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Big T Trip Hazard repair


Big T Trip Hazard repair


Sidewalk Trip Hazard Repairs

If you have uneven or cracked sidewalk it can create a huge liability, as someone could trip and fall. Using one of our repair options we can eliminates that liability and work within your budget.

Big T is a company that specializes in the removal of uneven sidewalks. We safely eliminate the dangers and liability of these uneven surfaces using the most permanent, time sensitive, and advanced methods available.

Unfortunately, many people choose to ignore these issues, as they don’t understand the dangers of trip hazards or how it can actually be fixed cost-effectively. Below is some helpful information on how to properly address sidewalk repair.

Not only does our trip hazard removal help you comply with the ADA and avoid trip and fall accident liability, we also guarantee work far superior to and less costly than other methods.


Our Services

Concrete Sidewalk Trip Hazard – Repair & Sidewalk Grinding and Leveling
Full Service Residential, Commercial and Retail Solutions
Call us Broward  954.975.8962 – Miami-Dade  305.626.8929 – West Palm Beach  561.737.4436

Gene Stoller
Big T Trip Hazard repair

Contact Details

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