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Commercial Roof Maintenance in South Florida by PSI Roofing

Commercial Roof Maintenance in South Florida by PSI Roofing

Commercial Roof Maintenance in South Florida

by PSI Roofing / Paulo Souza ,Poul Folkersen

Each year, millions of dollars are wasted on unnecessary roof replacement due to lack of ongoing maintenance.  90% of early roof failures are caused by lack of proper roof maintenance.  Small leaks can cause extensive damage to the interior of your building as well as the roof system itself and may not be detected for some time.  Regular maintenance can prevent unforeseen costs and extend the life of your roof by up to 30%.

The best way to extend the life of your roof is to have a roofing company perform regular roof inspections and maintenance.  All roofing manufacturers require regular inspections and maintenance to maintain coverage.  Regular inspections can also prevent costly problems from issues not covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee. Such as damage from vandalism, damage done to the roof by other contractors, or structural deterioration.  PSI Roofing provides roof maintenance in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas. We offer one, three and five year warranties on your new roof to take care of any outstanding problems not covered by the manufacturer.

Leak-Free Guarantee With Our Annual Roof Maintenance Program

right new commercial roof for your propertyWhen PSI Roofing performs your annual roof maintenance, we can lock in your cost and provide a watertight leak free guarantee. This guarantee will cover any repairs that are needed during the term of your maintenance program.

What Else Can PSI Roofing Do For You?

Our team will perform a roof inspection report and generate a survey report with preventative maintenance and the recommended scope of work which will greatly prolong the life of your roof.

The weather and harsh elements in the South Florida area will wear on your roof system.  PSI will provide solutions such as applying a reflective coating or re-graveling bare areas, which will protect your roof from additional deterioration and therefore extending the life of your roof.


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  • Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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By Eric Glazer, Esq.

In a word — YES. Are all these new laws really necessary?  In a word –YES.  This is all happening due to a complete lack of foresight and planning by The Florida Legislature.  Mandatory Reserves and Mandatory Inspections should always have been the law.  I urged The Florida Legislature in May of 2018 to make reserves mandatory.  Instead they waited for a building to collapse and for 98 people to die before making these common sense laws.  Of course a building should require an inspection after 25 or 30 years.  Of course a building should be required to make necessary repairs to prevent a potential collapse.  Of course a building should be required to put away money each month for future repairs.  Of course that amount should be determined by a professional architect or engineer and not an unqualified board member who has a financial interest in the outcome of the reserve study. These laws should have been required thirty years ago, as building started to boom.  Instead however, The Florida Legislature always caved to the developer lobby in order to keep the cost of living in a condominium artificially cheap, and the sale of units flowing.  Now, because these laws were not in place thirty years ago, current condominium owners have a lot of catching up to do financially to pay for the sins of the past.


The days of a couple or a widower from up north retiring to a high rise condominium in Florida if their sole income is social security are done and over.  That cannot happen anymore.  They need to look for a condominium less than three stories in height that has some reserves put away.


If your condominium is at least 30 years old and is 6 stories or higher, has no fire sprinklers or  Engineered life safety system, has not yet undergone a Mandatory Phase One and Phase Two Inspection, has not made the repairs required by those inspections and has no reserves in the bank, you are now forced to either sell your condominium unit immediately or pay massive special assessments that you may not be able to afford, or even come close to affording it.


On the flip side, if your condominium is at least 30 years old and is 6 stories or higher, and already has fire sprinklers or  an Engineered life safety system, has already undergone a Mandatory Phase One and Phase Two Inspection, has already made the necessary repairs, and is fully funding reserves, you have little to nothing to worry about.  Your monthly assessments should remain where they are, give or take the increases in insurance that are simply astronomical.


Developers are waiting to pounce.  They are focusing their attention on those condominium at least 30 years old and are 6 stories or higher, but has no fire sprinklers or Engineered life safety system, has not yet undergone a Mandatory Phase One and Phase Two Inspection, and has not made the repairs that will be required by those inspections and has no reserves in the bank.  Developers will be approaching the Boards of these condominiums with offers to buy everyone’s unit for a certain price.  You will either consent to selling or have to pay the costs for all these inspections, repairs and funding of reserves.  For many there will be no choice at all.  They will have to sell and somehow find housing elsewhere.


Like everything else, the poor people or even the average workers who had saved up enough money for a down payment on their condo and proudly purchased their unit, they will get hit the hardest.  In reality, in upper class buildings, they were either putting reserve money aside all along, or worse comes to worse they can stroke a check for these increased costs.  They’re OK.


This will take years to sort out.  Some condos simply won’t be able to comply with the new laws and the owners will sell out to a developer.  Some condominiums will opt not to sell and pass massive special assessments and/or borrow the money from a bank.  Either way their expenses are going up.  Many associations will be foreclosing on many of their owners who can’t afford these special assessments.  I can tell you that even before these massive changes go into effect, foreclosures are already on the rise, simply due to nearly $6.00 per gallon of gasoline and out of control food prices.  These new laws will start what I believe will be a tremendous increase in foreclosures, perhaps as bad as 2007 and 2008.  Yet, all of it is necessary.  You can’t allow buildings not to get inspected, you can’t allow building not to get fixed, you can’t allow buildings not to have fire safety measures and you can’t allow buildings to deliberately waive a requirement to put funds away each month for future structural repairs.


The Band Aid was ripped off in one shot.  As a result, Florida condominiums and their owners will have some tough financial times ahead.  There will definitely be gentrification in some neighborhoods.  The look, feel and face of Florida will change going forward.  If only these measures were passed when these buildings were being built so people would not be forced out of their homes today.  There simply was no foresight and now the change won’t be smooth and gradual, but will be difficult and immediate.  And yet, there’s no other way to go.  A collapse like Champlain Towers can never happen again.


Don’t Forget Qualifying Business Meals at Restaurants Are 100% Deductible This Year!

Don’t Forget Qualifying Business Meals at Restaurants Are 100% Deductible This Year!

  • Posted: Jul 14, 2022
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Don’t Forget Qualifying Business Meals at Restaurants Are 100% Deductible This Year!

So, what is a qualifying meal and who can deduct it?
Business meals are only deductible by the business. This includes partnerships, corporations, S corporations and sole proprietorships.
The deduction for business meals is generally 50% of the actual expenditure however until the end of 2022 100% of the cost of meals consumed in a restaurant are deductible. Avoid getting your business lunch at Seven Eleven or the grocery store where they are only 50% deductible and be sure to use a restaurant.
To be deductible the meal’s cost must be paid for by the business, either directly or through a reimbursement. Business meals are NOT deductible by employees. If you receive a W2 and are not reimbursed unfortunately you are out of luck, as you are unable to deduct this amount from your return.
For a business meal to be deductible it must be:
(1) ordinary and necessary AND paid or incurred during the tax year;
(2) NOT lavish or extravagant under the circumstances;
(3) the taxpayer, or an employee of the taxpayer, must be present at the furnishing of the food or beverages;
(4) food and beverages are provided to someone with a business relationship to the taxpayer’s business, a current or potential business customer, client, consultant, or similar business contact; and
(5) must not include the cost of entertainment
The deduction also requires substantiation be maintained including, the amount spent, the time and place, the business purpose, and the business relationship of the individuals involved. It’s important to set up a detailed record-keeping procedures to keep track of each business meal and to justify its business connection.
We can service clients by phone, through a zoom meeting, and in our office.
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Join Kaye Bender Rembaum in attendance at this networking breakfast & education event

Join Kaye Bender Rembaum in attendance at this networking breakfast & education event

  • Posted: Jun 08, 2022
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Wed., June 8, 2022 | 7:30am | DoubleTree PBG
Peter C. Mollengarden, Esq., from KBR, will be in attendance.
If you know someone who will benefit from this seminar, feel free to share this email.
Asbestos: The Truth & Nothing But the Truth
Course # 9628540 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE | Provider # 0005930
What Every CAM Should Know About Mold
Course # 9630575 | 1 CE in OPP or ELE | Provider # 0005930
Instructor: Robert Lozano, Environmental Pro with The Water Restoration Group
There will be a delicious, free hot breakfast and door prizes!
At the DoubleTree in Palm Beach Gardens
DoubleTree by Hilton: 4431 PGA Blvd. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
If you have any questions or comments about this event, including about registration, please contact Terri Kaye at TSK. Here is how:
Kaye Bender Rembaum | Visit Us Online
Pompano: 1200 Park Central Boulevard South; Tel: 954.928.0680
Palm Beach Gardens: 9121 North Military Trail, Ste. 200; Tel: 561.241.4462
Tampa: 1211 N. Westshore Boulevard, Ste. 409; Tel: 813.375.0731
Offices in Miami by appointment: 800.974.0680
KBRLegal | 1200 Park Central Blvd. SouthPompano Beach, FL 33064
The age of a CommunityAssociation opting not to fund reserves is coming to an end

The age of a CommunityAssociation opting not to fund reserves is coming to an end

  • Posted: May 30, 2022
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The age of a CommunityAssociation opting not to fund reserves is coming to an end, and some homeowners could be facing a steep rise in assessments. Becker Shareholder Howard Perl surveys the landscape and offers a few suggestions of how to prepare.

After the Surfside tragedy, everyone wanted to know how such a tragedy could happen and what steps could be taken to avoid similar incidents in the future. What caused the collapse? Could it have been avoided? Why were repairs not made? Why did local governments allow repairs to drag on? Why were repairs not made in a timely fashion? Unfortunately, none of these questions can be answered quickly, and proper answers will require years of study and analysis.

The above questions, and attempts to enact legislative reform to address some of these questions, were a hot topic for the Florida legislature this year. Several counties and the Florida Bar convened task forces in the aftermath of the Surfside tragedy. Primary among the suggested legislative changes for multifamily buildings were periodic engineering inspections, reserve studies, and reserve funding mandates. While all agreed generally in regard to these reforms, at the end of the day, the Senate and House could not agree on the reserve funding issue and, as a result, nothing passed. Currently Florida law can allow for owners to opt to fund less than required reserves, or no reserves. Most legislative proposals included mandatory reserve funding of one type or another. The sticking point was how quickly to implement such mandatory reserves, without the option of owners being able to waive such requirements. Whether to implement immediately, effective in 2022, or over the next three or five years, to allow a gradual implementation, is ultimately what led to nothing being passed. Rather than compromise, which seems to be a forgotten word in Tallahassee these days, legislators could not, or refused, to come to an agreement for the benefit of all condominium and cooperative residents in Florida.

These issues are certain to be re-examined next year. As such, your association should begin recognizing what is most likely coming down the pike and preparing the association and its residents now. Most likely the days are gone when owners will have an opportunity to fully waive reserves. I anticipate mandatory reserve funding of some type will be implemented. Whatever version is implemented, the result will be an increase in annual maintenance assessments. Depending on what is implemented and your association’s current reserve funding situation, some owners may be looking at a significant increase in your 2024 assessments (as the laws I am discussing would be passed in 2023, and most likely effective for the 2024 association budget).

The association should be anticipating and working on these items now. For example, some sort of reserve study requirement is most likely coming. Budget for one now. Get proposals now. Have the study done now. Once mandated by statute, demand will go up, availability will go down, and of course prices will go up. We are seeing exactly that scenario now in regard to structural engineers and 40/50-year recertifications.

In regard to reserve funding, take a good look at your reserve schedules. Get updated estimates of repair costs. Factor in inflation when projecting 10 and 20 year replacement items such as painting, roofing, etc. Any effort to increase your 2023 reserve balances will help lessen any blow of 2024 mandated reserves. Explain these issues to your residents now. Many associations are understandably involved with 40/50-year recertification requirements and other life-safety related issues. Obviously these issues need to be addressed immediately and on an expedited basis. But associations and their members should keep their eye on long-term remedial requirements as well. More oversight; more required inspections; more required repairs; and more required reserves. All of these are good things for 40–50-year-old buildings in a saltwater environment in Florida.

The outcome of the 2022 legislative session once again underscores the inherent problem when all community association ideas are placed in only one omnibus bill. Until our legislators acknowledge this problem and start using stand-alone bills for important proposals, there is always the risk that needed reforms will not pass.

Contact your legislators, tell them you welcome these types of reforms, but they need to be addressed as needed, not all under one take it or leave it omnibus bill. Work with your association leaders on the above discussed items. Don’t be surprised by increased annual assessments, special assessments, and other upcoming expenses. They are coming. Prepare now.


Howard Perl is a Shareholder in Becker’s Community Association practice and has been involved in all aspects of community association law, including transactional, collections, mediation, arbitration, construction defects and litigation. He is also Florida Bar Board Certified in Condominium & Planned Development Law.

3 Ways Outside Investors Could Hurt Your HOA (And 3 Simple Solutions) Mitch Drimmer

3 Ways Outside Investors Could Hurt Your HOA (And 3 Simple Solutions) Mitch Drimmer

  • Posted: May 24, 2022
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3 Ways Outside Investors Could Hurt Your HOA (And 3 Simple Solutions)

Anyone trying to buy a home right now knows that the market is a mess and that investors are their only real competition. The Washington Post determined that outside investors purchased a record share of sold homes across 40 major metropolitan areas in the US last year (1 in 7 homes sold!)  But this isn’t just hurting home buyers. That’s a huge number of absentee homeowners renting out space in condos and HOAs. A few long-term renters in your HOA or condo association aren’t a problem in the grand scheme of things, but rentals can get very out of hand very quickly if left unchecked.

Community Associations – It’s a Numbers Game

Keeping investors out isn’t a simple, or even always desired task. Because investors are not inherently bad. Especially in coveted vacation destinations, everyday people want to own a sweet little slice of heaven that they can use as they please and then rent out for the other half of the year. But too many investor-owned properties in your condo or HOA can alter the nature and even purpose of a community association.

The problem with investment properties becoming a significant percentage of your community association’s roster boils down to a potential lack of accountability. It’s kind of like one of those word problems you used to have in math class:

Let’s say you inherit a large garden space, and you are a watermelon lover. You share 500 garden plots with friends and neighbors so you can all grow watermelons to enjoy this summer. In the first year, you all grow delicious, beautiful watermelons, and life is good. But if the following year, 300 of the plot owners start letting people come in and use their soil however they like, the remaining 200 are stuck dealing with the potential consequences. One guy went and planted thistle, and the guy two plots away is planting lavender, and someone else planted cotton which would probably have been fine but now there’s a bull weevil infestation. Now the entire garden is suffering. If all 500 original gardeners were collectively responsible, it wouldn’t be such a challenge to face. But contacting absent gardeners to resolve the messes made by their amateur gardening buddies grows slimmer as the numbers climb– it’s just too much work for too few people.

In the story, your community is the garden, and the 200 who got stuck are the homeowners who are living in their own homes in the community. They are the ones left holding the bag when absentee investors do not respect the rules or engage with their community.

3 Ways Absentee Homeowners Can Hurt Your Condo or HOA

Making Quorum

Homeowner apathy has long been a thorn in the backside of HOAs and condo associations. From dismal meeting attendance to push-back on necessary assessment increases, condos and HOAs struggle when it comes to engaging with their residents. Now imagine half or more of your community’s homes aren’t owner-occupied or even human-owned if a business or conglomerate has bought them as an investment! Getting the votes to amend community documents, raising assessments, implementing special assessments–all of it becomes much harder, if not impossible, to accomplish. If homeowner delinquency reaches dangerous levels, coming back from those losses will be even more difficult to do successfully.

Community Comes Second

Especially when dealing with large, well-funded corporate investment entities, keeping your community, well, a community, becomes increasingly difficult. To a company, your community is a stream of revenue–it’s business! And that isn’t a bad thing on its own, but it can deeply impact everything that goes into creating a harmonious living space. Now it isn’t just about the maintenances that can’t get approved or the special assessments that are needed. Any changes to the community that help improve general camaraderie or success are likely to be shot down by those who are more concerned about their bottom lines than the welfare of families.

Investors Can Stage a Literal Coup

This is not a scare tactic or an “only in the right circumstances” situation we’re talking about–certain state laws, like Arizona’s Condo Act, include language that allows for Termination of Condominium in the event that a specified percentage of the units (80% in AZ) agree to terminate the community association. For investors, this means they could dissolve a community and force the remaining homeowners to sell their homes at “fair market value,” to be determined by an appraiser hired by the 80% calling for dissolution.

3 Ways HOAs and Condo Associations Can Push Back on Outside Investors

Keeping your community healthy is a necessity. Sometimes the best option is to stop potential nonsense before it has a chance to get out of hand. HOAs and condos have some options when it comes to weeding out the bad-faith investors and identifying the good ones that will contribute to your healthy community.

Set a floor.

Implementing rental minimums can be a huge help in staving off corporate investors. One popular option is imposing a minimum length for a lease. Dictating that leases must be over a certain number of days (30, for example) keeps away anyone trying to make a quick buck on pricey weekender rentals. You could also set a restriction on WHEN a tenant is allowed to begin leasing their units. Seven months is a common bar–it’s not so long that it turns away owners looking to have a winter or summer vacation property, but it’s longer than many corporate investors are willing to wait to begin renting a unit, especially when flips these days take so little time.

Set a ceiling.

Setting a bar on the maximum rental occupancy for the whole community is a brilliant way to stop investor encroachment. Limiting the rental percentage well below that 80% threshold we talked about is the simplest way to avoid investors taking over and dissolving your community out from underneath you and your homeowners. By setting a realistic, healthy rental percentage (which will vary by community size and location), boards can minimize the number of investors interested in buying property in the community.

Play to your strengths.

Your authority as the trustees of the community is likely the strongest asset you have when it comes to combatting absentee homeownership. Requiring board approval of all future tenants are one way of slowing short-term rentals. Requiring background checks on potential renters is another tool to utilize. They help protect the community, but also cost the landlord a nominal fee that really starts to add up the more tenants they bring in. And proper enforcement of your CC&Rs, like trash cans being left out too long or damages to community property, will make investors think twice about bringing in a high volume of unpredictable tenants.

Don’t Forget a Collections Plan

Outside investors are here to stay, for better or for worse. Sooner or later, they will have a space in your community, and when that happens, it’s important to consider what that means, and have plans in place to keep them in check. That includes a plan for community collections because even major corporate entities can fall behind on monthly assessments. Axela Technologies can help with any collections efforts your HOA or condo association has, including collecting from corporate investors. Call us today for your no-risk, no-cost consultation.

No matter what your goals are for your outdoor living space, Jansen Shutters & Specialties can help design exactly what you are looking for.

No matter what your goals are for your outdoor living space, Jansen Shutters & Specialties can help design exactly what you are looking for.

  • Posted: May 24, 2022
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The Jansen Family have been serving the homeowner and construction industry of the Florida Gulf Coast from Fort Meyers to North TampaTarpon Springs and the Islands since 1973. In 2002, Phillip Jansen and his son Travis opened Jansen Shutters & Windows with the intention of providing the best hurricane protection necessary to ensure the safety of your family and business.

As our company grew we expanded out product line to include, Out Door Living Products. Which includes our exclusive “Jansen Vista” Motorized Insect Screens, Fabrication, Louver, Pergolas and more. We are proud to say everything we manufacture is American Made. Our work does not stop at installation, we believe it is necessary to educate our customers about the products we provide. So you can pick the best products that fits your lifestyle and budget.


Providing Hurricane Protection, Storm Protection Products, Hurricane Windows and Entry Doors in Sarasota, Venice, Englewood, Boca Grande, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, Osprey, Nokomis, Long Boat Key, Bird Key, The Keys, Siesta Key, Casey Key, Manasota Key, Bradenton, Pinellas, Tampa, Odessa, Parrish, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Anna Maria Island, City of Sarasota, Cape Coral, Tarpon Springs, and all surrounding areas.

On this home we installed rolling screens along with a large retractable awning to provide shade whenever needed.

Rolling shutters provides the ultimate security and protection for your home.
Jansen Shutters & Specialties manufactures two types of rolling shutters for your storm shutter needs. Give us a call to schedule your free estimate. West coast of Florida call (941) 484-4700 or east coast call (407) 686-4117.



If you are looking for a screen to install on your garage door opening, give us a call. In addition to replacing your garage door, we can also provide a custom insect screen that will allow you to use your space in your garage without worrying about pesky flying pests.

Give us a call on the west coast of Florida at (941) 484-4700 or on the east coast at (407) 686-4117.



Jansen Shutters & Windows


It is our goal to shelter your family, protect your investments and secure your well-being.

Give us a call today and we can help you no matter what you are looking for.

Call us at (941) 484-4700 (West Coast FL) or (407) 686-4117 (East Coast FL).

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Association Managers and Board of Directors, review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. by The Falcon Group

Association Managers and Board of Directors, review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. by The Falcon Group

Association Managers and Board of Directors review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date.

by The Falcon Group

Are You Ready ?

We strongly encourage, that every year around this time association managers and Board of Directors review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. This is one of the smartest decisions a board will make for the future of the association. It is an easy and effective way to ensure your community’s capital replacement items are being properly funded with minimal impact on the individual homeowners.


To stay on track for a healthy financial future, it is recommended that your Reserve Study be updated every three (3) years

Please contact our Reserve Specialists today for an new or updated reserve study.



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At Aruba Permit Services – We Specialize in Resolving Open or Expired Permits, Code Violations, and Lien Negotiations!

At Aruba Permit Services – We Specialize in Resolving Open or Expired Permits, Code Violations, and Lien Negotiations!

  • Posted: Apr 26, 2022
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We Specialize in Resolving Open or Expired Permits, Code Violations, and
Lien Negotiations!

Your one stop shop provider for closing all your open building permit needs, providing all the disciplines necessary to close out open permits. We are the leading professionals in the South Florida area including Broward County, Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade County.

A building permit is an official approval issued by the local government agency that allows you or your contractor to proceed with a construction or remodeling project on your property. It is intended to ensure that the project plans to comply with local standards for land use, zoning, and construction. These standards are intended to ensure the safety of current and future owners and occupants and to provide enforcement of zoning and land-use



Aruba Permit Services
1413 South Powerline Road
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Phone: (954) 786-7292


New Product: SuperHanger(TM) patented PVC Pipe Hangers for Garage Piping

New Product: SuperHanger(TM) patented PVC Pipe Hangers for Garage Piping

  • Posted: Apr 24, 2022
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Lee Composites, Inc. has been supplying thousands of SuperHanger(TM) patented PVC Pipe Hanger Systems t0 Condominiums throughout Florida for over 27yrs now. It is by far the most popular pipe hanger system on the market, replacing rusted steel pipe hangers. Contact us now before problems occur.



Steel Rusts, PVC and Fiberglass Don’t. “There’s no other pipe hanger like it!” Lee Composites, Inc. introduces the PVC Super Hanger™ pipe hanger system. The Super Hanger™ pipe hanger is comprised of all nonmetallic, corrosion resistant materials and maintenance free properties.

The patented Super Hanger™ pipe hanger design allows for ease of installation on both new and used pipe, structural strength for pipe loadings and sizes to support various pipe diameters. They come in multiple sizes and are ready for immediate availability.

Learn more about Lee Composites members of sfpma view their membership listing.

Regards, Bob Lee- President
Lee Composites, Inc.
PO Box 130363
The Woodlands, TX 77393