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Season 3, Episode 10 of ‘Association Leadership’ New Inspections, Reserves and Insurance Legislation

Season 3, Episode 10 of ‘Association Leadership’ New Inspections, Reserves and Insurance Legislation

  • Posted: Jun 14, 2022
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Presented by Castle Group
Season 3, Episode 10 of ‘Association Leadership’
New Inspections, Reserves and Insurance Legislation
If you know CAMS and Board Members who will benefit from these important webinars, please share.
This online webinar is hosted by The Castle Group. If you have any questions before or after this event, please visit them at:
Castle Group invites you to join us for Season 3, Episode 10 of Association Leadership: New Inspections, Reserves and Insurance Legislation.
The live webinar will be hosted by James Donnelly, Castle Group – Founder & CEO who will be joined by attorney Jeffrey A. Rembaum and Michael S. Bender – Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. Board Certified Specialists in Condominium and Planned Development Law, with special guest Misha Mladenovic, M2E – President.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 | 12 Noon to 1:00pm




  • Posted: Jun 14, 2022
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 Imagine: the association has just informed you it is set to begin a massive concrete restoration project. As part of the project, the contractor will need access to the rebar beneath the concrete slab connected to (or in legalese, “appurtenant to”) your unit’s balcony. To access the balcony slab, the contractor will have to remove the custom Italian tiles you just installed on your balcony. Who is responsible for the costs of the removal? Who is responsible to replace the tiles? The answers to these questions will largely depend on whether the governing documents of the association include an “incidental damage clause” and the specific circumstances of the situation, too.

In its most simplistic sense, an incidental damage clause in the declaration means that the association is responsible to repair any “incidental damage” caused by the association’s exercise of its maintenance, repair, and/or replacement responsibility. However, the existence or absence of such language is not always dispositive as to the repair responsibility. This is similar to “i” before “e” unless after “c” as there always seem to be exceptions.

For example, the repair and replacement obligation of the association may be limited only to damage caused to the unit and not cover any owner improvements to limited common elements, such as the balcony; or the obligation may be limited to damage to improvements only as originally installed by the developer, too. Whether the association or the owner will be responsible to repair the damage is highly fact-specific and will depend on the exact language in the governing documents of the association. Arbitration decisions of the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (the Division), discussed below, provide some guidance as to when the association may be responsible for incidental damage and when the owners will be responsible to repair same. That said, bear in mind that such decisions are not precedential and in addition only apply to the parties in the arbitration that resulted in the Division’s order. However, it does provide a good understanding of how the Division may rule in a similar circumstance.

As discussed above, where the governing documents contain incidental damage language, and the association damages a portion of the unit while conducting its maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibility, the association is likely responsible for the repair. This is illustrated in Rock v. Point East Three Condominium Corporation, Inc., Arb. Case No. 99-0220, Final Order (September 29, 2000).

In Rock, the association removed a shelf located under a sink and several wall tiles in order to repair rough plumbing in the common elements. The association replaced the wall tiles but did not replace the shelf after the repairs were completed. The unit owner sought, among other things, to have the association replace the shelf. The unit owner also sought to have the association repair tiles in the dining room of the unit which had “popped up” as a result of an unrelated water leak. The association’s declaration of condominium provided that the association was responsible to repair conduits and rough plumbing and provided that “[a]ll incidental damage caused to an apartment by such work shall be promptly repaired by the association.” The arbitrator ordered the association to replace the shelf, holding that the incidental damage to the shelf was caused by the repair to the rough plumbing, which was the association’s duty to maintain. As such, the incidental damage language of the declaration applied to the shelf. However, the arbitrator held the association was not responsible to replace the tiles in the dining room, as the damage to the tiles was not incidental to any work the association performed to repair the rough plumbing.

Therefore, Rock clearly establishes that while an association is responsible to repair portions of the unit that are damaged as a result of the association’s exercise of its maintenance, repair, and replacement obligation, the damage must be incidental to the association’s work.

If the declaration requires the association to repair or replace incidental damage to the unit, the association will likely be responsible to repair and replace owner modifications to the units, too, unless the declaration provides otherwise. In Brickell Town House Association, Inc. v. Del Valle, et al., Arb. Case No. 95-0133 Final Order (September 12, 1995), the association was required to remove certain owner-installed alterations to the unit in order to access and maintain the common elements. The unit owners asserted that the association was responsible to replace the alterations in accordance with the incidental damage provision in the declaration of condominium. The arbitrator agreed, holding that the association was required to reimburse the owners for the expenses required to restore the units to the condition which existed immediately prior to the association’s reconstruction activities, including betterments which were added by the unit owners since the original construction of the units by the developer.

In accordance with the holdings in Brickell and Rock, if the governing documents provide that the association is responsible for incidental damage to the unit, the association will likely be responsible to repair any portions of the unit damaged by the association’s exercise of its maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibility, including alterations made by owners (unless specifically provided for otherwise).

On a different note, if the governing documents of the association contain incidental damage language which is specific to damage caused to units, then the association will not be responsible for incidental damage caused to owner modifications to the common elements or the limited common elements. Similarly, the association will likely not be responsible to repair any damage to any owner alteration to a unit where the declaration required association approval and the owner failed to obtain same prior to installation of the improvement.

In Continental Towers, Inc. v. Nassif, Arb. Case No. 99-0866, Summary Final Order (November 24, 1999), the association needed to conduct concrete restoration, waterproofing, and other repairs to the unit owner balconies. The unit owners had installed tiles on the balcony and argued that the association was responsible for the replacement of the tile because the declaration provided that the association was responsible for incidental damage to the unit. However, the balcony was part of the common elements, not the unit. Therefore, the incidental damage language in the declaration did not apply to the tile, and, absent any other agreement between the parties, the association had no responsibility to repair and replace same. The arbitrator concluded that:

…in the absence of an agreement between the parties or a controlling provision of the documents, ‘it cannot be said from the mere fact of association permission that the association has assumed the perpetual obligation to remove and replace the personal property when necessary to repair and replace the common elements.’ The arbitrator adopts the rationale articulated in the Carriage House case. Since the balcony is a part of the common elements, and the tile was not part of the original construction, the unit owners are responsible for its removal and replacement.

Further, where there are owner modifications which were not approved as required by the declaration, the association will likely not be responsible to repair notwithstanding the incidental damage requirement set out in the declaration. In Harrison v. Land’s End Condominium Association, Inc., Arb. Case No. 94-0298, Final Order (June 27, 1995), the association was required to remove an owner-installed balcony finish in order to effectuate repairs to the balcony slab. In this case, the balcony was considered part of the unit, and the declaration contained a provision requiring the association to repair incidental damage to the unit. The declaration also required the owner to obtain approval of the association before making any alterations to the bal-cony. However, the owner never obtained such approval. Therefore, despite the incidental damage provision, the arbitrator determined that the association was not responsible to replace the balcony finish because the owner did not obtain association approval as required by the declaration.

Therefore, if an alteration requires association approval and an owner fails to obtain such approval, the association will far more likely not be responsible to repair any incidental damage to the alteration notwithstanding the existence of incidental damage language.

Generally, the association’s repair obligation is limited to actual damage caused to the unit as a result of its maintenance, repair, and replacement obligation. If the unit owners are required to vacate their unit in order for the association to effectuate the repairs, the association is not generally responsible to reimburse the owners for the costs of same. However, as the Brickell case, discussed above, shows us, that is not always the case. In Brickell, the owners also argued that the association was responsible to reimburse them for the costs they incurred in vacating the unit for the repairs. In this case, the association chose to proceed with a method of repairing damage to common element pipes from the interior of the units, which required the unit owners in the affected units to vacate. The association did not explore an option in which the repairs could be made from the exterior, which would permit the unit owners to remain in the unit. The arbitrator agreed with the owners and ordered the association to pay for the costs the owners incurred in vacating the units. As you can glean, this case is very fact specific, which led to this outcome.

In an order denying the association’s motion for rehearing, the arbitrator in Brickell, reiterated its earlier decision that the board, within its business judgment, decided to proceed with a method of reconstruction that required the removal of the owners. Therefore, the expenses of those owners are a common expense to be borne by all owners. The important consideration in this case was the fact that the association proceeded with the repairs from the interior without exploring options to proceed from the exterior. The arbitrator notes that the order should not be construed to mean that an association would be responsible for accommodations for all unit owners in the event that the condominium building had to be tented for termites, or if a hurricane rendered the building uninhabitable. In those cases, all owners would be required to vacate the units, and there can be no other decision of the board. Additionally, in Brickell, if there was no way for the association to make the repairs that would allow the owners to remain in unit, the arbitrator’s decision may have been different. How-ever, as the association chose to displace certain unit owners to effectuate the repairs without exploring any other options, the association was responsible for the owners’ costs to vacate.

Finally, even when there is no incidental damage language in the governing documents, the association may be responsible for damage to the units if the association fails to conduct necessary maintenance to the common elements, when the association knows that such maintenance is necessary. In Dibiase v. Beneva Ridge, Arb. Case No. 92-0210, Final Order (January 19, 1994), the association was aware that the common element parking area was consistently flooding into an owner’s unit. The association retained an engineer to conduct a drainage study, and the engineer recommended several remedial measures to address the drainage problem. While the association took some remedial steps, the association did not follow through on the study’s recommendations. The arbitrator concluded that the association was responsible for the owner’s costs to repair the unit caused by the flooding. The arbitrator explained that, while “[n]o association is required to protect the property against a 100-year storm…” the association was responsible to take those steps reasonably necessary to protect the condominium property.

As the association had an expert report that advised if the association did not take certain remedial measures, the damage to the condominium property would continue, the association had an obligation to make the repairs. As the association failed to follow the report, it was responsible for the damage caused to the unit.

In accordance with the decision in Dibiase, if the association receives a report from an expert advising that certain repairs must be performed, and the association fails to take action, the association may be responsible for the costs of any damage to the units caused by its failure to act.

As you have likely gleaned from the foregoing discussion, it can be difficult to determine who is responsible to repair and replace improvements damaged during the association’s exercise of its maintenance, repair, and replacement obligations. Given the complexities of the issue, your association should consult with its legal counsel with any inquiries regarding the association’s responsibility for incidental damage.

Kaye Bender Rembaum

We are dedicated to providing clients with an unparalleled level of personalized and professional service regardless of their size and takes into account their individual needs and financial concerns. Our areas of concentration include

1200 Park Central Boulevard South, Pompano Beach, FL. Tel: 954.928.0680
9121 North Military Trail, Suite 200, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Tel: 561.241.4462
1211 N. Westshore Boulevard, Suite 409, Tampa, FL. Tel: 813.375.0731
  • Assessment collections
  • Construction defect claims
  • Contract drafting and negotiation
  • Cooperatives
  • Covenant enforcement
  • Fair Housing
  • Land Use and Zoning
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Master/ Sub Association Issues
  • Pre and Post Turnover Planning
  • Real Estate and Title Concerns
  • Review and amendment of covenants


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Discover how to proactively manage your water…Stay Ahead of Algae & Enjoy Beautiful Water

Discover how to proactively manage your water…Stay Ahead of Algae & Enjoy Beautiful Water

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Neglecting to stay on top of water quality issues may require reactive management approaches like herbicides and algaecides. Though these tools are effective, they are only treating the symptom of a bigger issue…

Proactive, natural solutions like aeration or beneficial buffers can help balance water quality, giving you the beautiful, clean water you deserve to enjoy.

Managing Nuisance Pond Algae Without Algaecides

Written by Industry Expert Gavin Ferris, Ecologist 

I frequently use herbicides and algaecides in my line of work. Having attended college and graduate school to be an Ecologist, it isn’t something I thought I would do very often, but with the frequency of environmental problems that involve invasive flora, nuisance aquatic weeds and potentially-toxic algae, EPA-registered herbicides and algaecides are an invaluable tool. There are, however, times when their use is impractical, imprudent, illegal or impossible. Maybe the HOA or property manager prefers that herbicides not be applied to nearby waters. Perhaps the regulatory bodies in a given area aren’t permitting the use of certain products. Whatever the reason, sometimes this option just isn’t on the table. But how do we effectively manage algae and aquatic weeds without herbicides and algaecides?

I employ a simple concept that I call the algae triangle, though it works for all forms of vegetation.If you had the same fire safety lessons in elementary school, you may remember the Fire Triangle, which is based on the idea that three elements are necessary for fire: fuel, oxygen and heat. If you have enough of all three, you’ll ignite a fire. Eliminate any corner of the triangle, and the fire goes out. Similarly, if you have water, sunlight and nutrients, you’ll likely develop some form of algae or vegetation. If the triangle becomes too imbalanced, the resulting plant species can become a nuisance.

Obviously, in the lake management and pond maintenance field, we aren’t removing water from the equation, so establishing balance between each factor is the focus. Putting this concept into practice means understanding how sunlight and nutrients affect the ecology of the waterbody in question. Communities have several natural options to help mitigate against algae and aquatic weed growth, including limiting sunlight, improving water circulation and reducing excess nutrients.

How Algae and Nuisance Weeds Thrive

If a stormwater pond receives full sunlight during the growing season, this directly impacts plants and algae by increasing water temperatures and providing the light necessary for photosynthesis. To prevent sunlight from penetrating the water column and stimulating the growth of deep submersed plants and benthic algae, water levels can be increased. Dredging is an effective strategy to increase the depth of a lake or pond, however, it is often the costliest project a community will ever face. Instead, proactive hydro-raking can help maintain existing water depths and prolong the need for dredging by removing unconsolidated muck and organic debris from the bottom of a lake or stormwater pond. Likewise, blue or black pond dye can be applied to reflect sunlight. Pond dye can enhance the aesthetics of a waterbody while simultaneously absorbing sunlight before it can penetrate the waterbody and fuel excessive plant growth.

In addition to thriving in water that receives lots of sunlight, algae and nuisance weeds also flourish in stratified waterbodies. A stagnant, sun-warmed layer floating on top of colder, deeper water can serve as a perfect habitat for undesirable species. Circulation with a diffused aeration system breaks this stratification and allows the water to mix more evenly, resulting in more consistent temperatures and less warming in the sunlit portions of the water. Aeration is also effective at improving the health of an aquatic ecosystem in a number of other ways, such as preventing oxygen depletion and fish kills, improving beneficial bacteria levels, and preventing the release of excess nutrients from the sediment. This brings us to the real meat and potatoes of preventative maintenance: nutrient management.

Managing Excess Nutrients in the Water

Phosphorus is the most important nutrient contributing to excess vegetation in lakes and stormwater ponds, and it can enter the water column in runoff containing lawn fertilizers, grass clippings, pet droppings, and waste from faulty septic systems. A number of nutrient reduction strategies should be considered if water quality tests reveal nutrient levels are too high. A professional lake manager can apply beneficial bacteria to the waterbody to utilize nutrients that would otherwise be available for plant and algae growth. Water quality can also be amended by using products that bind with phosphorus to keep it from becoming fuel for nuisance plants. Additionally, strategically planting desirable buffer vegetation around the shore of the waterbody can help to intercept phosphorus before it enters the water and is absorbed by unwanted vegetation. Your lake manager can help identify buffer plants that are native to your region.

When it comes to quickly and effectively managing nuisance aquatic weeds and algae, EPA-registered herbicides and algaecides can be very useful, and in many instances, they are the safest and most practical option available. Nonetheless, natural and proactive pond maintenance techniques can be tremendously effective at improving the health and appearance of almost any community waterbody before a problem occurs, which is why it’s important for homeowners associations and property managers to consider sustainable and holistic plant management methods whenever possible.


SOLitude Lake Management
Josh McGarry
Business Development Consultant
SOLitude Lake Management


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Legislative Changes Opens the Door to New Options for Resolving “Disputes” In Condominium and Cooperative Associations By: Jennifer Horan, Esq.

Legislative Changes Opens the Door to New Options for Resolving “Disputes” In Condominium and Cooperative Associations By: Jennifer Horan, Esq.

  • Posted: Jun 14, 2022
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Legislative Changes Opens the Door to New Options for Resolving “Disputes” In Condominium and Cooperative Associations

By: Jennifer Horan, Esq. / Becker

Earlier this year, the Florida legislature passed changes to Florida’s Condominium Act (Chapter 718) the Cooperative Act (Chapter 719), and the Homeowners Association Act (Chapter 720), Florida Statute. These amendments went into effect on July 1, 2021 and opened the door to allow condominium and cooperative associations a new option for addressing disputes between unit owners and the association through presuit mediation. Previously, disputes between condominium associations and unit owners (or cooperatives and unit owners) were required to be submitted to arbitration through the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (the “Division”) before filing a lawsuit regarding any of the following issues:


(a) The authority of the board of directors, under this chapter or association document, to:

1. Require any owner to take any action, or not to take any action, involving that owner’s unit or the appurtenances thereto.

2. Alter or add to a common area or element.

(b) The failure of a governing body, when required by this chapter or an association document, to:

1. Properly conduct elections.

2. Give adequate notice of meetings or other actions.

3. Properly conduct meetings.

4. Allow inspection of books and records.

(c) A plan of termination.


Before the 2021 legislative changes, the parties to an arbitration could request a referral to mediation; however, the request for mediation came with a potential “cost.” If the parties attended mediation but were unable to resolve their dispute, unless all parties agreed in writing to continue the arbitration proceeding, the arbitration was dismissed. The parties were then forced decide whether to proceed with filing a lawsuit to resolve their dispute. However, with the new legislative changes, a party to a dispute in a condominium or cooperative association has the option of either petitioning the Division for nonbinding arbitration or initiating presuit mediation. Now that there are options to consider when it comes to alternative dispute resolution, it is important to know the difference between arbitration and mediation.


Mediation and arbitration are both forms of “alternative dispute resolution” or methods of resolving disputes outside of a courtroom. Despite what you may see on TV, lawsuits are often extremely time consuming and expensive; not all disputes can be resolved in a sixty-minute time slot like they are in Law & Order. As such, alternative dispute resolution can provide a more expedient and less costly option to formal litigation.


Mediation is a confidential process that is conducted with an independent, trained, neutral third-party mediator. The mediator does not give legal advice and does not make any decisions regarding the dispute. Instead, the mediator acts to facilitate discussion between the parties and assists them in reaching an agreed upon resolution. In reaching an agreement, the parties have some degree of flexibility and can come up with creative solutions that may not be available remedies in court. In mediation, the parties are in control of their own destiny; they cannot be forced to accept a resolution in mediation. However, if they are able to resolve their dispute, the parties will document their agreement in the form of a written settlement agreement which will be binding in the same manner as a contract.


Unlike mediation, arbitration is more similar to litigation. A case in arbitration begins with the filing of a petition for arbitration. The petition must cite, among other things, that the petitioner gave the respondent advance written notice of the specific nature of the dispute; a demand for relief, and a reasonable opportunity to comply; and a notice of intention to file an arbitration petition or other legal action in the absence of a resolution of a dispute. Once the petition is reviewed by the Division, a copy of the petition is served to all of the respondents. The arbitrator is typically required to conduct a hearing within thirty (30) days of the case being assigned unless a continuance is granted for good cause shown. You can call witnesses and present evidence at an arbitration hearing; however, the arbitration hearing typically has a less formal “feeling” than a trial. There will be a ruling where one party “prevails”, as determined by an arbitrator. An arbitration decision is then generally rendered within thirty (30) days after a final hearing. The arbitration decision is only final in those disputes in which the parties have agreed to be bound by the arbitrator’s decision. However, an arbitration decision can also become final if a complaint for a trial de novo is not filed in court within thirty (30) days of the arbitration decision.


Arbitration does not give parties the flexibility and control over the resolution process that is provided in mediation. However, arbitration does provide a forum for resolving disputes that is typically more efficient and more cost effective than litigation. If you find yourself involved in dispute that is subject to alternative dispute resolution under the Condominium Act (Chapter 718) or the Cooperative Act (Chapter 719), Florida Statutes, you should discuss with your association’s legal counsel whether arbitration or mediation provides a better forum to resolve your particular issue.


Jennifer Horan


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Tune into Condo Craze and HOAs – Sunday at 11 am ON 850 WFTL OR ON YOU TUBE

Tune into Condo Craze and HOAs – Sunday at 11 am ON 850 WFTL OR ON YOU TUBE

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Tune into Condo Craze and HOAs – Sunday at 11 am ON 850 WFTL OR ON YOU TUBE





Watch the show this Sunday


Statutory Meeting Requirements by Becker

Statutory Meeting Requirements by Becker

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Many condominium and homeowners’ associations’ activities are required to have a certain amount of transparency.

One way that association activities are made transparent is through statutory provisions requiring most kinds of meetings to be open and noticed to the membership. In fact, applicable laws governing the operation of condominium and homeowners’ associations allow board members to communicate by email but prohibits them from voting on issues by email.

Notably, a gathering of a quorum of board members to conduct association business is considered a board meeting (whether taking place in person or by real-time electronic means) and is required to be noticed and open to association members. However, two important exceptions apply. Namely, meetings of the board or an association committee at which the association’s attorney is participating for the purpose of rendering advice upon proposed or pending litigation are not required to be open to association members. Similarly, board meetings held to discuss personnel matters are also not required to be open to association members.

Association members are entitled to speak at open meetings on “designated items” (HOA) or an item on the agenda in a condominium. However, the rights of members to speak at meetings is subject to any rules adopted by the association governing the frequency, duration, and manner of member statements. The right to attend open meetings includes the right to tape record or videotape them, as long as such recording activity is not disruptive. Furthermore, the Division of Florida Condominiums has adopted rules regarding recording condominium association meetings (found in Fla. Admin. Code Rule 61B-23.002(10)), and the Homeowners’ Association Act provides that homeowners’ associations may adopt their own pertaining to recording homeowners’ association meetings.

As such, there are statutory meeting requirements that must be followed for board meetings which must be kept in mind when an association is adopting or changing its procedures. Failing to follow the basic statutory requirements may result in problems. Questions about board meetings, committee meetings, which have their own set of requirements, and members’ meetings should be directed to legal counsel for guidance.

RSVP for Free Hot Breakfast and Seminar

RSVP for Free Hot Breakfast and Seminar

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The West Palm Breakfast Group
Wed., June 15, 2022 | 7:30am | PBI Airport Hilton
Peter C. Mollengarden, Esq., from KBR, with also be there.
Not close to Palm Beach Airport, or know of someone who will benefit from this seminar?
Please feel free to share this email!
“Protecting Your Community with Security Technology”
Course #: 9631505 | Provider #: 0008280 | 1 CE credit in OPP for CAMS
Courses presented by: Tatiana Yaques of CCTV
“40-Year Recertification Inspections & Process”
Course #: 9629296 | Provider #: 0006881 | 1 CE credit as Elective for CAMS
Courses presented by: David Riddle, PE, MBA | The Falcon Group
There will be a delicious, free hot breakfast and door prizes!
Airport (PBI) HILTON: 150 Australian Ave | West Palm Beach, FL 33406
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Condo Inspection & Insurance Legislation Webinar Discussion about SB 4D and SB 2D

Condo Inspection & Insurance Legislation Webinar Discussion about SB 4D and SB 2D

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Condo Inspection & Insurance Legislation Webinar

Discussion about SB 4D and SB 2D

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | 12 Noon Eastern | Live via Zoom
Join Campbell Property Management, Attorney Michael Bender from Kaye Bender Rembaum and Paul Mack from Mack, Mack & Waltz Insurance for this webinar discussing the impact of SB 4D and SB 2D on community associations.
Attendees will learn about law changes that may impact their community associations in Florida.
If you know anyone who will benefit from webinar, please share this email.
Questions? Contact the host, Campbell Property Management, HERE
The Kaye Bender Rembaum Team Remains Available To You and Your Community Association
Visit for awesome free resources, including news with Legal Morsels and Rembaum’s Association Roundup, and our Event Calendar, which lists upcoming free classes.
Join Kaye Bender Rembaum in attendance at this networking breakfast & education event

Join Kaye Bender Rembaum in attendance at this networking breakfast & education event

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Wed., June 8, 2022 | 7:30am | DoubleTree PBG
Peter C. Mollengarden, Esq., from KBR, will be in attendance.
If you know someone who will benefit from this seminar, feel free to share this email.
Asbestos: The Truth & Nothing But the Truth
Course # 9628540 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE | Provider # 0005930
What Every CAM Should Know About Mold
Course # 9630575 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE | Provider # 0005930
Instructor: Robert Lozano, Environmental Pro with The Water Restoration Group
There will be a delicious, free hot breakfast and door prizes!
At the DoubleTree in Palm Beach Gardens
DoubleTree by Hilton: 4431 PGA Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
If you have any questions or comments about this event, including about registration, please contact Terri Kaye at TSK. Here is how:
Kaye Bender Rembaum | Visit Us Online
Pompano: 1200 Park Central Boulevard South; Tel: 954.928.0680
Palm Beach Gardens: 9121 North Military Trail, Ste. 200; Tel: 561.241.4462
Tampa: 1211 N. Westshore Boulevard, Ste. 409; Tel: 813.375.0731
Offices in Miami by appointment: 800.974.0680
KBRLegal | 1200 Park Central Blvd. SouthPompano Beach, FL 33064
Does your community give residents the ability to make online payments? 

Does your community give residents the ability to make online payments? 

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Does your community give residents the ability to make online payments? 

Concierge Plus give residents more convenience and control by allowing them to view their account and pay charges from their bank account or credit/debit card – all integrated with your existing accounting platform!

  • Spend less time collecting and depositing checks by automating the payment process for your residents.
  • Residents can make recurring or one-time payments from their bank account by ACH or by using a debit/credit card.
  • Residents can access a history of charges and payments on their unit anytime, from any device.
  • Payments are deposited and settle directly into your bank account.
  • Built-in reminder email campaigns help drive online payment adoption and automatically remind residents that they have an overdue balance.
  • Flexible fee structure allows you to pay transaction fees or pass them on to residents.

“I love the platform. I think it’s extremely user friendly and it has so many functionalities. It’s my favorite platform and my favorite tool.” 

Joy Gilbert, Community Property Manager

The Building Group

Book a meeting with me now and let me show you our fully integrated, easy payment solution that gets results.
Best Regards,

Charlote Alvarez

Business Development Representative — Concierge Plus
T: 305-850-7676 x114