code applied only to new buildings, so the requirement was not a burden on existing buildings. However, in 2013, the Fire Code was updated as set out above to provide that all new and existing buildings must maintain adequate fire department radio signal strength inside the building. This new requirement applied to all buildings and did not provide a grace period. This posed a significant problem for many high-rise condominiums, as the installation of the necessary equipment involves opening walls and ceilings and can be quite costly to the association. The cost of such installation was a substantial burden to condominiums, not expecting to be required to install same, and therefore never budgeted for the installation.

Recognizing the problem, in 2016 the Florida Legislature adopted section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, which provided a grace period for high-rise buildings. Existing high-rise buildings were not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications until January 1, 2022. You may be thinking, “that date is passed”, but do not panic. If your condominium has not yet complied with the requirements, have no fear. The 2021 Florida Legislature amended section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, to provide another extension for compliance.

In accordance with the newly amended statute, existing high-rise buildings now have until January 1, 2025 to come into compliance with the requirements. However, the association must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation by January 1, 2024. More specifically, section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes, is amended to provide, in pertinent part, that:

(18) The authority having jurisdiction shall determine the minimum radio signal strength for fire department communications in all new high-rise and existing high-rise buildings. Existing buildings are not required to comply with minimum radio strength for fire department communications and two-way radio system enhancement communications as required by the Florida Fire Prevention Code until January 1, 2025. However, by January 1, 2024, an existing building that is not in compliance with the requirements for minimum radio strength for fire department communications must apply for an appropriate permit for the required installation with the local government agency having jurisdiction and must demonstrate that the building will become compliance by January 1, 2025. Existing apartment buildings are not required to comply until January 1, 2025…

Therefore, all existing high-rise buildings must come into compliance by January 1, 2025. It is important to note that this time extension applies only to high-rise buildings. By way of over simplification, it does not apply to buildings less than 75 feet tall (the measurement can be tricky, so if your building is close to 75 feet check with your association attorney regarding this measurement). In 2018, the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal issued a Declaratory Statement finding that section 633.202(18), Florida Statutes does not apply to the enforcement of Section 11.10 of the Fire Code to buildings under 75 feet in height. Therefore, if your building is greater than 75 feet in height, it is required to comply with the radio signal strength required by the authority having jurisdiction at this time.

In light of the foregoing, it is essential that your association take action to determine whether sufficient fire department radio signal exists in your building. We recommend the association reach out to the local fire code official to determine the exact requirements for your jurisdiction. If sufficient signal does not exist in your building, it is essential to prepare a plan (including design, permits, financing, etc.) to ensure that your building will comply by the deadline of January 1, 2025.

Lake Experts Answer Top 10 FAQs by SOLitude

Lake Experts Answer Top 10 FAQs by SOLitude

Our top 10 FAQs blog breaks down common questions about lakes and management practices, including:


🐟 If a bunch of fish die, should I assume the water was poisoned?
❔ What is causing the lake’s shoreline to erode?
🌾 Why do the specialists spray some plants and not spray others?

Read all the answers from our experts…

Common Questions About Lake & Pond Management

10 FAQs About Lake Management

Lakes and ponds play a central role in our communities by collecting stormwater, creating recreational opportunities, providing drinking water, and allowing us to nurture our biological desire to spend time around the water. You deserve to have beautiful, clean water to enjoy, but achieving it can be difficult – where should you begin? When you have a better understanding of these complex ecosystems, you’re able to make more informed decisions about how yours is managed. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

1. Why is my pond turning green? Is it normal for my lake or pond to have algae?

Green can be an alarming color when it comes to any body of water, but it doesn’t always reflect unhealthy conditions; plants and algae are natural features in lakes and ponds that provide essential food and habitat to native beneficial species. However, they can get out of control when the aquatic environment becomes imbalanced.

The best way to detect imbalances and identify the plants and algae that are present is through professional water quality testing. The results can help inform your management choices.

2. Why does the pond across the street always look better than mine?

It’s crucial to remember that no two waterbodies are the same. There can be vast physical and chemical characteristics based on hundreds of surprising factors, including water depth, gardening and landscaping practices, the presence of pets or livestock, how the waterbody is used, and even the level of sunlight that penetrates the aquatic ecosystem each day. The contours of the surrounding land may allow pollutants to flow into one waterbody during rainstorms without impacting the other.

While it’s tempting to replicate the maintenance strategies used by the neighbor with the beautiful pond, this underscores the importance of customized management programs. A one-size-fits-all approach will rarely yield the long-term results you desire.

3. How is the pond behind my Florida home different from one in Michigan?

As you know, all aquatic ecosystems are unique, but the reasons can extend far beyond water depth or landscaping. Seasonal weather patterns, climate, rainfall, and other regional factors will have a powerful impact.

For instance, many lakes and ponds in Florida are exposed to brackish water, especially during flooding and hurricanes. The higher salinity (accumulation of salt) can significantly alter the chemical composition of the waterbody. Likewise, Florida waterbodies are now home to many invasive plants and animals, which pose unique challenges that require different solutions. Undesirable plant growth is further accelerated by the intense humidity in Florida, which leads to more frequent maintenance.

This is not to say that waterbodies are healthier in one state versus the other; they all face similar obstacles, but the strategies and management styles may differ dramatically.

4. If a bunch of fish die, should I assume the water was poisoned?

Fish kills are rare and are sometimes connected to poisoning, but many fish kills occur naturally due to insufficient dissolved oxygen levels. Oxygen can be impacted by the level of sunlight, recent rain storms or forceful weather events, excess vegetation growth, or the transition of the seasons. However, they are preventable.

Many aquatic experts recommend fountains and aeration systems to keep dissolved oxygen levels balanced throughout the entire water column through consistent mixing. Preventing the growth of aquatic weeds and filamentous algae will also free up the water column to maximize the benefits of circulation.

Finally, testing dissolved oxygen levels on a recurring basis will help you identify and get ahead of oxygen imbalances before the fish population is affected. If lab reports indicate that dissolved oxygen levels are sufficient, then it may be worth consulting with your professional about the possibility of pollution or poisoning.

5. What is a stormwater retention pond?

Stormwater facilities (also known as BMPs) are structures that play a vital and multifaceted role in the preservation of our surrounding wetland and aquatic ecosystems. These systems are typically constructed in relation to residential and commercial development infrastructure that increases impervious surfaces and overland stormwater flow. They provide the essential temporary collection of stormwater in order to allow for filtration and basic improvement of water quality (removal of sediment, organic debris, animal waste, fertilizers, and other contaminants/nutrients) before entering natural wetland systems.

For this reason, it is critical that these specially designed and constructed systems remain functioning as intended and maintain pond compliance with local, state, and federal stormwater regulations.

6. What is causing the lake’s shoreline to erode?

Erosion is natural. It gradually happens as rainwater flows into lakes and ponds and when wildlife interact with the ecosystem. But recreation, landscaping, and urban development also influence the rate at which erosion occurs. Gutter downspouts and pavement concentrate and accelerate the flow of runoff over the shoreline. As sediment accumulates at the bottom, it reduces depth and volume – increasing the risk of flooding. Stormwater runoff also picks up animal waste, trash, leaves, lawn clippings, and other organic materials that promote nuisance weeds, algae, toxic cyanobacteria, and other water quality issues.

Though shoreline erosion is inevitable, it can be slowed and even reversed with the right management tools and strategies. Professionals encourage the introduction of beneficial buffer plants that are native to your region. Flowering, deep-rooted species can help hold the shoreline in place and deter people and nuisance animals like geese from venturing too close to the water’s edge. Shorelines can also be bioengineered for improved stability and aesthetics using a patented mesh technology called SOX Solutions.

7. Why does the shallow area near the shoreline have plants growing in it? Are those plants invasive?

Emergent plant species generally grow in shallow water near shorelines. Your lake management professional can help you determine if the species is native or invasive, and walk you through maintenance options if undesirable growth is identified.

Some invasive weeds are aesthetically pleasing. Purple loosestrife, for example, is known for its gorgeous purple blooms. However, invasive plants are detrimental to the ecosystems they invade by crowding out native plants and displacing the wildlife that relies on them for food and shelter. Without intervention, exotic weeds can quickly repopulate and spread to other ecosystems nearby.

It’s important to have regular inspections of your waterbody and consult with your lake management professional if you suspect an invasive plant has taken root.

8. Why do the specialists spray some plants and not spray others?

Every plant species is unique. From their physical characteristics to their growth patterns to their methods of repopulation, plants vary widely – and so do the methods used to manage them. Spraying may be the most effective management style for some. Others may respond best to cutting, burning, or physically pulling.

Stakeholders also have different goals, budgets, and priorities. Some may prefer to swiftly manage undesirable plants using herbicides while others desire a more holistic approach that targets the “root cause” of the growth. This typically means addressing shoreline erosion and balancing water quality with nutrient mitigation products like AlumPhoslock, or EutroSORB.

9. Won’t the algae or weed products harm the fish and wildlife?

All herbicides and algaecides used by professional lake managers have gone through rigorous testing and are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Licensed aquatic experts also have access to advanced products that are designed to target the specific growth mechanisms in nuisance and invasive species without impacting desirable plants, wildlife, or people.

These products are considered very low risk when applied by licensed professionals. Furthermore, certain weeds and algae species can actually be detrimental to an aquatic ecosystem. Invasive plants are known to outcompete native growth and displace beneficial wildlife, threatening the biodiversity of our local ecosystems. And nuisance algae like cyanobacteria (also known as Harmful Algal Blooms or blue-green algae) can develop toxins that are fatal to fish and birds, as well as dogs, cats, horses, and livestock.

Your lake manager will be able to help you understand these intricate dynamics and weigh the management options that align best with your priorities.

10. Can’t we just let the pond take care of itself naturally?

Lakes and ponds have natural checks and balances that keep them in a healthy, functional state with a flourishing food chain. But the rise of urban development, pollution, deforestation, mass agriculture, and other human activities has created new challenges that may overwhelm the ecosystem. In unbalanced conditions, lakes and ponds are more likely to experience aquatic weeds, algae and toxic cyanobacteria, fish kills, bad odors, muck development, flooding, and other problems.

These human-caused factors will not go away, but proactive management can help reduce their influence on our aquatic ecosystems. Annual Management Programs provide ongoing, professional care to maintain a healthy waterbody and catch potential problems before they get out of hand. Over time, annual maintenance approaches are often more effective and affordable for many stakeholders.

Achieve the Water You Desire with SOLitude

You value your waterbody – and so do we. We’re committed to arming you with knowledge and resources to help you visualize your ideal lake or pond and understand how to achieve it. As your partner, we’ll guide you every step of the way, so you can have peace of mind that your waterbody is on the right track at all times.

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Pickleball and Tennis Courts Contractors for Florida Condo & HOA’s – Mor Sports Group

Pickleball and Tennis Courts Contractors for Florida Condo & HOA’s – Mor Sports Group

The State of Florida is widely regarded as the pickleball capital of the world, PickleBall is one of the fastest growing recreational sports in America. In Florida alone, there are over 10,000 PickleBall players. The sport is extremely popular with seniors ages 50 plus as an alternative to tennis and table tennis. 

Pickleball gives you a good aerobic workout without as much stress and strain on joints and muscles, as mentioned above. The endorphins and other bioamines that are released with all exercise are useful in elevating self-esteem and combating depression – both problems that can come with older age.


Do your Buildings have Pickleball Courts? If not you need to add this to one of the Amenities for all of your Owners in your Condo & HOA Associations.



Contact Mor Sports Group

Gary Morton CHST SMS

Group Technical and Sales Manager


16120 Lee Road, Suite 150, Fort Myers 33912


When you choose Mor Sports Group you will be given owner entry to our internal project management software which will give you access to all scheduling, daily logs, planning and much more. You will have constant communication with all our staff from our in house installers onsite performing works right through to our foreman and operation managers who are there to ensure your project vision is completed .

We are proud of the reputation we have created at Mor Sports and we will do everything to ensure that our reputation continues to grow, aiming to create long term Clients who always think first of Mor Sports for their repeat business.

We are ready to install Pickleball Courts for your buildings

Playing Surface installation

All of the installation of the cushion and playing system was undertaken by our own in house, trained and experienced employees.Firstly, the asphalt pavement was checked for irregularities. To check for isolated “bird baths”, the asphalt pavement was flooded with water to check for planarity levels and to identify any low isolated areas.

Any low areas were patched and levelled and minor irregularities were attended to. To correct these minor surface irregularities, a filler coat was applied. This coat is an acrylic binder mixed with Portland cement and a sand aggregate.


SFPMA keeps you up to date with everything from Legal Advances, Business Advances and Service advances in Florida’s Condo, HOA and Property Management Industry.  On our Members Directory everyone can find the Top Companies working in our industry. 

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Register for our upcoming webinar to discover how to repair shoreline erosion and enhance your lake’s bank with native buffer plants.

Register for our upcoming webinar to discover how to repair shoreline erosion and enhance your lake’s bank with native buffer plants.

Repair Your Shoreline with SOX Erosion Solutions & Native Plantings

Register for our upcoming webinar to discover how to repair shoreline erosion and enhance your lake’s bank with native buffer plants.

January 31, 2023 3:00 pm EST

Sign Up Now for the Webinar.

Don’t Miss This Exciting Webinar with Our Erosion Experts!

Erosion is a natural occurrence that can damage your shoreline over time. Eroded shorelines not only increase the likelihood of water quality issues, but they can have an economic impact on your property and can even lead to liability risks. Knowing when and how to repair erosion damage can be stressful and confusing…

Join our upcoming webinar to discover how erosion occurs, signs your shoreline has erosion damage, and how you can restore your bank with SOX Erosion Solutions and native buffer plantings. Experts Chase Morgan, Business Development Consultant for SOLitude Lake Management, and Casey Cittadino, National Sales Director for SOX Erosion Solutions, are excited to discuss the innovative erosion control solutions available.

This webinar is free and open to the public. Can’t make the live discussion? Register anyway and you’ll receive a follow-up email with the recording.

Having issues with the form on this page? Click here to register.


Get HOA Board Certified! CAMs…get two IFM credits! on Jan.  by KBR’s Alan Schwartzseid from our New Orlando Office

Get HOA Board Certified! CAMs…get two IFM credits! on Jan. by KBR’s Alan Schwartzseid from our New Orlando Office

Get HOA Board Certified! CAMs…get two IFM credits! on Jan. 26th…Alan Schwartzseid from our Orlando location leads the HOA Board Member Certification Course. 2pm Eastern.

HOA Board Member Certification

Course # 9630140
Instructor: Alan Schwartzseid, Esq.This webinar covers the essentials of HOA board membership, and is updated regularly to remain current with Florida legislative amendments. In addition, this webinar satisfies Florida’s requirement for new HOA board members. It also serves as an excellent refresher course. Licensed CAMS will receive two (2) CE credits as IFM or ELE.

Jan 26, 2023 02:00 PM

Sign Up for the Course Now!


New Orlando Location, Covering the Condo/HOA Industry for all of your Legal Help.


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CIPP lining is an alternative solution that installs a new pipe into the existing one. by PRS

CIPP lining is an alternative solution that installs a new pipe into the existing one. by PRS

Replacing sewer lines can be expensive and invasive to your landscaping. CIPP lining is an alternative solution that installs a new pipe into the existing one. This method can be used with main, waster, commercial, and residential lines

At PRS we do what is called CIPP “Cured In Place Pipe” lining. This process is virtually no dig or trenchless pipe replacement. We take the structure of your old failing sewer line and create a new, seamless pipe inside your old pipe. We do this all from previous existing pipe access points that allows us to complete this process with no invasive digging, no destruction to your property, and much faster than conventional pipe replacement.  Our CIPP lining method is almost always compatible with all types of pipe systems. This includes main lines, sanitary/waste systems, commercial/industrial systems, and even residential and municipal systems. This process is leaps and bounds above typical conventional plumbing replacement. Save yourself the headache, time, and money and give us a call to see how we can assist you with our CIPP Lining.

PRS is a State of Florida Certified Plumbing Contractor that specializes in full pipe restoration.

Whether it be sanitary sewer or storm, potable water, fire suppression or HVAC chiller lines, our goal is to provide solutions to the failing piping infrastructure utilizing the latest plumbing and trenchless technology available. We also carry a State of Florida Class “A” General Contractor’s license which sets us apart. This allows us to really understand and prepare to deal with accessing the failing pipe. If needed, we are bondable and carry a low bonding rate through our surety company.



Condo HOA Expos Florida Dates – You Will Safely Find – Top Companies working together in our Industry!
Sign up for the Safe Networking and Educational Events!





6900 W State RD 84
Davie, FL 33317

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Seminars: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Exhibits: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm




Palm Beach County Convention Center
650 Okeechobee Boulevard
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Tuesday, February 22, 2023

9am – 4:45pm





333 S. Franklin Street
Tampa, FL 33602


Seminars: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Exhibits: 10:30 am – 3:00 pm 

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Condo HOA Expos Florida Dates – You Will Safely Find – Top Companies working together in our Industry! Sign up for the Safe Networking and Educational Events!

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

  • Posted: Dec 28, 2022
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Reliable Technology for Peace of Mind

Every facility, be it a private home, apartment complex, condo building, or hotel is threatened by water leaks issues. The cost of this damage to the population runs in the hundreds of millions of dollars and represent about 48% of insurance claims*. Burst hoses connecting refrigerators, washing machines or dishwashers; overflowing sinks and toilet bowls; leaky pipes and damaged water heaters or AC units are all sources of this destruction. And it seems that every leak in a high-rise building always occurs on the top floor when no one is at home, multiplying the catastrophic consequences.

Fortunately, there is now a reliable, cost-effective solution to prevent and detect water-related damage, with the associated insurance claims, repairs, and personal losses. The answer is AKWA Technologies, an innovative, customizable solution designed for residential and commercial buildings. The AKWA Technologies system,100% manufactured in Quebec, Canada, has a advanced design, and is fully autonomous, as an alarm system. It consists of a Master Valve installed on the property’s incoming water line with a Water Alarm Controller that supervises the entire system. Discreet Wireless leak sensors are placed at all water sources, including sinks, toilets, and other water appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, etc. An optional Flow sensor can be added for invisible leaks inside the walls and water usage management.

When water is detected in any of these locations, a signal is immediately sent to the Master Valve and the incoming water is shut off. This will minimize the flooding and prevent critical damage. An alarm will sound and notifications are sent to designated parties reporting the occurrence. The benefits of this customizable system are many. They include cost-effective installation with minimum disruption, elimination of expensive repairs and remediation caused by flooding, potential saving on insurance costs, and of course, your peace of mind.

Whether you are sleeping, at work, or on vacation halfway around the world, your domicile is safe with a solution that does not need Wi-Fi to be functional and requires very low maintenance. Water to your home can be shut off manually, from a distance or automatically when leaving your property for a long period of time. Whether you are a property manager or an individual user, you can manage your properties remotely from anywhere on the planet and keep your peace of mind!

