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Does your asphalt, roadways or walkways have problems? We have solutions. by 3-D Paving

Does your asphalt, roadways or walkways have problems? We have solutions. by 3-D Paving

  • Posted: Nov 22, 2022
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Does your asphalt, roadways or walkways have problems? We have solutions. Use the link below to get a free quote and consultation today. Let us put our decades of experience and excellence to work for you.
Fill out the form and if you put in the address of the location you’d like us to look at, in most cases with satellite data, we can give you an idea of what project is going to be before we even set foot on the property. Technology at it’s best!

Get a Free Quote & Consultation from 3-D Paving in Coral Springs, FL

One of the hardest and most stressful parts of any commercial building project or renovation is finding contractors you can really trust. And in no place can that be more complicated then here in South Florida. 3-D Paving & Sealcoating, headquartered in Coral Springs, FL, is a family owned and operated paving contractor that will always put integrity first. Let us put our decades of experience, expertise and excellence to work for you. Find out why we’re the first choice for Hollywood Florida commercial paving projects. We provide excellence in asphalt, concrete, sealcoating, striping, repairs and so much more. See the 30 second intro video below, fill out the quote form or Contact us direct!

Thanks for reaching out to 3-D Paving and Sealcoating about your project! We appreciate this opportunity and look forward to gaining you as a client. Please fill out the form below and include some details about your project and what you’re looking for. If you aren’t sure exactly what you need that’s fine as well. If you need more information on what services 3-D Paving has to offer, please visit the 3-D Paving website here for more information. Once we receive the form, we will have someone get in touch with you as soon as possible! If you need more immediate assistance, please call us toll free 1.855.735.7623 or email us directly at here.
The Truth About HOA Bank Foreclosure, by Mitch Drimmer

The Truth About HOA Bank Foreclosure, by Mitch Drimmer

The Truth About HOA Bank Foreclosure

This subject is very painful. We see it all too often in the HOA delinquency and collection world. And yet, it is not hopeless.

It is hard for a community to have to write off amounts that were left owing from a bank foreclosure in your community association. If you are in a super lien state, upon an HOA bank foreclosure, lending institutions will throw you a few bucks for your trouble. If an owner was foreclosed upon in a super lien state, don’t expect more than 6 months’ worth of assessments (it varies between states, but six months is the average).

It’s a pittance! And what makes it worse is that the banks are often unconcerned about speed when foreclosing–especially when dealing with a non-performing unit. Is a super lien amount enough to satisfy your association’s needs? I think not.

Communities will wonder: does my association have to write off the balance owed?

But that isn’t the question you should be asking. Instead, you need to focus all of your attention on recovering that money.

Was It Really an HOA Bank Foreclosure?

When the bank foreclosed, did they take title, or did they sell the property to a third-party purchaser?

This is a critical question. The answer can make all the difference between getting nothing or getting everything–and I mean every dime that was owed when the bank foreclosed.

In state statutes (and most likely in your governing documents) there is the concept of “Joint and Several Liability.” This doctrine makes it possible for community associations to exist, in that if I sell a property and owe the association money that obligation rides along and is the responsibility of a new purchaser.

With that in mind, when a bank forecloses and the unit is purchased, it is important to determine who was on the chain of title. If the bank foreclosed and sold the unit before they took title, then the association’s lien was not extinguished. This was not a foreclosure where the bank could hide behind their lien priority. THIS WAS A SALE.

Because it was a sale, the association is entitled to recover every penny. When Axela Technologies is servicing a debt, we do not depend on the lender to be an honest agent. This is an arm’s length transaction, and although the association is not a buyer or a seller in this deal, they do have money at stake and require professional representation (that does not cost $350 an hour) that has their interests at heart.

When a bank forecloses, look and see if they had title and sold it, or sold it post-judgment. If they did not take title, this is the difference between a successful collection event and taking a hit (sometimes substantial).

Pursuing a Surplus From a Bank Sale

Often when a bank forecloses and takes title, they will sell their REO (Real Estate Owned Property) at auction or through standard real estate brokers. In these times of real estate appreciating at a rapid rate and inflation roaring, banks will often sell the property that they foreclosed upon for more than they are allowed to recover. That results in a foreclosure surplus, and the association (by right of the contractual lien in your governing documents) has the right to claim that surplus amount.

At Axela Technologies we do this every day because if we do not recover our fees, then we do not get paid. Unlike your attorney, we don’t tell you to write it off and send you a bill, because our interests are aligned with the association. If you have had a unit foreclosed upon and don’t know if it was sold at a surplus, then somebody is not trying hard enough to recover what is legally, rightfully, and ethically money that belongs to the association.

Post-Foreclosure Recovery From the Delinquent Owner

Let’s assume that when the HOA bank foreclosure concluded, everything was done in order and there was no surplus for the association to recover. What happens then?

Well when the bank foreclosed on that unfortunate member of your association, and they left the membership holding the bag for their delinquent assessments, the debt was not extinguished.

Let me repeat that: an owner who owes the association money before an HOA bank foreclosure STILL owes that money after they have lost their house.

Now you may be inclined to say that this was a poor unfortunate person and to pursue them is heartless. In reality, it is heartless NOT to pursue this money. You must consider the good paying owners who picked up the cash shortfall by way of increased assessments and special assessments. Choosing not to pursue that debt means they footed the bill for nothing.

Axela Technologies has a cure for that as well.

Our Post-Foreclosure recovery program allows us to pursue these debts on a contingency basis. If we recover, it is like finding $20.00 in your jeans when you pull them out of the dryer, but way better. (Note: Contingency collections are not available in Texas.)

Let Axela Technologies Help

If your community association has delinquencies, remember that they do not end with an HOA bank foreclosure, or even an association/foreclosure. It ends when the debt is either collected or determined to be absolutely, positively uncollectible. Contact Axela Technologies and speak with our knowledgeable recovery specialists. Let us help you obtain the holy grail of community association governance that is a balanced budget.


Garing Parking Enforcement / Garing Property Services

Garing Parking Enforcement / Garing Property Services

Garing Parking Enforcement / Garing Property Services

We pride ourselves on providing invaluable services to HOAs/COAs and their property managers throughout S. Florida that facilitate the improvement of safety and appearance of their communities while preserving the integrity of property values. Our first division, Garing Parking Enforcement, was started in 2007 to help communities regain and maintain compliance with their vehicle restrictions and parking regulations.

Our second division, Garing Property Services, was just launched with a similar intent of bringing the residences, recreational and common areas in a community into compliance with the community’s governing documents pertaining to the appearance and upkeep of their dwellings.



Dear Paul and the Garing Staff

Just so you know, we were more than satisfied with the patrols. I know what your guy went through at times; the threats […] abusive residents, etc. l also know it would be hard to duplicate this service for little or no cost if we choose to do so because you are extremely reasonable with the costs. You have been a tremendous help to our violation enforcement […] I just personally wanted you to know that we appreciate everything you have done for our community.


Chuck Forcucci
and the Genesis Board of Directors

Dear Paul

I’ve read carefully the report of Garing’s parking ranger. I have no comment other than l do appreciate very much everything that he did on Saturday night, June 21, 2008 between 12:30 am and 1:50 am.

He conducted his duty strictly in accordance with the professional regulations of your company and the agreement with Sawgrass Preserve HOA. The owners of vehicles that were subject of towing in this incident were very well known as frequent violators, not only in illegal parking, but also in other cases (broken gate arm, tailgating…)

On behalf of the Association l praise the professional stand of your ranger and use this opportunity to thank him for everything he did that night to protect the Association rules. Could you please pass to him our great satisfaction for his approach in conducting of his duties.


Miro Imamovic
SFPMA’s Maintaining an Condo & HOA General Ledger

SFPMA’s Maintaining an Condo & HOA General Ledger

  • Posted: Oct 31, 2022
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Maintaining an Condo & HOA General Ledger

The foundation of all  accounting is the general ledger. Much like your checkbook at home, the Condo & HOA general ledger keeps an ongoing record of all transactions made by the community association. All other financial statements such as the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of receivables are created based on the ledger.

Unlike all the other financial statements which are prepared on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, the general ledger should be continuously updated. Whenever a transaction is made or received, it needs to be accounted for. At any point in time, you should be able to look at the ledger and see how much money the association currently has in all accounts and where money has moved. If you need to go back and see how much the association spent on landscaping in August three years ago, you should be able to find it in the ledger records.


Accounting Approaches

There are three basic approaches to manage finances. There is no right method for every association. Each HOA is different and may find that one method of accounting works better for them than another.

  • Accrual – The most popular and preferred method. In an accrual approach, revenues and expenses are recorded when they are incurred instead of when money changes hands. This means that communities using this approach will need to maintain two other ledgers for payables and receivables. For example, when invoices are sent to homeowners for dues, that money is marked down in the receivables ledger. As community members pay their dues, the money in the receivables leger is moved to the general ledger. The same process is used for expenses in a payables ledger. While this may take more effort than other accounting methods, it provides much more detail.
  • Modified Accrual – A mixture of accrual and cash approaches. In modified accrual, revenues get recorded when they are earned while expenses get recorded as money changes hands. Condo & HOAs that use this approach will need a separate ledger for receivables but will document expenses as they are paid in the general ledger.
  • Cash – Transactions are documented on one ledger as money exchanges hands. This is the simplest approach but provides the least amount of detail.

Once you find the approach that works best for your community, stick with it. Switching between different approaches can make reviewing financial information in the future confusing and may hinder your board of directors’ ability to make well-informed decisions.


What Should be Included

Depending on the system of accounting, your HOA may have several ledgers running at all times. But no matter the approach, ledgers should include all transactions made by the community association in and out. Each account owned by the Condo & HOA should also have its own ledger. Most associations have at least an operational account and a reserve account.

Regularly checking bank statements is a good way to double check the accuracy of the general ledger. Sometimes transactions can accidentally go unreported or, in some cases, fraudulent activity may occur. Whenever you receive statements from the bank, make sure all transactions match up between them and the general ledger.


Need Help Maintaining an Condo & HOA General Ledger

Finances can be confusing. It is always helpful to have a professional on your side to make sure everything is being done properly. If you are having trouble keeping up with all the financial documents necessary to properly manage an HOA, call the experts at CSM. We have years of experience working with homeowner’s associations in almost every state in the US. We offer a wide variety of financial management solutions to give you all the assistance you need while still maintaining your independence.


Find top companies working in the Condo HOA and Management industry in Florid on our Directory!


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The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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By Jan Bergemann

Finally the Florida Legislature got the message they should have gotten 20 years ago: FULLY FUNDED RESERVES ARE MANDATORY!

And even if the legislature gave condo owners a reprieve until December 2025, condo owners should start now to consider their options:

Will they be able to afford the much higher maintenance fees they will have to pay monthly in the future or will these much higher fees break their household budget?

Let’s just face it: For most of the years past condo owners waived reserves in order to keep maintenance fees artificially low – meaning that many of the associations at this point don’t have any reserves worth talking about. Remember: According to media reports the Champlain Tower South had only $700,000 in reserves, but needed about $16M to pay for the necessary repairs.

That will have to change real fast and the fact that many of the required inspections will have to be followed up by costly repairs and maintenance high special assessments are on the horizon for many hi-rise buildings (buildings higher than three floors).

As much as this change to the Florida statutes was long overdue it will definitely price quite a few families out of their homes. But in all reality there is really no other way around it and the fact that many condo owners used the loophole in the statutes that allowed waiving the funding of reserves is now coming back to haunt the owners who in former times dismissed the idea of funding reserves.

We already see condo owners protesting against boards about the problems that are visible in these buildings. The big question in these cases: Does the association have the necessary funds to take care of the needed maintenance and repairs or are the owners willing and able to pay the special assessment the board might have to levy in order to pay for the contractor?

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years – and we will have to see how strong the government agencies tasked with overseeing these new provisions in FS 718 are enforcing these provisions.

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Look for our article upcoming on Condo Funds and Investments, on SFPMA

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Guide to HOA Financial Statements

Guide to HOA Financial Statements

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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HOA Financial Statements

Managing the finances of a community association is one of the most difficult, and most important, responsibilities of an HOA board of directors. Preparing detailed HOA Financial Statements on a regular basis serves a multitude of purposes from providing insight for financial planning, promoting transparency between the board and residents, as well as being a requirement by law in some instances. The frequency of preparation may vary depending on state laws, community bylaws, and the size of the association.

If you are having trouble preparing community financial statements, the professionals at CSM are standing by to answer all your questions. We have years of experience working with thousands of residents across the United States.


What is an HOA Financial Statement?

Simply put, an HOA Financial Statement is an official record that details all the financial activities of the community association. Specific details that must be included depends on state regulations and community bylaws, but there are some basic details that should be included regardless of size or location:

The most common mistake that people make when preparing HOA financial statements is not adding enough detail. Every detail that can be added, no matter how small, can provide a more thorough insight and lead to better decision making. When in doubt, include it.

It should also be put into an easy to read format. These documents will be available to everyone in the community, most of which do not have advanced accounting degrees. For an HOA financial statement to be effective, it needs to be prepared so that anyone can understand the content. Making it too complicated alienates people and hinders community relations.


How Often Do Financial Statements Need to be Prepared?

There is no standard frequency that HOA financial statements must be prepared. It will depend on state regulations, community goals, and the size of the community. Of course, the more frequently statements can be prepared, the more helpful they will be for the board of directors. Smaller HOAs with simpler budgets can prepare monthly without much problem. Larger associations with more complicated budgets may opt to prepare statements quarterly or annually.

No matter what decision is made regarding frequency, it must be maintained. Straying from the regular schedule only causes issues between the board members and homeowners. It leads to a feeling of distrust. When dealing with financial information, it is best to be open and honest in as much detail as is appropriate.

For smaller, self-managed associations, if there is trouble getting financial statements completed on time, it is relatively inexpensive to hire an accountant as needed to prepare balance sheets. This ensures that all the information will be completed in a timely manner without taking time out of community volunteer’s busy schedules. It also means that the statements have been professionally checked and relieves some of that stress from the board members as well.

There are also a multitude of services available from CSM to help homeowner’s associations get organized and prepare their own financial statements. With the professional support of an experienced team along with state-of-the-art technology, even the most inexperienced association members will be able to navigate the complicated waters that is HOA financial management with ease.


What is a Financial Statement Used For?

The obvious answer is that detailed HOA financial statements can be used by the community association board of directors to adjust budgets, dues, and allocate money for maintenance and projects. The more detailed the statement, the more effective the HOA.

It is a requirement for any sort of financial planning. For starters, if records are kept consistently, association directors can look back on previous financial years to identify patterns that could affect the current budget and adjust accordingly. It is also imperative to keep track of money owed. If detailed records are not kept, it can be near-impossible to keep track of delinquent dues or know how much money is available to budget for community maintenance and new projects.

In some states, it is a legal requirement for HOAs to maintain and submit regular financial statements. Even if it is not required in your state, it is a good idea to keep detailed records anyways as they will be extremely beneficial for all other aspects of homeowner’s association management.

Most importantly, having detailed financial statements readily available to all HOA members can promote transparency between the board and the community. If the homeowners can see what their money is going towards, they will be more agreeable and open with the board of directors. It promotes teamwork throughout the community.


Where Should the HOA Financial Statements Go?

As with most things regarding HOA financial statements, it depends on state laws and community bylaws. Generally, there are three places that they need to be turned in:

  1. The HOA Board of Directors – the board of directors should receive a full, unedited report. They will need all available financial details in order to make informed decisions and plans regarding community maintenance and future projects.
  2. Community Members – to foster an open and transparent relationship, homeowners should also receive copies of HOA financial statements. These statements, however, should be altered to exclude sensitive information such as delinquent accounts. There is a difference between being sensitive and being secretive. If it will not cause an issue between community members, it should be included in the documents sent to community members. All HOA financial statements should be available upon request.
  3. State Department – if a homeowner’s association is organized as non-profit, an annual report must be filed with the Secretary of State. Failure to do so could result in losing their “Good Standing” status. This may not be applicable to all HOAs.

The more accessible financial statements are, the better. Some community associations even opt to put their financial information on their website to allow homeowners to view it at any time. Of course, not all information needs to be publicly accessible, but everything that can be included should be included. Transparent financial processes help to promote teamwork and positive community relations between homeowners and association board members.


Who Should Prepare Financial Statements?

This answer depends on the size of the community. Smaller, self-managed associations may have an elected treasurer, financial officer, or president that is responsible for compiling financial documents. In such cases, it is a good idea to use a professional accountant to ensure that HOA financial statements are prepared correctly before releasing them to board and community members. Remember, just because someone was elected treasurer, does not necessarily mean they have accounting experience. It is always best to hire a professional. Large homeowner’s associations have more complex budgets and will usually have a management company, such as CSM, that handles all financial data.

If statements are self-prepared by an elected community member, make sure that there is a backup of all financial records. In the unfortunate event that something happens and the preparer is no longer able to maintain their responsibilities, it can be difficult for the next person to learn their accounting methods or sometimes even gain access to the records.

Whether an HOA is made up of ten units or ten thousand units, it could be beneficial to hire a management company to ensure that everything is being run as efficiently and effectively as possible. When looking into property management companies, it is important to look for a company with a strong financial background. If the finances are not well kept, the entire community association becomes ineffective. Hiring a company such as CSM to provide financial management assistance not only makes life easier for the board of directors but can also give community members peace of mind knowing that all finances are being managed accurately and efficiently.


The Importance of HOA Financial Statements

To make a great plan, it is important to have all the information possible. Reliable, consistent, and transparent financial statements not only help the HOA board of directors make well-informed decisions but also support community health by allowing all community residents and stakeholders to be a part of the team. Keeping members in the dark only promotes mistrust and working with inadequate or no financial information can lead to dwindling reserves for community upkeep and new projects.

Creating an effective HOA is as simple as choosing an accounting process that works for your team, keeping detailed records, and communicating openly and freely with the community about all financial information.


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We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services.

We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services.

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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Valcourt Building Services


We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services. With over 30 years of experience, we’ve performed tens of thousands of repairs and maintenance on the complete building envelope. So no matter what your building requires, we have the knowledge and expertise for all of your exterior maintenance needs.

Founded in 1986, we have grown from a single-operating company serving the Washington, D.C. area into one of the largest exterior maintenance companies in the nation. We maintain offices in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Each of our offices has a strong local staff with decades of experience in the industry — and our corporate team backs them all with resources and best practices to ensure we’re operating at the highest level in every market.


The Leader in Building Envelope Solutions

If you have a commercial property in the Florida/Southeast US market, Valcourt is the premier provider for all your restoration needs. As a specialty contractor that has been waterproofing and restoring commercial building exteriors for over 30 years, we know the issues inside and out.

We specialize in servicing the complete building envelope with a full range of services, including facade restoration and repair, garage restoration and repair, plaza deck restoration and repair, and more.

President Paul Alliston leads a full-service team with departments dedicated to operations, safety, sales, administration, and customer service. Our team is composed of employees at all levels of our organization who are experts in the building restoration and waterproofing industries; from management to our field superintendents, many of whom have been with Valcourt for over 10 years.

So give us a call and experience firsthand why thousands of property managers and building owners choose Valcourt Building Services every year.


“We have been able to partner with Valcourt on exterior restoration and enhancement projects at multiple locations around the country. Their organization, professionalism, and communication has been spot on for each project. I especially appreciate their team approach to business and attention to detail. We’ve been able to work hand in hand seamlessly to provide an end product for facility owners that meets their goals of improving their facility image.”
 -John Ketenbrink, LMH Architecture

Antonio Posadas
Valcourt Building Services
Business Development Manager
Florida Office: 941-747-7277

Condo HOA Loans / Your Trusted Community Association Financial Resource

Condo HOA Loans / Your Trusted Community Association Financial Resource

  • Posted: Oct 17, 2022
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Condo HOA Loans

Your Trusted Community Association Financial Resource



Don’t go it alone. Whether your Community requires Conventional or Private Lending, CondoHOALoans can assist you in obtaining the necessary funds for Projects, Reserves, or Cash Flow.

When your Community Association works with our Law Firm to facilitate and secure financing, your Community will also have the optional benefit of receiving 100% FREE Delinquent Account Collection Services.

Not sure if financing is right for your Association? Download the Association Funding Options Infographic and take our Free Financial Health Survey to find out.

Click on the Ad below and Download the pdf.



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  • Posted: Sep 22, 2022
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by Enrolled Agent Steven J. Weil, Ph.D., EA, LCAM, Royale Management Services, Inc.

The answer to keeping association maintenance fees low is NOT to defer necessary maintenance or waiving reserves.  To keep postponing repairs is an act of sheer folly.  It is simply an artificial way to keep maintenance fees low that often backfires when the piper finally has to be paid by a special assessment.

The only thing owners hate more than a maintenance fee increase is a special assessment that becomes necessary because the budget does not adequately cover the ongoing operating and maintenance costs.

As a reminder, there are two parts to every budget: the operating budget and the reserve budget.

  • The operating budget should include all necessary regular and recurring expenses that are expected in the coming year, no matter how large or small, such as repairs, maintenance, up keep, payroll, utilities, supplies, insurance and administrative costs.
  • The reserves are designed to accumulate funds for replacement and renovation of major building systems and components that wear out over time. Statutes make it mandatory that reserve budgets include estimated expenditures for roof replacement, building painting and pavement resurfacing at a minimum.

What should go into a reserve budget?  Aside from what the law requires, a good reserve budget also covers other large capital items that will wear out and need to be replaced over the life of the association, such as elevators, windows, common area air conditioners, docks, generators, balconies, et al.  Other common area reserve items might include a pool upgrade, clubhouse renovation, landscaping and other amenities.

The tricky part of the budgeting process is to balance what is required with the often competing interests of those who want the lowest possible maintenance increase with those who are willing to pay more for better services, better amenities or other improvements.   The board is charged with the upkeep maintenance and operation of the association and amenities as provided for in the governing documents. Any change to what is provided for in the governing documents should be approved by an owner vote. This includes both increases and decreases in services and changes to facilities.

Projected estimates for the reserve budget should take into consideration the cost to replace each item, prorated over the years of its estimated life.

A common mistake in estimating this value is the failure to take into account the rise in replacement costs that occurs over time.  Cost estimates as well as remaining useful life should be evaluated annually. Reserve planning can be done with the assistance of association vendors, or a professional engineer could be hired to perform a Reserve Study.

Some of the costs of running an association can be managed.  Controllable expenses — those over which the board and or management have some control as to the amount and timing — include accounting, bank fees, repairs, supplies, office expense, labor costs, preventive maintenance, management, legal, landscaping and janitorial.

Over the years, however, non-controllable expenses have become the largest part of most association budgets.  They include utilities, contract services, electric, water, garbage, cable, loan payments, licenses, fees and insurance (property, liability, wind and Directors & Officers). Although boards and management work hard to keep these costs as low as possible, it is often difficult or even impossible to get competitive bids for such items as insurance. The costs of utilities and water are often controlled by monopolies or governments; and while conservation can help, it does not eliminate or substantially reduce these costs in the short run. Long term contracts may also lock in such things as elevator maintenance costs, cable TV, and other expenses.

In addition to the increases in these expenses, over the years as association property ages, the cost of maintaining it increases. While putting off maintenance may help cash flow and reduce expenses today, it also means that those expenses will be higher down the road.

Reserve funds cannot be used for purposes other than those intended without a majority vote of approval by the owners in advance. Thus, there is sometimes a reluctance to list in the reserve budget certain capital items that might be considered non-essential and could be postponed.  This can be a mistake, forcing a special assessment when these capital items need to be replaced.

It’s best to keep in mind that one good way to maintain property values is to ensure that the association has a reserve budget that covers necessary renovation and replacement of major components and assets and that the reserve budget is properly reviewed and funded each year.  Under Florida law, condominium associations are required to include a “fully funded” reserve schedule in the proposed budget and to fully fund reserves unless they are waived or reduced by a vote of the owners.


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Webinar: Loans and Borrowing Money – What Community Associations Need to Know

Webinar: Loans and Borrowing Money – What Community Associations Need to Know

Webinar: Loans and Borrowing Money – What Community Associations Need to Know


There is a lot of confusion when it comes to obtaining a loan as a community association. This webinar is intended to clear the confusion and provide you with the necessary tools to obtain a loan.
You will learn:
• What is and is not collateral for a community association loan
• What type of loan documents to avoid
• The borrowing process from beginning to end
• When to get your attorney involved
This program is not eligible for CEU credit or certificate of completion.
This is going to be presented on Zoom! Full live viewing instructions will be sent to all registrants.