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Find Blog Articles for Florida’s Condo, HOA and the Management Industry. is the perfect solution to help you streamline operations for your community, is extremely easy to setup, and it will give you the added advantage of increasing both your relevancy and residential appeal, thereby setting you apart from your competition!
Here’s what you will learn during the webinar:
–Walk through of and its administration section/voting portal
–See examples of how others have successfully utilized the platform to benefit their communities
–View a demonstration on how to upload users, how to set up a vote, how to cast a vote, and more
–Learn about the functionality and ease of use
–Find out about flexible pricing options
–Participate in a Q&A with our customer support team to answer any questions you may have.
Tags: Condo and HOA Elections, Management News, Member Highlights
Condo & HOA’s Masks are to be worn in all common areas!
You must have a mask on if you go into any Store or Business!
Condo & HOA’s Masks are to be worn in all common areas!
Due to the numbers of Covid19 cases increasing and the lack of compliance with face masks , particularly in condominiums our city has declared that masks are mandatory in all common areas within buildings.Supported by the city manager and approved by the entire commission. This is not an issues of rights it is for everyone’s protection.
Protect Your Family
-No Contact Technology decreases the chance of viral/bacteria spread through contact.
-Get a more accurate reading using Body Infrared Technology.
-Increase recovery time by getting the valuble medical insight fast.
-Decrease chances of viral & bacterial spread with quality medical grade masks & supplies.
-Masks have been proven to deter airborn viruses by filtering air before it reaching your face.
As your fellow neighbor, we understand recent shifts in society have greatly impacted communities all over the world. We’ve laughed together. We’ve overcome challenges together. Most importantly, we’ve learned individuals can adapt when hard times call for innovation. You’ve been through a lot, and ZUUL Systems recognizes the changes you’ve made to safely navigate daily life.
You, yes you, have made great strides to help our community stay healthy and flourish. You, along with other compassionate individuals, have adopted preventative tactics, like social distancing and contact-free communication, to maintain a safe quality of life until society finds its way back to a stable form of normalcy. Although the future is unknown, we can continue on this path of prevention to ensure our neighborhood’s well-being is preserved.
Our team at ZUUL Systems is taking note of seamless, no-contact living and its important contribution to society. Officials have encouraged individuals to avoid contact with frequently touched surfaces while performing necessary tasks outside of a home, as the virus affecting our community can survive stably on a hard surface or object for up to 72 hours. Now, there is a way to carry out day-to-day tasks and even commute while reducing the risk of virus transmission through touching surfaces or objects.
More specifically, ZUUL Systems facilitates no-contact entry to a gated community through its safe neighborhood access system. This completely digital platform allows users entry and exit into a gated community without the need for physical contact with strange gate guards, unfamiliar security personnel, and frequently touched objects. How exactly does ZUUL Systems pull this off? It’s simple.
Approved guests and community residents will use this no-touch system to filter in and out of the community, avoiding the need to touch a potentially contaminated call box, keypad, or identification card. All users need to complete a safe, streamlined entry would be a personal mobile device. For guests to enter, residents of a gated community will send a private QR code to an approved visitor via the ZUUL Systems app. This QR code will allow the visitor to easily enter and pass the security perimeter. The code can be issued as a single, one-time pass or a recurring pass. As the guest approaches the neighborhood entry gate, they will extend their mobile device to a ZUUL Systems scanner, and voilà. The approved guest is in.
This type of zero-touch entry system is particularly helpful for essential workers, like home improvement service providers and delivery people. They are the individuals navigating neighborhoods to complete essential services that propel our society.Can you imagine all the frequently touched surfaces and objects they encounter each day? By keeping essential workers and community guests at a safe distance, we can sustain a healthier lifestyle for all.
Alas, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel; or rather, at the end of the guard gate. With ZUUL Systems, you are in control of the distance you keep at all times, ultimately leading our society to a safer tomorrow. Learn more about the benefits of this contact-free access system by visiting ZUUL Systems.
Tags: Business Articles, Management News, Member Highlights, Security and Safety Articles
by Jeffrey Rembaum, Esq. Kaye Bender Rembaum
The statutory emergency powers granted to community associations as a result of the Covid-19 State of Emergency proved to be a valuable resource for the orderly operations of Florida’s community associations. Many associations had to make significant changes to how they conducted the business of their association. For example, holding board meetings via “Zoom” and “GotoWebinar” became invaluable. But, when the State of Emergency is over can annual meetings and board meetings continue to take place on the internet? Sure they can, subject to the important considerations explained below. In addition, what other technologies can be utilized by the board?
In fact, at the present time there are three statutory grants of technology that an association can utilize to make conducting the business of the association easier on a regular basis. They include, holding meetings electronically, voting electronically, and using email as an official means of communication to the members rather than the U.S. Postal Service. Electronic board meetings allow the board to continue conducting the business of the association without putting themselves or others in harm’s way. But even more than that, by attending electronically think of all of the gas that is saved since no one has to drive to the meeting. More than that, think of the extra time spent not driving or walking to the meeting and how it could be used as family quality time or just to relax.
However, if the board chooses to use video conferencing, it is important to remember that the board must comply with the statutory provisions regarding board meetings. The members must receive notice of the meeting pursuant to the bylaws of the association, and in any event, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Additionally, condominium association members must have the right to speak to all designated agenda items and HOA members also get the additional right to speak on any item discussed by the board (this is because from a strict statutory interpretation condominium association boards are only supposed to address what is set out on the agenda, while such restriction does not apply to HOA boards). Remember, there is no exception to the meeting notice requirements and the need to provide opportunity for member comment. Therefore, any video conferencing software the board utilizes must allow members to virtually attend the meeting and have the opportunity to speak.
The second technology that associations can utilize to make life easier is electronic voting. Florida law allows condominiums, homeowners associations, and cooperatives to conduct elections and other owner votes electronically. When an association board adopts electronic voting, each member of the association must opt in, in writing, and can then vote safely from the comfort of their own home. Imagine all of the time saved by punching a computer button to get the tally, rather than counting by hand, in some instances over 1,000 votes!
To adopt electronic voting, the Board must first adopt a resolution authorizing an online voting system. The board resolution must provide that members will receive notice of the opportunity to vote online and must establish reasonable procedures and deadlines for members to consent, in writing, to online voting, and procedures for members to opt out of online voting. Once the board has approved electronic voting, the board must select an online voting system that complies with the requirements of Florida law. The online voting system must be able to do the following: (1) authenticate the owner’s identity, (2) authenticate the validity of each electronic vote to ensure that the vote is not changed during transmission, (3) transmit a receipt to each owner who casts an electronic vote, (4) be able to separate any authentication or identifying information from the ballot when voting must be done by secret ballot, and (5) be able to store and keep electronic votes accessible for recount, inspection, and review purposes.
Please take note that the board cannot force owners to vote electronically. Thus, a necessary step is to obtain each member’s written consent to participate in electronic voting. If an owner does not consent or opts out of electronic voting, then the board must allow that owner to paper vote.
The third technology an association can utilize which saves money, paper and time, is using electronic notices for official association communications. In other words, give up postage stamps in favor of using e-mail. Generally, associations are required to send official notices via mail or hand delivery. However, the association may choose to send notice via e-mail but only if an owner has provided their written consent to receive their notices electronically.
E-mails used for official association communications can only be sent to those owners who consent, in writing, to receive their official notices by electronic transmission. The written consent must specifically authorize the association to transmit notice electronically. An owner who has consented to electronic notice may opt out at any time. The association must retain a roster of the e-mail addresses and the written consents of owners as an official record of the association. The member is responsible to ensure the association’s emails are not blocked or categorized as spam. Failure to receive an email due to a member’s inability to receive the email will not be a valid reason for objecting. Budget adoption notices, annual meeting notices, election notices, board meeting notices and so much more can be provided via email.
Over the last several months, many associations have had to learn how to utilize technology to conduct the business of their association during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some have done so correctly and likely others have not. Thus, in utilizing any of the technology discussed in this article, an important step is to consult with your association’s attorney to ensure proper compliance with all the statutory requirements. Let us also turn a negative into a positive by continuing to use technology to assist the association with smooth operation. Who knows, perhaps one day, there will be a way for members to virtually enjoy the amenities, too. Until then, you’ll find me at the pool deck.
Jeffrey Rembaum’s, Esq.
legal practice consists of representation of condominium, homeowners, commercial and mobile home park associations, as well as exclusive country club communities and the developers who build them. Mr. Rembaum is a Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law. He is the creator of “Rembaum’s Association Roundup,” an e-magazine devoted to the education of community association board members, managers, developers and anyone involved with Florida’s community associations. His column appears monthly in the Florida Community Association Journal. Every year since 2012, Mr. Rembaum has been selected to the Florida Super Lawyers list, and was also named Legal Elite by Florida Trends Magazine.
He can be reached at 561-241-4462.
Tags: Condo and HOA, Law and Legal, Management News, Member Highlights
This Pandemic has been a horrific human tragedy, and by no means can there ever be a silver lining. At best, we’ve learned some lessons, and new ways of doing business have been established as viable.
One of these things that we have learned is how we can improve community association board of director meetings.
Companies have learned that remote working does not degrade productivity and perhaps even improves it. I would expect that in the future that “hot bunking” work stations in offices will allow companies to hire more people without having to expand to a larger space.
From a community association perspective, the greatest thing that has been discovered is the unbelievable success of video conference meetings.
I have been to my share of community association meetings and usually, there are two problems:
The membership is positioned as observers who may articulate their issues in an open forum at the beginning or end of the meetings. Board meetings may allow for an open forum but seldom do members sit and wait their turn. Instead, it is often the case that they interrupt their elected directors from conducting meetings. This takes people off subject and often leads to confrontations.
Video conference meetings allow all members of the association an opportunity to see their community association board of directors as work.
It has been quite an eye-opener. More than that, it has been a brilliant experience for me to see how an unruly gathering can be changed into an orderly business meeting.
If I had my choice this would be the only way to perform board meetings going forward.
The only drawback is that there are people who don’t have the technical skill or equipment to be able to participate in such a meeting.
My dear 92-year-old mother would love to have a computer but I won’t get her one until she figures out the remote control. I’ve done everything I can to help her learn, but mastery eludes her.
Getting people with limited technology experience to be able to attend will be the challenge if meetings go completely digital.
I invite suggestions.
Regarding the first problem of unruly and disruptive meetings, a video conference has the best feature and it’s called a mute button. (My wife has been trying to get one for my big mouth for years, but I digress.)
In the past three months and countless meetings, I have never experienced such orderly, productive meetings, and considering these difficult times it has been a Godsend.
It’s a perfect way to conduct board meetings and produce very effective results. This Pandemic has been tragic, but this is one small lesson or process that we can now say was an unintended benefit of a very unfortunate situation.
Tags: Condo and HOA Board of Directors, Condo and HOA Collections, Management News, Member Highlights
Date(s) – JUNE 4th, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Pompano Beach Office
Castle Group invites you to join episode 4 of Association Operations During COVID-19 with a focus on opening community amenities and more. Panelists include Craig Vaughan, Castle Group, President and Michael S. Bender & Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. – Board Certified Attorneys in Condominium and Planned Development Law.
Castle Group invites you to join episode 4 of Association Operations During COVID-19 with a focus on opening community amenities and more. Panelists include Craig Vaughan, Castle Group, President, and Michael S. Bender & Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. – Board Certified Attorneys in Condominium and Planned Development Law.
Register to attend by https://
Tags: Condo and HOA, Events Meetings and Courses, Management News, Member Highlights
WEBINAR: CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER CERTIFICATION Date/Time Date(s) – 2020-05-27 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Location Pompano Beach Office REGISTER HERE Join our own Andrew Black, Esq., a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law, online for distance learning with the Condominium Association Board Member Certification Course. This provides CE credit for CAMs and fulfills state requirements for Condo Association Board Members. Course Number: 9630075 | Provider Number: 0005092 Two (2) CEU’s in IFM or ELE Note: This webinar is limited to the first 100 to register.
ADVANCED BOARD MEMBER TRAINING Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Location:, How to prepare for and conduct a meeting. Myths about Robert Rules of Order Agendas, Minutes, and More Provider: 0007237 Course: 9629074 Instructor William and Susan Raphan Credit Information 2 Hours Manager Continuing Education Elective Credits
Condo Craze & HOAs HOSTED BY – ERIC M. GLAZER, ESQUIRE SUNDAYS AT 11:00 a.m. ON 850 WFTL May 31, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Condo Craze & HOAs HOSTED BY – ERIC M. GLAZER, ESQUIRE SUNDAYS AT 11:00 a.m. ON 850 WFTL The show is streamed live on the web at and on your mobile device. Presents a forum for Board members and owners to tell their side of the story. The show randomly has guest speakers who are experts on the daily problems associations encounter. All issues that our associations encounter each day are proper topics for discussion. Expect to hear from politicians, Board members, owners, tenants, community association managers, developers, community association accountants, construction industry personnel and other government officials. Listeners call in and ask questions of attorney Eric Glazer and his legal team as well as any guest present. Eric has been practicing association law since 1992, and his firm Glazer and Associates has represented associations and unit owners throughout the state. There is lots of great discussion and we have certainly had some screaming and yelling, not unlike your typical Board meeting. However, at the end of each show, our listeners come away with a greater understanding of the law and hopefully an appreciation of the various sides of this ongoing debate.
Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC is excited and proud to be partnering with Florida Main Movers, INC to help promote and support ‘Move for Hunger’ Pasco County’s Families in Need – Drive Thru Food Donation!
All donations will go to Florida Food Force, Inc – a local food bank located in Odessa to help feed our local families in need amidst the pandemic.
Our team will be practicing social distancing by allowing cars to simply drive thru, and pop their trunks!
We will be collecting all non-perishable food donations on Sunday, May 31st in the parking lot of ‘The Columbian’ located at 5850 Farrell Way, Port Richey, FL 34668 from 9am – 5pm!
Starting Monday, May 25th Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC will gladly be picking up non-perishable food donations after 5pm from those of you who would like to donate but are unable to make it to the drop-off location. Please text or call 727-877-4222 or send us a message with your address to arrange a donation pick-up!
If you have any other questions regarding this event you may also reach out to Florida Main Movers, Inc at 813-863-5177!
Our community needs us! Even the smallest donation can make a big difference to a family in need. We’re all in this together!