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  • Posted: Nov 23, 2020
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I wrote this blog last year.  I’m using it again because for many of us, and perhaps almost all of us, we are in the middle of the most difficult year of our lives. Nobody could have predicted the disaster that has been 2020 on a world-wide scale.  So –I’m running the column again, hoping to challenge all of us into thinking about the positives that still remain in our lives and I’m hoping that your words of inspiration help inspire and cheer up all of us.


In three days from now we are supposed to sit around the table stuffing turkey down our throats while reflecting on all the things we should be thankful for.  The easy ones are family and good health.  Some might also be thankful for a new job, new car, new spouse or even new body part(s).  How many of you however would be thankful for the community and home you live in?

Week after week, throughout the year, many of you write in complaining that there isn’t much to be thankful for in your community.  While you may be sincere in your belief you’re your community is worse than North Korea and that your association should be named after Alcatraz, I also believe that if given enough time to think about it and come up with an answer, you can come up with at least one thing to be thankful for about the community you live in.

So, in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, I am politely asking you to dig down, way down.  Keep going.  A little more…….and find something to be thankful for in your community.  Perhaps you’re only thankful that someone other than yourself is crazy enough to serve on your Board.  Maybe you’re thankful for a wonderful neighbor you have.  Perhaps you’re thankful about the wonderful amenities your association has to offer, like the clubhouse and the swimming pool.  Maybe, just maybe you’re thankful for the good work your Board is doing.

Today, you must come up with something nice to say.  It’s easy to participate when the topic allows you to attack.  Today, I’m asking you to work harder and say a few nice words about your community, your neighbors or dare I say it…….your Board.

To all of our wonderful blog readers and your families, I wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.  Now….Be nice.


Glazer & Sachs, P.A.

Florida Homeowners’ Association and Condominium Law Attorneys


Thank you for your interest in Glazer and Sachs, P.A.  Our six attorney firm exclusively practices community association law.  Visit our website located at and be sure to click on our “Legal Beat” newsletter where you can read our association law newsletters that we have been publishing for the past two decades.  While there, you can also learn more about the firm’s attorneys, see some of our TV appearances and read articles from around the country wherein attorneys at this firm have been asked to comment about association legal issues.





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Election Webinar: Condominiums, Homeowners’ Associations and Cooperatives by KBRLegal 

Election Webinar: Condominiums, Homeowners’ Associations and Cooperatives by KBRLegal 

  • Posted: Nov 16, 2020
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Elections: Condominiums, Homeowners’ Associations and Cooperatives

by KBRLegal 

Join attorney Allison L. Hertz for a one-hour webinar addressing election law and procedures for condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners associations, including, eligibility requirements and terms of directors, best practices for remote meetings, vacancies between elections, and election disputes.

Course # 9630571 | Provider # 0005095 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE
Instructor: Allison L. Hertz, Esq., B.C.S.

Nov 18, 2020 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register Now


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Outgoing board members to return all official records

Outgoing board members to return all official records

  • Posted: Nov 03, 2020
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Outgoing board members to return all official records … to the incoming board.

Now as benign as this may seem it speaks to a greater problem and that issue is: Where are all the association’s records? Why did the legislature have to go out of its way to create a specific law to obligate a proper transition from one board to the other? There must be a problem here.


The problem is that community associations have a lot of records and it goes beyond what a board of directors has control of because managers and management companies also have control of essential documents that very often go missing. Let’s take a few examples to demonstrate the problem.

A big wind comes and knocks off a couple of roofs in your association, it happens all the time. Well, the first thing that the insurance company wants are the maintenance records roofs going back seven years before they pay for the claim. No records…claim denied and its lawyer time. Another good one relating to community association collections, is that the board has decided to foreclose on Mister Delequaint for non-payment of assessments for the past five years. Mr. Delequaint arrives in court and his lawyer asks the association’s attorney to provide the proof of mailing for the budgets for said five years and they are nowhere to be found. As a matter of fact even the budgets are stone cold lost.

The judge can very well possibly rule in favor of Mr. Delequaint (no association foreclosure) and even award him prevailing attorney fees. All these maladies could have been avoided if the association had a document retention policy and followed the protocol.

Let’s face the facts and understand that community associations are volatile environments and calling them dynamic is kind. Boards of Directors change, emotions run high, management companies are dismissed frequently, as are attorneys, vendors and whoever else gets an opportunity to work for an association. In the middle of all of this mess records, contracts, ledgers, insurance policies, minutes, proof of mailings, warranties, governing documents, proof of meeting notices, notes and everything else that can be put on paper fall into a deep dark abyss never to be found again. Sometimes by accident and often by design by disgruntled board members, dismissed employees (managers), or untrained office staff who may feel that the round file is for everything that is over a year old.

So now that the problem has been identified what is the solution? First as mentioned above, the board of directors must establish a record keeping policy and protocol (vote on it and put it in the minutes). Don’t lose those minutes and approve them at the next meeting. Said policy should identify all the records that an association must keep and for how long. This is easy because it’s all in the statutes (for Florida condos 718.111 and Florida HOAs 720.305) and I doubt that any state does not address this issue.


The next thing is:

HOW can an association keep these records from disappearing never to be found again? There are many ways to go about this and technology may have the answer. Although it might seem to be expensive it is possible that all documents be kept electronically and not just on paper.

Have them scanned and put them away on a remote server. This technology also gives an association a backup just in case that big wind comes and blows away your office or the management office.

Once again referring to Florida condo statutes 718.111(12)(b) it is crystal clear that documents can be maintained in digital format. In Florida HOA statutes 720.303(5) the legality of keeping records in digital form is not so clear but it is still a prudent idea. No matter what your board comes up with you should be able to easily get your hands on the minutes of a meeting from five years ago or all the maintenance records for the roofs. Try it and if you cannot put your eyes on them it proves that your community association has a problem that needs to be fixed right away.

Find the right companies to help you with Digital Record Keeping, Websites and Accounting.


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  • Posted: Nov 03, 2020
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By Jan Bergemann



Debates are great – and can be very helpful to voters to decide which candidate they should vote for – as long as it is a real debate and not dictatorial monologues of a so-called moderator.

I am not sure how debates could create fairer elections in homeowners’ associations. The election process as written in the HOA Act gives sitting board members more or less “carte blanche” to do whatever they want – and whatever will keep them in power.

How fair can an election be if some candidates are getting endorsed by sitting board members using the official e-mail list of the association, while other candidates are being refused access to this e-mail list and are being told by association attorney and CAM that they are not getting access and that they don’t have enough money to sue for it.

Instead of having debates and/or “Meet the Candidates” meetings, we should first see that the election process in HOAs (FS 720.306) is changed to stop cheating and ballot-harvesting for specific candidates preferred by sitting board members. A common trick:     This proxy is just to create the necessary quorum – but in reality it’s a valid general proxy.

Too many owners are plainly ignorant when it comes to understand the whole association system, and fall for simple tricks.

That’s why I always say that ALL OWNERS should attend board member certification seminars, not just board members.

Owners, who are being promised “EASY LIVING” in community associations, have to understand that this promise was just a sales-gimmick to get their signature on the dotted line. Reality is very different: A BAD BOARD can quickly ruin the private finances of any family.

Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida ‘s largest state-wide property owners’ advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 – hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!



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Can Political Flags Be Flown? Q&A by DAVID G. MULLER / Becker

Can Political Flags Be Flown? Q&A by DAVID G. MULLER / Becker

  • Posted: Oct 22, 2020
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Can Political Flags Be Flown? Q&A

by DAVID G. MULLER / Becker

Q: I went on a walk in my community and saw at least 8 homes flying either Trump or Biden flags.  Is it legal to fly a political flag on a home located in a homeowners association? I.B.

A: Sections 720.304(2)(a) and 720.3075(3) of the Florida Homeowners Association Act specifically permit the flying of the US flag and other types of governmental flags, including flags of the various military branches.  These statutes do not address other types of flags, such as political flags.

The governing documents for some communities prohibit owners from flying non-exempt flags, such as political flags or flags with sports team logos.  There is an open and rather complicated legal issue as to whether it is an infringement of a homeowner’s First Amendment free speech rights to restrict political speech.

The First Amendment only applies by its terms to Congress, and, by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, to the states and their local governments. In legal jargon, “state action” is required before constitutional rights come into play.  There are several Florida cases which have held that a community association is not a state actor.

Your association’s attorney should be able to determine if these political flags are indeed regulated by the governing documents, and if so, guide you through the constitutional law analysis that is part of deciding your options.


Q: Your February 2020 column addresses the cap on transfer fees for condominium associations.  Is there a similar cap for homeowners associations? D.P.

A: No.  My February 2020 column referenced Section 718.112(2)(i) of the Florida Condominium Act, which states that no charge shall be made by a condominium association in connection with the sale, mortgage, lease, sublease, or other transfer of a unit unless the association is required to approve such transfer and unless a fee for such approval is provided for in the declaration, articles, or bylaws. Any such fee (in the condominium association context) may be preset but may not exceed $100 per applicant other than husband/wife or parent/dependent child, who are considered one applicant.  There is no similar provision found in Chapter 720 of the Florida Statutes, the Florida Homeowners Association Act.


Q: I am considering purchasing a home in a community with a homeowners association, but I have been told that there is a “capital contribution” fee of $1,500 charged to all purchasers.  Is such a fee legal? T.F.

A: Sometimes referred to as a “flip tax”, these charges are not uncommon in the homeowner association context. There is neither authority for nor prohibition on this type of fee in the law applicable to homeowners’ associations (the condominium law does address this issue).  If the authority to charge the capital contribution fee is contained in the appropriate governing documents, the prevailing view in the legal community is that such charges are legally valid.



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2020 Florida Constitutional Amendments by KBR Legal

2020 Florida Constitutional Amendments by KBR Legal

  • Posted: Oct 15, 2020
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2020 Florida Constitutional Amendments

What You Need To Know Before Voting 

When voters go to the polls on November 3, 2020, there will be six constitutional amendment proposals on the ballot. This article contains a brief discussion of the amendments. In order to adopt each amendment, it must be approved by 60% of voters casting a ballot. We take no position on any of the amendments, and simply wish to provide our readers with a summary of each proposed amendment. The ballot title and summary of each amendment, as same will be listed on the ballot, is provided, and a brief explanation follows.



Amendment 1Citizenship Requirement to Vote in Florida Elections

This amendment provides that only United States Citizens who are at least eighteen years of age, a permanent resident of Florida, and registered to vote, as provided by law, shall be qualified to vote in a Florida election. Because the proposed amendment is not expected to result in any changes to the voter registration process in Florida, it will have no impact on state or local government costs or revenue. Further, it will have no effect on the state’s economy.



Amendment 1 amends the language of Article VI of the Florida Constitution. Currently, Article VI provides that “Every citizen of the United States who is at least eighteen years of age and who is a permanent resident of the state, if registered as provided by law, shall be an elector of the county where registered.” This amendment revises the language of Article VI to provide that “Only a citizen of the United States…” can vote. As currently drafted, the language of Article VI bars non-citizens from voting.

  • Proponents argue that the language change is necessary to clarify who is not permitted to vote, and to stimy any efforts to give voting rights to non-citizens in local elections.
  • Opponents argue that the amendment is unnecessary as the language of Article VI of the Florida Constitution already limits voting to citizens.


Amendment 2: Raising Florida’s Minimum Wage

Raises minimum wage to $10.00 per hour effective September 30th, 2021. Each September 30th thereafter, minimum wage shall increase by $1.00 per hour until the minimum wage reaches $15.00 per hour on September 30th, 2026. From that point forward, future minimum wage increases shall revert to being adjusted annually for inflation starting September 30th, 2027. State and local government costs will increase to comply with the new minimum wage levels. Additional annual wage costs will be approximately $16 million in 2022, increasing to about $540 million in 2027 and thereafter. Government actions to mitigate these costs are unlikely to produce material savings. Other government costs and revenue impacts, both positive and negative, are not quantifiable.





Amendment 2 would increase Florida’s minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by September 2026. Currently, Florida’s minimum wage is $8.56 per hour. The amendment proposes to increase the minimum wage to $10.00 per hour in September 2021 with an increase of $1.00 per hour each year until the minimum wage becomes $15.00 per hour in September 2026. Thereafter, the minimum wage will be adjusted annually for inflation.

  • Proponents argue that the increased minimum wage will allow minimum wage workers to earn enough to afford basic household necessities, and help to reduce race and gender income inequality. They also point to a potential increase in economic activity by increased household spending.
  • Opponents argue that an increase in labor costs would likely be passed on to the customers which would lead to an increase in the cost of living. They argue that a minimum wage increase would impact state and local governments with increased wage costs of $16 million in 20212 and $540 million in 2027. They point to a 2019 Congressional Budget Office analysis looking at the potential impact of raising the federal minimum wage which predicted a .8% drop in employment and reduced business income.


Amendment 3: All Voters Vote in Primary Elections for State Legislature, Governor, and Cabinet

Allows all registered voters to vote in primaries for state legislature, governor, and cabinet regardless of political party affiliation. All candidates for an office, including party nominated candidates, appear on the same primary ballot. Two highest vote getters advance to general election. If only two candidates qualify, no primary is held and winner is determined in general election. Candidate’s party affiliation may appear on ballot as provided by law. Effective January 1, 2024. It is probable that the proposed amendment will result in additional local government costs to conduct elections in Florida. The Financial Impact Estimating Conference projects that the combined costs across counties will range from $5.2 million to $5.8 million for each of the first three election cycles occurring in even-numbered years after the amendment’s effective date, with the costs for each of the intervening years dropping to less than $450,000. With respect to state costs for oversight, the additional costs for administering elections are expected to be minimal. Further, there are no revenues linked to voting in Florida. Since there is no impact on state costs or revenues, there will be no impact on the state’s budget. While the proposed amendment will result in an increase in local expenditures, this change is expected to be below the threshold that would produce a statewide economic impact.



Currently, Florida is a closed primary state, meaning that voters can only vote in the primary of the party with which they are affiliated. Amendment 3 would replace closed primaries with open primaries for the following elections: Governor, State Cabinet, and Florida Legislature. In an open primary all voters vote for all candidates on a single ballot. The top two vote getters, regardless of party affiliation, would advance to the general election. This change would only apply to the enumerated elections, and would not apply to local or federal races.

  • Proponents argue that open primaries would help increase voter participation by allowing registered voters not affiliated with a major political party to participate in primary elections. They also argue it could help produce more competitive races and attract more moderate candidate to run for state offices.
  • Opponents argue that open primaries could result in two members of a major political party being on the general ballot. Additionally, opponents argue that closed primaries ensure that candidates conform more closely and consistently with positions held by the two major political parties.


Amendment 4: Voter Approval of Constitutional Amendments

Requires all proposed amendments or revisions to the State Constitution to be approved by the voters in two elections, instead of one, in order to take effect. The proposal applies the current thresholds for passage to each of the two elections. It is probable that the proposed amendment will result in additional state and local government costs to conduct elections in Florida. Overall, these costs will vary from election cycle to election cycle depending on the unique circumstances of each ballot and cannot be estimated at this time. The key factors determining cost include the number of amendments appearing for the second time on each ballot and the length of those amendments. Since the maximum state cost is likely less than $1 million per cycle but the impact cannot be discretely quantified, the change to the state’s budget is unknown. Similarly, the economic impact cannot be modelled, although the spending increase is expected to be below the threshold that would produce a statewide economic impact. Because there are no revenues linked to voting in Florida, there will be no impact on government taxes or fees.





Amendment 4 would change the requirements to approve a constitutional amendment. Currently, a constitutional amendment is adopted if it is approved by 60% of the voters casting a ballot. Amendment 4 would require an amendment to be approved by at least 60% of the voters in two consecutive election cycles. In other words, a proposed amendment would have to be approved twice.

  • Proponents argue that requiring double approval would limit “legislating” by constitutional amendment by making it harder to adopt amendments to the Florida Constitution.
  • Opponents argue that it will limit voters’ ability to amend the constitution and to act as a check on the Florida Legislature when it fails to pass laws that are important to citizens.


Amendment 5: Limitations on Homestead Property Tax Assessments; increase portability period to transfer accrued benefit

Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution, effective January 1, 2021, to increase, from 2 years to 3 years, the period of time during which accrued Save-Our-Homes benefits may be transferred from a prior homestead to a new homestead.



Amendment 5 increases the amount of time property owners have to transfer the “Save Our Homes” property tax exemption when they move. Currently, property owners have two years to transfer their tax exemption when they move. Amendment 5 would extend that to three years effective January 1, 2021.

  • Proponents argue that, as the tax year starts on January 1, owners who sell later in the year end up with less time to transfer their tax benefit than owners who sell earlier in the year. They argue that extending the exemption to three years allows more Floridians to take advantage of the transfer.
  • Opponents argue that the amendment would reduce local property taxes, including a reduction of $1.8 million in fiscal year 2021-2022.


Amendment 6: Ad Velorem Tax Discount for Spouses of Certain Deceased Veterans Who Had Permanent, Combat-Related Disabilities

Provides that the homestead property tax discount for certain veterans with permanent combat-related disabilities carries over to such veteran’s surviving spouse who holds legal or beneficial title to, and who permanently resides on, the homestead property, until he or she remarries or sells or otherwise disposes of the property. The discount may be transferred to a new homestead property of the surviving spouse under certain conditions. The amendment takes effect January 1, 2021.



Under current law, honorably discharged, combat disabled veterans who are over 65 are eligible for a homestead property tax discount. However, the discount expires upon the death of the veteran. Amendment 6 would allow the homestead property discount to be transferred to the veteran’s surviving spouse who is on the title and lives in the home.

  • Proponents argue that the amendment would extend additional tax relief to assist surviving spouses who often live on fixed incomes.
  • Opponents argue that the tax discount will lead to a reduction in tax revenue including a reduction in school tax revenue by $1.6 million annually and non-school property tax revenue by $2.4 million annually.


A special Thank You to attorney Olivia Cato of our firm for preparing this article



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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Election season is approaching in community associations all across the state.  We already learned that if the governing docs say “No signs” you can’t put out Trump or Biden signs on your property.  But what about the people running for the Board in your own community?  Can they at least campaign?

Many associations do a wonderful thing.  They hold a “Meet the Candidates Night.”  Everyone running for the Board gets to speak to the community for a few minutes.  The truth is however, incumbents have it harder on such an evening because the crowd often times interrupts the candidate by yelling about some dumb decisions the candidate previously made while on the board.  The newbies have it easier.  However, if you have a Meet The Candidates Night by Zoom or some other video conference, everyone can be muted while the candidate speaks.  I definitely recommend it and I have hosted several of these previously.

Can the Board send out a letter to the community suggesting how people vote and/or telling everyone why they should vote for the incumbents again?


The Florida Administrative Code states: (for condominiums)

The second notice and accompanying documents shall not contain any communication by the board that endorses, disapproves, or otherwise comments on any candidate.

In other words – when the ballots gets sent out – no comments by the Board.

But that’s it.  That’s the only mention about campaigning in the law.  Now obviously, Board members should not be utilizing association resources for their personal elections.  They should not be using association letterhead, envelopes and contacting members by accessing their e-mail addresses that the other candidates don’t have access to.

However, no candidate is prohibited from spending their own resources and creating a letter to send to the unit owners telling them why they are the best man or woman for the Board position.

Good luck to all the candidates!

Learn how to perform your new job on the Board!

Responsibilities of a Board of Directors for a Condo Association

The duties of the condo board encompass every aspect of the condominium’s governance and management. They are the people making all of the major decisions and establishing policies for the condo association. Under Florida law, the board or its committees set assessments for residents, hire personnel, maintain common areas, purchase insurance, obtain accounting and legal services and establish house rules.  Condominium Associations



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Webinar: Digital Vote Creation & Management Tools Demo by

Webinar: Digital Vote Creation & Management Tools Demo by

  • Posted: Jun 22, 2020
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Webinar: Digital Vote Creation & Management Tools Demo by

Technology is an unavoidable and critical part of any business. As such, why not consider implementing a state-of-the-art online voting platform to your associations portfolio of services? is the perfect solution to help you streamline operations for your community, is extremely easy to setup, and it will give you the added advantage of increasing both your relevancy and residential appeal, thereby setting you apart from your competition!




Here’s what you will learn during the webinar:

–Walk through of and its administration section/voting portal
–See examples of how others have successfully utilized the platform to benefit their communities
–View a demonstration on how to upload users, how to set up a vote, how to cast a vote, and more
–Learn about the functionality and ease of use
–Find out about flexible pricing options
–Participate in a Q&A with our customer support team to answer any questions you may have.



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  • Posted: Apr 28, 2020
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.


No doubt we have been in unchartered waters for the past few weeks now.  Boards have been uncertain about how, when and where they can hold board meetings.  Unit owners are upset that they have heard that their Board is actually having meetings that they cannot attend.  Decisions are being made at meetings that are not properly noticed.  No doubt decisions and votes are being made by e-mail, even though the statute clearly prohibits it.

       Despite the extraordinary powers given to Boards under the emergency powers statute, there are a few things that remain clear;

  1. Board meetings must still be noticed;
  2. Unit owners have the right to attend board meetings;
  3. Board members still cannot vote by e-mail;
  4. Board members have the right to appear at Board meetings via telephone, real-time videoconferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication and it counts toward a quorum, and such member may vote as if physically present. A speaker must be used so that the conversation of such members may be heard by the board or committee members attending in person as well as by any unit owners present at a meeting.
  5. Unit owners who are not on the Board have no right to attend their Board meeting via the same technology that Board members get to use.

So what needs fixing?  Obviously, in light of recent events, all board meetings and unit owner meetings must be made available to the owners through technology.  Nobody should be forced to attend a meeting in person if board members are not forced.  .  Now, before anyone starts yelling that this is impossible…… it isn’t.  There was pushback about having a mandatory website that would hold all of the association’s records.  We learned it works great.  There was pushback when it came to on-line voting.  We learned it works great.

For me however, these past few weeks have been an incredible learning experience.  I have had the joy and honor of continuing to teach the Board Certification and Legal Update seminars.  There are 130 people on-line at one time!  We are on-line for three hours.  It works perfectly.  And after my part is over, everyone who wants to be heard gets to be heard.  Don’t tell me Board meetings can’t be run the same way.  They can.  Easily.  Far fewer people typically attend a board meeting.

So, it’s clear that it’s now time for unit owners to get the same rights as board members do and have the opportunity to appear at their Board and unit owner meetings through the use of technology.  If you still choose to attend in person, even better.  The choice should be yours.




The State of Florida Property Management Association has looked into these issues for voting and have found in Florida,  There are a few companies that had the insite and looked into the future of Online Voting


Supported by SFPMA:  BeckerBALLOT  –  Use this software for board of directors votes, amendment of governing documents, waive reserves and approval of material alterations and more! Your members need to simply log in, cast their votes and be on their way.

BeckerBALLOT, a joint partnership between Becker & Poliakoff and SHYFT digital. 

We offer an easy-to-use, secure electronic voting software solution that is compliant with state law. We provide the ability for members in condominiums, cooperatives and homeowner associations to cast their votes online.  You will be able to easily and seamlessly facilitate and increase member participation in important votes. All votes stay secure, anonymous and tracked for validity.

Once your Board adopts a Resolution which offers an online voting system for your members, members consenting to vote online may register and vote using



Please join us from the comfort of your home or office for one of our upcoming online webinars where we will demo the vote creation and management tools with opportunity for Q&A.

April 28: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now
May 5: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now
May 12: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now



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Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

  • Posted: Feb 21, 2020
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Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

Most of you reading this already know the names Bill and Susan Raphan and the mark they made on the Florida Condominium Ombudsman’s Office during their 7-year tenure.

For those of you who don’t know about this dynamic couple, here is their story. When Florida’s first Condominium Ombudsman, Virgil Rizzo, was appointed back in 2004, there was no money to staff the local South Florida Office. Bill and Susan were his first volunteers. They had been having problems in their own condominium and wanted to help others in similar situations. They worked for seven (7) months as volunteers, often returning calls from over a hundred people a day asking for help with their association-related issues, before the money was found in the State budget to finally pay them.

During their seven years with the Condominium Ombudsman’s Office they spoke with thousands of association members, directors, association managers, attorneys and legislators about the common and not-so-common issues that crop up when people live in close quarters and decisions are made by an elected body.

While some of the problems they confronted were not within their authority to address, others were successfully resolved as a result of their intervention. A patient set of ears, knowledge regarding the Statutes, Administrative Code and practices of the DBPR along with common sense and a dash of humor often helped put both Board Members and Owners with complaints on the right path. Was every problem solved? Absolutely not. Were many problems that could have resulted in time consuming and costly litigation successfully defused? Absolutely yes.

Bill and Susan had run a successful catering business for many years and, as a result, applied many of those same business principles to organizing the Ombudsman’s Office in an efficient manner especially given the shoestring budget under which they were forced to operate. They began an extensive education program at Broward and Palm Beach College as well as in Community Centers and Condominiums throughout the State. They facilitated the appointment of election monitors for approximately 90 condominium elections per year and educated almost 6,000 people in just their last year at the Condominium Ombudsman’s Office!

In 2011 they made the leap of faith and decided to join Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm as its Statewide Educational Facilitators. Today, the Raphans have been widely recognized for their role in providing Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida with the highest-quality educational seminars for certification and continuing education credits. Bill and Susan were also featured in a front page article in the Wall Street Journal and have appeared on many TV and radio programs.

We are thrilled to have Bill and Susan as part of our team at Katzman Chandler and would urge you to experience one of their enjoyable and interactive educational classes for yourself.

For those of you wishing to contact Bill and Susan Raphan, you can reach them on their TOLL FREE HOTLINE @ 855-827-5542 or by email at





