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  • Posted: Jan 25, 2022
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Here at SRI Consultants, Inc., we take pride in what we do. The extra effort and attention to detail put forth by our team ensure you receive the highest quality services available to the industry, all while saving you time and money. Coastal areas like South Florida have a unique need for concrete rehabilitation and protection services predominantly related to assessing structural damage. Our team has specialists in structural engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering and corrosion engineering at your disposal.


We offer engineering services for projects related to single family homes, multi-story structures, condominiums, hotels and motels, cooling towers, and seawalls. All project drawings are prepared using the latest AutoCad software. SRI can also deliver projects in Revit Architectural and Revit Structural.


Structural Design & Analysis
Structural analysis using state-of-the-art computer analysis programs for various building code requirements – FBC, IBC, ASCE, AISC. Structure types include reinforced concrete, metal and heavy timber structures. Cooling tower supports and retrofits. Window and door replacements for high-rise buildings and store fronts.
Corrosion Engineering
Corrosion condition assessment of concrete structures using corrosion potential mapping and corrosion rate measurements. Design of corrosion mitigation systems such as Cathodic Protection and/or Prevention. Building piping corrosion remediation for cooling water systems and domestic water lines.
Civil Engineering
Site planning, drainage design, and grading
Environmental Engineering
Phase I and II assessments (ASTM Standard), contamination assessments, corrective action plans (CAP), contamination assessment reports (CAR), remedial action plans (RAP), and fuel tank closure assessments
Conversion of Paper Design Documents to CAD
Conversion of paper-based design documents to data-rich 3D models, improving document preservation, organization, and storage. Revit modes incorporate all disciplines in one file and allow users to view structures from many different perspectives and cross sections.
Expert Witness Services
Client support for reviewing technical documents, commenting, preparing opinion letters, and providing testimonials.


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Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660 or email

Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660 or email

  • Posted: Jan 22, 2022
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Problem with a Pipe in the Lower 48 call Me Ronnie-G “The Pipe Guy” Call or Text Ron Giles at 561-602-8660 or email


It’s among the worst plumbing problems anyone can imagine. While big leaks or exploding pipes definitely aren’t pleasant, having sewage backing up your pipes into your home or basement is something most homeowners wouldn’t wish on their worst enemy. But it’s a problem that many people face. If you suspect your plumbing system might be at risk for a sewage backup, or you’ve had problems with this issue yourself, it’s important to know the risks involved and what you should do when this issue strikes.


Why Do Drains and Sewage Back Up?
Only a professional plumber can pinpoint the cause of your sewage backup problem. Some of the most common reasons include:
• Structural defects.
• Root infiltration.
• Improper flushes (items that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet).
• Wet weather.
• Flooding around and under your home.
• Planning problems with sewage lines.
• Pipe blockages.
• Broken or leaking pipes.
 How Dangerous are Sewage Back Ups?
Sewage backups are among one of the worst plumbing problems because of the risk that they present to homeowners and residents. Sewage can spread illness, disease and even death. The National Resources Defense Council reports that nearly 2 million cases of illnesses are caused by sewage contamination each year. Sewage is full of contaminants, viruses and bacteria that pose a serious threat to people and their pets. In addition, sewage may contain other toxic substances like pesticides, residuals from pharmaceutical drugs, fungi and protozoan.
Here are a few of the most common bacteria that are found in sewage and what they can do the human body:
• E. Coli – Causes abdominal cramping, diarrhea and occasionally death.
• Acanthamoeba – Causes eye, nose, throat and ear infections.
• Salmonella – Causes abdominal cramping and diarrhea
• Helicobacter Pylori – Leads to increased chance of ulcers
• Hepatitis – Causes liver infection and liver failure
• Leptospirosis – Creates muscle aches and vomiting
• Coronavirus – Including COVID-19
Coming into contact with any of these contaminants can make you ill and send you to the emergency room. Having sewage back up in your home is a risk – and you need to call a plumber immediately.
Steps to Follow When Your Sewage Backs Up
The most important thing to do when you see sewage backing up is to call a plumber! Coming into contact with sewage due in any way – from skin contact to inhalation – can make you sick. Avoid contact completely, if possible.
If you have to cross the sewage filled area, be sure to wear rubber soled shoes and use a breathing mask. Once you’ve crossed, remove your shoes and any clothing that may have come into contact with the sewage.
3 Disease from sewage
 Page last updated: November 2010
Disease-causing germs can be spread from sewage if it is not disposed of properly or if people do not practice proper toilet hygiene (cleanliness). If a sewage disposal system is not properly maintained it will not be able to get rid of the sewage safely. For a sewage system to be properly maintained, all faulty (blocked, damaged, broken or worn-out) parts must be mended as soon as possible after they stop working correctly.
Diseases caused by germs:
• salmonellosis
• shigellosis
• diarrhea
• trachoma
• melioidosis
• gastroenteritis
• hepatitis A
Diseases caused by parasites:
• giardiasis
• dwarf tapeworm infection
• threadworm infection
• hookworm infection
• strongyloidiasis
These disease-causing germs and parasites can be spread:
• directly by people coming into contact with sewage or toilet waste (this can happen, for example, when people walk through sewage which has leaked onto the ground from broken sewage pipes) Or that has been ejected from a toilet that has a backed up vent system.
• indirectly by people:
• coming into contact with animals such as flies and cockroaches which carry the germs and parasites in or on their bodies. Dogs and cats can carry germs and parasites too
• drinking water which has been contaminated by sewage
How Sewer Line Problems Affect Your Indoor Air Quality
 When you think of the problems caused by a faulty sewer line, you might not think immediately think of poor indoor air quality. A pipe leak is an extremely inconvenient problem that quickly causes significant damage to other home fixtures. If you do have a problem with your sewer line, you need to address it quickly. The repairs might be costly, but the cost of health problems caused by your indoor air quality would be even worse.
The best thing to do for your system is add “sewer cleaning” to your to-do-list to avoid these problems. This simple service will keep your sewer system in good shape.
Signs You’ve Got a Leaky Sewer Line
Some building owners have trouble realizing that they’re having sewer line trouble until there’s a putrid smell emitting from their building. Here are some early warning signs:
• Puddles in Your Yard: A leak might cause some unexpected wet spots in your lawn.
• The Grass Is a Little Too Green: The sewage leaking from your line may be gross to you but it’s great to your plants—they use it as fertilizer. If you notice that your landscaping looks especially great out of nowhere don’t chalk it up to your green thumb, make sure you’re not having trouble with your sewer line!
• Cracking Concrete: Notice an odd amount of cracking? It might be due to the fact that your sewer line creates pressure that damages the foundation of your home.
• Sound of Running Water: Are you constantly hearing the sound of running water, but you can’t find the source? A leak in your sewer line could be the source.
Problems Caused by A Leaky Sewer Line
If you’re suffering from a sewer line problem, it’s not necessarily the leaks themselves that cause the damage, instead, it’s the mold, asbestos, and mildew that leaks create that cause the indoor air quality. These problems lead to a wide array of respiratory problems that put your health in danger. Often, these problems include:
• Irritation with your sinuses (throat, nose, and skin)
• Respiratory infections
• Sinus congestion
• Rashes
• Fatigue
• Longer colds
• Exacerbated asthma issues
What You Can Do
You can have your sewer cleaned! If you’ve noticed that you’re having trouble with backed up drains or toilets in your home, then you need sewer cleaning. It will greatly benefit your system.
Researchers are still working to determine exactly how the virus spreads, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says person-to-person spreading is thought to occur mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to the flu. It’s not clear if the virus can be spread through fecal matter.
But because the two Hong Kong patients lived near one another in the same building and one apartment was found to have an exposed pipe, authorities are trying to determine whether the coronavirus could have spread through the sewage system.
During the SARS outbreak in 2003, pipes became a source of transmission and it spread through fecal matter. Hundreds of people in Hong Kong died during the SARS outbreak.

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Repair Erosion for a Healthier Waterbody by SOLitude

Repair Erosion for a Healthier Waterbody by SOLitude

  • Posted: Jan 21, 2022
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Repair Erosion for a Healthier Waterbody

Shoreline erosion can be detrimental to the health of your waterbody as well as the safety and value of your property.

The Many Effects of Erosion on Florida Lakes

Most communities throughout Florida utilize lakes and ponds to enhance the aesthetics of homes and golf courses, as well as support recreational opportunities such as boating and fishing for residents. The majority of these waterbodies were man-made for practical and functional purposes, such as capturing stormwater to prevent flooding or storing water to use for irrigation. Unfortunately, natural erosion of the shoreline is inevitable. It is an issue that only gets worse over time and should be addressed immediately, followed by consistent monitoring.

Effects of Shoreline Erosion in Lakes

Shoreline erosion is a serious issue for waterbodies of all sizes and uses. It can degrade shoreline property, increase the risk of flooding, interfere with recreational opportunities, and threaten aesthetic appeal. In many cases, the deep cracks and gullies that appear can expose sprinkler systems, drainage pipes, and electrical cables, leading to costly repairs. Likewise, due to the effects of erosion, lakefront homeowners may find that their property decreases in size and value over time.

When slopes become too steep, the shoreline can also become unsafe for residents, children, pets, and recreationers. Steep slopes increase the risk of someone falling into the lake and being injured. The steepness of the slope can also make it hard for someone to get out of the lake when they fall in. This can pose a significant liability for HOAsgolf coursescommercial properties, and private homeowners.

What Causes Lake Shorelines to Erode

Erosion has many natural causes:

  • Changing water levels due to seasonal rains and other weather events
  • Strong winds that cause waves to pound into banks and reduce stability over time
  • Improper drainage systems that allow stormwater runoff to cause damage, especially when the shoreline is exposed due to low lake elevation

The presence of nuisance fish and wildlife such as invasive armored catfish and otters that burrow into banks and cause them to collapse

Erosion Caused by Humans

Although these causes are natural, human activities can also increase the rate of erosion:

  • Clear-cutting of beneficial buffers composed of native vegetation removes the natural erosion protection provided by complex root systems that hold soil in place
  • Gardening and lawn care can cause excess fertilizer and pesticides to enter a waterbody, disrupting its natural health and balance
  • When too much land is covered by pavement or asphalt, these hard surfaces can accelerate the stormwater that enters a lake or pond, rather than allowing natural absorption into the soil


How Lake Shoreline Erosion Can Be Prevented

Despite the best efforts of HOAs, golf course superintendents, and municipalities, all waterbodies will experience erosion to some degree. However, there are many strategies to control or mitigate erosion.


Native Plants

Planting deep-rooted grasses and flowering vegetation will help retain, hold and stabilize the soil. This ground cover also helps to deter nuisance and invasive species from entering the aquatic ecosystem. It is imperative to use native plants rather than exotic species that are known to damage the habitat that nurtures beneficial fish, birds, and other wildlife.

Bioengineered Shoreline Control

Bioengineered erosion control technology is an excellent tool to restore shorelines and mitigate future erosion. Knitted ShoreSOX® and DredgeSOX® repurpose eroded muck by anchoring it to the shoreline for lasting stability. SOX solutions integrate naturally into the landscape and can be planted directly with vegetation for further erosion protection.

Riprap and Root Trap

With riprap, rocks are placed over a filter blanket to keep the soil in place. Similar to riprap, root trap is achieved by covering the rocks with topsoil and installing native, deep-rooted plants that contain the sediment in place as they grow.

Bulkheads and Retaining Walls

Bulkheads and retaining walls can be effective at controlling the effects of erosion; however, if not installed correctly, they run the risk of falling into the water or eroding from underneath and becoming unsafe.

Erosion Control Blankets

Coir logs or fiber roll material can be installed to slow down the movement of the water or create a “pooling” effect that allows sediment to filter out. They can be made of natural or synthetic fibers or a blend of straw, coconut fiber, or polypropylene (plastic).

Contact Us to Protect Your Shoreline Against Erosion

Call us at 866-781-8904 or complete the form below to get connected with an aquatic management expert.


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Triploid Grass Carp- Can They Help Control Weeds on my Lake? By: Allstate Resource Management

Triploid Grass Carp- Can They Help Control Weeds on my Lake? By: Allstate Resource Management

  • Posted: Jan 18, 2022
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Triploid Grass Carp- Can They Help Control Weeds on my Lake?

By: Allstate Resource Management

The grass carp has been introduced throughout the world for aquatic weed control. The grass carp was considered for introduction into the U.S. primarily because of its plant-eating diet, which was thought to have great potential for the control of aquatic weeds.

Wide-scale use of the grass carp in Florida and many other states from 1970 to 1984 was limited and closely regulated due to fears about its reproduction and negative impact on sport fish. Since the grass carp’s potential for causing such problems was evident, early research focused on developing a fish that would be non-reproductive but would retain the grass carp’s herbivorous diet.

Research with the grass carp resulted in the production of a sterile triploid grass carp, which has an extra set of chromosomes. The triploid grass carp is produced in the same way as the diploid, except that fertilized eggs are subjected to heat, cold, or pressure shock result in the formation of fish with an extra set of chromosomes for a total of 72. The extra chromosomes make these fish sterile.

The grass carp is primarily a “grazer”; it tends to feed on the surface and in shallow water. The ability of grass carp to consume and utilize aquatic plants depends on the size of both plants and fish. Additional factors which influence the feeding behavior of grass carp include their size, age, gender, and population density, and the species, abundance, and location of plants within a body of water.

In Florida, a permit is required by law for the use or possession of grass carp. Only grass carp certified as triploid can be used in an aquatic weed management program. Allstate Resource Management recommends triploid grass crap in combination with a lake management program.

Speak with a lake management specialist on how we can develop a management program for your lake or pond!


 Contact Allstate Resource Management


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Fitness Trends on The Rise by Commercial Fitness Products

Fitness Trends on The Rise by Commercial Fitness Products

Fitness Trends on The Rise

Commercial Fitness Products offers expertise in helping you create a space-efficient, functional floor plan that is both pleasing to the eye and allows for proper usage of your equipment. More than just Designers, we see ourselves as a partner in helping you create the vision you have for your business. You can count on us to help you:

by Commercial Fitness Products


Rigs are becoming more and more popular in unattended fitness centers due to their versatility and essential functional training components. Agility and plyometric equipment, kettlebells, mats, medicine balls, wall balls, suspension trainers, slam balls, studio weights, and other functional accessories have become basic items in designing a fitness amenity. We recommend the Prism Functional Training Center, which offers multiple walls mounted configurations and instructions on every component. Or, a TKO Rig is available in various shapes and sizes with a variety of training accessories



Virtual fitness training offers guests more choices and control of their classes. Virtual instructional fitness providers such as WellBeats offers fitness classes and channels, fit tests, workout plans, training from certified instructors, and in facility option (touchscreen display, projector, or TV displays). Classes can be pre-scheduled or selected “on the fly.”



The American Council of Exercise reports an increase in the number studios adding boxing/kickboxing classes. The Nexersys Interactive Boxing System delivers fast-paced and challenging animated training with a dynamic 3D Trainer in Mitts mode and a 3D Fighter in Sparring mode. The 3D Avatars trains using multi-colored reticles and directional strike prompt.


Commercial Fitness Products offers expertise in helping you create a space-efficient, functional floor plan that is both pleasing to the eye and allows for proper usage of your equipment. More than just Designers, we see ourselves as a partner in helping you create the vision you have for your business. You can count on us to help you:

  • Create a Fitness Center that meets all of your needs
  • Design a Fitness Amenity that will contribute to your business’ success
  • Work within your budget
  • Optimize your space
  • Design and equip the most affordable, yet effective Fitness Center possible

We are experienced in working with both new facilities that are in the conceptual design stages, still under construction, or existing facilities that require renovation. Either way, we can work with the space already provided or make recommendations for space allocation. CFP can help you make the most of your space and provide your residents, members or guests with an exceptional exercise experience.

We use a standard set of Design Criteria that takes into consideration both functionality and aesthetics. Our Design includes:

  • Selection of Equipment for our customer’s target demographics
  • Placement and Positioning of Equipment to optimize available space
  • Appearance of the the Facility
  • Location or placement of Electrical & Video receptacles
  • Traffic Flow
  • Entrances & Exit points
  • Location or Doors, Windows, TV’s & Overhead Fans
  • Ease of Use
  • Safety as Rule #1

We have worked with all types of facilities and spaces including large and small health & fitness clubs, personal training studios, hospital fitness rooms, apartment complex fitness rooms, recreation centers and home gyms. No job is too small or too large!


5034 N. Hiatus Road
Sunrise, Florida 33351 
(954) 747-5128
View us on the States Directory
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Glass repair, replacement, coverings and tinting services to the residential, automotive and commercial markets, Find Top SFPMA Members

Glass repair, replacement, coverings and tinting services to the residential, automotive and commercial markets, Find Top SFPMA Members

  • Posted: Jan 06, 2022
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Glass repair, replacement and tinting services to the residential, automotive and commercial markets

If you’re ready to give your home a new look or save on heating and cooling bills, your windows are a great place to start. But with so many ways to renovate the windows in your home, where do you even begin?

Are solar screens an option, and do they really work? What are the advantages of Double Pane windows? If you’re scratching your head wondering which window option to choose, you’re not alone! Because there are several options to choose from, this article will help you figure out which windows might work best for your home and budget. To make that process easier, let’s take a look at a few of the most popular window options available.

Before reviewing the different window options available, it should be noted that energy efficiency should be a major consideration when deciding which type of windows you choose for your home. Energy efficient windows can help lower your monthly heating and cooling cost, and can result in significant savings over time.

Impact Windows

While the initial cost of impact windows might be a little more, they offer a significant advantage when it comes to protecting your home and property from storm damage. If you live in a climate that is prone to hurricanes or severe weather, impact windows provide the type of security and protection that other windows can’t match. Upgrading your home with impact windows can also help increase the overall value of your home. Since your windows are often the weakest point in a home, impact windows help minimize the threat of damage to your home.

Scratch Removal Specialists


Our Philosophy and Mission

With over twenty-years of South Florida experience in the glass restoration industry, Scratch Removal Specialists, Inc. strives to provide the most professional and cost effective solutions to your glass restoration needs.  Our company culture of professionalism, safety, training, and customer satisfaction makes us stand-out as the best choice in the glass restoration industry.  From a single window repair, to an entire building restoration, we have the experience and staffing to take on your project with the the care and professionalism it deserves.



IGU (Double Pane Windows)

Insulated glass windows, also referred to as double-pane windows, consist of two or more pieces of flat glass separated by gas or air that is injected between them. Two pieces of glass certainly provide more protection as opposed to one. However, since glass is a poor insulator by nature, the thickness of the glass may not be as important as what’s in between those two panes of glass. This space is typically filled with either air or gas (like krypton or argon) which helps boost the windows’ insulating power and inhibits heat transfer. Not only are insulated glass windows incredibly energy-efficient, but they also add a layer of comfort to your home by helping to reduce the amount of air that escapes through your window and the level of outside noise.

Low-E Glass

Low-E, which stands for low emissivity glass, is a kind of thin coating (thinner than a strand of human hair) that is applied to windows to make them substantially more energy-efficient. While window tints use a type of film to minimize heat, low E-glass uses a colorless, non-toxic coating instead. Low-E glass minimizes how much ultraviolet light passes through the window. This can help enhance the natural lighting in your home and reduce heating and cooling costs. Low-E glass is a great investment if you’re looking to make a subtle upgrade of your windows while staying cost-effective.

If you decide to update rather than replace your windows, here are some other ways in which you can make them more energy efficient in the process.


Allstate Tint & Blinds

Call us at 954.963.9877 or Request a FREE Estimate Today!

Founded in 1988 in Hollywood, Florida and has served 1,000′s of customers with premium automotive, residential, commercial and marine window tinting. We carry Suntek and Huper Optiks Ceramic Window Films.  In addition to Window Tinting,  Allstate Tint & Blinds offers Roll-Up Shades, Vertical Blinds, Bamboo Blinds, Faux Blinds and 2″ Wood Blinds.

In 2013, Allstate Tint & Blinds celebrated their Grand Opening of their new location at 2011 SW 70th Avenue, #A17, Davie, Florida 33317 (Located across the street from the Signature Grand) We advise to please call ahead for an appointment, or as always you are welcome to drop off your vehicles.



Solar Screens

Solar screens are made up of dark, tightly woven mesh that can be installed on the outside or on the inside of your window. Installing solar screens offers a few advantages. They are relatively inexpensive and can help reduce energy usage. They are also a great solution for any windows that receive extended exposure to the sun throughout the day. Solar screens help reduce the amount of heat inside your home, blocking as much as 90% of outside heat. They also help reduce glare, protect privacy, and help prevent heat damage to the interior of your home.

Window Tinting

Window tinting is another option if you’re looking to upgrade your windows without replacing them. Windows can be tinted in a wide range of colors and shades, and with a variety of different materials. Each treatment can accomplish a different purpose, or help achieve a certain look, with different pros and cons for each.

Here are the five most common types of window tint:

  1. Standard – Helps block sunlight
  1. Ceramic – Considered the best type of window tint as it reflects the sun’s UV rays and reduces glare.
  1. Decorative – Used for aesthetic purposes and replicates the look of stained/frosted glass. It’s commonly used to transform regular windows into ornate ones without having to replace the glass or install a new window.
  1. Security – Used to reinforce and strengthen windows to help protect against breakage and natural disasters.
  1. Solar – Provides a scratch-resistant coating and utilizes polyester laminate. This film reduces UV and IR rays as well as glare, which helps improve visibility.


Cool World Window Tinting Solutions

(954) 871-5870

We are the South Florida Leading Window Tinting Company. We only use the Highest Quality of Products in our Industry. Which means that the job we do Lasts.

Cool World Window Tinting Solutions is an authorized Madico Sunscape & SolarGard window tint dealer, with over 20 years window tinting experience.

Cool World Window Tinting Solutions uses only high-quality Madico window films, which are guaranteed not to bubble or change colors and will keep your home, office or auto comfortably cool for many years to come.

Cool World Window Tinting Solutions is a fully mobile window tint company that will come to you at your home or office.  Cool World Window Tinting Solutions is fully licensed and insured and offers a full line of window tinting products to maximize energy savings for your home or business.

Jansen Shutters & Windows


It is our goal to shelter your family, protect your investments and secure your well-being.

The Jansen Family have been serving the homeowner and construction industry of the Florida Gulf Coast from Fort Meyers to North TampaTarpon Springs and the Islands since 1973. In 2002, Phillip Jansen and his son Travis opened Jansen Shutters & Windows with the intention of providing the best hurricane protection necessary to ensure the safety of your family and business.

As our company grew we expanded out product line to include, Out Door Living Products. Which includes our exclusive “Jansen Vista” Motorized Insect Screens, Fabrication, Louver, Pergolas and more. We are proud to say everything we manufacture is American Made. Our work does not stop at installation, we believe it is necessary to educate our customers about the products we provide. So you can pick the best products that fits your lifestyle and budget.


A Guide to Healthy Lakes in 2022 & Beyond  by SOLitude

A Guide to Healthy Lakes in 2022 & Beyond by SOLitude

  • Posted: Jan 06, 2022
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Lake Restoration: A Complete Guide to Maintaining Lake & Pond Health

At SOLitude Lake Management, we believe healthy, balanced waterbodies allow our clients to create meaningful experiences on and around their waterbody. We are dedicated to making water a more healthy and beautiful part of our world by utilizing sustainable management solutions and innovative technologies that improve water quality, enhance beauty, and preserve natural resources.

For many cities, lakes, ponds, and waterways are a major attraction and part of what makes living there so special. From the rivers to the beautiful lakes and ponds throughout communities and golf courses, water is central to everyday life. However, you may not have given much thought to what goes into maintaining all of these beautiful waterways.

Maintaining a lake is more complicated than you may realize. It requires ongoing water quality monitoring and management to help ensure the lake continues to thrive and that people can continue to enjoy it. Without regular management of your lake or pond, the waterway can become unusable.

Ongoing monitoring and maintenance is the key to maintaining a waterbody that meets your needs. This is why an annual management approach is so beneficial for any aquatic ecosystem. Learn more about year-round management and the benefits of a SOL Pro Annual Management Program. With regular professional oversight and care, you can enjoy your waterbody for years to come.


Complete the form, receive this informative guide


The Importance of Healthy, Balanced Waterbodies

Freshwater ecosystems serve many purposes. They support irrigation, stormwater collectiondrinking water, water sports, and recreational fishing. Regardless of their function, management is necessary to support the biodiversity and environmental health of the waterway.

Water can also have a significant impact on property values. In housing developments, no one wants to smell or look at an unsightly, overgrown lake or pond. That’s why it is critical for HOAs and apartment complexes to adequately manage their waterways.

Lake restoration is an important process in which a wide range of management techniques are used to restore a lake to its original state or to a state that better supports the health and well-being of the aquatic system, including plants and animals. It’s important to understand why problems, which often manifest as algae, occur before preventative solutions can be implemented.


Understanding Algae and Cyanobacteria

The word “algae” often gets used informally as a catch-all term that can include a wide array of organisms that are not always closely related. Sometimes, when people refer to “algae,” they may actually be talking about cyanobacteria, also known as “blue-green algae” or “toxic algae.” It actually is not algae at all.

Cyanobacteria appear in several different forms. It can appear as hair-like filaments, slimy coatings on plants, or a green, soupy-looking substance suspended in the water column. Cyanobacteria can release toxins that can harm your waterway. The toxins are the cyanobacteria’s way of defending themselves against other competing organisms, but they can also harm fish, wildlife, pets, and humans.

Excessive runoff and pollution is a common source of this problem. This runoff can lead to nutrient loading that will eventually upset the balance of a waterway’s aquatic system. Grass clippings, pet waste, eroded sediment, and landscaping fertilizers all contribute to nutrient loading. Managing the conditions that contribute to nutrient loading is crucial to keeping the harmful cyanobacteria and nuisance algae in check.



In both ponds and lakes, aeration systems are used to increase the oxygenation and circulation of the waterway. A pond aeration system can be in the form of a floating fountain or consist of submersed diffusers strategically located at the bottom throughout the waterbody. Aeration helps improve the overall health of the aquatic system by converting nutrients to forms that do not sustain organic growth. Likewise, if muck development is severe, new tools like Oxygen Saturation Technology (OST) can be used to target dissolved oxygen to the bottom sediments where it will remain and aid in the natural digestion.


Shoreline Management

Unhealthy shorelines are a large contributing factor to nutrient loading. In addition to releasing sediment, unstable and eroded shorelines can allow stormwater runoff to flow directly into the water, polluting the ecosystem. SOX Solutions is a knitted mesh material that can be used to physically reshape and anchor the shoreline for many years of stability. Planting native, deep-rooted vegetation around the


Nutrient Remediation

Lakes and ponds suffering from chronic nutrient loading may be excellent candidates for proven nutrient-locking technologies like Phoslock and Alum. These products can help inactivate excess nutrients, making them unavailable for fueling nuisance plants and algae. Phoslock, specifically, is a lanthanum-modified clay that rapidly binds and permanently removes free reactive phosphorus from the water column shortly after application. It is also effective in locking up the phosphorus in the bottom sediments. This helps return the pond to its naturally beautiful state.


Biological Treatments

Dead algae, along with other build-ups of sludge and bottom sediment, can occur in your waterway. This is a natural process, but poor management can expedite this build-up. Biological treatments (which are like a probiotic for your waterbody) introduce naturally occurring cultures into the water. They digest undesirable organic muck and help clear excess nutrients from the ecosystem. This process can also help raise the dissolved oxygen levels in the pond and help beneficial aquatic plants, fish, and animals thrive.


Mechanical Hydro-raking

Nutrient-rich muck and detritus can be removed physically with a hydro-rake, which is essentially a floating backhoe capable of removing up to 500 pounds of material in one scoop. These materials are then taken from the shoreline for off-site disposal. This process not only helps remove excess nutrients, but also helps restore lake and pond depth and volume – reducing flooding, cloudiness, and bad odors.


Herbicides and Algaecides

In urgent circumstances, herbicides and algaecides can be used to quickly eliminate nuisance algae and weeds. Lake and pond management professionals only use products that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and formulated to specifically target the undesirable growth in your waterbody. However, herbicides and algaecides should only be used as a last-resort option when it is too late for preventative action.


Grass Carp

Sterile triploid grass carp serve as a “biological control” option for nuisance aquatic vegetation. Triploid Grass Carp can help reduce the amount of pesticides required for the management of nuisance and invasive vegetation. Though EPA-registered aquatic herbicides play a key role in safe and responsible plant management, they should generally be viewed as a last resort option for stubborn infestations.



11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Public Adjuster in South Florida by Stellar Adjusting

11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Public Adjuster in South Florida by Stellar Adjusting

  • Posted: Jan 04, 2022
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If you’re hiring a public adjuster, it’s important to keep in mind that this person is going to be working for you. You’re the boss, so you’ve got to think like a boss. That means interviewing them and asking the right questions. We’ve listed eleven questions that you should ask any public adjuster before you make the hire.




hiring a public adjusterBefore we talk about how to hire a public adjuster, let’s talk for a second about why you would want to hire one in the first place. The short answer is that you hopefully will never need to hire one. However, if your home or business is damaged, you’ll need to fire an insurance claim, which means providing the insurance company with an estimate of the damages. If the claim is very large, or if the insurance company thinks they can get away with paying less, they will send an insurance adjuster to draw up their own estimate.

When this happens, you have a few options. You can accept the insurance company’s offer, you can sue the insurance company, or you can hire a public adjuster to make a counteroffer. Accepting the company’s offer isn’t always the best idea. In some cases, you may be asked to settle for far less than the actual cost of damages. However, suing the insurance company can get expensive. They have teams of corporate lawyers, and you’ll end up spending a lot of money on your own legal case. Meanwhile, you’ll receive no funds during the legal process, so you’ll have to repair your home or business and pay your lawyer out of pocket.

A public insurance adjuster offers a great compromise. They can get you a better settlement, and you won’t have to pay out of pocket. For more information, read our guide on when to contact a Florida public adjuster.



There’s nothing wrong with being new to the business. Even the biggest, most prestigious firms once started as a single adjuster opening their own small business. But if someone is just starting out in their own business, you’d expect them to have previous experience working for another firm. If they haven’t, steer clear.


A single public adjuster, even a very well-qualified one, can only be so knowledgeable. A team of adjusters can pool their knowledge and help each other out, leading to better results for their clients.


If you’re in another state, this applies to your state as well. An unlicensed public adjuster isn’t just breaking the law by practicing without a license. They can also put you at risk, since there’s no guarantee that they’re even competent.


For any qualified public adjuster, south Florida hurricanes should be par for the course. But if you’re dealing with an unusual claim – for example, if a car ran off the road and into your living room – you’ll want to know that your public adjuster is qualified to deal with your claim’s quirkier aspects.


A public insurance adjuster should only get paid when you get paid, taking a percentage of your claim. If your adjuster is asking for an up-front fee, don’t do business with them. What they’re doing is unethical.


Depending on your situation, you may still owe money to a mortgage lender, and they’re most likely not going to be patient with you while the insurance company handles your claim. An experienced public adjuster can oftentimes serve as an intermediary to help you deal with your mortgage lender’s demands.


The opposite problem of working with too small a team is working with a big firm that farms out their work to third-party contractors. So you can be paying for a prestigious name, but getting freelance service. Make sure that your public insurance adjuster will be personally involved with your claim.


Some public adjusters prefer that their clients not communicate directly with the insurance company. Others are comfortable to share these responsibilities with their clients. There’s no right or wrong answer to this question, but it’s important that you and your adjuster are on the same page here.


The average person may never need a public adjuster’s services or may need them once or twice at most. If their adjuster did a good job, they’re going to remember it. Ask your prospective public adjuster for references. If they’re not prepared to offer any, scratch them off your list.


Sometimes, in the aftermath of a natural disaster, public adjusters can become overwhelmed with claims from a large number of people. In this case, a qualified, competent adjuster may simply be too busy to give your claim the individual attention it deserves.


Errors and Omissions is the insurance industry’s version of malpractice insurance. It ensures that if your public adjuster makes a mistake that costs you money, they’ll be able to compensate you. Every licensed public adjuster should carry a policy. If they’re not willing to share this information with you, tell them to take a hike.


On SFPMA: View Our Claims Page for all your Damage Needs. Find Law Firms, Adjusters and Roofing Companies ready to help



If you’re hiring a public adjuster in Florida, consider hiring Stellar Public Adjusting. Our qualified adjusters are experienced in Florida home and business claims, and we don’t hire out our work to independent contractors. When your adjuster shows up to create your claim, you can rest assured that this is the same person who will be dealing with the insurance company on your behalf.

Use our web form to contact us today. If you have an urgent problem that requires immediate assistance, call our office at 305-570-3519.

Andria Rosendahl
Public Adjuster
2450 NE Miami Gardens Drive, Suite 200, Miami Florida 33180
Cell: 305-710-7922
Fax: 305-873-8719
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Members perform services for condo and hoa’s providing everything from Accounting to Window Tinting

Members perform services for condo and hoa’s providing everything from Accounting to Window Tinting

  • Posted: Dec 28, 2021
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Finding the Right Management, Business and Service Company!

Board Members that represent Condos and HOA’s all over Florida. Property Management Companies, Property Owners and Private Landlords that wish to stay informed and up to date with our industry.  Having a reliable source where industry professionals can find top companies is important to them.

  “Having a Trusted Member to care for their Properties through Management, Business Related Services or Maintenance Services” is what they get!


Members perform services for condo and hoa’s providing everything from accounting and office management, collections and financing, day to day management oversight with meetings and Legal oversight and compliance. Then there are the maintenance of the properties, Management Members have all of the State of Florida Services and Business members where they can select what they need from 1,000’s of pre screened and licensed companies on our directory. Clients get access to thousands of companies in our industry, These companies are ready to help with everything from Management, Business to Services of your properties.
What you get with your membership!
  • You are listed on our Florida Directory where Clients search to find top companies working in our industry.
  • We Market Companies to Clients from Board Members of Condo and HOA’s all over Florida.
  • Write Articles for our Blog that are sent to our Industry, Let them get to know what you do!
  • Unlike others our Directory is Open.  We have a Top Team that constantly shares about you using Social Media, Articles and Direct Emails and our Publications. Members send us company information we send this information to Clients all over Florida.
  • We have an Industry Publication:  FLORIDA RISING MAGAZINE Read the Florida Rising Magazine –  Members can be placed on the Magazine Directory and take out Advertising so readers can learn more about the services they provide.
  • Take out Advertising in the Magazine and Write Articles published each month. When you take out: (*Half Page and *Full Page Ads)
  • Every new member is given Free Ads in our Magazine for a few months, so readers can learn more about them and their companies.
  • When you Join: Memberships are set up with recurring billing that takes place each year on the month you joined through our business office.


“We bring Board Members, Property Managers and Owners to our Website”

Through your Membership you can be seen by the Decision Makers, Through your membership we help with forming relationships in our industry that lead to increased business for your company and lasting relationships for you.

Become a Member!

Get your company listed on the Florida Directory

So Property Managers, Condo & HOA Board Members can find you!

Who are our Clients you ask?

Board Members that represent Condos and HOA’s all over Florida. Property Management Companies, Property Owners and Private Landlords that wish to stay informed and up to date with our industry.  For these people having a reliable source is important to them and with our goal of “Having a Trusted Member to care for their Properties either through Management, Business Related Services or Maintenance Services” is what they get!


SFPMA is thankful to the various vendors that have become members that service the many managed communities over the years. All Companies that wish to work with the Florida Property Management, Condo and HOA industries are listed, They are then in a position to be selected to work on properties all over the State of Florida.  SFPMA has a responsibility to properly screen all vendors prior to authorizing memberships for service requests and bidding out contracts for our Clients.

When you are listed on the Florida Directory, Clients can find you as one of the Top Companies used in our industry. Your company will benefit from being listed. “Start forming lasting relationships in the Property Management Industry”


Thank you for deciding to become a member with SFPMA, You’ve made the right choice!

We have 2022 Sales for Members: Advertising in our Magazine and in the News Blast and on our website.

We have 2022 Sales for Members: Advertising in our Magazine and in the News Blast and on our website.

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Take advantage of our Advertising Sales.

Members Advertising in our magazine,News Blast and Website are avail for the new year.





1-  We are running this sale for all members become a featured sponsor of our Email News Blast

  • Every week we publish our Email Blast filled with News, Articles, Member Information, This is sent 3 days every week at 9am
  • Your company send us a 300px by 300px logo picture we link to your website.
  • Be seen by over 230,000 readers as sponsors.  52weeks @3x every week.  In every posted Email your company is set on this with your logo as a featured sponsor.

Special Price of 450.00 for the entire year

This is limited there are only 15 spots  Act now. we are getting ready for 2022

NOTE: our news feed has been upgraded with featured post pictures that are displayed for the Articles in these email blasts.


2- Take out Advertising in our Publication – FLORIDA RISING MAGAZINE

  • Take out half and full pages 12 months of company advertising
  • take advantage of this special pricing
  • See our Advertising FLAT Rates: This Special ends FEB 2022.

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    Half Page: (12 months/700.00)

    Full Page: (12 months/950.00)

All Ads taken out for this special will run in every edition at this flat price. You can write articles every month we will publish. Your company is set on the Category sections in our magazine


3- Contact us for Advertising banners on the Pages of our website


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