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3 Common Lake & Pond Management Misconceptions by SOLitude Lake Management

3 Common Lake & Pond Management Misconceptions by SOLitude Lake Management

  • Posted: Oct 17, 2021
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3 Common Lake & Pond Management Misconceptions
Trent Nelson, Aquatic Specialist at SOLitude Lake Management



As an Aquatic Specialist with more than a decade of experience, I’ve assisted hundreds of property managers with their lake and stormwater pond management needs over the years. Despite the diverse types of lakes and ponds they oversee, I’ve noticed that many clients have the same set of concerns or misconceptions about their waterbodies. These often come to light as we work together to design a freshwater management program. Let’s take an in-depth look at some of these common assumptions. 

  • Lakes and ponds are permanent fixtures in the landscape

While lakes and ponds can be long-lasting features in our communities, they are not permanent. They fill with sediment that erodes from the shoreline or flows in during rainstorms. Weed growth and decomposition may lead to the development of muck. And trash, tree branches, and other pollutants can build up over time. 

The aging of a lake or pond is a natural phenomenon, but can be highly accelerated through human activity and industry, reducing a waterbody’s life by decades. If left unmanaged over the years, your waterbody could eventually fill up until it becomes a marsh or puddle. This is a process called lake and pond succession. 

The best way to prevent this inevitable decline is through proactive, ongoing management aimed at reducing erosion, nutrient pollution, muck development, and nuisance aquatic vegetation. These benefits are two-fold. In addition to prolonging the depth and overall lifespan of your lake or pond, you’ll also help prevent problems like algae, toxic cyanobacteria growth, bad odors, murkiness, invasive species infestations, fish kills, and more.



  • Herbicides pose a danger to non-targeted plants and animals

The most eco-friendly and long-lasting lake and pond management programs lean on holistic, natural solutions, but sometimes herbicides and algaecides are necessary to set your waterbody up for success. Herbicides tend to be a point of concern for property owners, but I’ve found that once they better understand the strict scientific processes surrounding the use of herbicides, their fears are alleviated. 

Herbicides used in the lake management industry are designed to exclusively target specific weed and algae species without impacting desirable plants and animals. They do so by interfering with the unique growth mechanisms identified in nuisance species that are not found in beneficial ones. Likewise, the concurrent use of eco-friendly compounds called surfactants helps confine herbicides and algaecides to the affected area without migrating elsewhere. Historically, herbicides have been applied by licensed professional ground crews, but new industry technologies like drones are making it possible to remotely apply products with more accuracy and efficiency, particularly in areas that are hard to reach or unsafe to navigate by foot. 

All herbicides must be evaluated and registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to collaborating with scientific authorities throughout the US, the EPA also carries out bilateral cooperative programs with the World Health Organization (WHO) and many other countries around the world. Once approved, all herbicides are subject to compliance monitoring and periodic reevaluation processes to ensure lasting safety and success. 


  1. All freshwater management programs are the same

It’s not uncommon for a property manager to assume that the solutions used on a friend or colleague’s lake or pond will work on theirs. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to lake and pond problems because no two aquatic ecosystems are the same. 

Your waterbody’s unique makeup and the way it responds to different treatments can be dictated by many factors, including water use, location, surroundings, plant and animal presence, pollution, and weather – just to name a few. Likewise, every stakeholder has different goals and budget requirements. That’s why freshwater management programs are most effective when customized for your unique aquatic environment. 

Typically, the program design process begins by establishing a baseline of your waterbody through a visual survey of the property and comprehensive water quality testing. Your Aquatic Specialist should work with you to identify the challenges your aquatic ecosystem is facing and determine the best course of action based on your needs and limitations. And because all of these factors can change over time, these conversations should continue on a regular basis. 


The management of lakes and ponds is truly a science and should be treated as such. When considering a management program, look for a freshwater management firm that prioritizes getting to know you and your aquatic ecosystem before implementing any services. Seek out an Aquatic Specialist who is educated about the responsible use of herbicides and is capable of sharing that knowledge with you in a clear manner. Our lakes and ponds are valued features that our communities rely on every day. If you oversee the management of these water resources, make sure you’re investing in both the present and its future.



Trent Nelson is an Aquatic Specialist at SOLitude Lake Management, the nation’s leading freshwater management firm specializing in the management of lakes, stormwater ponds, wetlands, and fisheries. Learn more about this topic at


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Exciting Fountain & Aeration Deal Won’t Last! Time is running out on our amazing offer… By SOLitude

Exciting Fountain & Aeration Deal Won’t Last! Time is running out on our amazing offer… By SOLitude

  • Posted: Oct 16, 2021
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Exciting Fountain & Aeration Deal Won’t Last!

Purchase a new fountain or aeration system and receive FREE installation services!

This is not the time to neglect your lake or pond. Achieving a balanced, beautiful waterbody requires year-round attention and, in some cases, aeration. Fountains and aeration systems can provide many benefits to lakes and ponds and are one of our most recommended management solutions.

Purchase your NEW fountain or aeration system today and receive FREE installation services (up to a $700 value). Don’t wait! Offer expires on Oct 31.


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Water Quality Monitoring and Testing – Do you know how often your water quality should be tested?

Water Quality Monitoring and Testing – Do you know how often your water quality should be tested?

  • Posted: Sep 29, 2021
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Water Quality Monitoring and Testing

Do you know how often your water quality should be tested?

How Often Should Water Quality be Tested in Lakes & Ponds?

Balanced water quality is extremely important for all lakes and ponds, and proactive testing and monitoring is vital when it comes to helping prevent water quality problems in recreational lakes, stormwater pondsfisheries, and drinking water reservoirs. Property owners often wait until an algal bloom, fish kill, foul odor, or other negative water quality problem occurs before implementing a basic water quality management program. This can have dire consequences.


Proactive Water Quality Testing and Monitoring

Poor water quality can quickly lead to an unbalanced ecosystem, which not only threatens the natural ecology and recreational use of a waterbody, but can also affect surrounding waterways. Take the well-known toxic algal bloom that occurred in 2016 in Florida’s Lake Okeechobee. This catastrophic bloom released cyanotoxins into waterways and beaches along the Treasure Coast and surrounding regions. In addition to suspending boating, fishing, and swimming activities throughout South Florida, the dangerous bloom also posed a serious threat to the health of residents, tourists, pets, and wildlife. While a number of unique factors contributed to the development and spread of this harmful algal bloom, it is clear that water quality problems in our lakes and ponds can rapidly turn into ecological nightmares.


Understanding When to Test Your Water Quality

With proactive water quality testing and monitoring, it’s important to know where and how often water quality should be sampled. The use of the waterbody and surrounding land dictates how often water quality should be sampled, and individual waterbody management goals also affect the rate at which water quality is monitored. Water quality should be monitored during the season that supports plant and algae growth. The smaller the pond, the easier that water quality is influenced. Thus, monitoring should be performed more frequently for smaller waterbodies.

For larger lakes and ponds, water quality sampling frequency is determined more by waterbody’s benthic contours, inlets, and potential runoff from high-use areas such as farm fields, beaches, and heavily manicured lawns. Multiple sampling sites are typically located within a larger waterbody, depending on the breadth of external influences. Sampling multiple sites across several dates throughout the year can help identify localized areas within the lake or pond that are experiencing impaired water quality.

Fisheries, especially when managed for the growth of trophy sport fish, are a prime example of specialized recreational use, and frequent testing is crucial to a successful fisheries management program. Disciplined water quality monitoring that’s focused on desirable plankton production and available habitat can indicate how to further build and support the fishery. The forage-base in a fishery is also important and plankton sampling can help dictate how to manage or supplement the plankton population in order to help maintain the desired productive fishery.


Paragraph 6 - No matter the shape...How Often Should Water Quality be Tested

No matter the shape, size, or use of a waterbody, a proactive annual sampling of baseline water quality conditions is recommended. A proactive approach to water quality testing and monitoring helps to document annual trends occurring within the waterbody and acts as a reference for emerging water quality impairments. For many, water quality sampling is a reaction to the lake or pond’s condition. Proactive monitoring, though, ultimately gives us a better understanding of the processes occurring within the waterbody and helps us identify potential problems before they occur.

Water quality monitoring and testing in a laboratory setting is a primary service in our SOL Pro Annual Management Programs. An annual management plan ensures that your lake or pond receives regular professional care – whether that includes nutrient remediationfountains and aerationoxygen saturation technologymechanical harvesting and hydro-raking, or other sustainable solutions – to keep it looking and functioning at its best.


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Exclusive Savings On Fountains & Aeration Labor Day is over but the deals aren’t! Purchase a new fountain or aeration system and receive FREE installation.

Exclusive Savings On Fountains & Aeration Labor Day is over but the deals aren’t! Purchase a new fountain or aeration system and receive FREE installation.

  • Posted: Sep 08, 2021
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We believe balanced, healthy waterbodies help create meaningful experiences on and around the water. That’s why we are excited to extend this exciting offer that will help enhance your waterbody (and save you money)…

You read that right… Save up to $700 with this exciting offer! Purchase any new fountain or aeration system and receive FREE installation services*. Set your lake or pond up for success in the new year with a beneficial fountain or aeration system. Enhance your waterbody while saving money!


Deal expires October 31. Maximize your savings NOW.

*Free basic installation, or $700 off installation, with purchase of new fountain or aeration system. Offer valid for contracts signed after 09/07/21. Installation must be prior to 12/31/21.


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Make Your Waterbody A Focal Point by SOLitude

Make Your Waterbody A Focal Point by SOLitude

  • Posted: Jul 29, 2021
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Make Your Waterbody A Focal Point

Create a functional, beautiful pond your community can enjoy with four strategies that will surely impress local community members.


Without proper management, community ponds can develop invasive aquatic weeds, algal blooms, and foul odors, quickly becoming an eye-sore to residents…  Lakes and ponds offer a multitude of opportunities for recreation, fishing, sightseeing, and overall enjoyment of nature. Take advantage of your aquatic resource! Discover the four steps you can implement to create a beautiful, healthy waterbody that community members can appreciate.


How To Make Your Waterbody A Focal Point In Your Community

Written by: Greg Blackham, Aquatic Specialist

Many homeowners live on a lake or in a community association with several ponds and stormwater facilities. Without proper management, you may find these waterbodies covered in aquatic weeds and algae, or they could simply look like an uninspired waste of space. No matter the condition of your waterbody, one thing is for certain – it should be so much more!

Lakes and ponds provide a multitude of opportunities for recreation, sightseeing, and overall enjoyment of nature, so it can be sad for aquatic specialists when we see this potential go untapped. Luckily, it is never too late to cultivate a stellar focal point in your community. A professional can get you on the right track with innovative modifications and informed management techniques.

Introduce Floating Fountains

Introduce Floating Fountains

One of the first enhancements we recommend for both visual and functional enhancements is a floating fountain. There are two main fountain types: A decorative fountain is designed to spray water into the air in eye-catching spray patterns, though they are generally not relied on for water circulation. Many have brightly-colored (and customizable) lights that draw attention to the waterbody at night. An aerating fountain, on the other hand, is one that is designed primarily for functional purposes, but that doesn’t mean these devices aren’t aesthetically pleasing too. Some of the best-looking aerating fountains combine decorative vertical spray with lower tiers that provide horizontal spray dispersion to effectively circulate the water column below.

Aeration can have many compound benefits when fountain systems are professionally sized and spaced in the waterbody, and in certain instances, it may be beneficial to pair fountains with submersed aeration systems and oxygen saturation technologies. Water movement helps increase dissolved oxygen levels, which in turn helps stabilize pH and inhibits the nutrient pollution that contributes to aquatic weed, nuisance algae, and toxic cyanobacteria growth. Well-circulated and oxygenated water also help prevent mosquito reproduction while supporting healthy zooplankton – small aquatic animals that feed on algae and serve as food for fish and all types of wildlife.

Plant Beneficial Vegetation

Planting beneficial vegetation is a second improvement that should be considered. But before planting anything in or around the water it’s necessary to remove all the noxious and invasive vegetation first, such as cattails, Phragmites (common reed), and purple loosestrife. This helps reduce the risk of collateral damage to newly planted vegetation. It’s best to work with a professional to identify nuisance species and design a removal program, which can vary widely from species to species and might include hand-pulling, burning, or even herbicide applications by drone!

Decorative plants can be used in so many ways to enhance your waterbody. A well-vegetated buffer zone should include a variety of native wildflowers, grasses, and even shrubs that provide a beautiful frame or border around the water. Sometimes, just the contrast alone can make all the difference. There are many other creative ways to plant for color and vibrancy, and a professional lake manager can help assist in the strategic design. In addition to creating a beautiful backdrop, deep-rooted, flowering species can help filter trash and pollutants, protect the shoreline from erosion, and create a sanctuary for wildlife.

Beneficial aquatic plants should also be installed along with the shallow areas of the waterbody for added benefits like serving as a source of oxygen, balancing predator-prey relationships, and filtering nutrients from the water column so they cannot fuel undesirable weeds and algae. One creative installation method could be a floating island of plants and flowers. Floating islands are designed to add color on top and create beneficial bacterial col

Restore Depth and volume

Restore Depth And Volume

Another great solution for the almost immediate improvement of a lake or pond is the mechanical removal of polluted sediment, muck, and organic matter from the water. This may be accomplished by a full-on dredging project or through spot treatments via hydro-rake, which is essentially a floating barge equipped with a backhoe that scoops sediment onto the shoreline for disposal.

Shortly after the disturbance has settled there is a significant improvement to water clarity and reduction in bad odors that may exist. More importantly, storage capacity increases. This is crucial for a well-functioning stormwater system that does not flood.

Final touches and consistent maintenance

Final Touches And Consistent Maintenance

There are many other improvements that can enhance the beauty of a waterbody without sacrificing functionality. The environmentally friendly blue and black dyes can change the color to a more desirable look, while also reducing available light for weeds and algae. Strategic birdhouses placed around a pond can help reduce midge and mosquito populations in the area while also adding a colorful dynamic to the ecosystem. Even installing a gazebo, a dock, or a small beach area can help break up the landscape and provide more ways for people to engage and interact with their amenities through fishing, kayaking, and birdwatching. Oftentimes, this extra community engagement can spark even larger momentum for creating a truly beautiful and immersive focal point, cherished by everyone that lives there!

Once these efforts have been implemented, they are best maintained through an annual management program, which prioritizes the three central pillars of health, beauty, and functionality. Long-term programs ensure a professional can keep an eye on the multitude of factors that support the ecological balance of the ecosystem, as well as the aesthetic components. Your local aquatic professional can help you design a plan that’s customized to your unique waterbody.

View the Original Website SOLitude blog post.


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Introducing Oxygen Saturation Technology

Introducing Oxygen Saturation Technology

Introducing Oxygen Saturation Technology

Protect your waterbody from poor water quality conditions
with NEW premium management solution.

Without healthy levels of dissolved oxygen, lakes and ponds can struggle with water quality issues like algal blooms, nuisance aquatic weeds, and foul odors.

Oxygen Saturation Technology injects high levels of oxygen into the water column (without mixing layers) which promotes naturally occurring bacteria and microbes to break down the organic pollutants and utilize excess nutrients that can fuel water quality issues.

Pond Safety Checklist: 5 Items to Cross Off

Just as lifejackets or first aid kits are important, so is addressing the maintenance needs of your lake or pond. Discover the five things you should monitor to ensure a safe summer on and around the water…

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Eradicating Pond Weed at Golf Course

Eradicating Pond Weed at Golf Course

SOLitude Lake Management has been servicing this property for over ten years. Due to southeast Florida’s tropical climate and year-round growing season, many plants, both native and non-native, become invasive on land and water, requiring constant control methods. Aquatic vegetation (algae, Vallisneria, and hydrilla) was managed by repeated herbicide treatments in order to maintain proper water flow and lake/pond health.


water flow and lake/pond health.

before-and-after-fl-gc-case study before and after procellacor invasive weeds floating hearts

Location: Palm Beach, FL

This property is a collection of suburban residential homes surrounding a golf course located at the northern tip of the Everglades. Due to seasonal flooding in this region, land development requires stormwater collection and flood control systems mandated by several drainage district government entities. This property has a series of interconnected lakes and ponds to collect and move floodwaters into discharge canals that eventually lead out to the Atlantic Ocean. Water flows into the site from other areas, including agricultural lands to the west. The lakes and ponds at the property provide important habitats to migratory and wading bird populations.

nutrient remediation products - on the job - lake and pond treatment - algae and aquatic weed control - alum - calcis - phoslock

Scope Of Work:

ProcellaCOR was used to eradicate invasive floating heart in two ponds. ProcellaCOR is a new herbicide technology that can be used for the selective control of some of our nation’s most invasive and recurring aquatic weeds. Leveraging new mechanisms to specifically target the unique growth processes of these undesirable species, ProcellaCOR helps property owners achieve long-term control of the following aquatic plants without the need for costly re-application. The product’s premium low dosing features allow for a 100-1000x reduction (compared to other aquatic herbicides) in the active ingredient necessary to eradicate the invasive and noxious aquatic weeds responsible for degrading the health and use of waterbodies. These superior results are paired with a Reduced Risk classification by the EPA, meaning it can be applied to lakes and ponds without impacting the native plants you enjoy or interfering with recreation.

Nymphoides_cristata-floating hearts invasive aquatic weeds

Project Description:

 In 2017, project managers observed a new species of aquatic invasive – Nymphoides cristata, commonly called floating hearts – a CATEGORY I on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s (FLEPPC) 2017 List of Invasive Plant Species. Nymphoides have become established in South Florida surface waters after escaping from the ornamental plant trade. It has small heart-shaped leaves that float on the water’s surface while the roots grow into the hydrosoil. It is presumed that Nymphoides were introduced into the property by inflowing surface water from adjacent drainage canals.

Repeated attempts were made to control Nymphoides by carefully applying systemic herbicides that were already being used to treat other aquatics found on the property. The results of these treatments were unsuccessful. Next, a foliar contact herbicide was used to treat the plant on the water surface; however, it did nothing to the submersed portion, which continued growing.

procellacor nutrient remediation algae and aquatic weed before 3

In 2018, a new solution called ProcellaCOR became available. SOLitude began a test study in two ponds on the property with Nymphoides where previous control had not been successful. This alternative solution has several useful features (environmental and cost-effective) that made it a good choice for this problematic aquatic plant: 1) Its unique formulation targets a hormone in certain plants, Nymphoides being one of those, without affecting other native aquatic plants. 2) Application only needs to be done in the areas where the plant is physically growing, not the entire pond.

The ponds selected on the property for this test study were chosen for their similar size, the amount of Nymphoides present in the water (60 – 70% coverage), and location. Pond A is located farthest away from any surface water canal inflow. Pond B is located closest (40 feet) to the inflow surface water canal from the west. Water from Pond A is used to irrigate residential lawns. Pond B is not used for irrigation.

procellacor nutrient remediation algae and aquatic weed after 3

Efficacy was visible on plants within days of application, and complete control was established about three weeks later in both ponds. Regrowth of Nymphoides was not observed for approximately 8 months in Pond A and 10 months in Pond B. There were no incidents of issues using irrigation water from Pond A. Current treatment methods include the use of ProcellaCOR as needed to treat all waterbodies on the property with 100% control of Nymphoides.


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“Why are the light bulbs in my fountain blowing out?”  By: Allstate Resource Management

“Why are the light bulbs in my fountain blowing out?” By: Allstate Resource Management

  • Posted: Jun 28, 2021
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“Why are the light bulbs in my fountain blowing out?”

By: Allstate Resource Management

Fountains are a great way to add visual appeal to the landscape and the stirring water is relaxing and tranquil to hear. In addition to their aesthetic qualities, fountains also add a great deal of oxygen into the pond as the tiny droplets make contact with the air and fall back into the pond. But do pond water fountains provide enough aeration? Similar to choosing an aeration system, determining if a fountain is right for your pond will depend on the depth, shape, and size.

Subsurface aeration, like the Pond Aeration Systems, are recommended for deeper ponds to provide complete circulation. For these units, the air is pushed through diffuser plates positioned at the bottom of the pond. As the air bubbles rise, oxygenated water from the surface moves to the bottom, creating a healthy aerobic pond ecosystem.

Allstate Resource Management can add beauty and function to your waterways. Our experts will design the ideal fountain or aeration system for your lake or pond. Floating fountains with decorative spray patterns help to beautify highly visible waterways while assisting nature with many biological benefits. Increased dissolved oxygen levels help to sustain fish populations, assist in controlling undesirable bacteria, and improve the overall health of a waterway system. Bottom diffuser aeration systems help to speed the decomposition of organic sediments, improve circulation, and reduce the potential for fish kills in a water-body.


We are often asked, “Why do the fountain bulbs burn out with such frequency?”

The answer may be easier to explain by comparing a fountain that is a few years old with an automobile that has been driven for 100,000 miles.  If you put new tires that are rated for 50,000 miles on an older car which has worn shock absorbers, soft springs, and is out of alignment, the tires may only last for 25,000 miles.

A similar set of circumstances that occur after a fountain has been in operation for a few years reduce the life of a new bulb in the same manner.  The copper inside the power cables, control panel components (circuit breakers, contactors), wire connections, the light sockets that have become corroded from moisture, no longer conduct a consistent voltage to the bulb.  As a result, a bulb that would typically last 3 years under ideal or “new” circumstances may afford only a year of life.

Fountains are often taken for granted and become just part of the horizon, rather than something that is used on a daily basis like your car. These fountains are in operation an average of 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the lights operating about a third of that time.  Accelerating the deterioration process is the fact that they are submerged underwater 24/7, and exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays everyday.

Replacing the bulbs as well as performing scheduled maintenance go a long way with upkeeping an older fountain.

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Allstate Resource Management

6900 SW 21 Ct. Building 9

Davie, Florida 33317



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