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After the Pandemic: How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy. by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela

After the Pandemic: How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy. by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela

  • Posted: Apr 28, 2020
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After the Pandemic: How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy.

by Mitchell Drimmer of Axela Technologies


Is Your Condo or HOA Prepared?

Download : How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy

With a pandemic crippling the global economy, community associations must prepare for the effects this will have on the housing market.

We must face the grim reality that the ripple effects of the coronavirus may cripple our economy for years to come, long after the virus itself has been contained, as people lose their incomes and families struggle to make ends meet.

Community associations are already beginning to feel the effects of the recession with homeowners in financial crisis opting not to pay association fees, and this trend looks like it will get worse before it gets better. And with foreclosures on temporary deferment during the shutdown, the typical methods communities use to collect are unavailable.

But there is hope for communities to navigate this new recession economy. Community associations are one of the few industries that can successfully weather economic depression. You just need to know what tools to leverage to keep the budget healthy.

The American consumer will be making choices: “Should I pay my Visa or Mastercard bill or my community association fees?”

This whitepaper explores the options that are available to community associations and reveals what actions you can take to not just protect your community, but to thrive in the new recession economy we are facing.




Axela Technologies is dedicated to helping create streamlined accounts receivable and collections for management companies, condo associations and homeowners associations.

Our proven collection methods help community associations realize higher returns and lower delinquency ratings at virtually no risk to the organization.

Axela is fully compliant with Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).


Get a Free Consultation with a
Collections Expert

Need a Better Cash Flow for Your Condo or HOA?

Your Collections process may be what’s holding your budget back. Let us help with this free analysis of your collections process.

Call Us




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  • Posted: Apr 28, 2020
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.


No doubt we have been in unchartered waters for the past few weeks now.  Boards have been uncertain about how, when and where they can hold board meetings.  Unit owners are upset that they have heard that their Board is actually having meetings that they cannot attend.  Decisions are being made at meetings that are not properly noticed.  No doubt decisions and votes are being made by e-mail, even though the statute clearly prohibits it.

       Despite the extraordinary powers given to Boards under the emergency powers statute, there are a few things that remain clear;

  1. Board meetings must still be noticed;
  2. Unit owners have the right to attend board meetings;
  3. Board members still cannot vote by e-mail;
  4. Board members have the right to appear at Board meetings via telephone, real-time videoconferencing, or similar real-time electronic or video communication and it counts toward a quorum, and such member may vote as if physically present. A speaker must be used so that the conversation of such members may be heard by the board or committee members attending in person as well as by any unit owners present at a meeting.
  5. Unit owners who are not on the Board have no right to attend their Board meeting via the same technology that Board members get to use.

So what needs fixing?  Obviously, in light of recent events, all board meetings and unit owner meetings must be made available to the owners through technology.  Nobody should be forced to attend a meeting in person if board members are not forced.  .  Now, before anyone starts yelling that this is impossible…… it isn’t.  There was pushback about having a mandatory website that would hold all of the association’s records.  We learned it works great.  There was pushback when it came to on-line voting.  We learned it works great.

For me however, these past few weeks have been an incredible learning experience.  I have had the joy and honor of continuing to teach the Board Certification and Legal Update seminars.  There are 130 people on-line at one time!  We are on-line for three hours.  It works perfectly.  And after my part is over, everyone who wants to be heard gets to be heard.  Don’t tell me Board meetings can’t be run the same way.  They can.  Easily.  Far fewer people typically attend a board meeting.

So, it’s clear that it’s now time for unit owners to get the same rights as board members do and have the opportunity to appear at their Board and unit owner meetings through the use of technology.  If you still choose to attend in person, even better.  The choice should be yours.




The State of Florida Property Management Association has looked into these issues for voting and have found in Florida,  There are a few companies that had the insite and looked into the future of Online Voting


Supported by SFPMA:  BeckerBALLOT  –  Use this software for board of directors votes, amendment of governing documents, waive reserves and approval of material alterations and more! Your members need to simply log in, cast their votes and be on their way.

BeckerBALLOT, a joint partnership between Becker & Poliakoff and SHYFT digital. 

We offer an easy-to-use, secure electronic voting software solution that is compliant with state law. We provide the ability for members in condominiums, cooperatives and homeowner associations to cast their votes online.  You will be able to easily and seamlessly facilitate and increase member participation in important votes. All votes stay secure, anonymous and tracked for validity.

Once your Board adopts a Resolution which offers an online voting system for your members, members consenting to vote online may register and vote using



Please join us from the comfort of your home or office for one of our upcoming online webinars where we will demo the vote creation and management tools with opportunity for Q&A.

April 28: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now
May 5: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now
May 12: 10:30 – 11:30 am: Register Now



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Upcoming Events: Join Florida’s Top Industry Leaders, for informative Webinars and Board Member Certification events

Upcoming Events: Join Florida’s Top Industry Leaders, for informative Webinars and Board Member Certification events

  • Posted: Apr 23, 2020
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Upcoming Events: Join Florida’s Top Industry Leaders, for informative Webinars and Board Member Certification events


Webinars are an excellent way to publish frequent, high-value content, Once a webinar has been produced, you and your creative team can repurpose and optimize it into several pieces of valuable content. Members of SFPMA and Other Leaders in our Industry have provided these

to help with social distancing yet keeping you informed.  Take a look at this list of events – Join and sign up!



Join our own Andrew Black, a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law, online for distance learning with the Condominium Association Board Member Certification Course .
This provides CE credit for CAMs and fulfills state requirements for Condominium Association Board Members.
Course Number: 9630075 | Provider Number: 0005092
Two (2) CEU’s in IFM or ELE
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
NOTE: When registering, you must use a valid email address in order to be able to receive your certificate and or CE credit.
After you register, you will receive instructions about how to join the Zoom webinar.

Join us as we discuss the implications COVID-19 is having on your association’s financials. 
Thursday | April 30 | 11am – 12 Noon
Rafael Aquino , Co-founder of Affinity Management
Michael Bender , Esq., BCS, Kaye Bender Rembaum
Lisa Magill , Esq., BCS, Kaye Bender Rembaum
Alex Leonardo , Lanter Leonardo & DiCrescenzo CPA


Join us for a WEBINAR: On, Assessment Collections during the Coronavirus Crisis

April 29 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm EDT

WHAT: Assessment Collections During Crisis Q&A
WHEN: Wednesday, April 29th @ 2:30pm EST

Register to Attend this Webinar

With millions out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeowners associations and condo associations are starting to feel the crunch of increased delinquencies. When homeowners are in financial crisis, association dues takes a back seat to other essentials. But community associations need the funds to maintain the health and safety of everyone in the community.

In this webinar, Axela Technologies President of Business Development, Mitch Drimmer will be joining host Russell Munz, Founder of Community Financials and Douglas Levy Counsel for Community Association Practice Group at Rees Broome, PC to answer your questions on how you can maintain a healthy community while still exercising compassion during this crisis.

Get your ‘coronavirus in the community’ assessment collection questions ready and join us online:


COVID-19 Message: Watch our Recorded Webinars  


We recognize there is a growing concern as the outbreak and impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve. The safety and wellbeing of our teammates and residents are Castle’s top priority. Most importantly, we want you to know, we are prepared. We are working around the clock to monitor the situation, while partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other state and local health officials on response efforts, as well as to provide you with the most up-to-date information.

At our sites, our teams are working diligently to take precautions and steps to ensure a clean and safe environment. We are making every effort to customize our plan based on specific community’s needs.

We remain committed to you, and to doing our part as an organization to ensure the health and wellness of every teammate, resident and community.

James Donnelly
Founder and CEO


April 23rd, at 6:00 p.m. – SOLD OUT.
Just because we’re stuck in our homes doesn’t mean we can’t get together —- and learn together — remotely – in a safe and fun way.  NO EXCUSES.
Florida law allows the Board Certification class to be taught via a video conference and that’s exactly what we’re doing.
All you need is a device with a camera so I know you are there and speakers so you can hear me.
If you want to register, send an e-mail to:
If you want to sign up, just provide us with an an e-mail address.  I will then send you a link that you need to click on to start the live seminar.  Make sure to go to: GoTo Meeting
in advance to simply download the program



The CDC recommends wearing face coverings in public settings where social distancing is difficult (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies).

What does this mean for Florida condos and cooperatives in a growing number of hotspots where people must pass each other in narrow corridors or elevators?

Should requiring residents to wear face coverings in these or other common areas be part of your community’s Covid-19 protocols until such time as the CDC lifts this requirement?


Please be safe ~Stay Inside 





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A Healthy Workplace Starts In the Janitor’s Closet by ACE Cleaning Systems

A Healthy Workplace Starts In the Janitor’s Closet by ACE Cleaning Systems

  • Posted: Apr 22, 2020
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A Healthy Workplace Starts In the Janitor’s Closet

by ACE Cleaning Systems

Is Your Workplace Healthy?

We all want to live and work in a safe and sanitary environment.  In light of the recent covid-19 outbreak, we have become more aware of the importance of cleaning (and disinfecting) the surfaces we touch in our workplaces.  While no facility can be made “germ free”, janitorial companies can utilize modern cleaning and disinfection practices to create a safe and healthy work environment for your business.

Much of the equipment and cleaning practices in current use have become outdated because they are less effective at removing germs.   This is because science has uncovered three disturbing facts:

1. Surfaces that look clean are not always free of germs.

2. Cleaning incorrectly can actually cause germs to spread from one area to another.

3. Certain types of cleaning equipment and supplies actually encourage the spread of germs.

The important takeaways are this:  surfaces that look clean can still contain enough germs to cause an illness to spread.  And, even though it may look like someone is cleaning and disinfecting your facility, they may unknowingly be spreading germs around because they aren’t using the right cleaning methods and or equipment.

So, how can you know if your cleaning company is removing sufficient amounts of germs from the surfaces they clean?  First, inspect the janitor’s closet for outdated commercial cleaning equipment and supplies.



What’s in your janitor’s closet?

A janitorial closet that is well organized and kept clean provides a clue that your janitorial company is doing its job properly.  But, the type of equipment and supplies you find inside your closet can uncover the real reason you’re not reducing employee absenteeism.

Is your janitor closet unorganized?  Are bottles not labeled? Are rags thrown all over the place?  Do you see dirty string mops and contaminated buckets?  Is there a “dirty” laundry bag to keep new and used towels separated?  Does you company have disposable microfiber towels in the event your workplace has reported sick employees?


Look in your janitor’s closet for three signs of inadequate disinfection and or cross contamination(i.e. the spread of germs):

1. String mops and buckets – There are very few uses for string mops in outpatient healthcare facilities.  String mops can spread massive amounts of germs around (see study below) when used for routine floor cleaning.   String mops can be replaced with inexpensive, EPA recommended, bucket-less flat mops that virtually eliminate cross contamination (see the UC Davis study on flat mops vs. string mops here).

2. Soiled rags, wet string mops, buckets with standing water should not be found lying around or hanging in your janitor’s closet (they are breeding grounds for germs). Soiled cleaning cloths and mop heads should be stored in closed containers and laundered properly after each use. Cleaning cloths and mop heads should not be hand washed on-site and re-used.

3. Find out the name of the disinfectant your cleaning company is using (please look in your janitor’s closet). Every chemical in the closet should be labeled (OSHA regulations) and should have a corresponding safety data sheet (SDS). The cleaning company should be using a disinfectant that has been approved by the EPA for use against the coronavirus. The list can be found here:


Cleaning Best Practices:

Best practices are defined as commercial procedures that are accepted as being correct or most effective.  Best cleaning practices have been developed in the janitorial industry through research by leading authorities in the field.  These practices include the use of certain types of equipment, supplies and cleaning methods and when followed, produce high quality results.

Cleaning Standards:

So, how can you know if your janitorial company’s equipment can reduce employee absenteeism and protect the health of your staff?  It’s really not hard to find out.  Just follow the checklist we’ve created for you below.  This list is not arbitrary.  Its based on accepted cleaning standards that have been developed after years of research by highly respected organizations such as:

the EPACDC, and USGBC (United States Green Building Council).

The cleaning standards developed by these organizations are widely accepted as janitorial cleaning best practices.  But, unfortunately, they aren’t always practiced.  Commercial cleaning companies often use outdated, ineffective equipment that just can’t get the job done properly.


Janitorial Closet Checklist:

The equipment checklist below is your best defense against hiring the wrong cleaning company and keeping your workplace safe and healthy.  Ask these questions before you sign your next janitorial cleaning contract:

1) Do you use string mops?

If they answer yes, this is a big red flag.  Many companies still use outdated string mops that spread dirt and germs around.  Microfiber flat mops are a better choice and an accepted standard.

Read more about the best mops to use in healthcare and most commercial facilities:


2) Do you dilute chemicals by hand?

Many companies still dilute cleaning solutions by hand.  Manual methods of dilution are unreliable and can be dangerous.  Automated dilution systems are the cleaning standard today.


3) Are all bottles labeled according to OSHA standards?

OSHA requires labeling on all cleaning products to prevent improper use.  This is for the safety of your building’s occupants.  Is the company OSHA compliant?


4) Do you use green clean certified products?

Green cleaning products are safe and non-toxic.  They are not required, but are becoming an accepted standard in many facilities.


5) Do you use microfiber towels?

Microfiber towels are the accepted standard for surface cleaning and disinfection.  Paper towels and cotton rags cannot remove dirt or soil as effectively and are out of favor.  Many companies use paper towels to avoid using microfiber towels that require ongoing laundering services.  To minimize the spread of infections janitorial companies should  endorse disposable microfiber towels.


6) Do you use a color-coded system for towels?

Color-coded towel systems prevent the spread of germs from one area of your facility to another. You don’t want a janitorial worker using the same towel to clean your bathroom and desk.  Color-coding prevents this from happening.


7) Do you use HEPA certified vacuums?

HEPA certified vacuums capture very fine dust particles. They improve indoor air quality and remove more soil than other vacuums. This is an accepted cleaning standard, especially in hospitals, medical offices, schools and child care centers.  Many cleaning companies use in-expensive, less effective vacuums.   Poor air quality has been associated with headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritation of the lungs and other health issues, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  Read more about how to increase the indoor air quality in your workplace:–23910


8) Will you be using EPA registered, hospital grade disinfectants?

There are many disinfectants available for purchase over the counter.  However, the accepted standard and more effective practice is to use commercially available, EPA registered disinfectants.

9) Do you use a laundry system to clean and disinfect towels and rags?

If a janitorial company doesn’t have a separate laundry bag for used towels, it’s another red flag.  Accepted standards include frequent changing of microfiber towels to prevent the spread of dirt and germs, aka cross contamination.  After towels have become soiled, they should be stored in a “dirty” bag until laundered.  This sounds like a simple process, but you’d be surprised how many cleaning companies don’t have a laundering system in place.


10) Do you have a disinfection plan if there is an outbreak in your workplace?

Electrostatic spray disinfection is a highly effective method of applying an EPA-registered disinfectant to surfaces and objects.  The disinfectant is sprayed on electrostatically, causing it to cling and wrap around the surface or object, providing a more thorough and effective disinfection. Read more:


Commercial Janitorial Cleaning Services

Ace provides high quality commercial cleaning services to businesses in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach and nearby cities.  Over the last 12 years our company has developed cost effective janitorial cleaning programs for a wide range of businesses in Broward and Palm Beach County.  We are an independent, locally owned company with a hands on management team that is responsive to our customer’s needs. 

Members of SFPMA – View our Membership page

Zach Shor
President, Ace Cleaning Systems, Inc.



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Professional Home & Office Decontamination for Coronavirus by Flash BioClean

Professional Home & Office Decontamination for Coronavirus by Flash BioClean

  • Posted: Apr 20, 2020
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Professional Home & Office Decontamination for Coronavirus by Flash BioClean


Indoor Environmental Mitigation and Remediation

Flash Restore specializes in Emergency, and non Emergency, Indoor Environmental Mitigation, Remediation and Decontamination of building materials and their systems, contaminated by Fire, Water, Mold, Hazardous Materials, Pests, and Biological Hazards.

Flash BioClean, which is a dba of Flash Restore, is providing services to treat coronavirus in Homes, Offices, Condos, Assisted Living, Rentals, and all kinds of indoor environments. I have attached a really great brochure that explains it all. Flash BioClean is not your ordinary cleaning company as we are trained, certified, licensed, and insured to work with biohazards and have been for years.




Donald Brodsky
C: 561-722-7572

Flash Restore
6000 Park of Commerce Blvd
Suite C
Boca Raton, FL, 33487
O: 844.FLASH24
O: 844.352.7424
O: 561-475-3000


Is Your Condo or HOA Prepared? How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy

Is Your Condo or HOA Prepared? How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy

  • Posted: Apr 17, 2020
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Is Your Condo or HOA Prepared? How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy

by Axela Technologies, Inc
305-392-0389 •
1401 Brickell Ave., Suite 320
Miami, FL 33131


With everyone sheltering in place, the Coronavirus pandemic has already pushed the country into a recession. Economists don’t know how long it will take to recover, but we know it will take a lot of hard work to get back to ‘business as usual’.

Community associations are already beginning to feel the effects of the recession with homeowners in financial crisis opting not to pay association fees, and this trend looks like it will get worse before it gets better. And with foreclosures on temporary deferment during the shutdown, the typical methods communities use to collect are unavailable.
But there is hope for communities to navigate this new recession economy. Community associations are one of the few industries that can successfully weather economic depression. You just need to know what tools to leverage to keep the budget healthy.

The new white paper, After the Pandemic, explores the options that are available to community associations and reveals what actions you can take to not just protect your community, but to thrive in the new recession economy we are facing.


Download the White paper, “After the Pandemic: How Community Associations Can Recover in the New Economy” today!



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Concierge Plus: Technology for modern property management, automating administrative processes so your condo or HOA runs more efficiently.

Concierge Plus: Technology for modern property management, automating administrative processes so your condo or HOA runs more efficiently.

  • Posted: Apr 17, 2020
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Concierge Plus: technology for modern property management


Our property management platform makes life easier for property managers and security companies by increasing efficiencies, improving resident service, and automating administrative processes so your condo or HOA runs more efficiently.

Chris Cooney
Senior Sales Executive — Concierge Plus
T: 305-850-7676 x128 — M: 786-667-0056

New Members of SFPMA



Improved Workflow

Improved Workflow

We make it a snap to handle service requests, amenity bookings, package deliveries, tracking visitors, and visitor parking.

Convenient Online Access

Convenient Online Access

Say goodbye to paper and binders by digitizing administrative tasks, while giving residents easy online access to many services.

Feature-Rich, All-in Pricing

Feature-Rich, All-in Pricing

Embrace a platform offering control and total flexibility, as well as competitive pricing, product updates and great customer service.


Download our PDF Learn More


Getting started is fast and easy!

In less than a week, you’ll be handling maintenance requests, amenity bookings, visitor parking, package tracking, resident announcements, and resident information on a secure website, accessible to you at anytime from anywhere. Take your condo online today! Our dedicated Customer Success Specialist team will train your building staff, including on-site training at your location.




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Please join Community Financials, Mitch Drimmer of Axela Technologies, and Douglas Levy Esq Counsel for Community Association Practice Group at Rees Broome for a webinar

Please join Community Financials, Mitch Drimmer of Axela Technologies, and Douglas Levy Esq Counsel for Community Association Practice Group at Rees Broome for a webinar

  • Posted: Apr 14, 2020
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Please join Community Financials, Mitch Drimmer of Axela Technologies, and Douglas Levy Esq Counsel for Community Association Practice Group at Rees Broome for a webinar

This lively Question and Answer webinar on Assessment Collections during the COVID-19 Crisis Q&A 4/29/20 at 2:30 PM EST



Go to the article and scroll down to the bottom for the link to this webinar.


If you have questions we are going to have a webinar to address this issue and answer your questions:

Webinar – Assessment Collections during the COVID-19 Crisis Q&A with Legal & Collection Experts 4/29/20  at 2:30 PM EST

Douglas Levy  Counsel for Community Association Practice Group  at Rees Broome, PC in Tysons Corner, VA.

Mitchell Drimmer a licensed CAM and President at Axela Technologies a National Collection Agency specializing in Condo and HOA collections.






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We know many of you are still stuck at home missing your favorite #gym #workouts but, There are plenty of ways to workout at home

We know many of you are still stuck at home missing your favorite #gym #workouts but, There are plenty of ways to workout at home

  • Posted: Apr 09, 2020
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We know many of you are still stuck at home missing your favorite #gym #workouts but, don’t let yourself go too far down the rabbit hole of sedentary life. There are plenty of ways to workout at home

Introducing at home workout bundles with FREE SHIPPING! To help you stay fit




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Sunrise, Florida 33351 
(954) 747-5128
𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮 𝘂𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲? You can obtain a paper application

𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮 𝘂𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲? You can obtain a paper application

  • Posted: Apr 09, 2020
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𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮 𝘂𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲? You can obtain a paper application:

Florida Unemployment Claims – Independent Contractors & Self Employed

This entry was posted in BlogCovid-19 on  by .


RMS Accounting

RMS Accounting believes in personal service, when you call us between 9 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday Eastern Standard Time, you will always get to talk to a real person, not voice mail or an answering machine. It’s important to us that your call gets immediate attention!

During tax Season RMS Accounting is open until 8 pm on Tuesday through Thursday, and open on Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.

Contact us Today!

