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SO WHERE WILL PRICES GO?  By Eric Glazer, Esq.



By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I think last night’s 60 Minutes episode made it clear that for some, living in their condominium unit may simply become unaffordable.  The question is……which condos will suffer the most and which other forms of housing are most likely to retain their values and even go up.

Everyone is freaking out that all condominium living will soon become insanely unaffordable but that simply isn’t true.  Remember, these new inspection laws only kick in after 25 years if your condo is on the beach or within 3 miles of the coast.  They don’t kick in for 30 years for all other condos.  So, if your condo is new, these new inspections may not apply to you for decades.  Relax.

What else do we know?  Full funding of reserves start in 2025 and they can’t be waived.  Does that spell doom and gloom for everyone?  Not necessarily.  If your condominium has always been doing the right thing and has been fully funding reserves, these new laws requiring the full funding of reserves may not have a financial effect on you at all.   On the contrary, if you have been living in a condominium that has been waiving reserves for years, or even decades, you are in trouble.  You have a lot of catching up to do.  But what did you expect?  You were never putting away money for future repairs?  Did you think your building would never need repairs?  If it did need repairs, did you think these repairs would magically be paid?

Remember, these mandatory inspections, mandatory repairs and mandatory reserves only apply to condominiums of 3 stories or more.  So obviously, if your condominium is under three stories, you won’t be subject to mandatory inspections or mandatory reserves.  Something tells me, your home will be in high demand.

Of course, if you live in an HOA, the new inspection and reserve laws won’t apply to you either.  No doubt in my mind, condo dwellers will soon be looking to switch to the HOA way of life.

If you live in one of those condos above 3 stories that is 30 years of age or older and never reserved a dollar, it’s going to be hard to sell your unit. Buyers are more educated now and realize they would be buying into a financial nightmare.  If you want to sell, your price will definitely have to factor in, what the new buyer is about to pay for those inspections and repairs.

On the contrary, people who own condos under 3 stories or who live in HOAs will be in the driver’s seat as none of these costs will be passed on to their potential buyers.

I’m no realtor……..but this is how I see it.


Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….by Allstate Lake Management

Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….by Allstate Lake Management

Lake Turnover and Fish Kills The science behind it….

by Allstate Lake Management

Lake turnovers generally occur in the fall but can sometimes occur in the summer. During the hot weather, the surface water of a lake warms much faster than deeper water. This results in a temporary layering effect, with warm water on top and cool water underneath. Scientists refer to this as stratification.
Because the top layer has constant access to the atmosphere, it tends to have more oxygen than the bottom layer-even though it’s warmer. If a heavy wind or cold rain should occur during these conditions, the stratification may be broken, causing the two layers to mix. Once this happens the mixing action can result in low dissolved oxygen levels throughout the water column, and can potentially cause a fish kill.
We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) exists to help cure blood cancers and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Every year we raise funds for LLS because of how important this lifesaving organization is to us. Last year we raised over $20,000 (THANK YOU!). Inspired by your generosity and determination to fight for a cure, this year we increased our goal to $35,000!
Here’s how your donation to LLS changes lives!
  • Since 1949, LLS has invested nearly $1.3 billion in cancer research – funding nearly all of today’s most promising advances, and bringing us closer to cures.
  • Last year, LLS Information Specialists responded to nearly 20,000 inquiries from patients and caregivers, guiding them to a wide array of education and support services.
  • LLS has a nationwide grassroots network of more than 100,000 volunteers who advocate for state and federal policies that benefit patients.
We hope that you are able to make a donation of any amount to our fundraiser because there is still so much to accomplish in defeating blood cancers once and for all!

Madison Cohen and Harvey Cohen share their touching story of survival and hope.

Please go to:

Welcome to Cohen- Marketing Team’s Fundraising Page

Cohen Law Group are members of SFPMA and we support this fundraising and health of Madison

Frank J Mari / Executive Director SFPMA

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Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

Watch the Webinar: Preventive Maintenance CEU Course

We recently held an educational webinar with the Brickell Homeowners Association and Siegfried Rivera to discuss why a preventive maintenance plan is a critical aspect of any association’s operation.

click on the picture below and watch the video. or click here.

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. You will not receive credits for watching the recording. Credits were issued only to those that attended the course.

brought to us by, Campbell Property Management

SOLitude Lake Management Acquires Clarke Aquatic Services

SOLitude Lake Management Acquires Clarke Aquatic Services

SOLitude Lake Management Acquires Clarke Aquatic Services

SOLitude is proud to announce the acquisition of Clarke Aquatic Services, Inc. (CAS), a business unit of The Clarke Group, headquartered in St. Charles, IL. The transaction closed effective November 1, 2022.

Uniting with Clarke

Clarke Aquatic Services provides aquatic management services to customers in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Virginia. Through this acquisition, SOLitude welcomes nearly 50 new aquatic service professionals to its organization and expands its operations to 59 total offices across 41 states.

“We are excited to unite Clarke Aquatic Services and SOLitude Lake Management, further strengthening our position as the premier lake and pond management company in the country,” Mychal Manolatos, Vice President of SOLitude Lake Management said. “Clarke Aquatic Services brings a long reputation of sound service and expertise in the industry.”

Merging to Become ONE

SOLitude and CAS find common ground in the mission to help communities and businesses achieve clean, safe and beautiful lakes, advance new industry technologies, and support healthy experiences around the water.

“Merging with SOLitude supports professional opportunities for CAS coworkers and enhances the service portfolio and technologies available to aquatics customers,” said J. Lyell Clarke, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of The Clarke Group. “With the sale of our Aquatics business unit, Clarke intensifies its focus on its core business of developing and delivering the most environmentally-responsible solutions for managing the public health impacts of mosquitoes around the world.”

Learn about our eco-friendly mission.

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Implementing proactive solutions is the best strategy for achieving a beautiful lake

Implementing proactive solutions is the best strategy for achieving a beautiful lake

Top Lake Management Articles of 2022

The year is almost over, but there is still time to set your lake or pond up for success. Start the planning process now and lay the foundation for a healthy and beautiful waterbody in 2023. Whether you’re looking to create happy communities or want to learn effective shoreline management solutions, our experts are here to help. Look back at our top 5 articles of 2022 and discover everything SOLitude has to offer to help you achieve your waterbody goals.

1. How Consistent Lake Management Helps Create Happier, Healthier Communities

For many, water brings peace and happiness. That is one of the many reasons maintaining a healthy waterbody is so important. Water quality issues can have a harmful effect on recreational activities, wildlife, property values, and overall quality of life. Start a proactive management plan and enjoy the benefits of a healthy waterbody all year long.

2. Set Your Waterbody Up for Success This Year and Beyond

Annual management is essential to the health and well-being of any lake or pond. Proactive, eco-friendly strategies that are tailored to your unique ecosystem will make it possible to maintain a balanced and beautiful waterbody for all to enjoy. Build a custom annual lake management plan and achieve your goals for years to come.

3. Beyond the Water: Effectively Managing Lake and Pond Shorelines

Regular shoreline maintenance ensures that your lake or pond can withstand the test of time. Protecting your waterbody from the dangerous and unsightly effects of erosion starts with preventative management. Learn how smart solutions such as bioengineered living shorelines can repair even the most severe erosion cases.

4. Control Nutrient Levels and Improve Lake and Pond Health with All-Natural Alum

Nutrient Remediation with Alum is one of the most effective and natural solutions for poor water quality. When water quality is healthy, algae, nuisance weeds, and toxic cyanobacteria are less likely to thrive. Restore the balance and beauty of your waterbody with Alum and other proactive solutions.

5. Oxygenation Solutions for Lakes & Ponds: Floating Fountains vs. Surface Aerators vs. Submersed Aeration

Healthy, functional lakes and ponds require oxygen. Waterbodies with poor water quality can suffer from water quality impairments like algae, toxic cyanobacteria, and aquatic weed growth. Fortunately, lake managers can utilize three solutions to increase oxygen: floating fountains, surface aerators, and submersed diffused aeration.

Achieve Your Ideal Waterbody

There’s no doubt that lakes and ponds are vital to our communities. That’s why it’s so important to maintain a healthy waterbody for everyone to enjoy. Let us help you reach your lake and pond management goals next year. Contact our professionals to get started on your 2023 management plan.

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Prepare for Tropical Storm Nicole by Cohen Law Firm

Prepare for Tropical Storm Nicole by Cohen Law Firm

Prepare for Tropical Storm Nicole

by Cohen Law Firm

Homeowners & Property Owners Preparedness Tips:
It is extremely important for you to have records of your property’s condition in the event that you need to file a claim with your insurance company.
Before The Storm:
  • Take photos of your property- Interior of Home, Exterior of Home, Roof, Pool and Pool Area, Fencing, Trees, Front Yard, Back Yard.
  • If you are not able to take photos before a storm, collect the most recent photos you have taken of your property.
  • Document belongings- with proper documentation, you may also be able to recover lost expenses for home contents, personal property, and other items. Here is a list of some items to consider keeping receipts for or appraising: Televisions, Furniture, Jewelry, Artwork, Appliances, Computers, Antiques, Beds, Decks, Other Electronic Equipment
  • Know what is in your homeowner’s insurance policy.
  • Have records of your property’s condition in the event that you need to file a claim with your insurance company.
  • Review your mold coverage.
  • Review your flood coverage. This is normally separate insurance policy.
  • Ask your insurance agent about coverage for water damage, law and ordinance, debris removal, and additional living expenses.
  • Check your hurricane deductible, it can be much higher than your regular deductible.
  • Have a plan to move yourself and your family – especially those with special needs.
  • Have a portable radio, TV or NOAA Weather Radio on hand to monitor important information.
  • Homeowners who depend on well water should draw an emergency supply.
  • Get cash or travelers checks in case banks or ATMs are not operational.
  • Ensure all your electronic/mobile devices are fully charged.
  • Gather important documentation and place in waterproof container.
  • Make arrangements for pets; emergency shelters may not let you bring your animals with you.
  • Find out where the nearest shelter is located and the routes to get there.
  • Fill your automobile(s) with gas or ensure your electric vehicle is charged.
  • If you have an emergency power source, learn how to use it properly.
After The Storm:
  • When it is safe to do so, photograph your property’s: Interior, Exterior, and Roof
  • Consult with an attorney experienced in handling insurance claims before giving any recorded statements or meeting with an adjuster assigned to the claim.
  • Call the insurance carrier and timely report the claim.
  • Homeowners should obtain an inspection by a qualified contractor and/or roofer to assess whether the hurricane force winds have damaged or diminished the roofing system and building envelope.
  • Take photos and record the questions and answers when talking to adjusters.
  • Make sure to keep track of the name and number of every person you talk to at your insurance company.
  • Check your Co-Insurance penalties.
  • Make a copy of the insurance policy and keep it in a safe place.
  • Check your policy coverages and sublimits.
  • Just because water has not began to enter the structure does not mean that there is not damage to their property.
  • We have seen too many homeowner claims where an engineer is hired months after the storm and the engineer states the damage preexisted the hurricane.
  • For more information about the work we do with insurance claims, Click Here.
Business Owners Preparedness Tips:
  • Businesses should pay close attention to the storm’s forecast over the weekend. The National Hurricane Center releases a new full advisory every 6 hours, at 5am, 11am, 5pm and 11pm EDT. They are issuing intermediate advisories every 3 hours, between the full advisories (1am, 8am, 1pm, 8pm EDT.)
  • During this time, it’s important to review your disaster and emergency communication plan.
  • Backup all data on servers and personal computers and ensure remote access is available.
  • Ensure your equipment is raised above potential flood levels.
  • Review your insurance policies to mitigate any possible gaps in coverage.
  • Protect and duplicate important business documents and records. Be sure they are accessible from anywhere.
For More Information Click The Link Below:



By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I’m already hearing stories of developers making low ball offers to owners in high rise condominium buildings, offering to buy units at bargain prices. Here’s why…..  Developers knows that in building of 25 years or more on the coast or 30 years or more inland, owners are facing massive upcoming expenses.

These include but are not limited to:

  1. Mandatory fire sprinklers or an engineered life safety system;
  2. A mandatory Phase One Inspection;
  3. A likely Phase Two Inspection which will subsequently result in major repairs being required to the condominium property;
  4. A Structural Integrity Reserve Study and the full funding of reserves.

 It’s going to get mighty expensive to remain living in some condominiums and developers know that many owners simply won’t be able to afford it.  Their strategy is to offer you some money for your unit instead of you having to come out of your pocket tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Developers may rely on simply making an agreement to buy everyone’s unit at the same time and if even one owner decides not to sell, the deal is off.

Developers may also have a strategy where they buy enough units to “terminate” the condominium form of ownership.  Under the current statute the developer may wish to accumulate only 80% of all units.  If so, the developer can then file a plan of “termination.”

the plan must be approved by at least 80 percent of the total voting interests of the condominium. However, if 5 percent or more of the total voting interests of the condominium have rejected the plan of termination by negative vote or by providing written objections, the plan of termination may not proceed.


If you read the foregoing statute, clearly developers would want to purchase just in excess of 95% of all units so that nobody can stop the plan of termination.  However, some of you may have language in your governing documents that would require a vote of 100% of the owners in order to terminate the condominium.  The question of whether the magic number is 80%, 95% 100% or some other number depends upon whether you have “Kaufman” language or “as amended from time to time” language in your governing documents.  Believe me, it gets complicated.

The bottom line is that many of you will soon be approached by developers looking for a steal.  When this happens, rather than have infighting among those that live and/or own in the condominium, I urge you to seek the advice of counsel on this very complicated topic.

No doubt older buildings will be toppled by developers who will put new ones in their place.  It may be very unlikely that even though you lived there for decades, you won’t be able to afford the prices in the new condominium.  Ladies and gentlemen, gentrification is coming to a neighborhood near you.

Every Sunday watch and listen…Ask Questions get Answers!

Public Adjusters: Stephen Sarasohn brings over 50 years public adjusting experience to the negotiating table when it’s time to settle the claim

Public Adjusters: Stephen Sarasohn brings over 50 years public adjusting experience to the negotiating table when it’s time to settle the claim

Sarasohn & Company, Inc.

Public Adjusters

Most states license all insurance adjusters, whether they work for an insurance company or for the public. Adjusters working for the insurance companies are obligated to treat all claimants fairly and impartially. However, they are paid by the insurance companies for their efforts. The state recognizes that the insured is entitled to equal representation and may retain the services of an expert adjuster to assist in the claim process

Not all public adjusters are the same. One recent article stated that losses caused by your negligence can be excluded. That’s just not so! We are a fourth generation family owned business, founded in 1924, and have more experience than any other public adjusting firm in Florida. We are founding members of both the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters and the Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjusters. Large commercial losses are our specialty. We’ve adjusted a great many claims in excess of a million dollars and even many in the tens of millions of dollars. In addition to numerous state licenses, Stephen Sarasohn, our CEO, has held the nationally recognized designation of Senior Professional Public Adjuster since it was created in 1987. He has been certified by the Florida Department of Financial Services to teach continuing education courses to the other public adjusters.

Insurance policies are not all the same. Coverages, exclusions and post loss requirements differ from policy to policy. Our first step is to do a thorough review of your insurance policy. This is necessary to ensure that we take advantage of all the benefits it affords and to be certain we comply with all its requirements. We then prepare the claim using licensed general contractors, engineers and other experts as needed. We attend all meetings with the insurance company’s representatives on the insured’s behalf. Stephen Sarasohn brings over 50 years public adjusting experience to the negotiating table when it’s time to settle the claim. By law, accepting the final settlement is up to the insured. We can’t finalize anything on our own.

Whether the damage is caused by fire, flood, wind, plumbing leak or any other covered peril, rest assured that Sarasohn & Company will bring to bear all its knowledge and experience to make sure the insured achieves the best possible result with their claim. We can be reached 24/7 at 561-368-5000.


Stephen Sarasohn SPPA
Sarasohn & Company, Inc.
Public Adjusters since 1924
561-368-5000 office
561-866-3589 cell
We are Jacksonville’s Preferred Roofing Company & Exterior Contractor! Get your FREE Roof Inspection

We are Jacksonville’s Preferred Roofing Company & Exterior Contractor! Get your FREE Roof Inspection

  • Posted: Nov 04, 2022
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We are Jacksonville’s Preferred Roofing Company & Exterior Contractor! Get your FREE Roof Inspection –– 🏡

🏆 Jacksonville’s Preferred Roofing Company
☎️ 1 Company, 1 Call, Many Solutions
💪 Roofs That Are Built To Last
License no. CCC1328917 / CBC1252682