Have your services been affected by coronavirus?
Have your services been affected by coronavirus?
We know businesses like yours may be struggling to keep customers informed right now.
To help we’ve released help for Members We want members businesses to communicate changes and promote their available services.
(For example) a members business could write an article tell us what you offer or that they’re temporarily closed or Let us know that you are OPEN and ready to help Condo’s and HOA’s. We will repost these members articles and send these out to our Industry.
Once normal service resumes, or you reopen you can easily send another article for the service update, SFPMA will help by sending these to our Industry.
We have a large reach for our Blog. We send Hundreds of Thousands of Emails to industry professionals and more if you also add every member company and subscriber.
Need more resources? Think about taking out Advertising on our website or in the Florida Rising Magazine.
At SFPMA, we’re committed to providing members businesses with as much support as possible during this challenging time.Â
Send us an Email: Membership@sfpma.com
Frank J Mari / Executive Director
Tags: Management News, Member Highlights