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Structural Workshop – Engineering and Building Consulting firm 0 5 0 0

Structural Workshop – Engineering and Building Consulting firm


Structural Workshop

Structural Engineering and Building Consulting firm


Structural Workshop is a Structural Engineering and Building Consulting firm founded in 2004. We provide a full range of Structural Engineering and Building Consulting Services to:


Developers & Owners

Facility & Property Managers

HOA & COA Board Members

We provide a full range of Structural Engineering Services, Commercial Building Inspections, Project and Facility Management and Consulting, Forensic Engineering, Telecom Consulting, and MEP and Civil Engineering.  Please see our AEC Community and Building Consulting Services pages to learn more about the wide variety of Clients and Projects we work on as well as our specialty areas.

30/40 Year Recertification

When a building hits 40 years of age, it is mandated by the state of Florida to have a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect conduct a thorough structural and electrical inspection to ensure the safety and integrity of the structure.  In the wake of the Surfside Tower collapse, this ordinance has now been expanded to all counties in Florida, not just Dade and Broward as it was previously.

The new state law, which went into effect on May 26, 2022, created new requirements for milestone inspections of condominium and cooperative association buildings that are three stories and taller.  Miami-Dade County has had a building recertification program since 1975, which was amended on June 1, 2022. The integration of the new law together with the amended Miami-Dade ordinance has the following impacts to all existing buildings in Miami-Dade County:

     * All buildings built on or before 1982 that have already had an initial recertification inspection through Miami-Dade’s 40-Year program will continue to follow the established schedule.

     * Coastal condominium and cooperative buildings three stories or taller built between 1983 and 1997 and located within three miles of the coastline must have a recertification inspection by December 31, 2024, and every 10 years thereafter. These buildings are being identified through a GIS mapping project. All other buildings built between 1983 and 1992 must have a recertification inspection by December 31, 2024, and every 10 years thereafter.

All condominium and cooperative association buildings that are three stories or taller located within three miles of the coastline built on or after 1998 must have a building recertification inspection when the building age reaches 25 years, and every 10 years thereafter. All other buildings built on or after 1993 must have a recertification inspection when the building age reaches 30 years, and every 10 years thereafter.

Structural Workshop provides complete Structural Engineering Services for Commercial, Retail, Multi-Family Residential, Structural Workshop provides complete Structural Engineering Services for Commercial, Retail, Residential, Industrial, Earth Retaining, and Parking Structures. We work on all sizes and types of projects with extensive experience in all types of materials and both new construction and modifications/additions to older construction of all types. We also provide Forensic Investigation and Engineering Services and Building Consulting Services including Commercial Building Inspections, Project and Facility Management and Consulting, and joint venture services that include MEP Engineering, Site Engineering, Architecture, Etc.


Engineering Services:

Structural Analysis and Design of Commercial, Residential, Retail, Industrial, and Parking Structures

Loading / Use Change Analysis, Feasibility Studies, Reinforcement of Existing Structures

Retaining Wall and Foundation Design and Analysis

Structural Inspections and Reports

Building Restoration / Retrofit

Serviceability Studies, Vibration and Deflection Remediation

Shop Drawings for Cold Formed Steel, Trusses, Special Connections, Etc.

Parking Structure and Building Rehabilitation

Construction Administration

Forensic Services / Expert Testimony / Reports

Also see Building Consulting Services for information on Commercial Building Inspections, Telecom Site Consulting, Project and Facility Management, MEP, Civil and Architecture Joint Venture Services, and Forensic Investigations, Etc.


Building Inspection Services:

Structural Workshop provides complete commercial building inspections per ASTM E2018, SB-4D and beyond. The E2018 standard is a basic, walk through observation of the type and condition of the components of the building. We provide everything from a single inspector E2018 inspection to a team of experts in every component of the building and everything in-between. Our first step is to discuss the client’s needs and possible services with the client and to tailor a scope and inspection team to their needs. The team we assemble could consist of a Licensed Civil and Structural Engineer, Licensed Architect, Licensed Residential and Commercial Property Inspectors, Licensed Radon Technician, Licensed Commercial/Industrial HVAC Technician, Licensed Commercial/Industrial Electrician, Licensed Rodent and Pest Inspector. The items we cover could include Site Work, Storm Water Drainage, Paving and Curbing, Parking, Irrigation, Lighting, Signage, Utilities, Foundation, Structural Frame, Exterior, Roof, Roofing, Windows, Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Ventilation, Electric, Life Safety, Fire Protection, Interior.


Forensic Investigation and Engineering Services

Structural Workshop can provide complete Forensic Engineering and Investigation Services. We have testing lab and construction resources to provide a team of Engineers, Certified Welding Inspectors, Testing Lab Services, Field Testing Services, and to arrange for Demolition/Construction and cleanup as required to perform invasive investigation. We are a one-stop shop for investigation of building or building component failure. We try to take all forensic investigations in steps, only spending our clients money as needed. Our services generally start with a walk through visual observation and can then proceed to detailed testing and investigation, design of remediation, and litigation support. Whichever way you or your project leads us, we can go there.


Project and Facility Management and Consulting

Structural Workshop provides selected Project and Facility Management and Consulting Services to either compliment projects or as a standalone project. We can provide Project Management Services, Construction Administration, Cost Estimating, Bid Packages, Bid Review, and Contractor Selection, Maintenance Planning and Budgeting, Maintenance Manual Development, Feasibility Studies, and Design-Build Services.


Joint Venture Services

Structural Workshop partners with several trusted firms to be able to provide our clients with additional services. In addition to Structural Engineering Services and all the other services highlighted on this site, we can provide Architecture Services when Architecture is ancillary to the project, or we can refer you to an Architect to be the prime professional if necessary. We can provide MEP Engineering services, allowing us to provide both Structural and MEP Engineering for RTU replacements and similar projects. We can provide Civil and Site Engineering for retaining walls and geostructural projects. Couple this with our Project Management and Construction Administration Services and we will be the only call you need to make.


Condominium Association Consulting

Structural Workshop provides services to Condominium Associations such as Investigation and Design of Repairs for issues with buildings, parking garages, building envelopes, etc. We can approach these items from an investigation and repair perspective or from a litigation support perspective. We also provide Transition Studies and Reserve Studies to Condominium Associations.


Telecom Site Consulting and Design

Structural Workshop provides Telecommunication site Design services for cellular sites, antennas, towers, monopoles, microwaves and more.


Structural Workshop

President: Joe DiPompeo


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