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Event: “Ask the Experts” Thursdays  Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

Event: “Ask the Experts” Thursdays Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

  • Posted: Mar 02, 2023
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Ask the Experts’ Thursdays

Live on the first Thursday of each month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm Eastern

Attorney Robert Kaye answers your community association-related questions on this monthly addition.

Do you have questions about your condominium, homeowners’ or cooperative association? Get your questions answered live on-air, anytime during the show!

The new number is: 561-623-9429

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d) It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d) It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

  • Posted: Mar 02, 2023
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Florida Condo Building Inspections (SB4d)

It’s a confusing time for everyone affected, and we can all use some extra clarity.

Florida state legislature took swift action to implement inspection reform to mitigate the risk of a similar tragedy in the future. As of May 27th, 2022, Florida passed several laws to keep building safer in the state by requiring specific inspections and funding mechanisms. These new Florida condo laws mean significant changes for building owners across Florida, all within a relatively short time.


  • Under the new legislation, a licensed engineer or architect must visually evaluate condominiums older than 30 years, or 25 years if the building is within 3 miles of the shore, and every 10 years thereafter.


  • A secondary inspection will be required if there is evidence of significant structural damage.


  • The new rule also mandates that condo organizations review their reserve money every ten years to ensure that they can cover substantial repairs.


This is a great Video to start your education on SB-4D

Milestone Inspections

Addition of F.S. 533.889 – Milestone Inspections


What buildings does this law affect, and what does the new law say? 

Structural inspections are now mandatory for condominium and cooperative buildings that are 3 stories or greater in height.


What do I have to do?

Have a Milestone Inspection performed when a building is 30 years old and every ten years after the initial inspection. If your building is within 3 miles of the coastline, a Milestone Inspection must be performed when the building is 25 years old and every ten years after the initial inspection.


What else do I need to know about this inspection? 

The purpose is to verify the safety and adequacy of the structural components of the building. There are two possible phases of this Milestone Inspection. If you pass the first, you don’t need the second. If you don’t pass the first, you’re required to have the second performed, which is much more extensive.

Phase 1is a visual examination and qualitative assessment. Ideally, this will be all you have to complete.

Phase 2is a full assessment of distress to determine if the building is structurally sound and safe for its intended use. The inspector is to recommend a program for complete evaluation and repair of distressed and damaged portions of the building.

On SFPMA.COM find the top rated engineers for your SB-4D Inspections.

A Florida Licensed Engineer or Architect must perform both phases of this Milestone Inspection.

Find the Top rated Engineers on our State of Florida Members Directory. Members are located all over Florida, Boards, Managers, Owners, Investors can view our open directory and find these companies to start the Inspections.


When is the deadline?

If your building is over 30 years old (or 25 if you’re within 3 miles of the coast), you must complete this inspection by December 31st, 2024.


We at SFPMA recommend you know about this new Florida condo law?

Don’t wait to get started on this. If you act now, you can likely avoid a Phase 2 inspection by correcting any items that might force you into a Phase 2, before the December 31st, 2024 date. Those who wait may be forced into a more expensive Phase 2 can’t make necessary repairs in time. (*If a building is less than 3 miles from the coastline, these inspections start at year 25). 

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JUST WALK AWAY  – By Eric Glazer, Esq.

JUST WALK AWAY – By Eric Glazer, Esq.


By Eric Glazer, Esq.

I was recently watching an interview of a black belt in karate.  In addition he was built like The Hulk.  He started to say what he does when someone curses him out and even challenges him to a fight.  I was certainly expecting him to describe how he turns others into rubble.  On the contrary, he said that whenever he finds himself in that position, instead of fighting back, he simply walks away.  To say I was originally surprised is an understatement.  I mean this guy could pulverize any opponent.  Instead, he chooses to just walk away.

He spelled out why.  If he beats someone up he faces both criminal and civil charges.  And for what?  Because some dope said a few nasty words about him?  Much better to just walk away from any situation that allows for it.  Wow, I was impressed by this guy’s brain, not just his muscle.

It got me to thinking about my career in condominium and HOA law.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing board members and unit owners verbally go at each other.  How much time in my life did I spend hearing unit or homeowners argue with other unit or homeowners?  It’s ridiculous.

In none of these arguments was anything accomplished whatsoever.  They were all a waste of time for those arguing and everyone who unfortunately had to listen to the nonsense.  I’ve seen physical fights break out and even walkers and canes fly through the air.  And for what?  What was accomplished?  Nothing.

So, board members, unit owners, home owners and even managers, I’m talking to you.  Next time someone is looking for a fight, do what the karate guy does, walk away.  It will probably drive the other person crazy.


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AQUATIC PEST CONTROL- Allstate Resource Management offers full service larvicide spraying and/or briquette treatments

AQUATIC PEST CONTROL- Allstate Resource Management offers full service larvicide spraying and/or briquette treatments

  • Posted: Mar 01, 2023
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Allstate Resource Management offers full service larvicide spraying and/or briquette treatments to attack the insect’s breeding ground.
We can also stock lakes and ponds with mosquitofish which is a long term biological control method that is also environmentally sensitive. There is nothing like mosquito bites to take the fun out of water related activities.
There are many weapons in the war against these types of pests!
Call us today for a free quote!


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ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

ZOOM: All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall w/Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)

  • Posted: Feb 24, 2023
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All About Insurance | Juno Beach Town Hall

9:00 am-11:00 am 02/24/2023

Juno Beach Town Hall
340 Ocean Dr, Juno Beach, FL 33408, USA

Coffee, Registration and Networking 9:00am | Seminar begins at 9:30am

To attend at the venue: RSVP to (302)588-3104 or email

Attend via Zoom: Click HERE

The marketplace for insurance – Why are companies leaving Florida or choosing not to insure? What is the role of Citizen’s Insurance?

What is in the recent legislation that is helpful to condo associations and HOAs?  Is there more legislation looming?  How does helping the insurers help owners and associations?

Which upgrades to your facilities will positively impact on an insurer’s willingness to insure your association?


  • Jeffrey A. Rembaum, Esq, BCS (Kaye Bender Rembaum)
  • Chris Banker, President (Patriot Insurance)
  • Steven Mock, Risk Manager (Brown and Brown Insurance)


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RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS?  By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog

RECOGNITION OF PRESIDENTS? By Jan Bergemann on Condo and HOA Blog

  • Posted: Feb 24, 2023
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By Jan Bergemann on Condo HOA Blog

I know that there are many good presidents who are working hard for the good of the community, keep open books and openly communicate with the members of the association.

But then there are lots of presidents, drunk with power and full of themselves. You wouldn’t believe the many ugly stories I’m hearing daily about presidents behaving like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler or Fidel Castro. With the help of greedy attorneys and community association managers they create dictatorships that make living in community associations a living nightmare. They are even willing to ignore arbitration and court rulings and continue their evil doings even after being officially removed by elections or recalls. They are even willing to waste the association’s money on ridiculous appeals court filings.

The real reason why this can even happen in a so-called “civilized” country like the USA: The unwillingness of our government to enforce the many laws legislators create every year.

Many of these laws turn out to be just a waste of paper because too many of the so-called “specialized” community association attorneys are willing to help these dictatorial presidents to circumvent these laws, telling owners, who stand up at meetings to challenge actions of the board that violate the laws, to “sit down and shut up since they don’t have the money to sue the board anyway”!

Living in a community association isn’t something you can just enjoy by not participating, willing to ignore to happenings in the neighborhood until it’s too late. Apathy of owners allows these dictatorships to be created in the first place. Don’t let apathy destroy your community.


Jan Bergemann

Jan Bergemann is president of Cyber Citizens For Justice, Florida ‘s largest state-wide property owners’ advocacy group. CCFJ works on legislation to help owners living in community  associations. He moved to Florida in 1995 – hoping to retire. He moved into a HOA, where the developer cheated the homeowners and used the association dues for his own purposes. End of retirement!

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  • Posted: Feb 24, 2023
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By Rafael Aquino

Community associations often face challenges and issues requiring prompt attention and resolution. Whether it’s handling maintenance and repair needs, managing common areas, or addressing resident concerns, community associations need to work with the right partners to ensure that matters are resolved promptly and effectively.

Here are a few reasons why Florida community associations need to work with the right partners:

  1. Ensuring Quality Work

One of the most important reasons to work with the right partners is to ensure that the work performed is high quality. Whether hiring a landscaper or a maintenance technician, working with reliable and experienced professionals will help ensure that the work is done properly and to the association’s satisfaction.

  1. Saving Time and Money

Another reason to work with the right partners is to save time and money. By working with partners with a proven track record of delivering quality work, community associations can avoid hiring additional contractors or redoing work incorrectly done the first time. This can save the association time and money in the long run.

  1. Minimizing Risk and Liability

Working with the right partners can minimize risk and liability. This is especially important for community associations, as they maintain and manage common areas that all residents use. By working with licensed, insured, and experienced partners, associations can minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and other liabilities arising from improper maintenance or repairs.

  1. Improving Communication

Working with the right partners can also help to improve Communication within the community. When community associations work with reliable partners, residents can be assured that their concerns and needs are being addressed in a timely and effective manner. This can improve resident satisfaction and create a more harmonious community.

In conclusion, working with the right partners is essential for Florida community associations to ensure that their needs and the needs of their residents are met. By providing quality work, saving time and money, minimizing risk and liability, and improving Communication, community associations can create a safe, attractive, and enjoyable community for all residents. So, it’s important to take the time to research and choose the right partners to work with for the success of the community.

As the Co-Founder and CEO of Affinity Management Services, Rafael P. Aquino leads his team to redefine excellence. They serve community associations efficiently and effectively with dedication and passion.


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Join SFPMA Members and others on Wednesday, February 22, for the Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo.

Join SFPMA Members and others on Wednesday, February 22, for the Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo.

  • Posted: Feb 13, 2023
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Join us on Wednesday, February 22, for the Palm Beach Condo & HOA Expo.

This one-day event is an opportunity to network with industry experts, browse the latest products and services, and learn how to better manage and maintain your Condo or HOA. Learn more at

Board Members, Managers Sign up for the Seminars and educate yourself then bring back what you learned to the Building Owners.


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