Legislative Changes on the Horizon by Becker

Legislative Changes on the Horizon by Becker

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2021
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The tragic Champlain Towers South collapse has resulted in an outpouring of support worldwide, while also raising safety concerns among those who reside in community associations in Florida.

Becker’s Community Association Law team hears from clients daily seeking advice on how to assess the structural integrity of their building. The firm has always advised that individual building evaluations can only be addressed with the involvement of a qualified engineer. Separately, clients request guidance on legal steps to help their association more easily navigate these complicated issues. It is apparent that additional resources are needed to help safeguard the significant percentage of Floridians living in communities.

For this reason, the Florida Bar has appointed the Condominium Law and Policy Life Safety Task Force. This group will serve as a resource to the Governor and Legislature as they review all aspects of Florida condominium law, development, association operations, and maintenance to determine and recommend if legislative and or regulatory changes should be enacted. The task force consists of eight members, including Becker Shareholder Joseph E. Adams. Joe currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Florida Bar’s Condominium and Planned Development Committee, and is a former Chair of the Florida Condominium Council appointed by the Florida Legislature.

The Condominium Law and Policy Life Safety Task Force will discuss possible initiatives such as more frequent and statewide mandatory structural certifications, reserve funding mandates, removing hurdles to a board’s ability to assess and borrow for necessary repairs, as well as exploring the feasibility of a government-backed low interest loan program.

Becker’s Community Association Law Team will continue to monitor these developments as they evolve and will share with you as soon as information becomes available.


Donna DiMaggio Berger, Joseph E. Adams, Kenneth S. Direktor | 07.09.2021
Perspective Type – Client Advisory