Six Requirements You Need to Get Your Property Management License in Florida
To launch a career as a property manager in Florida, you must first obtain an appropriate license, but Florida does not offer a property management license. Rather than a property management license Florida requires you to obtain a real estate sales associate license to meet the Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) requirements.
To become licensed in Florida, you need to first meet the requirements to enter an approved educational program. Once you’ve completed the program successfully, you apply for a license. After being electronically fingerprinted, you’ll need to take and pass the licensing exam. You do not need a license if you are only managing personally owned properties. Some rental properties, however, need a licensing by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants. If a property owner hires a salaried employee to manage the property no broker’s license is required, but if they are paid by commission or transactional basis they must have a license.
Community Association Managers (CAMs) differ from property managers. CAMs must hold a valid Community Association Manager license. Obtaining this FREC license follows a similar process, but requires a different educational program. A CAM manages:
a ten or more unit association,
an association with greater than a $99,999 budget.
Check each applicant’s license status before hiring any person. Use the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s Licensee Search webpage to determine their licensing.
Property Management License in Florida
The first step in how to obtain a property management license in Florida is meeting the requirements to enter the higher education program. You need to already have graduated from high school or earned your general education diploma (GED). Also, you must be at least 18 years old. These minimums allow you to apply for entry to an approved real estate sales associate pre-licensing course.
Property Management License Florida Course
You will need to successfully complete the real estate sales associate pre-licensing course approved by the Florida Real Estate Commission. More than one possible course exists and the one you complete must contain a minimum of 63 hours of coursework. This is the introductory coursework to the larger licensing educational structure. It provides the foundation for other courses. You may complete the courses via correspondence, online or in person, depending on the options the school you choose offers.
Complete Your Application.
Complete and submit form DBPRRE1 which is the Florida application for a real estate sales associate license. You can fill it out online by visiting the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation website. Click the link for “Apply for a License.” You can complete it online or print it and submit it by fax or mail. The appropriate application fee must accompany it.
Submit Your Electronic Fingerprints
You must submit your electronic fingerprints via a FREC approved electronic fingerprinting site. You can obtain the sites closest to you by phoning 877-238-8232. You then visit them to submit your prints and pay the fingerprinting fee.
Ace Your Real Estate Sales Associates Exam
Sit for your Florida real estate sales associates exam. To qualify for a license, you must score at least a 75 percent on the test.
Receive Your License
Once you have passed the exam, you will receive your real estate license via postal mail. It typically takes seven to 10 business days to receive this in the mail.
Further Licensing Options
Beyond obtaining the sales associate license that functions effectively as a Florida property management license, you can also obtain higher licenses. You can obtain a broker’s license after 24 months as a real estate sales associate after completing a 72 classroom hours brokers course and a 60 hour post-licensing course which both must be FREC approved. For a license as a CAM, successfully complete a course of 18 hours education.
If you searched for how to get a property management license in Florida, you now know why you could not find it online. For property management, you need a sales associate license. To manage a community, you’ll need a CAM, also known as, a property association management license Florida requires. Florida property management license requirements differ depending on the size and/or budget of the community association.
While it is not a quick process, you can obtain your real estate license in about two years. That is the time it takes to complete about 60 hours of college coursework, assuming you complete 12 hour semesters. Some schools structure the courses in such a way that you must complete the classes in a specific order and cannot register for more than 12 hours per semester. After completion of the school program, passing your license exam is the only hurdle. You can enter a career in property management in Florida within two years.
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CAM Licensing: Start your new Career
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