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As Stimulus Funds Dry Up, Private Sector Firm Provides Funding to Community Associations by Axela Technologies

As Stimulus Funds Dry Up, Private Sector Firm Provides Funding to Community Associations by Axela Technologies

  • Posted: May 08, 2020
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As Stimulus Funds Dry Up, Private Sector Firm Provides Funding to Community Associations by Axela Technologies

Axela Technologies’ HAAP program allows community associations to tap into a non-recourse funding option to receive a much-needed cash injection.


Axela Technologies, the leading provider of collection solutions for community associations, has announced a funding program that will provide a financial lifeline at a time when HOAs and condos need it most. The funding is available nationwide, effective immediately.

“We realize that times are tough, and they are going to get more difficult for community associations,” said Martin Urruela, Axela’s CEO. “Community associations have received little help from the federal or state governments and are suffering due to the unforeseen hardships placed on their owners, so we’re stepping up to help.”

HAAP, short for Homeowner Assessment Assurance Program, advances a portion of a community’s receivables in the form of an immediate cash injection. It is not a loan; it is non-recourse, interest-free, and does not require the association to sign a note or a security interest. Axela is repaid with funds recovered through their collection of delinquent accounts.

“Besides being not-for-profit entities, associations are a zero-sum business and rely on owners’ assessments to pay their bills,” continues Urruela. “As a collection firm, we know that most, if not all assessments will be recovered at some point, but we don’t know when. Associations often don’t have the luxury to wait, but we do, so we’re providing the funds up front to help them meet their day-to-day financial requirements.”

Until now, Axela’s HAAP program has been available exclusively in Florida. Prior to the pandemic, approximately 10 percent of the company’s Florida clients had applied for an advance but that number has steadily increased in recent weeks. The spike in demand is what prompted the company to open the program to other states.

“While HAAP is innovative and most certainly helpful, the way it works is simple,” adds Urruela. “Instead of funding clients after we collect their money, we’re funding them up front. If for whatever reason, we are unsuccessful in collecting, we lose. The advance is non-recourse, so the association will never be on the hook for amounts that we advance them.”

Axela’s clients who have taken advantage of HAAP have praised the program.

“One of our associations had their insurance renewal coming up, but didn’t have the money,” said Fabio Setton, owner of PMI Top Florida Properties, a management company based in Aventura, FL. “Axela stepped up and advanced the funds within days of our request, which saved the association from having to pass a special assessment or risk losing insurance coverage.”

Taylor Pena of Marquis Association Management stated, “Axela has been providing funding for our community for nearly two years, allowing us to replicate a perfect cash flow scenario, despite the fact that several owners were not making timely payments.”

The application process requires community associations to submit a roster of units that would be placed into collections with Axela. The underwriting process is fully automated, and associations can be approved and funded within 72 hours. More information on the program is available at



Axela Technologies is a collections firm specialized in recovering delinquent assessments for community associations. Axela reduces the cost of outreach and engagement by automating much of the standardized collections process while providing exceptional customer service and a centralized platform for all stakeholders to promote transparency and efficiency.

To learn more about Axela Technologies, visit

Members of The State of Florida Property Management Association (SFPMA.Org)



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Reshaping Large Construction Projects Webinar this Thursday, May 7th at 2pm! by The Falcon Group

Reshaping Large Construction Projects Webinar this Thursday, May 7th at 2pm! by The Falcon Group

  • Posted: May 06, 2020
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Don’t forget to sign up for the:

Reshaping Large Construction Projects Webinar this Thursday, May 7th at 2pm!

Be Proactive, Educated and Engaged

Sign Up Info:
Subject: Large Construction Projects
Body: Please provide your Full Name, Company, Address, Phone Number and if you are a CMCA

“The STRENGTH of the TEAM is each individual MEMBER. The STRENGTH of each MEMBER is the TEAM.”

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Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty, Part 2 by Kaye Bender Rembaum

Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty, Part 2 by Kaye Bender Rembaum

  • Posted: May 06, 2020
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Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty, Part 2 by Kaye Bender Rembaum

by Kaye Bender Rembaum

In response to our article below, we have received inquiries from readers  regarding the ability of an  association located in Palm Beach County to use volunteers to provide the pool  monitoring as required by Palm  Beach County Emergency Order Number 5.

In relevant part, the Palm Beach County Order provides that as to the re-opening of community swimming pools the association must have “[o]ne (1) or more facility staff or management be present at each facility location to monitor and ensure compliance with the [Order].” There is no definitive instruction in the Order as to how a community association is to comply this particular requirement. However, based upon the plain meaning of the words, the association should have personnel from management or association staff physically present at the association’s pool facilities during its operating hours to monitor the use of the pool facilities to ensure compliance with the Order.



Webinar: Association Continuity During COVID-19

Register Today

Thursday, May 7, 2020

12 Noon to 1:00pm

Kaye Bender Rembaum attorneys Michael S. Bender and Jeffrey A. Rembaum will be a part of a panel discussion presented by Castle Group, in Episode 2 of “Association Continuity and Other COVID-19 Concerns.” There will be a special focus on the re-opening of community amenities.

Panelists include:

Craig Vaughan, Castle Group President

Michael S. Bender, Esq., BCS

Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq., BCS

Brendan T. Lynch, AIP AAI, Plastridge Insurance, President


Register to Attend HERE



In addition, based upon an April 28, 2020, posting from the Palm Beach County website, it is suggested that an association could also appoint a committee of community volunteers to perform the pool monitoring. The issue created by the Palm Beach County Website posting is that the Order required “facility staff or management” to provide the pool monitoring. The term “volunteers” was not not used.


With that in mind,  if an association located in Palm Beach County decides to use volunteers to provide the pool monitoring function, then the following should be taken into consideration: 


1) If a resident who contracts Covid-19 later sues the association alleging a breach of the Order somehow led to their contracting of the virus, then will the association be in a position to show compliance with the Order when, in fact, volunteers were used? While such a lawsuit is remote, given today’s litigious environment it is not out the question.

2) Does the association have legal defense coverage which would at least provide for assignment of defense counsel so that the association will not have to go out of pocket in the event its other insurance policies do not provide coverage?

3) Does the association have insurance coverage in place to cover acts of volunteers?

4) Does the association have volunteer workers comp type coverage in place?


Although not required by the Order, we suggest that the association consider conspicuously posting or having available as a handout a summary of the CDC Social Distancing Guidelines and the Palm Beach County Emergency Order Number 5 as related to use of community pools.  The following links are provided for your reference:

Palm Beach County Emergency Order Number 5

The Palm Beach County Website April 28 posting related to volunteers  

Remember to also discuss the re-opening plan with your association’s legal counsel. 


Kaye Bender Rembaum, Attorneys at Law

The law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum, with its 19 lawyers and offices in Broward, Palm Beach and Hillsborough Counties, is a full service law firm devoted to the representation of more than 1,200 community and commercial associations, developers, and their members throughout the State of Florida. Under the direction of attorneys Robert L. Kaye, Michael S. Bender and Jeffrey A. Rembaum, the law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum strives to provide its clients with an unparalleled level of personalized and professional service that takes into account their clients’ individual needs and financial concerns.




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  • Posted: May 05, 2020
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Universal Restoration is a locally owned and operated certified restoration company serving the Northeast Florida area. We have a combined experience of 20+ years in the remediation and rebuild industry and we are ready to help you with any emergency you may experience 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We specialize in both commercial and residential properties.
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Universal Restoration is a fully insured, bonded, and certified restoration company with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We specialize in both commercial and residential properties. Our company will provide you with a reliable, accurate estimate for Mold Testing and Damage Recovery Services.


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If you are a business planning to re-open, MAKE SURE you have a cleaning plan in place  Don’t wait, we are helping MORE businesses be SAFER and CLEANER for their staff and customers 


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Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty Part. 1 by Kaye Bender Rembaum

Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty Part. 1 by Kaye Bender Rembaum

  • Posted: May 04, 2020
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Re-opening Amenities In Times Of Uncertainty pt. 1

by Kaye Bender Rembaum

The re-opening of amenities is anything but easy due to the local Orders being promulgated by Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties. Please be sure to review your County’s specific order(s) to ensure your association remains in compliance. These Orders have similarities but are also VERY different.

A link to the recent re-opening Orders follows:

Palm Beach County, Emergency Order Number 5

Broward County, Emergency Order 20-08

Miami-Dade County, Emergency Order 21020


As to the Palm Beach County Order, take note that that staff and management are responsible to ensure compliance with the Order with respect to the tennis/racquet court facilities, and that one or more facility staff or management must be present at the pool to monitor and “ensure compliance with the restrictions of the Order.” However, it is not at all clear what measures must be taken to “ensure compliance with this Order.” We do not think it would be sufficient to only post a sign setting forth the CDC Guidelines and the additional restrictions in the Order. Although the tennis/racquet court facilities guidelines, unlike the community pool guidelines, do not require personnel to be present at the tennis/racquet courts to monitor and ensure compliance, in our opinion the board should consider some type of responsible monitoring.


Webinar: Association Continuity During COVID-19

Register Today

Thursday, May 7, 2020

12 Noon to 1:00pm

Kaye Bender Rembaum attorneys Michael S. Bender and Jeffrey A. Rembaum will be a part of a panel discussion presented by Castle Group, in Episode 2 of “Association Continuity and Other COVID-19 Concerns.” There will be a special focus on the re-opening of community amenities.

Panelists include:

Craig Vaughan, Castle Group President

Michael S. Bender, Esq., BCS

Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq., BCS

Brendan T. Lynch, AIP AAI, Plastridge Insurance, President


Register to Attend HERE



With respect to a swimming pool in Palm Beach County, “facility staff or management” must be present at the pool whenever it is open to monitor and ensure compliance with the restrictions set out in the Order, including social distancing and pool bathroom sanitation. If that cannot be accomplished, then the pool and or bathrooms should remain closed.


When opening a swimming pool in Broward County, their Order provides that the pool may not operate at more than 50% capacity. In person supervision in addition to sanitizing gates, railings and showers is required if the pool deck furnishings are left in place. However, by removing the furnishings, the wording of the Order seems to indicate the need to sanitize gates, railings and showers has been eliminated.  If the decision by the Board is to reopen the pool, whether the furnishings remain or are removed a level of reasonable cleaning/sanitizing should be maintained, as necessary maintenance remains a continuing obligation of the association with regard to common elements/areas, which would require sanitizing the pool gates, handrails, doors, bathrooms and the like minimally as the association normally would,  but clearly should be performed more frequently during these times.


Residents of Miami-Dade County will have to wait a while longer to be able to use their association swimming pool because their Order does not yet address opening association swimming pools.


We have heard that certain county staff are giving their personal interpretations of the Order(s) in response to questions from board members. If you think that relying on these unofficial and unauthorized interpretations will shield your association from immunity, think again! It is far more likely that staff interpretations of the County Orders will not provide any protection whatsoever, most especially if a resident contracts Covid-19 and a lawsuit is brought against the association. Until local governments revise their Orders to provide missing clarity, the plain language, conservative interpretation of these Orders should be followed to help ensure your association is protected as much as possible under the circumstances. Remember, too, that an association can have stricter requirements than those set out in the orders, but cannot adopt less strict requirements.


It is also unclear from the Orders how governmental enforcement of the restrictions is to occur by the County or any municipality, as it seems very (very) unlikely that there will be patrols driving around to check on compliance. Even if such patrols did exist, they could not hope to keep up. The more likely scenario is that the self-reporting of violations could possibly lead to monetary or other penalties against the association. Clearly, if the Board is of the opinion that the requirements in their County’s Order cannot be met at this time, it or are removed is certainly within the reasonable business judgment of the Board to keep those amenities closed. However, that said, reasonable business judgment should not be used by a board to make a decision to open amenities where the board believes it lacks the ability to be fully compliant with their county’s local Orders.



We encourage board members to contact their association’s legal counsel for guidance regarding reopening any tennis/racquet courts and/or pool facility, and to continue to monitor the guidelines, directives and orders issued by the CDC and the applicable local authorities. Stay safe.


Kaye Bender Rembaum, Attorneys at Law

The law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum, with its 19 lawyers and offices in Broward, Palm Beach and Hillsborough Counties, is a full service law firm devoted to the representation of more than 1,200 community and commercial associations, developers, and their members throughout the State of Florida. Under the direction of attorneys Robert L. Kaye, Michael S. Bender and Jeffrey A. Rembaum, the law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum strives to provide its clients with an unparalleled level of personalized and professional service that takes into account their clients’ individual needs and financial concerns.


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COVID-19 & Technology: Resident Communication, Virtual Meetings & Electronic Voting

COVID-19 & Technology: Resident Communication, Virtual Meetings & Electronic Voting

  • Posted: May 03, 2020
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COVID-19 & Technology: Resident Communication, Virtual Meetings & Electronic Voting

On April 7th, 2020 we had a live webinar

More than 200 people attended the webinar and it was requested that we record it and allow others to watch it.

You can watch the recorded webinar and learn about how to communicate with your residents in an age when we are practicing social distancing and the benefits of hosting a virtual meeting.

We covered several topics including:

Helping your team and residents stay safer by implementing digital  communication channels instead of physical interactions with community staff.

Alleviating the additional stress of situations like COVID-19 by leveraging  technology to organize and run your condo more effectively.

Reducing costs and efforts by hosting virtual meetings.

Here is the link: Watch and Learn

Peter Pietrzkiewicz

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WEBINAR: ASSOCIATION CONTINUITY & COVID-19 CONCERNS, REOPENING AMENITIES & MORE by Castle Group, Kaye Bender Rembaum and Plastridge Insurance

WEBINAR: ASSOCIATION CONTINUITY & COVID-19 CONCERNS, REOPENING AMENITIES & MORE by Castle Group, Kaye Bender Rembaum and Plastridge Insurance

  • Posted: May 01, 2020
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Date/Time  May 7, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


Castle Group, Kaye Bender Rembaum and Plastridge Insurance invite you to a webinar:  “Association Continuity and Other COVID-19 Concerns”, Episode 2

You are invited to join episode 2 of “Association Continuity and other COVID-19 Concerns” with a special focus on re-opening community amenities and more. Panelists include:
  • Craig Vaughan, Castle Group – President;
  • Michael S . Bender & Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Kaye Bender Rembaum, Board Certified in Condominium and Planned Development Law
  • Brendan T. Lynch, AIP AAI, Plastridge Insurance Agency, President
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  • Posted: May 01, 2020
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According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person-to-person. The main infection route is between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

It also may be possible that a person can contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. Currently, transmission from surfaces is not thought to be the main way the virus spread, however the CDC’s April 13th update remarked: “COVID-19 is a new disease and we are still learning about how it spreads and the severity of illness it causes.”


As mentioned on our homepage, recent studies suggest that the CVOID-19 virus may remain viable and infective on surfaces for hours to days, depending on the surface material type (fabric, tile, steel, etc.).

Thorough cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces are recommended by the CDC and believed to be essential in preventing the spread of infection.

The presence or absence of the viral genetic material on environmental surfaces can now be directly tested with EMSL’s new CVOID-19 molecular-based test and used to demonstrate effectiveness of cleaning protocols.


Air Quality Assessors of Florida only performs the physical sampling of surfaces recommended to test by request of our client and in no way can guarantee the entire site is clear from COVID 19. AQA sends all samples to an accredited laboratory for analysis.

Call us or visit our website to schedule your assessment or request more information. We will get back to you with 24 hours.




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How the Coronavirus Can Affect Your Insurance Claim By Bobby Parsons  / Cohen Law Group

How the Coronavirus Can Affect Your Insurance Claim By Bobby Parsons / Cohen Law Group

  • Posted: Apr 28, 2020
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How the Coronavirus Can Affect Your Insurance Claim

By Bobby Parsons / Cohen Law Group


As the Coronavirus continues to spread throughout the globe, many industries will experience closures and slowdowns, as well as implement various protocols limiting their productivity. For instance, the Florida court system has already issued an administrative order limiting court appearances that would require the gathering of a substantial number of people in an effort to curtail further spreading of the virus. The extent of such protocols being put in place during the near-term future remains unclear, but it is safe to assume, the business interruptions we have seen thus far are only the beginning until a vaccine is developed, or the virus runs its natural course.

Many offices are closing their doors for the foreseeable future and requesting employees to work from home. The most recent recommendations from the authorities include a moratorium on gatherings of ten people or more, down from fifty only a few days ago. The spreading of the virus, and the associated efforts to curtail its spread, will certainly impact all aspects of our lives, and suffering a loss to your home or property would only serve to make an impossible situation worse.

Insurance companies are very large, with vast amounts of employees. Should you suffer a loss to your property, an insurance company will likely be ill-equipped at this time to properly adjust your claim due to limitations on its productivity like those discussed above. Normally, an insurance company must conclude its investigation of your claim within ninety days. However, this rule is subject to a provision that allows insurance companies to exceed this timeline during exigent circumstances, like the one we are all dealing with today. What this means, is that your claim could get stuck in limbo while the global issue of the coronavirus runs its course. Scheduling inspections, hiring contractors, gathering documents from your insurance agent, and other steps ordinarily conducted during an insurance company’s investigation into a claim will take much longer than usual.

Given the uncertain nature of the near-term future regarding the ability to properly address your insurance claim, what is a property owner to do should it experience a loss? The most important thing to do in a time like this, is to protect the property from further damage and stabilize it. This could be something as simple as placing a tarp on the roof after suffering a leak. Even though the carrier is likely going to take quite some time to investigate the loss, this does not absolve a property owner of its responsibility to protect the property from further damage. Likewise, a property owner must also preserve the property to the best of its ability for inspection by the insurance company at a later date. Literally maintaining possession of damaged property may be a virtual impossibility due to contaminants or some other risk. However, should this occur, property owners should document such property thoroughly, and consider storing the damaged property with a third party better-equipped to handle such property. As the spread of the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc, it is important to know that an insurance company’s investigation into a property claim is likely to take much longer than normal, and it is equally important to understand how a property owner needs to adapt to the drawn out process.


If you have any questions regarding this, you can call our office 24 hours a day at 407-917-3192.

Robert "Bobby" Parsons, Esq.

Robert “Bobby” Parsons, Esq.

Learn more about Bobby here!

DISCLAIMER: This website is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site. Using this site or communicating with Cohen Law Group through this site does not form an attorney/client relationship. This site is legal advertising. Please review the full disclaimer for more information by clicking here.





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Concierge Plus: technology for modern property management

Concierge Plus: technology for modern property management

  • Posted: Apr 28, 2020
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Concierge Plus: technology for modern property management

by Chris Cooney
Senior Sales Executive — Concierge Plus
T: 305-850-7676 x128 — M: 786-667-0056


Our property management platform makes life easier for property managers and security companies by increasing efficiencies, improving resident service, and automating administrative processes so your condo or HOA runs more efficiently.


In less than a week, you’ll be handling maintenance requests, amenity bookings, visitor parking, package tracking, resident announcements, and resident information on a secure website, accessible to you at anytime from anywhere. Take your condo online today! Our dedicated Customer Success Specialist team will train your building staff, including on-site training at your location.


Improved Workflow

Improved Workflow

We make it a snap to handle service requests, amenity bookings, package deliveries, tracking visitors, and visitor parking.

Convenient Online Access

Convenient Online Access

Say goodbye to paper and binders by digitizing administrative tasks, while giving residents easy online access to many services.

Feature-Rich, All-in Pricing

Feature-Rich, All-in Pricing

Embrace a platform offering control and total flexibility, as well as competitive pricing, product updates and great customer service.


Discover the most cost-effective solution on the market

Competitive pricing is just the beginning. Concierge Plus is designed to save you time, money, and effort. Say goodbye to inefficient administrative tasks, mountains of paperwork, and time-consuming processes.

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