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“The Ins & Outs of Preparing a Condominium Association Budget,”

“The Ins & Outs of Preparing a Condominium Association Budget,”

  • Posted: Aug 27, 2021
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“The Ins & Outs of Preparing a Condominium Association Budget,”

Karyan San Martano

In many ways, the managing and operating of a condominium association is akin to operating a business. A primary similarity is the importance of careful and accurate financial planning and budget preparation. The board of directors of an association has fiduciary duties to its members. By paying close attention to the legal and technical requirements of condominium association budget preparation, the association can better assure its members of a smooth-running fiscal year ahead.

The legal and technical requirements of condominium association budgets can be found in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes (the “Condominium Act”) and Section 61B-22 of the Florida Administrative Code. An association’s bylaws may also contain certain financial requirements to which a board and/or budget committee should pay attention. Although the statutory and code requirements apply to all condominium associations, there is no one-size-fits-all for budget preparation. The intricacies of the budget will differ based on a number of factors, such as the size of the condominium, ongoing and upcoming projects, various maintenance obligations, etc.

The budget will cover one fiscal year, which typically tracks the calendar year. However, the association’s bylaws may indicate a different twelve-month period as its fiscal year. The important part is knowing when the fiscal year begins so that the board can ensure plenty of time for planning. For example, many associations which have a fiscal year that follows the calendar year begin planning their budget in the summer months in order to have a proposed budget by November. An additional time requirement to be aware of is that any meeting at which the proposed budget will be considered requires 14 days statutory notice.

However, your association bylaws may require a longer notice, such as a 30 days’ notice of a budget meeting. If your bylaws require a longer notice (such as 30 days) rather than the statutory 14 days’ notice, you must follow the bylaw notice requirement. The notice must include the date, time, and location of the budget meeting as well as a copy of the proposed budget. The completed notice must also be posted in a conspicuous location on the property at least 48-hours before the meeting. Although the budget meetings must be opened to all members, the board is generally authorized to adopt the budget without a vote of the owners.

As for what goes in the budget, it is divided into two main sections: an operating budget and a reserves budget. Again, similar to a business, an association’s operating budget displays the costs of the day-to-day operations of the association. This means that this section reflects reoccurring monthly and annual expenses. The operating budget may include, for example, expenses for management fees, recreational facilities rent, insurance, and taxes. There are certain items that must be contained in the budget pursuant to Section 61B-22 of the Florida Administrative Code, such as the beginning and ending dates of the period covered by the budget, all estimated common expenses or expenditures of the association including the categories set forth in Section 718.504(21)(c), Florida Statutes, and other items.

The total assessment for each unit type according to the proportion of ownership should also be included in the operating budget, either on a monthly basis or for the period for which assessments will be due (e.g., if the association collects quarterly assessments). A key point to remember about the operating budget is that the money budgeted is not restricted to the particular purpose specified on the adopted budget. If necessary, the association board may use its business judgment to spend money designated for one purpose for other purposes.

The second section of the association’s budget is the reserves budget. The Condominium Act requires the association to maintain reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. A capital expenditure is the purchase or replacement of an asset whose useful life is greater than one year. Deferred maintenance is any maintenance that is performed less frequently than a year or results in maintaining the useful life of an asset. This is distinguishable from routine maintenance, which needs to be included in the operating section of the budget.

The Condominium Act also specifies that the reserves must include roof replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing, regardless of the amount of the maintenance or replacement cost. The association is also obligated to include any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000. Unlike the operating funds which are not restricted to a particular purpose, reserve funds must be used for their intended purpose, unless a majority vote of the members is obtained to use the funds for other purposes. This means that the board cannot use reserve funds designated for one purpose to cover an unexpected expense without an approval vote.

Although as stated above, a board generally has the authority to adopt the budget without a vote of the membership, the Condominium Act does provide the members with two exceptions. First, the members can vote to waive reserves or partially fund reserves. The board can put the reserves question up to a vote if it so chooses. If no vote to waive or partially fund reserves is taken or not enough members vote to do so, the board must adopt the budget with fully funded reserves.

The second time at which a membership’s vote may be taken is if the board adopts an annual budget which requires assessments exceeding 115 percent of the assessment. At least 10 percent of the members must submit a written request for a special meeting of the owners to consider a substitute budget within 60 days after the adoption of the annual budget. A proper meeting notice must be sent out, and a membership meeting will be held. If there is not a quorum present at the meeting, or if the substitute budget is not adopted, the previously adopted annual budget remains in effect.

The ins and outs of preparing a condominium association budget can be complex, and association counsel should be consulted when needed. The board should begin early to assess the current financial picture of the community as well as its long-term financial needs and goals.

To read the original article, please click here.

Karyan San Martano is a member of Becker’s Community Association practice and regularly provides legal counseling to the officers and directors, as well as the property manager, on the operation of condominiums, cooperatives, and homeowners associations. To learn more about Karyan, please click here.


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  • Posted: Aug 12, 2021
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.


I agree that a “reserve study” should be done by an accredited firm following the industry standard guidelines. We have used both Association Reserves and Reserve Advisors. The fact remains that both these and most other competent firms are in fact comprised of engineers and architects.

There is an larger issue in this: In a majority of cases, board members are qualified in NOTHING: Not in construction, not in finance, not in personnel management, etc. Which is why they should use a management company. And even so, how can they possibly assess the value of an opinion issued to them by a construction expert, a financial advisor etc…
Being a board member is a huge responsibility, and I always thought they should be qualified or certified before being admitted in a board.


Imagine a world where accountants can examine your heart and give you an opinion regarding its condition and your life expectancy.  Suppose an auto mechanic can examine your kidneys and liver and give his opinion on whether or not they are healthy.  Perhaps one day you can walk into my office and one of the attorneys here can take your blood and talk to you about your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol.  If this all sounds crazy, it should.  This is exactly how the health of our buildings are determined.  Not by qualified experts like architects, engineers and general contractors, but by former cab drivers, teachers, nurses and the like.  Now these people may be the absolute best in their trained professions, but they certainly are not qualified to make a determination of the condition of the condominium property and the life expectancy of things like the roof, structure and electrical systems. Yet, this is what is going on in Florida as we speak.

For about a two year period of time, condominiums were required to have a reserve study performed by an architect or engineer.  But in 2010 Governor Charlie Crist signed a bill which repealed that requirement.  So since then, the reserve study analysis can be performed by the butcher, baker and candle stick maker.

We all know that the analysis is a joke.  If a new Board comes in that wants to save money and decrease assessments, suddenly the roof has a greater life expectancy than before.  Somehow, like fine wine, the roof got better with age.  It’s a miracle!

The current law is dangerous on so many levels.  It’s so obvious that it would be insulting to all of you to even have to explain further.

Next legislative session I urge all of you to contact your legislators and demand that Florida Statute 718 be amended to again require that reserve studies be performed by an architect or engineer.  Unless your Board has an architect or engineer serving, the Board is simply not qualified to do the analysis.


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2021 Legislative Update

2021 Legislative Update

  • Posted: Jul 20, 2021
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2021 Legislative Update



To find the information relevant to your association click the appropriate title.  If it is not clickable for you, simply scroll down.  

Following are laws applicable to:

I. Condominium, Cooperative and Homeowners’ Associations

II. Condominium and Cooperative Associations

III. Condominium Associations

IV. Cooperative Associations

V. Homeowners’ Associations

VI. Other Bills of Interest


I. Condominium, Cooperative and Homeowners’ Associations


1) Senate Bill 602, effective May 7, 2021, provides additional clarification for already existing laws in Chapter 617, Fla. Stat., known as the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act.

a)  §617.0725, Fla. Stat., clarifies that amendments to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of condominium, cooperative, and homeowners associations which effect or impose a quorum or voting requirement greater than the general quorum or amendment vote requirement are not required to be approved by the greater quorum or voting requirement then in effect or proposed to be adopted when voting to lower the threshold.

b) §617.0825, Fla. Stat., adds organizing committees established under §720.405, Fla. Stat. (covenant revitalization), to the existing list of condominium, cooperative, and homeowners associations exceptions to the board committee and advisory committee requirements of §617.0825.

c)  §617.1703, Fla. Stat., further clarifies existing law that in the event of conflict between the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act and Chapter 718 (condominiums), Chapter 719 (cooperatives), Chapter 720 (homeowners associations), and Chapter 723 (mobile home parks), the provisions of those specific chapters apply over that of the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act.


2) House Bill 463 provides an exemption for certain community associations from the requirements of Chapter 514, Fla. Stat., regulating public swimming pools.

(a) §514.0115, Fla. Stat., provides that “pools serving homeowners associations and other property associations which have no more than 32 units or parcels and are not operating as public lodging establishments are exempt from supervision” under Chapter 514 except for supervision necessary to ensure water quality and compliance with §514.0315 (required safety features), and are subject to §514.05 (denial, suspension, or revocation of permit and administrative fines) and §514.06 (injunctions).


II. Condominium and Cooperative Associations


1) House Bill 649 provides associations regulated by Chapters 718 and 719, Fla. Stat., certain rights and obligations as related to ad valorem tax assessment challenges.

(a) §194.011, Fla. Stat., pertains to ad valorem tax assessment challenges and is amended as follows:

 i. Confirms the right of associations regulated by Chapters 718 and 719, Fla. Stat., to challenge ad valorem tax assessments.

                    ii. Requires that an association send a notice of its intent to petition the value adjustment board to all owners which notice must include a statement that by not opting out of the petition, the owner agrees that the association represents that owner in any related proceedings without the need for the owner to be named or joined as a party.

                 iii. Perfects the right of the association that has filed a single joint petition to seek judicial review or appeal a decision and continue to represent the owners in any related proceedings. 

         (b) §194.181, Fla. Stat., pertains to any tax assessment challenge and is amended as follows:

 i. In any case brought by the property appraiser relating to a value adjustment board decision on a single joint petition filed by an association, the association is the only required party defendant (meaning, the individual owners are not required to be named as parties).

                      ii. Once the association receives a complaint filed by the property appraiser, it must provide notice to all owners that they may (i) elect to retain their own counsel, (ii) choose not to defend the appeal, or (iii) be represented by the association.


III. Condominium Associations


1) As to condominium associations, Senate Bill 56 provides the following changes:

(a) §718.111, Fla. Stat., is amended to add “all acknowledgments made pursuant to §718.121(4)(c)” (*see below) to the list of what consti- tutes official records. In short, this refers to an owner’s acknowledgement that the association will change its delivery method for providing invoices for assessments or statements of account. While the owner acknowledgement constitutes a part of the official records, it is not open to unit owner inspection and copying.

(b) §718.116, Fla. Stat., is revised to extend the timing, from 30 days to 45 days, of the statutorily required delinquent assessment notice (a/k/a, the intent to foreclose letter) that must be sent to delinquent owners informing them that a claim of lien has been filed against their property and that that the association will foreclose its lien if it remains unpaid. Thus, this notice must be given at least 45 days before the foreclosure action is filed. Failure to do so will preclude the association from recovery of its attorney fees and costs.

(c) §718.121, Fla. Stat., pertains to the association liens for delinquent assessments and is amended as follows:

i. “If an association sends out an invoice for assessments or a unit’s statement of account described in §718.111 (12)(a)11.b., Fla. Stat., they must be delivered to the unit owner by first-class United States mail or by electronic transmission to the unit owner’s email address maintained in the association’s official records. (§718.111(12)(a)11.b., Fla. Stat., refers to a current account and a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly statement of the account for each unit designating the name of the unit owner, the due date and the amount of each assessment, the amount paid on the account, and the balance due.)

                   ii. “Before changing the method of delivery for an invoice for assessments or the statement of account, the association must deliver a written notice of such change to each unit owner at least 30 days before the association sends the invoice for assessments or the statement of account by the new delivery method. The notice must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the unit address, it must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing. a)*A unit owner must affirmatively ac- knowledge, electronically or in writing, his or her understanding that the association will change its method of delivery of the invoice for assessments or the unit’s statement of account before the association may change the method of delivering an invoice for assessments or the statement of account.”

                  iii. New Notice of Late Assessment: “An association may not require payment of attorney fees related to a past due assessment without first delivering a written notice of late assessment to the unit owner which specifies the amount owed to the association and provides the unit owner an opportunity to pay the amount owed without the assessment of attorney fees. Additional collection action cannot be taken for 30 days from the date of the notice. The notice of late assessment must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the unit address, must also be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing.”

A rebuttable presumption that the association mailed a notice in accordance with this new law is established if a board member, officer, or agent of the association, or licensed community association manager provides a sworn affidavit attesting to such mailing. In addition, the notice must substantially follow the required statutory format which is provided in the legislation.

iv. The timing of the statutorily required notice of intent to record a claim of lien (a/k/a, the intent to lien letter) that must be sent to delinquent owners informing the owner that a claim of lien will be filed against their property if the delinquency remains unpaid has been changed from 30 days to 45 days.


2) As to condominium associations, Senate Bill 630 provides the following changes:

(a) §627.714, Fla. Stat., addresses residential condominium unit owner coverage and required loss assessment coverage. “If a condominium association’s insurance policy does not provide rights for subrogation against the unit owners in the association, an insurance policy issued to an individual unit owner in the association may not provide rights of subrogation against the condominium association.” “Subrogation” is a right held by most insurance carriers to legally pursue a third party that caused an insurance loss to the insured. This is done in order to recover the amount of the claim paid by the insurance carrier to the insured for the loss. Whether this will cause an increase in insurance premiums is highly debatable, depending upon whom you ask. While only time will tell, it is this author’s personal belief that it will cause an increase in pre- miums because the insurance company responsible for the casualty may not have a manner by which they can recoup their losses from the party that caused the casualty. Additionally, it is important to note that this new “anti-subrogation” law only applies to residential condominiums.

(b) §718.103, Fla. Stat., provides definitions of the terms used in Chapter 718, Fla. Stat., and is amended as follows:

i. The term “multicondominium” is amended from “a real estate development containing two or more condominiums, all of which are operated by the same association,” to “real property containing two or more condominiums, all of which are operated by the same association.”

ii. The term “operation” or “operation of the condominium” is amended to include administration and management of the condominium property “and the association.”

(c) §718.111, Fla. Stat., pertains to official records and is amended as follows:

i. Bids for work to be performed or for meterials, equipment, or services must be maintained by the association “for at least 1 year after receipt of the bid.”

ii. In addition to the association’s bylaws and rules, a renter of a unit is now also entitled to inspect and copy the declaration of condominium.

iii. A condominium association “may not require a member to demonstrate any purpose or state any reason for the inspection” of the official records.

iv. An association managing a condominium with 150 or more units and which does not contain timeshare units is already required to post digital copies of certain official records on its website. As an alternative to posting on the website, the association can make the documents available through an application that can be downloaded on a mobile device (otherwise commonly referred to as an “app”).

v. The legislation clarifies the requirement that amendments to the articles of incorporation or other documents creating the association must be posted to the website or app.

(d) §718.112, Fla. Stat., is amended as follows:

i. A condominium association, through board action, may extinguish a discriminatory restriction as provided in §712.065, Fla. Stat.

ii. Board of director term limits are clarified to provide that “[o]nly board service that occurs on or after July 1, 2018, may be used when calculating a board member’s term limit.”

iii. Notice provisions for annual meetings and other unit owner meetings are now separately provided and allow for posting of such notices on association property in addition to posting such notices on the condominium property.

iv. The second notice of election must be provided not less than 14 days nor more than 34 days before the date of the election.

v. Regarding transfer fees, “the association may not charge a fee in connection with the sale, mortgage, lease, sublease, or other transfer of a unit unless the association is required to approve such transfer and a fee for such approval is provided for in the declaration, articles, or bylaws. Such fee may not exceed $150 per applicant” (an increase of $50). “For the purpose of calculating the fee, spouses or a parent or parents and any dependent children are considered one applicant. However, if the lease or sublease is a renewal of the lease or sublease with the same lessee or sublessee, a charge may not be made.” Such fees may be adjusted every five years in an amount equal to the total of the annual increases occurring in certain consumer indexes, with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (the “Department”) periodically calculating the fee rounded to the nearest dollar and published on its website.

vi. Director recall challenges by the unit owner representative or by a recalled director may be made by filing a court action in addition to filing a petition for arbitration with the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (the “Division”).

vii. A new provision for “alternative dispute resolution” is mandated to be provided in §718.1255, Fla. Stat., for any residential condominium (discussed below).

viii. A provision which prohibited a non-timeshare condominium association (a/k/a, a residential or commercial condominium association) from employing or contracting with any service provider that is owned or operated by a board member or with any person who has a financial relationship with a board member or officer, or a relative within the third degree of consanguinity by blood or marriage of a board member or officer is removed.

(e) §718.113, Fla. Stat., is amended as follows to add “natural gas fuel” vehicles to the provisions regarding electric vehicles:

i. The rights granted to those needing to charge electric vehicles are now extended to those having natural gas fuel vehicles, including the right to install a natural gas fueling station within the boundaries of the unit owner’s limited common element parking space or exclusively designated parking space and the obligation to pay the cost for the supply and storage of the natural gas fuel.

ii. “The unit owner installing, maintaining, or removing the electric vehicle charging station or natural gas fuel station is responsible for complying with all federal, state, or local laws and regulations applicable to such installation, maintenance, or removal.”

iii. The board of directors “may make available, install, or operate an electric vehicle charging station or a natural gas fuel station upon the common elements or association property and establish the charges or the manner of payments for the unit owners, residents, or guests to use the electric vehicle charging station or natural gas fuel station.” Importantly, this installation, repair, or maintenance of an electric vehicle charging station or natural gas fuel station “does not constitute a material alteration or substantial addition to the common elements or association property.”

(f) §718.117, Fla. Stat., previously provided that a unit owner or lienor may contest a plan of termination by initiating a petition for mandatory non-binding arbitration. Now, such contest must be brought in accordance with §718.1255, Fla. Stat. (further discussed below).

(g) §718.121, Fla. Stat., pertains to liens and is amended as follows:

i. Labor performed on or materials furnished for the installation of a natural gas fuel station, in addition to an electric vehicle charging station, cannot be the basis for the filing of a lien under Part I of Chapter 713, Fla. Stat., against the association, but such a lien may be filed against the unit owner.

ii. The notice of intent to record a claim of lien (a/k/a, the intent to lien letter) which must be provided to the unit owner prior to recording the lien is now deemed “to have been delivered upon mailing.”

(h) §718.1255, Fla. Stat., pertains to alternative dispute resolution and provides for significant changes such that non-binding arbitration for certain matters is no longer mandatory but rather is optional, and instead, the aggrieved party can use the mediation process set out in Chapter 720, Fla. Stat., rather than the aforementioned arbitration process as follows:

i. “Before the institution of court litigation, a party to a “dispute” (defined below), other than an election or recall dispute, must either petition the Division for nonbinding arbitration or initiate pre-suit mediation” in accordance with §720.311, Fla. Stat. Briefly explained, the pre-suit mediation process set out in §720.311, Fla. Stat., requires the aggrieved party to send to the responding party a statutorily required demand to participate in pre-suit mediation providing five mediator options. The responding party must select one of the five mediators within 20 days, and if not, then the aggrieved party may proceed to file their lawsuit and seek attorney’s fees and costs incurred in attempting to obtain mediation. If the responding party does appropriately respond, then mediation must take place within 90 days.

ii. For purposes of using either nonbinding arbitration or pre-suit mediation, a “dispute” refers to any disagreement between two or more parties that involve the following:

a) the authority of the board of directors to require any owner to take action or to not take action involving that owner’s unit or the appurtenances thereto;

b) the authority of the board of directors to alter or add to a common area or element;

c) the failure of a governing body when required by Chapter 718, Fla. Stat., or an association document to (1) properly conduct elections, (2) give adequate notice of meetings or other actions, (3) properly conduct meetings, or (4) allow inspection of books and records; or

d) a plan of termination pursuant to §718.117, Fla. Stat.

iii. The arbitration can be binding upon the parties, meaning not appealable in the local circuit court, if all parties in the arbitration agree to be bound in writing. If not, then within 30 days of conclusion of the arbitration, the arbitrator’s final order can be appealed in the local circuit court. Such appeal is heard de novo, meaning anew.

(i) §718.1265, Fla. Stat., pertains to emergency powers which are now updated to include situations such as COVID-19 and provide for new procedures which are essentially a codification of the procedures used during the COVID-19 pandemic.

i. Emergency powers are clarified and expanded such that they can be employed in response to damage or injury caused by or anticipated in connection with an emergency as defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., for which a state of emergency is declared.

a) As defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., an “emergency” means “any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural, technological, or manmade, in war or in peace, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property.”

ii. In addition to being able to conduct board and membership meetings with notice given as practicable, committee meetings and elections may also be noticed in such manner, and all such meetings may be conducted, in whole or in part, by telephone, real-time video conferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication.

iii. In addition to implementation of disaster plans, emergency plans can now be implemented before, during, or following the event for which the state of emergency is declared which include, but are not limited to, shutting down or off elevators; electricity; water, sewer, or security systems; or air conditioners.

iv. In addition to making decisions regarding whether the property is available or unavailable for entry and occupancy by unit owners, family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees in order to protect the health, safety, or welfare of such persons upon advice of emergency management officials or licensed professionals retained by the board, such advice may also be provided by public health officials and other licensed professionals available to the board. This also includes decisions as to whether any portion of the property can be safely inhabited, accessed, or occupied, subject to certain exclusions, discussed below.

v. The mitigation authority is expanded to include mitigation of injury or contagions, in addition to mitigation of damage, and such authority includes taking action to contract for the removal of debris and to prevent or mitigate the spread of fungus or contagion.

vi. Contracting on behalf of any unit owner or owners for items or services for which the owners are otherwise individually responsible but which are necessary to prevent further damage to the condominium property or association property is expanded to include prevention of injury and contagion. In addition to drying out of units, replacing damaged air conditioners and air handlers to provide climate control, etc., specifically referenced is sanitizing of the condominium property or association property, as applicable.

vii.  Notwithstanding the power of the board to prohibit access to the property, “an association may not prohibit unit owners, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees of a unit owner from accessing the unit, the common elements, and the limited common elements appurte- nant to the unit for the purpose of ingress to and egress from the unit and when necessary in connection with the sale, lease, or other transfer of a unit” or “with the habitability of the unit or for the health and safety of such person, unless a governmental order or determination, or a public health directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been issued prohibiting such access to the unit. Any such access is subject to reasonable restrictions adopted by the association.” 

(j) §718.202, Fla. Stat., pertains to sales or reservations deposits prior to closing and is amended as follows:

i. Currently, so long as proper disclosures are provided, a developer may withdraw escrow funds in excess of 10 percent of the purchase price. The use of such funds is limited, as revised, to payment of “actual costs incurred,” including, but not limited to, expenditures for “demolition, site clearing, permit fees, impact fees, and utility reservation fees, as well as architectural, engineering, and surveying fees that directly relate to the construction and development of the condominium property.”

ii. In addition to existing prohibitions as to what these funds cannot be used for, such as salaries, commissions, and expenses of salespersons and advertising, the use of these funds for marketing or promotional purposes, loan fees and costs, principal and interest on loans, attorneys’ fees, accounting fees, or insurance costs is also prohibited.

(k) §718.303, Fla. Stat., clarifies that fines and use right suspensions are also applicable to tenants in addition to the already included unit owner, licensee, or invitee of the unit owner and that a fine is due five days after notice of the approved fine is provided to the violator.

(l) §718.405, Fla. Stat., is amended to provide that a multicondominium association is not prevented or restricted from “adopting a consolidated or combined declaration of condominium if such declaration complies with §718.104, Fla. Stat. (pertaining to creation of a condominium and contents of a declaration), and does not serve to merge the condominiums or change the legal descriptions of the condominium parcels as set forth in §718.109, Fla. Stat., unless accomplished in accordance with law.” The new provision is intended to clarify existing law and applies to associations existing on July 1, 2021.

(m) §718.501, Fla. Stat., pertains to the authority, responsibility, and duties of the Division and is amended as follows:

i. The Division has expanded jurisdiction to investigate complaints regarding “maintenance” of official records in addition to the existing authority to investigate complaints regarding “access” to official records.

ii. The Division is required to provide, upon request, a list of mediators to any association, unit owner, or other participant in alternative dispute resolution proceedings under §718.1255, Fla. Stat., requesting a copy of the list.


3) As to condominium associations, Senate Bill 1966 provides for the following changes to the board member eligibility requirements and budget process:

(a) §718.112, Fla. Stat., pertains to board member eligibility requirements and the budget adoption process and is amended as follows:

i. As to condominium board member eligibility, presently, if a candidate is delinquent in “any monetary obligation,” then the candidate is not eligible to run for the board. This is revised to further limit the delinquency which would render a candidate ineligible to run for the board to a delinquency merely in the payment of any “assessment obligation” in order to be disqualified.

a) For purposes of determining assessment delinquency, “a person is delinquent if the payment is not made by the due date as specifically identified in the declaration of condominium, bylaws, or articles of incorporation. If a due date is not specifically identified in the declaration of condominium, bylaws, or articles of incorporation, the due date is the first day of the assessment period.”

ii. The board is required to adopt the annual budget “at least 14 days prior to the start of the association’s fiscal year. In the event the board fails to adopt the annual budget in a timely fashion a second time, it shall be deemed a minor violation, and the prior year’s budget shall continue in effect until the new budget is adopted.” 

(b) §718.501, Fla. Stat., is amended to provide the Division with the authority to adopt rules regarding the submission of a complaint against an association.

(c) §718.5014, Fla. Stat., is amended to allow the Condominium Ombudsman the ability to relocate his or her principal office, presently required to be located in Leon County, to a place convenient to the offices of the Division.


IV. Cooperative Associations


1) As to cooperative associations, Senate Bill 56 provides the following changes:

(a) §719.104, Fla. Stat., is amended to add “all acknowledgments made pursuant to s. 719.108(3)(b)3” (*see below) to the list of what constitutes official records. In short, this refers to an owner’s acknowledgement that the association will change its delivery method for providing invoices for assessments or statements of account. While the owner acknowledgement constitutes a part of the official records, it is not open to unit owner inspection and copying.

(b) §719.108, Fla. Stat., pertains to association liens for delinquent assessments and is amended as follows:

i. “If an association sends out an invoice for assessments or a unit’s statement of account described in §719.104(2)(a)9.b., Fla. Stat., they must be delivered to the unit owner by first-class United States mail or by electronic transmission to the unit owner’s email address maintained in the association’s official records.” (§719.104(2)(a)9.b., Fla. Stat., refers to a current account and a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly statement of the account for each unit designating the name of the unit owner, the due date and the amount of each assessment, the amount paid on the account, and the balance due.)

ii. “Before changing the method of delivery for an invoice for assessments or the statement of account, the association must deliver a written notice of such change to each unit owner at least 30 days before the association sends the invoice for assessments or the statement of account by the new delivery method. The notice must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the unit address, it must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing.” “*A unit owner must affirmatively acknowledge, electronically or in writing, his or her understanding that the association will change its method of delivery of the invoice for assessments or the unit’s statement of account before the association may change the method of delivering an invoice for assessments or the statement of account.”

iii. New Notice of Late Assessment: “An association may not require payment of attorney fees related to a past due assessment without first delivering a writ- ten notice of late assessment to the unit owner which specifies the amount owed to the association and provides the unit owner an opportunity to pay the amount owed without the assessment of attorney fees.” Additional collection action cannot be taken for 30 days from the date of the notice. “The notice of late assessment must be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the unit address, must also be sent by first-class United States mail to the unit address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing.” A rebuttable presumption that the association mailed a notice in accordance with this new law is established if a board member, officer, or agent of the association, or licensed community association manager provides a sworn affidavit attesting to such mailing. In addition, the notice must substantially follow the required statutory format which is provided in the legislation.

iv. Notice of Intent to Lien: The timing of the statutorily required notice of intent to record a claim of lien that must be sent to delinquent owners informing the owner that a claim of lien will be filed against their property if the delinquency remains unpaid has been changed from 30 days to 45 days.

v. Notice of Intent to Foreclose: The timing of the statutorily required delinquent assessment notice that must be sent to delinquent owners informing the owner that a claim of lien has been filed against their property and that the association will foreclose its lien if it remains unpaid has been changed from 30 days to 45 days. Thus, this notice must be given at least 45 days before the foreclosure action is filed. Failure to do so will preclude the association from recovery of its attorney fees and costs.


2) As to cooperative associations, Senate Bill 630 provides the following changes:

(a) §719.103, Fla. Stat., which sets forth the definition of the term “unit,” is amended to provide that “[a]n interest in a unit is an interest in real property.” (This small tweak may be very helpful to cooperative shareholders in their attempts to enter into loans for their cooperative units subject to the proprietary lease.)

(b) §719.104, Fla. Stat., with regard to official records, is amended to provide that the cooperative association “may not require a member to demonstrate any purpose or state any reason for the inspection” of the official records.

(c) §719.106, Fla. Stat., pertains to cooperative by-laws and is amended as follows:

i. “A board member or committee member participating in a meeting via telephone, real-time video conferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication counts toward a quorum, and such a member may vote as if physically present.”

ii. If the board determines not to certify a recall or fails to certify a recall, then the board must, within five business days, file a petition for arbitration with the Division or file a court action. The unit owners participating in the recall must be named as a party under the petition for arbitration or in a court action. If the arbitrator or court certifies the recall as to any director, the recall is effective upon mailing the final order of arbitration to the association or the final order of the court. If the association fails to comply with the order of the court or the arbitrator, the Division may take action pursuant to §719.501, Fla. Stat.

iii. Director recall challenges by the unit owner representative or by a recalled director may be made by filing a court action in addition to filing a petition with the Division.

iv. A new provision for “alternative dispute resolution” is mandated to be provided in §719.1255, Fla. Stat., for internal disputes arising from the operation of the cooperative.

v. A cooperative association, through board action, may extinguish a discriminatory restriction as provided in §712.065, Fla. Stat.

(d) §719.128, Fla. Stat., pertains to emergency powers which are now updated to include situations such as COVID-19 and provide for new procedures which are essentially a codification of the procedures used during the COVID-19 pandemic.

i. Emergency powers are clarified and expanded such that they can be employed in response to damage or injury caused by or anticipated in connection with an emergency as defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., for which a state of emergency is declared.

a) As defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., an “emergency” means any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural, technological, or manmade, in war or in peace, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property.

ii. In addition to being able to conduct board and membership meetings with notice given as practicable, committee meetings and elections may also be noticed in such manner, and all such meetings may be conducted, in whole or in part, by telephone, real-time video conferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication. Notice of decisions may also be communicated as provided in this paragraph.

iii. In addition to implementation of disaster plans, emergency plans can now be implemented before, during, or following the event for which the state of emergency is declared which may include, but are not limited to, shutting down or off elevators; electricity; water, sewer, or security systems; or air conditioners.

iv. In addition to making decisions regarding whether the property is available or unavailable for entry and occupancy by unit owners, family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees in order to protect the health, safety, or welfare of such persons upon advice of emergency management officials or licensed professionals retained by the board, such advice may also be provided by public health officials and other licensed professionals available to the board. This also includes decisions as to whether any portion of the property can be safely inhabited, accessed, or occupied subject to certain exclusions, discussed below.

v. In addition to requiring evacuation in the event of a mandatory evacuation order, the emergency powers now include the power to prohibit or restrict access to the cooperative property in the event of a public health threat.

vi. The mitigation authority is expanded to include mitigation of injury or contagions, in addition to mitigation of damage, and such authority includes taking action to contract for the removal of debris, to prevent or mitigate the spread of fungus, or to sanitize the cooperative property.

vii. Contracting on behalf of any unit owner or owners for items or services for which the owners are otherwise individually responsible but which are necessary to prevent further damage to the cooperative property is expanded to include prevention of injury and contagion. In addition to drying out of units, replacing damaged air conditioners and air handlers to provide climate control, etc., specifically referenced is sanitizing of the cooperative property.

viii. Notwithstanding the power of the board to prohibit access to the property, “an association may not prohibit unit owners, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees of a unit owner from accessing the unit, the common elements, and the limited common elements appurtenant to the unit for the purpose of ingress to and egress from the unit and when is necessary in connection with the sale, lease, or other transfer of a unit or with the habitability of the unit or for the health and safety of such person, unless a governmental order or determination, or a public health directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been issued prohibiting such access to the unit. Any such access is subject to reasonable restrictions adopted by the association.”


3) As to cooperative associations, Senate Bill 1966 provides the following changes to the budget process:

(a) §719.106, Fla. Stat., is amended to provide that the board is required to adopt the annual budget “at least 14 days prior to the start of the association’s fiscal year. In the event the board fails to adopt the annual budget in a timely manner a second time, it shall be deemed a minor violation, and the prior year’s budget shall continue in effect until the new budget is adopted.”


V. Homeowners’ Associations


1) As to homeowners’ associations, Senate Bill 56 provides the following changes:

(a) §720.303, Fla. Stat., is amended to add “all acknowledgments made pursuant to s. 720.3085(3) (c)3” (*see below) to the list of what constitutes official records. In short, this refers to an owner’s acknowledgement that the association will change its delivery method for providing invoices for assessments or statements of account. While the owner acknowledgement constitutes a part of the official records, it is not open to owner inspection and copying.

(b) §720.3085, Fla. Stat., per- tains to association liens for delinquent assessments and is amended as follows:

i. “If an association sends out an invoice for assessments or a parcel’s statement of account described in §720.303(4)(j)2., Fla. Stat., they must be delivered to the owner by first-class United States mail or by electronic transmission to the owner’s email address maintained in the association’s official records.” (§720.303 (4)(j)2., Fla. Stat., refers to a current account and a periodic statement of the account for each member, designating the name and current address of each member obligated to pay assessments, the due date and amount of each assessment or other charge against the member, the date and amount of each payment on the account, and the balance due.)

ii. Before changing the method of delivery for an invoice for assessments or the statement of account, the association must deliver a written notice of such change to each owner at least 30 days before the association sends the invoice for assessments or the statement of account by the new delivery method “The notice must be sent by first-class United States mail to the owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the parcel address, it must be sent by first-class United States mail to the parcel address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing.” “*A parcel owner must affirmatively acknowledge, electronically or in writing, his or her understanding that the association will change its method of delivery of the invoice for assessments or the parcel’s statement of account before the association may change the method of delivering an invoice for assessments or the statement of account.”

iii. New Notice of Late Assessment: “An association may not require payment of attorney fees related to a past due assessment without first delivering a written notice of late assessment to the owner which specifies the amount owed to the association and provides the owner an opportunity to pay the amount owed without the assessment of attorney fees.” Additional collection action cannot be taken for 30 days from the date of the notice. “The notice of late assessment must be sent by first-class United States mail to the owner at his or her last address as reflected in the association’s records and, if such address is not the parcel address, must also be sent by first-class United States mail to the parcel address. Notice is deemed to have been delivered upon mailing. A rebuttable presumption that the association mailed a notice in accordance with this new law is established if a board member, officer, or agent of the association, or licensed community association manager provides a sworn affidavit attesting to such mailing.” In addition, the notice must substantially follow the required statutory format which is provided in the legislation.


2) As to homeowners associations, Senate Bill 630 provides the following changes:

(a) §720.301(8), Fla. Stat., setting forth the definition of the term “governing documents,” is revised to remove adopted rules and regulations therefrom.

(b) §720.303, Fla. Stat., pertains to board meetings, official records, budgets, financial reports, association funds, and recalls and is amended as follows:

i. “In addition to any of the authorized means of providing notice of a board meeting, the association may, by rule, adopt a procedure for conspicuously posting the meeting notice and agenda on the association’s website or an application (an app) that can be downloaded on a mobile device for at least the minimum period of time for which a meeting notice is also required to be physically posted on the association property. Any rule adopted must, in addition to other matters, include a requirement that the association send electronic notice to members whose email addresses are included in the association’s official records in the same manner as is required for notice of a meeting of the members. Such notice must include a hyperlink to the website or such mobile application on which the meeting notice is posted.”

ii. “Ballots, sign-in sheets, voting proxies, and all other papers and electronic records relating to voting by owners” are added to the list of official records which must be maintained by the association, and they must be maintained for at least one year after the date of the election, vote, or meeting.

iii. Although comprising a part of the association’s official records, “[i]nformation an association obtains in a gated community in connection with guests’ visits to parcel owners or community residents” is added to the list of official records which are not subject to member inspection and copying.

iv. If the budget does not include reserve accounts created in accordance with §720.303(6)(d), Fla. Stat., or the declaration, articles, or bylaws do not obligate the developer to create reserves, and the association is responsible for the repair and maintenance of capital improvements that may result in a special assessment if reserves are not provided or not fully funded, each financial report for the pre- ceding fiscal year must contain a statutorily provided statement warning of such consequence in conspicuous type.

v. While a developer is in control of a homeowners association, the developer may, but is not required to, include reserves in the budget. If the developer includes reserves in the budget, the developer may determine the amount of reserves included.

vi. The developer is not obligated to pay for “contributions to reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance, as well as any other reserves the homeowners association or developer may be required to fund pursuant to any state, municipal, county, or other governmental statute or ordinance.”

vii. The developer is also not obligated to pay for operating expenses. In reading this new provision together with other developer funding obligations, this author interprets this provision to mean that the developer is not obligated to pay for operating expenses beyond its parcel assessment obligations if the developer is paying assessments on its parcels as opposed to deficit funding.

viii. The developer is not obligated to pay for “any other assessments related to the developer’s parcels for any period of time for which the developer has provided in the declaration that in lieu of paying any assessments imposed on any parcel owned by the developer, the developer need only pay the deficit, if any, in any fiscal year of the association, between the total amount of assessments receivable from other members plus any other association income and the lesser of the budget or actual expenses incurred by the association during such fiscal year.”

ix. If the board determines not to certify a recall or fails to certify a recall, then the board must, within five business days, file a petition for arbitration with the Department or file a court action. The owners participating in the recall must be named as a party under the petition for arbitration or in a court action. If the arbitrator or court certifies the recall as to any director, the recall is effective upon mailing the final order of arbitration to the association or the final order of the court.

x. Director recall challenges by the owner representative or by a recalled director may be made by filing a court action in addition to filing a petition under §718.1255, Fla. Stat.

(c) §720.305, Fla. Stat., clarifies that a fine is due five days after notice of the approved fine is provided to the owner and, if applicable, to any occupant, licensee, or invitee of the owner.

(d) §720.306, Fla. Stat., pertains to meetings of members, voting and election procedures, and amendments to the governing documents.

i. “A notice required under this section must be mailed or delivered to the address identified as the owner’s mailing address in the official records of the association as required under §720.303(4), Fla. Stat.”

ii. As to leasing, any governing document, or amendment thereto, that is enacted after July 1, 2021, and that prohibits or regulates rental agreements applies only to (i) an owner who acquires title to a parcel after the effective date of the governing document or amendment, or (ii) an owner who consents, individually or through a representative, to the governing document or amendment.

a) Notwithstanding, an association may amend its governing documents to prohibit or regulate rental agreements for a term of less than six months and may prohibit the rental of a parcel for more than three times in a calendar year, and such amendments shall apply to all owners.

b) For the purposes of these rental amendment restrictions, a change of ownership does not occur when a parcel owner conveys the parcel to an “affiliated entity,” when beneficial ownership of the parcel does not change, or when an heir becomes the owner.

c) An “affiliated entity” means “an entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the owner or that becomes a parent or successor entity by reason of transfer, merger, consolidation, public offering, reorganization, dissolution or sale of stock, or transfer of membership partnership interests.”

d) “For a conveyance to be recognized as one made to an affiliated entity, the entity must furnish to the association a document certifying that the exclusion applies and provide any organizational documents for the owner and affiliated entity which support the representations in the certificate, as requested by the association.”

e) For the purposes of these rental amendment restrictions, “a change of ownership does occur when, with respect to an owner that is a business entity, every person that owned an interest in the real property at the time of the enactment of the amend- ment or rule conveys their interest in the real property to an unaffiliated entity.”

f) These rental amendment restrictions do not apply to associations with 15 or fewer owners.

iii. Election and recall disputes between a member and an association must be submitted to either binding arbitration with the Division or filed with a court of competent jurisdiction. (This amendment is also reflected in §720.311, Fla. Stat.)

(e) §720.3075, Fla. Stat., is amended to provide that a homeowners association, through board action, may extinguish a discriminatory restriction as provided in §712.065, Fla. Stat.

(f) §720.316, Fla. Stat., pertains to emergency powers which are now updated to include situations such as COVID-19 and provide for new procedures which are essentially a codification of the procedures used during the COVID-19 pandemic.

i. Emergency powers are clarified and expanded such that they can be employed in response to damage or injury caused by or anticipated in connection with an emergency as defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., for which a state of emergency is declared.

a) As defined in §252.34(4), Fla. Stat., an “emergency” means “any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural, technological, or manmade, in war or in peace, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property.”

ii. In addition to being able to conduct board and membership meetings with notice given as practicable, committee meetings and elections may also be noticed in such manner, and all such meetings may be conducted, in whole or in part, by telephone, real-time video conferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication. Notice of decisions may also be communicated as provided in this paragraph.

iii. In addition to implementation of disaster plans, emergency plans can now be implemented “before, during, or following the event for which the state of emergency is declared which may include, but are not limited to, shutting down or off elevators; electricity; water, sewer, or security systems; or air conditioners.”

iv. In addition to making decisions regarding whether the property is available or unavailable for entry and occupancy by owners, family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees in order to protect the health, safety, or welfare of such persons upon advice of emergency management officials or licensed professionals retained by the board, such advice may also be provided by public health officials and other licensed professionals available to the board. This also includes decisions as to whether any portion of the property can be safely inhabited, accessed, or occupied, subject to certain exclusions, discussed below.

v. The mitigation authority is expanded to include mitigation of injury or contagions, in addition to mitigation of damage, and such authority includes taking action to contract for the removal of debris, to prevent or mitigate the spread of fungus, or to sanitize the common areas or facilities.

vi. Notwithstanding the power of the board to prohibit access to the property, “an association may not prohibit owners, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees of an owner from accessing the common areas and facilities for the purpose of ingress to and egress from the parcel and when necessary in connection with the sale, lease, or other transfer of a parcel or with the habitability of the parcel or for the health and safety of such person, unless a governmental order or determination, or a public health directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has been issued prohibiting such access to the parcel. Any such access is subject to reasonable restrictions adopted by the association.”


VI. Other Bills of Interest


1) Senate Bill 2006 amends various Florida Statutes as relates to emergency management that govern emergency preparations, orders, and disaster recovery as follows:

(a) Prohibits a business entity or a governmental entity from requiring customers to verify COVID-19 vaccination, which includes community associations.

(b) Expands emergency powers for use during public health emergencies.

(c) Provides for legislative oversight and limitations on the duration of executive orders issued by the governor.

(d) Provides for limitations on the duration of emergency orders issued by a political subdivision, including the ability of the governor to invalidate local orders if the governor determines that the order unnecessarily restricts individual rights or liberties.

(e) Provides that an executive order imposing business restrictions or closure of, or restricted in-person attendance at, K-12 public schools must specifically state the reasons for the restrictions or closure.


2) House Bill 403 provides restrictions on local government’s ability to regulate home businesses.

(a) §559.995, Fla. Stat., pertaining to home-based businesses and local government restrictions, is added as follows:

i. Local governments may not enact or enforce any ordinance, regulation, or policy or take any action to license or otherwise regulate a home-based business.

ii. A home-based business must meet the following criteria in order to be considered a home-based business:

a) It must operate from residential property.

b) Employees of the business who work at the residential dwelling must also reside there, except that there may be up to two other employees or independent contractors who do not reside at the residential dwelling who may work at the business. In addition, there can be other remote employees that do not work at the residential dwelling.

c) Parking related to the business activity may not be greater in volume than would normally be expected by similar residents where no business is conducted and must comply with local zoning requirements, along with other compliance requirements.

d) As viewed from the street, the use of the residential property must be consistent with the uses of the residential areas that surround the property.

e) The activities of the home-based business must be secondary to the property’s use as a residential dwelling. The business activities must comply with all relevant local and state regulations. There can be no excessive fumes, noxious odors, vibration, noise, etc.

iii. Provides that the application of these new laws does not supersede any current or future declaration adopted pursuant to Chapter 718 (condominiums), Chapter 719 (cooperatives), and Chapter 720 (homeowners associations).


3) House Bill 421 & House Bill 1101 (effective 10/1/2021) provide revisions to the Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights Protection Act, set out in Chapter 70, Fla. Stat. This Act provides relief to private landowners when a law, regulation, or ordinance inordinately burdens, restricts, or limits private property without amounting to a taking under the U.S. Constitution.

(a) §70.001, Fla. Stat., is amended as follows:

i. Provides that the prior owner maintains their Bert Harris claim so long as they filed their claim while they were the property owner.

ii. Clarifies that the term “real property” includes “surface, subsurface, and mineral estates” in addition to appurtenances and improvements to the land, including any other relevant interest in the real property in which the property owner has a relevant interest. However, the term includes only parcels that are the subject of and directly impacted by the action of a governmental entity.

iii. Allows the property owner the right to forgo a jury trial and to elect that the court determine the award of compensation.

iv. Provides for what amounts to a one-year statute of limitations to bring the claim from the time of the governmental notice which brought about the diminution of value.


4) SB 72 was signed into law on March 29, 2021, and, in pertinent part, grants liability protection to businesses and entities from lawsuits related to COVID-19 exposure.

(a) §768.38, Fla. Stat., was created and grants civil liability immunity to business entities and institutions, including, but not limited to, religious institutions and community associations. However, limited liability companies are excluded.

i. To be afforded the immunity, the association (or other business entity) must make a good faith effort to substantially comply with authoritative or controlling federal, state, and local public health standards or guidelines at the time the cause of action accrued. If more than one source or set of standards or guidance was authoritative or controlling at the time, the association’s good faith effort to substantially comply with any one of these sources or sets of standards or guidance will confer immunity from civil liability.

ii. If the court determines the defendant did not make a good faith effort to comply, the plaintiff may proceed with an action against the defendant. To establish liability, the defendant must have acted with gross negligence or intentional conduct, and the foregoing must be proven by clear and convincing evidence (rather than a mere preponderance of the evidence).

iii. There is a shortened one-year statute of limitations within which to bring the claim.


5) SB 60 pertains to code enforcement complaints.

(a) §§125.69, 162.06, 162.21, 166.0415, Fla. Stat., were amended to provide that a code inspector or code enforcement officer may not initiate an investigation of a potential violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance by way of an anonymous complaint unless the code inspector or code enforcement officer has reason to believe the violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.


6) SB 76 pertains, in pertinent part, to contractors and provides for prohibition of solicitation.

(a) §489.147, Fla. Stat., pertaining to prohibited solicitations regarding roof damage is added as follows:

i. A contractor may not directly or indirectly engage in any of the following practices:

a) Soliciting a residential property owner by means of a “prohibited advertisement.” The term “prohibited advertisement” means “any written or electronic communication by a contractor that encourages, instructs, or induces a consumer to contact the contractor or public adjuster for the purpose of making an insurance claim for roof damage. The term includes, but is not limited to, door hangers, business cards, magnets, flyers, pamphlets, and emails.”

 b) “Offering to a residential property owner a rebate, gift, gift card, cash, coupon, waiver of any insurance deductible, or any other thing of value in exchange for the following: 1) Allowing the contractor to conduct an inspection of the residential property owner’s roof; or 2) Making an insurance claim for damage to the residential property owner’s roof.

    c) Offering, delivering, receiving, or accepting any compensation, inducement, or reward for the referral of any services for which property insurance proceeds are payable.

        d) Interpreting insurance policy provisions or advising an insured regarding coverage or duties under the insurance property insurance policy.

       e) Providing an insured with an agreement authorizing repairs without providing a good faith estimate of the itemized and detailed cost of services and materials for repairs undertaken pursuant to an insurance claim; however, a contractor is not in violation if the actual cost of repairs differs from the initial estimate.”

ii. A contractor or unlicensed person who violates this section is subject to disciplinary proceedings and may receive up to a $10,000 fine for each violation.

iii. A contractor may not execute a contract with an owner to repair or replace a roof without including a notice that the contractor may not engage in the practices set forth above. If the contractor does not include such notice, the owner may void the contract within 10 days after execution.


The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Differences Between Homeowners and Condominium Associations

The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Differences Between Homeowners and Condominium Associations

  • Posted: Jul 20, 2021
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The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Differences Between Homeowners and Condominium Associations

Florida has created an abundance of legislation governing homeowners’ and condominium associations. You would think that, by now, laws affecting both types of communities would have more parity than they actually do. (Please note that that commercial condominiums are not addressed in this article.)

Perhaps the most appreciative difference between a homeowners association and a residential condominium association is that the homeowners association exists in common law, but the condominium only exists because of legislation adopted by the Florida Legislature. That said, homeowners associations are subject to Chapter 720, Florida Statutes, and condominium associations are subject to Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. There is both parity and significant differences between these two Acts, the latter of which are further addressed below. We begin by examining bidding.


Bidding: A homeowners association is only required to obtain bids if the aggregate cost of the project (referring to the materials, work, and/or services) exceeds 10 percent of the total budget including reserves, if any. On the other hand, condominium associations are required to obtain bids if the aggregate cost of the project exceeds 5 percent of the total budget including reserves, if any. Please note, there is no requirement in the legislation for a community association to obtain a definitive number of a bids. Therefore, at least two would be appropriate. Also remember, there are exceptions to the bidding requirement for professional services such as attorneys, accountants, and landscape architects.


Certified Written Inquiry: A condominium association owner has the right to send a certified written inquiry to the board, and the board is obligated to answer it within 30 days (or 60 days if the certified written inquiry is provided to the community association’s lawyer to respond to). A failure to respond means that if the owner files a legal action over the item for which certified written inquiry was provided and loses, the owner will not be responsible to pay for the association’s prevailing party attorneys’ fees. There is no similar provision for a homeowners association.


Common Areas: Common areas in a homeowners association are owned by the association itself. In other words, no owner can claim an ownership interest in a homeowner association’s common areas. However, as to condominiums, the equivalent of the homeowner association’s common area is referred to as “common elements”. All of the unit owners of the condominium association own an indivisible interest in the common elements.


Disputes: In a homeowners association, disputes between an association and a parcel owner regarding use of or changes to the parcel or the common areas and other covenant enforcement disputes, disputes regarding amendments to the association documents, disputes regarding meetings of the board and committees appointed by the board, membership meetings not including election meetings, and access to the official records of the association must be the subject of a demand for pre-suit mediation served by an aggrieved party before the dispute is filed in the local court. Before a homeowners association can commence litigation where the amount in controversy is in excess of $100,000, the approval of a majority of a quorum of the membership is required. There is no similar provision as applied to condominium associations.


In a condominium association, prior to the institution of court litigation, a party to a “dispute” (as such term is hereinafter defined) must petition the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation for non-binding arbitration or, as of July 1, 2021, avail themselves of the presuit mediation process as set out in Chapter 720.  “Disputes” subject to mandatory arbitration or presuit mediation include 1) the authority of the board of directors, under this chapter or association document to: i) require any owner to take any action, or not to take any action, involving that owner’s unit or the appurtenances thereto ii) alter or add to a common area or element; or 2) the failure of a governing body, when required by this chapter or an association document, to: i) properly conduct elections ii) give adequate notice of meetings or other actions iii) properly conduct meetings iv) allow inspection of books and records; and 3) a plan of termination pursuant to §718.117, Fla. Stat.


Elections: Elections in a homeowners association take place as per the bylaws, while elections for condominiums take place following the regime set out in chapter 718, Florida Statutes, more specifically §718.112, Fla. Stat., and the provisions of the Florida Administrative Code. In order to hold a homeowners association election, a quorum must be attained unless the bylaws provide otherwise. No quorum is required to hold a condominium election, but rather 20 percent of the eligible voters need to cast a ballot in order to hold the election. In a condominium association of more than 10 units, co-owners of a unit cannot serve on the board at the same time unless there are not enough candidates, or they own more than one unit. Commencing July 1, 2018, condominium association board members cannot serve more than eight consecutive years absent certain exceptions (note, this statute is not retroactive in its application). There is no similar co-owner prohibition and term limit restriction for homeowners associations.


Elections by acclimation: In a condominium association if the same number of candidates, or less, run for the board as the number of seats available, then there is no need to have the election. This is referred to as an “election by acclimation” which means, those candidates will comprise the present board upon the annual meeting. If the election is contested because there are more candidates than seats available and at least 20 percent of the eligible voters do not cast a ballot, then last year’s board rolls over.


As to homeowners associations, if the election process allows candidates to be nominated in advance of the meeting, the association is not required to allow nominations at the meeting. An election is not required unless more candidates are nominated than vacancies exist. If an election is not required because there are either an equal number or fewer qualified candidates than vacancies exist, and if nominations from the floor are not required pursuant to the statute or the bylaws and write-in nominations are not permitted, then the candidates who nominated themselves in advance shall commence service on the board of directors regardless of whether a quorum is attained at the annual meeting. Otherwise, if those conditions are not met and a quorum is not attained for a homeowners association’s election, then last year’s board rolls over to this year’s board.


Elections, Voting: Unless otherwise set out in the bylaws, homeowners association members vote in the election for the board by proxy and/or ballot. On the other hand, condominium association owners cannot vote for the election of directors by proxy but rather must vote themselves by secret absentee ballot using the the inner and outer envelope system. A homeowners association only needs to use the inner and outer envelope system when the bylaws call for secret absentee ballots.


Fines: A condominium association cannot levy a fine greater than $1,000 for any one violation and cannot lien and foreclose the fine under any circumstances. In a homeowners association, an association can foreclose to collect a fine if both i) the fine is $1,000 or more and ii) the authority to lien is set out in the declaration.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Sheet: As to condominium associations §718.504, Fla. Stat., requires that a “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers” sheet be made available to prospective purchasers and to owners who request it. It must be updated annually and must include the following questions along with the answers to these questions: 1) What are my voting rights in the condominium association? 2) What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my unit? 3) How much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type, and when are they due? 4) Do I have to be a member in any other association? If so, what is the name of the association and what are my voting rights in this association? Also, how much are my assessments? 5) Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used facilities? If so, how much am I obligated to pay annually? 6) Is the condominium association or any other mandatory membership association involved in any court cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000? If so, identify each such case. There is no similar provision or requirement for homeowners associations.


Leasing Restrictions: Effective July 1, 2021  as to HOA leasing restrictions, any restriction that prohibits or regulates rental agreements applies only to (i) an owner who acquires title to a parcel after the effective date of the governing document or amendment, or (ii) an owner who consents, individually or through a representative, to the governing document or amendment.  As to condominium associations, according to §718.110(13), Fla. Stat., an amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units or altering the duration of the rental term or specifying or limiting the number of times unit owners are entitled to rent their units during a specified period, applies only to unit owners who consent to the amendment and unit owners who acquire title to their units after the effective date of the amendment.


Liens and Foreclosures: In a homeowners association, prior to recording a lien against a delinquent owner’s lot, the owner must be provided a statutorily compliant warning letter at least 45 days prior to recording the lien, warning the homeowner that if the assessment is not paid a lien may be recorded. Then, the owner must be provided a second letter at least 45 days prior to filing the foreclosure lawsuit warning that if the lien is not satisfied (paid-off), then a lawsuit to foreclose the lien may be filed anytime thereafter. For a condominium association the warning/waiting periods for both letters was 30 days. Effective July 1, 2021 this was changed to 45 days.


Material Alterations: Unless otherwise provided in the declaration of covenants and restrictions, a material alteration to a homeowners association’s common area is decided by the board. In condominium associations, material alterations require 75 percent approval of all unit owners unless the declaration provides otherwise.


Official Records Requests: In a homeowners association, official record requests must be made by certified U.S. mail to create the rebuttable presumption the association willfully failed to respond. There is no similar requirement for a condominium association. Every community association should adopt specific rules governing official records requests, how often they can be made, and where they must be delivered. If your association has not done so, you are urged to discuss this with the association‘s lawyer.


Quorums: A quorum of the membership for a homeowners association membership meeting consists of 30 percent of the entire membership unless a lower number is provided for in the bylaws. A quorum for a condominium association membership meeting occurs when there is a majority of the voting interests present unless a lower number is provided for in the bylaws.


Reserve Accounts: A homeowners association only has restricted reserve accounts if initially created by the developer or voted on and approved by a majority of the entire membership. In a condominium association, the budget must include reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. These accounts must include, but are not limited to, roof replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing, regardless of the amount of deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost, and any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000. Condominium boards and homeowners association boards with restricted reserves may propose lower or no reserves to the membership which is subject to approval by a majority of a quorum of the members. However, neither board is obligated to propose lower reserves. A condominium association board and a homeowners association board with restricted reserves must fully fund those reserves in the budget each year as must homeowners association boards whose association has adopted restricted reserves.


Transfer Fees: As per §689.28, Fla. Stat., transfer fees when buying and leasing a home in the state of Florida are prohibited. But, there are exceptions for both homeowners and condominium associations with this caveat. There is no cap, per se, that a homeowners association can charge a prospective member as a part of acquiring their property, but such fee must be authorized in the declaration (or other recorded document). However, as per §718.112 Fla. Stat., a condominium association can only charge up to $150 per applicant. A husband/wife or parent/dependent child are considered one applicant. A condominium association can only charge a transfer fee if it has the authority to approve transfers, and the authority for the transfer fee, specifically, must be set out in the declaration or bylaws (and as set forth above, as of July 1, 2021 it is presently limited to a maximum $150.00).


Warranties: A developer and general contractor of a condominium provides statutory warranties to buyers of units as further detailed in Chapter 718, Fla. Stat. There are no similar statutory warranties set out in Chapter 720, Fla. Stat., for buyers of a home within a homeowners association. A developer of a condominium, pursuant to relevant law, also provides an implied warranty of habitability. As to a homeowners association, §553.835, Fla. Stat., provides in relevant part that there is no such warranty for off-site improvements (i.e., the common areas) with a small exception for the shared components of a townhome type community.


Websites: A condominium association that has a condominium with 150 or more units must host an association website and post certain official records to it. Homeowners associations have no similar requirement.


If you have any questions in regard to these matters be sure to discuss them with an attorney of your choosing.

(Reprinted with permission from the April 2021 edition of the Florida Community Association Journal and updated to reflect  recent legislation effective July 1, 2021)


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Legislative Changes on the Horizon by Becker

Legislative Changes on the Horizon by Becker

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2021
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The tragic Champlain Towers South collapse has resulted in an outpouring of support worldwide, while also raising safety concerns among those who reside in community associations in Florida.

Becker’s Community Association Law team hears from clients daily seeking advice on how to assess the structural integrity of their building. The firm has always advised that individual building evaluations can only be addressed with the involvement of a qualified engineer. Separately, clients request guidance on legal steps to help their association more easily navigate these complicated issues. It is apparent that additional resources are needed to help safeguard the significant percentage of Floridians living in communities.

For this reason, the Florida Bar has appointed the Condominium Law and Policy Life Safety Task Force. This group will serve as a resource to the Governor and Legislature as they review all aspects of Florida condominium law, development, association operations, and maintenance to determine and recommend if legislative and or regulatory changes should be enacted. The task force consists of eight members, including Becker Shareholder Joseph E. Adams. Joe currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Florida Bar’s Condominium and Planned Development Committee, and is a former Chair of the Florida Condominium Council appointed by the Florida Legislature.

The Condominium Law and Policy Life Safety Task Force will discuss possible initiatives such as more frequent and statewide mandatory structural certifications, reserve funding mandates, removing hurdles to a board’s ability to assess and borrow for necessary repairs, as well as exploring the feasibility of a government-backed low interest loan program.

Becker’s Community Association Law Team will continue to monitor these developments as they evolve and will share with you as soon as information becomes available.


Donna DiMaggio BergerJoseph E. AdamsKenneth S. Direktor | 07.09.2021
Perspective Type – Client Advisory



Selective Enforcement: A Grossly Misunderstood Concept in the entire body of community association law.

Selective Enforcement: A Grossly Misunderstood Concept in the entire body of community association law.

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2021
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Selective Enforcement: A Grossly Misunderstood Concept in the entire body of community association law.


Without exception, the affirmative defense of “selective enforcement” is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the entire body of community association law. How often have you heard something like this: “The board has not enforced the fence height limitation, so it cannot enforce any other architectural rules”? Simply put, nothing could be further from the truth.

When a community association seeks to enforce its covenants and/or its board adopted rules and regulations, an owner can, under the right circumstances, assert an affirmative defense such as the affirmative defense of selective enforcement. An affirmative defense is a “yes I did it, but so what” type of defense. In civil lawsuits, affirmative defenses include the statute of limitations, the statute of fraudswaiver, and more. However, it’s just not as simple as that. For example, a fence height limitation is a very different restriction than a required set back. Under most if not all circumstances, the failure to enforce a  fence height requirement is very different from the failure to enforce a setback requirement. Ordinarily, the affirmative defense of selective enforcement will only apply if the violation or circumstances are comparable, such that one could reasonably rely upon the non-enforcement of a particular covenant, restriction, or rule with respect to their own conduct or action.

In the seminal case of Chattel Shipping and Investment Inc. v. Brickell Place Condominium Association Inc., 481 So.2d 29 (FLA. 3rd DCA 1986), 45 owners had improperly enclosed their balconies. Thereafter, the association informed all of the owners that it would thereafter take “no action with respect to existing enclosed balconies, but prohibit future balcony constructions and enforce the enclosure prohibition.” As you might have already predicted, nevertheless, thereafter an owner of a unit, Chattel Shipping, enclosed their unit; and the association secured a mandatory injunction in the trial court requiring the removal of the balcony enclosure erected without permission. The owner appealed. In the end, the appellate court disagreed with the owner who argued that the association decision to enforce the “no enclosure” requirement only on a prospective basis was both selective enforcement and arbitrary. The court held that the adoption and implementation of a uniform policy under which, for obvious reasons of practicality and economy, a given building restriction will be enforced only prospectively cannot be deemed “selective and arbitrary.”

In Laguna Tropical, A Condominium Association Inc. v. Barnave, 208 So. 3d 1262, (Fla. 3d DCA 2017), the court again used the purpose of the restriction in its determination of whether the association engaged in selective enforcement. In Laguna Tropical, a rule prohibited floor covering other than carpeting unless expressly permitted by the association. Additionally, the rule provided that owners must place padding between the flooring and the concrete slab so that the flooring would be adequately soundproof. In this case, an owner installed laminate flooring on her second floor unit and the neighbor below complained that the noise disturbed his occupancy. As a result of the complaint, the association demanded that the owner remove the laminate flooring. However, the owner argued selective enforcement because the association only enforced the carpeting restriction against the eleven exclusively upstairs units in the condominium. The court noted that the remaining units in the condominium were either downstairs units only, or were configured to include both first-floor and second-floor residential space within the same unit.

Again, the court looked to the purpose of the prohibition on floor coverings other than carpet and found that the prohibition was plainly intended to avoid noise complaints. Therefore, no selective enforcement was proven because no complaints were shown to have arisen regarding any units except the eleven exclusively upstairs units.

What about cats and dogs? In another case, Prisco v. Forest Villas Condominium Apartments Inc., 847 So. 2d 1012 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003), the Fourth District Court of Appeals heard an appeal alleging selective enforcement regarding the association’s pet restrictions. The association had a pet restriction which stated that other than fish and birds, “no pets whatsoever” shall be allowed. In this case, the association had allowed an owner to keep a cat in her unit, but refused to allow another owner to keep a dog. The association argued that there was a distinction between the dog and the cat. However, on appeal, the court found that the restriction was clear and unambiguous that all pets other than fish and birds were prohibited. Therefore, the court reasoned that the facts which make dogs different from cats did not matter because the clear purpose of the restriction was to prohibit all types of pets except fish and birds. In other words, the court held that the plain and obvious purpose of a restriction should govern any interpretation of whether the association engaged in selective enforcement.

If an association has a “no pets” rule and allows cats, must it allow dogs, too? There is a long line of arbitration cases that have distinguished dogs from cats and other pets for purposes of selective enforcement. For example, in Beachplace Association Inc. v. Hurwitz, Case no. 02-5940, a Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Florida Condominium Arbitration case, the arbitrator found, in response to an owner’s selective enforcement defense raised in response to the association’s demand for removal of a dog, that even though cats were allowed, that comparison of dogs to cats was not a comparative, like kind situation. Further the arbitrator found that cats and dogs had significant distinctions such as barking versus meowing, and therefore the owner’s attempted use of the selective enforcement argument failed.

But, in Hallmark of Hollywood Condominium Association Inc. v. Andrews, Case 2003-09-2380, another Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Florida Condominium Arbitration case, the learned arbitrator James Earl decided that because the association has a full blown “no pets of any kind”  requirement and since cats were allowed, then dogs must be allowed, too. In other words, the defendant owner’s waiver defense worked. But, the arbitrator wisely noted in a footnote as follows: “The undersigned notes that there is a long line of arbitration cases that have distinguished dogs from cats and other pets for purposes of selective enforcement. However, the fourth district court of appeal has ruled that where the condominium documents contain particular language prohibiting all pets, any dissimilarity between dogs and cats is irrelevant and both must be considered. See Prisco.” The distinction between the two arbitration cases could be explained because of timing in that the 4th DCA’s decision in Prisco was not yet published when Hurwitz was decided.

From these important cases, it can be gleaned that

(i) even if an association has ignored a particular rule or covenant, that by giving written notice to the entire community that it will be enforced prospectively, the rule or covenant can be reinvigorated and becomes fully enforceable once again (though of course, prior non-conforming situations may have to be grandfathered depending on the situation),

(ii) if an association or an owner is seeking an estoppel affirmative defense, they must be sure all of the necessary elements are pled,

(iii) at times a court will look to the purpose of the rule itself where it makes sense to do so, and

(iv) dogs and cats are different, but they are both considered “pets.”

Remember to always discuss the complexities of re-enforcement of covenants and rules and regulations that were not enforced for some time with your association’s legal counsel in an effort to mitigate negative outcomes. The process (commonly referred to as “republication”) can restore the viability of a covenant or rule that may have been waived due to the lack of uniform and timely enforcement.


If a 2008 Florida law that required condos to plan for repairs had still been in place, “this never would have happened,” said the legislator who sponsored the law.

If a 2008 Florida law that required condos to plan for repairs had still been in place, “this never would have happened,” said the legislator who sponsored the law.

  • Posted: Jul 08, 2021
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If a 2008 Florida law that required condos to plan for repairs had still been in place, “this never would have happened,” said the legislator who sponsored the law.


SURFSIDE, Fla. — Late last year, after years of delays and disputes, the Champlain Towers South Condominium Association began a desperate search for $16.2 million to fix major structural damage that was slowly threatening the Surfside high-rise — and that may have contributed to the building’s partial collapse June 24.

The obvious place to look was the building’s reserve fund — extra money socked away to cover the cost of future repairs. But the account held just $777,000, according to condo board documents — nowhere near enough to soften the blow.

The collapse, which killed at least 64 people and left 76 others missing, occurred before the condo board could collect the needed money from residents and begin repairs. The cause of the collapse is unknown, and investigators, experts and advocates are trying to determine whether the uncompleted repairs played a role, whether the board could have seen the problem coming earlier — and whether a Florida law regulating condo repairs that was repealed a decade ago could have made a difference.


One way to keep track of needed repairs is a “reserve study,” in which condo boards bring in experts like engineers or certified specialists every few years to inspect buildings and estimate how much the boards should collect from residents to prepare for future fixes. The building’s financial documents, obtained by NBC News and NBC 6 South Florida, show that Champlain Towers South had not done a professional reserve study since at least 2016. That decision was legal, but it meant that planning was left to the board, a shifting group of volunteers with little training in building maintenance.

“If the owners would have had a reserve study, if the board was proactive and had funded its reserves, this never would have happened,” said Julio Robaina, a former Republican state legislator.

Robaina sponsored a 2008 law requiring condo associations to hire engineers or architects to submit reports every five years about how much it would cost to keep up with repairs.

The law lasted just two years before it was repealed in 2010, after Robaina left office. Robaina blamed pushback from real estate lawyers and property managers, who he said claimed that the law was too burdensome for condo owners. The legislator who sponsored the repeal, former state Rep. Gary Aubuchon, a Republican real estate broker and homebuilder, did not reply to messages seeking comment.


The repeal left Florida’s condo residents less protected than those in nine states that legally require reserve studies, according to the Community Associations Institute, a nonprofit organization that advocates for condo associations. Thirty-one other states, including Florida, regulate reserves in some way — although Florida is one of three states with loopholes that enable owners to opt out of requirements, the nonprofit said. Ten states have no regulations about reserves at all.

“One of the steps that should be taken by a building, especially an aging building, is having adequate funds available so that when you have to face significant cost challenges there’s an appropriate amount of money available,” said Gary Mars, a South Florida lawyer who represents condo associations.

survey last year by the Community Associations Institute found that most homeowners associations are hesitant to increase residents’ fees, anticipating opposition, and therefore fail to plan for long-term infrastructure fixes.

“In postponing inspections, reserve studies, and — ultimately — complete repairs or renovations, boards often end up facing an exponentially more comprehensive and expensive project in the long run,” the report said.


Maxwell Marcucci, a spokesman for the Champlain Towers South Condominium Association, declined to comment on reserve studies. In a previous statement to NBC News, he said the condo board was doing its best to ensure the building was safe. “They are not engineers and not building safety experts,” Marcucci said. “They hired experts, trusted experts, and at no point did the experts indicate that there was a threat of imminent collapse.”

The lack of a professional reserve study is a departure from what many experts say is best practice for condominiums, particularly older ones on the coast — like Champlain Towers South, built in 1981 — that have been exposed for decades to corrosive salt and water.

Robaina, who co-owns a property management company, said maintaining healthy reserves “is the single most important action that a condominium board needs to take.”

Florida law requires condo boards to maintain reserves for repairs over $10,000, but it does not say exactly how much to set aside. That means condo boards have some flexibility in avoiding saving for repairs that do not need to be made right away.

In addition, the law allows condo buildings to waive the reserve requirement altogether. Once it has passed its annual budget, a condo board can give residents the opportunity to opt out of collecting reserves by a vote of a majority of unit owners. The votes are common in Florida condo buildings, condo lawyers say.

That is what it appears Champlain Towers South did, lawyers and reserve experts said.

The experts pointed to the board’s reliance on special assessments — additional fees on top of residents’ normal monthly payments — to fund needed repairs. The board imposed a $1 million special assessment in 2016 for hallway renovations and a $350,000 special assessment in 2019 for work on a generator, a fuel pump and a fuel tank. Such lump-sum levies are indicative of a building whose owners have decided not to set aside enough reserves through regular monthly fees, choosing instead to wait until a big-ticket repair is needed to ask residents to pay for it, experts said. Many associations make that choice by repeatedly voting to waive or reduce the funding of their reserves.

“I can’t help but think that the building did that for years and years, which is why there was not enough funds available,” said Matthew Kuisle, Southeast regional director for Reserve Advisors, which prepares reserve studies. “Why would they do that? So they have lower fees. But in the long run, the fees are a small price to pay.”

The shortcomings of that approach started to become clear in 2018, when the board began inspecting the building before a checkup mandated by Miami-Dade County for buildings that reach 40 years old. In an October 2018 report, engineer Frank Morabito alerted the board to “major structural damage” to concrete slabs underneath the building’s pool deck and its entrance drive. He blamed a “major error” in the building’s construction and years of corrosion. He estimated the cost of repairs at $9 million.

Reeling from sticker shock, the board invited a Surfside building official to its November 2018 meeting. The official told the board that the building was “in very good shape,” according to minutes of the meeting. Some residents have said that led them to believe the situation was not dire.

Even so, the board began trying to find a way to repair the damage — and to pay for it.

Disagreements over the costs frustrated board members. Five members quit over two weeks in fall 2019. The condo association has had four presidents since 2018.


By late last year, the board had accepted that there was no safe way forward without doing the massive reconstruction Morabito recommended, along with repairs to a deteriorating roof. Morabito began preliminary work and found that the damage discovered in 2018 had gotten worse. The bill rose to more than $16 million.

The board scrambled for money. It found $707,000 left over from the previous special assessments and $777,000 more in reserves. But a quarter of the reserves were designated for insurance deductibles, leaving $556,000. The board chose not to tap the reserves just in case there was another emergency. That meant the building was short by $15.5 million, which the board voted in April to raise through a special assessment. The cost to residents would be $80,000 to $360,000 per unit.

“A lot of this work could have been done or planned for in years gone by. But this is where we are now,” board President Jean Wodnicki wrote to residents before the vote.

By last month, the board had started work on the roof, and it put other repairs out for bid. Responses were due July 7. Two weeks before the deadline, the building partly collapsed.

The board’s nearly three-year struggle to start work on the concrete replacement project has loomed over the catastrophe’s aftermath. Investigators have not determined what caused the failure; the deteriorating supports are among the possibilities.

Experts say the extent of disrepair documented in the 2018 report raises questions about how the damage went unnoticed previously.

“I read the report, and I wondered how long the building looked that way,” said Robert Nordlund, founder and CEO of Association Reserves, a reserve study firm based in California. “Did it look that way in 1998? 2008? Because clearly there was some significant deterioration in that 2018 report.”


Documents reviewed by NBC News and NBC 6 South Florida, including audits, budgets, financial statements and board meeting minutes, do not indicate when the structural issues noted by Morabito started, though the board did pay to replace leaking pipes in the building’s parking garage in 2016. But the documents do show that the board did not perform professional reserve studies and instead relied on board members to determine how much to set aside for repairs. In 2016, an accountant performing a year-end audit noted that “an independent study has not been conducted to determine the adequacy of the current funding” and that “the estimates for future replacement costs are based upon estimates provided by the budget committee.”

Audits conducted by the same accountant in 2017, 2018 and 2019 included the same language. Last year, a different accountant provided a similar disclaimer.

Mars, the lawyer who represents condo associations, said he believes that the note was “the CPA saying, ‘We don’t have any official documentation to rely on.'”

The accountants who conducted the audits did not respond to messages seeking comment.


Jeffrey Rembaum, another lawyer for condo associations, pointed to figures in the audits that showed that from 2016 to 2020, the board did not update the amount of money needed to replace balconies and concrete. Each year, the board estimated needing $320,000 for the work, even after Morabito’s report found that much more extensive and costly repairs were needed.

“We know the building had millions in concrete repairs on the horizon,” Rembaum said. “So how did it come up with $320,000 for their current needs? If they’d had a reserve study and an engineer looked at what they had, they would have come up with a higher number. That suggests the board wasn’t regularly updating it.”

He added: “This is the effect of the Florida Legislature not requiring a reserve study by qualified people.”

More than a decade since his short-lived law on reserve studies was repealed, Robaina said he hopes lawmakers will change course and reimpose the mandate.

“This is a window of opportunity,” he said, “and unfortunately it took a tragedy that could have been prevented.”

Jon Schuppe reported from New York; Phil Prazan reported from Surfside, Florida

By Jon Schuppe and Phil Prazan, NBC 6 South Florida


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Is It Time To Amend Your Condominium Declaration? by Becker

Is It Time To Amend Your Condominium Declaration? by Becker

Is It Time To Amend Your Condominium Declaration?

BY   / Becker


Does your Declaration of Condominium still refer to Chapter 711 as the Florida Condominium Act? Well, maybe it is not that old, but perhaps it has been a decade since it has been revised. If that is the case, then it may be time to amend the governing documents to ensure that they include the most recent amendments to the Condominium Act and address changes in your community’s needs which have developed over time.

Section 718.110(1)(a), Florida Statute, provides that if a declaration fails to provide a method of amending the document, it may be amended, as to most matters, if the amendment is approved by owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3rd) of the units. There are two major exceptions, however. First, changing any appurtenances to the unit or changing an owner’s percentage share in the common expenses requires the approval of all owners and all lienholders, unless the original declaration provides otherwise. Second, an association cannot amend a declaration to create timeshares without the approval of the all owners and all lienholders, unless the original declaration provides otherwise.

Now that you know the basics of an amendment, lets discuss “why” in terms of a growing issue in Florida (i.e., short term rentals). If the goal is to amend the declaration to address the onslaught of short term rentals popping up with more and more frequency in condominiums, Section 718.110(13) must be considered. This statute provides that any amendment prohibiting owners from renting their units, altering the duration of the rental term, or limiting the number of times owners are entitled to rent will only apply to owners who agree to the amendment and to owners who purchase their unit after the effective date of the amendment. The amendment however limited it seems now, may be prudent today nonetheless. Why? Because it may take a bit for the new restrictions to apply to all owners and those short term rental investors while gaining momentum are still in the minority.

Amendments should not be taken lightly. If an amendment is done incorrectly, it will be deemed void or invalid. Once you have ideas as to what your Association needs in light of what the governing documents provide, it is important to meet with the Association’s attorney to discuss these. The attorney can then advise of those changes which would be permitted and craft language aimed at meeting the Association’s needs harmonizing those with the Condominium Act.


Robyn M. Severs

Shareholder / Orlando


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Can They Do That? Video Series by Becker

Can They Do That? Video Series by Becker

  • Posted: Jul 07, 2021
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Can They Do That? Video Series

Becker’s video series, tackles some of the unique problems that homeowners and renters face today. We answer questions, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. From service animals to nudists in your community, we get to the bottom of it and let you know – “Can They Do That?”

by Becker


Our board wants to adopt a budget that includes a contingency fund. – “Can they do that?”
Aired 11/23/2020
Our board has proposed a budget in which they’re changing the way we’re funding reserves. – “Can They Do That?”
Aired 11/17/2020
Our condominium has never funded reserves, and yet, the board has proposed and adopted a budget that provides for full funding of reserves. – “Can They Do That?”
Aired 11/05/2020
I put up a political sign for my favorite candidate. My HOA and the Board sent me a letter telling me to take it down. I have a right to free speech don’t I? – “Can they do that?”
Aired 10/09/2020
A hurricane is a few days away from landfall near my condominium. The association sent a notice that elevators and the building air conditioning will be shutdown for 36 hours before landfall. “Can they do that?”
Aired 9/22/2020
I came across an unofficial community website that was using our official logo and name. The website included some damaging information about the association. “Can they do that?”
Aired 8/26/2020
I received a notice that my property is in violation of local code and ordinances. The city wants to start imposing fines on my property. “Can they do that?”
Aired 7/28/2020
The insurance company wants to take my Florida claim and litigate in New York. “Can they do that?”
Aired 6/29/2020
I’m going to go on a trip right now. Prices are really low to travel, and I want to visit my family. My employer’s telling me that if I go on the trip I’m not able to come back to work. My employer is going to mandate that I quarantine myself for 14 days when I come back. “Can They Do That?”
Aired 5/27/2020
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  • Posted: Jul 05, 2021
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Published July 7, 2021


As they say…hindsight is 20/20. The tragedy in Surfside rips your guts out. I had to go there and see it for myself. I did. I then walked over to the memorial and saw pictures of the victims, including little kids, entire families and you wonder how anything like this could have possibly happened. Immediately you want to blame someone. You want justice. You want someone to pay for what happened here. It’s only natural to feel that way. But we need to try to calm down and think this out rationally.

It all starts with the fact that there has NEVER been a building collapse like this that anyone is aware of, not only in Florida, but anywhere in the entire country. Think about that. This has never happened before. There is no precedence for this disaster. Did the Board members have engineering reports warning them that the concrete would deteriorate exponentially if not replaced? Yes they did. Were they told the building would collapse if they don’t immediately fix it? No, they weren’t. In fact, it appears that the Chief Building Official in Surfside actually attended a board meeting and told the community that the building was fine and not in any danger.

The Board no doubt figured that this massive project needs an intense amount of planning. The association needs to apply for a loan. The board needs to prepare for a special assessment. Engineers need to prepare a bid package. The right contractor has to be chosen. This does not happen overnight and it appears that the Board accomplished almost all of these things. Those of you who live in condominiums also know that those board members must have also been fighting intense pressure from many unit owners not to pass a $15,000,000.00 special assessment in the middle of the COVID pandemic no less! While I’m sure the Board members knew that the more time it takes, the more damage would occur and additional repairs would be needed, none of them thought for a moment that delay would result in the collapse of the building. If they did, some of them wouldn’t have been there when the building collapsed. Had the Board members been told by professionals that this building could collapse, then I would change my tune. But there is no evidence that they were told.

Going forward, rest assured that from now on when an engineer inspects a condominium building and observes concrete spalling, the report will indicate that the building may collapse if not repaired promptly. There is nothing to lose by placing that in a report from now on, but perhaps a lot to lose if you fail to place that in a report.

We tend to forget that the average Joe or Sally on a Board of Directors is not an engineer, general contractor or condominium or construction attorney. Many of them have no experience whatsoever in how buildings are constructed and maintained. All they can do is rely on what their experts are telling them. I don’t see any experts telling this board at the Champlain Towers South that this building may collapse. How then can they be expected to know that it would?

Again, this tragedy provokes an automatic impulse in all of us that somebody must be held accountable here. Somebody must pay. Some have even called for criminal prosecution of the Board. As many of you know, being a board member is a thankless job. On your best day, you are harassed, yelled and cursed at, and always second guessed. It’s hard enough to get volunteers to serve on the Board. If you are going to hold directors individually or criminally liable when accidents happen, even tragic accidents, that have never before happened anywhere in any building you are headed down a very dangerous path where it would not make sense for anyone to take the thankless board member position out of fear of losing their money or even their liberty. You would have to be nuts to volunteer.

So while we all want some justice here and some answers, I urge everyone to take the focus off of the Board for a moment. They are too easy a target and should not be made the scapegoat here. Maybe we need to ask why buildings on the ocean don’t have to pass an annual inspection every year by the county or municipality. Maybe we need to ask if there should be stricter scrutiny of buildings built before massive changes to the South Florida Building Code were made after Hurricane Andrew, like the Champlain Towers South. Maybe we need to ask why municipalities are now asking their Building Departments to inspect tall buildings, but never required it previously. Maybe we need to find out why the elevators have to pass an annual inspection but not the structure of the building itself. Maybe we need to find out why the first time a building gets inspected is at the 40 year recertification requirement and why that is only a requirement in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. If you want to find someone or something to blame for this catastrophe, this is where I would start.


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