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Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

  • Posted: Jun 04, 2020
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Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

This Pandemic has been a horrific human tragedy, and by no means can there ever be a silver lining. At best, we’ve learned some lessons, and new ways of doing business have been established as viable.

One of these things that we have learned is how we can improve community association board of director meetings.


Some Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

Companies have learned that remote working does not degrade productivity and perhaps even improves it. I would expect that in the future that “hot bunking” work stations in offices will allow companies to hire more people without having to expand to a larger space.

From a community association perspective, the greatest thing that has been discovered is the unbelievable success of video conference meetings.


Problems With Traditional Board Meetings

I have been to my share of community association meetings and usually, there are two problems:

  1. The membership usually fails to understand that a board meeting is NOT their meeting. Membership meetings are one thing but board meetings are another.

    The membership is positioned as observers who may articulate their issues in an open forum at the beginning or end of the meetings.  Board meetings may allow for an open forum but seldom do members sit and wait their turn.  Instead, it is often the case that they interrupt their elected directors from conducting meetings. This takes people off subject and often leads to confrontations.

  2. Many meetings are scheduled at inconvenient times so that members cannot attend, and that is a very bad practice. Sometimes these meetings are scheduled by design to minimize attendance, and sometimes they are held during work hours when people simply cannot attend.


Digital Board Meetings Are Just Better

Video conference meetings allow all members of the association an opportunity to see their community association board of directors as work.

It has been quite an eye-opener. More than that, it has been a brilliant experience for me to see how an unruly gathering can be changed into an orderly business meeting.

If I had my choice this would be the only way to perform board meetings going forward.

One Potential Drawback

The only drawback is that there are people who don’t have the technical skill or equipment to be able to participate in such a meeting.

My dear 92-year-old mother would love to have a computer but I won’t get her one until she figures out the remote control. I’ve done everything I can to help her learn, but mastery eludes her.

Getting people with limited technology experience to be able to attend will be the challenge if meetings go completely digital.

I invite suggestions.


Digital Meetings Are Better for Everyone

Regarding the first problem of unruly and disruptive meetings, a video conference has the best feature and it’s called a mute button. (My wife has been trying to get one for my big mouth for years, but I digress.)

In the past three months and countless meetings, I have never experienced such orderly, productive meetings, and considering these difficult times it has been a Godsend.

  • The board gets to conduct their meetings without being interrupted by members who come with personal agendas and the agenda is adhered to.
  • The members can be heard loud and clear during the open forum portion of the meeting, so they are not ignored or interrupted.
  • The administrator can record the meeting for prosperity, and minutes can then be properly composed.

It’s a perfect way to conduct board meetings and produce very effective results. This Pandemic has been tragic, but this is one small lesson or process that we can now say was an unintended benefit of a very unfortunate situation.



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WEBINAR: Association Operations During COVID-19 – A Castle Group and Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. Webinar

WEBINAR: Association Operations During COVID-19 – A Castle Group and Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. Webinar

  • Posted: Jun 02, 2020
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Association Operations During COVID-19 – A Castle Group and Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. Webinar

Date(s) – JUNE 4th, 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Pompano Beach Office


Castle Group invites you to join episode 4 of Association Operations During COVID-19 with a focus on opening community amenities and morePanelists include Craig Vaughan, Castle Group, President and Michael S. Bender & Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. – Board Certified Attorneys in Condominium and Planned Development Law.

Castle Group invites you to join episode 4 of Association Operations During COVID-19 with a focus on opening community amenities and more. Panelists include Craig Vaughan, Castle Group, President, and Michael S. Bender & Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Kaye Bender Rembaum, P.L. – Board Certified Attorneys in Condominium and Planned Development Law.

Register to attend by



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PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services

PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services

  • Posted: Jun 02, 2020
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PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans

by RMS Accounting & Royale Management Services


JUNE 3rd, 2020 @9am

Good news, if you missed our recent webinar on PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans you’re in luck! The demand for this webinar was so great that we’ve decided to have a second for those who were unable to attend.

Small business owners you don’t want to miss out on this valuable information that could have a big impact on your business.

Sign up for the PPP Loan Forgiveness and EIDL Loans Webinar using the link below:

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  • Posted: Jun 01, 2020
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Just because we’re stuck in our homes doesn’t mean we can’t get together —- and learn together — remotely – in a safe and fun way.  NO EXCUSES.
Florida law allows the Board Certification class to be taught via a video conference and that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Turn off the news for a few hours and let’s try to have some fun instead. 

We have ANOTHER class scheduled:

NEXT CLASS – JUNE 11th, at 6:00 P.M.

If you want to sign up, just provide us with an an e-mail address.  I will then send you a link that you need to click on to start the live seminar.  Make sure to go to: GoTo Meeting
in advance to simply download the program.
Like always……IT’S FREE.
So let’s do this together!

If you want to register, send an e-mail to:


Just say you are registering for the class. You will then get a copy of the link to click on before the seminar starts.
After the on-line seminar, you will be e-mailed your certificate and materials.
Let’s make the best of the cards we were dealt.  Let’s get together and do something fun and useful.
In the mean time, our firm and all of the sponsors of the Condo Craze and HOAs radio show wish all of you and your families nothing but good health and good spirits.  We will all get through this in time.
Hoping to see you (on my computer).
Eric Glazer
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The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

  • Posted: Jun 01, 2020
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The Property Manager’s Guide to Social Distancing

by Concierge Plus Inc.

The COVID-19 crisis has presented new and unique challenges for everyone. As with past disruptions, technology will be a key part of the solution for businesses to survive this crisis and thrive in a “new normal” environment. By talking to property managers across North America every
day, we have found what’s working and what’s needed to operate your community remotely and virtually.))
This is the)only)guide published for property/association managers and board members with best practices, tips and tricks on social distancing
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Gyms in your Building:  Will owners use it?

Gyms in your Building: Will owners use it?

Gyms in your Building: Clean the Equipment in your Fitness Centers!
Will owners use it? Funding it with condo funds? What you will need with Development? Expert advice? upkeep and questions?


We spoke with Commercial Fitness Products, and its

Owner Richard Wasserlauf
5034 Hiatus Road
Sunrise, Florida 33351


I can think of a building we worked on a short time ago bringing a new designed fitness facility in their condo.

The committee figured they’d be able to pay that money back to the reserve in five years, assuming 25 percent of the building’s residents would join. (“It was guesswork,” says Richard.) They charged a one-time sign-up fee of $300 and $250 per year for the first person in a unit and $150 for each additional unit resident.

“They paid it back in less than two years,” says Richard. Sixty-five of the building’s 100 units belong to the gym—84 residents altogether. The early success enabled the committee to cut the yearly fee in half, to $125. “They still covered operating costs,” says Richard, “and allocate about $3,000 a year for equipment replacement—which hasn’t been necessary yet—and continue to contribute $2,000 to $3,000 a year to the reserve fund.”

The Building, a 27-story, 156-unit cooperative in Manhattan is a success story. working with developers and board members, helped get the gym project done, converting a 500-square-foot room in the basement into a gym with a budget of a mere $30,000 taken from the reserve fund. Residents pay $225 per year for membership.

“The gym has about 100 members today,” says Richard. “We’re well ahead of the game. The membership dues more than replenishes the reserve that we took out for it, and pays for the upkeep.” he adds that, “The building has a healthy turnover of apartments and 90 percent of new buyers join the gym.”


Building the Gym

Buying workout equipment is the easiest part of the build-out. “A lot of people think they are going to take the bike room, put equipment in it, paint the walls, and call it a day,” observes Richard Wasserlauf, Owner of Commercial Fitness Products, a leading gym equipment retailer. “In Sunrise Florida, that is not going to cut it.”

The first thing you need to need to consider, advises Richard, “is what construction and code obstacles you might need to overcome to pull the project off.” Potential problems include open asbestos, lead paint on the walls, mold or fungus problems, and particularly in basement spaces, pipes that sweat in the summer. Basement spaces also have the issue of exposed pipes, conduits and drain lines. As older buildings replace systems, they often leave old piping, electrical conduits and phone lines in place. Each should be tested and removed if inactive.

HVAC is perhaps the most important system in the facility. To meet city code, the gym space must have 15 percent fresh air flowing into the space. If the proposed space for the gym is not already equipped with central air conditioning, ducting will need to be installed if the room does not have a window. If there is a window, you need to install a unit with adequate power.

“You’re looking to maintain 68° year round—that often means running a cooling system practically year round,” says Richard, both for safety and comfort—to keep members coming back to the club. If there is any sort of landing or ledge outside the window on which to set a compressor, Heidings recommends a split system, available for around $2,000.

Another important code issue with which the gym room must conform is egress—providing a clear and unencumbered path out of the room if there is an emergency such as a fire or loss of power.



Bring in a Pro

To get a clear and objective evaluation of the condition of the room, and to get an idea of the construction costs entailed, it’s best to consult an architect right up front, says Richard. “If you find that your construction costs are very high, you may just say this is just something we cannot afford right now—or ever,” unless or until there is a more suitable space available in the building.

Some of the major design challenges is inclusion of light. Most often spaces designed for this purpose are in basements or underutilized rooms, and may not have natural light to make the space breathable. Lighting design, therefore, becomes very important. Many gyms find that fluorescent in fixtures aimed upward to soften the light are an effective and inexpensive alternative to high-end lighting.

You should also note if the floor has adequate space and structural capacity for both the equipment and the occupants, he says.

Another element to consider, say the designers, is noise—both kinds: vibration caused by things like treadmills, which primarily travels vertically downward; and audible, like the clanging and dropping of weights or the thumping of runners. A thick rubber floor like the ones commonly used in commercial gyms addresses both. Rubber flooring for a 600-square-foot gym costs around $5,000, say the pros.

A particularly pernicious vibration problem can be solved by laying a floating floor on top of the existing and then putting rubber over that, plus sealing and caulking every edge of the space as well as every pipe intrusion and structural column. A dropped ceiling filled with insulation will keep noise from traveling upward. In luxury condominiums, “Rubber flooring comes at different price points. some have the capability to deliver custom colors and complement the upholstery on the equipment.

The gym must have mirrors on approximately half the wall space in the gym, corresponding to the placement of the stretching/ab area and the apparatus. The price range for mirror panelling is typically from $3,000 to $5,000. Lastly, a computerized electronic lock on the door not only keeps the room secure, but keeps track of who is in the room and when, in case anything is damaged or stolen. Plastic keycards, which can easily be passed around to non-member residents, have been replaced by palm or fingerprint scanners, available for under $1,000.


Layout and Design

A well thought-out private gym provides a full-body workout, which includes warm-up, stretch, cardio, strength training and cool-down. According to Commercial Fitness Products, cardio equipment will generally be the most used. A 500-600-square-foot gym will typically have two treadmills (approximately $2,000 each), two elliptical machines ($1,500 each), a recumbent bike ($2,000), an upright bike (under $2,000), a multi-station weight apparatus (around $5,000) and at least two racks of free weights and two benches (under $1,000). A popular, fabulously versatile new apparatus is the functional trainer (around $3,500), which uses two adjustable-height and width pulleys attached to individual weight stacks and offers a wide range of exercises.

The gym above, containing all commercial grade brand-name equipment, including delivery and installation, should come to about $30,000 plus tax. .

It’s important, says Richard, to decide what’s necessary and what’s not. For example, consider whether adding a shower/locker room is essential. Perhaps residents would prefer using their own apartments for that function rather than the in-house gym, where maintenance could prove expensive or difficult. Other concerns are consulting with an attorney and insurer on liability issues, and making sure the facility is secure using safety-conscious materials and products.

Building insurance almost always covers injury and mishaps in the gym (just as it does in the laundry room), as long as no one under 16 is allowed admission. No additional policy is usually required—though of course it’s wise to double-check with your building’s insurance carrier to make absolutely sure.

The life span of equipment in a gym varies from piece to piece in a co-op or condo gym, conservatively, treadmills can be counted on to last about five years, elliptical machines about seven and bikes about 10. Weight machines last indefinitely, requiring only occasional reupholstering and replacement of pulleys and cams. Regular professional maintenance will help extend the life of all the equipment. Contracts, usually costing around $1,200 a year, include inspection, adjustment and lubrication of all moving and mechanical parts.

In addition to quarterly maintenance visits, the room has to be cleaned every day. This is typically done by existing building staff, the chore includes wiping down all the equipment with disinfectant, vacuuming the floor, emptying the garbage and cleaning the bathroom if there is one.

Adding TV screens to each of the six cardio pieces above would add at least $6,000 to the cost of the package. Richard says about half the gyms he equips go without any TVs at all to save on cable bills, figuring people bring their iPods for entertainment. Some have just two BestBuy or Costco-bought flat screens on the wall, using their speakers to produce the sound. Other more extravagant buildings spend tens of thousands on individual touchscreens with wireless internet as well as cable TV.



You’ve Built It: Now Make Sure They Come

In order to let residents know that their new gym is open and fully operational, “Do as many kickoff events as you can,” Richard advises. “You’ve got to get a lot of energy down there.” As soon as the gym is finished, do a wine and cheese ribbon-cutting ceremony. Later on, bring in a trainer to lead several training sessions for four or five shareholders at a time.

“The building can offer regularly scheduled yoga, stretch and pilates mat classes, because while yoga studios that offer classes without membership abound in Florida, “there are very few places people can go to take pilates classes without joining an expensive gym.

Yoga and pilates classes can generate a modest extra income for the building—and at the same time help keep shareholders and tenants healthy. we’ve just begun a Fitness After Fifty program that seems to be going well.” geared to the older owners.

The bottom line is that not only can a well-designed, well-maintained gym facility add value to your building, it can help boost community spirit as residents bond over the iron, and it helps keep your owners and shareholders healthy. And that’s a winning equation.


amen_Fitness_Room-CardioCall for all of your Fitness needs, Throughout South Florida.
Find out more about:
Commercial Fitness Products
Richard Wasserlauf
Address: 5034 Hiatus Road
Sunrise, Florida 33351
Phone: 954-747-5128
Fax: 239-938-1462

And Find us on the

Find-A-Service Directory on SFPMA.COM

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HOT TO GET THE VOTE- There are two methods of obtaining the votes. by Kaye Bender Rembaum

HOT TO GET THE VOTE- There are two methods of obtaining the votes. by Kaye Bender Rembaum

  • Posted: May 29, 2020
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HOW TO GET THE VOTE – There are two methods of obtaining the votes.

by Kaye Bender Rembaum

Your association’s board has worked for six months to amend and restate the association’s governing documents, including the declaration, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and even the rules and regulations. The board has met with the association’s lawyer on several occasions, reviewed and provided comments on multiple drafts, and even arranged for multiple meetings with the membership to solicit comments and generate enthusiasm. There are two methods of obtaining the votes. The first is to notice a meeting of the members and use proxies for those who cannot attend. The other is to use, the often neglected, but still effective, written consent in lieu of a meeting process.

The time is finally come – the notice package to be sent to the members is in the mail. A week goes by, and very few proxies are returned. Worse still, on the night of the membership meeting, where it is hoped that the amended and restated governing documents will be approved, only several owners personally attend. Needless to say, not only are there an insufficient number of votes, but there isn’t even a quorum. What is the board to do?

All is not lost, and there is still plenty of time to solicit the necessary member votes so long as the meeting for which the proxies were intended is not concluded. Once the membership meeting is concluded, any and all proxies die an immediate death! But, if the membership meeting is continued to a “time, date, and place certain” then, all of the proxies continue to live for 90 days from the date of the meeting for which they were initially intended.


If a quorum is attained, but not the number of necessary votes, then, any member in attendance can make a motion to suspend the meeting to a time, date, and place certain, so long as the meeting is resumed within 90 days of the date of the initial meeting. Then, the motion should be seconded. A vote of those in attendance, in person or by proxy, should follow such that the majority cast their vote in favor of the continuance. If neither a quorum is attained, nor the number of necessary votes, then the one item of business that can occur, even without a quorum, is a motion to continue the meeting to a “time, date, and place certain.” Again, the motion should be seconded and a vote of those in attendance, in person or by proxy, obtained.

This “continuance” process can be used as many times as necessary, so long as 90 days from the date of the initial meeting have not expired. Once the 91st day is reached, then all of the proxies are as good as dead. Because the meeting is continued, there is no need to re-notice the meeting each time it is reconvened. However, minutes should be taken so that there is an accurate record.

When describing the continued meeting in the minutes, the word “adjourned” could be interpreted to mean that the initial meeting concluded or it could be interpreted to mean that the meeting was continued, therefore it is advisable to not use the word “adjourned” in the minutes to reflect that the meeting was continued. If the meeting is continued, then use the word “continued.” This will avoid any confusion whatsoever.

Remember, too, that a “general proxy” allows the proxy holder to vote as they so choose, while a “limited proxy” directs the proxy holder to vote as the giver of the proxy instructs.

Utilization of the written consent in lieu of a meeting process will fully avoid the need to have the membership meeting but will still require that the necessary votes are obtained within 90 days. The written consent in lieu of a meeting process is described in Chapter 617 of the Florida Statutes, more commonly known as the “Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act,” and not Chapter 720, Florida Statutes, more commonly known as the “Homeowners’ Association Act.”

Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, an action required or permitted by the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act to be taken at a meeting of members may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice, and without a vote if the action is taken by the members having at least the minimum number of votes necessary to authorize the action.

To be effective, the action must be evidenced by one or more written consents describing the action taken, dated, and signed by approving members having the requisite number of votes and entitled to vote on such action, and delivered to the association.

Written consent to take the action referred to in the consent is not effective unless the consent is signed by members having the requisite number of votes necessary to authorize the action within 90 days after the date of the earliest dated consent. Importantly, within 30 days after obtaining authorization by written consent, notice must be given to those members who are entitled to vote on the action but who have not consented in writing. The notice must fairly summarize the material features of the authorized action. Remember, too, that once the necessary written consents are obtained, there should be official recognition of such approval by the board.

Both the proxies and written consents constitute official records of the association and therefore should be stored with the official records of the association.





Happy Hour with Cohen Law Group to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation a Charity Event/Virtual Happy Hour/Harvey Q & A on Wed., May 27, at 5pm. 

Happy Hour with Cohen Law Group to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation a Charity Event/Virtual Happy Hour/Harvey Q & A on Wed., May 27, at 5pm. 

  • Posted: May 25, 2020
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Happy Hour with Cohen Law Group to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Cohen Law Group and several other organizations will host a Special Event.

Charity Event/Virtual Happy Hour/Harvey Q & A on Wed., May 27, at 5pm.




We challenge your organizations and business to step up and join us to raise money for the amazing Make-A-Wish Foundation!
Fun Facts-
•Harvey will match donations raised during the event up to $5000.
•Pre-register attendees from your organization
•Live donation and donor acknowledgement during event
•Entertaining Games, Contests and Prizes
•Your organization logo marketed on flyer in blasts
•Guaranteed to be a lively event while Making Wishes come true!
We are looking for organizations, businesses and sponsors to participate and market the event to your contacts, members and employees. We will create marketing materials you can distribute.
If you would like to participate, we ask that you do the following-
· Market Event to your contacts, CO-workers, family, friends.
· Participate in Event
· Donate Raffle Prizes – gift cards from your business or Visa, MC or American Xpress, etc. Free 1 year membership to your organization, etc.
· Optional- Match funds up to a specific dollar amount like Harvey!
· Email your logo, your contact information and Raffle Prize, etc. if you wish to participate.
*One of our contests will be Team Tally- Tag-A-Friend or Tag-A-Coworker- Whoever tags and gets the most participation from their organization wins a prize for themselves as well as the entire organization!
SFPMA – for a lucky company SFPMA has donated a Full Lifetime Company Listing and a Full Page of Advertising in our FLORIDA RISING MAGAZINE for one year.  (Let us help you get noticed in the industry)
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Events Calendar can now be viewed in a List Format

Events Calendar can now be viewed in a List Format

  • Posted: May 25, 2020
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We have been asked if we have a Monthly List of all events, We have added this Data from our Calendar.

Clients can now use the navigation bar’s drop down under the Events Section to find  > MONTHLY EVENTS CALENDAR (LIST VIEW)
  • Members can send us events to be added each month, let us help you by informing our industry of educational events. Access the Members Portal when you sign in where you can Add Articles, Add Events, Make Changes to your Listings, and other actions.  We are currently working on Sales and Specials for members to send to us, this is being integrated into our platform and directory pages. Clients, Board members and managers will be able to find sales from our members saving them money before they select a company to hire…..


WEBINAR: CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER CERTIFICATION Date/Time Date(s) – 2020-05-27 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Location Pompano Beach Office REGISTER HERE Join our own Andrew Black, Esq., a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law, online for distance learning with the Condominium Association Board Member Certification Course. This provides CE credit for CAMs and fulfills state requirements for Condo Association Board Members. Course Number: 9630075 | Provider Number: 0005092 Two (2) CEU’s in IFM or ELE Note: This webinar is limited to the first 100 to register.



ADVANCED BOARD MEMBER TRAINING Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Location:, How to prepare for and conduct a meeting. Myths about Robert Rules of Order Agendas, Minutes, and More Provider: 0007237 Course: 9629074 Instructor William and Susan Raphan Credit Information 2 Hours Manager Continuing Education Elective Credits



Condo Craze & HOAs HOSTED BY – ERIC M. GLAZER, ESQUIRE SUNDAYS AT 11:00 a.m. ON 850 WFTL May 31, 2020 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Condo Craze & HOAs HOSTED BY – ERIC M. GLAZER, ESQUIRE SUNDAYS AT 11:00 a.m. ON 850 WFTL The show is streamed live on the web at and on your mobile device. Presents a forum for Board members and owners to tell their side of the story. The show randomly has guest speakers who are experts on the daily problems associations encounter. All issues that our associations encounter each day are proper topics for discussion. Expect to hear from politicians, Board members, owners, tenants, community association managers, developers, community association accountants, construction industry personnel and other government officials. Listeners call in and ask questions of attorney Eric Glazer and his legal team as well as any guest present. Eric has been practicing association law since 1992, and his firm Glazer and Associates has represented associations and unit owners throughout the state. There is lots of great discussion and we have certainly had some screaming and yelling, not unlike your typical Board meeting. However, at the end of each show, our listeners come away with a greater understanding of the law and hopefully an appreciation of the various sides of this ongoing debate.

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Property Management and Social Distancing by Concierge Plus Inc.

Property Management and Social Distancing by Concierge Plus Inc.

  • Posted: May 25, 2020
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Property Management and Social Distancing

by Concierge Plus Inc.

COVID-19 has presented new and unique challenges, such as social distancing, which is having a profound effect on the property management industry. The pandemic has accelerated a digital transformation of property management operations, and this is a sharp wake-up call for managers who must be prepared to operate remotely and virtually in a ‘new normal’ environment.

What makes the COVID-19 virus outbreak challenging, is the fact that property management is a ‘people’ business. How do managers keep their staff on the same page when they can’t even be in the same room? How do they get closer to their clients when social distancing keeps them from getting within six feet of them? The solution is to use technology made specifically for the needs of residential property managers. By utilizing communication and tracking tools available in property management platforms, managers can maintain a strong and cohesive operation.

Property managers have two primary responsibilities: to carry out policies set by the board and to manage the community’s daily operations. However, now, residents see managers as trusted advisors and their expertise is being used to guide communities through the pandemic.

The following are a few options to consider as you work to reduce risk in your community.



Communication during crisis situations is crucial and a resident portal is an instrumental channel for managers to effectively communicate with ­­residents. Residents expect to be kept in the loop with important information and welcome the opportunity to have a say with regards to important topics. Managers can use the resident portal to ensure residents are apprised of the latest information. This can be done by sending out announcements on how they are managing the outbreak.

With our Announcements solution, you can create, edit, and distribute announcements easily and effectively by email, text message (SMS) or automated phone call. You should also consider broadcasting announcements via display screens strategically placed in the lobby, and within elevators to maximize the effectiveness of audience engagement.


Record keeping

HOAs and condominiums are required to provide access to important documents in the form of document inspection requests, a common practice that will continue even during this pandemic. We expect COVID-19 to affect the normal course of business throughout 2020, especially as we practice social distance and handling physical materials.

Managements should consider uploading community documentation to their resident portal. Using our simple drag-and-drop system, you can upload and distribute documents such as board minutes, forms, by-laws, floor plans, photos, and videos. Permission-based controls allow management to determine exactly who sees what.


Amenity bookings

As cities throughout North America gradually gear up for reopening and ease some COVID-19 restrictions, there are proactive measures and legal concerns communities might want to think about when it comes to managing and maintaining amenities like pools and fitness rooms.

We expect residents to no longer be able to use a pool or fitness room without a reservation due to social distancing. Residents will have to reserve an amenity for any available time slot and should receive scheduled reservation notifications.


Digital future

With our platform you can streamline the management of amenity bookings with an easy-to-use online form. Email updates are sent automatically when a request is approved or updated. Your residents will love being able to see a detailed list of common amenities as well as a calendar view of their availability. You can even accept online payments for bookings by credit card.

Many property managers have already realized the benefits of running their business on our cloud-based property management platform built with automation at its core. They are using our platform to collect online payments, communicate instantly, support dispersed teams and much more.

It is important to understand that even after the ‘end’ of the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 is going to have a lasting impact on how managers and residents communicate for a long time to come. Managers must therefore get ahead of the inevitable digital future of communication within property management.


To help property managers and associations navigate these issues, we created a webinar specifically relating to COVID-19. Entitled “COVID-19 and Technology: Resident Communications, Virtual Meetings, and Electronic Voting,” we invited experts in the field of property management technology to give helpful tips and advice for successfully managing a property remotely and virtually in a ‘new normal’ environment.




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