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community association boards completely overlook the significance of who is serving as the association’s registered agent. by Donna DiMaggio Berger

community association boards completely overlook the significance of who is serving as the association’s registered agent. by Donna DiMaggio Berger

  • Posted: Aug 03, 2020
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Far too many community association boards completely overlook the significance of who is serving as the association’s registered agent. I’ve found associations whose registered agent is a former board member who is either deceased or who has moved away or a former law firm or lawyer who no longer represents the association.

Pursuant to Section 607.0501,F.S, the duties of a registered agent are to forward to the corporation at its official address any process, notice, or demand which is served on or received by the registered agent. If the registered agent fails in this regard, the association may miss crucial litigation deadlines as well as Code compliance hearings which can result in substantial damage to the association. Current board members and managers should also seriously consider whether they are up to the task of serving as Registered Agent as that role does come with potential liability.


Donna DiMaggio Berger is a Board Certified Specialist in Condominium and Planned Development Law as well as a Fellow in the College of Community Association Law a prestigious national organization which recognizes excellence and ethics in the field of community association law. Ms. Berger has counseled condominium, cooperative, timeshare, mobile home and homeowner associations throughout Florida.  Her work with these communities includes covenant enforcement, covenant amendment, contract review and drafting, collections and foreclosures, as well as advising these associations about the statutory and documentary guidelines for the daily administration of their communities.

Ms. Berger has led various advocacy initiatives working with legislators and other public policy makers on behalf of those who live, serve and work in common interest ownership communities. She has testified before the Florida Legislature regarding community association law and frequently appears on radio talk shows and in print media discussing these issues.



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  • Posted: Jul 20, 2020
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WEBINAR Florida Register

WEBINAR: NAVIGATING THE FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING: ASSISTANCE ANIMAL OR PET Date/Time Date(s) – 2020-07-23 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Location Pompano Beach Office Register HERE A one-hour CE credit course with credit available as IFM or ELE. Provider #: 0005092 | Course #: 9630144 Online bookings are not available for this event.

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  • Posted: Jul 20, 2020
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WEBINAR Florida Register

MAINTAINING ORDER: A DISCUSSION ON RULES & REGULATIONS, GOVERNING DOCUMENTS AND FINING IN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS by Katzman Chandler Date: Thursday, July 23, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Location: Online Event via, Zoom What are community association covenants and restrictions? What rules and regulations? How are they adopted and enforced? This course provides answers to these questions, as well as a primer on association governing documents, their order of priority and enforceability, and includes a review of fines and fining procedures. REGISTER NOW

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CAN I FLY MY FLAG? By Eric Glazer, Esq.

CAN I FLY MY FLAG? By Eric Glazer, Esq.

  • Posted: Jul 03, 2020
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CAN I FLY MY FLAG? By Eric Glazer, Esq.

Published June 29, 2020 Eric Glazer 


It’s July 4th.  Our country’s birthday.

USA flags will be flying everywhere, even in our community associations and even if the Board in that association says take it down.  With the political upheaval sweeping the country, this year I anticipate receiving complaint about owners or renters displaying flags that are not American flags, but flags that support a specific cause.    The question is…can they do it.  The answer is…not if the Board says they can’t.

The 4th of July – INDEPENDENCE DAY! It’s a day when we all should celebrate the birth of our nation – a nation that was built on the foundation of our CONSTITUTION and the statement: “IN GOD WE TRUST”! It’s a day when we should proudly display our nation’s flag: OL’ GLORY!

Our nation has a lot to be proud of and I think it’s high time to finally teach our kids our proud history. Our kids should know how our forefathers fought for independence and what it all meant. Especially Ivy League students should know who fought in the War of Independence. Aren’t these students supposed to be the “future of our country?”


The Freedom to Display The American Flag Act of 2005 states:

A condominium association, cooperative association, or residential real estate management association may not adopt or enforce any policy, or enter into any agreement, that would restrict or prevent a member of the association from displaying the flag of the United States on residential property within the association with respect to which such member has a separate ownership interest or a right to exclusive possession or use.

Many proud owners of properties within community associations have proudly displayed “OL’ GLORY” – and paid a heavy price for it in many cases. Lots of lawsuits have been fought over flying “Ol’ Glory!” I can assure you, if you would have all the legal fees wasted here in Florida on these lawsuits, you would be a multi-millionaire.

After the long lawsuit fought by George Andres – nicknamed the Jupiter flagman – we were able to add provisions into the community association statutes (FS 718.113(4)  + FS 720.304(2) that allows owners to proudly fly our national flag (and some others, see statutes). But, what’s new? Some association board members and management companies still haven’t gotten the message.

But this is the 4th of July and we celebrate the BIRTH OF OUR GREAT NATION.

Let’s show our pride in our great nation and proudly fly “OL’ GLORY”!


This federal law allows the association to make reasonable restrictions.  Florida codified its own law and states:

For condominiums:

Any unit owner may display one portable, removable United States flag in a respectful way and, on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day, may display in a respectful way portable, removable official flags, not larger than 41/2 feet by 6 feet, that represent the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, regardless of any declaration rules or requirements dealing with flags or decorations.


For homeowner associations:

Any homeowner may display one portable, removable United States flag or official flag of the State of Florida in a respectful manner, and one portable, removable official flag, in a respectful manner, not larger than 41/2 feet by 6 feet, which represents the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or a POW-MIA flag, regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of the association.

(b) Any homeowner may erect a freestanding flagpole no more than 20 feet high on any portion of the homeowner’s real property, regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of the association, if the flagpole does not obstruct sightlines at intersections and is not erected within or upon an easement. The homeowner may further display in a respectful manner from that flagpole, regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of the association, one official United States flag, not larger than 41/2 feet by 6 feet, and may additionally display one official flag of the State of Florida or the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, or a POW-MIA flag. Such additional flag must be equal in size to or smaller than the United States flag. The flagpole and display are subject to all building codes, zoning setbacks, and other applicable governmental regulations, including, but not limited to, noise and lighting ordinances in the county or municipality in which the flagpole is erected and all setback and locational criteria contained in the governing documents.



An HOA board that did not bother to check out state laws would quickly find itself in a losing position if it tried to enforce a covenant restricting flagpoles – especially where the flagpole was well-maintained and the display was respectable in accordance with the

U.S. Flag Code.

So when it comes to enforcing covenant restrictions – real or imagined – against homeowners displaying flags or building flagpoles, boards should look before they leap.


So, the law is clear.  You only have a right to display the flag of the USA.  The stars and stripes.  That’s it.  You have no right to display any other type of flag and your association may require you to take it down.

It’s more important than ever to display the flag.  Do so proudly.

FL Statute 720.304(b)

specifically states: “Any homeowner may erect a freestanding flagpole no more than 20 feet high on any portion of the homeowner’s real property, regardless of any covenants, restrictions, bylaws, rules, or requirements of the association, if the flagpole does not obstruct sightlines at intersections and is not erected within or upon an easement.”


Glazer & Sachs, P.A.

Florida Homeowners’ Association and Condominium Law Attorneys

Thank you for your interest in Glazer and Sachs, P.A.  Our six attorney firm exclusively practices community association law.  Visit our website located at and be sure to click on our “Legal Beat” newsletter where you can read our association law newsletters that we have been publishing for the past two decades.  While there, you can also learn more about the firm’s attorneys, see some of our TV appearances and read articles from around the country wherein attorneys at this firm have been asked to comment about association legal issues.



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Are Florida’s Board Member Courses….. Enough Education?

Are Florida’s Board Member Courses….. Enough Education?

  • Posted: Jun 22, 2020
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This weekend a Question was given to us, In this was the lengthy details of a Board that was acting like dictators imposing fines even circumventing the Florida Laws.

Now to be fair if Condo or HOA Docs already include Violations and Fining in their Buildings or on their properties then a Board may violate an owner or owners for the violations. Most do not! even with this every Board must abide by what is written in the Laws of Florida. Below and part of this article is an Article our Friends at the Cooperator published and hit the nail on the head with Boards Power and we feel Lack of Education! 

Condo owners often complain that their board doesn’t do enough, or that the board members aren’t involved as much as they would like in the administration and maintenance of their building. While a disinterested or apathetic board is certainly a problem, going to the other extreme can be just as bad…or maybe even worse. Board members who let their power go to their heads can be a liability to their building community on many levels, but of particular concern is a board that oversteps its bounds and intrudes on the privacy and agency of individual residents.

Understanding the boundaries and limitations of your power is something that every board member needs to realize or else trouble—including legal problems—can result.

Another Question came in: This Board ruled that Washers and Dryers are no longer allowed in the units, Even though there are areas in every unit where water hookup and venting has occurred in the past? The owner stated that there was NO owners vote and this was never placed into the Condo Docs….He did find, The Board made a deal with a company to place machines on each floor of a 14 story building and the board wants owners to use these machines to bring in money to help pay for these! So the board took a secreat Vote and approved this spending money of the owners with no vote!  He asked us is that legal?


Knowledge is Power

Balancing what is right and what is expected can be tricky for boards — so much so that sometimes, board members and non-board members alike wonder why people bother to serve in the first place.

“I always tell my fellow board members and clients that if you’re going to be on a board, you are basically a sacrificial lamb,” says Luigi Rosabianca, managing partner of the Manhattan-based law firm Rosabianca & Associates PLLC. “You don’t get paid for it, but by doing so you are providing a service to your building. It’s not only a way to protect your investment, but also your quality of life—but [board members] have to learn what being on a board means, and not to overstep their bounds.”

What can a board member really do about an ongoing noise complaint, for example? What sort of majority is needed if a vote in enacted to change something within the condo or co-op? Can a board impose rules regarding security or visitors?

Questions like these can usually be answered by reading the co-op or condo’s official governing documents, says Al Pennisi of the law firm of Pennisi Daniels & Norelli LLP in Rego Park. “The powers are designated in the corporate documents—the certificate of corporation and the bylaws—and some of the additional powers are listed in the offering plan and amended in the offering plan when it’s a co-op conversion. Primarily, it’s the corporate documents and enhanced by case law.”

It’s essential that anyone who is elected to their board read and understand what they can and cannot do as a board member.  “You need to do it with all the knowledge necessary,” Rosabianca says. “The first thing you need to do is read the offering plan or prospectus as well as the bylaws, which very specifically outline what the board’s powers and limitations are.”

In addition to the documents, a new board member can also get advice and instruction from those already involved in the process. “When someone new comes on, they get instruction from owners, management companies and other board members if they aren’t educated about those sort of things,” says David J. Byrne, a shareholder attorney with the law firm of Stark & Stark, with offices in New York and in New Jersey. “In a practical setting, they don’t always read the documents they should.”

Condos and co-ops have different rules, and their boards have very different powers. Even comparing co-op to co-op or condo to condo will find differences, so just because you served on the board of one building doesn’t mean your current board will operate exactly the same way. Your powers and limitations will be most likely be different on any board you serve.

“The power a board has in a co-op is different than that of a condo,” Pennisi says. “Co-op boards do have more power than condo boards because they control the use of the apartments, they control the sales and leases where in a condo, the unit owner can sell at his or her discretion. Condo boards have less power but both boards can make and enforce rules and regulation pursuant to the documents.”



Barging In

One of the chief complaints among residents who think their board has overstepped its bounds arises when someone—a super, handyman, or other building staff member—enters their home without permission, usually to check out something like a leak or electrical problem.

“With condos and co-ops you have classic communal living—and with communal living there are certain sacrifices that have to be made,” Rosabianca says. “You are conceding that your neighbors have certain rights to access common elements in the building, and that [building staff] may periodically need to access to your unit.”

Let’s say there is a leak in unit 4F that will affect the owner’s quality of life downstairs in 3F in not taken care of. If the owner in 4F can’t be reached to let building staff into the unit, it is reasonable to expect that the super or repair person will access the apartment to deal with the situation—with or without express permission from the owner of 4F. Upsetting as it might be to think of strangers entering one’s home without permission or supervision, that access is considered reasonable if it’s deemed necessary under the circumstances.

“I always use the ‘reasonableness standard,’” says Rosabianca, “which is vague, but most management companies are really well versed and know what to do and what not to do in situations like these. As a rule of thumb, you should ask, ‘Is this in the best interest of the building?’”

According to Pennisi, co-op documents require you to give the board access to your apartment to make repairs—but that’s not usually the case in condos.

“If there’s a leak in the walls [of your condo,] they just can’t go in and break the door down,” he says. “It has to be a bona fide emergency. If water is leaking under your door and the super or manager has tried calling you and they can’t get in touch with you, they have right to break in and make repairs. I always tell my boards to bring a witness and go in with a camera and take pictures of what the apartment looked like. Don’t go by yourself in case something is stolen and it’s your word against theirs.”


Feeling Secure

Security in buildings has become a tricky issue in recent years, and since most governing documents were written prior to current concerns about terrorism and other threats, boards sometimes enact security measures that some residents feel may go a bit too far. But does having an especially robust security program in a co-op building ever cross the line from “overzealous” into “invasion of privacy?”

“There could be ‘too much’ security in a practical way or an economical way but not really from a legal point of view,” says Byrne. “The boards probably have a pretty broad discretion to set rules on security, so although it might seem like they are overstepping their power, they aren’t really.”

Some boards feel it’s necessary to have cameras all over their building, a thorough ID check for all visitors, and building access controls that residents may feel are going too far. Some buildings require key code access or card access, and some use cameras to record people coming and going. While it’s fair to say that most residents get a certain peace-of-mind from knowing access to their building is tightly controlled, others find it intrusive, says Pennisi.

“People say, ‘You have no right to take my picture coming and going,’ or they object to having their Social Security number used as an ID” Pennisi continues. “But a number of courts have ruled that [building rules] supercede the individual’s right, because [buildings] have the right to know who’s coming and going. You can’t publish their information or show the videos, however. That would be going too far.”


Keeping Things Personal

When it comes to what boards and managers can do with any personal information they collect on building residents, civil rights and privacy laws have the final word. In short, boards and management are prohibited from making any of that information public.

Unfortunately however, “Things happen like that all the time,” says Rosabianca. “People make mistakes …most of the time it’s just errors, rather than fraud. I’m on a couple of boards where they distribute board applications to all board members, and they include a lot of personal details. You’d like to think that your board members are responsible with the information and will shred the information afterwards.”

If materials are being handled properly, Rosabianca continues, one copy of your personal information should be kept under lock and key at the manager’s office—and no one on the board should be distributing that information, or keeping copies for themselves. Some boards are even policing themselves in this respect by blacking out certain information on sensitive documents they see in the course of carrying out their duties to the building.

Though rare, there have been cases where board members have—either through negligence or ignorance—acted improperly with building information or money. Michael Crespo, president of Citadel Property Management Corp. in Manhattan, says he recently dealt with an unscrupulous treasurer.

“We recently had a situation where, in an effort to clear up the books of a building we’d just begun managing, we asked the board’s treasurer if it would be OK to send out two deposit checks that had been collected for [construction] work and move-in fees several years prior,” he says. “The deposits were clearly for a one-time item, and there really was no reason to keep holding on to them—they were just throwing off the balances, and we wanted to clean it up. The board’s treasurer suggested that we do a journal entry and make them ‘disappear.’”

Crespo says that after explaining that these were real deposits that were owed to shareholders, “The treasurer continued to press the issue and explained that he had done this type of thing at his job all the time. In either case, I explained that we know the difference between correcting a journal entry and sweeping someone’s money under the carpet. Needless to say, the shareholders in question (who were also on the board) wanted their money. We ended up cutting them a check.”



Power Hungry

While the vast majority of board members take their position in stride and are solely interested in doing what’s best for their building community, some board members do let authority go their head. Most managers and board attorneys have at least one or two stories about boards imposing ridiculous rules on their residents—regardless of whether they actually have the authority to do so.

“Boards do sometimes abuse their power,” Byrne says. “I’ve encountered boards that don’t actually have published rules, yet think they do. There are boards that set unreasonable restrictions on things, or think they have the power to charge residents fines when they don’t.”

Other examples of boards overstepping their bounds and abusing their position include members trying to get family members elected to the board or overseeing applications for people they know, or giving work contracts to friends or family.

“Those are the type of ‘wink-wink’ things you see,” Rosabianca says. “You really want to avoid these types of conflicts. If you are on a board, you should be above the fold. You shouldn’t be soiling your hand.”

Keeping a board in check and on the right side of propriety and the law could be something as simple as pointing out that more rules are not always better.

“We simply like to remind the boards that we deal with that when they implement excessive amounts of rules that infringe upon their neighbors, these rules will often come back to bite the people who created them,” Crespo says. “We’ve seen it time and again: a board puts practices into effect that are very difficult to enforce, and which the very people who implemented them are the ones who end up violating them the most. This is where we like to be the voice of reason. We ask that boards be realistic and use discretion, and ask if they would like these rules enforced upon them.”


An owner cannot be fined without first being given the opportunity to be heard. Before a fine is issued, the following must take place:

Steps for a Violation

  • Association/management identifies the violation.
  • Notice of violation sent to owner/resident via a hand delivery or certified mail.
  • Notice must contain the following:
  • Description of the violation
  • Authority in governing documents to cite the issue as a violation.
  • A picture may also be included in the notice.
  • The required time frame to correct the violation.
  • Disclosure of his/her 14-day right to be heard before the fining/grievance committee.
  • Alert fining committee of the violation sent and schedule a hearing.
  • Attend hearing and be prepared to listen to the owner’s stated defenses and/or explanation.
  • Send notice of final decision to owner/resident.
  • In this situation, it would seem that the association skipped or ignored the legal right of an owner to be heard before a fine is issued. The fine is not a legally imposed fine unless the above steps are taken.


We need more Education where Board Members who are controlling the best for each and every owner should have to be Licensed the same way as Building Managers are, or financial money managers! What to you think? 



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WEBINAR: GUEST RESTRICTIONS AND SCREENING by Kaye Bender Rembaum Today at 1pm Register Now..

WEBINAR: GUEST RESTRICTIONS AND SCREENING by Kaye Bender Rembaum Today at 1pm Register Now..

  • Posted: Jun 16, 2020
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Date(s) – 2020-06-16
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Pompano Beach Office

Course #: 9630142 | Provider #: 0005092  |  1 CE Credit in HR or ELEOne registrant per form will be accepted.
Limited to the first 100 to register


Online bookings are not available for this event.


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Online Courses for Licensing can be completed while your at home.

Online Courses for Licensing can be completed while your at home.

  • Posted: Jun 09, 2020
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Become a Licensed Property Manager

Online Courses for Licensing can be completed while your at home.

This might be a great time to Take your online Testing and become a CAM

CAM License Courses and Board Members Certification in Florida



In the state of Florida owners contract Services with a broker and a sales associate is an agent of the broker.

As you were thinking of starting up property Management Services sometimes working with a broker for sometime can help you create relationships with other sales associates in that office that can prove to be good referrals. If you’ve had your license for 5 years you would qualify to get your broker’s license and when you feel comfortable it may be a good time to transition to your own company or even a different franchise. the property management association is a good tool, there is an enormous amount of liability and property Management.



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Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

  • Posted: Jun 04, 2020
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Is This A Better Way to Conduct Board Meetings? | Axela Technologies

This Pandemic has been a horrific human tragedy, and by no means can there ever be a silver lining. At best, we’ve learned some lessons, and new ways of doing business have been established as viable.

One of these things that we have learned is how we can improve community association board of director meetings.


Some Lessons Learned from the Pandemic

Companies have learned that remote working does not degrade productivity and perhaps even improves it. I would expect that in the future that “hot bunking” work stations in offices will allow companies to hire more people without having to expand to a larger space.

From a community association perspective, the greatest thing that has been discovered is the unbelievable success of video conference meetings.


Problems With Traditional Board Meetings

I have been to my share of community association meetings and usually, there are two problems:

  1. The membership usually fails to understand that a board meeting is NOT their meeting. Membership meetings are one thing but board meetings are another.

    The membership is positioned as observers who may articulate their issues in an open forum at the beginning or end of the meetings.  Board meetings may allow for an open forum but seldom do members sit and wait their turn.  Instead, it is often the case that they interrupt their elected directors from conducting meetings. This takes people off subject and often leads to confrontations.

  2. Many meetings are scheduled at inconvenient times so that members cannot attend, and that is a very bad practice. Sometimes these meetings are scheduled by design to minimize attendance, and sometimes they are held during work hours when people simply cannot attend.


Digital Board Meetings Are Just Better

Video conference meetings allow all members of the association an opportunity to see their community association board of directors as work.

It has been quite an eye-opener. More than that, it has been a brilliant experience for me to see how an unruly gathering can be changed into an orderly business meeting.

If I had my choice this would be the only way to perform board meetings going forward.

One Potential Drawback

The only drawback is that there are people who don’t have the technical skill or equipment to be able to participate in such a meeting.

My dear 92-year-old mother would love to have a computer but I won’t get her one until she figures out the remote control. I’ve done everything I can to help her learn, but mastery eludes her.

Getting people with limited technology experience to be able to attend will be the challenge if meetings go completely digital.

I invite suggestions.


Digital Meetings Are Better for Everyone

Regarding the first problem of unruly and disruptive meetings, a video conference has the best feature and it’s called a mute button. (My wife has been trying to get one for my big mouth for years, but I digress.)

In the past three months and countless meetings, I have never experienced such orderly, productive meetings, and considering these difficult times it has been a Godsend.

  • The board gets to conduct their meetings without being interrupted by members who come with personal agendas and the agenda is adhered to.
  • The members can be heard loud and clear during the open forum portion of the meeting, so they are not ignored or interrupted.
  • The administrator can record the meeting for prosperity, and minutes can then be properly composed.

It’s a perfect way to conduct board meetings and produce very effective results. This Pandemic has been tragic, but this is one small lesson or process that we can now say was an unintended benefit of a very unfortunate situation.



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