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by Steven J. Weil, PhD, EA, LCAM, Royale Management Services, Inc.

A “dummie,” in this case, is a first-time association member and/or someone with little or no association budgeting experience who wants to know more about how and why the budget is created before they vote on it.


Bookkeeping sfpmaIs it really necessary to go through all that work year after year?

The first answer is, yes, because it’s the law. Florida law (718.112 (2) (f) 2) requires that annual budgets be prepared and, further, that reserve calculations be made by using a formula that estimates useful life and replacement cost.

The real answer is that the budget is a tool used by the association’s board to determine how much owners will be required to pay in maintenance costs for the coming year in order to keep the association financially stable.

The budget is a financial plan, a guide; but the process is an art, not a science. That’s why it’s important to leave room for unplanned expenses. A shortfall may result in an assessment, which will not make anyone happy. The only thing owners hate more than a maintenance fee increase is a special assessment that is necessary because the budget does not adequately cover the ongoing operating and maintenance costs. The tricky part of the process is to balance what is required with the often competing interests of those who want the lowest possible increase with those who are willing to pay more for better services, better amenities or other improvements.

There are two parts to every budget: the operating budget and the reserve budget.

• The operating budget should include all the necessary regular and recurring expenses that are expected in the coming year, no matter how small, such as repairs, maintenance, payroll, utilities, supplies, insurance and administrative costs.

• The reserves are designed to accumulate funds for major ongoing repair and replacement.
Statutes make it mandatory that reserve budgets first include estimated expenditures for roof replacement, building painting and pavement resurfacing at a minimum.


Aside from what the law requires, a good reserve budget also covers other large capital items that will wear out and need to be replaced over the life of the association, such as: elevators, windows, common area air conditioners, docks, generators, et al.

Projected estimates take into consideration the cost to replace each item, prorated over the years of its estimated life. A common mistake in estimating this value is the failure to take into account the rise in replacement costs that occurs over time.

Reserve funds cannot be used for purposes other than those intended without a majority owner’s vote of approval in advance.



How do you build a budget that works? The big secret is to start months before your current budget year ends!

  1. Step one is the information-gathering process, including a review of long-term contracts, upcoming expected maintenance and repairs, details of possible fee increases and a “wish list.” This time-consuming step includes getting quotes from vendors, examining recurring contracts for things like insurance policies, lawn and landscaping, trash removal, etc. Sometimes closely-scrutinized contracts can be renegotiated to save money. It’s also important to use caution when reducing maintenance and repairs numbers to delay an expense outlay. That could result in increased costs in the long run.
  2. Step two is to compare and, using a spreadsheet or special budget software, enter into the appropriate columns the year-to-date income and expenses — projected through year end — with the budget for the current year, to review for increases, and show the percent of difference.

  3. Step three: compare projected expenses for the coming year with “other” income (non-assessed) — such as laundry income, application fees, clubhouse rental, dock rental and any other items for which the Association collects fees other than maintenance fees.
    Using those figures, it is then possible to calculate the maintenance fees needed to fund the budget for the coming year. These required maintenance fees are calculated by subtracting the total projected “other” (non-assessed) income from the total projected expenses. This number is then allocated by the formula shown in the association documents. (The number is often based on the number of units or on square footage.)

According to the Statutes, owners may petition the Board if it adopts a budget where assessments rise more than 15% over those for the prior year. The budget must be in keeping not only with the State Statutes but also with the association’s documents, which may be more stringent.

Final approval by the board where the proposed budget is adopted must be done at a properly noticed budget meeting. A notice of this meeting, along with a copy of the proposed budget, must be sent to all owners at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Only association members may vote to waive or reduce the budgeted reserves through full or partial funding.

Failing to fund reserves at all puts everyone’s future at risk. If owners can’t afford the monthly cost how are they going to come up with the money when the roof, elevator or other capital component needs replacing? Often this is done by borrowing, making monthly maintenance payments higher because of what is required to pay back a loan, creating a double whammy of current debt repayment for past depreciation and creating an excuse not to meet current obligations. In some buildings this can create a death spiral.



Time to start thinking about taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits. by RMS Accounting.

Time to start thinking about taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits. by RMS Accounting.

Time to start thinking about Taxes — making sure not to miss out on any tax credits.

Did you do any energy improvements to your home? New energy efficient Air Conditioning, Heating, Ceiling Fans, Solar Panels, or Hot Water Heaters? Buy an Electric or Highbred Vehicle?
If so there might just be a tax credit in your stocking this year.? contact us today let us help with your Accounting and Taxes for your Business, Condo and HOA’s

RMS Business


We provide extensive consulting to every accounting client. Detailed management notes are provided in addition to a comprehensive Financial Statement package.


Our bookkeeping help goes far beyond just balancing the books. Our Bookkeeping outsourcing, saves you time and money, while reducing stress levels.


RMS Accounting has a program that allows companies with expatriate staff to provide tax planning and preparation services to its staff anywhere in the world.


In addition to getting your corporate tax preparation right and completed the first time, our tax professional will also assist you with tax planning to help you reduce next year’s business taxes as well.


At Royale Management Services, we offer support for two of the top business software programs available.


When running a business, it makes sense to outsource tasks that can be handled best by others, save you money or allow you to be more productive. Payroll is one of the classic tasks that generally meets all of these criteria.

Credit Card Services

RMS Accounting supports Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Gift and Loyalty card, and Check processing. In addition will gladly support EBT card programs as well as a complete national debit card program.


Originally, we focused on tax preparation for small to medium business, but today we do accounting outsourcing for everyone, from personal to large corporations.
2319 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Florida
+1 954-563-1269
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When unit owners refuse to pay their assessments, it puts everyone in a bind, condominium assessment liens might be one way?

When unit owners refuse to pay their assessments, it puts everyone in a bind, condominium assessment liens might be one way?

  • Posted: Jul 16, 2024
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Florida Condominium Associations and Homeowners Association Boards have many challenges in managing the needs of their communities. As a result, when unit owners refuse to pay their assessments, it puts everyone in a bind. Fortunately, there is a key tool that you may use in Florida to compel payment of the monies due: a condominium assessment lien.

Collecting Assessment Revenue Through A Condominium Assessment Lien
There are steps that must be taken in order for a condominium association lien to be properly filed. This is a brief summary of the steps:


*A condominium association’s governing documents in conjunction with Section 718.116, Florida Statutes, are the genesis of the condominium association’s authority to impose and perfect assessment liens against individually owned units within the community.



Delinquency Notice

This is not a requirement but good collection practices dictate that the association attempt collection efforts prior to engaging a law firm. Sometimes the unit owner may have just forgotten to place the payment in the mail. These delinquency notices can help remind the unit owner of their payment obligation.


Notice of Intent to Lien

The first statutorily required step is to send a formal letter from the law firm announcing the association’s intent to place a lien on the unit for the failure to pay. The letter has very specific requirements and should be sent from the association’s attorney. If a condominium, the association must wait 30 days from the date of this letter to record its lien. The time frame for a Homeowners Association is 45 days.


Claim of Lien

This is the actual document that gets recorded in the public records and encumbers the unit. It must have the Unit legal description, the owners name and a description of the delinquency. There is a form in the statute and Florida law requires that this lien be created and recorded by the association attorney.


Notice of Intent to Foreclose

After the lien is recorded, another notice must go to the unit owner announcing the intention to take the unit by legal process. The association must also wait an additional 30 days after this notice is sent. 45 days for HOAs.


Foreclosure Action

This is the lawsuit that will take the unit. A Lis Pendens is recorded when the lawsuit is filed to provide public notice of the legal action on the lien. Most lien foreclosure actions result in either settlement of the claim of taking of the unit. Defenses to lien foreclose actions are tough to prove and seldom release the unit owner from the obligation to pay the assessment.



Time Is not on your side, dont delay if this is the action you are taking?

It is imperative that all these steps are followed to the tee or the lien may be dismissed outright. In addition to these steps, Florida condominium associations can take additional steps such as suspending unit owner common element or amenity rights. This is done by alerting the unit owner of the delinquency and then if amount is greater than $1,000 and 90 days the Board may consider the suspension of voting rights at a board meeting. The unit owner will then receive notice of the suspension after the vote has occurred.


Florida Condominium Associations

Under Florida State Law, only an attorney may draft a condominium assessment lien, because it contains a legal statement. Once the lien is filed, there is a one year timeline for Florida condominium associations to file suit. If the Association misses that deadline, the whole lien process will have to be redone. Therefore, it is paramount that the steps are followed properly, and in a timely fashion, or you may forfeit what is due to the community.

Remember to contact your Attny, Ask them for the best options for your communities!


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Elevate Your HOA and Condo Collections with Axela!

Elevate Your HOA and Condo Collections with Axela!

  • Posted: Feb 02, 2024
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Discover why Axela stands out as the ultimate choice for managing your community’s finances and collections.

Axela is here to revolutionize your HOA experience from streamlined processes to advanced features.



Axela Technologies is dedicated to helping create streamlined accounts receivable and collections tools for management companies, condo and homeowners associations and others in the real estate industry.

Our proven collection tools help community associations realize higher returns and lower delinquency ratings.

Axela is not a debt collector. But, our team understands collections and has expertise in the real estate accounts receivable space. Axela licenses its software to specially-selected third-party collection agencies who emphasize a culture of debtor choice and empowerment and compliance with applicable law, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Our focus is on building tools that assist community association capital recovery. Our team of developers is constantly working to build new and improved technologies to ease and speed up the collections process.

Integrates with your Accounting Platform

In order for Condo and HOA collections to be successful, action must be taken quickly, and information must be accurate. Our tools integrate with various accounting software to gather the data required to begin a collections file.

Accurate, Up to the Minute Records

Using Axela’s software, you can effortlessly gather thousands of data points from our integration partners to have a complete picture of what position a delinquent unit and its owner are in.

The tools available in Axela’s toolbox range from calculating the value of a property, to determining if it’s in an equity position, to assistance in locating a unit owner and determining their financial position.

Respectful Treatment of Homeowners

We empower the engagement of your HOA members in a respectful manner to resolve your cash flow issues. When owners are not paying their assessments you need a HOA collection solution NOT a lawyer.

Committed to Condo & HOA Collections Technology and Advancement

An HOA collection agency must use an FDCPA-compliant process, first and foremost. But our exclusive focus on Community Associations and Management Companies makes us go deeper than the basic requirements when designing collections tools.

Our team has years of experience in the industry, from directly managing condos and HOAs, to serving on boards, to working with other industry vendors.

We work constantly to cultivate relationships in the industry so you can benefit from technologies built to suit your specific needs.

 Axela’s platform can easily review your delinquency issues and provide a customized collections plan.

We help recover funds utilizing information acquired from your association, third-party data aggregators, and credit reporting agencies.

We will refer you to highly trained and accredited collectors who work respectfully with your association members to resolve delinquencies as quickly as possible.

Call Us

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10 Management Professional things agents should know and do | SFPMA

10 Management Professional things agents should know and do | SFPMA

10 Management Professional things agents should know and do.


  1. Immediate Response: As a real estate agent you need to make your response time, when your prospective buyer calls or emails, as quick as possible. If the buyer doesn’t find you available then he may call somebody else. Buyers want instant response and will not wait for you to call them back or respond to mails only when you are in office.

2. A person he can trust: An agent needs to tell the buyer the truth even if it means losing the sales. While you speak volumes about the virtues of a home, you need to point out the possible defects as well so that the buyer can think twice and not be blinded by only the positive features. The buyer should feel that you are on his side and fluff and untruth will make him lose his confidence in you.

  1. Keep learning on the job: A person is smart when he hires people smarter than he is (Henry Ford). A buyer wants to use your education and experience in order to feel that he has employed the right person to do the job. You should come across as an expert in the field. The best and only way it is done is through constant learning. This can be through trainings and also reading relevant stuff. You should have a ready knowledge about the property that you are highlighting.
  2. Good communication skills: You need to be extremely good at handling your communications. There are all kinds of buyers and while some prefer an e-mail others may like you to call them. The best course is to ask them their preferred mode of communication. Always remember to promise less and deliver more.



  1. Professional and friendly: Being friendly and at the same time maintaining professionalism is the best way, although a bit difficult. Friendliness is preferred by most buyers as you give out the vibe that you are on their side. At the same time they also want you to be assertive and professional. They want you to handle anything that may come up while they are probably viewing the house or saying €no’ to a particular seller.
  2. Information about the neighborhood: When you are trying to sell a property in a particular neighborhood you should have good knowledge about it in terms of amenities and facilities. Your buyer may be interested in knowing about train stations or bus stops that are close by. The interest could even be a park for children. Make a search and find out all you can about areas where most of the properties that you deal in are located.

  3. Price guide: You need to be the professional who has inside information about the price. The client may be interested in your opinion so prepare yourself well. You need to be careful that you do not quote a price that is too low or too high. You need to be ready with market trends and facts for the particular area and similar properties. Guide them to make an informed decision.

  4. A good inventory: When a buyer visits you he wants to know about as many properties as he can. He expects a wide inventory and you need to be ready with one. Since you cannot predict the kind of home each buyer requires as buyers buy for their own reasons, you need to have all kinds of properties ready. The choice of properties should take care of a wide arena of needs and requirements.

  5. Dedicated time: When a buyer comes to you he expects you to devote all your time to him until he leaves or makes a decision. Remember you may be selling 10 houses in a week but for him it is one single home that he may be buying in a lifetime. You need to show your enthusiasm and zeal and help him to decide on the perfect home. Try and focus on him and the transaction he is going to make and leave all work aside for the time being.

  6. Time saving transactions: The modern real estate buyer is hard pressed for time. He wants the transaction to be fast and take up as little time as possible. And he would like you to handle things in such a way that the total time is cut down and he can proceed with other things. So do your homework and be prepared to save time, both his and yours.


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RMS AccountingTax planning is one of the best ways we know to reduce your tax bill, and at RMS Accounting we take a proactive approach to helping clients pay the lowest amount of tax allowed by law.

We do this through a two-step process. Step 1 requires us to keep up to date with the latest changes to the tax laws, and tax savings strategies. Step 2 is all about you our clients, it requires us to keep you updated on just what steps you can take to ensure that you can take advantage of ever tax saving strategy that will help you.

Since everyone’s situation is different the only way, we can assist you is to be available when you have questions and prior to year-end to review your situation with you, so that you can take the steps required to maximize your tax savings.

That is why every tax preparation engagement includes year-round access to our tax professionals and year-end tax planning, free when we have prepared your tax return for the prior year.

Below are links to this year’s tax planning letter which is mailed to all our clients along with links to planning worksheets for individuals and business.  You can use these documents to help you get the most out of your tax planning consultation.



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1099-K Confusion on the Horizon

1099-K Confusion on the Horizon

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 lowered the filing threshold for payment processors and credit card companies from 200 transactions or $20,000 to just $600 for 2022 — but the IRS delayed the effective date until 2023.
Because of this taxpayers that use credit card processors PayPal, Venmo and Zelle are going to be receiving a 1099-K for 2023 — even if they only have a few transactions. Worse yet, the IRS is going to be looking to match the income reported on these 1099-Ks to the tax returns filed by these taxpayers.

What can taxpayers do?

What can taxpayers do?
Start by letting the payment originators know to mark the payments that are not business related (should not be income and subject to tax) as personal on the chosen platform. If you end up picking up the lunch tab and being reimbursed through Venmo or Zelle be sure to remind your friends to mark the transaction as non-business. This also holds true for gifts, reimbursements, and other non-taxable payments.

At tax time be sure to share these documents, like all tax forms you receive, with your tax professional, so they can see that income reported on 1099-Ks is properly reported on your tax return.

One thing we as tax professionals are sure of is that these 1099-ks are going to generate a lot of confusion for taxpayers in addition to a lot of IRS notices that will need to be delt with long after the 2023 returns are filed.

Learn more on this week’s blog post:


Find other fantastic articles and Accounting information:



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Having an Enrolled Agent (EA) can benefit you in several ways, especially when it comes to your tax-related matters.

Having an Enrolled Agent (EA) can benefit you in several ways, especially when it comes to your tax-related matters.

  • Posted: Aug 01, 2023
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Having an Enrolled Agent (EA) can benefit you in several ways, especially when it comes to your tax-related matters.

What can an Enrolled Agent Do for You?
Here are some of the key benefits of working with an Enrolled Agent:
*Tax Expertise: Enrolled Agents are licensed by the IRS and have expertise in all areas of taxation. They can help you with tax planning, tax preparation, and tax resolution.
*Representation: If you are facing an audit or other tax-related issue, an Enrolled Agent can represent you before the IRS. They can help you understand your rights and responsibilities and work to resolve the issue in the most favorable way possible.
*Communication: Enrolled Agents are skilled at communicating complex tax issues in a way that is easy to understand. They can help you navigate the often-confusing world of taxation and provide you with guidance and advice as needed.
Savings: Working with an Enrolled Agent can help you save money by identifying deductions and credits that you may have overlooked. They can also help you avoid penalties and interest by ensuring that your taxes are filed accurately and on time.
*Convenience: Enrolled Agents can work with you remotely or in person, depending on your needs. They can also provide you with ongoing support throughout the year, not just during tax season.
Having an Enrolled Agent on your team can provide you with peace of mind and confidence in knowing that your tax-related matters are being handled by a licensed and experienced professional.

RMS AccountingAll of the tax professionals at RMS Accounting are Enrolled Agents with over 75 years of combined experience helping taxpayers resolve tax problems and to pay the lowest tax allowed by law.
Want to talk to one of your tax professionals just give us a call at 800-382-1040.
If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property, Seacrest Services is the place for you!

If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property, Seacrest Services is the place for you!

  • Posted: Jul 18, 2023
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If you’re looking for accurate, timely, and comprehensive accounting and financial services for your property,

Seacrest Services is the place for you!

Residential Property Management

Having a residential property manager can make things much easier for both you and your tenants. As a landlord, or someone part of a homeowners’ association or property owners’ association, you’re typically accountable for a lot, but with Seacrest Services, you can take your mind off most of the day-to-day responsibilities.

What We Do

When you turn to Seacrest Services for residential property management, we can assure you that everything we have our hands on will be completed efficiently and professionally. Some of what we take care of for you includes:

  • Landscaping
  • Addressing the needs of your tenants
  • Maintenance and repair
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Our goal is to keep you and your tenants happy by making every process, issue, and task as convenient as possible.

The Benefits of Residential Property Management

Whether you have another job you need to focus on, or you live in a completely different location than the property, sometimes you just don’t have the time or resources to manage a property on your own. Putting trust in a residential property manager can save you from stressful situations. Here are some other great benefits:

  • Happier tenants, meaning minimal turnover
  • Well maintained property
  • No worry about the day-to-day issues
  • Consistency and organization for HOAs and POAs

What Makes Us Stand Out?

At Seacrest Services, we pride ourselves on our experience and skill in maintaining various types of properties. Each one is unique, and we treat it that way through complete hands-on care. We want all parties to be satisfied with our work, making everyone’s lives a little easier.

Searching for Residential Property Management Services?

If you’re looking for a residential property manager to relieve much of the workload associated with your property, Seacrest Services has professionals who can make it happen. Contact us today to get started.


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Have you heard about our “Collect 4 Free” Program? Find out how it protects and benefits your Community Association by Katzman Chandler

Have you heard about our “Collect 4 Free” Program? Find out how it protects and benefits your Community Association by Katzman Chandler

  • Posted: Apr 03, 2023
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Have you heard about our “Collect 4 Free” Program? Find out how it protects and benefits your Community Association

by Katzman Chandler


Katzman Chandler’s Collect 4 Free Program

We guarantee, by written contract, that your Association will NEVER receive an invoice for Costs or Legal Fees advanced and/or incurred by our Law Firm in providing delinquent account collection services under our “COLLECT 4 FREE” Delinquent Account Collection Option.

Contact us today, and let us show you how you can immediately reduce the potential future monetary shortfall in your Association’s budget resulting from owner delinquency, as well as ensure a healthy financial future for your Community…

COLLECT 4 FREE!Katzman Chandler’s “COLLECT 4 FREE” Delinquent Account Collection Option is a truly unique program that guarantees, in writing, that your Association will NEVER receive an invoice for Costs or Legal Fees incurred by our Law Firm in providing delinquent account collection services.

Katzman Chandler’s “COLLECT 4 FREE” Delinquent Account Collection Option promotes efficiency in your Association’s operations by allowing your Community to timely and effectively pursue delinquent accounts and quickly collect delinquent assessments owed, rather than unnecessarily carrying delinquent owner debt on the Association’s books for extended periods of time.

Katzman Chandler’s “COLLECT 4 FREE” Delinquent Account Collection Option provides your Community with the ability to pursue delinquent accounts while avoiding the potential Risk, Liability and/or Financial Exposure to your Association for the payment of Costs and Legal Fees traditionally associated with Community Association Collection and Foreclosure actions.

Why Collect 4 Free?

Engaging Katzman Chandler and electing to take advantage of our “COLLECT 4 FREE” Delinquent Account Collection Option makes complete financial sense for nearly all qualifying Community Associations, including yours. Most Associations qualify. Call us today to confirm that yours does!

We are so confident in our ability to successfully collect upon your newly delinquent accounts, that we are willing to shift the ultimate financial responsibility for the Costs and Legal Fees incurred in the process from your Community to our Law Firm.

Our confidence in this regard comes from our depth of experience in not only handling delinquent account collection, but forecasting trends in delinquent account collection.

Katzman Chandler’s attorneys and staff have successfully resolved tens of thousands of delinquent assessment accounts on behalf of Community Associations over the past two decades, and welcome the opportunity to collect your Community’s delinquent accounts as well – with COLLECT 4 FREE!

If you are a new addition to the Katzman Chandler family of clients, and have delinquent accounts in collection with your prior attorney, Katzman Chandler can take over your Association’s existing/aged collection files and pursue them under a full advancement of Costs and Legal Fees option.

In addition to the obvious benefits of our “COLLECT 4 FREE”, we offer robust online status reports available 24/7, paperless communications sent automatically via email and an owner website portal to facilitate communication, expedite payoffs and obtain quick settlements of delinquent accounts.

Contact us today:


by clicking the following link:

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