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Should Emails Between Board Members & Managers Be Considered Official Records Subject to Member Inspection?

Should Emails Between Board Members & Managers Be Considered Official Records Subject to Member Inspection?

  • Posted: Jun 28, 2021
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Should Emails Between Board Members & Managers Be Considered Official Records Subject to Member Inspection?


In today’s instant world, email allows us to express our thoughts anytime, anywhere. So often, emails serve as a substitute for making phone calls. If a phone call is made from a board member to a manager, absent a deposition of either party or a

contemporaneous note documenting the conversation, the content of the communication remains private. But, if the board member sends an email rather than calling the manager, that email is considered a written record of the association and is required to be produced as a part of a member’s official record request, with limited exception as discussed below.


With the sheer volume of emails received by a manager from owners, board members, purchasers, contractors, and lawyers, etc., there is no practical method of separating the emails which must remain confidential. This includes emails with respect to attorney-client privileged matters, personnel matters, information obtained in connection with a sale or lease, social security numbers, and medical information, etc., and separating these emails cannot occur without the manager or hired professional spending hours and hours and hours preparing such records for a member’s requested official record inspection primarily at the association’s expense. Moreover, if an outside professional is needed to prepare the emails for inspection, then the association will not be able to recoup the expenditure. While a condominium association cannot charge any amount to prepare for the inspection, a homeowners’ association is limited to $20.00 per hour for administrative time expended to retrieve requested records. Clearly, this needs a legislative remedy!


Generally speaking, for an association’s needs to be met, there must be solid communication between the board and the manager. However, requiring all but privileged and confidential emails to be official records subject to membership inspection stifles that free flow of communication. That said, it is understandable that some emails should be subject to a member’s inspection request, such as with regards to a bid package or contract.


More often than not, the emails to and from the manager are actually the property of the management company by whom the manager is employed. Absent discovery that takes place during litigation, typically a company’s emails are the private property of the company. A shareholder of General Mills’ stock cannot demand to see the president’s emails to its manager, so why should the community association president’s email to the manager be required to be produced? After all, overwhelmingly, community associations are “not-for-profit” corporations. At the end of the day, the need for transparency needs to be balanced against the practicality and costs of producing the emails.


There is limited guidance from the State of Florida Office of the Attorney General and the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes regarding the production of such emails. Let’s take a look at the limited guidance we do have.


On March 6, 2002, the then-Chief Assistant General Counsel of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (“DBPR”) issued an opinion that “[c]ondominium owners do have the right to inspect e-mail correspondences between the board of directors and the property manager as long as the correspondence is related to the operation of the association and does not fall within the… statutorily protected exceptions… [The DBPR does not have] regulations expressly requiring archiving e-mails, but… if the e-mail correspondence relates to the operation of the association property, it is required to be maintained by the association, whether on paper or electronically, under Chapter 718, Florida Statutes.”


In Humphrey v. Carriage Park Condominium Association, Inc., Arb. Case No. 2008-04-0230 (Final Order / Campbell / March 30, 2009), an arbitrator of the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes held that “…e-mails… existing… on the personal computers of individual directors… are not official records of the association… Even if directors communicate among themselves by e-mail strings or chains about the operation of the association, the status of the electronic communication on their personal computer would not change. Similarly, an e-mail to an individual director or to all directors as a group, addressed only to their personal computers, is not written communication to the association.” The arbitrator reasoned that “[t]his must be so because there is no obligation to turn on [the] personal computer with any regularity, or to open and read emails before deleting them.”


In Harbage v. Covered Bridge Condominium Association, Inc., Arb. Case No. 19-03-6413 (Emails Are Written Records of Association Order Re-Framing Affirmative Defenses / Simms / January 2, 2020), an owner challenged an association’s failure to provide records requested pursuant to §718.111(12), Florida Statutes. The owner requested to inspect emails between the association and its property manager from 2017–2019. The association refused to provide the records, arguing that the emails were not written records subject to disclosure nor were they written records that are printed in the ordinary course of business. The arbitrator in the case dismissed the association’s argument that the emails were not written records, citing Black’s Law Dictionary, 11th Edition (2019), which explicitly includes emails in the definition of a “writing.” Additionally, the arbitrator pointed to the fact that emails are accepted in litigation as records of regularly conducted business activity pursuant to §90.803(6)(a), Florida Statutes, to dismiss the association’s claim that the emails are not subject to inspection because they are not printed in the ordinary course of business. The arbitrator held that the association’s position was “untenable on both counts,” finding that “emails are a written record subject to disclosure to unit owners.”


Simply stated, if one were to rely on the guidance cited herein, then emails solely between board members, even a board majority, are not part of the official records, but emails between a board member(s) and the manager are part of the official records and subject to member inspection unless containing information that is otherwise privileged or confidential. All other emails not protected by privilege or other duty of confidentiality are also subject to member inspection.


Where does it end? What about text messages and WhatsApp? Will they, too, one day be subject to inspection? Why one without the other? Better still, if text messages are not subject to member inspection, why should emails be subject to inspection? If emails remain subject to inspection, should not phone calls between board members and managers be statutorily required to be recorded? Why not? Because such a requirement is absurd.


In addition, what is missing from today’s legislation are laws protecting the free flow of communication between board members and the manager. Also patently missing from today’s legislation is the ability of the association to require the member requesting the record inspection to prepay for the actual time and cost necessary to prepare the records for inspection.


So, while it may make sense for certain vendor emails to remain as records of the association subject to member inspection, it is this author’s opinion that emails between the board and the association’s manager should remain private property of the sender and recipient, most especially if the manager’s computer is provided by the management company and not the association. However, if emails between board members and managers are going to remain as records which must be produced, absent privilege and confidentiality requirements, then at a minimum the association should at least be allowed to fully recover its expenses incurred in the record inspection. Perhaps a present or future Florida legislator will sponsor a long overdue bill to provide the association the lawful right to do so.  



  • Posted: Jun 28, 2021
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The CDC Order has been extended for the final time until July 31, 2021.
The CDC Order does not prevent us from filing any type of eviction, (Declaration or no Declaration in place), but the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s rule of May 3 still requires the Tenant gets a special “notice” at the same time the Tenant would get their usual 3 Day Notice and/or possibly the Nonrenewal Notice. 

Your 3 Day or 30 Day Notice (CARES Act covered) still needs to contain the Notice of Rights under the CDC Order or the Notice of Rights can be given along with your 3 or 30 Day Notice. 

We recommend that you either give the wording to the Tenant with the 3 Day or 30 Day Notice and/or Notice of Nonrenewal, or you put this wording ON either notice so it is clear and conspicuous.

Nonpayment, Nonrenewal/holdover, and Noncompliance cases can all still be filed whether the Tenant has provided you with a CDC Declaration or not.


The final step (removal by the Sheriff), will not occur in a nonpayment case until after July 31 if the Tenant has presented the CDC Declaration UNLESS a judge has previously struck the Declaration down.  
Most nonpayment cases are moving through in most counties.

Many judges are striking the Declaration if the Tenant does not qualify under the Declaration requirements.

In most cases, these evictions are moving through and are not being impacted by the CDC ORDER or a submitted Declaration.
You still have options with your Tenants.
CASH FOR KEYS – This is often a viable method.  Download the form we provide if needed
AGREEMENT TO VACATE – Many Tenants will indeed sign an Agreement to Vacate Form.  Please see the video we have on this topic and download the form if needed
Money is still being allocated by the government for rental assistance funds to the Tenant and directly to the Landlord. Keep seeking these funds out.  If an eviction is OPEN, contact us FIRST before accepting any assistance or signing any assistance paperwork.

Nothing is stopping you from accepting partial rent or entering into payment plans.  If you are dealing with a CURRENT OPEN EVICTION, contact us first before accepting any money so we can get you a STIPULATION.



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The New Order:  Broward County Emergency Order 21-01

The New Order:  Broward County Emergency Order 21-01

  • Posted: Apr 23, 2021
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Since March 2020, Florida’s Governor has issued a series of Emergency Orders designed to curb the spread of COVID-19, including Emergency Orders prohibiting certain
establishments from operating and imposing regulations on those establishments that were allowed to operate;

Read the New Order: 
Broward County Emergency Order 21-01



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CALL Alert: Limiting Liability for COVID-19; Criminalizing Inspections & Elections; Permitting Single Petition Property Tax Appeals

CALL Alert: Limiting Liability for COVID-19; Criminalizing Inspections & Elections; Permitting Single Petition Property Tax Appeals

  • Posted: Mar 30, 2021
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This week, we’re going to discuss a few bills that will impact all types of Florida community associations.

CS/HB 7 /SB 72 (Brandes) are bills which would protect “business entities” against COVID-19 related claims for damages, injury or death. These bills do include condominiums, cooperatives, and HOAs within the definition of a business entity. Given that most association policies have coverage exclusions for communicable diseases, these bills could help insulate associations from frivolous COVID-19 claims in the coming months or years.

In order to be eligible for this protection from civil liability, a defendant would have to show that it made a good faith effort to substantially comply with authoritative or government-issued health standards or guidance at the time the cause of action accrued. Most community association boards have wisely followed the advice of medical professionals such as the CDC, DOH, and local government health officials when crafting and enforcing COVID-19 safety protocols.

SB 1998 (Pizzo) would create a new Section 718.1285, F.S. outlining fraudulent voting activities which would subject violators to a potential felony charge in the third degree.

  • This bill would require boards to provide an itemized list to the individual requesting a document inspection, and require a sworn affidavit from the person handling the document inspection request regarding the veracity of the itemized list. Any director or manager who knowingly, willfully, and repeatedly violates these requirements would commit a misdemeanor of the second degree.
  • This bill would also require associations operating twenty-five (25) or more units to maintain a website on which their official records must be posted. Currently, associations operating 150 or more units must maintain an association website for this purpose so, if passed, this bill will require thousands more Florida communities to set up websites.
  • SB 1998 would permit a condominium association to file a single joint petition for a tax appeal and makes the use of a debit card a theft even if done so by mistake.

Conducting elections and overseeing document inspection requests are two areas where deadlines can easily be missed and mistakes made. Even without the penalties imposed by a bill like SB 1998, it is important that boards and managers have comprehensive election and inspection protocols and policies in place. Reaching out for guidance from your legal team is also advisable.

Lastly, HB 649 (Fernandez & Barquin)/SB 996 (Garcia) would also allow condominium and cooperative associations to file a single joint petition on behalf of their unit owners with the value adjustment board to appeal property taxes. Unit owners could opt out but they would have to do so within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the association’s notice or they will be included in the association’s petition.


Please continue to utilize our Bill Tracker which is updated weekly thanks to Becker attorney Maritrini Soto Garcia. This tool allows you to review all of the bills CALL is tracking and see where they’re headed.

Please also use our Legislator Connect tool to contact your representatives as well as the Committee Members hearing these bills. Please do not underestimate your ability to make a difference in terms of which bills pass and which are defeated.

ICYMI: Make Your Documents Work For You

Curious about amending your documents to get ahead of the annual legislative changes? Check out Make Your Documents Work For You. My partners – Ken DirektorJoe Adams – and I discussed what changes you should consider, how to increase your likelihood of getting your amendments passed, and what to expect in terms of costs and timelines. Click here to watch the replay!



Donna DiMaggio Berger is a member of the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL), a prestigious national organization that acknowledges community association attorneys who have distinguished themselves through contributions to the evolution or practice of community association law and who have committed themselves to high standards of professional and ethical conduct in the practice of community association law. Ms. Berger is also one of only 129 attorneys statewide who is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law.

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Slow Your Roll: How to Address Speeding Issues in Your Association

Slow Your Roll: How to Address Speeding Issues in Your Association

  • Posted: Mar 22, 2021
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Speeding is a big problem for many community associations — a problem that is not always easily addressed or corrected. How can your board slow the speed of traffic in your community?

by Jennifer Horan

If your association does not currently have traffic rules, you may be able to rely on a nuisance provision in your Declaration. Alternatively, if your board has the authority to adopt rules and regulations regarding the common areas, the board can adopt traffic rules at a duly noticed board meeting. To enforce the rules, the association has a variety of enforcement tools available, including sending warning letters, notices of violation, fining, suspension of use rights, or further legal action.

Fining is the most common “enforcement tool” that is utilized to curb speeding, for associations who monitor speeding. Fining is most effective when pursued against owners/residents in the community. It is more difficult for an association to pursue fines against visitors, guests, invitees, or contractors who speed. So, for the most part, most associations that pursue fines for speeding opt to only pursue fines against owners/residents who speed. Anytime an association intends to fine an owner or resident, the process and procedures for fining must comply with the statute. Therefore, it would require the board to establish a fining committee (if your community does not already have a committee in place). Notice must be provided to the owner or resident of the violation and the owner or resident must be provided with an opportunity to be heard in front of a fining committee.

For those communities who do not want to impose fines, there are a variety of other enforcement tools available, including sending warning letters, notices of violation, suspension of use rights, or further legal action (such as seeking injunctive relief). When it comes to either fining or the suspension of use rights the association must follow the statutory procedure described above. An additional method of enforcement would be through an agreement with the county which would authorize a local law enforcement agency to enforce state traffic laws on the association’s private roads. Section 316.006, Florida Statutes, authorizes local law enforcement agencies to enforce state traffic laws on the private roads of associations pursuant to an agreement between the association and law enforcement. It requires a majority vote of the board of directors of a homeowners’ association to elect to have state traffic laws enforced by local law enforcement agencies on private roads that are controlled by the association.

There are other practical concerns with regard to enforcement against speeders, most notably, evidence of speeding. How can your board of directors “prove” that a vehicle is speeding? Depending on the speed of the vehicle, it could be established simply by the testimony of the person who saw the car speeding. Some communities have purchased equipment that monitors speed and that can also take photos or videos of the speeding vehicle. If your community is considering purchasing a speed gun, it should be noted that there is an administrative rule that deals with “speed measuring devices”. This rule provides that evidence of the speed of a vehicle measured by a radar speed measuring device is inadmissible in “any proceeding with respect to an alleged violation of provisions of law regulating lawful speed of vehicles” unless such evidence of speed is obtained by a law enforcement officer who meets certain requirements, including the satisfactory completion of certain training courses. The rule also requires a visual determination that the vehicle was speeding and a written citation based on evidence obtained from an approved speed measure device. Also, the particular speed measuring device must meet specifications and must be tested in accordance with other procedural rules related to the testing of speed measuring devices.
Slowing traffic helps promote a more relaxed residential environment and as you can see there are various options available. An association need not choose one however to the exclusion of all others. The key is be consistent and properly apply the various options chosen.


Jennifer Horan



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BIG NEWS ABOUT Glazer and Sachs & Condo Craze and HOAs BLOG – View our new Website!

BIG NEWS ABOUT Glazer and Sachs & Condo Craze and HOAs BLOG – View our new Website!

  • Posted: Mar 22, 2021
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BIG NEWS ABOUT MY BLOGS! by Eric Glazer of Glazer & Sachs

As you know, I have been writing a blog 50 times per year for the last 10 years. That’s over 500 columns that have spoken about virtually every aspect of community association living. Our readers love it. The only complaint about the blog was that it was not searchable by topic. It was difficult to find a specific blog about a specific topic. Not any more!  From now on, by going to either the website for Glazer and Sachs,

Or, by going to the website for Condo Craze and HOAs, you can click on our BLOG link –type a few key words in the search bar- and find a blog about a topic of your choice. You also still have the option to scroll through all our blogs in chronological order.

It’s just another way our firm tries to make the law accessible and enjoyable to everyone with an interest in community association law, whether you’re a Board member, owner, manager or service provider. We hope you enjoy reading them half as much as we enjoy writing them.


View our New Website





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Vote No For House Bill 305!

Vote No For House Bill 305!

  • Posted: Mar 22, 2021
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Vote No For House Bill 305!

Homeowners, tell your representative to Vote NO on House Bill 305! Do not let the insurance industry take away your rights with House Bill 305. Your voice counts! Call or email your representative today!

Vote No For House Bill 305!
Homeowners, tell your representative to Vote NO on House Bill 305! Do not let the insurance industry take away your rights with House Bill 305. Your voice counts!
Contact Representative Rommel at:
Capitol Office: (850)717-5106
District Office: (239)417-6200
Email at: Representative Rommel or
Click here for your representative:


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Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

  • Posted: Mar 04, 2021
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Robert Kaye is back live, this evening at 6pm Eastern on ‘Ask the Experts’. Call in with your community association-related questions during the show!

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Community Update: February Wrap Up – Florida Condo & HOA Law Blog

Community Update: February Wrap Up – Florida Condo & HOA Law Blog

  • Posted: Mar 01, 2021
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Spring is just around the corner and sprucing up is often top of mind. Whether that means improving yards, documents, or relationships, this edition of Becker’s Community Update offers practical guidance on how to move forward. Check out the hot topics below, and don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook to get real time updates on these issues and more!

by Becker / Florida Condo & HOA Law Blog

While Mother Nature may be hard to harness, community associations are often tasked with doing just that to protect both residents and property. In Responsibility for Tree Branches and Roots Elizabeth Lanham-Patrie explores how the law decides who needs to tackle this chore.

In the second part of our two part series Amending Governing Documents, Jay Roberts outlines best practices for getting proposed changes approved by membership.

Maritrini Soto Garcia discusses presidential power in Does a Community Association Board President Have Executive Action Authority or Unilateral Powers?, and reminds everyone that the work of a community association is, ultimately, a group effort.

Assessments are not the most popular feature of a community association, but they are a vital resource in maintaining the amenities and ambiance to which the community has grown accustomed. In THIS CASE: Abbey Park Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Bowen, Rob Caves reviews how the Florida court decided the seminal case regarding an owner’s right to withhold payment of an assessment.


If you have new members on your board or a new manager for your community and want them to be part of our Community Update, have them subscribe here:



Amending Governing Documents Part II – How?

By: Jay Roberts, Esq.

In Part I of this two-part series, we discussed the importance of amending governing documents. Part II discusses tips on how a board of directors can put itself in the best position to have the proposed amendments approved by the membership.


Work with the association’s counsel to craft the language appropriate for the amendments well before you plan to present it to the membership formally.

Click here to read more!

Does a Community Association Board President Have Executive Action Authority or Unilateral Powers?

By: Maritrini Soto Garcia, Esq.

Community associations are not administered by a single director or officer of the board, instead, the affairs of such associations are administered by its board. The articles of incorporation and/or bylaws of an association most often specify the required minimum number of board members. In the condominium context, the Florida Condominium Act provides that in the absence of such specification, the board of administration must be composed of five members (or three members in condominiums with five or fewer units).

Click here to read more!

Abbey Park Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Bowen,

508 So.2d 554 (Fla. 4th DCA 1987)

By: Rob Caves, Esq.

Assessments paid by owners are the lifeblood of any community association and efforts to collect assessments are the most consequential and common legal proceedings any association engages in. Typically, there are few valid defenses an owner can raise to challenge the collection of properly adopted assessments. One common defense that is attempted is that the association is failing to properly maintain the common elements of a condominium or the common areas of a homeowners’ association.

The seminal case on the issue of whether owners can withhold the payment of assessments due to the association’s failure to properly maintain the common elements is Abbey Park Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Bowen, 508 So.2d 554 (Fla. 4th DCA 1987). In the case, the appellate court held that the failure to maintain the common elements is not an affirmative defense to the association’s action to foreclose on the unit for the failure to pay assessments. Accordingly, a claim by an owner that the association is improperly maintaining the condominium property would not be a valid defense to the association’s action to collect unpaid assessments or enforce the association’s assessment lien against a unit.

However, there are subsequent cases that hold that while such claims are not affirmative defenses to a foreclosure action by an association, they could constitute counterclaims and entitle the owner to a “set-off” if they were to prove that the association failed to properly maintain the condominium property and such failure resulted in damage to the unit owner or their property. See Qualcom Corp. v. Global Commerce Center Association, Inc., 59 So. 3d 347 (Fla. 4th DCA 2011) (holding that the owner was able to argue at trial that its damages from a roof leak, if proven, could be a “set-off” against the outstanding assessments). However, the facts which would entitle an owner to a set-off would be very specific and would not apply to an owner’s general allegation that the common elements, or common areas, were not being maintained, as was alleged in Abbey Park.

Accordingly, pursuant to the legal principles outlined in the Abbey Park case, the fact that an owner alleges that the association is not properly maintaining the common property, or operating the association, would not be a defense against the association’s action to collect properly levied assessments.




As a service to the community and industry, we are pleased to offer some of our most popular classes online! While our in-person classes remain suspended until further notice due to COVID-19, we are thrilled to bring you the following classes to participate in from the comfort of your own home.

HOA/Condo Board Member Certification



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  • Posted: Mar 01, 2021
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As a result of this Order, Emergency Powers of the Boards of Directors for community associations remain in effect for another 60 days.

Read the Entire Emergency Order Here




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