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We are House of Floors – family owned and operated since 1989. “We don’t just sell flooring, we sell service”.

We are House of Floors – family owned and operated since 1989. “We don’t just sell flooring, we sell service”.

  • Posted: Dec 14, 2021
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We are House of Floors – family owned and operated since 1989. “We don’t just sell flooring, we sell service”

Brothers in Business.
It is truly a blessing to be a part of a successful family business that has been doing it for over 30 years. So here is a weird statistic: if you were to line up the amount of flooring in square feet that House of Floors’ has installed, it would reach to the Moon and back 5 times. The number reason for our success is we put the client first. We, as a family, have unanimously agreed to put the client first!! This is one of the pillars of our success.


Proud of our hard working installation crews who are dedicated to supporting Property Managers throughout Florida. Our culture is built on pride of customer service. At House of Floors we are just one spoke in the wheel for our Property Management clients.


Wishing our friends, clients, vendors, and all our associates a peaceful and relaxing holiday.


Also Owners of Flash Restore.

Flash Restore


Flash provides Fire, Water and Mold Mitigation and Remediation and we do it right every time.

At Flash we have developed a unique set of Standard Operating Practices that are supported by a strong back office team, and well trained field technicians. It is imperative that we perform the highest-quality work, and just as important that we can prove our work to our customer. A Scope and Estimate are always provided for review, communication and documentation begins as soon as we get eyes on a job, and daily progress updates are sent each day of an open job. Finally, each job performed by Flash is documented in detail in our Evidence Documentation Packet (EDP) (Remote owners especially appreciate this process).

Success is best measured by customers that request additional work, refer Flash to others and/or are willing to commit to longer term relationships. The feedback and response from Property Managers, Insurance Carriers, Hygenists/Assessors and Homeowners have been overwhelmingly positive. We’re different, and we’ll prove it.

Once a water-related emergency occurs, it’s critical to act quickly. Water moves fast and does incredible damage and remember water will flow until something stops it. Once it hits a surface like a wall, molding, or the foundation, it starts to fill up, and it can wick up into drywall, wood, and plaster in a matter of hours. That’s why it is critical to contact the professionals at Flash Restore as soon as possible. They are always available, even in the middle of the night. Remember, the more time that passes, the more damage that can occur.

It’s the Manager’s Fault…Or Is It? by rembaumlaw

It’s the Manager’s Fault…Or Is It? by rembaumlaw

  • Posted: Dec 13, 2021
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It’s the Manager’s Fault…Or Is It?

Few professions have more demands placed upon them than that of the Florida licensed community association manager (CAM). Depending on whom you ask, the CAM is the organizer, rules enforcer, keeper of secrets (meaning confidential and statutorily protected information not limited to the medical record of owners and attorney-client privileged information), best friend, the “bad guy” (a frequent misconstruction), and the first person in the line of fire when things go wrong; in other words, the one who takes all the blame and gets little credit when things go right.

When things at the association go wrong, what comment is most likely heard? “It’s the manager’s fault!” But, is it? Unless the manager failed to carry out a lawful directive from the board, breached a management contract provision, or violated a Florida statute, then in all likelihood, the manager has no culpability. CAMs are licensed by the State of Florida pursuant to Part VIII of Chapter 468 of the Florida Statutes, and there are statutory standards by which CAMs must conduct themselves.

Pursuant to §468.4334, Florida Statutes, “[a] community association manager or a community association management firm is deemed to act as agent on behalf of a community association as principal within the scope of authority authorized by a written contract or under this chapter. A community association manager and a community association management firm shall discharge duties performed on behalf of the association as authorized by this chapter loyally, skillfully, and diligently; dealing honestly and fairly; in good faith; with care and full disclosure to the community association; accounting for all funds; and not charging unreasonable or excessive fees.”

As set forth herein, statutory standards provide guidance to CAMs as to how they should conduct themselves. They must discharge their duties with skill and care and in good faith. They must act with loyalty to their association employer and deal with the association both honestly and fairly. They must provide full disclosure, which can be interpreted as both keeping the board informed of current events and providing disclosures of any conflict of interests. They must be able to account for all funds, too, which means both assessment income and expenditures; in other words, they must mind the budget.

Best practices for CAMs include becoming extremely familiar with the governing documents of the association (including the declaration, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and rules and regulations) and the financials of the association, walking the physical property, engaging with their team and residents, as well as providing weekly status updates to the board regarding all ongoing association business. If you are a CAM and do these things, then you have an opportunity to shine and stand head and shoulders above your peers and competition. This weekly status report is an excellent communication tool yet seems to be a rarity. CAMs should also make themselves available to owners. However, when an owner becomes offensive or insulting, the CAM should politely and firmly request that the owner communicate respectfully and in a professional manner. A CAM should always be financially transparent and should be extremely familiar with the management contract to fully understand her obligations and authority; for example, the limitation to spend association funds. Finally, the CAM should strive to keep a written record of her activities.

The two most obvious and biggest ways to get in trouble include committing acts of gross misconduct or gross negligence in connection with the profession or contracting on behalf of an association with any entity in which the CAM has a financial interest that is not disclosed. Disciplinary actions against a CAM fall under the purview of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). Section 455.227, Florida Statutes, governs grounds for discipline, penalties, and enforcement.

For example, the following activities constitute grounds for which disciplinary actions may be taken by the DBPR (this list is not all inclusive):

(i) making misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of the CAM’s profession; (ii) intentionally violating any rule adopted by the DBPR; (iii) being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (“I do not wish to contend”) to, a crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of, or the ability to practice, a CAM’s profession; (iv) having been found liable in a civil proceeding for knowingly filing a false report or complaint with the DBPR against another CAM; (v) attempting to obtain, obtaining, or renewing a license to practice a profession by bribery, by fraudulent misrepresentation, or through an error of the DBPR; (vi) failing to report to the DBPR any person who the CAM knows is in violation of the laws regulating CAMs or the rules of the DBPR; (vii) aiding, assisting, procuring, employing, or advising any unlicensed person or entity to practice a profession contrary to law; (viii) failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation; (ix) making or filing a report which the licensee knows to be false; (x) making deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of a profession or employing a trick or scheme in or related to the practice of a profession; and  (xi) performing professional responsibilities the licensee knows, or has reason to know, the licensee is not competent to perform.

The Florida Administrative Code, in Rule 61E14-2.001, also provides standards for professional conduct which are deemed automatically incorporated as duties of all CAMs into any written or oral agreement for community association management services. A CAM must adhere to the following standards:

  1. comply with the requirements of the governing documents by which a community association is created or operated
  2. only deposit or disburse funds received by the CAM or management firm on behalf of the association for the specific purpose or purposes designated by the board, community association management contract, or the governing documents of the association
  3. perform all community association management services required by the CAM’s contract to professional standards and to the standards established by §468.4334(1), Florida Statutes
  4. in the event of a potential conflict of interest, provide full disclosure to the association and obtain authorization or approval; and
  5. respond to, or refer to the appropriate responsible party, a notice of violation or any similar notice from an agency seeking to impose a regulatory penalty upon the association within the timeframe specified in the notice.

In addition, during the performance of community association management services pursuant to a contract with a community association, a CAM cannot withhold possession of the association’s official records or original books, records, accounts, funds, or other property of the association when requested in writing by the association to deliver the foregoing to the association upon reasonable notice. However, the CAM may retain those records necessary to complete an ending financial statement or report for up to 20 days after termination of the management contract. Additionally, a CAM cannot (i) deny or delay access to association official records to an owner, or his or her authorized representative, who is entitled to inspect and copy the association’s official records within the timeframe and under the applicable statutes governing the association; (ii) create false records or alter the official records of an association or of the CAM except in such cases where an alteration is permitted by law (e.g., the correction of minutes per direction given at a meeting at which the minutes are submitted for approval); or (iii) fail to maintain the records for a CAM, management firm, or the official records of the association as required by the applicable statutes governing the association.

How do you know if your association requires a licensed community association manager? Pursuant to §468.431, Florida Statutes, if the association has 10 or more units or has a budget of $100,000 or more and the person is conducting one or more of the following activities in exchange for payment, the person must be a licensed CAM:

  1. controlling or disbursing funds of a community association
  2. preparing budgets or other financial documents for a community association
  3. assisting in the noticing or conduct of community association meetings
  4. determining the number of days required for statutory notices
  5. determining amounts due to the association
  6. collecting amounts due to the association before the filing of a civil action
  7. calculating the votes required for a quorum or to approve a proposition or amendment
  8. completing forms related to the management of a community association that have been created by statute or by a state agency
  9. drafting meeting notices and agendas
  10. calculating and preparing certificates of assessment and estoppel certificates
  11. responding to requests for certificates of assessment and estoppel certificates
  12. negotiating monetary or performance terms of a contract subject to approval by an association
  13. drafting pre-arbitration demands
  14. coordinating or performing maintenance for real or personal property and other related routine services involved in the operation of a community association, or
  15. complying with the association’s governing documents and the requirements of law as necessary to perform such practices.

However, a person who performs clerical or ministerial functions under the direct supervision and control of a CAM or who is charged only with performing the maintenance of a community association and who does not assist in any of the management services described above is not required to be licensed.

So, whose fault is it when things go awry? A CAM’s role is far different than that of a rental complex manager who often has decision-making authority. The CAM does not have that same type of decision-making authority. The CAM must take direction from the board and perform pursuant to the obligations set out in the management agreement and Florida law. It is the board of directors of the community association that actually makes the decisions. So, while the uninformed might blame the CAM, you now know that the buck stops with the board of directors. If you have further questions regarding a CAM’s responsibility, then please discuss this with your association’s lawyer.

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Legal: Comcast of Florida LP v. L’Ambiance Beach Condominium Association, Inc.

Legal: Comcast of Florida LP v. L’Ambiance Beach Condominium Association, Inc.

  • Posted: Dec 13, 2021
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Comcast of Florida LP v. L’Ambiance Beach Condominium Association, Inc.

17 So.3d 839 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009)

By: Jay Roberts, Esq.

The ability for condominium associations to terminate certain contracts using a statutory procedure is at the heart of THIS CASE. In 2002, Comcast of Florida, L.P. (“Comcast”) entered into an agreement with the condominium developer (on behalf of the Association) that granted Comcast an easement to install cables and offer cable television services to residents at a bulk-discount rate. Every unit owner received and paid for the cable service as part of a monthly maintenance fee. The termination provision in the agreement stated it would be subject to the conditions and regulations required under Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. Following turnover from the developer to the unit owners, the Association voted to terminate the agreement and sent written notice to Comcast in accordance with F.S. 718.302.

Section 718.302, Fla. Stat. (2002), provided in part:

(1) Any grant or reservation made by a declaration, lease, or other document, and any contract made by an association prior to assumption of control of the association by unit owners other than the developer, that provides for operation, maintenance, or management of a condominium association or property serving the unit owners of a condominium shall be fair and reasonable, and such grant, reservation, or contract may be canceled by unit owners other than the developer:
(a) … the cancellation shall be by concurrence of the owners of not less than 75 percent of the voting interests other than the voting interests owned by the developer….

After receiving notice of the termination, Comcast refused to open the distribution lock boxes. Ultimately, Comcast sued for declaratory and injunctive relief for breach of contract and trespass. Before a hearing was held, the Association hired another provider to rewire the building and provide services to all residential units. The trial court ruled in favor of the Association. On appeal, Comcast argued that F.S. 718.302 did not apply to Comcast’s services, because the contract was not one for operation, maintenance, or management of the condominium as required under the statutory language.

On appeal the Fourth District Court of Appeal found that the agreement explicitly required Comcast to operate and maintain the wires and lock boxes it had installed. The Court also noted that under F.S. 718.115(1)(d), the cost of cable television service obtained pursuant to a bulk rate contract is deemed a common expense. In light of the fact that the agreement provided for a cable television service, and that the cost was part of a monthly maintenance fee, and that Comcast was required to service and maintain the cable television, the Court concluded that the agreement was one for “operation, maintenance, or management” subject to F.S. 718.302 (NOTE: the 2021 version of this statute is substantially the same as the 2002 version).

So why does THIS CASE matter? The Florida Condominium Act provides various rights to condominium associations which become effective upon turnover of the association from developer-controlled to unit owner-controlled, including, but not limited to, the ability to terminate certain contracts. It is vital for associations which recently have undergone turnover to discuss the various rights which accrued on the date turnover with the association’s legal counsel.

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  • Posted: Dec 13, 2021
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December 16th – 6:00 p.m.


Managers: Our Course is now approved for Three 2021 Legal Update Credits.

Course Number: 9630640





OR CALL OUR OFFICE AT: 954-983-1112

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Call Pioneering Pest Services today for your free estimate on any of our services!! ☎️ 386.734.2142 ☎️

Call Pioneering Pest Services today for your free estimate on any of our services!! ☎️ 386.734.2142 ☎️

  • Posted: Dec 10, 2021
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Call today for your free estimate on any of our services!! ☎️ 386.734.2142 ☎️

Send us a Facebook message or email for more information!

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Pioneer Pest Services, Inc. was established in 1985 and proudly serves Volusia, Flagler, Lake, and Seminole counties. We are a local family-owned and operated company with a proven track record for reliable and professional pest services.

Our goal is to partner with homeowners, business owners, and property managers to control pest, termite, and lawn and shrub problems. We will immediately assess and address current pest issues, as well as your lawn and shrub needs, and help you to prevent them from happening in the future.

Whether they fly, creep, sting, or swarm, pests are a persistent problem for Floridians—and they can do serious damage if they’re not kept in check. At Pioneer Pest Services, we understand that pests need to be taken care of promptly and effectively. That’s been our mission for the past three decades! A local, family-owned company, we’re committed to quality service for residential and commercial customers in Volusia, Flagler, Seminole, and Lake counties. RELIABLE PEST SERVICES SINCE 1985

Protecting your property is our priority, call us today for a FREE estimate. 📱386.734.2142📱

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Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660

Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660

  • Posted: Dec 10, 2021
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Pipe Restoration Solutions

800-652-7604  or call Ronnie G Direct: 561-602-8660

Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660 or email

Pipe Inspection, Pipe Cleaning, Pipe Lining and Pipe Replacement Company

When PRS looks at a project we want to ensure we are putting the “right” solution to the problem at hand.  Every project has its unique needs based on overall job scope, site conditions, project timeframes and difficulty level. At Pipe Restoration Solutions, we have found that when high-quality material and creativity comes together something special happens… Projects are completed with excellence and above expectation; Long term relationships are built; Problems are permanently solved.
Our business philosophy is simple: We want to First, listen to your need. Second, identify the best solution and Third, deliver the highest quality end-result, all while giving you a great customer experience.

PRS is a State of Florida Certified Plumbing Contractor that specializes in full pipe restoration.

Whether it be sanitary sewer or storm, potable water, fire suppression or HVAC chiller lines, our goal is to provide solutions to the failing piping infrastructure utilizing the latest plumbing and trenchless technology available. We also carry a State of Florida Class “A” General Contractor’s license which sets us apart. This allows us to really understand and prepare to deal with accessing the failing pipe. If needed, we are bondable and carry a low bonding rate through our surety company.


  • Posted: Dec 08, 2021
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by Condo craze @HOAs

I got a call this week from The Sun Sentinel.  They asked if I had heard about the prominent developer who approached the owners of the other Champlain Towers buildings that are still standing, offering to buy out all of their units.  I had not, but I’m not surprised in the least about it.  In fact, it’s going to be happening more and more.  Developers are going to be approaching lots of owners in condominiums that are distressed.

Why approach the owners in the remaining Champlain Towers condominiums?  I’m sure the developer is thinking that these owners may now have a hard time selling their condo units on the open market because there may not be many buyers interested in purchasing a unit in a condominium by that name.  The Champlain Towers will forever be remembered as the building that collapsed and where nearly a hundred innocent people died.  I think the developer is right.  It will be tough to sell your units in the remaining Champlain Towers condominiums.

The truth is……if that’s the case…and it is next to impossible to now sell your condo unit in these buildings, the developer can look like a knight in shining armor, if the price they offer is fair and reasonable.  It may very well make sense for the owners to seriously consider the developer’s offer.  At the remaining Champlain Towers buildings, the developer’s offer is contingent upon 95% of the owners agreeing to sell to the developer.  If less than 95% of the owners agree to sell, the deal is off the table.  That’s because if at least 5% of the owners vote against a plan of “termination” the developer’s plan to “terminate” the condominium, knock it down and build a more expensive one fails.  So, the developer needs to acquire at least 95% to ensure their plan succeeds.

We know that it’s about to get more expensive to live in a condominium because it looks like it will become more difficult to waive reserves and buildings will be undergoing more frequent inspections.  Repairs will be needed more than ever before which means money will be needed like never before.  When unit owners don’t have the money or don’t want to spend the money on a building that’s already old, rest assured that developers will be there ready to make an offer to everyone so that the property can be bought, knocked down, rebuilt and sold.

Over the last few years the law has made it more difficult to terminate a condominium.  As a result of the tragedy at The Champlain Towers I certainly expect the pendulum to swing back the other way.  Terminations will become easier.  Developers will use their eyes and airs searching for the most vulnerable properties, meaning the ones that will require the greatest cost to repair.  The laws regarding termination continue to evolve, but if I am a developer I may want to be cautious about buying units in a condominium that requires 100% of the owners to agree to termination and that does not have Kaufman language or “as amended from time to time” language.  In these types of condominiums, one owner who refuses to sell may wind up screwing up the developer’s grand plans.


Corey Parshall is the founder of Parshall Tree Care Experts, a full-service tree company offering reinvented solutions to outperform and challenge the industry

Corey Parshall is the founder of Parshall Tree Care Experts, a full-service tree company offering reinvented solutions to outperform and challenge the industry

  • Posted: Dec 03, 2021
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Corey Parshall is the founder of Parshall Tree Care Experts, a full-service tree company offering reinvented solutions to outperform and challenge the industry.

They deliver services to residential, commercial, municipal, and utility clients in Michigan and Florida! With a desire to break stereotypes and bring the tree service industry into the 21st century, Corey designed a business with unparalleled service.

Entering the market, Corey saw opportunity in the outdated practices that ensnare other companies. He understood the pitfalls in the tree service industry and decided to do his part to change it. He saw under-serviced clients and poor service in general. Using his entrepreneurial spirit, he started his own company to address these problems. Leveraging changes in technology, Parshall Tree Care aims to challenge themselves with creative ways of thinking, always looking to push the industry further.

Corey’s biggest challenges are the unknowns. In the early stages of running his business he experienced a lot of trial and error, discovering this was the most expensive way to learn and grow. Rather than bleeding money, Corey started investing in resources to grow his team instead. He found mentors that could help with problem-solving and educate the team. Before he knew it he had a clear roadmap that prevented him from constantly having to relearn everything.


With a mind focused on the positive, Corey believes your goals are within reach. A negative outlook can erode your confidence in taking calculated risks, while a positive outlook brings opportunity. Corey has noticed that when he keeps a positive mindset relationships line up, doors open, and he is generally luckier as an entrepreneur. By overcoming his biggest obstacle of thinking small, he found great success by intentionally setting unobtainable goals just to see what he and his team can achieve. Corey pays attention to fears that creep up when goal-setting. To him, fear is a communicator that action is needed to reach the desired opportunity.

For anyone interested in starting their own business, Corey recommends setting outrageous goals. He recommends anything considered to be a “good goal” should be multiplied by 1000 because you will probably underestimate rather than overestimate. Low expectations lead to boredom and if your business is boring you’re more likely to give up. Once you have a plan set, Corey suggests finding mentors, even if you have to pay for them. Learning from the experience of others saves you time and money in the long run.

Success, to Corey, is building a team that includes his family. In doing so, they find freedom from being tied down by that which is out of their control. He finds financial freedom knowing he and his family enjoy a better quality of life, and he has a legacy to share with generations to come. He loves sharing his success with his team as they experience the same freedom. At the end of the day, Corey’s dream is to see the entire tree service industry revolutionized—that they can leave a generational impact and improve an outdated industry.

Corey is so grateful to his staff for everything they do to help carry out the company’s mission, and to his clients who trust him to provide his service. He knows he can’t make a difference in the tree industry without either piece missing. This company isn’t about Corey Parshall, but the Parshall Tree Care Experts revolution. Parshall Tree TV, a free educational platform, is the latest division of the company.


Parshall Tree Care Experts

also have plans to grow their new offices in Ohio and Indiana, then expand toward the eastern US to Florida. But Corey’s ultimate goal is to be known as the industry leader in the tree service community.

Corey Parshall
Parshall Tree Care Experts




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