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Welcome to, within our website you will Learn about Florida Evictions. Inform yourself with the Florida Eviction Process

We have been helping Property Owners, Managers and Landlords for over 15 years.

We are not Attorneys We are an Eviction Information & Services Website 


Our Website Offers:

The Process for a Florida Eviction.
Find out how much a Florida Eviction Costs. (Filing Fees & Court Costs)
Step by Step Guide. (From 3-Day Notice through Writ of Possession)
Finding and Hiring a Process Service Company for your Eviction.
Laws for an Eviction as per the Florida State Statutes Section 83 Landlord Tenant Law.
Locations of Every County Clerks office and Court House in the State of Florida.
Locations of The Sheriffs office’s Throughout the State of Florida.
Finding a Law Firm for your Eviction.
Finding a Public Notary and why you need one.
Purchase All the Required Forms you will need for a Florida Eviction
Plus Take advantage of our Free Forms (Get the 3-Day Notice here)


Find all the information on our Website:


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