Association Managers and Board of Directors, review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. by The Falcon Group

Association Managers and Board of Directors, review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. by The Falcon Group

Association Managers and Board of Directors review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date.

by The Falcon Group

Are You Ready ?

We strongly encourage, that every year around this time association managers and Board of Directors review and ensure that your capital reserve study is accurate and up-to-date. This is one of the smartest decisions a board will make for the future of the association. It is an easy and effective way to ensure your community’s capital replacement items are being properly funded with minimal impact on the individual homeowners.


To stay on track for a healthy financial future, it is recommended that your Reserve Study be updated every three (3) years. 

Please contact our Reserve Specialists today for an new or updated reserve study.



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