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WHY THE DIFFERENCES?  By Eric Glazer, Esq.


  • Posted: Nov 03, 2022
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

At a time when it would make sense for the condo and HOA laws to become easier to learn, they are becoming harder.  Much has to do with why in the world are there such differences between the condo and HOA statutes?  It’s actually ridiculous.  For example:

  1. In order to get access to the official records, why does the condo statute allow access if the owner asks for access in writing while the HOA statute requires the owner to request access by certified mail return receipt requested?
  2. Why does the condo statute require condos with 150 units or more to have a website, while an HOA with 150 units or more does not require a website?
  3. Why does the HOA statute allow voting by proxy but the condo statute doesn’t and requires a very strict way of performing the election?
  4. Why do HOA documents expire after thirty years, but the condo declaration never expires?
  5. Why is competitive bidding required in a condo if the amount at issue is 5% of the budget but competitive bidding is required in an HOA if the amount at issue is 5% of the budget?
  6. Why in an HOA, if the owners amend the declaration to prohibit rental terms of less than six months or 3 times in a calendar year, that amendment applies to everyone, even those who did not vote in favor of the amendment ———- however that same amendment would not apply to those who specifically did not vote in favor of the amendment in a condo?
  7. Why does the condo statute require a 75% vote of the owners in order to make a material alteration, yet the HOA statute does not mention material alterations?
  8. Why as of January 1st, 2025 are condominiums required to reserve funds for all portions of the common elements but HOAs are not?

There are more, but you get the point.  There are no reasons of which I’m aware as to why these statutes are different for condos and HOAs, yet they continue to exist.  At a time when it’s confusing enough to learn the laws, The Florida Legislature should amend the statutes so that the laws are the same and fair across the Board, regardless of whether you live in a condo or HOA.


Condominium Unit Owner Insurance The Risks of Not Purchasing Insurance For Your Condominium Unit

Condominium Unit Owner Insurance The Risks of Not Purchasing Insurance For Your Condominium Unit

  • Posted: Nov 03, 2022
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Condominium Unit Owner Insurance

The Risks of Not Purchasing Insurance For Your Condominium Unit

Do you think you do not need condominium insurance because your condominium association has it? You would be so very wrong if you do! It has happened more times than I can count—the supply line that feeds the toilet ruptures in the upstairs unit while the owner of the unit is out of town, the upstairs unit owner forgot that he or she started to fill the tub and it overflows, or the upstairs unit owner ignores a broken toilet, all of which result in water flowing down into the unit below. Next thing you know, the remediation workers arrive and start ripping out the soaked, damaged drywall in the units below and after cutting holes in the drywall use their industrial-sized blowers to dry things out to prevent mold.

Meanwhile, the downstairs unit owners want to have a “word” with the upstairs unit owner to discuss who is going to pay for the repairs. They demand a copy of the upstairs unit owner’s insurance policy. The owner of the upstairs unit where the leak occurred smiles and explains, “The condominium association has insurance. They’ll take care of it.” Right? Wrong! Even if the condominium association has the duty of repair to portions of the damaged property, typically the damaged common elements, the upstairs unit owner is not off the hook because both the condominium association and its insurance company can often “subrogate” their financial damages against the upstairs unit owner and so, too, can the downstairs unit owners and their insurance companies. At the end of the day, the upstairs owner who caused the damages could have significant financial liability. (In plain English, to “subrogate” a claim means that one party goes after the other for their financial damages for having caused the damage in the first place.)

So, now that I have your attention, most especially if you are a unit owner who does not have insurance for your unit—in the example described above, not only can the upstairs unit owner bear significant financial liability, but even their condominium unit is at risk of being foreclosed to satisfy a judgment against them—and there is no homestead protection! Because the upstairs unit owner decided not to purchase insurance, he could actually lose his unit in a foreclosure. The following explanation is why:

By way of oversimplification, the Condominium Act, more specifically, §718.111(11)(f), Florida Statutes, requires the condominium association to insure everything that the unit owner is not responsible to insure. The unit owner is responsible to insure

all personal property within the unit or limited common elements, and floor, wall, and ceiling coverings, electrical fixtures, appliances, water heaters, water filters, built-in cabinets and countertops, and window treatments, including curtains, drapes, blinds, hardware, and similar window treatment components, or replacements of any of the foregoing which are located within the boundaries of the unit and serve only such unit…  the association is not obligated to pay for any reconstruction or repair expenses due to property loss to any improvements installed by a current or former owner of the unit or by the developer if the improvement benefits only the unit for which it was installed and is not part of the standard improvements installed by the developer on all units as part of original construction, whether or not such improvement is located within the unit.

But, however, the unit owner’s insurance policy, typically referred to as an “HO-6 policy,” not only includes coverage for the items set forth above plus other personal items, but also includes liability coverage for having caused damages to the condominium property.

§718.111(11)(j)1–2, Florida Statutes, makes patently clear that

A unit owner is responsible for the costs of repair or replacement of any portion of the condominium property not paid by insurance proceeds if such damage is caused by intentional conduct, negligence, or failure to comply with the terms of the declaration or the rules of the association by a unit owner, the members of his or her family, unit occupants, tenants, guests, or invitees, without compromise of the subrogation rights of the insurer.

The provisions… regarding the financial responsibility of a unit owner for the costs of repairing or replacing other portions of the condominium property also apply to the costs of repair or replacement of personal property of other unit owners or the association, as well as other property, whether real or personal, which the unit owners are required to insure. (emphasis added.)

Furthermore, also pursuant to §718.111(11)(g)2, Florida Statutes

unit owners are responsible for the cost of reconstruction of any portions of the condominium property for which the unit owner is required to carry property insurance [set out above], or for which the unit owner is responsible, and the cost of any such reconstruction work undertaken by the association is chargeable to the unit owner and enforceable as an assessment and may be collected in the manner provided for the collection of assessments pursuant to § 718.116, Fla. Stat. (emphasis added.)

§718.116, Florida Statutes, is the unit fore-closure section of the Condominium Act which explains the steps necessary to foreclose against an owner’s unit for failing to pay assessments.

In condominium living, the general rule is that the party who has the duty of purchasing insurance for a particular portion of the condominium property also has the primary duty to repair the damages to such portion regardless of fault (unless the condominium association has opted out of that regime by a vote of the unit owners, which is a rarity). But, simply because the condominium association has insurance and may have that primary duty of repair after the insurable casualty event, that does not mean that the negligent unit owner that caused the damage will not be the primary target for reimbursement for expenses incurred by the condominium association’s insurance company or by the condominium association for its deductible and related expenses. The same concept applies for the downstairs unit owners, who could seek reimbursement from the upstairs unit owner for any necessary expense incurred because the upstairs unit owner was negligent.

There are typically two parts to the HO-6 insurance policy, the primary coverage for personal losses and the other for liability coverage. Condominium associations should consider amending their declaration to require every unit owner to have both personal and liability coverage, and at a minimum, liability coverage. Your condominium association should discuss this requirement with the condominium association’s insurance agent as well as review the possibility of amending the declaration of condominium with legal counsel.

Anytime a condominium association experiences a casualty event, in addition to reporting the claim to the insurance carrier, usually through the condominium association’s insurance agent, the condominium association should be in touch with its legal counsel to explore all the different aspects necessary to both repair and reimburse the condominium association for its financial losses. At the end of the day, owning a condominium unit and not having purchased insurance is similar to taking a rowboat out on a rough sea day without life preservers.

Kaye Bender Rembaum, Attorneys at Law

The law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum, with its 20 lawyers and offices in Broward, Palm Beach and Hillsborough Counties, is a full service law firm devoted to the representation of more than 1,200 community and commercial associations, developers, and their members throughout the State of Florida. Under the direction of attorneys Robert L. Kaye, Michael S. Bender and Jeffrey A. Rembaum, the law firm of Kaye Bender Rembaum strives to provide its clients with an unparalleled level of personalized and professional service that takes into account their clients’ individual needs and financial concerns.

1st Choice Restoration Consultant Inc./dba Roofing Team. An SFPMA Member, Licensed and Insured Roofing Contractor in the State of Florida.

1st Choice Restoration Consultant Inc./dba Roofing Team. An SFPMA Member, Licensed and Insured Roofing Contractor in the State of Florida.

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Meet Eduardo Mondragon, the President of 1st Choice Restoration Consultant Inc./dba Roofing Team. An SFPMA Member and Licensed and Insured Roofing Contractor in the State of Florida.

This introduction is to let you learn more about our goal to working with the property management, condo and hoa’s to provide you our services.

We have a lot of experience accumulated over 30 years in the construction sector and specialized in Roofing. My crews are bilingual. I am located on Palm Beach, We do all phases of roofing like repairs, re-roofing, new construction roofing and roof maintenance.

1 Choice Restoration Consultant Inc

Roofing, Waterproofing & Stone and Building Restoration

Our corporate experience and the individual skill of our superintendents and tradesmen are keys to a successful job. We know what materials and techniques will yield the highest performance for your specific conditions and budgets. We advise clients on the methods most appropriate for cost and time savings. The best evidence of our successful craftsmanship is the long list of repeat customers, owners, contractors and construction managers who invite us to work on their projects.

Our strength is in our ability to address any situation presented. Whether it is development and completion of yearly maintenance plans, or the complete structural restoration of a structure, we have the knowledge, ability, and manpower required. Our knowledge and experience allows us to work hand in hand with owners, operators, and engineers in the development and implication of project budgets, repair techniques, and high-quality on-time repairs.

Learn more and please contact us for your roofing projects.


Eduardo Mondragon
Roofing Team dba 1st Choice Restoration Consultant Inc.
561-929-4329 Office
561-889-6520 Cell
407-779-8306 Cell
561-258-8205 Fax
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The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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By Jan Bergemann

Finally the Florida Legislature got the message they should have gotten 20 years ago: FULLY FUNDED RESERVES ARE MANDATORY!

And even if the legislature gave condo owners a reprieve until December 2025, condo owners should start now to consider their options:

Will they be able to afford the much higher maintenance fees they will have to pay monthly in the future or will these much higher fees break their household budget?

Let’s just face it: For most of the years past condo owners waived reserves in order to keep maintenance fees artificially low – meaning that many of the associations at this point don’t have any reserves worth talking about. Remember: According to media reports the Champlain Tower South had only $700,000 in reserves, but needed about $16M to pay for the necessary repairs.

That will have to change real fast and the fact that many of the required inspections will have to be followed up by costly repairs and maintenance high special assessments are on the horizon for many hi-rise buildings (buildings higher than three floors).

As much as this change to the Florida statutes was long overdue it will definitely price quite a few families out of their homes. But in all reality there is really no other way around it and the fact that many condo owners used the loophole in the statutes that allowed waiving the funding of reserves is now coming back to haunt the owners who in former times dismissed the idea of funding reserves.

We already see condo owners protesting against boards about the problems that are visible in these buildings. The big question in these cases: Does the association have the necessary funds to take care of the needed maintenance and repairs or are the owners willing and able to pay the special assessment the board might have to levy in order to pay for the contractor?

The mandatory funding of all the required reserve funds will make living in these hi-rises very interesting in the next two years – and we will have to see how strong the government agencies tasked with overseeing these new provisions in FS 718 are enforcing these provisions.

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Look for our article upcoming on Condo Funds and Investments, on SFPMA

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We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services.

We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services.

  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
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Valcourt Building Services


We are Valcourt Building Services, the premier provider for waterproofing, window cleaning, and restoration services. With over 30 years of experience, we’ve performed tens of thousands of repairs and maintenance on the complete building envelope. So no matter what your building requires, we have the knowledge and expertise for all of your exterior maintenance needs.

Founded in 1986, we have grown from a single-operating company serving the Washington, D.C. area into one of the largest exterior maintenance companies in the nation. We maintain offices in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Each of our offices has a strong local staff with decades of experience in the industry — and our corporate team backs them all with resources and best practices to ensure we’re operating at the highest level in every market.


The Leader in Building Envelope Solutions

If you have a commercial property in the Florida/Southeast US market, Valcourt is the premier provider for all your restoration needs. As a specialty contractor that has been waterproofing and restoring commercial building exteriors for over 30 years, we know the issues inside and out.

We specialize in servicing the complete building envelope with a full range of services, including facade restoration and repair, garage restoration and repair, plaza deck restoration and repair, and more.

President Paul Alliston leads a full-service team with departments dedicated to operations, safety, sales, administration, and customer service. Our team is composed of employees at all levels of our organization who are experts in the building restoration and waterproofing industries; from management to our field superintendents, many of whom have been with Valcourt for over 10 years.

So give us a call and experience firsthand why thousands of property managers and building owners choose Valcourt Building Services every year.


“We have been able to partner with Valcourt on exterior restoration and enhancement projects at multiple locations around the country. Their organization, professionalism, and communication has been spot on for each project. I especially appreciate their team approach to business and attention to detail. We’ve been able to work hand in hand seamlessly to provide an end product for facility owners that meets their goals of improving their facility image.”
 -John Ketenbrink, LMH Architecture

Antonio Posadas
Valcourt Building Services
Business Development Manager
Florida Office: 941-747-7277

4 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Security System Upgrade

4 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Security System Upgrade

  • Posted: Oct 17, 2022
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4 Signs It’s Time to Consider a Security System Upgrade


Is your security system equipped to help you monitor your property on a 24/7 basis? If you are fortunate enough that your facility still has the same security needs as when you initially installed your security system, and that system hasn’t been rendered obsolete in recent years, it could still cause issues in the future.

Consider your computer— a five year old PC is likely to experience issues such as freezing, crashing programs, or slow operation. Your business’s security system can develop similar issues over time, and if your system experiences a major error and needs to be rebooted, your property may be left defenseless.

Security technicians may be able to help maintain older systems, yet there may come a time when it is more cost effective to invest in a full system upgrade.

Older security systems are tied to a variety of issues that prevent property owners from efficiently securing the building; however, modern security systems offer exclusive benefits and new features. Security technology has developed exponentially in the past decade, enabling users to add more effective features like access control, HD security cameras,  automated alerts and schedules and other remote monitoring features.

Installing a new system that incorporates these features will bring efficiency to security management, helping to increase productivity and improve your bottom line.

Remember: your business security system isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool; rather, it’s crucial to keep up with routine maintenance and stay up to date on the latest trends and innovations.

This post examines four factors that signal it may be time to begin researching a security system upgrade. 

Your Security Camera System Can’t Accommodate Change

Older security camera systems were not built to accommodate change. If you find yourself struggling to try and make angles or shots work for your surveillance needs instead of adding additional devices, it may be time to upgrade your basic system. Modern IP based system hooked up to commercial grade servers can allow you to expand as your needs grow to add cameras and additional monitoring devices.


Alarm System Doesn’t Allow for Remote Control

As we mentioned earlier, security technology is rapidly evolving: products that were considered “top-of-the-line” five years ago are now obsolete. If you purchased a hard-wired alarm system years ago, you may not be able to control it remotely, meaning that it doesn’t have access or sensors for the locks, leaving your property vulnerable.

Large security software and hardware manufacturers continuously release updates that are designed to make the system more efficient and burglar proof.

Smart locks are a great modern tool to improve security, as users can access them remotely without the use of a key. Smart locks work even when the power is out and they cannot be jammed


Property Features Low-Resolution Security Cameras

Camera quality is imperative for efficient property surveillance, making the difference between catching the criminals and losing all the evidence. Many property owners initially install security cameras to recognize and deter potential criminals, so if you have a low-resolution camera that produces grainy images, you’re sabotaging your chances of apprehending the criminals.

High-definition video quality isn’t just important for your home entertainment system: the same technology comes is incredibly useful for surveillance. With the availability of the high-resolution cameras, there’s little you reason to hold on to your old system.


Surveillance System Is Lacking Remote Monitoring Capabilities

In recent years smart phones and tablets have advanced to be able to track your workouts, diet, and finances, so why shouldn’t you be able to track your building’s security as well? Having a video management system that you can access and control remotely not only reduces response times in the event of a break-in but also helps to eliminate the need for around-the-clock security officers.

From an operations standpoint, having 24/7 access to view your business allows you to plan around weather conditions, monitor traffic patterns, and assess employee efficiency. Frankly, not having that option puts your business at a disadvantage in the competitive marketplace.

Is your building’s security hinged on outdated security technology? Schedule a no-cost property evaluation and we’ll assess how an updated system can improve your property’s security.

EVENT: Jeffrey Rembaum (KBR Legal) will lead a substantive review of Bill SB-4D (Condo & Cooperative building safety) on October 17th

EVENT: Jeffrey Rembaum (KBR Legal) will lead a substantive review of Bill SB-4D (Condo & Cooperative building safety) on October 17th

  • Posted: Oct 17, 2022
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Jeffrey Rembaum will lead a substantive review of Bill SB-4D

(Condo & Cooperative building safety) on October 17th.

Please see the flyer for details and share with anyone who will benefit from this.

The link to RSVP is:


Bill SB-4D Has Passed…Now What? A Panel Discussion

In May of 2022 new building safety legislation was passed during a special session. Join us for this important informational discussion as Jeffrey Rembaum, Esq. BCS of Kaye Bender Rembaum will provide a substantive review of Bill SB-4D. Attendees will learn about the history of the bill, how your association is affected and what you may need to do.

Other professionals on hand will include Nicole Johnson-Pendergrass & William Kilgallon (Haferco CPAs & Consultants), Jayme Gelfand, PCAM (Truist Bank), Rudy Martin (m2e Consulting Engineers) and Brian Street (Castle Group).

Note: This webinar is for informational purposes only and does not contain CE credit for CAMS.

Learn more on the New Website on the State of Florida PMA website. 

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Important Hurricane Ian Recovery Information from the Falcon Emergency Service Team 

Important Hurricane Ian Recovery Information from the Falcon Emergency Service Team 

  • Posted: Oct 10, 2022
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Engineers • Architects • Drone Services • Capital Reserve Specialists • Energy Consultants • Litigation Experts

Important Hurricane Ian Recovery Information from the Falcon Emergency Service Team 

In the event your home or business has suffered storm damage as a result of Hurricane Ian, The Falcon Group is here to help. The Falcon Group has been in business for over 25 years with extensive experience in post-disaster recovery. As one of South Florida’s largest forensic engineering and restoration engineering firms with over 40 local engineers, architects, and technical staff in South Florida, we have strategically-located offices in St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach, and Miami ready to mobilize. Falcon has successfully worked with numerous clients (commercial, residential, legal, public adjusters) and assisted in recovery of claims in excess of $500 million throughout South Florida.

The Falcon team can also provide the following services:

Emergency Damage Infrastructure Evaluations

Windstorm and Flooding Safety Evaluations, as per ATC

Structural Damage Assessments

Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV Drone) Inspections of roofing, and visible structures

Sea Wall Inspections

Building Envelope Evaluations

Insurance Causation Reports

The Falcon team of engineers, forensic experts, and drone pilots are standing by to fully assist you in navigating through the difficult claims, analysis, and rebuilding process.

You can reach our disaster recovery experts at 813-438-3568:

Sinisa Kolar, P.E., FBRSE – Principal

William Pyznar, P.E. – Principal


1211 1st Avenue, N., Suite 300

St. Petersburg, FL 33705

(813) 438-3568

15405 NW 7th Avenue

Miami, FL 33169

(305) 663-1970

5651 Corporate Way, Suite 4

West Palm Beach, FL 33407

(561) 290-0504

