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Exclusive Management & Properties


Exclusive Management & Properties

(954) 969-1330

Every association wants its community to look its best. At Exclusive, we will work hand in hand with the Board in maintaining the appearance and integrity of your community. Everyone likes to feel good about where they live and we’re here to help every step of the way.


Property Inspections

Your property manager will perform routine inspections of your community to help maintain its appearance and integrity. The goal is to identify any potential issues before they become a problem. We accomplish this by not only performing inspections to ensure everyone is doing their part, but also following up once issues are identified to ensure they are corrected. Whether it’s a trash can left out in the street, or the weeds growing through the walkways; we’ll make sure the responsible persons are notified and given an opportunity to correct the issue. Your property manager will follow up with a subsequent visit to verify the issue has been taken care of and perform additional follow up if necessary. We use an integrated software system that allows us to track issues, reminds us when follow up is required through scheduled reporting functions, and allows us to track the issue until it is resolved. This reporting can also be summarized for presentation in monthly board packages to keep everyone informed as to the status of each item.

Service Requests

Your property manager will process service requests for repairs and maintenance of the Association’s property. Each request is has a work order generated for it that allows us to track it from beginning to end. We notify the appropriate vendors and meet with them when necessary to ensure all requests are processed in a timely manner. Our integrated software system allows us to update each work order as it is being handled to ensure we complete each one. We can report on the status of any work order at any time and can provide an up to date list of all service requests that are open and have been completed for any given time period. This reporting can also be summarized for presentation in monthly board packages to keep everyone informed as to the status of each item.

Contractor / Vendor Selection & Supervision

The Exclusive team will assist your Association’s Board in choosing the right company’s to do business with. From assisting with the preparation of the specifications for the Board’s review, to developing a comparative summary that analyzes each qualified bidder’s proposal. We want to make sure the Association receives the best possible products and services within its budget and protects itself from any liabilities that may arise. Your property manager will follow up to ensure services are performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of any negotiated contracts.

Office: (954) 969-1330
Toll free: (800) 510-7787

Our Main Office is located at:
Exclusive Property Management
2945 W. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 201
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309


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