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The Falcon Group: “We will continue to do our best and keep Clients informed of the decisions made internally in regards to this evolving situation”

The Falcon Group: “We will continue to do our best and keep Clients informed of the decisions made internally in regards to this evolving situation”

  • Posted: Mar 17, 2020
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Good morning to our incredible clients, property managers and colleagues;

We all find ourselves in un-chartered waters, the likes of which none of us have ever seen with this virus. Please be assured that all of us at Falcon are monitoring the situation on an hourly basis with our senior leadership. We are continuing to operate and provide service to our clients in a safe and professional manner. Internal office measures are being taken on a regular basis to ensure our space is sanitized and are staff are safe.

Falcon is proud and motivated to continue our strong reputation of service and responsiveness for all construction projects as well as all of our other services. We have informed our project managers/staff that they should sit home at the first signs of any illness or if any of their family members become stricken with cold/ flu like symptoms, if their city of residence has been quarantined, or if their children/ family have been designated to stay home from work school due to a confirmed case of the virus at their respective work/schools in an attempt to limit the spread of this virus or any sickness.

At this time we are continuing to perform our services. Any needed meeting can be done via conference call, Go-To Meeting, Skype, Zoom or other formats any any convenient time, even weekends.

We are happy to work with you to modify any service in a comfortable manner until such time as we all return to normal.

We are confident that our great nation will get through this in, hopefully short order and come out stronger.  We must all work together, help each other as needed and continue to be the best we can be.  We sincerely thank you for the confidence that you have shown in us for the last 23 years and please know that we are motivated to keep your projects moving forward.

Please do not hesitate to reach out me personally or to any of our 100+ team members to assist you in any manner.  We will continue to do our best to keep you informed of the decisions made internally in regards to this evolving situation.

Thank you and be safe,

William Pyznar & Sinisa Kolar



The Falcon Group – Engineering Architecture Energy Consultants Specialists

Miami ph: 305.663.1970 x509  West Palm Beach ph: 561.290.0504

Valued Members of SFPMA   View their membership page!

An industry-leader providing professional, cost effective and innovative architectural and engineering designs, solutions and services through the use of highly qualified staff and outstanding customer service.




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SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW?  By Eric Glazer, Esq.

SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW?  By Eric Glazer, Esq.

  • Posted: Mar 16, 2020
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SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW?  By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Published by Glazer and Sachs, P.A. March 16, 2020 – Re published by SFPMA


Wow what a difference a week makes!  The world became different this week, like nothing most of us have ever seen or lived through before.  For the time being, this Corona Virus has changed life as we know it, requiring us not to stay inside and hide, but not to tempt fate, while staying smart and taking necessary precautions so that the disease doesn’t spread and we remain healthy.  

I can’t tell you how many calls and e-mails I received this week asking me about canceling meetings, having meetings by phone, shutting down the common areas and preventing visitors.  As you know, I canceled our Board Certification Seminar scheduled for Wednesday.


Here is what I can tell all of you with absolute certainty. NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE WHAT YOU CAN AND CANNOT DO.  SO….. I CAN ONLY TELL YOU WHAT I THINK……AND WHAT MANY OTHER FLORIDA BAR BOARD CERTIED EXPERTS THINK. But certainly, not all of us agree on everything and some may not agree with my comments below.  However, the Board certified attorneys in this area routinely share ideas on topics on a fantastic e-mail exchange.  It is an honor to be able to share ideas and work with all of them at this crazy time.

So Florida has a law that relates to all community associations in response to damage caused by an event for which a state of emergency is declared.  Well……the entire State of Florida is under a State of Emergency.  However, it is not “in response to damage caused by an event…”  So, does this statute apply?  I’ll go on record and say yes.  What difference does it make why we are under a state of emergency?  The fact is that we are.  The important thing is that we are, not why we are.  Although it is possible, I cannot imagine a judge, arbitrator or the Division taking adverse action against any community association Board of Directors who relies on the emergency powers statute in good faith at this critical time in our history.  So I say….let’s use it.

Many of the statute’s provisions do not apply to our current situation as the statute was clearly designed to apply in response to a devastating hurricane.  I have chosen to leave those portions of the statute in this blog so that our readers can judge for themselves what the true intent of the statute is and if they believe it is applicable to our current situation.  Here is the condo version – similar to the HOA version:


718.1265 Association emergency powers.—

(1) To the extent allowed by law and unless specifically prohibited by the declaration of condominium, the articles, or the bylaws of an association, and consistent with the provisions of s. 617.0830, the board of administration, in response to damage caused by an event for which a state of emergency is declared pursuant to s. 252.36 in the locale in which the condominium is located, may, but is not required to, exercise the following powers:

(a) Conduct board meetings and membership meetings with notice given as is practicable. Such notice may be given in any practicable manner, including publication, radio, United States mail, the Internet, public service announcements, and conspicuous posting on the condominium property or any other means the board deems reasonable under the circumstances. Notice of board decisions may be communicated as provided in this paragraph.



My Comments: Use conference call lines – use GOTO Meeting or ZOOM.  Use any procedure where all unit owners who dial in or log on can hear and even see the Board members, and the owners have the opportunity to address the Board.

(b) Cancel and reschedule any association meeting.

My Comments: Any Association meeting means “any” association meeting.  I know there are many associations that even have their annual meeting coming up.  In an effort to limit large gatherings, Can the annual meeting be canceled and rescheduled?  In my opinion – absolutely.  However, before doing that the Board may consider other reasonable alternatives, such as limiting the physical attendance at the annual meeting to only the Board and management and allowing the others to attend via video conference.

(c) Name as assistant officers persons who are not directors, which assistant officers shall have the same authority as the executive officers to whom they are assistants during the state of emergency to accommodate the incapacity or unavailability of any officer of the association.

(d) Relocate the association’s principal office or designate alternative principal offices.

(e) Enter into agreements with local counties and municipalities to assist counties and municipalities with debris removal.

(f) Implement a disaster plan before or immediately following the event for which a state of emergency is declared which may include, but is not limited to, shutting down or off elevators; electricity; water, sewer, or security systems; or air conditioners.

(g) Based upon advice of emergency management officials or upon the advice of licensed professionals retained by the board, determine any portion of the condominium property unavailable for entry or occupancy by unit owners, family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees to protect the health, safety, or welfare of such persons.

My Comments: Many of you have called asking if the clubhouse can be closed as well as other parts of the common elements.  At this juncture I would again say Yes.  Any place where large crowds can gather can be closed as the board is certainly aware that every health official recommends no large gatherings.  The common element gym can certainly be closed as that may be the most dangerous area as people that go there are sweating all over the place.

What about limiting guests and visitors to the condo or HOA?  The Chief Judge of the Broward County Courthouse has entered the following order:

(1) The following persons shall not enter any state courthouse located in Broward County, Florida:

(a) Persons who have been in any of the following countries within the last 14 days:

  1. China
  2. South Korea

iii. Japan

  1. Italy
  2. Iran


In my opinion – if this order is appropriate for a courthouse where people do not live, it is certainly appropriate for a Board to implement in the building where families do live.  The reality however is that nobody will likely admit to being in any of these places.

(h) Require the evacuation of the condominium property in the event of a mandatory evacuation order in the locale in which the condominium is located. Should any unit owner or other occupant of a condominium fail or refuse to evacuate the condominium property where the board has required evacuation, the association shall be immune from liability or injury to persons or property arising from such failure or refusal.

My Comments:  Now this is a much tougher one:  Here, the statute was clearly intended to force EVERYONE out of a building that may be on the verge of collapse.   However, coincidentally, earlier this week, I actually won an injunction hearing where a judge prevented a unit owner from coming into the condominium because he was violent and a danger to the community.  I can certainly make the argument that a person infected with the virus is even more of a danger to the community as that person can potentially infect the entire population of the condominium.  It’s also possible to think that a judge would allow that person to get better in their own home – as long as they promise to self quarantine.  Again…..we are in unchartered waters here.

(i) Based upon advice of emergency management officials or upon the advice of licensed professionals retained by the board, determine whether the condominium property can be safely inhabited or occupied. However, such determination is not conclusive as to any determination of habitability pursuant to the declaration.



See my comments to g above

(j) Mitigate further damage, including taking action to contract for the removal of debris and to prevent or mitigate the spread of fungus, including, but not limited to, mold or mildew, by removing and disposing of wet drywall, insulation, carpet, cabinetry, or other fixtures on or within the condominium property, even if the unit owner is obligated by the declaration or law to insure or replace those fixtures and to remove personal property from a unit.

(k) Contract, on behalf of any unit owner or owners, for items or services for which the owners are otherwise individually responsible, but which are necessary to prevent further damage to the condominium property. In such event, the unit owner or owners on whose behalf the board has contracted are responsible for reimbursing the association for the actual costs of the items or services, and the association may use its lien authority provided by s. 718.116 to enforce collection of the charges. Without limitation, such items or services may include the drying of units, the boarding of broken windows or doors, and the replacement of damaged air conditioners or air handlers to provide climate control in the units or other portions of the property.

My Comments: No question that if the board wanted to triple the amount of personnel necessary for clean-up and disinfectant of the property in order to prevent the spread of the virus, this is perfectly legal.

(l) Regardless of any provision to the contrary and even if such authority does not specifically appear in the declaration of condominium, articles, or bylaws of the association, levy special assessments without a vote of the owners.

(m) Without unit owners’ approval, borrow money and pledge association assets as collateral to fund emergency repairs and carry out the duties of the association when operating funds are insufficient. This paragraph does not limit the general authority of the association to borrow money, subject to such restrictions as are contained in the declaration of condominium, articles, or bylaws of the association.

(2) The special powers authorized under subsection (1) shall be limited to that time reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the association and the unit owners and the unit owners’ family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees and shall be reasonably necessary to mitigate further damage and make emergency repairs.

So what’s the bottom line…………..I firmly believe that Board of Directors in Florida have the right to rely on the emergency powers statute.

What’s the other bottom line?  Stay calm, cool and collected.  This too shall pass.  While the Board has a lot of options, perhaps the smart move is to simply close down the clubhouse and party rooms for a few weeks, hire more staff to keep the place clean, and put all meetings on hold until further notice, even if they are the annual meeting or budget meeting.  In the grand scheme of things……so what?

In the interim………. be smart.  No large crowds.  Wash your hands.  Repeat and relax.

I wish all of you and your families nothing but good physical health and maybe more importantly mental health over the next few weeks.  And don’t forget to see if your neighbor needs some help, especially if they are elderly and shouldn’t be going into large supermarket crowds at this time.  While it’s important to know the laws……. I think it’s more important at this time to know how to be good people, friends and neighbors.


Glazer & Sachs P.A are members of SFPMA < View their membership page.



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Becker Suspends Community Association Classes in Florida, from now through April 30, 2020

Becker Suspends Community Association Classes in Florida, from now through April 30, 2020

  • Posted: Mar 12, 2020
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Becker has been closely monitoring the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) developments.

In the interest of the health and safety of our clients and colleagues, we have made a decision to suspend all Community Association classes from now through April 30.

For more information about COVID-19 (including what you can do to protect yourself and minimize risk in your community), please visit

As always, we will keep you informed of any changes and updates.

We wish you safety in the days ahead.

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ATTENTION PASCO & PINELLAS COUNTY,  In light of COVID-19, We want to help our community.  Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC would like to provide sanitizing of playground equipment at local day cares and schools.

ATTENTION PASCO & PINELLAS COUNTY,  In light of COVID-19, We want to help our community. Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC would like to provide sanitizing of playground equipment at local day cares and schools.

  • Posted: Mar 12, 2020
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 ATTENTION PASCO & PINELLAS COUNTY 🛑 In light of COVID-19, We want to help our community.

We are so pleased to report this to our industry! Showing our members Care! Everyone is doing their part to mitigate this virus! Members of SFPMA


Bay Area Pressure Cleaning, LLC would like to provide sanitizing of playground equipment at local day cares and schools. It is safe and very effective.
In order to mitigate the impact of the virus, everyone has a role to play and we are prepared to do our part! If anyone has contacts for local day cares and or schools, please pass them our info.


Bay Area Pressure Cleaning,LLC

Members of SFPMA:


Bay Area Pressure Cleaning


Bay Area Pressure Cleaning is owned and operated by Tyler; born and raised in the Tampa Bay Area. Bay Area Pressure Cleaning takes great pride in providing both Pasco and Pinellas counties residential and commercial clients with reliable and efficient services. 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed! Bay Area Pressure Cleaning is a full service power washing and exterior surface cleaning company that is family owned and operated, with a mission to provide Tampa Bay with outstanding pressure cleaning service experiences. Owner Tyler says “We take great pride in providing our clients with reliable and efficient exterior cleaning solutions and our customers satisfaction is our primary objective!”



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  • Posted: Mar 06, 2020
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Condo, HOA, Property Management Industry Magazine

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Click on the Cover to Read or click the link

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ALERT: “Managing Your Residential Community & Common Housing Under the Threat of Covid-19”

ALERT: “Managing Your Residential Community & Common Housing Under the Threat of Covid-19”

  • Posted: Mar 05, 2020
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Managing Your Residential Community & Common Housing Under the Threat of Covid-19

by Donna DiMaggio Berger, Esq., Becker & Poliakoff

Managers are on the front lines of many challenging issues for private residential communities but managing a pandemic is uncharted territory for most. With the number of cases of Covid-19 increasing in Florida and the fact that Governor DeSantis has declared a State of Emergency, proactive community association management professionals are thinking about how this virus might impact their residential communities and what can be done to blunt the impact.


There is an increased risk of contracting Covid-19 for health care workers, individuals with respiratory and other underlying health issues, as well as the elderly.  Given the demographics in many shared ownership communities and particularly in “55 and Over” communities, managers should be prepared to contend with a fair amount of fear and confusion about the proper policies and protocols to follow to safeguard the community.

One of the first directives from a board may be to seal off the community as much as possible from outside exposure. The board may wish to limit guests, nonessential contractors and may even inquire as to whether or not residents who have traveled to high risk areas (China, South Korea, Iran or Italy) may be prevented from returning to the community.

Your first course of action is to calm some of the hysteria. If you think a directive sounds implausible, illegal or inadvisable, insist on contacting association counsel for a legal opinion regarding the proposed policy.

Overly restrictive protocol that unnecessarily impacts your residents’ freedoms and quality of life is not likely to withstand a potential legal challenge and also creates unnecessary strain in your community.  Prohibiting owners from having guests or undertaking renovation projects is not warranted at this time.

You can suggest that your members voluntarily reduce the number of guests they invite into the community but prohibiting guests altogether is not a viable option.  However, if your community’s governing documents prohibit short term rentals and you are aware that some owners are violating these restrictions under the guise of having non-paying guests when they are really renting out their units on platforms like Airbnb then working with counsel to curb this activity should be a priority. Limiting the amount of transient residents can reduce exposure.

It is also important to remember that not every private residential community will be impacted in the same way by the spread of Covid-19. In multifamily buildings where residents encounter each other frequently in the elevators, corridors and other common areas, the need to address preventative measures is much more pressing than in an HOA with single family homes and no enclosed common areas.

Draconian solutions to a problem often do more harm than good. There is no legal basis upon which you can prevent residents from returning to their homes. There is also no legal basis upon which you can deny a potential purchaser or potential renter who has recently traveled to a high-risk area.

Asking travel-related questions can have a chilling impact on the proposed transaction thereby exposing the association to a potential claim for interfering with a sale or lease.  Be sure to speak to association counsel before revising your application forms or asking intrusive questions during your interviews.


Since Governor De Santis has declared a state of emergency some boards may reasonably believe that the statutory emergency powers found in Chapters 718, 719 and 720 of the Florida Statutes have been activated. However, those powers were enacted to assist boards in dealing with post hurricane issues so applying them to a medical emergency would be a novel approach.

Don’t assume that your board can utilize the same emergency powers that are activated in response to damage caused by an event for which a state of emergency is declared; a legal opinion is needed before your board attempts to use any of the statutory emergency powers.


The board must continue to operate and administer the community’s affairs and holding regular meetings is a large part of that function.  Many boards regularly experience poor attendance at their meetings so there is little reason to be concerned about holding meetings unless you know that you have an active infection in your community. Boards that are concerned about having meetings can certainly use technology such as in-house cable channels or Skype to allow residents to view their meetings from the privacy of their homes.


If you wish to minimize the spread of Covid-19 or the flu, use all of your association’s communication channels (newsletter, email or text group, website, direct mail, and in-house cable channel) to remind your residents to wash their hands frequently. You may also wish to place hand sanitizer stations in high traffic areas in the community.  Advise your residents that if they are experiencing symptoms they should let you know and they should avoid using the recreational facilities such as the Clubhouse, pool and fitness room. Management professionals should follow suit and not report to work if they are feeling ill.

Let your residents know that if they are feeling ill or have any questions or concerns they can contact the Florida Department of Health’s 24-hour hotline that can be reached at ‪1-866-779-6121. 

Lastly, make sure you have updated emergency contact information for all owners including any residents who may be particularly vulnerable.  Covid-19 is the latest in a long string of challenges that those of us who serve community boards experience. This too shall pass but in the interim, prudence and caution is warranted.


Donna DiMaggio Berger is a Shareholder in Becker’s Community Association Practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She is a member of the prestigious College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL) and is one of only 190 attorneys statewide who is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law. As Founder and Executive Director of Becker’s Community Association Leadership Lobby (CALL), Donna has led various community association advocacy initiatives, working with legislators and other public policymakers on behalf of those who live, serve, and work in common interest ownership communities.

Donna DiMaggio Berger
Shareholder / Ft. Lauderdale


Again here are some tips for your community and you!

It is not too soon for condominium, cooperative and HOA boards to be discussing the issue of Covid-19 with their residents. We’ve already suggested to our CALL Members statewide that the following protocol may be helpful:

  • Urge residents who have frequent guests to limit or reduce guest usage for the near future.
  • If there is Airbnb and other short-term rental activity occurring in your community that violates your governing documents, work with association counsel to curb that activity.
  • Place hand sanitizer stations in high traffic areas in the community.
  • Speak to association counsel before engaging in conversations with potential purchasers or potential renters about Covid-19 and their possible travel-related exposure.
  • Speak to association counsel about the applicability of emergency powers now that Governor DeSantis has declared a State of Emergency in Florida. Don’t assume that this means that your board can utilize the same emergency powers that are activated in response to damage caused by an event for which a state of emergency is declared.
  • Make sure you have updated emergency contact information for all owners including any residents who may be particularly vulnerable.
  • Let your residents know that if they are feeling ill or have any questions or concerns that they can contact the Florida Department of Health’s 24-hour hotline that can be reached at ‪1-866-779-6121.



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Vacation rentals has pitted local government officials against advertising platforms, such as Airbnb, in what has been one of the most intensely waged legislative battles.

Vacation rentals has pitted local government officials against advertising platforms, such as Airbnb, in what has been one of the most intensely waged legislative battles.

  • Posted: Mar 03, 2020
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The long-running dispute over vacation rentals has pitted local government officials against advertising platforms, such as Airbnb, in what has been one of the most intensely waged legislative battles.

The plan under consideration this year would require online platforms to collect and remit taxes on the properties that advertise on their sites. The platforms would have to ensure that only properly licensed rentals are advertised and provide the state with specific information about the rentals.

In exchange, regulation would be “preempted” to the state, largely preventing local governments from regulating vacation rentals. Local governments could only regulate the rentals in the same way as other properties in neighborhoods, a restriction that cities and counties strenuously oppose.

Florida law already bans local governments from passing ordinances to outlaw vacation rentals.

Sen. Wilton Simpson, who will take over as Senate president later this year, worked behind the scenes to forge a proposal that garnered support from the advertising platforms, the Florida Realtors and even the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association, which in the past has strenuously resisted similar measures.

“Next year. That’s what they make next year for,” Simpson, R-Trilby, told The News Service of Florida when asked Monday evening about the measure’s prospects.

Airbnb Florida Policy Director Tom Martinelli said the platform remains hopeful that the issue “will be addressed legislatively to provide the vacation rental industry with uniformity and much-needed stability.”

“We remain hopeful this bill will move through the process to provide the much-needed relief to Florida’s vacation rental property owners and surrounding industry,” Martinelli said in a prepared statement.


Vacation rentals have sparked backlash from some homeowners, who complain about raucous parties, parking issues and a steady stream of strangers in neighborhoods. Many of the objections come from coastal regions of the state. Cities and counties also remain firmly opposed to the House and Senate bills.

And Gov. Ron DeSantis has indicated he was not keen on the measure, saying recently he was “leaning against” the legislation.

Diaz pointed to amendments offered by senators Monday that were “counter or interfering with some of the stuff that we’re trying to do.”


Tallahassee, FL – A controversial measure dealing with vacation rental properties appears doomed, as time runs out in the 2020 legislative session.

The Senate Rules Committee was scheduled to hear the bill (SB 1128) Monday, but bill sponsor Manny Diaz Jr., R-Hialeah, said the measure was postponed because he lacked the support necessary to get it out of the committee.

The Rules Committee is not scheduled to meet again before the session ends March 13, and even if it does, it appears unlikely that Diaz’s proposal will be on the agenda.

“This is an incredibly complex bill that obviously had been tried for years, and you can see that every stop we’ve made massive changes. We’re still not there with the changes that … we needed to have enough votes. So we’re still working to make sure that all senators are satisfied with that bill,” he said.

Sen. David Simmons, R-Altamonte Springs, sponsored amendments that would have effectively gutted the bill.

“So, it became incredibly convoluted. That’s why we’re holding on to it for now, to try to see if we can work that out,” Diaz said.

Diaz had planned to amend his bill to bring it in line with a House proposal (HB 1011) that is awaiting a House floor vote.

DeSantis told reporters Feb. 24 he had not made up his mind but expressed strong reservations about the effort.

“We have 22 million people almost. We are a very diverse state. For us to be micromanaging vacation rentals, I am not sure that is the right thing to do,” DeSantis said.

“These are things where you’ll have kind of a quiet neighborhood,” DeSantis continued. “Then you will have someone doing this, and there are parties going on and some of the residents get upset. My view would be, probably, that should be determined locally.”

Opponents of the measure had repeatedly complained about “party houses” that wreak havoc in single-family neighborhoods.

But Diaz said he wants to address those concerns.

“Right now, it’s just regroup, have conversations with the stakeholders (and) the senators involved and try to see where we’re at,” he said.



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O&S Engineers & Architects, performed inspections and structural evaluation of the building’s exterior façade, roofs, and developed a repair program.

O&S Engineers & Architects, performed inspections and structural evaluation of the building’s exterior façade, roofs, and developed a repair program.

  • Posted: Feb 27, 2020
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O&S Engineers & Architects

Members of SFPMA: Find out more how we can help with your Florida buildings,  O&S Engineers & Architects 


O&S Engineers & Architects is a multi-discipline engineering and architectural consulting firm specializing in the assessment, design and restoration of high-rise communities, commercial buildings and parking garages. 

Since 1996, our staff of licensed professionals have consistently and successfully produced positive results on numerous projects ranging from small properties to large developments. O&S has an impressive portfolio in numerous markets. 


O&S provides:

  • 40/50 Year Recertification
  • Architectural Design
  • Structural & Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Engineering & Design
  • Capital Reserve Studies & Turnover Reports
  • Concrete Restoration
  • Building Envelope Design & Restoration
  • Balcony & Deck Restoration
  • Storm Damage Assessments & Inspections
  • Parking Garage Design & Restoration

For more information please follow us on social media or visit our website.


West Point Military Academy required a comprehensive structural assessment and exterior envelope renovation of the following buildings: Building 639, Water Treatment Plant, Scott Barracks, Eisenhower Barracks, The Fire House, and the Library Building. O&S Associates performed inspections and structural evaluation of the building’s exterior façade, roofs, and developed a repair program. O&S prepared repair drawings and technical specifications and made periodic observations of construction as part of construction management services.

The restoration of the buildings’ repairs was comprised of replacing the existing roofing with new cold-applied, built-up roofing, renovation of all exterior brick and stone façade elements, reconstruction of cracked and bulged brick masonry parapet wall, replacement of cracked and spalled brick masonry, removal and reinstallation of coping stones with new cap flashing, tuck pointing of brick and stone masonry, and installation of new windows, window sealants, and application of new surface sealer for the entire façade. Total cost of restoration was $14.2 million. O&S was selected to study the exterior envelope of several buildings at the West Point Military Academy and develop a repair program for a multi-year renovation project.

The existing roofing system at each building was deteriorated and leaking in multiple areas. All six buildings required a new roofing system. The total size of the roofs was approximately 800,000 square feet. The existing brick façade of building 639 needed extensive reconstruction. The water treatment plant, Eisenhower barracks, Scott barracks, and library building had ornate stone facade, cornices, and copings stones that needed careful design and construction.


Firehouse Building: The firehouse consists of a single-story, four-vehicle garage; a two-story center portion; and a single-story portion located to the left of the two-story portion. The garage portion and the single-story portion has a flat roof, and the two-story portion has a hip roof with roofing tiles (asbestos tiles). O&S provided the following repair program:

  • Replacement of flat roof
  • Removal and disposal of existing asbestos tiles at the two-story portion (asbestos abatement) and installation of new roofing shingles
  • Removal and reinstallation of precast coping stones with lead-coated copper cap flashing
  • Replacement of corroded lintels
  • Rebuilding of cracked corners
  • Tuckpointing of deteriorated mortar joints
  • Pressure wash clean and apply waterproof coating on inside face of parapet walls
  • Pressure wash clean brick facia and coping stones and apply water-repellent surface sealer
  • Remove joint deteriorated joint sealants and install mortar joints
  • Repairs were approximately $170,000


Building 639: Building 639 is an L-shaped building with five roof setbacks. The original building was built in 1937. O&S provided the following repair program:

  • Reconstruction of three corners with proper through-wall flashings and cap flashings
  • Existing limestone copings removed, saved, cleaned and reinstalled
  • Reconstruction of all other corners to introduce proper expansion joints at corners
  • Removal of about five courses of face brick or removal of limestone facia and reinstallation of the same after steel repairs
  • Replacement of deteriorated and/or spalled brick masonry as required
  • Introduction of two new vertical expansion joints on the North and South Building Elevations
  • Tuck-pointing of deteriorated mortar joints
  • Cleaning, sealing, and pointing of existing limestone copings
  • Cleaning by pressure washing and sealing the exterior brick masonry with clear penetrating water repellent sealer
  • Repairs were approximately $440,000


Wastewater Treatment Plant: The original water filtration facility was constructed in 1931. Several building additions have been made over the years in 1936, 1944, and 1945. O&S provided the following repair program:

  • Removal of all existing roofing and installation of new roofing
  • Removal of all coping stones, installation of new lead coated copper cap flashing, and termination of the roofing flashing underneath the cap flashing, and reinstallation of the coping stones with new anchors
  • Removal of sealants from the perimeter of all windows, doors, joints and openings and installing new sealants
  • Removal of delaminated concrete from walls and repair using polymer-modified mortar
  • Tuckpointing of cracked, deteriorated, and open wall joints
  • Repair of cracked corners of stone headers, sills, and stone trims around doors, windows, and openings
  • Replacement of rotted wood planking with new pressure treated plywood for roofing planks in Building B
  • Replacement of rotted wood beams with new beams in Building B
  • Repairs were approximately $570,000


Scott Barracks: The Scott Barracks consists of a main roof, approximately 166’ long by 46’ wide with three small high roofs. The rear parapet wall is 4’ high and the front and all other parapet walls are 7’ high. All walls are built with exterior stone facing and interior brick facing and with precast coping stones. O&S provided the following repair program:

  • Removal of precast coping stones, installing cap flashing, and reinstallation of the coping stones with new anchors
  • Removal of all sealants in mortar joints from the inside face of the brick walls and tuckpointing the brick facia as needed
  • Repair of precast stones that are chipped using repair mortars that match the stone
  • Repairs were approximately $245,000


Project Data:

O&S Associates was responsible for A/E Design, Construction Management, and Construction Administration on this 5-year Design/Build IDIQ at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The five-year contract included work at restoration work at multiple buildings around the campus. Most buildings were historic structures. The campus repairs included roof restoration, roof replacement, exterior wall restoration, asbestos abatement, waterproofing, and other related services. O&S also provided Construction Inspection services for the Waste Water Treatment Plant, the Library, the Firehouse, several barracks, and some educational buildings. Each set of buildings had different issues related to water infiltration. As part of the Design/Build team, O&S was responsible for ensuring the cost, quality, and schedule for the project.


Special Features:

O&S provided construction inspection services for multiple historic buildings at West Point Military Academy. Building 639 is an “L” shaped building with five roof setbacks. The original building was built in 1937. O&S provided a comprehensive repair program that included the introduction of two new vertical expansion joints on the North and South Building Elevations. The original water filtration facility was constructed in 1931. Several building additions have been made over the years in 1936, 1944, and 1945. O&S provided a complete replacement of the entire roofing system. O&S also provided services for other buildings at the West Point Military Academy Campus including the Library, Holleder Hall, Old Chapel Building, and the Eisenhower Barracks.



United States Military Academy at West Point
Construction Cost: $14.2 million




Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

  • Posted: Feb 21, 2020
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Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm,  providing Statewide Educational to Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida

Most of you reading this already know the names Bill and Susan Raphan and the mark they made on the Florida Condominium Ombudsman’s Office during their 7-year tenure.

For those of you who don’t know about this dynamic couple, here is their story. When Florida’s first Condominium Ombudsman, Virgil Rizzo, was appointed back in 2004, there was no money to staff the local South Florida Office. Bill and Susan were his first volunteers. They had been having problems in their own condominium and wanted to help others in similar situations. They worked for seven (7) months as volunteers, often returning calls from over a hundred people a day asking for help with their association-related issues, before the money was found in the State budget to finally pay them.

During their seven years with the Condominium Ombudsman’s Office they spoke with thousands of association members, directors, association managers, attorneys and legislators about the common and not-so-common issues that crop up when people live in close quarters and decisions are made by an elected body.

While some of the problems they confronted were not within their authority to address, others were successfully resolved as a result of their intervention. A patient set of ears, knowledge regarding the Statutes, Administrative Code and practices of the DBPR along with common sense and a dash of humor often helped put both Board Members and Owners with complaints on the right path. Was every problem solved? Absolutely not. Were many problems that could have resulted in time consuming and costly litigation successfully defused? Absolutely yes.

Bill and Susan had run a successful catering business for many years and, as a result, applied many of those same business principles to organizing the Ombudsman’s Office in an efficient manner especially given the shoestring budget under which they were forced to operate. They began an extensive education program at Broward and Palm Beach College as well as in Community Centers and Condominiums throughout the State. They facilitated the appointment of election monitors for approximately 90 condominium elections per year and educated almost 6,000 people in just their last year at the Condominium Ombudsman’s Office!

In 2011 they made the leap of faith and decided to join Leigh Katzman’s Law Firm as its Statewide Educational Facilitators. Today, the Raphans have been widely recognized for their role in providing Board Members and Community Association Managers (CAM’s) across the state of Florida with the highest-quality educational seminars for certification and continuing education credits. Bill and Susan were also featured in a front page article in the Wall Street Journal and have appeared on many TV and radio programs.

We are thrilled to have Bill and Susan as part of our team at Katzman Chandler and would urge you to experience one of their enjoyable and interactive educational classes for yourself.

For those of you wishing to contact Bill and Susan Raphan, you can reach them on their TOLL FREE HOTLINE @ 855-827-5542 or by email at






Central Florida Water Initiative Water Conservation Projects

Central Florida Water Initiative Water Conservation Projects

  • Posted: Feb 17, 2020
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Central Florida Water Initiative Water Conservation Projects

Applications are now being accepted for a cost-share funding program to support the implementation of water conservation projects within the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI). This is part of the State of Florida’s efforts to identify and implement cost-effective strategies to protect the state’s water resources while meeting Florida’s water needs. Partnering with local governments and other large water users (such as agricultural, commercial, industrial, homeowner associations, and large landscape irrigation) to reduce water demands through implementation of water conservation projects is an important and effective way to help accomplish this goal.

In 2019, Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature approved statewide funding to develop water resource and water supply projects. Applications are now being accepted on behalf of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for funding consideration for water conservation projects within the CFWI Planning Area (which includes all of Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Polk counties and southern Lake County). The CFWI is a joint planning effort where the South Florida, St. Johns River, and Southwest Florida water management districts are working collaboratively with other agencies and stakeholders to implement effective water supply and water resource planning.

Eligible projects for consideration should be ready to implement water conservation technology programs that provide the most immediate and cost-effective benefits. Projects may be eligible for up to 50 percent cost-share reimbursement. The application process opens February 17, 2020 and closes March 27, 2020 at 5 p.m. To apply, click here.

For the latest information and details, visit For assistance with the application process, applicants may contact any of the following District staff:

SFPMA.COM is Pleased to help with the Water Initiative Conservation Projects in our State. ( )


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