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  • Posted: Feb 17, 2020
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by Jeffrey Rembaum, Esq. KBRLegal


A great many streets in Florida’s residential communities are lined with oak trees. While they can look so appealing as a canopy, many of these trees can raise sidewalks and driveways. Their massive roots can grow into plumbing lines, cause various trip hazards and kill the grass, too.

Until recently, it was very problematic to remove these trees for a variety reasons. Moreover, it was also expensive  to deal with all of the governmental red tape caused, in many instances, by over zealous city officials, such as the city forester, who requires strict compliance with the community’s original landscaping plans, etc.  Well, the Florida legislature listened to stories of local government unreasonableness and did something about it to the great satisfaction of association members everywhere.

But, there is still a problem because many local governments refuse to accept that   House Bill 1159 was passed into law in 2019. This new law prohibits a local government from requiring a notice, application, approval, permit, fee or mitigation for the pruning, trimming, or removal of a tree on residential property when an arborist or landscape architect documents that the tree presents a danger to persons or property. As an important FYI, mangroves are exempt and all existing requirements for mangrove trimming, etc., remain steadfastly in place.

Apparently, the problem of local government personnel ignoring this new law is so pervasive that on January 7, 2020, the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Jose Oliva, sent a memo to all Local Government Officials alerting them that they need to follow this new law and that the House of Representatives will be “diligent in executing its oversight responsibilities in order to protect the rights of property owners and to prevent illegal governmental actions that interfere with these rights. WOW!!!

If your community has a problem with tree removal caused by local government officials perhaps showing them a copy of the memo might help. Also, be sure to alert your association’s attorney to the problem so that they can intercede on the association’s behalf.


This new law is codified in s. 163.045, Florida Statutes and provides as follows: 

s. 163.045 Tree pruning, trimming, or removal on residential property.—

(1) A local government may not require a notice, application, approval, permit, fee, or mitigation for the pruning, trimming, or removal of a tree on residential property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or property.

(2) A local government may not require a property owner to replant a tree that was pruned, trimmed, or removed in accordance with this section.

(3) This section does not apply to the exercise of specifically delegated authority for mangrove protection pursuant to ss. 403.9321403.9333.


View our Membership page on SFPMA and Legal Sponsors, with articles written each month in the Florida Rising Magazine – KBRLegal



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Before Storms hit Florida, Building Owners and Managers should have their Storm Drains cleaned.

Before Storms hit Florida, Building Owners and Managers should have their Storm Drains cleaned.

Before Storms hit Florida, Building Owners and Managers should have their Storm Drains cleaned


Clearing this helps with parking lot, loading docks and your building flooding and causing damage to your properties.

Generally speaking, you’re usually responsible for drains inside the boundaries of your property, while the sewerage company is responsible for lateral drains, which are outside of property boundaries, and sewers.

How to Maintain a Drainage System, find member companies on SFPMA 

  • Allow rain to help settle the loose soil before working the field
  • Driving directly on the tiles can crush the pipe and ruin the tile. Straddle the pavers instead for the first year.
  • Back-fill the open trenches carefully, so as not to damage the pipe
  • Clean up unused pieces of pipe and do not use the open trench for garbage disposal
  • Do not work the land if wet or moist with excess water
  • Rotate the location of cattle hay feeders
  • Clean drainage boxes once a month if present. Drainage boxes trap sediments



From Pipe Repairs to Cleaning of your storm Drains. You can find members of ready to help!



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Working with vendors is a large part of serving on the board.

Working with vendors is a large part of serving on the board.

Working with vendors is a large part of serving on the board.

Every community has outside partners for services like landscaping, sanitation, cable and Internet provision, pool maintenance, plumbing, blacktop, valet services and more.

Finding and learning what they do and how they can help is important. Many people ask if its the Management Company’s responsibility to find the best vendors for the properties? Well we have found that Boards help in the selecting of the right companies. They give their suggestions to the Management companies. This way favoritism does not take place. Laws are being changed as we speak that will prevent this for Florida’s Property Management Industry.

Open and effective communication among the board, the management company and the vendors employed by the association is an important part of making the most of any community’s operating budget and improving the lifestyles of its residents.

Focusing on great communication and why it matters.

What can happen if communication among those entities isn’t consistent, open and effective?

“Ineffective communication with vendors can cost your community money, but more importantly, it can result in loss of trust,” according to Frank Mari, executive director of SFPMA “ That means trust that the residents have in both the management company and the board, and also the trust the board has in the management company to manage vendors and recommend the right vendors for the community.

Poor communication with vendors can cost your association money too. If you don’t understand the details in a contract and don’t keep an open line for questions and clarifications, you may not realize that your community isn’t getting the services you think you are signing up for…. and then you will need to pay for the missing elements separately, impacting your operating budget.

Mr. Mari says “Talk to your landscaper in the middle of winter, not just spring and summer,”. also “If you’re an auditor, check in with the board and management company a few times of year, not just when the audit needs to be done.” Call them ask them to do a walk through of the buildings with you, its a great time for communication, Remember Preventive Maintenance is Key.

If you aren’t sure whether or not your current property management maintains open communication with vendors, ask! It’s important to make sure that outside vendors operate in the best interests of your community. We are all well-versed in the importance of vendor relationships and effective communication, ” Frank explained. “Boards appreciate that we bring that additional level of support. Because of the trust we create with our members, almost any situation between boards and vendors can be resolved fairly.” If we are called in there are times we are the go between like a mediator does in any dispute, We get the facts, Listen to both sides and try to come to an agreement with both sides.

Speaking the language A basic part of communication is simply understanding the language each party is speaking. Most board members are not going to be experts in all the areas of running a managed community, but it’s important that you have a basic knowledge of the terminology being used. Board members are expected and required to execute contracts related to things like landscaping and other topics they may not be previously familiar with,”

Talk to your Property Manager and include your Law Firm with contracts. “That fiduciary responsibility means that they need to understand what they are signing, what the work entails. It’s not enough to just consider price. Board members need to know more about what vendors are doing in order to make sure it’s being done right.”



All HOA and Condo boards should be involved early in vendor selection discussions and leave the details of execution to the management company. It is important the board communicate any critical elements of their vision for the community to the vendor and be clear about what they require from each potential vendor they meet with. Board members must know enough to understand what they should expect, what level of service is being provided for their community and what reasonable expectations are for that vendor.

A landscaping company that cares for a dozen large properties isn’t going to hand-prune every shrub, but that may be what some board members expect because they don’t yet understand the basics of large-scale landscaping,” “Of course, a self-managed community is going require more knowledge from the board members as far as monitoring the work being done and knowing that contracts are being fulfilled properly.

Having a professional management company involved takes that responsibility off board members, because we know best practices, thanks to our experience managing multiple communities.” If you are looking for a Management Company Find Top Florida Companies on our Members Directory on

How can boards and management companies know they are up-to-date on the terminology and jargon being used by their vendors? Many management companies are SFPMA Members themselves, With this membership there are educational seminars or round tables that let board members hear directly from vendors. “In addition to our in-house educational opportunities, I suggest that board members go to home shows, garden shows and other trade events so they can interact directly with vendors and pick up literature on the latest techniques and products,”.

I ask our members to spend time at meetings, seminars and expos at every one of them get to know the vendors, Collect brochures.  Build those relationships. Listen to the keynote speakers as well. Over the years, vendors have shared with me how they have been impacted by SFPMA and how it makes them want to be part of our success. Obviously, you learn a lot that you take back to their boards and educate them on new information.

All of our members, partners and board members are asked to focus on professional development and educational opportunities that are offered by our Association to our Industry. vendors in many different disciplines host events that allow property managers to earn continuing education credits, and that many welcome board member attendance as well.

When you get to know vendors, you’re ready to work with them as partners, to optimize your community association’s budget and improve the lifestyles of the residents in your community.

State of Florida Property Management Association can help you work with vendors to make the most of your association’s budgets by learning about the Top Companies working in our Industry.

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The Keys to Success In Selecting a Security Provider

The Keys to Success In Selecting a Security Provider

The Keys to Success In Selecting a Security Provider

Article was Featured in the FLORIDA RISING MAGAZINE

Trident Ground Protection 

Great Security Articles

Accountability, Transparency and Responsiveness.

The number one complaint we here from potential new clients is“I can’t get anyone from my current
security company to address problems and issues with their guards.”
We’ve heard this about major national providers as well as many of the smaller companies that do
business in the south Florida market. See the “big guys” have large corporate structures with multiple
layers of management at the local, regional and national levels. As a client it can be difficult to know who
to contact within the organization that has the level of authority to deal with your issue.
Smaller providers may not have the resources or the experience to provide adequate supervision and
oversight of their personnel to detect and prevent sub-standard performance of their officers before it
becomes a problem for you. Additionally it may difficult to contact a manager or even the owner after
regular business hours.
Ask the company you’re evaluating if they are willing to remove an officer from your property if you’re
unsatisfied with the officer’s performance. Gauge their response to see if they will accept responsibility
for the officer’s actions and have a corporate culture that deals with unsatisfactory performance
appropriately or do they just move the poor performing employee to another site.
Ask for and check with references from other clients of the provider. See if there is a sincere attitude
toward fostering a business relationship built on mutual trust from their other clients.
Additionally try and determine if the company has a history of dealing with customer concerns in a prompt
and appropriate fashion.
Who you gonna call when you find a guard
sleeping or on their cell phone at 3:00am?
When evaluating security proposals do not to focus solely on the price. Focus on what that particular company provides aside from just a body.
Concentrate more on the 3 keys to successfully selecting a provider. Does the company bring accountability, transparency and responsiveness to the table?
Accountability – the obligation or willingness to accept
responsibility or to account for the actions of their employees.
Transparency – the key to fostering a culture of trust between
client and the customer.
Responsiveness– quick to respond or react appropriately to
problems or concerns of the client.
or Call us: Phone: 954-306-3956
Ask if the company has a practice of conducting regular unannounced and random site inspections of their
staff. Do they have a policy of performing random drug tests of their officers?
Does the company you’re considering provide you with the ability to contact a member of management,
someone with the authority to immediately deal with an issue or problem no matter what time of day or
night it is?
What are their prerequisites for hiring employees? Do they require a minimum amount of prior
experience and do they conduct and pre-hire assessments of the applicants to evaluate their individual
levels of conscientiousness, reliability and critical thinking skills or do they just hire a warm body?
At Trident Ground Protection we pride ourselves on providing our clients with accountability,
transparency and responsiveness. No matter what time of the day or night you can speak directly with a
member of our senior management team if you have an issue, problem or concern with one of our officers.
By contacting our global security operations center in Fort Lauderdale your problem is immediately
relayed to the appropriate member of our team who will react and respond immediately and
appropriately for you, the client in addressing issue.
Each person who applies to join our team is required to complete several personality trait assessments. If
an applicant fails to complete the assessments or score below our threshold, they are removed from
Every employee is provided a copy of our 40 page employee handbook which outlines our policies for
conduct, appearance and attention to duty. They are also provided a copy of our employee safety manual
so that you can be assured our officers are complying with all safety rules and conducting themselves in
a safe and focused fashion.
Trident Ground Protection was founded with the intention of providing our clients with more than just a
guard. It is why we have embraced the philosophy of providing our clients with security services and
We live in a society where nearly everyone has a cell phone these days.
Many companies, including Trident Ground Protection use cellular devices to
perform guard tours, report writing and time keeping functions.
However, do they have a policy that prohibits personal use of cell phones
while on-duty? Do they actively enforce that policy?
What other internal policies do they have to discourage poor performance or distractions while on duty.
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Before You Dig Call Ronnie-G The Pipe Guy at PRS-Pipe Restoration Solutions Phone Number 561-602-8660

Before You Dig Call Ronnie-G The Pipe Guy at PRS-Pipe Restoration Solutions Phone Number 561-602-8660

Before You Dig Call Ronnie-G The Pipe Guy at PRS-Pipe Restoration Solutions

Phone Number 561-602-8660

Our business philosophy is simple: We want to First, listen to your need. Second, identify the best solution and Third, deliver the highest quality end-result, all while giving you a great customer experience. PRS is a State of Florida Certified Plumbing Contractor that specializes in full pipe restoration. Whether it be sanitary sewer or storm, potable water, fire suppression or HVAC chiller lines, our goal is to provide solutions to the failing piping infrastructure utilizing the latest plumbing and trenchless technology available. We also carry a State of Florida Class “A” General Contractor’s license which sets us apart.

Members of SFPMA  Take a look at our Membership Listing  


Pipe Restoration Solutions


Pipe Inspection, Pipe Cleaning, Pipe Lining and Pipe Replacement Company


When PRS looks at a project we want to ensure we are putting the “right” solution to the problem at hand.  Every project has its unique needs based on overall job scope, site conditions, project timeframes and difficulty level. At Pipe Restoration Solutions, we have found that when high-quality material and creativity comes together something special happens… Projects are completed with excellence and above expectation; Long term relationships are built; Problems are permanently solved.
Our business philosophy is simple: We want to First, listen to your need. Second, identify the best solution and Third, deliver the highest quality end-result, all while giving you a great customer experience.
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Have your Storm Drains Cleaned is a must before the Storm Season brings it full force!

Have your Storm Drains Cleaned is a must before the Storm Season brings it full force!

Have your Storm Drains Cleaned is a must before the Storm Season brings it full force!

Storm drains in Miami after several days of rain and it’s become apparent why they weren’t working properly. Check out all that debris, dirt and rocks

Brothers Backflow are members of sfpma –


Broward: Ph. 954.382.2099 | Dade: Ph. 305.267.3992

Brothers Backflow Specialists is state licensed and insured in the plumbing and gas industry. Our technicians specialize in plumbing, backflows, propane, natural gas, medical gas and water restoration including everything from installing gas lines, testing backflows and repairing broken plumbing pipes. We provide services for commercial, residential, industrial & farm properties from Monroe to West Palm Beach County as well as backflow services in Orlando, Florida. Brothers Backflow Specialists is here to serve you 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and no job is too big or too small.



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Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

 Steps that should be taken for hurricane preparedness?

Keep informed – Read the Hurricane Help page

SFPMA.COM / State of Florida Property Management Association, Be Safe.

Most things are usually on hand but should be stocked up and easily accessible. If it turns out the hurricane has changed its path, at least you will have known you were ready.
If your city or town is in imminent danger of a hurricane, most likely evacuation announcements have been made, and should be taken seriously. Here is a checklist to consider before you leave: 


  1. First, get important papers and special photos in order and secured in plastic. Identification is difficult and time-consuming to replace: so be sure to include social security cards, birth certificates, high school diplomas or GED certificates, titles or deeds to property, as well as your hurricane insurance policy. Photos of special occasions or loved ones cannot be replaced, so including these is important as well.


  1. Think ahead and take video or photos of your property before you leave. This will help later on with any insurance checklist claims for damage that may need to be filed.
  2. If staying with relatives is not an option, consider booking a room in a hotel or motel in another nearby town or state. Make sure to get directions and put them in the car ahead of time. It is easy to forget that piece of paper in the rush out the door. A cheaper route might be to find temporary hurricane shelters. Usually nearby towns not in the direct path of the hurricane will provide these for people in need.

  3. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that your pet will have a place in a motel or hotel. Keep this in mind, and try to find alternate housing like pet-friendly hotels and motels or dog boarding kennels in areas out of the path of the storm until it is safe to return home.



  1. Designate a spot, in the hall closet, to keep a bag of clothes for each person in the household. Make sure to include sleeping gear if you plan on going to a temporary shelter.

  2. Along with overnight clothes, consider stocking your Hurricane Kit with the following: extra cash, generator, batteries, flash lights, battery operated radio/television, bottled water, toilet paper, non-perishable foods such as cereal or crackers, canned goods, a can opener, a small cooler, candles, prescription medicines and any over-the-counter remedies you use regularly; and if you have small children – diapers, baby wipes, formula, baby food.

7. Count on the power being out for at least a day or two. Remember that ATM’s will benon-operating, so have at least some hard cash in your Hurricane Kit (see no. 6, above) to see you through the storm.

When TV and computer games no longer operate, board games or a deck of cards come in handy! Arts and crafts, crayons and downloadable coloring pages are always great distractions for the kids – so make sure you’ve stored some of these supplies in a tote bag or in the car trunk.

8. If you decide to tough out the storm, stay downwind in your home. This means if the wind is hitting the living room windows, go to the room opposite the living room.

9. Plywood is a ‘hot’ commodity for those of who decide to stay. Boarding up windows that will take the brunt of the wind and rain is a wise decision. If board is not available, protect your windows from the wind by criss-crossing them with layers of duct or packing tape. This will be enough protection for light-to-medium winds, but learning how to build and install plywood hurricane shutters is your safest bet. If you can afford it, have them installed by a professional.

10. Finally, STAY INSIDE. However tempting it may be to videotape or take photos of the storm, be sure to shoot from indoors – where it’s safe, and dry!

Hurricanes are serious business. Weather forecasters can only predict so much. Educate yourself and stay on top of hurricane updates in your area. There is no harm in being overly cautious. In most cases where a hurricane is concerned, it truly is better to be safe than sorry.

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All American Asphalt

All American Asphalt

  • Posted: May 15, 2019
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All American Asphalt

Asphalt Services – Seal Coating – Concrete Services – Maintenance

Florida’s Top Company Seal Coating & Striping Parking Lots – Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Buildings, Condo’s & HOA’s, Banks, Churches…Throughout South Florida.

Contact us Today!  561-684-9183



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We are passionate about bettering cities, housing communities and the safety of their residents!

We are passionate about bettering cities, housing communities and the safety of their residents!

  • Posted: Apr 15, 2019
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As a paving contractor, we don’t solely focus on our paving work.

At Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating, we are passionate about bettering cities, housing communities and the safety of their residents! Contact us to evaluate your #HOA community’s paving needs at 954-691-0727 or head to PaveWithASP  We self-perform the entire state of Florida!

Atlantic Southern Paving & Sealcoating From idea or blueprint to finished surface, we offer all facets of new paving installation. Our crews have the technical expertise to perform these tasks to the standards set by local, state and federal requirements. This expertise allows us to pass inspections the first time so that your project can stay on schedule.

Atlantic Southern Paving & Sealcoating provides pavement maintenance & construction services to Florida for over 30 years. The solid foundation that Michael “Mickey” Curry started in 1992 employing the best people, using the best products and providing what the customer needs with a competitive pricing has enable Atlantic Southern to continue to thrive.




Southeast FL  954-518-4315
Southwest FL  239-234-2155
Central FL  321-408-5010

Major Announcement! Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating has officially opened a new Fort Myers location serving Collier and Lee Counties! Contact us today at 239-234-2155 to manage your parking lot and asphalt pavement needs!

Our New Location serving Central Florida Locations!  Central FL  321-408-5010


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Outdoor Patio Furniture by XHIBITZ Contact Furnishings

Outdoor Patio Furniture by XHIBITZ Contact Furnishings

  • Posted: Mar 12, 2019
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Our philosophy has not changed since our beginnings, Xhibtz works with you to ensure you purchase the right product and service for your outdoor needs.

XHIBTZ is a Manufacturers Representative and Purchasing Company taking pride in offering quality products and service for the past 14 years. We are dedicated furniture and accessory providers to country clubs, yacht clubs, hotels, resorts, property management companies, homeowner associations, condominium associations, interior designers and residential and estate home owners.

We’ve received accolades for our service in delivering the best the industry has to offer in patio furniture, pool and beach furniture, sofas and chairs, and tables; we also provide quality accessories such as cabanas, umbrellas, and custom cushions to complement your outdoor area. Ask about our custom furniture restoration service for limited budgets.

We are pleased to offer a complete selection of products including patio furniture, pool and beach furniture, sofas and chairs, and tables. We also provide quality accessories such as cabanas, umbrellas, and custom cushions to complement your outdoor area.


Contact Us Today.

strong>Phone: 954.614.1505

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