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From the design of new buildings to the construction materials and technologies used to repair and maintain existing structures, we are uniquely qualified to provide a full range of building envelope consulting services to help prevent and eliminate problems.

Building Envelope Services


Committed to utilizing sustainable materials and methods as applicable, we proactively address performance issues to improve the way buildings are constructed and maintained.

The Science Behind High Performance

Maximizing the value and life cycle of a building requires continuously maintaining performance and improving energy efficiency. Our building envelope services include:

  • Façade Inspections
  • Façade Restoration
  • Building Envelope Assessments
  • Roof Consulting
  • Waterproofing and Weatherproofing Assessments and Design
  • Historic Preservation
  • Pavement Engineering

Façade Inspections

When façade elements fail, components could fall, thereby putting people and property at risk. As a response to this, many cities have passed façade ordinances to identify unsafe conditions, such as loose façade components or materials that may fall and cause damage to property or injury to pedestrians. At Rimkus, we provide professional building inspections supported by recommendations and design for proactive maintenance and repair programs.Façade inspections typically fall into one of the following categories:

    • Safe: Requires no attention
    • Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program: Requires repairs or maintenance within a time period designated by the professional in order to prevent deterioration into an unsafe condition
    • Unsafe: Has no reliable means of structural support and is dangerous to persons or property. Requires prompt remedial action.


Conducting Inspections

Inspection requirements range from visual inspection of street-facing façades by architects, engineers, or contractors, to “hands-on inspections” that require licensed engineers or architects to physically touch façade components for each elevation of the building along the entire height of each elevation. Typically, inspections are required for buildings over five stories, with inspection frequencies ranging from two to five years.Our experts are well versed in façade condition assessments and have the experience and knowledge needed to identify repair details as well as oversee the completion of the repairs on behalf of the property owner.


Façade Restoration

The appurtenances of a façade (balconies, fire escapes, etc.) often deteriorate faster than the façade itself and therefore require particular attention and, often, increased maintenance. Repairs to these elements should be addressed in a manner that will prolong the useful life of the appurtenance as well as the repairs performed.

The Rimkus Building Envelope team can assist in all phases of façade restoration. We are well versed in façade restoration, with a long track record of success on projects varying from low-rise commercial and residential buildings to luxury high-rise towers.The façade, while best known for its aesthetic, also provides structural support for a building and vertical weatherproofing for its interior spaces.All three of these components should be analyzed during façade restoration. Performing a thorough analysis of the building’s façade prior to design, Rimkus provides a detailed list of findings and recommendations for immediate repairs as well as preventative maintenance to completely address façade functions.

At Rimkus, we believe that the key to a successful façade restoration project often occurs before the contractor arrives on-site. A thorough and detailed pre-construction effort, including preliminary investigation, preparation of contract documents, bid process and review, pre-construction meeting(s), and review of all mock-ups and submittals, will often eliminate unnecessary costs and construction delays.


Building Envelope Assessments

The Rimkus Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Building Envelope Services team can provide a complete assessment of a structure’s building envelope (façadesroofs, windows, balconies, walkways, parking areas, etc.) describing the condition of such and all items in need of repair. A recommended timeline and a projected construction cost will also be provided to assist the owner in projecting future budgets.For a full survey of all building components, Rimkus can increase the scope of the survey and provide a full Property Condition Assessment (P.C.A.) including mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, elevators, and interiors.Building Envelope Assessments and PCAs are typically provided with 5- or 10-year projections; however, they may be customized to the client’s needs. These reports can be utilized as a tool to help create capital expenditure budgets and establish maintenance schedules.


Roof Consulting

Rimkus Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Services Roof Consultants can help extend life expectancy and optimize building performance on any size portfolio. Our roof consulting services include:

  • Roof Condition Assessments
  • Roof Design and Specification
  • Quality Observations
  • Roof Management Programs
  • Contract Administration
  • Plaza Decks and Parkade Assessments
  • Roof Diagnostic Testing
  • Heritage Restoration
  • Roof Anchors and Safety


Rimkus recommends a roof condition assessment to better understand the life expectancy of a roof and to address an immediate concern.The result is a promptly delivered roof analysis outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the existing roof system. Our findings are put into a clear and legible report that includes photo evidence, illustrations, and a colored AutoCAD roof plan. We believe that a high level of clarity and transparency is crucial to help our clients make informed decisions. Many of our technicians are RCI Inc., RRC, and RRO certified. Our emergency leak responders can diagnose numerous problems on the spot and expedite the remediation strategy.Capital planning is also an important component that we provide as part this process. We believe it is important to provide our clients with a strategy for future investments and expenditures to meet both the short and long-term budget plans.





Contact Details

  • Address: 560 SW 12th Ave., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
  • GPS:
  • Phone: 800.580.3228
  • Mobile Phone:
  • Website:

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