Do you take advantage of our Marketing? What is involved with your Membership Listings
As a member you want to know what marketing steps you can take to promote your company and Learn how we market our members.
Many members use what we offer, they send us Articles we republish to our industry, but we have had many companies that do not….then inform us we are not getting many requests? we ask them when is the last time you sent any information via ( )
Their answer does not surprise us: They state, well we were busy. So our Team looks at their social Media, either non ex-histant or one post a month. But they do have many likes, follows of other companies. That is not using marketing to help people in your industry learn about the value you can bring to them.
Our IT Dept is always finding the best way to use programs that automatically market the members information, then post to the internet and direct emails. Not to forget social media pages and groups.
There are so many avenues you can take advantage of with a SFPMA Membership.
-  You are placed on a full company page, like an extension of your website. Included in the directory listing page is; your logos, the bio about what your company offers with your contact and social media. It is vital that you provide these links so new clients when searching can learn more about the services you provide and contact you. (Website Directory Company Listing Page)
-  You are also placed in our magazine directory. Each month we publish an Industry Magazine sent to thousands of Clients. This Publication is Digital! so each reader can click on the Advertising within they are sent through rich media links to either your website or the membership page on sfpma. Some companies have a Landing Page set up on their websites that give Information, Sales and Specials through the Magazine Links they provide to us, giving great value for clients to click and use our members and keep reading the magazine.  (Magazine Directory in the Florida Rising Magazine)
-  Members can send to us Sales and Products their companies are running.  Sales and products submitted by members are Emailed weekly/monthly, as our industry professionals are reading the articles they can easily learn the services and the expertise your company offers them. They find you through you links supply or we link these to your Membership page. So, If your company is running specials or sales send them to us!. Everyone likes to save money before they buy something so use this as a way to attract clients promote your company and give knowledge to the reader.
-  Our Events Calendar is searched daily by everyone from Board Members and Owners to the Property Managers looking for licensing credits and networking opportunities. If you provide a course, class, webinar or education to the industry send them to sfpma. Or let us know where you have your monthly events on your website, we will add these to our Industry Calendar each month. Events are added and shared these with our industry.
- Writing Articles for our weekly Emails and Blog. Every member has the ability to send to us company updates, Industry News and Articles. Sfpma republishes these on our Blog and sends these to the social media pages and groups we govern. This is also picked up on our RSS Feed and used for our Emails. ( When an article is published on our blog it will automatically get published on our email blast that week and sent to all of our readers, clients and members. A great way to get your news out to thousands of industry professionals.
* Take advantage of what we offer members! – You don’t just sit on a directory your membership fee includes our marketing. You can help promote and keep involved with sfpma let us send your company information to hundreds of thousands of industry professionals through your membership. If you do not take advantage of the association offers – you can only blame yourself!Â
Tags: SFPMA Marketing / Social Media