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  • Posted: Jun 17, 2020
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by Ron Giles of PRS

After many uses, garbage disposal blades need sharping. Just a hand full of ice can do the job. Another tip is put the drain plug in the garbage disposal. Fill the kitchen sink full of water. Turn on the garbage disposal and pull the plug.


1. Grease or oil. Just because it is out of sight does not mean the garbage disposal “disposed” of it. Usually, it solidifies and begins to build up in your pipes. Not good.
2. Vegetable peels. You might get away with it from time to time, but odds are, eventually this one will catch up with you–and leave you a soupy backfilled mess in your sink. Garbage disposals do not do too many peels–they’ll spit them up like an unhappy infant.
3. Egg shells. Believe or not, the membrane on the inside of the egg can wrap around the blades and wreak havoc. Better just to compost them.
4. Coffee Grounds. These seem like they go down fine, but over time, the little grounds build up like sediment in the pipes, causing all sorts of trouble.
5. Pits or seeds. Think: peach pits, avocado pits, cherries, etc. I am sure this one goes without mentioning, but it will basically rattle around in there like a pinball of destruction.
6. Bones. I know, again, duh.
7. Anything in bulk. Feed your disposal small meals, let it grind it up, then add more.
8. Garbage. Think: cigarette butts or paper. It is not really designed for those sorts of things and will get testy.
9. Rice and pasta. I did not know this. Basically, every time you turn the water on, the pasta and rice will continue to expand–even after your supposedly ground it up.
10. Stringy veggies. Think: celery, artichokes, carrots, corn husks, or even some types of lettuce. The stringy parts can wrap around the blades, causing resistance on the blades.
11. Potato Peels. These suckers can cause a soupy mess in your disposal down the road—even if you think you can get away with dumping them down the drain from time to time. The same goes for other starchy vegetables and beans.
12. Harsh Chemicals. Do not mistake your kitchen sink for a chemistry laboratory. The grinding components of most garbage disposals are made of galvanized steel which can corrode when contacted with strong chemicals like bleaching powder and such cleaning agents.
13. Onion Skins. The onion skin can get caught in the blades, but the worst thing is the will cause clogs down the pipes.
14. Pumpkins. Anyone who carved a pumpkin for Halloween knows how sticky they are. When thrown down a garbage disposal though they are juicy and slimy they will stick on to the grinding blades and form a clog. The only way to get rid of a pumpkin clog is by dismantling the pipes and cleaning it.
15. Corn Husk. Corn husks are some of the most fibrous items you can find in a kitchen. They are extremely difficult to grind and should never ever end up in a disposal.
16. Seafood. While you may feel confident that seafood like shrimp can be disposed of safely in a garbage disposal that’s not the case. Instead of going down the pipes they will form a white little ball that will clog the disposal. No matter what magical remedies you try dismantling the pipes is the only option that will work.




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The Importance of Getting Permits For Additions and Improvements for your properties.

The Importance of Getting Permits For Additions and Improvements for your properties.

  • Posted: Jun 11, 2020
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The Importance of Getting Permits For Additions and Improvements


Getting Permits For Work at Your House is Vital

When you consider making improvements or additions to your home, it can be tempting to try and skirt the permit process. In some cities and towns, the cost and hassle of getting a permit can seem unnecessary, especially if you are handy and like to make renovations, or you have a friend who offers to do it for you.

Unfortunately, when you go and try to sell your home, the lack of permits can prove to be a real problem. Buyers may balk at purchasing a home that does not have permits – fearing that the additions may be unsafe or not properly done.

In the end, getting the property permits is always a good idea.

Often a home seller will say to me “I’m selling my home do I need permits for work I have done”? Unfortunately, the answer is usually yes you do.


The Temptation Of Avoiding Permits

The temptation to avoid getting a permit for home improvements is something every owner faces at one point or another. It is understandable, as the cost of home improvements and additions is already high in many cases.

The permit process – including the inspection to verify the work is up to standards – can seem like a pain. It may take some time to complete the process, time you may not feel like you have.

Those most tempted to avoid permits are homeowners that are interested in actually saving money by doing the work themselves, or bringing in a friend who has experience in home repair and renovation.

The friend – or inexpensive contractor you hire – may even imply that you do not need to worry about getting a permit. This, of course, is WRONG!


The Real Reason Why Most Don’t Pull Permits

The real reason that many homeowners don’t pull permits isn’t that of paying a few hundred bucks to the town hall or the inconvenience that comes with it. Nearly every city and town in America collects taxes bases upon the assessed value of a home. Assessed value is calculated by looking at the size and characteristics of property.

What is the gross living area? How many bedrooms does it have? How many bathrooms? These are all factors in determining an appropriate assessed value.

Guess what happens when the tax assessor knows about the luxurious new finished basement with home theater, wet bar, home gym and beautiful bath you just added. If you guessed your taxes are going up, then you are 100 percent correct.

When no permits have pulled the town most likely will not find out, and your taxes will not take the upward climb, they would have otherwise.

Homeowners can save thousands of dollars over the course of owning a home when permits are not pulled. When selling a home, this becomes very problematic. If and when the town or city finds out about it, the new owner is the one who will bear the brunt of the increased taxes paid.

This will often lead to disputing high property taxes. In the case where the town has not collected taxes in years, it may be harder to get a justified abatement.


The Problem With Not Getting Permits

When you go to sell your home, there will always be a home inspection and an appraisal conducted by certified professionals. This is just part of the selling process, and it helps buyers know what they are getting into before they buy the home.

The inspector and appraiser will likely go over your house with a fine-toothed comb, looking over every area to verify that the home is in good working order – sometimes even checking all public records on the home.

There are no requirements for the home inspector or appraiser to check on permits for improvements to the home, but this does not mean someone will not ask about them. The inspector, the appraiser, the buyer and the bank that is doing the lending, all have the ability to request public records from your home, which will include the permits that have been acquired for the home.

A good buyers agent should always ask if there were permits pulled when a significant addition or finished basement has been added. These types of improvements can have a significant impact financially for a new owner.

You can run into major problems when someone discovers that renovations were done to the home without permits. This can, in fact, stop a home sale. There is an especially high risk of getting found out if the improvements were made recently.

The appraiser can see what the house consisted of when you bought it, and will notice if there is not an extra bathroom, deck or finished basement. The bigger the addition or improvement to the home, the more likely that someone will notice that something is off.


Buyers Want Certified Work

Unless you are in an extremely tight housing market, where buyers are desperate and will take anything, you can expect people to be concerned with any improvements that do not have the proper permits.

A lack of permits implies several problems to potential buyers, including safety and quality issues.


Safety Concerns

Customers want to move into a safe home. They may be planning to start a family, or already have children. They may just be uneasy about any work that was not done by a certified professional.

Part of the permit process is intended to verify that the improvements to a home were made properly, according to regulations, by someone who knows what he or she is doing.

Knowing that all safety rules and standard building practices were observed gives buyers peace of mind. Another would be hiring the local handyman to do electrical wiring a licensed electrician should have done.

In some cases, it is even possible that you may not have insurance coverage if there was a major catastrophe like a fire. The perfect example is the owner who goes out and buys a wood stove for the fireplace and doesn’t bother to pull an installation permit with the fire department.

Good luck getting an insurance claim if the insurance company finds out there are no permits, and the stove was the cause of the fire.


Quality Concerns

Safety may be the first thing buyers think about when they see you lack permits, but questions about the quality of the work will come quickly after.

The fact that you do not have a permit makes buyers think that you were trying to cut corners. You may have hired someone that was not fully qualified to do the work, or you may have done the work yourself and not known what you were doing.

Whatever the truth is, buyers will suspect shoddy craftsmanship when there is a missing permit. No one wants to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into a home with poorly crafted improvements.

A good example here is all the homeowners who had to deal with removing ice dams this past winter. There are a lot of negative things ice dams can do to a home including mold. In cases where mold is bad walls may need to be removed and rebuilt.

If it is bad enough, you may even need to relocate or replace the electrical wiring. Could a homeowner fix this themselves? I am sure many have. That doesn’t mean hiring a professional who pulls a permit for this kind of work is not the right way to go.


What Happens When I Don’t Have Building Permits

One of the questions I am often asked by homeowners when they are considering selling is what will happen if I don’t have a building permit for work done on my home. There is no clear cut and dry answer on this but in my experience, the local city or town will ask the homeowner to go through the permitting process.

The owner will, of course, have to pay all necessary fees involved with the construction. Each of the applicable inspectors will also need to come through and inspect the work.

Many homeowners are asking this question because they want to know if the town will make them rip out everything they have built and start from scratch. In my twenty-nice years of selling real estate I have not experienced this.

That, however, does not mean it is not possible. Homeowners should be very apologetic to the local building department when it has been discovered there are no permits pulled.


What Are Additional Risks of Not Pulling Permits

One of the other risks of not pulling permits is getting sued later on down the road by the buyer who purchases your home. Unfortunately, we live in a sue-happy society where people are always looking for someone to blame.

When you don’t pull a permit, and something tragic happens years down the road, who do you think they are going to come after?

In Massachusetts when selling a home, it is standard practice that homeowners fill out a form called the “sellers statement of property condition.” Lots of states use these forms.

They are primarily a disclosure of what the seller knows and doesn’t know about the home. One of the first questions on this form asks “have you done any work on the home in which a permit was required.” You better answer this one honestly folks for the reason above I just mentioned!


When Do I Need to Pull a Building Permit?

There is no clear cut and dry answer on when you will need to pull a building permit for an improvement to your home. The best way to find out is to pick up the phone and call the local building department or stop in for a face to face.

The building inspector should be able to quickly tell you if you will need a permit for your project or not.

It is safe to assume that anything safety related will require a permit. You can also expect that a permit will be necessary when you are doing something that will significantly alter your home.

One important reminder – When all the work has been completed don’t forget to have a final inspection and get the permit closed out! Over the years I have had several clients who have done the right thing and pulled a building permit but never closed it out once all the work was completed.

Closing out a permit is often called getting a certificate of occupancy. Recently while selling a home, I ran into this exact situation.

The owner pulled an original building permit but never asked for a final inspection, so the project was never filed as completed. Luckily, the building department did not make them do anything special other than getting a final inspection.

You could, however, find yourself in a situation where you are not so lucky if there are code changes between the time the permit is pulled and when you are selling your home. So make sure when the project is completed a final inspection is done, and certificate of occupancy is issued.

Here are some examples of items you will more than likely need a permit for:

  • A finished basement.
  • A bathroom remodel or adding a bathroom.
  • The addition of a deck.
  • The addition of a screened porch.
  • Changing or upgrading your electrical service.

These are just a few quick examples. There are many other items for which you will need to pull a permit.



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Most people do not give much thought to their pipes – until they stop working by Ronnie Giles of PRS

Most people do not give much thought to their pipes – until they stop working by Ronnie Giles of PRS

  • Posted: Jun 04, 2020
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Ronnie Giles 561-602-8660

Sr. Account Manager Florida East Coast

CAI Business Partner Certified

#CGC 1517755 / #CFC 1429221


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PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services

PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services

  • Posted: Jun 02, 2020
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PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans

by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services


JUNE 3rd, 2020 @9am

Good news, if you missed our recent webinar on PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans you’re in luck! The demand for this webinar was so great that we’ve decided to have a second for those who were unable to attend.

Small business owners you don’t want to miss out on this valuable information that could have a big impact on your business.

Sign up for the PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans Webinar using the link below:

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  • Posted: Jun 01, 2020
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Just because we’re stuck in our homes doesn’t mean we can’t get together —- and learn together — remotely – in a safe and fun way.  NO EXCUSES.
Florida law allows the Board Certification class to be taught via a video conference and that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Turn off the news for a few hours and let’s try to have some fun instead. 

We have ANOTHER class scheduled:

NEXT CLASS – JUNE 11th, at 6:00 P.M.

If you want to sign up, just provide us with an an e-mail address.  I will then send you a link that you need to click on to start the live seminar.  Make sure to go to: GoTo Meeting
in advance to simply download the program.
Like always……IT’S FREE.
So let’s do this together!

If you want to register, send an e-mail to:


Just say you are registering for the class. You will then get a copy of the link to click on before the seminar starts.
After the on-line seminar, you will be e-mailed your certificate and materials.
Let’s make the best of the cards we were dealt.  Let’s get together and do something fun and useful.
In the mean time, our firm and all of the sponsors of the Condo Craze and HOAs radio show wish all of you and your families nothing but good health and good spirits.  We will all get through this in time.
Hoping to see you (on my computer).
Eric Glazer
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The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

  • Posted: Jun 01, 2020
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The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

by Concierge Plus Inc.

The COVID-19 crisis has presented new and unique challenges for everyone. As with past disruptions, technology will be a key part of the solution for businesses to survive this crisis and thrive in a “new normal” environment. By talking to property managers across North America every
day, we have found what’s working and what’s needed to operate your community remotely and virtually.))
This is the)only)guide published for property/association managers and board members with best practices, tips and tricks on social distancing
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Property Management and Social Distancing by Concierge Plus Inc.

Property Management and Social Distancing by Concierge Plus Inc.

  • Posted: May 25, 2020
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Property Management and Social Distancing

by Concierge Plus Inc.

COVID-19 has presented new and unique challenges, such as social distancing, which is having a profound effect on the property management industry. The pandemic has accelerated a digital transformation of property management operations, and this is a sharp wake-up call for managers who must be prepared to operate remotely and virtually in a ‘new normal’ environment.

What makes the COVID-19 virus outbreak challenging, is the fact that property management is a ‘people’ business. How do managers keep their staff on the same page when they can’t even be in the same room? How do they get closer to their clients when social distancing keeps them from getting within six feet of them? The solution is to use technology made specifically for the needs of residential property managers. By utilizing communication and tracking tools available in property management platforms, managers can maintain a strong and cohesive operation.

Property managers have two primary responsibilities: to carry out policies set by the board and to manage the community’s daily operations. However, now, residents see managers as trusted advisors and their expertise is being used to guide communities through the pandemic.

The following are a few options to consider as you work to reduce risk in your community.



Communication during crisis situations is crucial and a resident portal is an instrumental channel for managers to effectively communicate with ­­residents. Residents expect to be kept in the loop with important information and welcome the opportunity to have a say with regards to important topics. Managers can use the resident portal to ensure residents are apprised of the latest information. This can be done by sending out announcements on how they are managing the outbreak.

With our Announcements solution, you can create, edit, and distribute announcements easily and effectively by email, text message (SMS) or automated phone call. You should also consider broadcasting announcements via display screens strategically placed in the lobby, and within elevators to maximize the effectiveness of audience engagement.


Record keeping

HOAs and condominiums are required to provide access to important documents in the form of document inspection requests, a common practice that will continue even during this pandemic. We expect COVID-19 to affect the normal course of business throughout 2020, especially as we practice social distance and handling physical materials.

Managements should consider uploading community documentation to their resident portal. Using our simple drag-and-drop system, you can upload and distribute documents such as board minutes, forms, by-laws, floor plans, photos, and videos. Permission-based controls allow management to determine exactly who sees what.


Amenity bookings

As cities throughout North America gradually gear up for reopening and ease some COVID-19 restrictions, there are proactive measures and legal concerns communities might want to think about when it comes to managing and maintaining amenities like pools and fitness rooms.

We expect residents to no longer be able to use a pool or fitness room without a reservation due to social distancing. Residents will have to reserve an amenity for any available time slot and should receive scheduled reservation notifications.


Digital future

With our platform you can streamline the management of amenity bookings with an easy-to-use online form. Email updates are sent automatically when a request is approved or updated. Your residents will love being able to see a detailed list of common amenities as well as a calendar view of their availability. You can even accept online payments for bookings by credit card.

Many property managers have already realized the benefits of running their business on our cloud-based property management platform built with automation at its core. They are using our platform to collect online payments, communicate instantly, support dispersed teams and much more.

It is important to understand that even after the ‘end’ of the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 is going to have a lasting impact on how managers and residents communicate for a long time to come. Managers must therefore get ahead of the inevitable digital future of communication within property management.


To help property managers and associations navigate these issues, we created a webinar specifically relating to COVID-19. Entitled “COVID-19 and Technology: Resident Communications, Virtual Meetings, and Electronic Voting,” we invited experts in the field of property management technology to give helpful tips and advice for successfully managing a property remotely and virtually in a ‘new normal’ environment.




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  • Posted: May 21, 2020
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by Kaye Bender Rembaum

To further address the re-opening of both Palm Beach and Broward Counties new Orders have been issued and are already in effect. Links to each new order are located below this article. In all instances, social distancing and wearing of masks when in public is still advised.

Has your association considered adopting new rules consistent with social distancing policies and wearing of face masks when members are in common areas and common elements? Discussion with your association’s attorney is warranted when preparing such rules for board adoption.

Remember too, so long as the State of Florida remains under a State of Emergency as declared by the Governor (due to expire July 7), the statutory emergency powers remain available to community associations which includes the power to close amenities when based upon the advice of licensed professionals or emergency management officials. With that in mind, after consultation with the aforementioned licensed professionals or emergency management officials, amenities can be closed. Moreover, there is no obligation to open amenities if the board believes, that in its reasonable business judgment, doing so would create an unsafe condition and/ or if compliance with local, state, and federal orders cannot be met.

Our comments to assist your understanding of each of these orders are provided in red text. Stay safe!



In addition to addressing other re-opening directives, Palm Beach County Order 2020-007 addresses tennis courts, swimming pools along with other amenities. It became effective May 18, 12:01 am.



Applies to Community Associations

Tennis and outdoor racquet facilities may reopen, and doubles play is permitted, provided that CDC Guidelines, including all social distancing guidelines, are adhered to. In addition, the following restrictions shall apply:

  1. No congregating on the court or sidelines is permitted.
  2. Locker room and shower facilities shall remain closed. Restrooms must be cleaned and disinfected regularly throughout the day. Soap and water or hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant wipes shall be provided in each restroom.

  3. It is the responsibility of staff or management to ensure compliance with this order.

  4. Tennis instruction may be conducted on an individual basis where strict social distancing is followed.



Applies to Community Associations, and while the requirement for on-site supervision is removed, the association is still responsible to ensure compliance!!!

  1. For purposes of this Order, “Community Pools” are defined as any and all pool decks and/or pools, whether of a commercial or noncommercial nature, other than one located on a single family residential lot, a single townhouse unit, or any part of a duplex lot, and which is utilized only by inhabitants of that lot or unit. Examples of Community Pools include, but are not limited to, hotel pools, motel pools, apartment building pools, homeowner association pools, condominium association pools, aquatic centers, or any other facilities that are authorized for use by more than one family.​
  • Community Pools may reopen provided that CDC Guidelines, including all social distancing guidelines, are adhered to. In addition, the following restrictions shall apply:​

  • a. Pool capacity shall be limited to ensure that social distancing in accordance with CDC Guidelines is maintained at all times.

    ​b. Locker room and shower facilities shall remain closed. Restrooms may remain open and shall be cleaned and disinfected regularly throughout the day. Soap and water or hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant wipes shall be provided in each restroom.​

    c. Pool deck seating or lounging shall be restricted to ensure social distancing in accordance with CDC Guidelines.

    d. Staff that is authorized to manage the Community Pool, or their designee, including, but not limited to, Community Pool staff, management company staff, volunteers, board members, or any other authorized persons, shall provide notice, either electronically, by mail, and/or by posting at the Community Pool or any other place where messages are traditionally posted, one or more notices indicating that all users of Community Pools shall abide by any and all social distancing guidelines, including, but not limited to, the CDC Guidelines, and that said users of Community Pools bear the responsibility of such compliance and assume the full risk of utilizing the Community Pools.

    e. Staff that is authorized to manage the Community Pool, or their designee, including, but not limited to, Community Pool staff, management company staff, volunteers, board members, or any other authorized persons, shall ensure compliance with all guidelines and requirements set forth in this Order. Such compliance may be accomplished by any reasonable means, including, but not limited to, periodic spot checks, video or other electronic monitoring, and/or compliance hotlines to allow for reporting of violations that are thereafter promptly investigated. In the event that repeated violations occur, staff authorized to manage the Community Pool, or their designee, shall take corrective action, including, but not limited to, closing the Community Pool, limiting access to the Community Pool on a reservation basis only, and/or limiting access to Community Pools to times when staff is present to monitor for compliance.​

    [Emphasis Added]



    While not directly applicable to community associations, this section does provide limited guidance as to how similar amenities are being treated by local government.

    1. All park playgrounds, play and exercise equipment shall remain closed.

    2.  Picnic pavilions shall remain closed.

    3.  Use of water fountains is prohibited.

    4.  Basketball courts may be open.

    1. Tennis, racquetball, and pickleball courts may be open.
  • Recreation buildings and gymnasiums may reopen subject to 50% capacity limitations and social distancing guidelines included in State of Florida Office of the Governor Executive Order 20-112 and related subsequent orders.


    In addition to addressing other re-opening directives, Palm Beach County Order 2020-007 addresses tennis courts, swimming pools along with other amenities.

    It became effective May 18, 12:01 am. Find it HERE or copy and paste this link into your browser:




    Broward County Order 20-10 addresses re-opening community rooms, fitness centers and gyms in housing developments (i.e., community associations) and re-affirms prior pool re-opening mandates. The order went into effect May 18th at 12:01 am.



    No community room, fitness center, or gym is required to be opened if the housing development does not wish to do so or believes it cannot do so safely and in full compliance with the requirements of this Emergency Order; any decision by a particular housing development is also subject to any applicable internal rules or regulations of that entity.


    A. Capacity Requirements

    1. Maximum 50% occupancy. Social distancing requirements do not apply to members of the same household.

    1. Community rooms, fitness centers, and gyms shall be limited to residents of the housing development only. No guests shall be allowed.
    2. Exercise machines, equipment and tables must be rearranged and/or closed for use to ensure at least 6 feet of distance between patrons using such machines, equipment, or tables. Social distancing guidelines provided by the CDC shall be adhered to at all times.

    3. No gatherings or multi-player games (e.g., mahjong, poker, etc.) are permitted in the community rooms between persons who do not reside in the same household.


    B. Sanitation and Safety Requirements

    1. Before reopening, the community room, fitness center, or gym (as applicable) must be thoroughly deep cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized. After opening, community rooms, fitness centers, and gyms must be deep cleaned daily.
  • Housing developments shall provide disinfecting wipes, and residents shall be required to wipe down each machine they used after each use.

  • Hand sanitizer shall be available at the facility. Patrons must be informed that they must sanitize their hands when entering the gym and prior to utilizing each piece of equipment.


    C. Gym and Fitness Center Amenities

    1. Hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, and shower facilities shall remain closed.


    Section 9: Public Community Pools and Private Club Pools.

    Recreational Pool Amenities as defined in Emergency Order 20-08 that were permitted to operate under that order are excluded from the scope of this Emergency Order and may continue to operate subject to the CDC Guidelines and the requirements of Emergency Order 20-08.​  For your ease of reference as per Broward Order 20-08 these include, “pool decks or pools in multi­ family housing developments, condominium developments, condominium hotels, or single-family homeowner associations (collectively, “housing developments”) provided the pool deck and pool are used only by current residents of the housing development; six (6) foot social distancing CDC guidelines are adhered to; pool deck and pool occupancy are limited to no greater than 50% capacity; and either:​

    (a)   the use of the pool deck and pool are supervised by a sufficient number of employees or other person(s) designated by the housing development during the hours in which they are used to ensure compliance with the requirements of this section, and employees or other designees of the housing development sanitize the facility’s pool chairs, railings, gates, tables, showers, and other equipment at the pool and pool deck on a regular basis; or​

    (b)    all furnishings are removed from the pool deck.

    Any use of pool decks or pool areas that deviate from the CDC Guidelines or these requirements remain prohibited.”​


    Broward County Order 20-10 addresses re-opening community rooms, fitness centers and gyms in housing developments (i.e., community associations) and re-affirms prior pool re-opening mandates.

    The order went into effect May 18th at 12:01 am. Find it HERE or copy and paste this link into your browser:


    The Kaye Bender Rembaum Team Remains Available To You and Your Community Association.  Please be Safe. 

    1200 Park Central Boulevard South,
    Pompano Beach, FL. Tel: 954.928.0680

    9121 North Military Trail, Suite 200,
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Tel: 561.241.4462

    1211 N. Westshore Boulevard, Suite 409,
    Tampa, FL. Tel: 813.375.0731


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    Why Does Bad Debt Happen In Community Associations? by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela

    Why Does Bad Debt Happen In Community Associations? by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela

    • Posted: May 21, 2020
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    Why Does Bad Debt Happen In Community Associations?

    by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela


    In your Condo or HOA you are going to have delinquencies every month in good times and bad times. These are bad times and the delinquency rate is only going to increase to levels where hard choices by the board of directors need to be made, If Action is not taken!

    What is an Average Delinquency Rate?

    In normal times CAI (Community Association Institute) estimates that delinquencies fall between 5%-8% but these are not normal times. With the ravages of Covid-19 and the ensuing economic downturn, we can expect delinquency rates to go as high as 35% in some community associations.

    What Happens to a Community with High Delinquencies?

    It is no secret that the lion’s share of the revenue for community associations comes from the assessments that are paid for by the members of the Condo or HOA. So any cash shortfall is going to place a burden on the entire community. Employees need their salaries, vendors want to get paid, supplies need to be purchased, it costs money to keep a Condo or HOA property running.

    So what is to be done if the community has more bills to pay then money in the bank because the owners did not pay their assessments? Hard choices need to be made and attitudes must be adjusted. It all starts from the top and boards of directors of community associations must come to the realization that they have been elected to manage a business. Just like any business there are the leaders of the association and understand that everybody needs to do their part each month to keep the lights on.

    Homeowners Should Prioritize Payment of Community Assessments

    Another attitude adjustment must come from the owners. Some members of Condos and HOAs sometimes feel that their least important financial obligation is to the community which houses them. While it may be true that units are purchased, an important part of the covenant the association has with the members is that they will pay for the maintenance of the association. So even when hard times come, and for sure they are here, the members need to continue to pay their fair share.

    It is all too common that the HOA maintenance bill is at the bottom of a member’s pile of bills and it’s the last one to be paid. If by the time the member gets to that particular bill, there’s not enough money to cover the payment, it may not get paid at all. Other bills get paid first like credit cards, car loans, utilities, and such.

    Yet your most important bill might very well be the community association assessments. The neighborhood that you live in needs to keep the streets safe, services like garbage collection kept up, and the facilities running, not to mention life-safety issues like fire alarms and security.

    Boards of Directors Have a Fiduciary Duty to the Welfare of the ENTIRE Community

    Members of HOAs and Condos live among the elected leadership of the community and have the ability to watch as the board governs the association. This familiarity may be the cause for some owners to consider their obligations to the community less compelling than a utility bill. One does not expect a neighbor to send another neighbor into collections.

    This should never be the case because by not sending in a delinquent owner into collections a board of directors is NOT being good neighbors. They are enabling the delinquency, which will snowball into a larger cost that may not be recoverable. Then the association has to take more serious actions and foreclose on a property and put a family out of their home.

    Bad debt happens to associations who will not communicate to an owner that non-payment is not an option and owners who do not understand that this is a bill that needs to be paid.



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    Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC is excited to help promote and support ‘Move for Hunger’ Pasco County’s Families in Need – Drive Thru Food Donation! Monday, May 25th

    Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC is excited to help promote and support ‘Move for Hunger’ Pasco County’s Families in Need – Drive Thru Food Donation! Monday, May 25th

    • Posted: May 20, 2020
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    Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC is excited to help promote and support ‘Move for Hunger’ Pasco County’s Families in Need – Drive Thru Food Donation! Monday, May 25th


    Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC is excited and proud to be partnering with Florida Main Movers, INC to help promote and support ‘Move for Hunger’ Pasco County’s Families in Need – Drive Thru Food Donation!

    All donations will go to Florida Food Force, Inc – a local food bank located in Odessa to help feed our local families in need amidst the pandemic.

    Our team will be practicing social distancing by allowing cars to simply drive thru, and pop their trunks!


    We will be collecting all non-perishable food donations on Sunday, May 31st in the parking lot of ‘The Columbian’ located at 5850 Farrell Way, Port Richey, FL 34668 from 9am – 5pm!


    Starting Monday, May 25th Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC will gladly be picking up non-perishable food donations after 5pm from those of you who would like to donate but are unable to make it to the drop-off location. Please text or call 727-877-4222 or send us a message with your address to arrange a donation pick-up!

    If you have any other questions regarding this event you may also reach out to Florida Main Movers, Inc at 813-863-5177!

    Our community needs us! Even the smallest donation can make a big difference to a family in need. We’re all in this together!



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